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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Feb 1931, p. 9

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A Growing | Newspaper in a Growing City \ roms ase Oba Y Ty TR he ALL aL THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1931 \ 0 News | the C.P.R. be the old Orange mble has had the build- and a new grinder and pecial meeting of on the estimates ire considercd and the ask the town council of 0,900 for the public a Los ollegiate Institute. S ed for by the board e of $2,600 from that "educational purposes quietly cele- annivedlsary --At the annual meeting | Arch Masons of Canada Falls, Homer M, Borth- ville, was elected grand nt for St, Lawrence dis- Higher que~The town council held g at which a tax rate es was decided upon. This s higher than last year. NO LONGER BY TORO , Conneil ---Jk~=The action of the coun- nont and Methuen in dis- Change Made ort a body last week, leaves Belief That Gt Dafoe as virtual head of affairs until a new Coun and Better Bus Returning to This Districy; The Oshawa branch of "National Grocers of Canada has been restored to its position as a separate unit of the cumpany, with R. ii, Deyman manager, Lue limes learned Moriing 1 ail iciview Wi Deymai, 'Lius change wie fect this mo.iing. Since July + last, branuci has bccn opciule the Loroutu brane, t house beg me.cy centie 10r ms dislic 'Toronto brancn manu date wie coutiol or Inug passed into the uailds tes interests aud the neg effected tniouguout branches being discon erated from neighbor Canadians again acq the company about th hawever, the opera branches has been § back on the former ba already been changed, | still being operated asiggtre going home or Better Busine: The restoratio itake along a box of branch to the position (from our enormous unit; pirating Salis w The all Stores of a box of fine | sets the stage for Simcoe S. Phone "3 cil is elected. For the time being he is Reeve and Council combined. Church Supper Success Lindsay--The annual congregation al tea at St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church was a most successful afr- fair with several hundred in attend ance, for the tasty tea served by the Talent Workers', followed by a fine musical program under the di- rection of Mrs. W. Lloyd Wood, or ganist of the church. Plane Crashes Kingston.--~A B-71 Fairchild cabin plane of the Canadian Air Force Ot- tawa station at Rockcliffe in charge of Flying Officer O, Forbes, crashed at the local airport when the right skid of the plane struck a shack loc- ated just outside the south west corn- er of the airport as the ship was tak- ing off. None of the three men in the plane were injured although the machine suffered considerable dam- | age, Silver Wedding Port Hope. --February 22nd marked the twentieth anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Currelley's wedding day. Guilty of Negilgence Brockville--~Frank Maracle on trial in the Supreme Court before Justice Jeffrey on a charge of manslaughter laid following the death of Gordon Green, was ; Ah not guilty of the offence but guilty of "criminal neg- ligence" by a jury which deliberated one hour and ten minutes before delivering their verdict, Justice Jef- rey sentenced the man to six months in the County Jail, May Instal Chimes Trenton~While nothing official has been given ont it is learned from reliable sources . that the board is seriously considering the installation of chimes on the King St. United Church, While there has been no definite decision arrived at, it is un- derstood that the officials look upon the idea very favorably, Shot in Head Trenton.--Roy Ellis, a laborer with a relief gang engaged in sewer con- struction on Byron St, had a narrow escape when shot in the head with a stray .22 calibre bullet believed to have come from the gun of some boys out shooting. The bullet ripped through the scalp at the back of the head for about two inches, Injured Felling Trees Wellington. -- Arnold Johnston, single young man, was seriously in- jured while working with his brother- in-law George McKay on the latter's farm four miles from Wellington. Harold Johnston and Alfred Smith were also engaged in the operation of felling trees but with Mr, McKay escaped injury, Jailed For Chicken Theft. Campbellford.--As a result of the Activities of local and provincial pol- 'ce, the chicken-theiving episode which caused considerable excitement in the vicinity a couple of months ago, culminated in the appearance be- fore County Magistrate Col. Floyd, in Campbellford Police Courtof four men, Walter Parcels, aged 31, Ray Martin, 41, Manson Lindsey and An- gus Lindsey, charged with stealing and having in possession chickens to 2431519,71:1 3 ? extends i with the Uxbridge, .The price is COACH or BUSINESS COUPY, 7. O. B. Windsor, duty only paid It six, 1 challenges the performance of any ardless of price. It introduces Super-Six smoothness to the lowest price class. It looks like a far more expensive car. It is bigger, wider and roomier than Rotary Club many cars that sell for hundreds of dollars more: It is the Value Sensation gret at His in a year of sensational values, Sympathy fo Family A striking tribute the late Joseph Wels & ing of the Rotary C noon today, whens stood 'in reves minute in h In Frank ou get RARE RIDING COMFORT SSEX > The Challenger i 52% ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. LTD. 5 King Street West Oshawa FIELD" BatClover Timothy Sweet Clover * All Gov. Grade No. 1 and Flesh Stock. Alsike Alfalfa i Cooper Smit 6 CELINA A ------ Co. .| Peppers, each A00. | 92¢; Malvern Calls 10. Drama-Lovers s Malvern's beacon blazed forth the news of the Armada over the entire West Country, so from the little English town, nestling among the Worcester- shire hills hard against the elsh border, word oes forth to- ay of the keeping alive of the spark of the English drama, faith- fully from year to year, means of the town's Annual Fes- tival. become a national George Bernard Shaw Under the direction of Sir Barry Jackson, this event has institution, even as its companion festival at Shakespeare's immortal Stratford- upon-Avon. is year's program includes known and unknown english productions dating from 1513 to 1931 and is dedicated to George Bernard Shaw, to whom Sir Barry is looking to produce a new play, as the ¥ ncipal item of the bill, as he did "The Apple Cart", at the original Malvern Festival. The festival runs from August 3 to 22, inclusive, consist- ing of three repeated weeks of plays and a series of lectures by well-known authorities. Malvern is only 128 miles from London, but Gloucester and Worcester, both cities of considerable size and offer- ing first-class hotels, are within easy reach. Thetownitselfisalso making special arrangements for the comfort of visitors during fes- tival time. In addition to thisthe wholesection of England isstudded with villages and small towns with good accommodation for travellers, and is cris-crossed with railways and excellent automobile roads, in scenery of unsurpassed splendor. Sir Barry Jackson the palatial new Britain', fastest ship in service between British Empire porte. Sailings of he Canadian Pa- cific's ** Em- presses" and "Duchesses", from Quebec toSouthamp- tonand Mon- trealto Liver pool, respec- tively, make excellent con- nections with the various weeks of the festival at Malvern, and will nelude "Empress of the biggest and and two are water colour, Seventeen of the works of art chosen for the collection are by feminine artists, Toronto with its large art colony has the largest number of pictures in this collection, The Toronto group is represented by 30 artists, Montreal is represented by the work of 20 ar- tists, Ottawa by eight and Winnipeg by two. The following cities, towns and villages are each represented by the work of one of its artists: Victo- ria, . Vancouver, (former]y Toronto), Regina, Halifax, Lansing, Ont, Doon, Ont,, Bay St. Paul, Que. (at present residing in Paris, France). Following is a list by cities of the artists whose work has been accepted by the National Art Gallery and sent to the Buenos Aires Exhibition to- gether with the title of their pictures: . Toronto Robert Allan Barr, A. R.CA,, "Por trait of Charles G. D. Roberts, M.A. J. W. Beatty, RCA, "Morning, Algonquin Park." F. Charles Comfort, "Louise." * Charles Goldhammer, "Fisherman's Settlement." E. Wyly Grier, P.R.CA, "The Mas- ter of Northcote." Stella E. Grier, "Mother and Child." Clara S. Higarty, ARCA, "Phlox." Fred S. Haines, ARCA, "An On- tario Farm." Lawrence S. Lake." Arthur lemming, "Ifow We Frav- celled." A. Y. Jackson, R.C.A, "Western Sunlight." Franz H. Johnston, ARCA, "A Northern Light." Harris, "Maligne Tistella M. Kerr, "Peeling Apples." F. McGillivray Knowles, "Beaupre." (i. A. Kulmala, "Late Afternoon." Andre C, G. Lapine, ARCA, "La Partida." Arthur Lismer, ARCA, "Septem- ber Gale." Marion ARCA, owed." Nicholas F. Loveroff, "The Edge of the Wood." J. E. H. MacDonald, "Batchewana Rapid." L. A. C. Paton, "Midwinter." Long, "Shad- ARCA, George A, Valley, Algoma, Peter C. Shep Dorothy Stevens, Ridout." Tom V. Stoye,. "Hos W. H. Taylor, "Sel go, Quebec." Stanley 8. Turner, * vent." Lowrie Warrener, Night." d Mary E. Wrinch, ARCA, Magic." T, Harold Bement 'I. Harold Beament, "Rocky H and." : Andre Bieler, "Lower Sf La rence. F. S. Coburn, RCA, "1, a" Maurice G, Cullen, "A March Eves ning" Ar Ry arc A. Fortin, "Lan Tochelaga." lscapes { J Prudence Heward, "Rollande R. S. Hewton, ARCA, "Portrait of Miss B. Warner." : Edwin H. Holgate, Lake. = Oziaz Leduc, ARCA, "Neige Do- ree. : | Mabel Lockerby, "Maric ct Mie nour. ; i$ H. Mabel May, ARCA, "Melting Snow. . Kathleen M. Morris, "Sunday More} ning." Lilias T, Newton, ARCA, "Self Portrait." Robert W. Pilot, ARCA, "Que- bee from Levis." Sarah M. Robertson, "Le Repos, Albert H, Robinson, R.C.A, "Mclt- ing Snows, Laurentians." G. Horne Russell, R.CA, Cove, Grande Manan." Ethel Seath, "Old House, Cote des Neiges." Charles W, Simpson, R.CA, "In. dian Summer, Montreal Harbour." A. Suzor-Cote, R.C.A,, "Settlement oir the Hillside." Ottawa Paul Alfred, "Winter Market, I'y- ward." Franklin Brownell, RCA, "The Beach, St. Kitts." : Kathleen Daly, "Indian Boy." "Seal "Laurentian| | ii Ernest LT $50,000 Vice- Daughter Frank Conant, ng & LK Commission, Shows Fair Fixed, and Open for Re- Ie 1.2 Garage." Public Utilities Walter Jeen handed a 2.70, being the the value of $20, the property of Miss for theft and Martin to two years May Johnston of Seymour township, Parcels was sentenced to two years TE | Produce Prices in the Commercial Mar TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Law- rence Market, Toronto: Produce-- Eggs, extras, per doz. Do., firsts, per doz. . ... Do., Pullet extras . vi Butter, dairy, per 1b, 0.28 Do., ercamery per 1h. 0.35 Fruits and Vegetables-- Carrots, 6 bunches ... Beets, 2 bunches .... Onions, dry 11-qt. b'k't ... Cabbage «.... 0.05 Cauliflower .. ses 0.10 Spinach, peck . cas Mushrooms, per pound 0.490 Leaf Lettuce, threo for Head lettuce 3 bunches ... Parsley, per bunch 0.05 Onions, bunch, 3 for . .. Cress, three for Celery, head Oranges, per dozen Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, each os Lemons, per doz. ... Bananas, per dozen .. Apples, bus. Do., Snows, . we Cal. green peas 6-qt. bk. Eggplant, each .. Green peppers Cranberries, qt. Sweet potatoes, Pumpkins, each Squash, each Parsnips, basket ..... Beets, basket ... sere. sew o- e0 1.00 Herbs, bunch Radishes, bunch Brocoli, bunch Kale, 2 for . Rhubarb, 3 banches .. Chicory, 2 heads ... Endive, 1h, ........, TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following pricas: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return- turned, fresh extras, 26 to 27¢; fresh firsts, 23 to 24c; seconds, 17 to 18c. Butter--No. 1, Ontario cream- ory solids, 314 to 32¢; No. 2, 30% to 3lc. Churning cream-----Special, 21 to No. 1, 30 to 31c; Nofl 2, 27 to 28ec. ' Cheege--No. 1 large, colored, jarugined and government graded, ec. Quotations to poultry are as follows. -- Paultry Dressed "A" Grade Alive Select M.F, Spring chickens, 6 1bs. each .... Over 5 to 6 1bs,, eac Over ea shippers 25 Over 4 to 44 Ibs, 4 Ibs. each and under +... .... Fatted hens, 6 to 6 8 siiiass, Over 4 to 5 Ibs. Over 3% to 4 lbs, each .... '.. Under 3% 1bs. . Young turkeys over ibs, ..... Do., 8 to 12 Ibs. Do., under 8 1bs, Old turkeys Geese, market prices Old roosters, over 6 Ibs. ea. .... 14 White ducklings, over b 1bs. ea. 25 Over 4 to 5 Ibs, 28 20 16 eves vas eac Muscovie ducks, over b Ibs. .. 4 tob1bs. .... Guinea fowl, pe EE -- | do, for receiving stolen goods. The two Lindseys were committed for trial. a . -- " - TA gc at i (Selling) Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retall dealers at the fol- lowing prices: Eggs--Fresh oxtras, in cartons, 34c; fresh extras, loose, 81 to 2c; firsts, 29¢; seconds, 22¢; pul- let extras, 26c. Butter--No. 1 Creamery, prints, 34c¢; No. 2 creamery, prints, 2%e. Cheese--Now, large, 16¢; twins 16%c; triplets, 16%e¢; stiltons, 21ec, Old large, 24c; twins, 24c; stiltons, 27c. TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to lo- cal retail dealers; Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 20 to 26c¢; smoked rolls, 2bc; breakfast bacon, 20 to 30c; backs, pea-mealed, 24 to 28¢; do., smok- ed, 34 to 36e. Pork hams, 17¢; shoulders s4e; butts, 16¢; loins, 173c. H Cured meats--Long, clear bac on, 50 to 70 Ibs, 19¢; 70 to 90 Ibs., 17¢; 90 to 110 1bs., 16¢; light- weight rolls, 18c; heavyweight | rolls, 17¢. | Lard--Pure tierces, 13c¢: tubs, 135; pails, l4c; prints, 14% to] oe, Shortening, tierces, 1le; tubs, 114c; pails, 113c. Special pastry shortening Tier ces, 15¢; tubs, 154c; pails, 16¢. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: | Manitoba wheat ~~ No, 1 nard, | 644c; No. 1 Northern, 624¢; No. 2 | 61dc; No. 4 do., b6c (2.1 Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats -- No. 3, CW. 864%c; No. 1 feed, 34]c; No. = feed, 31kc. Manitoba barley -- No, 3 27%e; No. 4, C.W., 26%c. Argentine corn, 64c¢ (cif. Port Colborne), Milifeed, dclivered Montreal! | freights, bags included -- Bran, | per ton, $21.25; shorts, per ton, | $21.25; middling, $27.25 : Ontario grain -- barley, 38c¢; oats, buckwheat, 50¢, CANADIAN ART IS WELL REPRESENTED. AT BRITISH FAIR Ottawa, Feb. 27-<The National Art Gallery's exhibit of Canadian Art at the British Empire Trade Fair which opens at Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 14 next is said to be as re- presentative a collection of all schools of Canadian art as has ever been ex- hibited outside of Canada, Sixty- seven Canadian artists are each repre- sented in this exhibit by one of their best paintings. The Canadian Art exhibit at Bue- 9 f cw, | | Wheat, 28¢; rye, 66ec; vol; nos Aires, while not as large as the | : one at Wembley in 1924 and 1925] where they created considerable in- | terest iy considered to be even more | represefifative, Sixteen of the 67 pic- | tures which have been sent to Buenos | Aires ale by artists of the older or | realistic chool and 14 are by artists general classified as belonging to the Younger Group of Canadian ar- tists, Poe Group of Seven is well re- preserfed by works of the original memes of the group and by 12 of its disciffies. There are also 18 pictures by @tists who are not associated with any of the above mentioned groups. AllFut four of the works of art sent to Buenos Aires are oil painti ) DeH cone-cl RB anthracite cream, float \ on top FREE o din db db Re Quite naturally, for D & H Anthracite IS cream . , , the cream of the Pennsylvania anthracite fields. Also, like cream, it floats at the top in the process of CONE CLEANING. Briefly, the story is this. When anthracite comes out of the mines it must be cleaned , . . some collieries using one method, some another. 9ButD & H CONE-CLEANED ANTHRACITE is cleaned of impurities by the latest and most scientific sand-flotation process . . . a process costing. millions. Human and mechan- ical fallibility is eliminated. The ONLY process that assures you purer coal without EXTRA CHARGE. » 7 7 L \ Telephone 262 One Bag of General Motors kiln dried kindling WOOD Lh with each and every ton A of D & H Anthracite Semet - Solvay or Coke. A 5 8 Direct Lines he rh a wded police co re to 'prepare fo Wed face, rrie, sor 20EH if it enjoyed ¢ arged with robber, "Tom the Hydro nmission of On- final settlement bunt with the H, ear 1930. This the H.E.P.C, fin- power costs for tpared them with swa, it was found paid $5682.70 d tual cost of supe this city. $5682.70, will be rplus enjoyed by Mlities Commission ph the operation of % While the definite ils surplus has not , and will not be the statement has by C. T. Barnes, @ utility, to the lo- am, it is understood Plus will be in the TW of $50,000. mportant feature of r. bill, in the opinion nt, vice-chairman of lities Commission, is ued on page 2) 12,000 MEALS AbdAAd ay. City of Looking A ., Homeless Single tas Been $1,954.67 # I"ebruary 21, from the gened the Oshawa Welfare Mr single and bomeless Jed men served no less i305 meals to those who jronized it. This estab , maintained by the city, to that time, cost a total 54.67, this covering all It has been figured out cost per meal has ave B65 cents, this including all and salary charges. 4 served, slightly over 1,« gc been given to transients hrough the city. . A. McDonald on Satur ed that the hostel would d on March 31, as that is on which government aid ect relief ceases. just strong BREAK: the last PPEAR Governa ©. key AVE IN from InDMAN - county, aM eating th nd turnk inesday, whet The trio wii ir guard in separaty mor Banting, his w: ey John Weymouth + p usnal today though 92 considerably from peeive d when the ph ttacked them when scape Otta dollar t was er R. tion w to the from ed | the go jonly-4 redeem the on Saturday GOVERNMENT : WILL BE F wa, Mar, 2.-- twenty. loan falling dul announced tod "B. Bennett, Ki 'public service fund' on bearing interest of five per cent. but ill be effected dominion exci funds obtained verament throug 3% percent, of, is a many, Wri orn rn eR ---- Sic alata i 1 i :] | NI AR --_ LS ------

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