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Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Feb 1931, p. 10

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'A Growin | Newspaper Growing Cl VOL. 8--NO. 8 . Returning 10 ------ner Vie rand. The Oshawa B® Grocers of Lan to its position a8 @ the company, wi R manager, Lae morning wm @il Deyman, Lis fect this mo. Since July branch has been 8 house peuig cenuie ior Luis 'Lorunto braucn # date ie coutio) of passed into the ual tes interests aud the effected tniougnout branches being discol erated from neighbol Canadians again acq the company about th hawever, the oper branches has been back on the former D already been changed; ;till being operate: ; i Better Business R The restoration Of branch to the position unit, operafing entirely Mr, Deyman in full ch buted by Mr, Deyman tg the part of the executiv cinity by a separate bracli® office staff ad complete stock. we Chages in Perso The restoration to a sep East Ro Strain, dg 3 ent | Post Office RT --_-- Vi THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1931 i 4 Ls MST SS ~ Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads V. .-- | "All The News | W hile It Is News" LLIPS, OVER BAS attention to X-ray action. Nurse in at 959, House 1312 : flame ia ag §1 'chell's tore traction. Phone 54. "J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 10 e St. N., over Dewland's. Phone Res. 1292 . Evenings by ap: : 1 'King St. E, Special at 84s extraction and X-ray se in attendance Phone VS. e of Ontario College. 4 Specializer Troraton's Corners. (9 mar o¢) Optometrist % OP OMETRIST SPE EN muscle anomalies, eyesight ; D. Graduat inary and glasses. Author of Eye Care und The Child and Its De Disney Block, opposite hone 1510 (18 jan c¢) Humane Society ICE: B ST, TEL. 1617W op R. B. Smith, President, Tel. (19 mar ¢) --_-- mary ~ Building Supplies | CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEI for sale=To insure prompt delivery. place orders in advance of delivery di te. W, Borrc wdale. Phone 1618. Bee Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance, Residence 542 Sim- cue street, north. Phone 210] and 210W, CSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celin A PIRBLRRAREN. . | Spirella For Rent VICTORIA APARTMENTS --~ AT new lcw rentals, electric refrigeration electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apoly superintendent. : Phone 2533F (55tf) SIMCOE MANOR - FOUR AND five room 'suites, electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone 2671. __ Gs FHREE AND 4 ROOM APART: ments. Modern to the minute. Phone 1550 or 2347W, (132tf) FOR RENT--MODERN ¢ ROOMS, bath, electric stove and other con- veniences in business section. New Offered for $35.00 per month. Apply Box 106 Times, (26 jan tf) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, comfortable, for housekeeping. Phone 3338W. (12 feb tf) FOR RENT--14 ACRE TIARM. house and barn, 4 miles from Osh. awa. Apply 575 Oshawa St. (19 mar ¢) FOR RBENT--3 ROOMS, CON- veniences on ground floor, Separ- ate entrance, Apply at 31 John St. n phone 599J. (48¢) FOR RENT-- CHOICE APART- ment, 2 large bright rooms, heat- ed, oak floors, kitchen, conveni- ences, wired for stove, 512 Simcoe North, (48¢c) FOR RENT-- FIVE ROOMED cottage, conveniences, reasonable. Apply 76 Colborne St. West, (48c) FOR RENT--A FOUR ROOMED modern apartment, close to Osh- awa Dairy, all convenience, electric stove, heat and water, reasonable price. Has to be rented. 428 Sim- coe St. 8. Phone 117J, (48¢) light FOR RENT--4 ROOMED FRAME house, water, light and toilet by April 1st. Phone 1697W, (48¢c) APARTMENT TO LET, HEATED, central location. Apply Bradley Bros. (49¢) $16 RENTS BUNGALO JUST OF King St. W,. Ideal location, Apply 16 Rosehill Blvd, Phone 2033J. (17 mar ¢) LINES OF fashions Spirella solves your prob- lem, Call Mrs. Blatter, Manager. Phone 2189M., (13 faar c) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, IN§URANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 poe Fire Companies. LACING INSURANCE consul R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe worth, Your insurance wants attend ed to and your interests protected. a AND STORAGE : AG man's, 85 Bond west. Specialists " re moving. Storage ware g al moving van equipment 82 ./ HORROWDALES CARTAGE -- General eartage and household turni ture moving. Special attention to Commercial work. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave, Oshawa. Phone 1618. (dec 10 tf) NG LOCAL, LONG Dis- tance cartage. day or night. rates freely given. J. McQuaid. Phone 2428W. 115 Annis St. (28 feb c) brings with it somc chang sonncl. Alderman Geol will again represent Natio in the city of Oshawa au ern part of the district, been covered by Mr. Deyr last few months. C Rs now represent the comp castern territory of this d The territory served b awa branch of the Nation | Wave Shop. extends from Pickering tof with the northern limits Uxbridge, Port Perry, Eliz and Baltimore. National sponsor the Red and Ww stores noon today, when Frank Johnston parlors, the the at the tim record of se Rotarians as a ing sincere sympathy reaved family. PERU'S Il ir? liowing my and © Gat Forsrat H west winds, night and Tuesday, Lin temperature, A striking tribute was the late Joseph Welsh at t| ing of the Rotary Club m stood 'in reverent silence minute in his honor, and P expressed regret for the loss of 80 va a bor of the ois ny was held as usual in Shel where it will soup be held from week to Week, ipo Welsh having decided to ror. & business. Mr. Welsh was 0 most faithful of Rotarians,' e of his death hi ven years' attend ik without missing a meeting, 5 ON GOOD (113 VKGPER body joined inf fags. Apply At spect, and in ext, tribute of resp to the 1, March 2--The ; the lead garrisons in ith yesterday L nati ¢ Provincial rs netion OF rer Cerro, and 68 CHARGED _ 76¢ { vopament was set up in local snow, NOt MUC Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PER M/ NENT ent, finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul ® ture. Phone 2908. Apply 86 Sinicoe street north. REXPERT MARCELLING BY BET Ward at Betty Lou Permanent ave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo Phone 2968, ARCELLING 35%, FINGER Waving 50c, hair cutting 25¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors, Ask for Miss Robbins. Phone 71, (10 mar ¢) UXE BEAUTY $1 SHOPPE 8s in permanent, finger and rcel waves, Permanent waves 5, $10, $15. 35c marcels, 26¢ rims given by Miss Duquette one 38, over Ward's store, (27 feb c) Music BERT C I'RENEER, A.T.C.M nist and Choirmaster of King treet Church will accept pupils in Yano, pipe organ and vocal music i, liam Street, East. Phone 96. (Sept. 2 tf) D RICHER, L.R. A.M, ic 052 Carnegie {Aug 25 tf) 1 U MATER rk. Excellent references. Mrs. dale. Phone 1618. (30 feb ¢) » TOR'® nee, maternity, invalid, gen- Will assist witb Charges moderate | 30337. __ (13 mar ¢) EE Sei Money to Loan Parkhill 'ast Phone 1614. Battery Service TNT RFSIGN AND SERVICE PLATE pdteries, car or radio bat- rged, 7be, Called for tyved. W. H, Platt, 817 regione 15567, (10 mar ¢) &) $1.00, Repaired and lled for and delivered we | Wo Band Biigdon, 2v WEATHER gos 1900 Lower Lakes iin J . West to norte G-orgian Hay mostly fair to- B somo light 28 h «b Specialists in perman | A , Ld ve | GOOD USED PIANOS AND PLAY- FOR RENT--6 ROOMED FUR- nished house. All conveniences. Ap- ply 303 Albert St. (b60c) FOR RENT---FIVE ROOMED house, tollet, sink, lights, garage if desired. Apply 71 Gibb St, (60a) | For FOR SALE OR BXCHANGE--1 large bright rooms, frame cottage | on good concrete foundation, nice- ly finished and decorated with lights and water, large lot with plum trees, cherry trees and small fruits, also stable and pig pen Price only $1600, Terms to suil purchaser, Phone 2780 or see W. G. Miller at 17 Ontario St. (49b) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--5 ROOM- ed house, just outside city limits, large garden, fruit trees, Phone 1938 1-2. (491) FOR SALE OR RENT---NO. 242 Court St, Oshawa, brick house, conveniences, No. 485 Cubert St Oshawa, frame louse, water and electricity. Immediate possession. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris- ters, &c., Oshawa, Ont,, Phone No (Sat. tf» "For Sale or Exchange er planog taken in exchange on radios, See John Meagher, 92 Sim- coe St. North. Phone 371W, (17 mar ¢) EXCHANGE--5 ROOM, ALL modern bungalow and 3 frame cottage, both well rented for 6 room house in worth end. Box 166 Times, (48tf) Upholstering REMNANT AND REUPHOLSTER- ing Co.,, 1566 Simcoe St. South See our stock of fabric remnants for portiers, cushions and re-up holstering purposes by plece or yard. Get our prices on automobile and furniture. Expert workman ship. guaranteed, 25 years' experl- ence. (6 mar e) Watch Repairing # A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West Your pat ronage is solicited Shoes Repaired LADIES SHOR SHINE RE-OPEN- ed, Shoes dyed any color, Shoes and goloshes repaired. Champion Shoe Shop, 17 Bond St, East, (27 mar ¢) ERNIE BOUCKLEY, NOW DOING high class boot and shoe repair work, at the "Old Reliable Shop', | Street, W. G. Jarvis, tepairs while you wait. (27 mar c¢) 15 Prince proprietor. E who rings doors be.s louks ing for a job, a rocun or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route Indeed. Our Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure an immediate interview with an interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort. ' Sok or Exchange room | Telephone 35 rr------ | Rates fo Classified Ads First insertion---11§ cents per word, Minimum charge for one insertion 80c¢. Each subsequent tive insertion word Three consccutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions 60c. Box number 10¢ additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 cents a gvord per month for each additional word. Phone 35 | Ask for Classified Ad consecu- ic per Department spirit pas BE Radio Service CERTIFIED RADIOTRICIAN RE- pairs, all models of radio, power pacts, eliminators, at reasonable prices, work guaranteed, Phone 2806W. George Burroughs. 1 repair what others fail to fix. (20 mar ¢) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE~RE- | pairs on ralios, power packs and el | iminators. Tubes tested and supplied radio pol « for sale. Batteries charg ed and repaired. Phone 3350) Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East (19 mar c¢) Get your tubes John Meagher, 92 Sim- Phone 371W, (17 mar c¢) RADIO REPAIRS ON Sve sels, We sell tubes, batteries, | transformers, colls, ate. Also short { wave apparatus. garl Fowler, 301 | French St. Phone 1856W. (9 mar ¢) WESTMOUNT RADIO STUDIOS, | efficient service, all makes of radio's power pacts and elimina- tors, «tubes tested and supplied. Phone 27151. (7 mar ¢) cur ouT INTERFERENCE, bring in weak stations with the varituner, Phone 1936% or write 292 Burke St., Oshawa, for dem- onsiration in your home, adio may be tubes. ested free. oe North, (b0e) i Money Wanted WE WANT $1500 FOR A FIRST mortgage on a4 farm near Oshawa, worth in our opinion more than three times this amount, Interest at 6 per cent, half yearly, Apply to Harris and Harris, phone 759. (49¢) For Exchange or car for my equity in 5 room modern bungalow in north part of city. Box 167 Times. (48tf) 2 Money to Loan QUICK LOAN ON YOUR CAW--/RA confidential service at the lowest price. Whether your ear is fully pald or not, We can reduce your | present payments, Motor Loans & King St. F., Oshawa, Phone 2790. Open evenlugs till 9 p.m. (28 mar c) Nigcounts, G. L. S,otte Mgr., 14% 4 Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (apr 26tf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new--at less than half the cost. Sent tor your ap proval. Address "Underwood," 135 Victoria St., Toronto. (oct 19, 31) Work Wanted PRUNING SHRUBS, TREES, NOW Is the time, Phone 2232, 122 Sim- coe St. N. (48e) YOUNG MAN STUDYING DUS- trial chemistry, seeks apprentice position, Good wages not essential. Box 175 Times. (49¢) Partner Wanted Ee MANAGING PARTNER WANTED to invest $5000 in four paying out- door Miniatufe Golf Courses, 1 also have contracts for 2 others to be built, where a profit of $3000 can be made after they are com- pleted. Box 174 Timse. (49¢) Female Help Wanted WANTED--THREE YOUNG MAR- ried women to solicit orders over telephone at home for household appliances. Everything supplied. Good renumeration. Give phone number. Apply Box 171 Times. (48¢c) WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework, three in family, refer- ences required. Apply Box 172 Times. (49¢) COOK, GENERAL, WANTED, Al- ply Box 1738 Times. (49¢) WANTED---SMART SALESLADY for ready to wear store. Must be experienced. Apply on Monday to 76 King St. W. (60a) Help Wanted--Male JANITOR AND ENGINEER FOR building, permanent position to man experienced {in maintenance work. Apply stating salary to Box 164 Times. (47d) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN: ishes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints. v mnishes, etc. in the city, The Paint Store, 80 King St. West. (Apr. 25 tf) SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED grocery, hardware, garages, Osh- awa and district, State experience and reference. Box 224 Times. (49h) FOR SALE ~ DRY HARDWOOD $15 per cord, Dry tamarack $12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King St East. Phone 1774M, <2 jap th SECOND HAND SKAVES, COM plete outfit $1.60 up. Skates sharp ened and repaired. 12 Richmond St. East. (8 jan 1- mo) FOR SALE--HARD =~ AND SOFT wood Slabs also dry body wood Fred Bailey. Phone 598W, (22 mar c) GET MY ERICES FO®W GOOD wood. W. H, Thompson, 507 King St. W. Phone 742J, (28 feb c) SPECIAL SALE OF HONEY AT Anderson's Honey Store, next to Davidson's Shoe Store, Simcoe north, Phone 1250. 2 (30 feb ¢) FOR SALE--YOUR OPPORTUN: ity to obtain needed pleces of new furniture at practically your own price. No reasonable offer refused on any of the following: 3 pleced custom-built Chesterfield suite, upholstered chairs, cushions and table runners, fireside benches and stools, couch, antique sofu, down comforters. Geo. A. Con- stable, 27 Bond St. E. Phone 3322), (48¢c) FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL FUMED oak dining room suite, 6 foot buf- fet, 315 foot serving table, dining table, 6 chairs, Cost $200. Sacri- fice $75. Apply Mrs. Rose, Pick ering, Ont., no dealers please, © (49h) FOR SALE--HARDWOOD SLABS $13.75 a cord. McQuald (artage and Moving, 115 Annis St. Phone 2423W. (27 feb ¢) FOR SALE-- LADY'S HUDSOA seal coat, rize 34 or 36 cheap. Phone 120417, (49¢) © Lost and Found LOST--1 PAIR % EASY clippers, Finder please call at Church St. Reward. BOLT 10 RELIABLE MAN FOR ONE HUN- dred store route; this county; ex- perience unnecesgary; no selling; distribute and collect, Should het seventy dollars weekly, Shamas Mfg. Company, New Toronto, Ont. (32a "38a 44a 60a) CIVIL SERVICE. KB M. C. C. THE M. Civil Service School is the oldest correspondence school in Canada, specializing in preparing cangi- dates by mail for the Canadian Civil Service. Get ready for the Spring examinations for positions as Letter Carriers, Mall Clerks, Customs Clerks, Stenographers, Typists, etc. Booklet free on re- quest. The M. C. C. Ltd, Toronto 10. + (29 22 35 38 41 44 47 50) Pets and Livestock BABY CHICKS, HATCHING eggs, custom hatching Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Write or phone for catalogue 1337J, Oshawa Hatchery & Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North, Oshawa. i (21 mar ¢) FOR SALE -- HEAVY CLYDE team, mare and gelding, rising six and seven years, also one heavy draught percheron Gelding rising two. Apply J. H. McEwen, north of Solina Station or phone Bow: manville 2 (48¢) | | | | | | == (49h) | Cleaning and Dyeing THE PREMISES AT 21 BOND ST. Kast, formerly known as the New Method Cleaners will be opened on March 2nd by Wm. Evans as the Gold Medal Cleaners and Dyers Wo specialize in repairing, relin- ing and remodelling. Give us a trial. We call and deliver. Phone 863. "Room and Board _ ROOM AND BOARD FOR GIRLS Apply Box 176, { (451) | --~ | at $5 a week, Very central, Apply | (49¢) 44 Charles St, "Situations Vacant LOST---ONE PAIR OF GLASSES, Apply 628 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 425M. (60a) TWO RED BLOODHOUNDS, strayed or stolen from Buckfng- ham Ave, Wednesday night. Any- one found harbouring these dogs after this notice will be prosecuted. Reward for information. Thomas Watts. Phone 1925. (60c) FOUND--DBLACK POMERANIAN dog with white front. Apply Dog Centre. 1617W or 1562W. (60a) Real Estate for Sal FOR SALE--- HOUSE BARGAIN in Oshawa, east end residental part, new, six rooms, three piece bath, furnace, sun room, French doors, garage, One thousand down. Possession March. E. A. Ruther- ford, R.R. No. 2, Castleton, (50a) FOR SALE--BRICK HOUSE, 17 rooms, all conveniences, cost $6600 to build, Will 'drop $1500 to party who has money to buy my equity. Give name and telephone number. This house muet be geen to be appreciated. Box 168 Times. | (48c) | EARN $6 10 $10 PER DAY, AM- bitlous, reliable men wanted at once. Part time pay while training tor aviation mechanics, work, driving, battery, electric acetylene welding, house wiring, industrial electricity, machinist, bricklaying, plastering, draftiyg. barbering and hairdressing. Act quick, get your application in now. Write or call for information. Do- minjon Trade Schools, Ltd, 79 Queen West, Toronto, Headquarters. Employment vice--coast to coast, (20 26 32 38 44 50 56 62 68 74) ser- Furniture Repaired FURNITURE REPATRED AND re-upholstered, draperies made (f order. Geo. A. Constable. 27 Bond St. East. Phone 3322J. (Feb, 4-1 mo! garage | Maw, Auctioneer. | Eastern | | | | 1 | | | { TRIPLETS GIVEN GIFTS Brussels.--Two sets of triplets, born in Belgium during the same week, are receiving various gifts. All six infants are girs. An anonymous person believed to be the Queen, is caring for Mrs. Van Dope and her three daughters. The father is a taxicab driver, Mrs. Van Peters, whose three new chil- dren give her a total of seven, the oldest aged 6, has received a cash Dec (AR Lump Rg gift from the municipality of Ant- werp. Her husband is unemployed. RAT CAUSES DISASTER Hongkong.--An aged Chinese woman, lving in Fatshan village near Canton, and her two grandchil- dren, were burned to death recent- ly when a flaming rat ran into their home and set {t on fire. Two street urchins had captured the rat ana dipping it in kerosene, touched a match to it. Maddened by pain, the creature ran into the old lady's house a few yards distant and Chevrolet Coach price ..... usa ontario wR [CITY 00 Simcoe Stree-- Commission jumped into the bed, which caught on fire immediately. Using Less Water Lindsay.--In the year 1930, Lindsay residents, factories and waterusers in general consumed 254,500,000 gallons of water it was found on looking over the figures at the Water Commission office. This amount shows a. decrease of 39,000,000 over the consumption of the previous year, 1929, when 293,- 500,000 gallons were used un here, Wanted to Buy WANTED---1 OR 5 ACRES NEAR Oshawa, with or without house. (60¢) AUCTION SALE of Valuable Residential Properties in the City of Oshawa There will be offered for sale Ly Public Auction on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1931, at the hoyr ~~ one o'clock in the afternoon, of premises, by virtue of the Meg Sale in four certain Mortgah will be produced at the sale, fowing propertics \ Parcel 1---Lot Onc hundred twenty-cight on the north side Alice Street in the City of Oshaw in the County of Ontario, accordin to Registered Plan Numbér 150, being premises known as Number 322 Alice Street, Parcel 2--Lot Onc hundred and thirty on the north side of Alice Street in the said City of Oshawa, according to Registered Plan Nnmber 150, being premises known as Num- ber 318 Alice Street. Parcel 3.--Lot One hundred and thirty-two on the north side of Alice Street in the said City of Oshawa, according to Registered Plan Num- ber 150, being premiscs known as Number 314 Alice Strect. Parcel 4--~Lot One hundred and thirty-four on the north side of Alice Street in the said City of Osh- awa, according to Registered Plan Number 150, being premises known as Number 310 Alice Street. The following improvements are said to he on each of the properties' A two storey detached brick ven- ecered dwelling containing six rooms | and bathrooni--oak floors chestnut and fir trim--cement foundation-- basement full size with concrete floor -- hot air heating -- modern plumbing--eclectric light. TERMS: TEN per cent, of the PHO ----k dit Note for om Provincial 7s Settlement For Your io 8 THOMPG: 1 Simcoe St. 8, wCTED t, Vice- bmmission, hows Fair Fixed, and EYESIGHT SPECI, for Re- Specializing exclusively In ®' eyesight and glas 1516--~Phone~--15 Disney Brock . ommission has been Ledit note for $582.70, \th power bill from S40, the year 1930. had © this city. Hties "a fo Cc. T "calling by * . Candy, 1 10 will be in | Tomanc, £ $50,000. Whethe, Calling» n, Py W varie, 4 ted on page 2) purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, For balance, terms will be made known at the sale. Each of the above properties will be offered for-sale subject to a re- serve bid, For further particulars apply to JONES & LEONARD, Solicitors, | 320 Bay Street, Toronto 2 | (Feb. 28, Mar, 7 14) | | | { WEDNESDAY, MARCI] 4TH-- Auction sale of farm stock and SINC KARN \( THE DF. JGIST] Fon semictL J res |; PHONE 378, ND implements, the property of L., & E. Goyne, lot 6, con, BF. East Whitby Tp. (near Oshawa Harbor). Sale at 12.30 o'clock. See bills. Lyman Gifford, clerk, William (44-50-51) ROYAL YORK Orange POTATOES 90 Ib. bag vt New Brunswick ......$1.10 'Ontario .......s.. 1 00 Tea apemd 28¢ At all Superior Stores Pekoe T $50,000 wOppr-- awa , Pupllc Utilities iy ' handed a being the the Hydro sctric Power Commission £ On- involving & final settlement a power account with the H. gor This A when the H.E.P.C. a Mted its power costs for Stand compared them with { = Oshawa, it was found oy paid $582.70 actual cost of sup- $582.70, will be surplus enjoyed by Commission the operation of While the definite gurplus has not and will not be statement has Barnes, Asai vutility, to the lo- Yistance, it is understood * gportant feature of # bill, in the opinion ht, vice-chairman of ities Commission, is { | Visit Cur Store AND SEE OUR LINE | The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. EATON GROCETERIA 12 SIMCOE ST. SO BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEO. M YES, IT5 SOMETHING IM GOING TO GIVE. A POOR WOMAN WHO NEEDS IT #31, 101 Ky ft fll NLL Pom ZN ih Phi, . oH AN tained thruug --

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