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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Mar 1931, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1931 "In Russia, Love, family and home life provide a startling and repulsive contrast to the Chris- tian ideal, Marriage there can be "registered" or "free," and implies nothing more than the consent of two people to cohabit under state regulation. The home has became relatively unimportant, The sexes PAGE" TEN Pagan In dians Converted at Amherst Camp Meeting 'Sends Interesting Remin- *isence of Beloved Figure In Old Victoria College Days = Converts Usually | Held Fast to New Faith Appreciating the ollowing raul communication from the of the Hon. Mr. Justice Riddell, Ro of Nortiiumberiang Sunty's most _dis- hed sons, The Sentinel-Star s it will be favored with fur- : th r teminiscenes or other matter «which, as the article below, should be: of wide interest to the readers this paper. By WILLIAM RENWICK RIDDELL The "boys" of my time at Old Vic=--we had no girle--all knew the Reverend Robert Corson, though mone of them knew or thought of him by 'that name; he was "Father Corson" "to everybody. We all liked to hear him preach--he invariably wept, in * his intense earncstness. His boardin house was a Victoria institution, an much frequented by "the Plugs;" but his discipline was a bit too strict ~~ for "the Clique"--"the Last of the Mohicans" never crossed its doorstep the second time. Ordained to the office of "Deacon in the Methodist oo scopal church in America" in 1825, he took part in a| oS \ wondrous camp-meeting, the following ™ \\ ) \ N X § IS ear, which, as it was held near. Co- iC 2 REE Hy : 4 fA 8 nid furnishes the occasion for this : : - r for a Cobourg newspaper. Ey. Amb i: @' camp-meeting was held beside what was then known as the " Black 1," but later as "Hull's Corn- ors Chapel," at which the Conference of the church was being held, This Was a most desirable situation, being surrounded by a large number of mem. bets of the church, and also being "close to the village ot Amberst, later "4¢The Court House," then a flourish dng hamlot near the district gaol, and No Personal Purity and those who claim its existence are viewed like men half witted. Golfer (to members ahead): Pardon, but would you mind it I played through? I've just heard that my wife has taken seriously il. have equal rights and pay and they work as two separate units, Rus- sian familics are allotted rooms in industrial centres; the privacy, the peace, the unity and beauty of home life have faded out. There is no longer sanctuary, but sus- picion and turmoil. "Love is laughed out of court, morality, decency, tome and fam- ily lite standards from this atti- tude. And the study of the facts will show all moral values destroy- ed. So in the United Soviet States of Russia, human desire replaces iod"s Law, and there is no moral code except as dictated by expedi- ency. ism is atheism, and the last con- gress of "The Union of the God- less" in Moscow adopted a five- year plan of extermination of re- liglon. Five whole districts are now without church or priest, and in one city 68 churches have been put to industrial use, "One would expect a decline in blasted the beauty and joy of wo- manhood, home and family are de- based and disrupted, . chastity is not necessary to soclal approval and illigitimacy has no stigma, and marriage Is merely a "mating" from the biological urge," Mr. Mc- laughed out of Russia, the boasted | Lauchlin declared. equality of, pie sexes there has | SENSATIONAL STORE WIDE EVENT 1: {el\rler Wy "The oficial creed of Commun- _ FOR ONE WEEK MARCH 6th to 12th HAPPY VALE TOMATO Ketchup RN Zr | ©s~ = IR ad ib. Bag Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade Buy them by the bag, of 90 pounds. 90 12-0z. é 2 eorTiEs 25c¢c Smooth and clean--even in shape--in EASIFIRST --- The Better AYLMER - Jumbo size-- cooks snowy white and mealy. No. 2 "also: to the rising Town of Cobourg, Which had thrown off the name of "Hamilton,'"' a short time before. The Conference was presided over Bishop George, and the well-known Shortening For proven results use EASIFIRST 1-Ib. Peas 2 Tins Size 35¢ No. 5 SIEVE arden fresh peas--steamed In thelr shertening--fer purity, flavor and even texture -- essential for per- fect flaky ple crusts and fer all your baking. Prunes b, Father Case was its secretary. The camp-meeting lasted five days, includ ing Bunday in September, 1826. To the camp-meeting on a Sunday were dnvited the Indians (then pagan), north of Rice Lake, now Hiawatha, and very many of them, men, women and children travelled all night to attend; some converted Indians from further east, who had been attending another camp-meeting in Cramahe, a #0 attended. The Rice Lake Indias were placed in a half-circle, the Christian Indians near them, while there were in front of them a pris number of ministers, Zed in Pra of hymns, one of After the si Siogit the Christian Indians led in prayer, ns were much af'ected. and the The Chief, Paudash, commonly called 'Potash'! (henes 'Potash Point" on "| Nite Lake, called after him) was cob- ty verted to Christianity, as well as nearly all the other Indlans--the usu: al occurrence at such meetings, fall- ing to the ground, weeping, rising in _ ecstasy, shouting aloud with joy, were smot wanting--it is said that two. 'thirds of the Indians there experienc: ied the joy of the Christian religion; nd that there were few backsliders eter in this body. From some points of view, this eamp-meeting Lis & memorable one. Prints 2:4:23¢C se 2s. 17C Our own brand---noted for fine delicate flavor--on the table or for baking. It's dependable, uniform quality will bring you back for more, again--and again. Try it at this very low price. Milk Large Boxes 0 od Regular 73e Ib. No. 1 TINS Sweet, sparkling uice, Joka G. agua was best man, abounding in health-giv- before her marriage Cri RN . Gifford, and was born yA north of Port Ho k Ha usband was born on the ols 'homestead, halfway between this town "and Cobourg. ; po! pr i oA ol born in tem, one and four 8, aziely ia,' now Mrs. Frank Adams of % Wilbert To a farmer liv. west of Port Hope, J. Grandy of n, on 8 te, Bask, N. ort Hope, nd George, now |. Fothey have eight grand. ftiends marked the anniver- Jemembrances In fts 37 lady se A several of en WS "ATHEISH KILLS = BEAUTY OF LIFE o Moral Standard and No Wom! Sin in sion of Godless LOSING ITS SOUL . The _baduty, purity and perman- marriage : of atheism, Rev. | "MeLanchiin told the con- on of St. Andrew's church : iH Pika Sunday morning of "Love ht romance sre being All the flaver and goodness of fresh. roasted anute-- . Borden's Chocolate A food drink CHEF BRAND n Tomato Sauce Herrings:17: The teasing tang of the Ses-- the tempting flavor revives Lenton enthusiasm. » JOLLY GOOD BRAND 13-02. Jar { Mustard 9c Pep up your lagging appetites--Iimprove the flaver--the zest of your sandwiches, meats and plekies. ER An at viene lr dam, frasit; pest --stenman In Shels CREAMEkY Toddy "in" 7 43¢ 2-1b. Ib. 32¢ 3-0z. 1 bes Tin C BORDEN"S Evaporated PAIR ee wl giving svewi--un brebd 2 taiutins 21c MARMALADE or fiers weg oy Gren wre Floor Wax¥ Matches "on on HAWES' 1» 39 A ra, don ste 2 i -Ib pkgs. 33¢c Durable and ig ' C Tate and sre Sy 3 2 1 C . Combination Offer 1 |b, Soda Wafers "= .'11c Salmon 2°; "25¢c ' ¢ ' 1 . EATON'S Flaky, fresh, deliciously crisp and always tasty. ' COUPLE CELEBRATE we "iE Eaten TEA WY EXTRA SPECIAL-..Freshly Roasted GOLDEN WEDDING # = 2%..73c] COFFEE 1. 25 ee, and Mrs. Nathan Nichols, of SUGAR Cj ; b. C Port Britain, Married Titty ay Yours on Fabaary 3 rare e on toast Larsson dian sul of Raver ond seedmore 2 1 1 You will ike Wa viéh, full bodied--trahly rousted faver--y quality eofles of Hi | ort Hope, rch Wednes- eady-Cu Ibs. 3 SEAT MACARON)_ == CAX Chicken Haddie wie 2 % 35c ne MER Choice Quality ER in, 5, Buty 0 WH A Mn i E Sy yy . Jell y Powders a Harriet Gators, ve of dhe PzCiaL C 0 R MN ring 29c EATON'S ASSORTED FLAVORS 5 rkes. 25C dT Low Price EATONIA 6-String A156 BUY TWO AT THIS PRICE I BROOMS + $9 ps ZI Each LENTEN SPECIALS! 9° C FRESH FINNAN oo Fillets Haddies " PEANUT Eni Malted sovLE 16¢ [Wim » 14cC jy, BUTTER. 1 ScAMilkiit51¢ Choice Shoulder Roasts Smoked IC T JOLLY GOOD SAW rw TT 'BEEF wu 12¢/| PICNIC C MANYFLOWERS--the Cold Cream Biscui is => 1 Zc ROBIN HOOD LARGE 19 Soa Cak ke ac ; adem nt ihn rapid porisge O AT S ere. " Heh VICK erase, tuba, uvires soiree of 'Sodity amore ie ee ne OLIVES aun, 200e. sor 16 a VANILIA a iBe DOL TERA Ps ] gun = 14C . OPERATED BY /T.EATON Ct...

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