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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Mar 1931, p. 5

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i second, Mrs. Cary; Se » * THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1931 PAGE FIVR | Social & Personal | Mr. Murray Biggar, of Montreal, formerly of thia city, is a guest at the Genosha Hotel, He is in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Robertson, of Cornwall, are visiting in the oltys guests at the Genosha Hotel. r. and Mrs. E. J. Goodman, 240 Athol Street East, are in Port Hope, attending the funeral of the former's father, Mr. Willlam Good man. On Friday evening, March §th, the south group O.E.S. met at the home of Mre. Libby for their monthly meeting. A good number were in attendance. Atter the buwi: ness part of the meeting a soclal time was spent and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. W. Brown. The south group O.E.S. held a very sucessful euchre in their chapter room on Thursday after noon, March 5th, The games were much enjoyed and the prize win- ners were: First, Mrs. S!mmons, third, Mrs. Dunlop. A lucky name prize was also given, this was won by Mrs. Sparrow. After the euchre lunch was served and a social time spent. Mrs. W. M. Tranier, Arthur St. entertained at an old-fashioned quilting party yesterday afternoon, at her home in honor of her mother, Mrs. F. H., Hockin, who was celebrating her 79th birthday. The guests: Mrs. T. I. Wilson, Mrs, Willlam Medland, Mrs, J. P. Tuttle, Mrs. Hockin, Jr., Miss M. Hambly and Miss Lella Tuttle were joined in the eneving by their hus- bands and gentleman friends, and the haxpy gathering énjoyed music and games. "Tat gir ut handed you" Wozen face'." Just nie you "Yes, but the last time | saw her, d me'. nbn Social & Personal Any social notes which read. ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the Times Office before 10.370 a.m, the day they are to be pub. lished. [Items of news concern. ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. We carry Everything For The Baby LAMBLE'S BABY DEPARTMENT WATSON BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2658. 8 Celina St. SIMCOE ST. LADIES' \ID Mrs. KE. Fleming's group was in charge of the program at yester- day's meeting of Simcoe Street La- dies' Ald Soclety, which was at- tended by 65 members. Miss Leah Garrow sang a delightful solo, Miss Dorothy Young gave a reads ing and a violin solo was played by Edward Bartlet. The business ses. sion, conducted by the president, Mrs. E. Bradley, included discus- sion on plans for the St. Patrick's tea which will be held on Thurs. day, March 12th. Interesting ac- counts of the work outlined for the year by all the groups were given by their leaders. The hos pital visitors appointed for this month were Mrs, Moody and Mrs. Chas. Wallace. CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH LADIES' AID SOCIETY The regular meeting of the Cedardale United Church L.AS. was held on Wednesday, March 4th, with a large number in at- tendance, The meeting was opencd with prayer by the president, Mrs. Day. The usual business session was conducted when reports from all comittees work ng for the St, Patrick's party, to be held on Wed- nesday, March 17, at 7.30 o'clock, in the Sunday school room, were read. Admission to (his St. Pate rick's affair 1s to be 150. : FINE PROGRAM AT SOCIAL EVENING OF ROYAL TEMPLARS An excellent program was pre- sented at the open meeting of Osh awa Council, Royal Tomplars of Temperance, in the Liberal Club Rooms, King ang Simcoe streets, last night. The meeting was in the form of a social evening, being open to the public, Rev. W. P. Fletcher, pastor of Centre Street United Church, and a former dominion councillor in the Royal Templar Order, acted as chairman. In a brief address, Dr. Fletcher stressed the need of a revival of the temperance edu- cation work that was so effective betore the days of the O.T.A., but which was greatly neglected after the prohibition act was passed, The need for this activity was very pronounced at the present time, he declared. Several numbers were sung during the evening by the male quartette of King Street United Church, including H. C. Treneer, organist of the church, and F Walters, C. Staples, and F. Hare. These artists were encored on al- most every appearance, The audi- ence gave a similar reception to Mrs. R. A, Holden and Mrs. George Fleming, who played two piano duets. Three humorous recitations by Mrs, Earl Trew, and a trumpet solo by George Hood, completed a fine program. Refreshments were served and the National Anthem brought the evening to a close, WITH GARAGE IN THE BASEMENT H, G. Duerr, Architect In the case of a high or sloping lot, it is not necessary to level it down in order to erect a house upon it. In many ways the high lot has great advantages over the low one. Drainage is far better there will be no trouble with damp cellars during wet weather, | Privacy is greater with the hous | "NOW REMEMBER . NY Ss tengo Said the Nirse -- For Sensitive Adult Skins Infants Delight hae long been acclaimed, the fenderest soap for babies' skins, Its suitabilily is Just as great for sensitive adull skins, ar many a woman has discovered, INFANTS 'DABY 1s doing nicely, is weight is right, his colour is good, and he is taking his food regularly, All you've got to be careful about is his skin, to prevent chafing or irritation. He needs a soap that is more than 790 merely cleansing in sction-- #2 ! ie wants one that is mild, soothing and absolutely pure, | always recommend Infants Delight. Besides being pure, % contains boracic and Is {ecidedly antiseptic without oeing at all harsh, In addition, it is very healing, By using Infants Delight, you have the antage, not only of wash- ing bibyin 4 Shaiovahly pure so8p, but also of giving him what amounts to a boracic sponge, " Infants Delight has been used with satisfaction by over a red thousand Canadian ers. Try it for YOUR by; your doctor will recom mend ft : oligh A BOPATED TOUET § HING STREET H. AND'S. GOB HOLD MEETING Ralph Gordon, Versatile En tertainer, Introduces a Splendid Program King Street Home and Schoo! Club Association helq its regular meeting last evening, Mrs. G. Nore tls convening the mewing. Letters were read from several members Who had recelved flowers during the month. The monthly prize of $1 given to the class which has the largest number of Mothers present went to Miss Cruse room. Mrs. Norris and Mrs, Pipher were appointed delegates to attend the O.B.A. Convention to be held in Toronto Kaster Week, Mr. Ralph Gordon, Toronto en- tortainer, delighted the large au- dlence present. His cartoon sketches were very cleverly execut- od especially "Moonlight on the Colorado" drawn in colored chalk in 80 short a time showed what can be done by one so gifted as is Mr, Gordon. In part two Mr. Gordon gave a original musical monologue "My Valentine" which was well received, Speaking of pluck, push and perseverance he gave a couple of comle readings. He admonished the children espoci- ally that to accomplish life pur: pose one must go straight. A splendid plan to help to make lito pleasing was to practice smiling Mr. Go 's impersonation in costume the old soldier in "I Forget" a musical monologue was another well rendered number, and again impersonating 'Sara Ann Green" at a tea mooting and his imitation of those taking pagt in the closing exercises of a school ot elocuation and dramatic art were most amusing. Mr, Gordon also 1s a clever ventriloquist and gave an 'fine demonstration of that art. Hig closing number was Imperson- ating of "Uncle Peter' from Mil lersville was a very delightful number. Mr. Gordon was assisted throughout by Mrs. Gordon at the fano, During the Intermission a vocal i0lo by Mrs. T. R. Parker and a niano solo by Miss Mildred John- ston delighted the audience, The meeting closed with the Natlonal Anthem, on the lot high above the street level. Illustrated here is a house on such a lot with a garage cleverly Introduced in the basement. En- trance ,to the small yard leading to the garage is made under a pergola. The effect of this from the street is unique and interest. ing. The house itself is very attrac- tive. Close cropped eaves present rather an audacious appearance, ttracting much attention, Three turdy plers at each of the outer orners of the porch seem to echo te substantial note of the stone- vork which compose the first floor valls. A large window of unusual de- n gives light to the llving room. 12 top of this window fs carried y beyond the eaves and finished * with interesting ornamental igns along the tép. Upon examining the floor plans t will be noted that the roome ire adequately proportioned and have easy access from one to the ther, On the ground flaor, the two bedrooms with bath and wash rooms. are completely separated trom the other living quarters. The second floor space has been WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington Hlustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished With E Pattern Here's slimming lines for the wom- an of heavier figure. ; And a smart dress that will answer many needs for the lovely spring days that are not so far away. 'The bodice has a deep cross-over vest, one of the best means to con ceal breadth. The softly falling ja bots lend a pretty effect and contri- bute much toward its slenderness The yoke of the skirt is cut to the smartest depth to narrow the hipline, The seaming, tapering as it does to a deep point, is decidedly length giving. Printed crepe silk in midnight bluc combines with plain matching blue crepe, with white embroidered mous- scline in this lovely motel Style No, 3038 is designed for sizes 5 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches ust, Size 36 requires 334 yards 39-inch, with 34 yard 39-inch contrasting and M Jan 39-inch all-over lace, ou will sce one attractive style after another as you turn over the fuses of our new Spring Fashion 00. Styles for children or the miss, the matron, the stout--and a series of t Women's Interests in the Home and The Community New Merchandise at NEW LOW PRICES "On an enducemnt plan we have made a sacrifice of merchandise to entice 3 thrifty buyers to shop at our store over the week-end. "It-will not only be pleasing to get out after the storm but profitable. If space would permit us, we could certainly give you an eye-ful, but as it stands at present here are a few of The Outstanding Specials for this week-end BE | Nickel Plated Electric and even tomst maker, $1.95 Value. Clearing at Electric Toasters 'Toasters, Nichrome heating element insulated frame, fibre non heat knobs, Com- plete with cord and plug. A quick $1.19 dressmaking articles, that will save you money. Be sure to pattern. perferred). Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents, EE ---- 3 It is a book ; Il in the size of t'.¢ Send stamps. or coin (coin used to good advantage. Qutline Specifications Size of House: 30 ft, 9 in x 4¢ 6 in Faltable Lot: 75 ft. frontage. Walls: Stone and stucco, Hoof; Shingles, Heating: Hot water, Built-in Features; Cupboards, By Thoraton W. Burgess Where ¢'er the traveler may roam His thoughts will ever be of home, ~Redshoulder the Hawk. she screamed indignantly, and swooped down Redshoulder had spent the winter in the Sunny South, He and Mrs, very comfortable down there, They | had made part of the journey in company with a number of their own people and It had been made uneventful save that now and then there would be the bang of a dreadful gun and thelr company would be one less in number, Usually it was one of Redshoulder in easy stagos had been Blue, Mauve, Green, 21 x 40", Fancy Bath Towels Fancy Bleached Bath Towels, in combination colored stripes with predominating colors of Rose, Gold, Large size Reg. 98¢ pair. Week End special, pair ........ 66¢ Cloths; damask in a dice Value at $1.25. Week Breakfast Cloths B4 x 52" Irish Damask Breakfast effects with colored borders of Blue, Gold, Rose, etc., etc. End Special ........cciniiniin or check Good 69c BEST ARCTIC FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Whipped single or double Blue or Pink Borders with an excellent heavy fleecy nap, yet firm quality, same as our higher priced Blankets (Note the size) Full 72 inches Wide About 86 in. Long $152 Tea Towels 24 x 38" Check Tea T aint for this oe Towel, Note the size). 28¢ Volie. Week End special; each i......coonnte (Note, 15¢ | range of Motor Rugs "Wool Motor Rugs, in. a splendid Feel All combinations. Regular softly eclored Plaids and Week 'Canadian Print 30' Canadian Print, 20 to 30 dif- ferent designs to choose from, (All new. Patterns. Week End special, yard ........ 15¢ 25¢ Value. borders, 18 x 36' Bath Towels Bleach Bath Towels with colored . ete, Lufty, soft, nappy finish, Size unusual bargain, Reg. 58¢ 15¢ . pair, Week End special, each 49% Rose, Gold, Blue, etc, +. Get your share of this 45 inch Scotch Madras 45" Scotch Madras, the most reliable, dependable curtain material .on the market. All new designs which stand well out on the surface. Reg. Price 39c. Week End Special, yard ...... 28¢ Silk-Knit Bloomers Mercury Silk-Knit Bloomers, All Teading shades. A discontinued number, and Small sizes only. were sold by us at $1.49, week-end at .... 000000 ) Clearing this CR RCN CRC RR 9c the younger members who lost his life, one who had not yet had op- portunity to learn that for no rea- son at all the hand of man Is arainst all Hawks, and the big Hawks especially, It would have surprised Redshoulder to know that to those men with the dread- ful guns he was simply a Hen Hawk, to be killed because "he caught the hens and chickens that belonged to these .men, whereas the truth was that he hadn't tasted nu hen or a chicken more than once or twice in his life, and had paid for these a hundred times over by destroying the mice that stole the grass and grain and girdled and killed the young fruit trees of these same men, But so it was and Redshoulder had ever to be on watch for these norant killers with thelr terrible guns, He and Mrs, had grown wise with experience. They had learned not only to nvold thoxe terrible guns, but also | to avold sitting on tall poles, for they had ween many of thelr rela- this purpose. Now sweet Mistress Spring had hegun to move morthward and ltedshoulder and Mrs, Redshoulder were possessed of a great longing to return home, to return to the nest in the Green Iorest from which they had started so many children out into the Great World with its terrible guns and fgnor- ant killers, Others of thelr kind were beginning the long trip north and the Redshoulders joined them, Fach day the longing to get home grew stronger, Two by two their comrades left the big flock, each pair headed for thelr own home, until at last Redshoulder and his mate were alone. They did little hunting now. Timo enough for hunting when they reached home fio at last they saw in the far | distance the Green Forest beyond the Green Meadows, They scream od for joy. Salling high, they swung in great circles so as to fook down and drink in all the familiar home scenes. They did not hurry to inspect the old nest, The nest was merely a part of Redrhotlder | tives caught in cruel steel traps | placed on the tops of the poles for home, It was the home scenoeg for which they had so longed the CGiroen, Forest, the Green Meadgws, the Smiling Pool, the LaugMing Brook, the Old Pasture, the Big River, the Old Orchard, yes, and Farmer Brown's home, For a long time they elreled high above all thig and they were filled with the great joy of home-coming, Then they get their wings to sail down to that part of the Green Forest where thelr nest wag, It was Mrs, Redshoulder who first saw that all was not as it ehould be, "There is some one fin our nest!" she screamed indignantly, and swooped down with an angry wounding hiss of stiff wing feathe ors, Redshoulder was her, Sure enough, in were two half grown close beside that nest birds that The Fashion Shoppe 81 Simcoe Nt, 8, (opp. Bruce St.) has no connection with any shop In Oshawa, aga mes Sr pp gn, pb they at once recognized 'ap Owls. Mrs. Redshoulder swooped as if the would seize one of those inter« lopers and throw him from the nest, but a great brown bird with round, fierce, glaring eyss alight- od on the edge of the nest with wings half spread, ready to. meet. any attack, Mrs. Redshoulder changed her course abruptly and wheelod upward, Then for an Hour or two angry screams, hissing and the sharp snapping of angry bills made that part of the Gréen For ext anything but pleasant, Hoofy had joined Mrs. Hooty close by the nest, and together they kept guard, their heads turnipg with overy move of the two big Hawks, At last from sheer 'weariness the Redshoulders quit, Tt was use- less for them to try to get their | home back and they knew it, Bo | they alighted on a tall tree some ' distance away to rest and talk mat- ters over. This home-coming had not heen what they had thought it would be, They must make new plans, bd (Copyright, 1031, by T.. W. But-| Kens). The next story: "Making the | Dest of Things." t - A A Jk Hino. Clot sialon 4 element: ) eae Tnstan rare: Mlehing slop on The treatment has no ivi i F. W. Thompson Drug 'Store ich as utter Somethin, Abou -- --- to anit "A PRODUCT OF CANADA BREAD J J RTE TILLIE THE TOILER " En ------ bak; PA ME, AIDE. HE SEEMS To BE HAVING A TERR (BLE | XT

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