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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1931, p. 2

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3 y -Offering | in response "God Save the King" : waver the woekreng, dlectric lights in- for Ane. Easter Thank . was sung by all present. Miss Ev- | ther on Sunday there Was no service Lo led in his a Tass rch . Mr. and Mrs. Smart took tea at | élyn Wade proposed a toust to | here. Next Sabbath services will be 4 Miss Vera Shackeleton spent a few | the home of Mr, and Mrs, Cecil mu wien jr. 7 at the usual hours, 11 a.m, and 7 pm, wdays with friends in Oshawa. Jones an Tuesday afternoon, A . N yy The Ladies' Aid held its monthly | * On Tuesday evening the Yoting Quuteh, Yor Tio eusd by Miss MAPLE GROVE fimeeting at the home of Mrs Thos. | padies' Bible Class. met at the responded, Mr. Harold Hartley | (Marion Snowden, Correspondent) % good program was.given, and the roll = call was taken by éach member reply. © Ing with some new recipe. ie 3 Mer. Orville Ashton spent the, week, HR enjoyed a social half hour a 08 | Bn opening up her her Home for the THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1931 SERVICES x Ri wet a : gh unable to attend [ab value in providing moistury'| < MONT JOLY P.Q.--!'Was skinny, Eb! : : ahuron Be Pecans of "he or. thie Iand that hud been without [ weak, 'run down, looking after 8 Nery R | weather roads but the milk j#8in for some months, . .._ __ _[children," says Mrs, Eloi Gagnon, 3 priv gp to get through. | fu OWE ad condition of|Jr, + Ironized Yeast. Gains rem i The Mission Circle will meet at [R&S the 1 supiar art of the 3a BY aks tn 4 'Weeks. NeW Blocked Roads' and Saturany attommoon the. Cirels | Which tH8 Young people. of Raglan UDONtI be "sina weak, por Caused "Much Inconven:| iii i: play. called "A String of | en v nt in ihe Church Lage vous, Sew Ironired Yeast adds 5 a, 0p ghey 8 rR Bh OER | gai . IY, A a pd L] in weeks, gly hol- 'jenice at Enniskillen. BJs tan Yh Chan Mood fOr & 'couple of 'weeks. |\givy fi), Bony limbs round out. Nap on Friday. overing, March 18, " The' Ladies' Aid will meet in the elrtreh on Thursday at 2 pm, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, of "But- faly, are Visiting Mr." and "Mrs. Wm, Middleton, . a "The Women's Missionary Society have secured Rev, Mr. McClure, front For- Pen rn o AG, tajnte Correspondent . Ennis) : arch 9--No "church ce hed Sunday evening, ow- J iy d 'weather and roads. HER a Sonal GE Ihe ats at unera [.§ - he on] also attended en's banquet at Orone on , March 2, J returned missionary , Fl : yeast. Results in halt the time. es Lind Woodbridge, Vis- | moss. for their Thank-Offering Enjoyable Evening Spent by Start' now to gain weight; health. ited his mother, Mrs. A. Tamblyn;| Service on March 23. } + Sixty Young People of the| Avoid danger of serious 111s. _Take . who is slowing improving. | It is, understood that Mr, Wil- 1) these pleasant little tablets, No Mrs. Ai Smith, who is not very f Jows has sold his = grocery husi- Bas; no yeasty taste, If not de- has been removed to the homie | ness to Mr. Wm. Sadler. fof heson, AW: 3 Smithy Whitby. WL a et at the. patbd- e Franke Dorlak dttendcd "the funer- a Ee hak with this. cousin: in Michigan : 1st | tigteen Indies. prseent, The: study chapter on Japan wus Well pres sented by Mrs.'C. J. Stevenson and Mrs. Wesley Gee. The Watch Tower was represented by Mrs. Pérry Wilson, Mrs, Southwell and 'Mrs. Beelby. It wag planned to try to secure a TYeturned midsionary ek, Miss Réva McGill, Miss M. Dalton d in. Toronto, and were among e whe were storm stayed Mrs, F. Heddon and Kenneth and Heddon, Toronto. visited = her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Orchata McGill on: Wednesday, March 4 a home of Mrs. Lorne Jones, Mt. goodly: number being present. A : Zion. A pleasant hour was, spent. making paper roses after which the president of the class. Mrs. L« Jones presided over a program. Mrs, Smart gave an Indpirational talk. The teacher, Mrs, Cecil Jonas; is planning to study The Teachers' Training Course. MAIL SERVICE AT Some s of business were conducted and & contest and candy was served dn abundance. Mrs. J. A. Werry mov- d a vote of thanks to Mrs, McGill eting. and. Mrs. McGill. replied in a very suitable manner, and all had \hiternpon. wr 5S tue" is improving attep 'snow 'plough will svon 'make its | ove , and' Wnderstand it has 'boen. delayed by a break down. x along. While goneral trax. ly. inconvenienced - for @ snow will be of inestim. 10 Lbs. in 4 Weeks Blemished skin clears. Constipa- tion, indigestion, "nerves" go over. night. New pep first day, Rich, red blood. Ironized Yeast is two great ton. ies 1a one. Weight bullding brew- er's . Yeast, plus strengthening, blood enriching Iron, Many times more effective than unmedicated COURTIGE CGT. ENTERTAIN TUXIS "Community @lara B, Courtice Correspondent) Courtice, Mar, 11.-----A banquet was held in the Sunday School room on Friday evening, when the C.0.LT. entertained the Tuxis., A splendid supper was served by the girls and when all were satisfied, toasts 'were proposed, Rev, I. C. Wolfraim being toastmaster. He proposed a toast to the King and lighted with quick gains, manufac. turer refunds money, Get Ironiszed Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tomorrow. New pounds quick. 286-C re the engaging of a minister for this appointment. Sorry to report the illness of Mr. Jamey Heron, Owing to the very inclement wea- ' Maple Grove, March 10.--~Owing to the severe storm on Sunday beth services here were withdrawn for the proposed a toast to "The C.G.LT. and Miss Beth Gay replied, A toast praposed to "The Guests" by Miss Velma Gay was responded to by | day. Measts. L. J. Courtice and Clarence | _ A large number attended the Penfound. The toasts were inter- [| Young People's meeting last Wed- nesday evening. The following pro- gram was in charge of Miss Greta Munday, Ist vice president; Bible reading, Marjorie Stevens; devotion al topic, Mick Brown: reading, Etel- ka Trimble; topic, Mrs. Ross Stev- ens; vocal duet, Lavonne and Vernon Trimble; reading, Jack Cator; vocal duet, Iva Foley and May Freeman: gpersed with a program, plano duets by Misses Hazel Rundle and Ada Annis and ajreading by Miss Louise Courtice. Afterward gumes were énjoyed. There were sixty present. Although the weather was about the worst kind we have hua for the winter and the roads almost with a good attendance, Hostesses for the toa were Mesdames Dop- king, Loyst., Watson, G., Morgan and M, B, Morgan, .. "Miss Grace Mundell 'Is nursing friends in the city at present, Mrs, W,. G. Scott and. Miss E. Miller have returned lome after a visit with friends in Toronto, Mr. and 'Mrs, Wm, Brown spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Wm, and Mrs, Thompson, Miss Margaret 'MacNab 'return- ed home on Monday after a week's visit with Toronto friends, Miss Josephine Bremner and Miss Margaret McLellan, of To- ronto, have been spending a few days with the latter's parents at the manse. Chas, * Cooper is busy getting ready for his 'Monster Demon- stration' to be held on Thursday and Friday of this week, The weatherman seems to be furnishing the main topic for con- versation these days, as Claremont and vicinity received: their full share of the historical snow storm which commenced early Sunday morning. The Badminton Clup entertain- ed the cluh from Long Branch on Saturday evening. Several enthusi- astic games were played which resulted in a victory for Clare- mont, Miss Donnell, senior teacher in the public school, went to her home in Keswick for the week- has continued to be storm stayed there, As a result both teacher and pupils have. been enjoying a holi- day. Several of our young people who have positions in Toronto, and came home over the week-end, had to charter a sleigh to convey them to the station on Sunday evening. Miss M. Blakeston, High School assistant, spent the week-end in Toronto. The relatives of the late Mrs. Murison, of Columbus, were un- able to attend her funeral on Tuesday on account of the blocked condition of the roads. A few of the friends and relatives of the late Mr, George Duncan, attended his funeral at' Brougham which was at the same hour, They ex- perienced some difficulty getting even that distance. The late Mrs, Murison and Mr. Duncan who were brother-in-law and sister-in-law, passed to their rest within a few hours of each other. Both were interred in Markham cemetery. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Evans went to Toronto last week to spend a short time with thelr daughter, Mrs. Clifford Pilkey. Owing to 11) health, Mr, Hvans had been con- fined to his home for some weeks before leaving for the city. Mr. McIntyre was in St, Mich ael's Hospital, Toronto, last week, and returned home on Thursday, The surgeon found his arm con- end and at the time of writing tinuing to improve but that pro- gress was slow, The cast was re- newed and his arm wlll have to remain in it for another four weeks when he is to go to the hos. pital again, In other respects Mr. McIntyre is enjoying good health. PRESENTATION T0 WA. PRESIDENT Mrs. Wm. Dyer, Also Mrs. John Guy, Honored at Columbus (Mrs. T, Oogk, Correspondent) Columbus, March 11.-At the February meeting of the Wo- men's Association which was held at the manse, Mrs. Wm. Dyer, who has been the faithful president of tho Society for seven years was presented wiht a clock and a pair of candle sticks by the Soclety as a slight token of appreciation for her untiring efforts in all church work. At the same meeting Mrs. John Gay, a member of the So- clety who is soon leaving this com- munity to reside at Almonds, was presented with a Kenwood blan- ket and Rayon cushion ag a re- membrance, Sympathy goes out to Mr. A. Murison and sons in their bereave- ment. The funeral of Mrs, Murl- son which was to have been on Monday, had to be postponed till Tuesday on account of the bad roads. Mr, and Mrs, Roy Leach and family have moved into part of Mrs. Holman's house. Miss Ethel Holmafi, Toronto, spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Jos. Holman, Mir. and Mrs, H. L. Pascoe visite ed in Bowmanville on Friday. An old time concert and supper will be held in the chureh here on March 24th, Hot supper served from § o'clock, after which an interesting program of old timo tunes and readings will be given, Hilton Lawson has engaged for the summer with John Lambert, Mr, and Mrs. Stevenson, of Picks ering, have purchased Mrs, Trull's house, south of the corner, and are moving in this week. London, March 11--Great Bri- tain has called a halt to one-sided disarmament, Right Hon. Tom Shaw, Secretary of War, was Gui'e frank about it when he introduced the army estimates in the House of Commons yesterday. The Govern- ment, he declared, opposed coms pulsion in recruiting, whether eco nomlie or otherwise; it would do nothing to foster the ipirit of mille tarism, but it would make no fur ther reductions in Army strenrah unless other nations were prepared to do likewise. " Ask Yourself-- Why A & P Sells More Meat Than Any Other Chain in Canada © || || The Answer Is Obvious-- QUALITY! SIX REASONS FOR THIS BETTER QUALITY EE ~ a THAT EVERY HOUSEWIFE SHOULD KNOW ai Haport buyers select cattle In their very | 4. "Hung" for the Jrobss period, under prime, which means meat of fine even ideal | ol fon, texture~firm and vory. 5. Shipped to A & P Stores often only a few hours before going on sale, each a -- J 3 othe week-end with her. cousin, Mrs, ip Ca ae ie Lil if nat x his attac of appendicitig, : impassable cn Sunday morning, a | reading, Marion Snowden. After a 2 wit hid Ok spent few days small number assembled at churen | contest the meeting closed with a Et } eh $s in Oshawa, : ' ' when the pastor, Rev. IH. C. Wolf hyp and the benediction, RE Ty ra whee Del Vi] TEASE re oI ret. Ts We Stor, 3 5 ¢ . * The other services of the day were | James, Toronto, ta our community, 4 went ro dhend the week-end were Now Comes Twice Daily Via withdrawn. Mrs. Patterson and son Jack, re- | §i storm bound. "madi ; C./P.R. Due to Reduction| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden en- | cently visited relatives in Toronto, Ar. and Mop. Charlie Stainton, : '| tertained a number of friends to a | Sammy ' Vancamp is recovering 8! n Bint tie week-end with his{- , of C.N.R. Train Service party 'on Friday evening and a | from his recent illness, sister, hes . = happy time was spent together, -------------------- . Miss Ella Tamblyn, Enfield, spent Mrs. Worden and Miss Allle, as Myrtle, March 11.--The C. N. R. traf service vit Lindsay- Whitby went into effect oh Mon- day, The scholars who are attend 'ing the Whitby High Bthool are pow donveyed back and 'forth by ubs, The mall now comes twice a day by C.P.R. 'Morley Ross, of Brooklin, is the new courier.sWhile the new service is not as early as the: former ong it will np doubt be all right when people get more ac- customed to it.. The checker tournament, whic was to be held in the Community Ormiston. INSALE YP. VISITS MT. Z10N "Church Services at Green wood Postponed on Ac- + \ i aE X J. A. Mole, Correspondent) | : Y 3 ow usyal, were most genial hostesses. Howard Courtice, Ottawa, at- tended tho' funeral of the late Mrs, A. E. Clemence, Bowmanville, last week and visited hls father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. W, K. | Courtice, and brother, Kenneth | Courtice and Mrs. Courtice. | vi gouty roads were pretty well | ocked up with snow on Sunday ! 1 H and people had to get out the | Transporting Supply n horses and sleighs on Monday. | Claremont Area The brothers and sisters and rel- | atives of Elmer Walter, who pase- ed away last week in Toronto and | STORM HELD UP MILK FOR CITIES Difficulty Experienced in Claremont, March 11.~Truck pal supervision, And beca LOWER: * Mey distinguished with the 'A Pp | Dlece individually 'wrapped to 'atford stamp In order to prevent substitution . 6. Maintained in rfect condition at through error, stores with the Ria of most modern 3. Killed under G and fel refrigerated Suiinters, with which every t than "PROVE Tt YOURSELY + -. THIS A & P Store Is equipped. ather chain in Canada, A & P PRICES ARE Eggs accepted at all A & P Stores In lieu of merchandise or cash, and also accepled at the Warehouse, 135 Laughton Ave. Toronto. A & P QUALITY ROASTS BEEF ~~~ 12: Blade or Thick Rib 1». 15¢ | Prime Rib First gRibs 0. 20¢ RUMP round or square wv. 17 So count of Storm '| Hall here on Monday night, was call- | was buried from the home of hiz rivers ave Been SxDorloncing BE ed 'off indefinitely and will give/ uncle, Frank Walter, on Saturday, ue of Shity in setting milk to e (Mrs. W. 8. mart, Correspondent) ia" chockuniten" a chance for more Sure' the sinopre sympathy of thin oi ty hy art of thie BL " ' » r. Father cone J . 1 Bi nuraday evening Kinsal ones + Miss Dorothy Rodd entertained | both gone before and ey The regular monthly meeting k People were pr Mr ri t ng a number of her playmates to a | three younger ones cf tle family | Of the United Church Ladies' Aid | § gor Zion Ch at' Mt. birthday party on Saturday after-|are all that are left, was held last Thursday afternoon § de Church. - Mrs, Norman Glb- noon. Miss Alice Arnold, 'eacher of | | iq son, president of the Kinsale So- Mr. Frank Shell visited her sis | No. 8 school, spent the week-end | § § pp clety, gave an excellent devotionalyter, Mrs. Will English, of Manilla, with her parents in Brooklin | address. BSolog by Mr. Law, Miss |last week. Chas: Mason; Mrs. Jas. Courtice | & Florence Mowbray and little Miss March cathe in like a lamb al- land Mrs. Branch, Bowmanville | i + 1Jean Mowbray were much en- right, but it failed to retain these visited W, R. Courtice, who is still: * § Joyed. Mt. Zion conducted some |meek characteristics for very lonk | {ndisposed, | "§ (very interesting games and served | The storm over the week-end was Mrs. 8. 8B. Brooke ls in Toronto | refreshments, one of the worst that has been ex- | with her grand children, Masters | Miss May, 'of Oshawa, is visiting | Perienced here for some years. All| yuck, Billie, and Doncid Soules, her sister, Mrs. Smart, at the par- roads were blocked and little or no | while Mr. and Mrs. Soules are | {sonage 4 i . p trate was oticed un) te Snow sponding a couple ft Woon hi Ne e ough went» alon 6 wa, ' D] hd The school teachers and other sg Monday ig Rod the York "iy and other places, 7 LJ {visitors of thé 'week-end are snow { 8. Florence Mason, Bowman- X snow-4n places was so deep that It | v(jje yvigited her brother, W. R. | jpound. "Local residefits Hope the | oo experienced great difficulty in| Courtice yocontly, © i { Y S | t 3 J I! On Thursday evening the young | 17 v + ol y people had quite an interesting | ! BP : ] meeting with Alan Law's group in il } : ; ; charge. The topic was splendidly |f i HR - ' . 1oken by the Dastor, Rev, H. C. |4 | : w @ olfraim, e after part of the ih i. Mn S UV K AN i ©) rd .| meeting was spent {2 gamos out on : by Alan's group. ! Tow hh: ---------- ® cf | bo AGED CITIZEN OF | nd 1 or a rma: ont + 'WHEN Buying or Renting Ask these QUESTIONS Are the walls protected with Brick; stocco of 'plaster must be 1s the roof Domnacona-msslated? En hav y gout, Ave pad, has normal heat in winter insulated with Donn ' | 0 keep out winter Winds -- pt, roof. = Fit oisied : plied under bricks, shingles, eg , sheathing * prevents heat loss, i a8 osride wll od under pod) cuts fuel 'costf, and adds tre: {on inside walls, it will keep yous ly to comfort, % Jer and summer, i fo wien! in et pars ud Leva: } LB Write youp local dedler for descriptive bookies, 4 t o re o- 'Lumber Co. Lid, Oshawa 1 ¥ i i + ea' &° / Car ol St. West 4 | she was patient and thoughtful for | terian and a faithful worker jn the that everyone stiow storm came like a bolt from 'reffeved the situation considerably 'rence were appointed by the congreg- ation here to me hen 1 " Phones 12 & 13] Oshawa in Whitby on Monday night Forsylh Regular Prices $2.50 t0 $3.50 Friday and Saturday ONLY SE: Anderson's 5 Simcoe St. S. ASHBURN PASSES Mi. James Balfour Was Respected Resident of the "Community (J. A. Mdle, Correspondent) Ashburn, March 10.--In the death lust week of Mrs, James Balfour the village has lost one of its oldest and most respected citizens. Deceased 'has been confined to her bed since last spring, but notwithstanding this | others, She was a life long Presby- church here, which she loved so much, The funeral which was very largely attended was held in the church on Saturday afternoon Rev. Lindsay of Whitby, condutced the service, Interment took place in the family plot in Burns cemetery, She leaves to mourn her removal from the family circle three daughters, Mrs. Kilpatrick of Saskatoon, Miss Annie at home and Miss Florence of Chicago, who have the sympathy of the community, : Baffling the impressions of spring last week, Sunday the blue, and caused a general block- ade of all roads, On Monday morn- ing shovelling brigades went out and but motor traffic was conspicuous by its absence and old Dobbin was very much in evidence again, A committee consisting of Messrs G. West, Fred Stephens, Walter Ken, Robert FE, Heron and John C. Law- et the Rev. Lindsay of Whitby and the Rev. Munroe of er PEAMEALED Cotiage Rolls ©. 20 WHOLE OR BACON ::.: +. 22. SLICED OR CENTRE CUTS, LB. 24¢ SAUSAGE ...i%m. 1b. 17 WEINERS DUMART'S ib. 25 BOLOGNA rp 1». 19¢ NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN--GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RESTIGOUCHE SALMO A VINE FISH TO BROIL OR BAKE BY THE PIECE 1b. N STEAKS 1.25 I. il Fillets» 21. Jhon n 12¢ FRESH ATLANTIC T wave COd new. 14e MADE IN ONTARIO'S FINEST CREAMERIES CHEESE =: 1b. 18- TANGY - m. 27 FIG FINGERS nce: 2 bs. 33¢ TEA ail, Wen 3 ibs. $1.00 SOAP wroirencison 1 Qn 45e SALMON = erm Qe FAVORED IN THOUSANDS OF TORONTO HOMES---MACHINE WRAPPED 4: BREAD mai Ge A NEW BAKERY PRODUCT wii¥er BREAD 2%. Qe OLIVES "#1 15e¢ JELLO #oret 3 pres. 1Qe po Cl 47 BOKAR 8 O'CLOCK cus 37e 4. FLAVOR TOMATOES... 3% 29e - PEACHES 'wrens 250443 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fresh ts and vegetables de- livered daily to all our stores. A complete list of all native and 'imported its and vegetables can be had at attractive prices. 22 King St. W.--Crocery Manager--G, Newsom 29 Sime ' --F, C. West, #8 SeiCpotery Manapel: Meat Manager--D. Fisher, : TRA CHARGE 185¢ e. Meat Manager--H. F. Ashbury--Phone 3170 Phone 2643 ty TRE GREAT ATLANTIC & Pacric Tea Co. OF CANAD ---------- I --( 4 1 bb

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