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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Mar 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1931 PAGE FIVE Vomen's Interests in the Home and The Community ry Social & Personal | Afternoon tea was served on . Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Geo. Corden, Arthur Street, for the Daughters of Bngland. Mrs, Corden was assisted by Mrs, Horton and Mrs. Clough. A social time was en- Joyed. . ® Miss Jennie Walker Who has been taking the nurses training course at the Sick Children's Hospital, Toron- to, will return to her home, 74 Kenneth Avenue, on Saturday. Miss 'Walker has completed three years training in the Toronto hospital, * Rev, ad Mrs. Willlam Green, formerly of Trinadad, British West Indies, are visiting with Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Irvine, Simgoe Street South, Mr. and Mrs, Green have been active in the missionary work carried on by the United Church in Trinadad for some years and have Just returned to Canada. Social & Personal Any social notes which reads ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the Times Oftice before 10.30 a.m, the day they avo to be pub. lished. [tems of news concerns ing dances, partics, guests to and from town will be gladly recelved. WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. 1'hone 2083. 8 Celina St. - AR i... LiL | e Fashion Shoppe | 84 Simcoe St. 8, { (opp. Bruce St.) \ has no connection with any | shop in Oshawa. \ rp pan, ot | Social Evening Held By Sunday School Class Is Successful Event "he regular monthly social even. Ing of Miss Jackson's Sunday School olase was held at the home of Mrs. Roy Flintoff, 340 Richmond Street, on Tuesday evening with an attend. ance of 60 present. A very enjoyable program was leard which was made up as fol- lows: Plano duet, Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Ferguson; reading, Mrs. Hag- erman; vocal duet, Mre, Stephenson and Mrs. Peever; reading, Mrs. Wright. In addition to the musical program a contest was held which Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Hagerman and Mrs. Hilts were the winners. A very dainty lunch was served and a hearty vote of thanks was ex. tended to Mrs, Flintott for opening her home to the class. KING STREET MISSION CIRCLE The regular monthly meeting of the King St. Mission Circle was held on Friday, March 138, at the home ot Mrs. Hales Barker, 213 Arthur St, Joyce Rdgar and her group took charze of the prograni. All teen aged girls of the chureh aro cordinlly invited to attend the next meeting which is to be held on Friday, April 10, at 7.80 at the home of Mrs, Newton Edgar, 62 Ritron Road South. PRODUCTION INCREASES A marked increase in the produce tion of creamery butter is indicated in the current news letter of the Federal Dairy and Cold Storage jranch. Preliminary reports re ceived from six provinces show pro duction for the calendar year 1930, | as follows i= Province 1030 1929 1bs, 4,724,118 2,032,173 Nova Scotia... New Brunswick Ontario 02,000,000 Manitoba 15,786,806 Saskatchewan ...13,750,000 Alberta 17,500,$$$ CANADIAN HOCKEY STICKS The avood used in the 23 establish- ments specializing in sporting goods in Canada in 1929, according to the Bureauof Statistics, was chiefly sawn Checked without "dosing." Rub on softwood lumber amounting to 1,872 thousand feet board measure, valuer at $76,576; 756 thousand feet hard- wood lumber at $67,600; 341 cords of hardwood bolts at $4981, and veneer and plywood valued at $3,640. The more important items among the | principal products were hockey sticks, [ numbering 632306 and valued at | $207,852; tennis racquets numbering 18,750 and valued at $213,861, y 5 e "Christie's" have been Canada's favorite Soda Wafers ever since they, were first made, because of their main- tained purity, fresh- ness and fine flavor. Send Ten Cents for Ten Days' Treatment, Orange Lily is a certain selief for - disorders of women, app and is absorbed into. the suf d The dead waste matter in the congested giving immediate mental and physical relief, The blood vessels and nerves are toned and strengthened and the circulation ial. As this treatment is based on strictly scientific principles, and acts on the actual location of the disease; it cannot help " forms of female troubles, including delayed and region is expelled, is rendered to normal. but do good in painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, falling of the womb, 'ovarian troubles, One month's treatment $2.00, A ten day trial, worth 75 ets., vent to any suffering woman Sold at Leading Drug 'MRS. LYDIA W. LADD 0) . { A SURE RELIEF FOR WOMEN'S (Bat, te ---- DISORDERS | 1t is applied locally ering tissues, 0 and enclosing 10¢, Gtores Everywhere Box 191, Windeps, Quty in WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING - By: Annebelle Worthington* Illustrated Dresamaking Lesson Furnished With Every Pattern Here's one of the favorite frocks of the new season in smart coat type. It is navy blue flat crepe silk, The double row of blue buttons lend a new sophistication to the long- waisted bodice that is lengthened with a circular skirt, Crisp embroid- ered Sifandis collar and cuffs give it smart distinction and feminity, This = capitivating style No, 3036 may be had in sizes 8 10, 12, 14 and 16 years. Size 8 requires 2 yards of 39-inch material with 34 yard of 39- inch contrasting. It may be carried out in many in. teresting new fabrics as printed ray. on crepe with plain contrast is ever so wearable. Then again you'll like it in wool jersey, wool crepe, linen and tweed-like cottons. You will see one attractive style after another as you turn over the Jae of our new Spring Fashion ook. Styles for children or the miss, the matron, the stout--and a series of dressmaking articles, y It is a book that will save you money. Be sare to fill in the size of the pattern. Scnd stamps or coin (coin preferred), . Price of book 10 cents. I Price of pattern 20 cents. No. 3036. . Size ses ananany CANADIAN PLATINUM All the Canadian allied metals are obtained from the treatment of the Sudbury nickel-cop- er matte, with the exception of a ew ounces of and a small Juantiy produced as an impure residue in the refining of gold at Trail, British Columbia, BUILDING ACTIVITIES IN CANADA Some 50 Canadian cities furnished detailed reports to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics showing that in the year 1930 they had issued nearly 12,600 permits for dwellings estima- ted to cost about $53,000,000, and ap- Proximately 29,000 permits for other uildings at a proposed cost of al- most $95,000,000, he former cate- gory includes houses and apartments, an pairs and alterations, garages usually constitute a large proportion of the total number of in most cases have a low valuation, CANADA'S MAPLE TREES There are nine species of maple native to Canada, according to the Forest Service of the Department of | the Interior. Three of these, namely, | the brépd-leaved maple, the vine maple, and the dwarf maple are con- fined to British: Columbia. The only maple native to the Prairie Provin- ces is the Manitoba manle, and thi, and the remaining five species (sugar, or hard maple, red map! silver maple, striped maple, and eastern provinces of the Dominion, platinum and | latinum obtained from | the black sands of British Columbia, | in many, but not all cases, re- | Permits for | uildings other than residential, but | | PROMOTED wo appointments of consider ableinterest to Canadian hotel men and to the travelling public in gen- eral, have just been announc- ed by H, F. Mathews, gen- eral manager of hotels, West- adian Pacific Railway. A. H. Devenish, well i BN... nown a at ager o e AH. Devensh Banff 'Springs Hotel, becomes assistant genaeal manager of hotels, Western Lines, with head- ariers in nopipeg, while A. | Robertson, formerly assise tant to Mr. Mathews, is promoted to e managers shi Rot the Banff Springs Hotel, Both of the promoted men are well known and popular throughout the West and are recognized authori- ties in the hotel business, A. B. Robertson fueac's MANY A SLIP TWIXT THE BLUE PRINT AND A PEW Rouse r --- [| -- \ / V-- 0 dan | I / Pe if Wa oh ern Lines, Can, OTTAWA.GATINEAU MAP The Topographical Survey, Depart- ment of the Interior, has in the course of preparation a map covers ing the Ottawa-Gatineau = district which shows, on a scale of one mile to one inch, practically everything worthy of note including buildings, power lines, railways, roads, and water bodies, Sm -- Deceptive Advertising Regulations recently approved by Order in Council define terms which may be used only in connection with Federal - Policies of Approval and Certification for poultry, and only by persons duly entered under such policies and thereby qualified to use the newly defined terms in respect to their poultry operations, This ap- plies particularly to the advertising and sale of poultry stock and Ap- proved Chicks, In addition to giving recognition to a schedule of terms and defining their application the regulation define deceptive advertise ing in the following terms: "the ap- plication, orally 'or otherwise, of any word, term or phase of these regulu- tions defined to any poultry product which does not comply in all res- pects with the requirements of the relative definition or definitions." Officials of the Federal Department of Agriculture are vhecking up close- ly on all baby chick and poultry ad- vertising at the present time to pro- tect the interests of hatcherymen and breeders entered in the federal ap- proval and certification schemes. Bandits blew up a shop fn Ohl. cago recently, They do their shop- lifting thoroughly over there, Here lies a crook within his grave, His days otf terror done; The only time that he was brave Was when he had a sun, Cas burning refrigerators have been devolopod to replace salt anc feo in ice cream and milk delivery trucks, Self adjusting hydraulic ecas- ters have been Invented in Kng- land to keep heavy furniture level on uneven floors, The Rumanian government will hold an International exposition | JUST ARRIVED NEW KID GLOVES, SCARVES BLOUSES, NECKWEAR LAMBLE'S Chicago "Blg BIN" nominated two candidates in op- position to him, effectively uplit- ting the vote and seculing his re turn. Brockville Recorder and Times, people set out to beat Thompuon With the installation greatest grain discharging port in Europe, bined a kitchen stool and steplad- der, the steps being beneath its hinged seut, Weak After Operation ] was very weak after an op- eration, My nerves were so bad 1 would sit down and cry and my husband would not go out leave me alone. Now my nerves are much better, thanks to a booklet that was left he oot, Lydia E. Pink- Pinkhamn's sompoun mountain maple) are found in the | and then | of new | elevators Liverpool has become the | A Wisconsin inventor has coms- OUR JUNIOR PUZZLE ------ $ \ A er | WORTH A DIVE Here is Charlie diving way down in the sea. He loves to go down and bring up what he calls "treasure" for his sister Anna, If you want to know what the "treasure" is, take a pencil and loin all the numbered dots to- gether, starting with dot number one and ending with dot number} twenty-eight, You will ind many of them on the seashore, ,.. |! 'New Face Powder Stays On Longer If you have large pores use a face powder that will not clog them. A new French process called MELLO- GLO makes the skin look young, stays on longer, furnishes a youth. ful bloom, does not irritate the skin or ninke it look pasty or flaky. Spreads smoothly. Try this new wonderful Face Powder MELLO- GLO, Sold through all druggists and at Toilet Goods Counters. NAVY" A full weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue-- 700 sheets of soft, safe, sanitary paper. "DREADNOUGHT" A big value Eddy line. Seven ounces of Sterilized creped tissue in every roll, "WHITE SWAN" A snowy white Sterilized Tissue. In wrapped, dustproof Rolls of 750 sheets. Depends upon so many little things Upon bathroom hygiene, for Instance. And there is no greater assurance. of bathroom hygiene than the soft, absor- bent tissue in an Eddy Roll, tissue made immaculately pure and safe by Eddy's sterilizing process. THEE, B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED MULL « eo « « « CANADA Manufacturers of Paper and Peper Products Exclusively, that I was an idiot," brother." "He will beat "You told the fellows at the club "1 meant your you to a jo if he hears that" "Tell him I meant you." Pages 'Gaies, Yverdon, ADVICE ? CAN A SISTER OFFER A LITTLE FRIENDLY IS AS FOR, "for whiter washes ~WHAT SUDS! IN THIS HARD -WATER, TOO. MY WASH AS SNOW AND | DIDN'T SCRUB A BIT. HURRAH YES! AND ITS JUST AS WONDER FUL FOR DISHES WHITE RINSO! «STOP SCRUBBING, ANN. ITS REALLY FOOLISH WHE (V eee white wi Rich, 80a p Cup for cup, lightweighs, Rinso "Up soa -| KNOW! YOU'RE GOING TO TELL ME ALL ABOUT RINSO AGAIN. ALL RISHT MLL TRY IT NEXT MONDAY th % Rion they look [jie shes and MRS, 1, BUDRICY Y 8uds in tub op 8ives twice 44 washer Much nink suds a4 Millions use it in | tub, washer and dishpan TILLIE THE TOILER ~n fe ME ALL ABOUT SOL INVEST SCHEME MAC? vie, crane To. 11 PROPOSITION VESTER. DAY « WHY DON'T WORKED HARD Por CTHAST $10,000 I HAVE IN THE BAN ACY LOBE IT [E HIS MMIHAT'S $ 10/000 -vese DAYE 7 "- v | CAN'T SEE - MINTAKES PY TAINLY) a BYE Pr "THIS 1S MISS SOMES - YES WHY | SHOULD B55 RESPONSIBLE Pol OTHERS' Em | 4 TAN SoU BEAT ' CLERIC WANTS ME : Si¥ CENTS ore BECAUSE THE By Russ Westoves THAT 3 A ° TO PAY RICE "TAG WAS ©

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