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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Mar 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1931 PAGE SEVEN TATE ADDRESSES LOCAL ELECTORS (Continued from page 1) Something of your views and per- haps a little of the questions that are in your mind. "First you may ask, who'is this Ben E. Tate named in the agree- ment for the purchase ~* the gas eystem and the other documents that are now before you for voting on Saturday. Well, I happen to be ..one of the vice-presidents of Utili- ties Power and Light Corporation. Utilities Power and Light Corpora- tion, while not the largest Public Utilities organization in the country is nevertheless one of the largest 'and most widespread in its opera- tions. It operates in England under a British Board of Directors, in your Maritime Provinces, and in J several fields in the United States. *'All of these utilities, which serve several million people, are operated as entities, and with separate cor- porate existence. Utilities Power and Light Corporation is the hold- ing and finanking corporation with relation to all these separate units and operating companies. It owns the stock in these companies and suplies the finances for them. Some idea of its size and strength may be gathered from the fact that at the close of business last year its as- sets represented a total of about one-half billion dollars. Must Get Franchise First "In conformity with this policy it is necessary that the system which we hope to develop in and reaching out from Oshawa should be set up under a separate company and with a separate existence. While I am not a lawyer, I belleve whet they say sometimes and they ine struct us that your laws will not permit the organization of a public utilities until that company actual- Third Class Ocean Rates reduced to 5129 ROUND TRIP to GREAT BRITAIN CONTINENTAL RATES PROPORTIONATELY REDUCED Available for Eastbound Sailings from Halifax, Montreal or New York at following periods only March 2 to April 30 Aug. 1 to Oct. 15 Return ahy time within TWO Years, For full particulars, apply to <The Cunard Steam Ship Co. Limited Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts, Phone Elgin 3471, Toronte or any steamship agency «« SAIL » » CUNARD ANCHOR:DONALDSON pality in which it can operate. You will, thesefore, see that it is neces sary for the present that the fran chise be taken in the name of a pri: vate individual until the vote has been taken and the franchise is available. Immediately after that has been accomplished, a company can and will be organized. "We have already instructed our solicitors to, and I believe they have made application for a Canadian charter for a company to ' operate the Oshawa utility and all that may arise out of it under the name of Ontario Shore Gas Co., Limited. Immediately after you have voted on this project the company organ ization will be completed and I will assign to that company all the doc- uments referred to in the by-laws and the company will take my place in its relationships with you. May I at this point be bold enough to say, and without any boasting what. ever that you need have absolutely no fear as to the abitity of the in- terests I represent to finance this undertaking, whatever may be re- quired. I can assure you that in the 15 years of its existence, during which the comany lms made re- markable growth it has never yet failed to meet its commitments in any resect. The method that is be- ing adopted in Oshawa has been fol. lowed in many instances and Utili- ties Power and Light has always completed the undertaking exactly as planned and as represented to-the various communities. It will do so without fail in the present instance. "Now a word as to the history of our negotiations with your officials and particularly your Public Utili- ties Commission with whom we first came in contact. It was your very efficient industrial commission. er who first brought to our atten- tion the fact' that the City of Osh- awa might be disposed to sell its «as system. This was several months ago and, I believe, about November of 1930. We instructed our officials, and particularly Mr, Gene Lang. whom some of you heard at a large meeting here on Monday of this week, to investigate the Oshawa system and the entire field sur- rouding Oshawa, with a view to the possible extension of the Oshawa system, if it were acquired. I know. you will not think me presumptu- ous when I tell you that at first we were very little interested in the proposition. "Your gas plant as a gas generat- ing system is far from efficient in its present condition. This 1s not new to you because it has been fully pointed out:in the reports that have been made by Mr. Forstall, a very eminent gas engineer, at the time you purchased the plant, and only last year by Mr. Allen who made a further survey and report to you. We were, however, interested in the possibilities of your system. The gity of Oshawa, with a population of about 25,000, surrounded by the Township of East Whitby, with a population of some six or seven thousand, with the Town of Whitby four miles distant, with a popula. tion of another 4,000, the Town of Bowmanville, five miles distant with a similar population, and other cities and towns a little more re- mote, seemed to us to offer a fleld of enterprise well worth consider- ing. In your own city the possibili- ties for industrial gas from our ex- perience holds out a promise of con- siderable development. Your ship. ping facilities are admirable, parti- cularly for water-borne traffic. "So, taking all these things into consideration, we decided that if the Oshawa system could be acquir- ed on an equitable basis we would be willing to purchase the same, After we had made all our investi- gations, we had the privilege of meeting your Public Utilities Com- mission about six weeks ago. They appeared and rightly so, to be pri- marily interested in our abitity to carry out whatever undertaking we | made careful investigations, through night enter into. I understand they bankers and other financial {nsti- ", , . and Three Packages of OLD DUTCH" Old Dutch Cleanser--the modern perfect cleanser! Keep it handy at all times in the bathroom, kitchen and laundry. There's nothing else like it;you don't need several styles and kinds of cleaners. Think of this added convenience in Old Dutch; i'sallyou need for all your cleaning. Cleans Quicker--cquicker than any- thing else you can use. Help your- self to more time with Old Dutch. MADE IN CANADA LISTEN the Columbia Broadcasting System. Tune In Toronto Station CFRS 8:45 a. m. Standard Time Old Dutch Holders, in Colors | Clip ect from three Old Dutch Cleanser labels the windmill panel appearing above the €irastions. Mail these, together with 10c and name and address, Fill out coupon today. rag 9 Cleans Safely=because it contains no harsh, chunky grit and doesn't scratch. Old Dutch protects the surface. Keeps lovely things love- ly. And it's kind to the hands. Healthful Cleanliness--is brought to your home by Old Dutch because it removes the invisible impurities with the visible dirt. It is economi- cal because a little Old Dutch goes a long way. fo the Old Dutch Girl every Monday; Wednesday and Friday morning over . vo 1 Fe -------- Q H Cudahy Soap Works, 64 Macauley Ave, y Toronto, Onterio } 1 Pleose And enclosed 4. . conts and . . , labels for | 1 which send me. ,, Old Duich Holders. Colors wanted; | IVORY J) GREEN So 2 a Q : 3 = iy. " cw ns ---_--_-- -_ BLUE) simmidsmiisiiain rinse PIOVINGS . 1 ly has a francnise from a municl- | Si TCHING SKIN | {rritati Soothe, promote vi po pti fafection with Dodds OINTMENT In a far like the finest face creams. Price 50¢ tutions. Of course I was not privi- leged to see the report but they seem to be favorable enough to en- courage your Commission in their negotiations with us. We have eventually settled, after consider- able detailed discussion, the terms of the agreement you now have be- fore you. We belleve that they are fair and equitable all round. We be. lieve they represent a workable, practicable arrangement, To Establish Coke Plant "We believe that your gas system in the city of Oshawa presents a real opportunity for the development of a coking plant and the extension of a distribution system into the sur- rounding district for many miles, It we were not confident of this, frankly, we would not be interested in the purpose of your system, We could not hope to operate your sys- tem at any profit to ourselves at all as a unit such as it now exists, It is only by its development and expen- sion to the utniost degree that we can hope to make it even moderate ly profitable. With the assent of your electors and the co-operation of your citizens, I can assure you that Utilities Power and Light Cor- poration will make the Oshawa Gas System a real gas producing dis tribution system. The very minute that the distribution of gas, even nearly approaches the point where the manufacture of coke is at all feasible I can assure you that a coking plant will bo established in the City of Oshawa, beyond the shadow of doubt. *'May I point out, in connection with the coking plant matter, that the establishment of such a plant involves the expenditure of a very large sum of money. According to the type that is adopted it would re- quire anywhere from one million ta two million dollars. We would like to secure from your city council, with the least possible delay, the necessary land for this purpose on your harbour front so confident are we that a coking plant will be a reality in a very short time, and. so anxious are we that the necessary land required for the purpose may not be taken up for other uses. "May I point out that, under the terms of the agreement we have already paid to you over $18,000.00 We are obliged to expend $100,000 on the extension of your plant with. in one year. Ecluding interest pay- ments, we will be obliged to pay vou, within the year, a total of $7,154, as principal payment. Add- ing these figures together you will see that by this time next year, on these items along, we will have ex- pended a total sum of $125,000.00. But that it not all. If we purchase your system, we must immediately get up an organization and a per- sonnel to manage and extend it. We must purchase or rent or build pre mises for our administration cen- tre. We must have a resident en- gineer, a resident manager and all the office staff and adiinistrative | personnel that is absolutely neces- sary, for the management and par- ticularly for the development that we are obliged to do within a year. It must be obvious therefore that our investment in Oshawa will greatly exceed the sum of $125,000 within the very first year. We can- not expect to make a return on this investment for several years. I really feel that we are taking the gamble not you. However, that is for you to {say. In closing I assure you that | whatever the outcome may be we | will always have the kindliest feels Ings towards the city of Oshawa and {Its officials. Your officials have been most kind and courteous, al- though I have to admit strictly business-like and anxious to drive a hard barbain. If you accept us in your midst and allow us to be part of your growing city, I can fuither assure you that you will never have any need to regret. The motto of Utilities Power and Light Corpora- tion is service. In pursuing that motto I belleve that we may be a large contributing factor in indus- trial development of your city and in its domestic happiness. BOTH SIDES 01D OF GAS QUESTION (Continued from page 1) ed offer outlined in a circular widely distributed in the city. "If you like to take the risk of turn- ing down the offer you are voting on, that 4s your privilege. But you are taking some chances, It isn't all a matter of dollars and cents, Mr. Tate's company speciale izes in the gas business, and mane agement and knowledge count for a great deal," he said. While the agreement did not specifically promise a coking plant, it did say the company would try to develop a big system i1 the dis. trict. "If other places knew that the company was bound to build a big coking plant in Oshawa, tne firm would have a hard time get. ting suitable franchises in other towns," Mr. Stacey pointed ovt, Of all the places mentioned in the circular sent out by the op- Warrs All Past 40 (10 Heed These Signs It you are troubled with burn- ing irritations, Kidney or Bladder Weakness, scanty elimination, fre- quent, annoyance day and night; swollen feet or ankles and pains in the back, lower abdomen or down through the groins--you should try the amazing value of Dr. Southworth's "Uratabs" and see what a wonderful difference they make! 1f this grand old formula of a well known physician brings you the swift comfort ft has brought to others, you surely will be thankful and very well pleaged. If it does not sati«fy, the druggist that supplied you is 2uthe orized to return your money on | | ' | ' [ i sini § J the first box purchased. At all good drug stores, | 25% ponents of the bylaw as showing a profit, only Brockville had the same type of plant as Oshawa. But | the profits Oshawa would get from taxes alone on the plant would be greater than many of the places rentioned, were earning, and this city would have no investment in 'the plant to worry about. The gas plant would still have to vom- pete with the city-owned electric system, and the local commlesion's intention was to keep the electric rates down and make competition as keen as possible. "A big development in the city such as the Utilities Power and Light is contemplating, is of much more value than a few thousand dollars in a purchase price, offer- ed by a company that is {nexperi- enced and might throw the plant back as a deadhead," sald Mr. Stacey, in closing. "On March 31 our government grant for relief will cease, and it will be a great thing for Oshawa when the Utilities Power and Light start spending the $100,000 they have pledged themselves to use in developing the. local plant with a year," Mayor Marks interjected. Ben BE. Tate, of Chicago, in whose name the agreement for the purchase of the Oshawa gas plant has been drawn up, was given a splendid hearing during his ad- dress, which explained the position of himself and his associates in the Utilities Power and Light Cor poration. That address is report- ed elsewhere in this issue. Col, J. F, Grierson The city solicitor, Col. J. F. Grierson, said that, while he was in favor of public ownership of utilities, the time had come when a money-losing proposition like the Oshawa gas plant should he sold. We could borrow money to fix up the plant, but then we'd have an even greater debt to meet, and I am absolutely opposed to borrowing any more money in Oshawa in some time. We lose o junk heap and get a good industry in return," he said. r I. 'W. Watkinson On invitation from the chair, ¥, W. Watkinson spoke as an oppon- ent of the by-laws, He protested that he did not oppose the sale of the plant but did want the city to get the best possible terms. He declared that of the $100,000 to be spent within a year under the agreement to be voted upon, the first $25,000 would be spent on a generating plant and it would be three months before any money would be spent on employig labor. Ile declared that the last-minute Canadian offer was the best. "I cannot conceive of gas pipe lines from Oshawa to Lindsay to Peterboro and Belleville. It would be cheaper to put plants there. It cost the Hamilton Gy-Products Coke Co. $14,000 per mile to run mains to Oakville," he sald. The Canadian offer was the best he repeated. It asked for no fixed assessment, whereas the Tate in- terests wanted an assessment of $84,000 when they contemplated a plant worth $2,000,000. Why give a favor to a big corporation and making the smaller taxpayer carry the city taxes?" he sald. He wanted both offers to be put to the people at ome time. "Who is making the Canadlan offer?" asked Col. Grierson. "The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario is in the deal," gald Mr. Watkinson. "I dispute that statement, The Hon, W. D. Ross is not in the Mil- ner-Ross Company, although his son 18," gald Ernie Dixon, who was in the audience. Later he con- firmed this by a telephone call to | In gratitude for his essistance in the trials of Miss En Wd 11, the | speed Loat, on Lough Neagh, Ire- | | land, recently, loyal ivishmen pre-! | sented a shillelagh to Kay Dou, | the statements in the pamphlet is-) sued by Mr. Parks, "If the Utilities Power and Light Company doesn't reduce the price of gas, it can't sell gas, therefore the clause in the agreement re- garding rates deesn't mean a thing," he said. "You are led to believe by the pamphlet issued by Mr. Parks that Belleville hag a gold mine, But | courage enough to defend a wile. the auditor's report shows a defi- |, eit of over £4,000 last year instead | of a profit and there is a 'bank | overdraft of $61,000," he said. "No representatives of the Mil- ner-Ross firm ever appeared before the Public Utilities Commidsion, let alone promised to sell no stock | in Oshawa as reported in the pams- phlet," the speaker declared, "The statements in that pamphlet ave | not based on facts," Mr, Mason | further stated. { The development of the harbor was also largely interwoven with | the -poseibility of the location of n ! large gas and coke plant at the harpor, Mr, Mason said in clos- Among the Indians of the Ama- | zong, the bridegroom nlust first. thrust bis arm into a bagtul of | white ants to prove that he hus Aylmer Products Are Sold by . Superior Stores or Ww A and See wnere The reason for the popu- larity of LOBLAW Teas is the consistent quality . Maintained by our Tea Sadet.. Experts. Specials for Week of SPECIAL--Robin Hood Rapid Rolled Oa S Eats Dirt! Gillett's Lye | Tin 25 ¢ V6ood Vale | / 4 ¢ Dependable Everyday Savings at LOBLAW'S Mr. Rose. Mr. Watkinson admitted that he | wasn't sure of his statement, | Answering Mr. Watkinson, Mr, | Tate declared that the cost of trunk gas mains was $6,000 per | mile, and it was being piped in the United States for distances up to 600 miles, "Will you agree to amend the agreement to definitely promise to build a coking plant?' asked Mr. Watkinson. "Yes, if Oshawa will agree to use 3,000,000 cubic feet of gas per day for all purposes, at a very, very much reduced rate," Mr, Tate sald, R. D. Preston The city was not getting real gas now, sald R., D, Preston, "we are just getting some kind of a concoction that burns." Mr. Tate and his associates would supply real gas, he was confident, He ag- vised the sale of the plant, Eddie McDonald In loud tones Eddie McDonald registered his opposition to the wy-laws, He repeated many times chat he favored the Canadian >uer vecause he warted Canadian cap- tal to have first chance, | ¥. L. Mason { The twenty elected directors of Jie city's amairs were unanimous Jr supporting the proposition be- | wore the people, sald ¥. L., Mason, a member of the Fublie Utilities Commission, The fact that the Oshawa gas plant was for sale was proadcust cirough the press several months ago, and it was not kept a secret, 48 had been claimed. The speaker reterred to several offers made to the commission, three of them came to nothing, une offer was to repair the present plant for $182,000 and to epend $50,000 on main extensions, and "the commission didn't have the nerve to ask the citizens of Osh- awa for the money," Mr. Mason sald, The fifth proposition, from F. A. Parks, who 1s distributing pamphlets opposing the bylaws, was for a scheme of making gas that was still in the experimental stage, The sixth was from Ben E. Tate. A seventh proposition, from Mil- ner-Roes Securities Co., Toronto, was received on Feb, 5, five days after the agreement with Hen Tate had been approved by ihe commission, The Milnér-Ross offer was '"'cou- ditional upon the formation of a company to operate the system.' The company would agree to spend $100,000 to $160,000," to re-ha- bilitate the plant "with the least possible delay," Mr. Mason said. = Questions Pamphlet, The speaker questioned some of Olives Lunch Queen, Somor Brand Mason Jar......... . Jar bY Sweet Mixed Pickles Grimsby Brand...................8 oz. Bottle Bovril "Body Builder", Forties against Colds and Iliness................4 oz. Bottle 5 Eggweat Noodles cacens's Fine or Broad...................6 oz. Package 24¢ 14c 67¢ 9c RA Ay 4 AW 7 a 11 'sPECIALLY PRICED SPECIAL --Nature's Best--Choice eaches LILY Brand Chicken Haddie Tin 19c Groceterias Close each 0 Wednesday at 12.30 i : : Pp. m. } Ah and will continue to close each PPUND Wednesday afternoon as long as Oshawa's other leading Food Stores continue to do so. No. 2 Squat Size Tins Carrots It's Good--Shirriff's ORANGE MARMALADE 32 oz. Jar 33c¢c I - Grape Jolly shirpie's-- True Fruit BYOE cs icirbtrisssrisinamis iris 18 OZ Jar OR Glassco's ni40 Oe 23¢ | Cherry Jam Exceptional Value glass Jar 36¢ Shortening Domestic and Easisirst 9 cuon50 Purely Vegetable--1 Ib, Carton Ege. 0 Cake Mixture Ready rouse 930 No. 1 Size Tins [SPECIAL--AYLMER-- Sweet C , Add Water only . SUNGra Breakfast Food 23c The Vitamin Cereal.......... Pkg. Rs i SPECIAL--Golden Hallowi Dates: Fresh Stock AYLMER Choice Diced Beets for the Best 4's SOVEREIGN : Tin Rich Red Sockeye Antiseptic--Preserying Poliflor 1b. Tin WAX 44c¢ Baking Powder charm Band ol ng For Better Satisfaction ........... : Gruyere Cheese swe ne. 250 is Popping Corn Little Buster--Hulless 1c mported Solid uaranteed £o Pop .........ccmmmn. Ti0 2 Size Tin 4c Pears Aylmer --Choies Quality 9 v.10 Beans Golden Wax--Ayimer Choice Quality ............... No. Lowest Prices Canadian SALMON 19¢ i 32¢ WALRUS Cohos 1's Tin 2527¢ 'CALEDONIA Choice Pink SELF SERVE 99 Groceterias in Ontario 3 25¢C Th 12c Hol: 1W.\' J SPECIAL--Quaker Brand cakeFlour 23¢ CASH and (oF-N2314 4 GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED

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