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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Apr 1931, p. 5

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ten RN el AD THE OSHAWA DA v VIES, W LLIN D omen's Interests in the Home and The Community Social & Personal Any social notes which read- care to submit will be print. Kindly or send them before 10.30 Mr. and Mrs, Chas P. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conley attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Jacob M. Brooks, held in Peterboro, on Monday. oe Mr. J. H. Grant, of Shanghai, China, employed by the Standard Oil Company there, is in town for & few days visiting his sister, Mrs. jrmen O'Connor, Colbourne Street st. ._ = . Mrs. Bro LP.M., Mrs. Creigh- ton, Mrs. Stirling, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Stephenson of Sunbeam Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, were, in Toronto on Monday attending the reception given at the Royal York Hotel for the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. A, Carruthers and the Worthy Grant Patron, Dr. J. M. Cation, LJ - - The Willing Workers Mission Band of King Street United Church, §s giving an Easter entertainment on Thursday April 2. It will be held fn the Sunday school. . . - Mr. and Mrs. Jack Long enter- tained at a delightful party at their home, 123 Alice Street, on the oc- casion of their second wedding an- niversary. There were 20 guests present .and the hostess received many beautiful gifts including a walnut tea wagon. . . - The members of St. Andrew's | United Church choir were guests of the Ladies' Aid Society of that church at a banquet !2ct evening. Easter colors of nauve and yellow were carried out in the decoration scheme which featured daffodils and tulips and candles of the two pastel shades. The guests were re- ceived by Mrs, P. Wannan and Mrs, M. F. Armstrong and ushered to their places at table by Mrs. Broom- field, president of the society. At the conclusion of the dinner Rev. F. J. Maxwell, acting 'as toastmaster, proposed a toast to the choir to which Mrs. Grant Berry responded. Mrs. A. G. Broomfield responded to a vote of thanks that was extended to the Ladies' Ald Boctety, Mrs. Thomas Gale, 98 Athol St,, lent her home for a tea given on Monday afternoon by the ladies of Mrs. Wm, Boddy's group of Simcoe Street Ladies' Aid Soclety. Tt was a very charming affair, it was at- tended by about 356 guests. Mrs, Harston was in charge of the pro- gram. A solo was rendered by Miss Marion Ross. Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Kilgour sang a vocal duet and Mrs. Yates gave several readings. An in- strumental trio composed of Miss Latimer, pianist, Mrs. Hoag, cellist. and Miss Minaker, violinist, play- ed some delightful numbers. * . * The Adanac Social Club held its weekly dance in the ball room cf Hotel Genosha, last evening. * - Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin returned vesterday morning from North Bay where she was addressing the pupils of the North Bay Normal School on the subject of Home and School Club ethics Mrs. Me- Laughlin is one of the seven vice- presidents of the Ontario Federa- tion of Home and School Clubs who have taken it upon them- selves to instill further interest in the Home and School movement by pointing out its values to teacliers in training In the province. Miss Dorothy Cutler, librarian of the Oshawa Public Library and Miss Jean Merritt, assistant jihrar- on our new Keen machine Chosen by us after careful con. sideration of all methods as the finest obtainable. Let us show you the unusually beautiful waves achieved by us with this re natural waves « it rival nature's own in lus. 3) od charm. What would be more 'appro- priate? Than a permanent wave for Easter. Phone now for an appointment or call to talk it over with us. Regular $15 for $10 Regular $10 for $7.50 WATSON"S Beauty Parlors B Celina St. Phone 2653. { fan, will attend the Librarians' Convention to be held in Toronto | on Easter Monday and Tuesday. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, of I Raglan, Ontario, announce the en- | ragement of their only daughter, | Stella Bernice to Mr. Donald Ar- | thur Mackin, youngest son of Mr. | William J. Mackin, of Port Pérry and the late Mrs. Mackin. The marriage is to take place quietly on April eighteenth. HOLY TRINITY WOMEN'S AUXILIARY On Tuesday afternoon the usual W.A. meeting was held at Holy Trinity Church, Court Street. There was a good attendance. After the devotional service final arrange- ments were made for the 3rd anni versary Pirthday Party of the church which will be held, Wednes- day, April 8th, at 7.30 o'clock. A splendid program in which several first class artists will take part has been arranged. Refreshments will be served. It is hoped that friends and those interested in Holy Trinity Church will attend the Birthday Party, and lend their presence to held make it a success. The party is being given under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary. UST one of scores of charming ex- amples of fine Foot wear, mow priced well within most budgets. DIVIDED INTO FOUR SEPARATE GROUPS. $6.00 $5.00 $3.95 $9.95 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY a WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Wo! on ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN Here's one of the smartest dresses of the new season in simple good taste for day wear, And into the bargain, it's slimm- ing, too. The Wraphed skirt wives charming height to the figure, closing as it does at the left side front, "with its snug fitting hip yoke, button trim- med. The cross-over front has a de- cidedly narrowing effect on the bod- ice. The neckline is most bécoming with flat applied band trim and soft- ly falling jabot frill. Style No. 3018 is designed for sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust, A plaided Sheer woolen was used for the original model in dark blue 'tones, The trim in plain shade mat- ched the lightest tone of the plaided fabric. The bone buttons choose the deepest tone. It's a dress that will give excellent service for all spring. Jersey, tweed and flat crepe silk also suitable. Size 36 requires 334 yards of 39- inch material with J¢ yard of 39- inch contrasting, You will see one attractive style after another as you turn over the Jagee of our new Spring Fashion ook. Styles for children or the miss, the matron, the stout--and a series of dressmaking articles. It is a book that will save you money. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book 10 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents Send. Pattern requests Daily Times The to No. 3018. Size .... No. 2835. Size ..... ADVENTIST CHURCH. The congregation of the Seventh Day Adventist Church on Albert St, has not yet decided when work will be proceeded with on the construec- tion of the superstructure of this buflding, The Times was informed yesterday afternoon. The hasement was erected last fall and has been occupied by the congregation dur- ing the winter, Work on the upper part of the building will not start until after May 1 at least, according to Leonard Payne, an official of the congregation. A bobbed-haired girl of 22 has been found guilty of burglary at Nice, France. Aircraft builders in Italy are sending many planes to Rusia. Janan is launching several firri- gation projects. More that $6,000,000 will be spent by Italy for government em- ployees housing. 'land salt silted together. For The Homemaker and : Housekeeper HONEY THE NATURAL SWEET Honey, the natural food and to what other use do you put it than something to eat with muffins of hot | biscuits? Its uSes are innumerable, both in and on foods. Honey is an energy food which supplies us with the necessary vim and vigour to con- tinue on our modern busy way. 'As it i8 a natural sugar and a simple one it is easy of digestion and quick- ly absorbed into the blood stream. Dr. Banting, the discoverer of in- sulin for diabetes, tells of an island in the South, Dominco, The na- tives of the island live on raw cane sugar and there is no trace of diabet- es among them, butt of the wealthier class of Spaniards dwelling on the same island who can afford to pur- chase the refined sugar, there are many who are suffering from the dis- case. Honey, however, is not a cure for diabetes, but it does serve to act as a good preventative. Fruits lend themselves so grace- fully to the absorption of honey. Have you ever heard of drizzled hon- ey? To drizzle it, you place a jar of clear honey in a pan of hot water and allow it to stand about ten min- utes. During this time the honey thing and is in condition to be driz- zled, that is, poured 'over the fruit in a thin stream. Grapefruit for breakfast with honey drizzled over it is good. Try it! Apples baked without sugar and while still het, Loney - drizzled over them-sbaked fruits such as pears and peaches may be done this way too. Next time you prepare a fruit cocktail, sweeten it with honey. For there is a flavour in it as well as a sweetness. Some oth- er practical uses of this natural sweet are contained in the recipes below: Applesauce Cake 1-3 cup shortening 34 cup honey 1 cup applesauce 14 teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoon nutmeg Ya teaspoon ci 'y teaspoon > cups flour 1 cup raisins, sceded ¢ cup walnuts I teaspoon baking soda 1 tabelspoon hot water Cream shortening and honey well, add applesauce, then flour, spices, Add rais- ins and nuts, then soda dissolved in hot water. Beat well. Bake in a moderate over 350 degrees F, for one liour, I suggest IToncy and Nut Filling (or Biscuits, and Honey Date 'Cake. Honey and Nut Filling for Biscuits 1 cup, almonds or peacans, finely chopped J tablespoons honey Mix honey with cliopped nuts and spread mixture in fresh, buttered tea biscuits, Honey Date Cake 1 cup dates 1 cup boiling V4 cup honey Yacup brown sugar 1-3 cup butter, 3 cups flour water Arash--a skin sore Eczema? DDD has no rival in the treatment" of skin disorders. A doctor's forn: ala that doctors recommend. An ac kve fluid that destroys the disease ge: ms in the skin. DDD cools, soothes, henls, The blemished skin is washed clean. F. W. Thompson Drug Store Smart Styles in REEFERS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Sizes 13; to 6 From $3.95 to $7.50 LAMBLE'S LADIES' SPRING COATS $12.95 and up The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. 3 teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon soda CER "we 1 cup chopped walnuts Cook dates with water. Remove from fire. Add honey and brown sugar, Cream butter, add beaten egg, then date mixture, Add sifted dry ingredients and nuts. Bake in a buttered pan in a moderate oven 350 degrees I, for 50 minutes, Twisting a long threaded belt in its handle tightens or loosens the strings in a tennis racket invented by'a New York man, Sweden will spend $20,000,000 in raflway electrification. Glasgow. Scotland, has a cam- paign against women smoking in theatres. WM.S. PETITIONS GOVERNMENT Missionary Society Takes Stand on Liquor Question At the annual meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of the Osh- awa Presbytery held here in King Street Church last Thursday, March 26th, the following: resolution was drafted and sent to the Right Hon. R. B. Bennett at Ottawa for consid- eration at Parliament now in session: "Whereas the trafficking in intoxi- cating liquors between Canada and the United States had for many years been a source of international irritation and, Whereas, at the urgent request of a large body of the electorate of the Dominiont of Canada, without politi- cal distinction and embracing all re- ligious beliefs, the late Government passed a bill, endorsed by the lead- ers of all political parties, forbidding clearance papers to consignments of liquor to countries under prohibitory laws and, Whereas the passing of said act has greatly minimized the exporta- tion of liquor into the United States, thereby Strengthening friendly rela- tions with our neighbors, and, Whereas it is currently reported that a strong effort is about to be made at the present session of the Parliament of. Canada, to repeal that act, be it - Resolved that we, the Oshawa Presbyterial of the Women's Mis. sionary Society of the United Chutch of Canada, in session assembled, in King St. Church, Oshawa, March 26th, 1931, do urgently petition the Right Honorable R. Bennett, Prime Minister of Canada, and his Parliament, now in session at Ot- tawa, to disallow any interference with this piece of beneficial legisla- tion." BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR PRESIDENT OF LADIES' AUXILIARY A birthday party in honor of the birthday of the president, Mrs, H. Foote, formed the feature of the regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiljary of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion last night. The meeting room in the market building was filled to capacity, and an interesting and enjoyable even- ing was spent. 'Mrs. Foote was presented With a beautify) and a bouquet of flowery, Plage one of the members brought along a large birthday cake which playeq a prominent part in the refregy- ment period. The business meeting includeq the initiation of tWo new mempers while five more applications fou membership were accepted, A rangements were pushed forwap for the bazaar which is to be hej by the Auxiliary in the near fy ture and also for the next whiy drive, to be held at the home ¢ Mrs. Seeward, 100 Willlam street. east, this evening. An interesting program was pr sented, including a sketch, "Lag | | of Memory," by Mrs, Pollard, Mrs, Severs, Mrs. Owen. Mrs. W, Clarke gave an excellent reading, and re. freshments were served to coms plete a very enjoyable social hour, The sweetest bird builds near the ground, The loveliest flower springs low; And we must stoop for happiness If we its worth would know, Snapping into place for use, the handle of a new coffec pot is re- leased to lift the lid. A resident of Cleveland has invent ed a device that shuffles cards and delivers four hands for bridge in 27 seconds. $13.95 up. Special showing of auspicious occasion. Looking Your Best Easter Day Costs So Little This Year! Ladies' and Misses' Newest Spring Coats in one of the season's greatest varieties, featuring the new fabrics such as Chango etc. Priced moderate- ly and certainly worth a look over. Ladies' and Misses' Suits in sport Tweeds and English Cheviot Serge. All of the very newest. Priced from Easter Frocks Through special purchases we are able to give a selection (that makes us proud) to show the public at this New A Brimmed Hat of Baku. with gros grain ribbon etc. is in the newest of our new models. All head sizes. A Bag of the finest in calf or antelope, and new spring shades may be chosen from our smart selection. from $1.95 up to $6.95. Gloves galore too numerous in styles and qualities to start to explain, in a great assortment. We feature the Priced from $1.95 up to $6.50. Priced Black and White TILLIE THE TOILER SAW My BANMIKER AND HE ADVISED ME AGAINST INVESTING MONEY IN THAT "TRICK STOCK, ges "Goam.') BUT | THINK YOURE PASSING MAC HELLO, WILBUR @ WHATS "THAT ? IT'S All RIGHT WITH MME = HOLD "THE » LINE A ", SECOND, LL ASK OH, HOW LOVELY ~- . EA ( "THROWING A HELLO, WILBUR - MAC "WiLL 60 AND THANKS A YAR Lor ) £8 \ -e

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