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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Apr 1931, p. 7

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i n INR. » { # Royal Bank Building. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1931 PAGE SEVEN RL it Is To Be Bought Or Sold- Times Classified Ads Will Do I Legal > Dental: For Rent CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries rublic. Ete Conveyancing ana general 'prae- tice in Law. Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Fhone & G. nN. Conant, B.A,, LL.B; A. I. An- nis, B.A, LL.B, W. B. N. SINCLAIR K.0. BAN of Commerce Building. JOS . MANGA « BAR- rister; Solicitor, Notary Public. 'Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residen hone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barristers, etc, Bank of Ch)mmerce Bldg. [LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcce street north. Phone 67. Resi dence 3473W. GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAR- Hata Solicitors, ete., 2414 Simcoe . Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Sty to loan. 'ALEX C. HalLL, B.A. BARRIS: DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas :xtraction. Nurse in at tendance. Phone 959. House 13ia DR. }.F. N RoC DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 22W. Evenings by ap- pointment. DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES, 'Dentists, 37 King St. E. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-ray VICTORIA APARTMENTS = AT new lcw rentals, electric refrigeration electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apply superintendent. Phone 2533F. (55tf) SIMCOE MANOR = FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone A B (55¢ THREE AND 4 ROOM APART- treats diseases of ali domesticated animals. Thornton's Corners, Phone Oshawa 202 ring 2. (9 may 2) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence 542 Sim. coe street, north, Phone 210) and 210W. CSHAWA BURIAL TCO M. iE work. Nurse in attendance. Phone | nants. Modern 9 the minut OTR. . x e. 1243 and 864. Phone 1550 or 2347W. (132¢f) Veterinary FOR RENT--MODERN 4 ROOMS, OR WD. FORSYTHE, VE, bath, electric stove and other con- veniences in business section, New. Apply Box 106 Times. (26 jan tf) FOR RENT -- BACHELOR apartment, furnished, newly dec- orated, heated, electric light, water, in business section, Apply 194 Times. (7 mar tt) FOR RENT--6¢ ROOMED HOUSE, hardw~od floors throughout, fire- ter, ete. Conveyancing and general | Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. lace ofi pav . (practice. 23% King St. East. | Funeral and Ambulance Service acs Fly es oy Ritson Phone. 3237. (tt) | day and. night. Phone 1082W. 8 (11 apr ¢) FRANK S. EDBBS, BARRISTER, | Selina, 3D | 515 RENTS 4 ROOMED HOUSE, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey: . Spirella Conveniences. Electricity. Gar- ancer, money to loan. Third Qoor|______ P! age. Phone 2435W. 5 (77d) new Alger Building, opposite Post | WITH THE NEW LINES OF FOR RENT--- MAY 13 rg Office Phone 2498. fashions Spirelta solves your probe |... oq" pio 4 0ige rid Harold Medical le. $8) dine Blatter, y Snager, Blectreitly, gas, furnace, garage. one M, (13 apr ©) | Apply 150 Centre St. (78¢) DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr, B. J. Hezlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. Harper special attention to child: ren's Diseases and uUbstetrics. . fun- day and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence King St. East, corner Vie- toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants. and cnildren. Office and residency 97 Bond East. Phone 1156. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D,, C. M L.R:C.}. and B8., Edinburgh Phy- sielany, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe 8t. N. Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consul R. N. johns, 8 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attend- & to and vour interests protected. Transportation CARTAGE - AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in furniture moving. Storage ware- house and moving van equipment Phone BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE -- General cartage and household turni- ture moving. Special attention to Commercial work. Local and long 'FOR RENT--HOUSE, SUITABLE for one or two families, Rent reas- onable, Apply 194 Division St. (78¢) #OR RENT--7 ROOMED HOUSE, Whiting Ave. Apply at 33 Whiting Ave, (78¢) FOR RENT--3 FURNISHED rooms, electric stove, private en- trance, $6 weekly. 107 Westmore- land Ave, Possession April 10. i (78¢) FOR RENT SIX ROOM BRICK house, furnace, conveniences, gar- age. Close to Motors, Rent eight een, 301 French St. (78¢) ROOMS TO LET -- 561 SIMCOB St. N. Large front room suitable for two. Board optional, Phone S6TW. (78¢) FOR RENT--7 ROOMED BRICK BE who rings doors be'l.s louie ing for a job, a rocun or any ' desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route indeed. Our Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure an (mmediate interview with an interesied prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 Rates for Classified Ads | tions for the price cents a word), } insertions 60c. { Professional or | Pirst insertion--134 cents ui two first insertions (three Minimum charge for three Box number 10¢ additional. Business Cards, $2.50 per month Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dry i body wood. Waterous Meek Limited. f Phone 1288 (apr 26tf) i sai a: hd 1 bs WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- i ues in rebuilt Underwoods, They are l§{ as serviceable as when new--at less than half the cost. Sent for your ap- per word. | }] proval. Address "Underwood," 135 | Minimum charge for ome ||| Victoria St, Toronto. (oct 19, 31) insertion 80c. ||| FOR SALE -- PAIN' IS, VARN- Each subsequent consecu- ishes. We have the largest assort- tive Insertion 1c per []| nent of paints. v nishes, etc, in the word. [| city. The Paint Store, 80 King. St. Three consecutive fnser- ||| 'VeSt (Apr. 25 Wf) ot FOR SALE --~ DRY HARDWOOD $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a corde Norman Sanders, King St. East. Phone 1774M. (9 jan tr) FOR SALE--GOOD MIXED WOOD 14 cord $3.00. 'W. H. Thompson, King St. W. Phone 742J. distance. 609 Carnegie Ave., Oshawa. j Nerth. Phone 3156. Phone 1618. 8 (dee 10 tf) house. Modern conveniences, wired for 20 words or less, 10 (9 apr ¢) DR. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET. | =m ssc oo ede) for electric stove, will rent three cents a word per month . re ------ riclan, Physician and Surgeon. Beauty Parlors rooms 'or four rooms. low rent. for each additional word. ||| "OR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, 1 Special Féfarence 10 maternity work BETTY LOU PE RMANENT Close to Motors. Stucco garage. | Sifders $1.50 per truck load de- an seases peculiar to women " Garden. Apply 262 Haig St. ivered. Phone Essery Bros., 657J. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Wave Shop. a in perian, omy $7 (190) Phone 35 Ys apr ©) treet North. Phone 303. ent, finger and marcel waving. Per. |= EN UN YY AR en i IW GRAHAM MD BSc SUC" manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and FOR RENT---306 ST. ELOL 0 yal SALE : MIRED HAkD ANL . . M, M.D, i $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul- rooms, All conveniences. Vacant. J Ask ¢ ified Ad | soft wood glabs, also bodywood. Jessor to or, 31. JL TEick, PBIalc: ture; Phone 2068. Apply 8 Sincoe | $18 Murdoch, Phone 2550. . or Classifie | All dry and under cover. Phone a Sool ioaticn to | aueet north. : - CA Department [35 2582: oe errearrae ARE £1 Dt ror und diseases of | EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET. | FOR RENT--1 ROOMED APART |} rissa || FOR SALE -- HARDWOOD 4 women. Office and residence, 167 |ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent ment in Jones Block. ood Son ---- Se $3.08, McQualq Cartage & ., ' i 3 > a KR . 3 > 9499 R Wa h JM veniences, Phone 538 Rose's Rea Moving. hone 2423W day .or Simcoe St. N. Phone 303. 3 ve Shoppe (Mareet and shampoo | pod! S01 (19¢) Work Wanted evening. Yor ane 0) MARCELLING 35. FOR RENT--5 ROOMED HOUSE, | HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED | FOR SALE--<~RECONDITIONED Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY VETBRINARIAN Specialist, Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 620. : (6b aug. tf ES, "AT I------ Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at bie office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday fom 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treat- ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97 Second Hand Dealer ¥ 4 NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M. a (25 dec tf) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE Architectural work. GENERAL Second floor Phone 1496 'Res. phone 909J. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects. Simcoe St. S. Over Felt Bros. Auctioneer - PHONE 7i0). W. | SULIEY Auctioneer, M6 Simcoe St. S., Osh awa, Ont, Special attention given to household frrnifuré sales and farm stock and implements, "Your patron- ge solicited. ia PMER WILBUR, TAUNTON, Ont., farm and house sale specialty. Tefms,low, Phone Oshawa 1648 r 2-4. (28 apr ¢) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, RE- pairs and alterations, dréessmak- ug, buttons and buttonholes. The Pell Shop, 261; Simcoe 8. Phone 1656 (Jan. B-1 mc) Elocution LESSONS IN. ELOCUTION AND lic king. Private cr in last, dot) wm phones. Lois Mund Ko, 35 or 312 i %a 17-1 mo. : ; 00D Ti . vy and farms. Aoply As et Parkhill 37 King St. East, Phone 16 0 AN-- available, first mortgage money on good residential property. Apply Bradley Bros. "17 'mar ¢) Palmist ANE Palmist on matters of JOPOFLARCE. '93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Busi- ness private. (1 may ¢) Vocal HERION E. ROSS, AT accept pupils in volce production and singing. Phone No. 6. (12 _apr_¢) ¢) iit gpa mn Motor Cars 1077 CHEY, TRUCK, GOOD CON- dition. Will sell reasonable. Cash or terms. Phone 17161. (80c) , NOTICE 118 GENTLEMAN WHO 17 miles from Oshawa please «ol wnin 2035W as his address was migunderstoody (79¢) yo FINGER Waving 50c, hair cutting 25c at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors. Ask for Miss Robbins. Phone 71, (20 Apr.c) 3 PERMANENT "WAVE SPECIALS $15 for $7.56 Permanent wave with real $5.0 ends a special for $4.75. Other waves from $3.50 to $12. Finger wave and shampoo 75s. Phone 1818W. Ask for Ar- thur Huyck at 220 Clark St. (18 Apr.-c) DELUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE EX- perts In permanent, finger and marcel waving. Permanent waves $5, $7.50, $10, $15. Phone 38. Over Ward's Store. (30 apr c) 26c TRIMS AND 35¢c MARCELS. Ask for Miss Duquette. Phone 28. (30 mar c) Music HERBERT ©. IRENEER, A.T.C.M Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church will accept pupils in piano, pire organ and vocal music 50 William Street, East. Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) LEONARD RICHER, L.R.A.M, Supervisor of Music. 0652 Carnegie Avenue, 2578F (Aug 25 tf) NOW 18 THE TIME 10 HAVE your plano tuned or repaired. Call G. Thomson. Phone 2069J. (4 may c) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN- ity work. Doctor's references. Mrs. Borrowdale. * Phone 1618. (30 apr ¢) MATER- PRACTICAL NURSE, erence, assists with housework. Reasonable rates. Mrs. Noble. Phone 3032). (31 mar c) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, desires maternity work. Mrs. Slack, 242 Eulalle Ave. Phone . 2607J. (1 may c) Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL for sale=To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery die. W. Borrcwdale. Phone 1618. Battery Service SALES AND SERVICE PLATE Lock "Batteries, car or radio bat- teries charged, 7ic. Called for and delivered. W. H., Platt, 317 Celina. Phone 1556J. (10 apr ¢) A 1ES A D 76¢ with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD VORB TWO, in a qufet home. All conveniences. 241 Dearborn Ave. Price $7. (78¢c) = ' Money Wanted MONEY WANTUD FIVE TO SIX thousand dollars, first mortgage, on central residential property, valyed fifteen thousand, Box 281 Times. (80¢c) Wanted*to Buy WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH price for raw furs, Write or phone for quotation. Stein, Whitby, Phone 81, (11 apr ¢) nity, general nursing, doctors' ref-' 282 Ritson road north, modern conveniences, garage. Apply 159 Athol St. E. Phone 516M, (80¢) FOR RENT--5 ACRES OF LAND. Bmall house and barn. 13 miles from city. Apply Box 280 Times. (80¢) 26 RENTS 6 ROOMED HOUSE, conveniences. paved street, Phone 19477. (80¢) FOR RENT--DOUBLE HOUSE, 3 piece bath, hardwood floors, wired for electric stove, garage. 6 room- ed house, econvenlences, garay garden, Apply at 143 Centre St. £303) Furniture Repairing REMNANT AND REUPHOLSTER- ing Co., The Upholsterers. Mohairs. plushes by piece or yard. Autos. furniture upholstered, portlere curtains. 155 €imcoe St. S. Phone 3318. (10 apr ¢) FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, etc. Charges reas- onable. F. A. Morris, 170 Albert St. Phone 731W. Formerly with Luke Furniture Co, (12 apr ¢' UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der. Rebuilding chesterflelds a specialty. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond E. Phone 3322). 12 mar Li mo) Help Wanted--Female WOMAN WANTED FOR KITCHEN work. Apply Commercial. Hotel. (79a) "For Sale or or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT--3 ROOM: ed cottage and garare on paved street. Good sized lot. For infor- mation phone 3359J. Very reas- onahle. (79¢) FOR SALE~ OR RENT--FIVE acres of land with good buildings in Lakeview Gardens. Phone 850 tng 2. (80¢) "Cleaning "and Dyeing and Gent's French dry cleaning and repairing. Goods called for. Phone 525. 66 Bagot St. y (19 apr ¢) prices now in effect, Fry REPAIR now, before the spring rush. and fender repair. work. Special "YOUR DRIVEWAYS, electric stoves, reconditioned elec- tric - washers, reconditioned coal ranges, reconditioned coal annex, Body and Frise, phone 1111, 168 King st. |'°° onditioned gas stoves. Tox W. Night phones 2545J 'and 33ys. | [lardvare, (1 gpr c) (6 apr ¢) | FOR SALE--=-- HARD AND SOI ¢labs, also hard body wood. Phone Johnson's Taxi 200, lawns, gravel, sand, cinders, earth, (2 may *) concrete floors, walks, curbs re- | FOR SALF---USED COOK ST SF ' SALE--USED COOK STOVI. paired. Chris Graham, Phone 3267. and electric ranges. Harry D. Wil (30 mar ¢) | son Hardware, 23 King St. W. WINDOWS, AND ALL KINDS oF | Phone 46. (79¢) house cleaning dome. Gardeus | 'OR SALE---CRUSHED STONE ind lawns taken care of. 2657J, |chips for driveways. Waterous- L261F, (1 may ¢) | Meek Ltd. Phone 1288. eb Eg (6 a ¢ |W ANTED--ALL KINDS OF CAR- i pentering jobs, also shingling. Ex- i i perts on hardwood floors, Phone Auctioneer 968M. tooo (V8) (WATYVANM MAW. LICENSED EXPERIENCED SALES LADY | auctioneer, city and country desires position for afternoons | sales. 25 years' experience. To se- and Saturday evenings. References. [cure a date see Mr. Goodfellow. Phone 19604. (80b) |at the Times Office, , (1 apr ¢) HOUSEKEEPER DESIRES POSI- tion. Phone 2635W. (802 1 EE ° 235W. -------- Livestock --- Radio Service FOR SALE--IRISH WATER - . green -~ | Spaniel, male. 7 months, $10. H. USHAWA RADIO SERVICE--RE- | stacey, Maple Grove, Dowman- pairs on radios, power packs and el- | yiile, 4 (78c) imnators, radio pol s for sale. Batteries ed and repaired. Phone 'Charle- 13 Jed Tubes tested and supplied Vales, 146 Eisin Fag mo) Painting and Decorating: R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erhanger, painting and graining charg- 3350) Ol od ' > 4 a tested free. Jobn Meaghr, 02 She Pine Avenue. Phone 3065W. (72tf) coe North, Phone 371W. yc TT el Lean a Wanted to Rent ALL MODELS REPAIRED, ELIM- | WANTED TO RENT BY MAY inators, power packs, nrices rea- | 1st, 1931, small house or bun- sonable, tubes tested free; battery | zalow. Reasonable rent. Phone recharges 60c. Phone 2800W. | 446M after seven. (78¢) Beolge Burroughs, certified 1adic- (30 apr c) Jchn (20 apr ¢) | FANTED TO RENT--ONE LIGHT Lost and Found Masson St., silver with blue stones, Please retu Brock St. W. Reward. me A Valued as keepsake, St. West, lady's white A Vv gold Gruen MeMillan Drive, LOST--BETWEEN BROCK AND bracelet, Finder re- turn to Times office. Reward. near McMillan Drive, watch, Reward. Phone 3283W. 60 housekeeping room by business girl, Apply Box 279 Times, (80b) WANTED TO RENT--SUITABLE studio required by dancing teach- er for Saturday's only, Must be central and reasonable, Apply Box 283 Oshawa Times, (83h) set rn 48 (78¢) . (19h) Watch Repsting 4 F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT wrist | Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- (802) | ronage is solicited. Help Wanted--Male WANTED--- ASSISTANT CARE- taker Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Give complete experi- ence in letter addressed to Busi- ness Administrator, Board of Edu- cation, Oshawa. (79b) EARN $20 - AND UPWARDS weekly, growing mushrooms for us in cellars and sheds, all spring and summer, Illustrated booklet free. Canadian Mushroom Company, To- ronto, (79b) Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE--ON KING'S HIGH- way, east of Oshawa, 83% acres land with house, barn, hen house and garage, apple and fruit trees. Phone 2856W. (771) FOR SALE--THREE ACRES ,6 roomed cottage, chicken house. Close to city limits, north, Phone 3393. (78¢) 5 ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALK. large lot. cash payment. Also 7 room house to rent. Apply 260 Athol St. (79¢) . Poultry . BABY CHICKS, HATCHING Barred Rocks, White Leg- eggs. horns. Write or phone for cata- logue 1337J. Oshawa Hatchery & Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North, Oshawa. _(21Aprc) POULTRY WANTED -- PAYING highest prices for poultry of all kinds. Special price for fat hens. T. Stien, Whitby. Phone 81. Re- verse charges. (26Apr cc) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Modern six roomed house, Hard- wood floors, In fine residential street. North end. For smaller cheaper house, central or south end of city. Box 278 Times. (79h) OR EXCHANGE-- block of stores and for Osh- FOR SALE Danforth Ave, vacant lot for gas site awa, Residential property. Mur- doch, Phone 2380, (79¢) _-- - ------ AGENTS WANTED RELIABLE MAN FOR ONE HUN- dred store route; this county; ex- perience unnecessary; no selling; distribute and collect. Should net seventy dollars weekly, Shamas Mfg. Co., New Toronto, Ont. . Awnings AWNING AND TENTS, ETC., WE are agents for J. J. Turner & Sons, Peterboro. Let us quote you on "everything In canvas'. Phone Fox Hardware, Oshawa. (1 apr ¢) Situation Vacant--Male EARN $20 AND UPWARDS, growing mushrooms for us, in cel- 25, lars and sheds. Illustrated booklet free. Canadian Mushroom, To- ronto. (790) Cebawa Wait CANADIAN mm. Di Bloom om RR guan ------ PNAC nS oii Effecti TORONTO PROVISIONS Wholesale provision dealers are quoting the iullowing prices to al retail dealers: Smoked meats--Iams, medium, 20 | to 24c; smoked rolls, 2lc; breakfast | bacon, 18 to 27c; backs, pea-mealed. 24 to 26c; do, smoked, Jl to dc. Porlc hams, 18 to 18%:c; shoulders, 16'3¢; butts 19¢; loins, 22Vic. Cured meats--Long, clear bacous, 50 to 70 Ibs, 19¢; 70 to 90 lbs, 17¢; 9% to 110 lbs, 16¢c; lightweight rolls, 18¢; heavyweight rolls, 17¢c. Lard--Yure tierces, 11c; tubs, 11Jc pails, 12¢; prints, 12 to 12%c. Shortening" -- Tierces, llc; tubs, 11%c; pails, 11¥4c Special pastry shortening--Tierces, 15c; tubs, 15%c; pails, 16c. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the <Toronto Board of 'Irade are making the fol- lowing quotations for car lots ;--~ Manitoba wheat--No. 1 hard, 62Vic No. 1 Northern, 59%¢; No. 2 do, 59 14¢; No. 4 do., 55¥¢c (cif Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats--Ng. 3 C.W,, 31%e¢; No. 1 feed, 30%c; No, 2 feed, 27%c. Manitoba barley--No. 3C W., 28¢; No. 4 do., 27c; feed 26¢. Argentine corn, SY¢ (cif. Port Colborne). Milifeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags. included -- Bran, per ton, $22.25; shorts, per ton, $24.25; middlings, $27.25. Ontario grain--Wheat, 66c; barley 31 to 32c; oats, 27¢; rye, nominal; buckwheat, 50c. Its easy to make good without a college education. The hard part, apparently, is to keep still about it ~--San Franeisco Chronicle, Business, according fo a cartoon- ist of the Chicago News, which was Merging in 1929, and Submerging in 1920, is now Emerging. Does this mean that the emergency is ending? --Christian Science Monitor, NPPNR emlowe SEI BRINE a. x a. a Pp P. Effective September 28th, : a "Standard Time) 2 Pai of ve ve . a aa v A Knickers ............ 0 in "ew 1% Dominion Clothing ; $4 5 ' | 68 King St. W. Phone 9.30 Iw 10.30 32 10.3% 4.3 11.9 4.30 ee ------------ E 10 5% 530 6.30 6% 07.30 07.30 £20 8% 9.30 29.30 10.30 10.30 Rl 11.30 Rr nday. . s~--Saturdsy. Sundays and Holidays oaly, &-Steuriay. "Sunday » wy. | The Leading Jewd one tes Careful T. A, GARTON, PROPRIETOR. BOWMANVILLE, PHON Effective aman (Standa dard m. Daily, except Sunday. m. Daily, a a. P. p.m, ¥. p.m. Daily, p.m, Daily, except Saturday a.m, Daily. a.m, Daily Westbound a.m, Daily, except Sunday am, Daily, a.m, Daly. a.m, Daily, p.m, Daily, except p.m. Daily, p.m, Daily, p.m. Daily, « except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Standard" Tieme Eastbound am. pa pom, Daily, pm. Daily, except. Sunday. a.m. Daily am, Daily, m. Daily m. Daily, m. Daily, m. Daily, except Sunday m, Daily. m. Daily, GRAY COACH LINES | C " TABLE! FZA6NINL | [EC peer ------ y WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE ! "4 ATHOIL Tw. OSHAWA PURER Ly BETS oF i wabaliys Sse Vise) ; s only. Leave Leave Aries Arrive | Bewmanville Oshawa Whitby Hospital, Golng West 60 am 2.05am. 720 am. 7.20 am. 805 am. 820 am. *3.20 a.m. 8.50 a.m. 9.05 am, FEE S335 BEIT ue. pe bm 2.20 pan. 10 bm. i For Your Drug Nesds pm. pm. pm, 4.40 pm. 5.15 pm. pm, S Sopm fitm iv 2 sera THOMPSON Ie bam. 2 " Dan Mi» + | 0 Simcoe St. 8S. .00 pu 2 1048 pa 1138 poe 10 pm oe aw East La. ; HEN Whiby Osbaws Bowmanville 6 am, 650am. 7.2 sm. rd 7.30 sp 7.50 am. 8.20 am. pr 8% a.m, 9.00 am. '90 am. 9.25 am. 10.00 a.m. i 10.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m. 11.30 am. ) x Iv. 12.05 pom. 12.35 p.m, il 1.8 pm 1.40pm 200pm 23pm EYESIGHT SPECIALIST + 300 pm ar. JIS BM | om, | Specialising exclusively tn muscle 43 pm. 440 pm. 5.05 pm. 5.40 pm, eyesight and glasses. 718 3 pm. Se p.m. ty bm 1516--Phone---1516 C 3 A p.m. pam CHD. NOD dm Disaey Bick « Opposite Post Office 9.9 p. 10.10 p.m. 10.45 5 vg 11.30 p.m. 11.48 11.45 p.m. 12.15 pam. SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE REP AlRI NG el Bowmanville Osh i Whitey 1 W ATCRES Iv awa 9.00 a. 9.30 am. 945 am. OUR SPECIALTY 1 pe am. 13 aan. 1143 em, If your watch is not giving {% I bn wim t satisfaction we can repair I %,00 p.m. 6.30 p.m. 6.45 p.m, | and make it tell the correct | 2.3 p.m 8.00 pm. 8.15 p.m, | time 10.00 p.m. 10.X p.m, 10.45 p.m. ! D J J BRO N . . WwW Gaing East | THE JEWELER Whitey caasve Bormanville | Official 'Watch Inspector for 10.00 asm. 1015 am. 1043 a.m, | Canadian National and Oshe om 'hm mpm awa Raflroads "Spm 50pm 530 pm. 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 | 6.45 pm. 7.00 p.m. 3% ». m } 10.45 p.m. 1100 pm. a Times marked connect 5 P Whitby with Be Lindsay Busses, | Busses fo rall Occas! -- | COAL COAL Phone 193 OE ing Room, 10 Frome 2283 Yard---89 Bloor Street E. N ONAL SALLWAY AT] 3 Orders Promptly Delivered og ™ W.J. SARGANT i Daily. except - Sunday. Da f , except Sunday. cd ve January XXX PASTRY FLOUR 24 1b. Bag, 60c Hogg & Lytle, L Westbound Church St. Phone dl | Special! Boys Suits Established 1886 It is better to break laws than break heads. Flattery 1s a key that has opened many a feminine heart.--Chicago Daily News. We used to refer to our system of "free education," but the taxpayers knows that happy time is gone--Ci- ncinnati Enquirer. Still Tammany has been investi- gated so ma ther hard to prospect of a permanent clean up.-- Detroit News. --Mahatma Gandhi. 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ] R------ Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner A Fy } J ny times, that it is ra- be optimistic about th ; op it the Special Value OAKLAND COACH, MODEL 1930 Driven very small mileage. Six ROYAL YORK range vekoe a 28 wire wheels and tires, Special | Price of $850 with terms. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES" 'LIMITED 99 Simcoe St. South | Tea EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Stores BRINGING UP FATHER [mm 1 I 1) | EXE SY ll ENED IN # 3 = Hj a

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