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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Apr 1931, p. 11

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Fr | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1931 PAGE NI Legal For Rent CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries rublic. Ete Conveyancing and general prac. tice in Law," Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Fhone 4. G. Nn. Conant, B.A, LL.B.; A. F. An. nis, B.A, LL.B, W. BE. N. SINCLAIR K£.C, BANK of Commeorce Building. JOSEPH P. MANGAN B.A., BAR- rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of- fice 144 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. GRIERSON, CREIGHTON & Fraser, Barristers, etc, Bank of Chymmerce Bldg. LQUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor Notary. Over Dewland"s Store. Money to loan. 18 Simecce street north, Phone 67. Resi dence 3473W. GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAR- risters, Solicitors, ete., 2415 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan, ALEX C. HaLL, B.A, BARRIS- ter, etc. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King St. East. Phone 3237. (tf) FRANK s. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solieitor, Notary Public, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office Phone 2996. Medical DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 20560. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.830 pm. Dr. B. J. Hezlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. B. H Harper special attention to child- ren's Diseases and Ubstetrics. fun. day and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence King St. East, eorner Vie- toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of {afaats and children. Office and residency 97 Bond East. Phone 1158. DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- setts. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas :xtraction. Nurse in at: tendance. Phone 959, House 1314 DR. J. F. BRO DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 22W. Evenings by ap- pointment. DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E.,, Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-ray work. Nutse in attendance, Phone 1243 and 864. Veterinary DR. W. D. FORSYTHE, V.§, .| treats diseases of all domesticated animals, Thornton's Corners. Phone Oshawa 202 ring 2, (9 may 2) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence 542 Sim- gos ieee, north, Phone 210] and OW. GSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. §&7 Celina. : (4tf) Spirella WITH THE NEW LINES OF fashions Spireila solves your prob- lem, Call Mrs, Blatter, Manager. Phone 2189M. (13 apr ¢) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consul R. N. johns, 8 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attend ed to and your interests protected, HOLDEN SAVES YOU MONEY on your car or fire insurance. 92 Simcoe N, Phone 371W. (8 may c) Transportation DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C. M. L.R.C.P. and 8. Edinburgh Phy- sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. Nrrth. Phone 3155. ft. W. GRAHAM, M.D. BSc., BUC- cessor to Dr. H., H. Trick, physic- ian, surgeon. Obstretician, 3 years' post graduate. Special attention to maternity work and diseases of women. Office and residence, 167 Simcoe St. N. Phone 303. Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY VETERINARIAN Specialist, Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. tf) i -------- a ir Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his $1 office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Htore each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treat- ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. ------ Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M. (25 dec tf) Architects OC. 0. STENHOUSE GENERAL Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 Res. phone 909J. CARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in furniture moving, Storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82. BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE - General cartage and household rurni- ture moving. pecial attention to Commercial work. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave. Oshawa. Phone 1618. (dee 10 tf) om-------- eee. -- Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Specialists in perimnan ent, finger and marcel! waving. Per- manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul ture, Phone 2068, Apply 86 Sin:coe street north. EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET: ty Ward at, Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo Phone MARCELLING 35, FINGER Waving 50c, hair cutting 25¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors. Ask for Miss Robbins. Phone 71, (20 Apr.c) PERMANENT WAVE ' SPECIALS $15 for $7.50. Permanent wave with real curly ends a special for $4.75. Other waves from $3.50 to $12, Finger wave and shampoo 756. Phone 1818W. Ask for Ar- thur Huyck at 220 Clark St. (18 Apr.-c) DELUXE BBAUTY SHOPPE EX- perts in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Permanent waves $5, $7.50, $10, $15, Phone 38. Over Ward's Store, (20 apr ¢) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS | 5o--ipiyig AND 356 MARCELS. sociate architects. Simcoe St. 8. Ask for Miss Duquette. Phone 385. Over Felt Bros. = ------ \ LL (30 mar ¢) Auctioneer MRS, BEATRICE STACEY AULD, formerly of Robertson's, To- PHONE 716). W. |. SULLEY. ronto, and late manageress of Auctioneer, 246 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements, Your pairon- ge solicited. - R N A ON, Ont., farm and house sale specialty. Terms, low. Phone Oshawa 1648 r 2-4. {28 apr c) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, RE- pairs and alterations, dressmak- ing, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell Shop, 261 Simcoe 8. Phone 1656. (Jan. 5-1 mo) Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking. Private cr in class- es. For terms phone Lois Mundy, No. 35 or 312. Dec. 17-1 Money to Loan available, first mortgage money on good residential property. Apply Bradley Bros. 417 mar c) Palmist CONSULT MADAME BROWN, Palmist on matters of importance. 93 Louisa St, Phone 2636F. Busi- ness private. (1 may e) Vocal WARION B. ROSS. A.T.C.M., WILL accept pupils in voice production and singing. Phone No. 6. (12 apr e) Upholstering TUPHOLSTBRING, D, W, DALTON, phone 1045. See our samples Mo- hair and Tapestry. 269 Simcoe South. (8 apr c) Er ------- -- Lost and Found TOST--LADY'S WFHTE GOLD wrist watch set with four dia- monds and 2 saphires, oblong shape. Reward. Return to Miss B. Johnston, 1 Playter Cres., Toron- to. Gerrard 1784. .(81b) and Oshawa, brown leather club bag around 7 p.m, Tuesday. Name and address inside, Reward, Phone 833 ¢ 3-1, | 3. (826), Motitreal Halrdressing Academy. Specialist in béauty culture, per- manent waving, marcel and fing- er waving, hair dyeing, hot oil and sun ray scalp treatments, etc, Per- sonal attention with all the latest modern machines, Private operat- ing room at residence, Athol St., Oshawa, Phone 765J for appoint- ments, (1 june c) Music HERBERJ v. TRENEER, AT CM. Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church will accept pupils in piano, pire organ and vocal music. 50 William Street, East. Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) LEONARD RICHER, LR. A.M. Supervistr of Music, 652 Carnegie Avenue. 2578F. (Aug 25 tf) NOW 18 BE your piano tuned or repaired. Call G. Thomson, Phone 2069J. '(4 may ¢) ' Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN- ity work. Doctor's references, Mrs. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (320 apr ¢) PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER nity, general nursing, doctors' re erence, aesists with housework. Reasonable rates. Mrs. = Noble. Phone 30337. (31 mar ¢) PRACTICAL A reference, desires maternity work. Mrs. Slack, 242 Eulalle Ave. Phone 2607J. (1 may ¢} CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL for sale--To insure prompt delivery, d..e. W. Borrcwdale. Phone 1618, aie or B0 apr e) Battery Service SALES AND SERVICE PLATE Lock Eatterles, car or radio bat- teries charged, 7ic. 11d tor and delivered. W. H. tt, 217 Celina, Phone 1556J. (10 apr ¢) © with rental $1.00. Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service. Stan Dligdou, 20 VICTORIA APARTMENTS « AT new lew rentals, electric refrigeration electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apply superintendent, Phone 2533F, (55tf) SIMCOE MANOR = FOUR AND five room suites, 'electric stoves refrigeration, laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone xn, ' 5th) THREE AND 4 ROOM APART- ments. Modern .v the minute, Phone 1550 or 2M47W.' -(132t) FOR RENT--MO N ¢ OMS, bath, electric stove and other con- veniences in business section, New. Apply Box4106 Times, (26 jan tf) FOR RENT -- BACHELOR apartment, furnished, newly dec- orated, heated, electric light, 'water, in business section. Apply 194 Times. (7 mar tf) FOR RENT--¢ ROOMED HOUSI, hardw- od floors throughout, fire- 'place on paved street. 91 Ritson road north, hone 2850. (11 apr FOR RENT--5 ROOMED HOUSE, 282 Ritson road north, modern conveniences, garage. Apply 159 Athol St, E, Phone 516M, - (80c) FOR RENT--J ACRES OF LAND. Small house and barn. 1% miles from city. Apply Box 280 Times. (80 $25 RENTS ¢ ROOMED HOUSE, conveniences. paved street, Phone 10474. (800) TO LET--APARTMENT FACING on Simcoe Street. Central, Apply Bradley Bros. Office No. 1. (80¢) HOUSE TO RENT AT 174 COL- borne St. last, Apply L. Hancock, 1827-2-3. (80¢) FOR RENT---5 ROOMS DOWN- stairs of brick home, Near G.M.C. All conveniences with garden. Rent reasonable to right person, Phone 3192W, (81c¢) FOR RENT---7 ROOMED HOUSE, All conveniences, garage. At 246 Cowrt St. Apply 159 Simcoe St. outh, (81c) *OR™ RENT-- BATH FLAT, hardwood floors, conveniences, low rent. Phone 3265J. i8le) FOR RENT-§ RQOMED HOUSE, three garages, on King St, West in A 1 condition, Immediate pos- session, Apply W. G. Miller, 2780. (81b) FOR RENT --- FPORNISHED place orders in advance of delivery |. Mill Bt, Phone 1885W, ' H E who rings doors bells look ing for a job, a room or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route indeed. Our Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but also assure an immediate interview with an interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 i ------SEE---------SSS----------mS---- sia -------- Rates for per word, If cents a word). insertions ©0c. Professional or | Ask for Classified Ad | i tions for the price of | two first insertions (three I Business i Cards, $2.50 per month i for 20 words or less, 10 I cents » word per month | for each additional word. Phone 35 Classified Ads First insertion--134 cents Minimum charge for one || insertion 80c. HAch subsequent consecu- I tive insertion 1¢ per word. Three consecutive inser- | Minimum charge for three | Box number 10c¢ additional. |(}] proval, gl West. FOR SALE -- DRY HARDWOOD Articles For Sale | | Siabs $3.50 per load, |{{ body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1283 (apr 261f) WE IIAVE WONDERFUL VAL. | ues in rebuilt Underwoods. They are 1] than half the cost. Address "Underwood," (oct 19, 31) Sent tor your ap- | Victoria St., Toronto. | FOR" SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- shes. We have the largest assort- The Paint Store, 80 King St. (Apr, 25 tf) city. $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 2 corde. Norman Sanders, King St. Last, Phone 1774M, (9 jan tf) FOR SALE--GOOD MIXED WOOD 14 cord $3.00, W. H. Thomvson, if! King St, W. Phone 742). (9 apr ¢) { FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders $1.60 per truck load de- livered. Phone Essery Bros., 557J. (18 apr ¢) FOR SALE---MIXED HARD AND soft wood slabs, also bodywood. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE--ON KING'S HIGH- way, east of Oshawa, 91; acres land with house, barn, hen house and garage, apple and fruit trees. Phone 28566W, (770). FOR SALE---20 ACRES OF LAND on the base line near school, with barn. Apply Roy VanCamp, R.R. No. 2, Bowmanville, (811) A410 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR exchange or rent. Apply to Thom- MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Also bone dry as serviceable as when new---at less 135 ment of paints. v 'nishes, etc, in the as Robinson, Lake Harbour, Osh- awa. (81c) .| FOR SALE--T7 ROOMED BRICK new cinder drive, linoleum and 'electric fixtures, immediate pos- sssion. Apply W. G, Miller, 2780. jou modern conveniences, ranch. | (81e) FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM SEMI- bungalow frame house, located .n Harmony, Large garden. Garage, furnace, electricity, Price reason- able. Phone 196J. (82¢) Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE--WILLOW- vale farm, 1 mile north of Thorn- ton's Corners, recently occupied by fluron Korff. Will be sold at a very attractive price, We might also consider accepting as pay- ment first mortgages on Oshawa Toronto residental property. or Full particulars, Phone 420 Osh- awa, (811) : Poultry ' BABY CHICKS, HATCHING Barred Rocks, White Leg- eggs. horns, Write or phone for cata- logue 1337J. Oshawa Hatchery & Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North, Oshawa. __(21Apre) POULTRY WANTED -- PAYING highest prices for poultry of all kinds. Special price for fat hens. T. Stien, Whitby. Phone 81, Re- verse charges. (2CApE c) Awnings AWNING AND TENTS, ETC., WB are agents for J, J, Turner & Sons, Peterboro. Let us quote you on "everything in canvas", Phone 26, Fox Hardware, Oshawa, (1 apr ¢) STORE AWNING FOR SALE. Good condition, Cheap. Apply to 17 Prince 'St. (82¢) Help Wanted--Female STENOGRAPHER WANTED, AC- curate with figures. for keeping stock records. Office experience preferred, Give full particulars in letter stating age and salary ex- Room and Board WANTED--GENTLEMAN ROOM- ers or hoarders, reasonable, cen- tral. Apply 73 McMillan Drive. Phone 69J. (81lc) FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Board if desired. Athol East, Phone 3179W. (81c) ER (© Tw OSHAWA 1 Lum 4 ATHOL -- Notice To Creditors - LJ » LJ] In the Estate of Willlam J, Harris All persons having claims against the estate of Willlam J. Harris, late of the City of Oshawa, de- ceased, who died on or about the Eighteenth day of March, 1931, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Hxecutors, on or before the Twenty-tifth day of April, 1931, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after the said twenty- fifth day of April, 1931, the assets of the deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under signed Solicitors for the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this thirty- For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S. We Delt 4 bs EYESIGHT * SPECIALIST oy Speclaliting exclusively in muscle eyesight mud glasses, 1516 Phone--1516 Disney Biock . Opposite Post Office) on first day of March, 1931, Notice to Creditors LJ Ld LJ In the Estate of George Frederick Martin All persons having claims against the estate of George Fred- erick Martin, late of the City of Oshawa, deceased, who died on or about the Tenth day of March, 1931, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Executor, on or before the Twenty-tifth day of April, 1931, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said Twenty- fifth day of April, 1031, the as- sets of the deceased will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the under- signed Solicitors for the Executor shall then #have notice. Dated at Oshawa this thirty- first day of March, 1931, CONANT & ANNIS, Barristers, &c., Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. (77-82) For Sale or Rent SA OR 2 E acres of land with good huildings REPAIRING *e WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is uot giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 COAL COAL Phone 193 W.J. SARGANT Yard----89 Bloor Street Eo | Orders Promptly Delivered PHONE 224 apartment for light housekeeping. |]! {| All dry and under cover. Phone A All conveniences, Near Motors, [|| Department i 1582, (19 apr c) |vected to P.O. Box "U" Bowman- |in Lakeview Gardens, Phone 350 Reasonable rent, 105 Colborne [flees 0 POR FALE HAR BWOOT To ville. (81b) | ring 2. (80c) East. (81c) |' FOR DALE = tDWOOD 34 FOR SALE OR RENT---¢ ROOM- FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FUR- Work Wanted I ocQualy Curate & Wanted to Buy EH ed Buick house, avery Sonveuience, nished or unfurnished for light SS -- Sgr Yani. ey ly wh WILL FAY HIGHLLT A first class condition, double gar- housekeeping. . 68 Brock St. I. Have YOUR CAR REPAIRED (cvening. (27 apr ©) | price for raw turs. Write or phone | age, good location, only adults, Phone 3345W. (81c) ROW: hetore the SpHug og Body | FOR SALE RECONDITIONED | for quotation. Stein, Whitby, Phone | party leaving city, no agents, Ap- ; \ FOR --_ RENT-- SIX ROOMED | prices now fn © eofect eS Pesinl electric stoves, electric washers | Sl. (11 apr ¢) | ply Box 284 Times. (811) Xx XX brick house, electric range, goud | gp f " :0al ranges, coal annex, gas stoves, or : at garden, close 'to Motors. Rent hie Mgr Rs dvds ling 3h | Fox Hardware. (1 apr ¢) Cleaning and Dyeing PASTRY FLOUR . a ats oo ® DIR | cd madison ---------------------- XRD NN or gem d 3 jeastiabie. Ary 815 Conormd (6 apr ¢) | FOR SALE----HARD AND SOFT NORMAN Lay EnT ary TA ! 24 1b. Bag, 60c FOR RENT--FRONT BED SIT- | REPAIR. YOUR DRIVEWAYS, phan Taxi rad wood TOMS land repairing, Goods called tor. TIME TABLE Hoge & Lytle, Liyited ting room for two gentleman | lawns, gravel, sand, cinders, earth, ig (2 my ©) Phone 525. 66 Bagot St. | Church St. Phone 203 companions or working couple in rid 4 Bn ving Te Ty ahaa a ye (10 apr ¢) ; private home, Meals = if dseired. | Paired. ris Graham, one 3267. | 'OR SALE---CRUSHED STONE 4 a a -- y One minute from Motors, Phone (30 mar ¢) | chips for driveways. Waterous- Help Wanted--Male WHITEY, OSHAWA, SOWMANVILLE " 151 4W. (81) | WINDOWS, AND ALI KINDS OF | '1eck Lid. Phono 1235. WANTED DISTRICT REPRE | pg ks | (EES ------ TO LET--6 ROOMED HOUSE ON | house cleaning done. Gardens | ____ (6 apr ¢ |gentative for strong Canadian Life 2 - Time) Sho liN) | Spe p Boys' Suits with | i William St. East. Conveniences. [and lawns taken care of. 26567J, | FOI SALE--MOFFATT ELEC. |Insurance Co. Splendid contract | s-Sundsys only. A i 2 Pair of $3 95 I § With or without garage. I'hone {1261F. (1 may ¢) | tric and annex. Apply 476 Louisa | [0 reliable person. Real opportun,| go pcm, ¢ Whithy Heopitl) ||| Knickers ............ Ld il 185. Also metal garage for rent, | HG SRRREPER DESIRES POBI- |St (Soc) | ity for promotion. lady or gens West . 1 separate, (82¢) | ion. Phone 2635W. i (308) | Br Erin RAT | IN Box 286 Times. $Vam 28am 720 om, | Dominion Clothing (Co. {§ | TO RENT--FOUR OR FIVE SET i AEE SRT oh | [OR SALE----POTATOES 31 PEN (82) | Rim E80am 50 am | 68 King St. W. Phone $141 {| roomed apartment. to let, Hot |HOUSEKEEPER'S POSITION OR | bag, delivered. Phone 2380W. | GOVERNMENT POSITIONS-- AS| 1000 am, 103 am. 10.45 a.m bids Bouin. 102 water heating. Immediate possess |help Jy young widow, boy 3. 10 Cs os (81D) | Booklet free on request. The M.C. 38 om. po 132% ham. 1240 p.m r son. Apply Dr. Rundle. Telephone | contre St. ___(82¢) | FOR SALE --NEW A OR 1 PLI- | Letter Carriers, Mail Clerks, Cus-| 'go Do £35 2m 348 pm, 400 pm, i : 53. (82¢) | MARRIED MAN WISHES ODD | minators $10. Battery chargers | toms Clerks, Stenographers, > 8 pm. 438 pa & i" I wr TR 7 v7 | Jobs, good worker, Get your lawns 0" hg ary $4 "ha + | ists, etc., are constantly vacant al p.m. p.m, pam. 04 pm, 5 O RENT--- GOOD BRICK . $10, Trikle chargers $4. Chas, E. |! Ces m, 7.40 RoR 3: Bk St. H. . Cheap, | 41d Bardens ready, 2488M after 6. | wales, Phone 3350J. over Canada, We are the oldest oe om. 9.30 Due 34 bum, ™ Rent very reasonable, Phone 5358, | comm : _ (82a) (7 apr 1 mo) | and largest Institution in Canada | 10.45 pan. 1L15 pm, 11.50 pm, . . Rose's Real Estate. (s2¢) | WANTED--ALL KINDS OF CAX- | FoR WALE--CEDAN FENCE jeclallsing in. preparing cendl- omy ' The Leading Jeweler | FOR RENT--- THREE DRIGHT penier ng Jobe, also Shingling. Ex- | hosts delivered, Apply Pete Wysot- C. te 10. A Leave " Arrive Established ' 188 4 »ert on hardwood floors, Phone |, adn rate: PP » ' J i unfurnished or partly furnished 968M (8%) zki, Cedardale P.O. wa (82h) 7779 82 85 88 91 94 97 100 Hospital a Bowmanvill¢ * 04 rooms, bathroom flat, all CONVeNi- | smmr-- mee | FOR SALE--ROGERS BATTERY- $Danm S0am 12 sm. 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ences. Garage If desired. Central. Radio Service less radio, 7 tube, Cabinet style. Optometrist \ 2% am, 9.00 a.m, hs Apply 102 Division St. Phone sd Excellent condition, Phone 1061J. |. -- ' 9.10 om, 9.25 a.m. 10.00 a.m, / 1361F. (82¢) | GSHAWA RADIO SERVICE-RE- {320500 3 JCCK. DRTONDINIET. i 08 te SL0 88. ILE) A FOR ~~ RENT-- FOUR LARGE | pairs on radios, power packs and el- | FOR SALE --SMALL WICKER {specialist in muse nomalles, | 1pm 10pm 200 pm 2. pm, * rooms, bath, hardwood floors, | iminators. Tubes tested and supplied | ja jyy stroller, $5. 286 Celina St, eyesight and glasses, Author of apap. S18 0 440 p.m. amon Ss / . furnace, wired for electric stove, | radio pol s for sale. Datteries charg- | (82a) | Eye Care and Eye Strain, The 429 pm. 4.40 pm. 5.05 p.m. 5.40 pom, . of newly decorated. Apply at 143 od jad, Eepaifed 2 Phone 3350). | mgm ee reer en | Child and Its Development, Dis 218 ple FOB 608 pm. £0 nm. Bassett's ! re St. Phone 633J. harles Wales, Zlgin East. ¥ ney Block. Opposite Pos ce | 719p'm 70pm. 74S pm. pm, Centre one : (16 dec 1 mo) | Auctioneer i Phone 1516, (21 apr ¢) 33 bam. or om ey On Oshawa' . i FOR WENT--SEVEN -- ROOMED | THE TROUBLE, WITH YOUR |WILLIAM ~~ MAW, "LICENSED -_-- Livestoch 1pm. 1145 pm. 1215 pom. wa's Main Corner § attractive house, Hardwood tloors. | radio. may be tubes. Get your tubes | auctioneer, city and country a SUNDAY AND MOLIDAY SCHEDULE 3 Newly decoratde. Open fire place. tested free. Jobm Meagher, 92 Sim- sales, 25 years exjerionce, Xo Ber FOR SALE--FOX TERRIER DOG, West & ; Phone Holden 371W. (821) | coe Noth. Phone 371W. cure a date see Mr, Goodfellow. |,,,"yeqp ola, Must have good Leave As ol: x STH (16 apr ¢) |at the Times Office, (1 apr ¢) > 1963W (82 Sexmanville Oshawe A FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED TLL BLE RAP ATRED. ELIN: - home, Phone . c) Jem spam 04f am, Special Value i . Ph 2083W. h- . i . Cop 00 a.m, 31.30 a.m. 11.45 am, " . . By bedroom, Phone (420) TIareTay BOWOR. Jacke: Mit oon. __ Painting and Decorating Furniture Repairing dem Bem Td om. OAKLAND wcoAcH, ose i p= souables fubes teaed free; Jattery R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- T AND 0 G| opm 60pm 648 hm. Driven very small mileage. Six J rechad c. one 2806W, inti H 7.30 p. 8.00 p. . gE. Vir Watch Repairing am George ieroughs, certified radic- ih gi Rg oil ing Co., The Upholsterers, Mohairs, 1000 Lr 10% pm 10:48 yo wire wheels and tives, Special J F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT |tricfan, (20_apr_¢) | Pine Avenue Phone 3065W. (72tf) pluses by Dies re. Autor, rice Fd $850 with terms. J Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at ---- -- 8 ; ' Going NTARIO M i 44% King Street West. Your pat : Motor Cars | Money Wanted curiatnd, 155 £imcoe ss Phone dee deere pokes § Moron SALES i jouage, js solicited. 1937 CHEV, TRUCK, GOOD CON: | MONEY WANTED--FIVI TO SIX SN ITORI REF TRI v0 10.00 am. 1048 Bm. 1048 sm D9 Simcoe St. South y Wanted to Rent dition. 'Will sell reasonable. Cash |thousand dollars, first mortgage, | FURNIT A A amo; ppm HEA ; 4 hp or terms, Phone 1716F, (80¢y) ,on central residential property, re-upholstered, etc. Charges reas- 180m ham. $30 Dm. 0k WANTED TO RENT BY APRIL | FOR SALE--1080 McLAUGHLIN | valued fifteen thousand. Box 281 |onable. ¥. A. Morris, 170 Albert | g4§pm 7.00pm 7.20 pm, ™ 1st, small house or bungalow. | gufei Sedan In excellent condi- } Yimes, (80¢) | St. Phone 731W. Formerly with a pa 30 p.m. oR pam, . Conveniences, Reasonable rent. Iiion "Complete 'with 'heater and Luke Furniture Co, Times marked © connect af Whithy with EATON GROCETERIA A Dox 361. (828) lchains., Apply. 105 Simcoe St. | NOTICE (13 apr ¢! | Lisdesy oe - i Wanted T|South. Phone 1080S. (824) |W FY THE CHOICEST OF | UPHOLSTERING AND = FURNE | messeachie Retes vere It Pays To Shop : Joo YTTER . |CHEAPTOAKLAND COACH, 28, (halibut, fresh fish daily, Fish and [ture repaired. Drapes made to or-| TA QGART TOR i J WANTED FOR ADOPTION 2000 miles. 4 new tires. $260, 94 (chips our speclalty. We deliver, | der. Rebuilding chestertields a Odbews Waiting Roo 19. Prisice Street Here Always weeks' old baby boy or girl. Box | Buckingham Ave. near Alexandre |Mrs. Waterhouse, 75 King Street | specialty, Geo. A, Constable, 27 ns d a] 285 Times, (82¢) | Park, (82¢) | East. Phone 1064, (82¢c) | Bond E. Phone 3322J. T iv ' . eB BRINGING UP FATHER - ' BY GEO. M i fi N/E Raae ; SHES CALLIN LOOK AT FIFFIS NEW th BOUND S\ GOOD in] MAGGIE 15 COAT~ | ORDERED i 1A THINKIN SEVEN OF THEM- | if OF ME INT SHE JUSTA ; 5 AT LAST! CDARLING IN IT? i it l inn : | BAL iLL 1 / Ee % . oy i : / ol id £ i Ly | a B 49% i if are #0 i Re Jo 7 HL Rh 4 | If It Is To Be Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do It} Ye CAREW

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