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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Apr 1931, p. 2

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a3E OSHAWA DAILY 'TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931 ~ | Ontario a Calling and Glen Demara had a little exercise to do. Mrs, Geo, Samells and Miss Myrtle Sweet- man classes had a verse about Easter greetings, Miss Reta Mil- ra il EASTER PROGRAM ner a reading, Mater Owen Reader a recitation besides the lovely Eas- + ter hymns. embers of Sunday School, iss Lilian Fralick is visiting - . . in. Toronto this week. Took Part in Special The Y.P.A: met at the home of Service { Mr, and Mrs, J. Milner last Thurs- day evening, The meeting was in i 1 {charge of Mr. Sydney Chandler. Airs. De Hone, a Gr {The meeting opened in the usual ngog: I - Sunday School had a very inter way. Mr, Clarence Carter read the 3 ; » Mr. Maurice 'ssting Baster programme on Sun: Scripture Reading r. Maurice ) , April Gth. Mrs. Geo. Sweet. ma Fralick had charge of the tople. 7! _ | Mrs, Geo. Hood reviewed the Book n told her class about 2 Hauer of Numbers on the blackboard. ice at San Francisco bv |The meeting closed 'with singing lie morning. Mr. George Dis oy and benediction, Then Mrs, Geo, _Tead the first lesson Reap ome Lid Samells conducted a very inter HR thr sai dhe nh ih "oni, Xo . nteresting meeting. boys of Mrs. Milner's class, Allan abi " iy ¥ TN Roy Dodley, Ralph "Milner, Nurse McLaren is with Mrs. Victor Aldred each saying a Geo. Jackson who is very sick, verse. Master Perey anda Wallace recovery. " Miss Mae Moon, of Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. Gordon Collins- a few days last week. Our assessor, Mr. A. Sweetman, has been making his calls around again this spring, Mrs, S. Rodman Graham visited Mrs. J. man one day last week. Mr. and Mrs,. W. Milner, of To- ronto moved their household goods down from Toronto in a moving van last week. We all welcome Mr, Milner back to the island where he has always lived until a few years ago he moved to Toron- to. Rev, Mr, Elford, Mr. Gordon Mark, and Mr. J. Burnham motor- ed to Toronto and Blackwater last Thursday. Mrs. Pettit visited her relatives and friends in Port Perry a few | days last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. Joblin were guests of Mr. and Mrs, H., Fra- lick for Friday afternoon ang tea. A number of the farmers are busy making maple syrup which seems quite a good run, Miss Norma Harrison, of Perry is visiting her aunt, Grace Mark for a few dys. Miss Reta Milner. of Toronto, visited her parents over the week- end. and Mrs, C A. Sweet- "INSPIRATION" we Wit ROBERT MONTGOMERY 'MARJORIE RAMBEAU LEWIS STONE Coming Saturday GARY COOPER in Zane Grey's "Fighting Caravans" Port Miss but we are all hoping for a quick Mr. J. Burnhman visited Pleas- ant Point on Sunday. Mr, Allen Aldred is visiting in Toronto for a few days. Miss Dela Lee, of Greenbank, and Miss Nellie Lee, of Port Perry, visited their parents over the week-end. Miss Florence. Elford, of Ux- bridge, Miss Elva Elford, of To- ronto, visited their parents at the parsonage over the holiday. Miss Olive Gerrow, -of Toronto. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, IF. Gerrow over the week-end. Mr, Orr Venning, of Blackstock, was & guset' at Mr, and Mrs. W. Dodsley on Sunday. \ Miss Mary Carter spent Sunday with Miss Alleen Sweetman. Mr, and Mrs,' "E, Sweetman, daughters Marion, Helen, Marie, Mr, and Mrs, C. Heayns and son, Jimmy, of Prince Albert, were the guests of thelr parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner on Sunday and at- tended our Easter programme at Sunday School on Sunday. Baster services were well at- tended on Sunday. Rev, Mr, El- ford gave his best Easter message along with the Easter hymns, Next 'Sunday is Quarterly Meet- ing in the Centre Church for morning service. Y.P.A, meeting in the church Thursday evening of this week, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman will entertain the Women's As- sociation at their home next Tues- day afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. IY, Baxter, daugh- ter, Bernice, Mr. S. Jackson and Mrs. McClary, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. Jack- son on Friday, Mrs. Baxter and Bernice staying over the week-end. The schools are closed for the Easter week, Teachers and child« ren will have a nice holiday ready to get down to lessons for the final exams, Mrs, S. Hopee and daughters, Merle and Cecilia, of Prince Al- bert, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson on Monday. Mr. J. Grills, of Valentia, visit. ed his sister, Mrs, W. Mark on Monday. Miss Aileen Jackson has return- ed to Toronto after her winter': visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, Jackson, Port Perry, visited his brother, George, one day recently. Mr. W. Mark is spending a few days im Valentia, his ©ld home neighbourhood. r. Ray Milner visited with Mr. Sydney Chandler on Sufiday. Mr, and Mrs, O. Gerrow, daugh- ter, Ora, of Oshawa, were guests of his brother, Frank, on Sunday. ' Miss Leona Prentice is visiting in Oshawa for a few days, Mrs. Robertson, . of Toronto, visited her brother, Mr, C, Fra- lick,» on Sunday, Miss Inez Fralick is home from Toronto for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, daugh- ter, Dorothy and som, Vernon, visited with Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Sweetman on Sunday. About 60 friends and neigh- bours met at the home of Mr, and Mys. J. Demara last Wednesday evening, April 1, They spent a very enjoyable time, The evening was spent mostly in dancing to a good orchestra which Mr. Beacock, Mr. John Burnham, Mr, Stuart Mark played the violins, Mr. Tom David the cornet, Mr. Luzerne Sweetman at the plano, Some en- joyed a good game of euchre, At midnight a dainty lunch a8 gerved. Then dancing was com- menced again till the early morn- ing hours. es -------- TYRONE WMS. ~~ HELD MEETING Delegates Gave Reports on W.M.S. Presbyterial Meet- ing at Oshawa (Miss Leverne Burgess, Corres. pondent) Tyrone, April 8.--Mr., and Mrs. Howard Findley and Dean, Union- ville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Richards. Megsrs. Dudley and Floyd Bradd, Oshawa, are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, James Dudley. The regular meeting of the Wo- men's missionary Society was held in the vestry on April 2nd, with Mrs. A. W. Clemens presiding and a good attendance present. After the devotional period, Mrs, M, Skinner's group gave the following | programme: A chapter of the Study Book, "Social Life and Seo: |elal Problems in Japan," was very | ably given by Mrs. L. Goodman. { Mrs. A. W. Annis and Mrs. J. Dud- | ley, the town delegates to the WV, an a dich der bo po yw Bas i A when a fellow can support ' home industry by buying' anything as good as Picobac, It's the famous Efsex County Burley--grown in sunny southern Ontario ~where soil and climate, sunshine and: moisture blend to produce those luscious peaches, apples, melons, tomatoes and Burley tobacco that ask no favours from any land. ' fmperial Tobacco Co. of ; Canada, Limited Grown Rl... 'GEE! irs Zobel in Ontario, on the sunny shores of Lake Erie Handy pocket tin 15¢ 14-pound screw-top humidor 75¢ M.S, Presbyterial at Oshawa, gave two very interesting reports. A vocal duet by Misses Lola Richards and Alice Thompson, "Was That Somebody You," was nicely ren- dered. The temperance part of the programme was taken up hy Mrs. H, Skinner, Mrs. R. Hodgson, Mrs, Trumpour and Mrs. L. Hoop- er. The regular meeting ot the Wo- men's Institute and Ladies' Ald will be held at the home of Mrs. Harold Skinner on \Vednesday, April 15th, at 2.30 p.m. The roll call to be answered by an exchange of plant seeds or bulbs. Come and hear the final chapter of "Spring Echoes." All ladies of the community welcome. The Women's Missionary Society held their regular Thank-Offering service on Sunday morning, when Miss Louisa Mayowna of the Ush- awa Mission, gave a very interest- ing address on her splendid work, which she has dene both in Uk- rainia and since coming to Canada. She was accompanied by Miss Katie Makarchuk, who sang a duet with Miss Loulsa Mayowna. Miss Mayowna also sang a soln. Doth pleces were sung in the native tongue, Splendid music was fur- nished by the C.G.I.T, and mem- bers of the Mission Band, assisted by Miss lola Richards and Mrs, Theodore Down. Rev. J. R. Trumpour prenched an excellent Easter sermon Sun- day evening, Easter music was furnished by the choir. Church service is withdrawn next Sunday. League programmo Thursday evening was in charge of the first vice president, Mise Ruby Virtue. Readings by Miss Edna Cameron and My. Francis Thompson; plano duet by Misses Annie Gardiner and Laura Davey; instrumental by Mrs. Thomas Barr; vocal solo by Mrs, Luther Goodman; topic, "Pentecost and Death," was ably taken by Rev. J. R. Trumpour. Miss Lola Rich- ards conducted a Bible contest. Prizes were given, Miss Edna Cam- eron and Mr. Clarence Hatherly being the winners. On Good Friday a Horseshoe Tournament was held between Bowmanville men and Tyrone at Tyrone, when g good time was en- Joyed. Mrs. Hisey, Mrs. Osborne, Misses Bertha and Mabel Virtue, Toronto, visited at Mr. Wm, Staples'. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Annis, Messrs. Levi and Lorne Annis and Miss Adelaide Annis spent Good Friday with Mr, and Mrs. Allen Annis, Oshawa. Miss Mae Cameron, Toronto, spent the holiday and week-end with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Herbert Cameron, Miss Elva Virtue, Bowmanville, spent the holiday and week-end with her mother, Mrs, Laura Vir- tue. Messrs. Harry and Frank Hath- erly, Dixie, spent the week-end with' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly, Mr. Lev! Anais, Toronto, is holidaying at the home of his fa- ther, Mr. A. W. Anuls. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park, Eva and Shirley, are visiting friends around Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley, Ola and Bert, Thornhill, spent Easter with her father, Mr. Edward Vir- tue. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Fraser, Beth- esda, Sundayed with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Little, Mrs. James Storey spont a few days with Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cann and Miss Gladys Cann, Salem, Sunday- ed with Mr, and Mrs, Lather Hoop- er, Miss Grace MacKay Is spending the holidays at her home at Beav~ erton. Mr. Wm. Littie, Oshawa, visited his mother, Mrs. Wm, Little, on Good Friday. Miss Beatrice? Bigelow, Lotus, is holidaying at her father's, Mr. Charles Bigelow. Mr. C. D. Hodgson, Oshawa, visited his grandfather, Mrs. Jas, Hodgson, on Monday. Mr. Carson Taylor, Dixie visited his sister, Mrs. W, F. Park, N. OSHAWA NEWS (Mrs, T. H. Sol Corr dent) North Oshawa, April 7.--~While the Section men were burning grass on the railway right-of-way a day last week the tool shed became ignited, The Oshawa Fire Brigade soon ar- rived and extinguished it before much damage was done, On Monday night around eleven o'clock the upstairs rooms of f, Norman Smith's home took fire and the Oshawa Fire Brigade again an- swered the call. In spite of their efforts the upper story of the home was almost all destroyed. It is thought the fire was caused through defective wire, Communion Services were given at the church on Sunday evening by Rev. Mr, Irwin assisted by Mr. Clarke and' Rev. Mr. Moore. The service was in keeping with Easter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Draper of Myr- tle, Mr. and Mrs, A, Blight of Osh- awa, Mr, Gordon Anderson, Toronto, Mr, C. Anderson of Oshawa all Sun- day visitors with Mrs, W, Blight and Mr. and Mrs, W. Glover. Mrs, Walker, Miss Jennie Walker and Master Bruce all of Kenneth Ave. spent good Friday with Mr. and Mrs, B, Glover. Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Burgoyne spent Sunday with the former's par- enfs, Mr. and Mrs. S, Burgoyne. Mr, and Mrs, Sellick and family One Thin Woman Gained 11 Pounds in 30 Days With McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets If you need more solid flesh to make you physically attractive, ac~ tive and energetic just say to Jury & Lovell, Ltd.,, T. B. Mitchell, W, H. Karn, or any druggist any. where, "1 want a box of McCoy's" ~~yoy'll know in a few days why millions take McCoy's to galn weight--60 tablets, 60 cents Gain 5 pounds in 28 days or money back. visited friends at Barrie recently. Miss Florence Scott is holidaying with her aunt at Bowmanville. Mrand Mrs, Tattersall and fam- ily of Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Glover on Saturday, Mrs. Tattersall and Children remained over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Mervil Hare and Children of King visited Mr. T. J. Solomon Sr., who has been ill, We are glad to say he is much improved also Mrs. W. Blight who has been ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper and Baby Phillip of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Doug Stuart and boys of Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs, T. Solo- mon, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Elljott and children visited the former's parents at Whit- by, Sunday, Miss, Francis Alexander is spend- ing her holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Pascoe at Enfield. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Warren and family and Mrs, R, Jollow are spend- ng a few days at Fenelon Falls, fr. and Mrs, Everette Fice have omved into their home on Orchard View Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moffatt spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hall in Toronto, and attended a dinner dance given in their honor, We congratulate Mr, and Mrs Langmaid 'nee Katie. Lindsay" on the arrival of a wee daughter recent- ye A Mr, Bruce Glover has had a phone installed to assist him with his truck- ing business, Mr. John Alexander Sr, is doing quite a little repair work on wood and iron at his shop. Locomotives and tenders on a ship leaving Liverpool England, for Buen os Aires, Argentina, recently, weigh ed 2,000 tons. Tea grown in the Netherland East Indies this year will weigh nearly 80,000 tons. Royal Albert Hall, London, has painters and carperters' .shops and blacksmith's forge. Modern Geometry The shortest distance between two points is a straight line such as a telephone line. When you want to get in instant touch--when you must talk something over in a hurry--use Long Distance, It brings satisfac tion. 1926 CHEVROLET COACH . Perfect condition $145.00 Ross, Ames & Gartshore Limited 135 King St. W, Phone 11060 New Martin Today and Friday Jeanette Macdonald Joe E. Brown in "THE LOTTERY BRIDE" Added FOX NEWS "The Chimps in 9 Nights in a Bar Room" Coming Ronald Colman in "Devil to Pay" "SALADA" TEA The Tea that comes to you, "Fresh from the Gardens" STO The Stores That Are 98.65% P&SH Op Canadian Owned STOP & SHOP FINEST PASTRY FLOUR (BULK) READICUT Macaroni. LARGE MEATY 10 HANDY Large Package PEANUT Rios U2 EN Prunes Ammonia Brtter \ 24 1b. bag FRESH YOUNG PORK 49 Shoulders 14- BONELESS Butts ib. 1 8- MILK FED VEAL Loins Flank Shoulder Rack Roast ». Stewing Cuts ». 1b. 1%7- 12 15 Cooked Jellied Ceal, sliced .... 1b. 35¢ ¢ Variety Loaf .....000.0. PR ~a----~-- ole Ib. 32¢ ' Chuck Roast For Pot {J Roast or Boiling Ib. BEEF TENDER YOUNG ONTARIO LAMB ro Loins rik on -- 1b. 20¢ Stop and Shop Pure Lard ......... ... ... ... 11b. carton 12¢ - . pn 14 «16 Brooms, red handle ...., Brooms, plain handle. .... Stop & Shop Floor Wax, 1-1b, tin 29¢ Classic Cleanser. ......... Soap Chips, bulk .......,....1b. 11¢ Bon-Ami, cake or powder, 2 for 2§¢ Chipso wi..iivvs..... large pkg, 19¢c Oxydol .........u., large pkg. 19¢ Iris Toilet Paper........ 3 rolls 23 ¢ «+0 Pkg. Westinghouse Lamps, 25-40-60 WBE vous sonnei. @ fOr $1.40 Yorkshire Relish Sauce... Robertson's Pkg. Candies, Salted Pea- Quaker Cornflakes..... . each §§¢ . each 39¢ ICEBERG 2 tins 15¢ WAVAL Oranges FRESH Spinach Beets 9c - btl. 27 ¢ nuts, Gum Drops, Golden Puffs, Peppermint Bullseyes.. pkg. 10¢ MARSH~SEEDLESS Fruit nd Vegetables Head Lettuce 2 heads 20 vo. ZX ¢ 21. 19¢ 2 bunches 1 5c

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