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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Apr 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1931 'The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, ssbscriptions and news will be received at the - WhitLy Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle.--Telephone 23. After Business Hours--Phone 359. REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON Cire Department May J Be Re-Organized to 'Increase its Efficiency Council to Hold Special Session Next Tuesday Evening When Fire Department Matters Will Be Discussed -- Chairman of Fire and Light Tells of Trucks Not Being Kept in Condition--Charges Lack of Co-operation in the Brigade a B partment, with a view to bringing about greater efficiency, may be un- { dertaken by the Town Council in the {near future, The purchase of a ' modern siren to replace the present 'bell, may also be undertaken. The Council or Monday night, for {the best part of an hour, discussed £1 A re-organization of Whitby Fire q., department matters which have caused no little concern during the past few months, particularly with respect to the operation of the fire fighting equipment, Council was un- animous that in view of certain ex- isting unsatisfactory conditions, re- organization should be undertaken, and steps taken to see that the fire NNACONA INSULATION plus a beautiful decorative surface The advantages of Donnacona are twofold. It keeps houses warm in winter, cool in summer. And it has a beautiful rough-cast surface which lends itself to attractive decorative effects. You can line your attic with Donnacona--in beautiful pan- elled effects--and make an extra room. will cut 30% to 40%, off your fuel bills. Incidentally you 4 You can your with panelled walls of Donnacona and a beautiful Donnacona ceiling. And you can make your garage wind-proof and attractive with Donnacona. In sheets 4 feet wide and from 6 to 13 feet long. Easily and quickly applied. Saws and nails like lumber, Write your local dealer for descriptive literature, \J8> . The Carew Lumber Co; Ltd. 74 Athol St. West . OSHAWA Phones 12 & 13 "NAVY" A full weight Roll of Sterilized quality Tissue--700 sheets of soft, sefe, sanitary paper. "WHITE SWAN" "A snowy white Sterilized Tissue. In wrap- ped, dustproof Rolls of 750 sheet. The Family Health Guerd Eddy tissues are purified by modem methods of stertlization. Tissues from which all impurities have been scientifi- cally removed, The safest, softest, most absorbent papers for bathroom use. THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY LIMITED HULL + « #° . + CANADA Manufacturers of Paper and Peper Products Exclusively. Dby gbpDyY ED were seen on in 1 trucks are in operating condition and supplied with drivers and pump op- erators at all times. Because of the failure on several vccasions re- cently of the pumper engine to function when required, the absence of regularly appointed drivers when ff |the trucks were called out, and, on a more recent occasion, the fact that the pumper stopped for want of gas while in use, have resulted in much criticism being levelled on the Fire Department, and, of course, the Council, with the result that Council feels that wrong things must be set right for the protection of the town. A special meeting of Council to dis- cuss and deal with existing unsatis- factory . conditions has been called for next Tuesday evening when re- commendations of the Fire and Light Committee will be considered. In the discussion Council was a- greed that all regulations of the Fire Department should be enforced; that the fire trucks should be in- spected daily and be always in the hands of competent men available at all times; that = every fireman should know the location of hy- drants, and that the operation of the equipment should be in keeping with the efficient service in fire fighting for which the Whitby Fire Brigade has long been noted. Coun- cil agreed with the Reeve that no more efficient body of volunteer fire fighters could be found anywhere, but it also agreed with him that un- satisfactory conditions, as already outlined, must be ended at once, The chairman of the Fire and Light Committee, Coun. Reid, charg- ed lack of co-operation on the part of some of the firomen, with pass- ing the buck as a favorite pastime. He stated that a fire truck stood in the hall for two weeks before it was washed; that at the time of the C. N.R. mail car fire no drivers turned up to take the pumper out; that when the fire bell rang last Saturday the pumper engine, even with a new battery in 'it, would not start, and had to be cranked, also that the pumper ran out of gas at a Sunday morning fire shortly after it was taken out. One man blamed these conditions on the other, and no one man seemed to be responsible. Coun- cillor Reid stated that there was friction in the Department and in his opinion a complete re-organiza- tion was needed. The care of the fire engines, he thought, was a one- man job. Council was in complete sympathy with the remarks of the Fire and Light Chairman. Reeve Jackson went so far as to state that the fire brigade which for years had been Whitby's pride, was, because of re- cent events, becoming a laughing stock. Coun. Pringle noted that the chem- ical truck would gearcely run at a recent fire, the lights being very din. The fact that at the Hill fire hose, tad to be laid for many additional blocks, thus greatly interfering with the water pressure, because appar- ently the existence of a mew hy- drant closer in was unknown to the firemen, vas also mentioned in the discussion, | felt that while the ap- it of a permanent fire en- gincer to stay in the hall might be a solution of the truck management problem, the town could not afford to undertake such an expense. It was felt, too, that men competent to look after the trucks could be found in town if a change from the present arrangement was deemed advisable. 4 The fact that firemen complain that they cannot hear the bell was also considered serious, and it seem- ed to be the general opinion that the present bell should be discarded and an electric siren installed. : Coun. Fred Landon opined that it was not only the drivers who were at fault, but one man was trying to get the other. In connection with the truck running out of gas, Coun- cil did not know but what some per- son took the gas out of the tank to get the drivers in trouble. He understood that there were a lot of keys to the hall, also that lights the hall at different hours, . Town Clerk Frost said there were only three keys to the hall. WATER AND POWER DEMAND LOWER DURING MARCH In Comparison With Figures * for Same Month Last Year The total amount of water deliv- ered to the Town System during the month of March was 12,502,300 im- perial gallons, which figures out at an average rate of 403,300 gallons per day, The greatest amount pumped in any one day was 458,000 on iy March 16th, the least was on Sunday, March 8th, viz, 333,500. gals. A year ago the de- mand for the month was 13,673,200 gallons, and in 1929 it was 12,634, Light and Power The "peak" demand for power ap- ears to have occurred on Tuesday, arch '24th, at 11.80 am. and a- mounted to 687 h.p. The K.W.H. consumption for the month was 245, 280. A year ago the demand stood at 792 h.p. with a K.W.H. consump- tion of 296,960, In 1929 the demand was 826 h.p. with a K.W.H. con- sumption of 262,800. It will thus be seen that a pronounced decrease has taken place. It is due largely to slackening in demand by industrial power users and also, in part, to va- cant houses and stores. Billing Statistics. Power Light 1930 1475.96 693.66 ., 947.79 1931 1116.57 633.67 816.562 March is an "off" month for bill- ing purposes. TENNIS CLUB ANNUAL MEETING Good Statements Presented and New Officers Elected Water At a well attenead annual meet- ing of the Whitby Tennis Club held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, Mr. H. J. Geale was re- elected to the position of President of she clib. The election of officers for the coming season took place at the meeting and the financial report of the club for the last year was presented by Mrs. Fothergill, the retiring secretary-treasurer. 1t is hoped that the club will en- joy greater success this year, and to further the spirit of the club it was decided that the club should en- ter a team in the Eastern Ontario Tennis League. The club made a fine showing last year in the inter- mediate section, and it is hoped that a strong team may be put in this year, so that with the addition of scveral towns it is expected to have six teams in place of the three that competed in the group last year, and so make for a fine season's play. May Reduce Fees The question of a reduction in the membership fee for both men and women was given considerable dis- cussion at the meeting. It was fin- ally decided that the president should sclect a committee to approach the board of directors of the Whitby Tennis and Bowling Association at their annual meeting on Thursday evening to suggest that the fees for tennis players be reduced. The pro- posed reductions call for the reduc- tion of men's fees from $8 to $6; and a similar cut of two dollars in the ladies' fees to $4. The fee sug- gested for restricted hours was placed at $2.60. It was the opinion of the meeting that a larger mem- bership might be secured by a re- duction in the fees, and the matter rests with the board of directors. Financial Report The financial report of the club showed that there were fifty-five paid up members last season which was less than the year before. To- tal receipts for the year amounted to $395.25, this being made up as follows: Membership fees $351.50; ground fees $26.75, and entertain- ments $17. . The officers elected for the com- ing year were as follows: Honor- ary Presidents, A. G. Browning, Miss I. M. Innes, Dr. C. F. McGil- livray; President, H. J. Geale; 1st Vice-President, Miss Helena Rich ardson; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. Foth- ergill; secretary-treas., Miss Q. Ast- ley. Grounds Committee, Gordon McBride (chairman), William Ruddy ond Miss Eelanor Correll. Games Committee, Miss Helena Richardson (chairman), Miss Nina Ross and Dr. I". 8. Mills. Social Committee, Miss Alice Correll, Miss Muriel Draper, Mrs. Freeman and Miss M. Price, 1931 ASSESSMENT NOTICES The Assessor and Collector, H. L. I'ringle and assistants at the Town Hall are preparing the assessment notices for 1931, and these are being delivered to the rate- payers. The pre aration of these slips is a big job, second only to getting out the tax notices. TO CONSTRUCT SEWER The Town Council on Monday night passed a resolution asking the Public Utility Commission to under- take the construction of a sewer extension to serve a new house to be erected on St. John Street by Rev. A. M. Irwin, of Oshawa, for- merly of Whitby United Church. BUILDING NEW STORE A new store is being erected by Mr. R. J. Campo on Brock St. 8. a short distance below the park. Mr. Campo intends to sell groceries, ice cream and other commodities. He applied to Council Monday night for permission to cut a tree down, and the request was referred to Streets Committee. EUROPE 3 days from Quebec VIA ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY © Boat train, Montreal to Quebec dockside... then mammoth new Empress of Britain . . . then 2 days gorgeous St. Lawrence Seaway, only 3 days open ocean . . « direct to Cherbour, g and Southam pton, Canadian Pacific's flect of 13 giantesses offer 3 to § weekly sailings from Montreal and Quebec + + « luxurious Empresses, regal Duchesses, popular To 9 European ports. tion. 1 Pacific Travell, 7 t Cabin liners. Every type accommodae 2 "Always Carry C Good the World Over." Canadian Pae fic from yout Own sgent J. BLACK MACKAY, General Agent, Canadian Pacific Bldg., Toronto TO CATCH THE SPEEDERS The Council has decided to furnish Chief Quantrill with a stop watch to help him in enforcing traffic regu- lations. The. police department has never owned such a watch, and it'is very much, needed. These 'speed demon catchers are in use by all the traffic officers. BAND AND CHOIR CONCERT SUNDAY NIGHT A splendid programme has been prepared for the sacred concert to be given in the Town Hall on Sun- day evening by the Whitby Citizens' Band, assisted by the choir of the United Church. The latter organ- ization very kindly consented to help the Band and naturally the services were thankfully accepted. This con- cert, the last of the winter series, promises to be the best from many angles. The Band will give severa choir can be counted upon te give something worth while. Bandmaster J. Broadbent will lead the Band, and Arthur W. Lynde will direct the vis- of the concert, which starts at 8.30 sharp, anticipates a large crowd. MINISTER IMPROVING Friends of the Rev. A. L. Rich- ards, B.D., minister of the United Church, will be pleased to learn that he is now greatly improved in health as the result of his holiday in the iting choir, The committee in charge | be back in Whitby and occupy his pulpit on April 26th. BOYS' WORKER TO SPEAK At the morning service in the United Church next Sunday morning the speaker will be Mr. Gordon Lapp, Secretary of the Ontario Boys' Work Board, whose subject will be "The Place of the Boy in the Church." Mr, Lapp 'is: regarded as an expert on boys' problems. CHARGE WITHDRAWN The charge against John Dre- kul, of Toronto, of reckless driv- ing, arising from an accident which occurred on the Kingston highway west of Whitby recentl has been withdrawn, A similar charge against another motorist named Burton, also of Toronto, in connection with the same accident, will be heard in Whitby Police 1{ Court, April 10th, 'mew and popular numbers, while the BASE LINE WEST |. Mn Reynolds, of Orillia, is visit- ing at Mr. Roy Stirtevants. | Nurse Miss O. Brown, of Toronto, | visited friends and at the Ontario | Hospital last week. Miss Jean Hoar celebrated birthday on Easter Sunday. Mr. Milton Story and Jack, of To- routo, were at the Lake Shore house on Saturday, fishing. The Davidson family have rented Mrs. Mark Lees' farm. her gouth. 1t is expected that he wilt} Sorry to learn that Mr, Geo, Hill | had his house burned down Sunday morning. The water in the creek is the low- est for years, making trapping dif- ficult, Mrs. John Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Burdick, were callers at Mr. E. Story's Sunday. Mr. S. Kirk discovered a strange fish on the lake shore with teeth 1 inch long and 4 ft. in length. Farmers will be able to go on the land this week seeding. The members of the Gun Club held a dinner and supper at the lake shore house * Good Friday. Those "were Win. Ellis, Sleightholm "Bros, Wm. Ayres, Harry Thomp- son, Tom Henstock, C. St. 'Pierre, and Russell Collins. They had an enjoyable time free from dull care. C. St, Pierre was chief for the oc- casion, and provided an excellent supper. An extra dish was a marsh rabbit stew. Harry Thompson gave a description of the towns he, vis- ited in the Maritime Provinces, and Wm. Ayres sang two pleasing solos, all joining in. Wm. Ellis gave a comic song which delighted the boys. After supper they tried their luck fishing, with poor success. After lunch they broke up, well satisfied with their outing, Tempting to the eye and beneficial to the health. McLAREN'S INVINCIBLE POWDERS JELLY Bab-0 Cleanser Something new.. wantin The New Car Polish Ka Free with each tin . Has no Equal Brillo RYLAND Clothes Lines Waterproof Junior Size Tins 2 rpol One Laquer Polishing Cloth Tin 2. 1 9c Cleans like Lightning 50 feet--Line SPECIAL--DIAMOND TOILET FLUSH 25° SPECIAL--Excellent Value--SLICED SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE Pkgs. Ll Ty SERVE EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL 1 |b. Tin Paste OLD ENGLISH FLOOR ou do not ater. Our Regular Pric- i= Rr Prepared specially for Enamel 14c 35¢ | Wonderful 1" 3%e Value!! SPECIAL--The Ideal Breakfast Food Grape Nuts 29° GROCETERIAS 1, pt. Bottle Liquid THE TWO FOR For Lustre and Time Saving, Old English Wax is a wonder. Still more wonderful to the housewife is this wonderful price. NEVER have we sold these two at such a saving. | SPECIAL--It Scours; it Cleans! DIAMOND Cleanser Heol: W.\ J These Specials on Sale for Week of April 9th to 15th need it now, you will r these ". use Chi P& TIN SPECIAL-- STAR or HANDY Ammonia SPECIAL-- EGG- Just add Water and Bake! Makes Delicious Cake. Try it. CO. LIMITED EE Al. a... a a | S.0.S. Cleanser When Things Look Blackest 8.0.8............ Lemon Oil Produces a Hard, 12 oz. bottle Quick Suds Lavoline Floor Cleaner. - COMFORT SOAP 10-39 No. 1% Se 1 Oc CASH (oF-\1414'4 » Items Is $1.00 6 pad Pkg. 23¢ Dry Lustre 22¢ $0 Product. Lge. Pkg. 19¢c Large Btl. 23¢c CAKE MIXTURE Magic BakingPowder 11h. 34c Tin and

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