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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Apr 1931, p. 2

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PICKERING DIES Funeral Held as Resi- ig of Distreit Pay Last ~ Respects to Mrs. S. WW. vis \ ti BF Joan Clarke, Correspondent) (48 ering, April 9.--One of the f st funerals ever held in Plck- ring, was that of the late Mrs. 8. W. Davis, wife of Police Trustee nley Davis, which took place on od Friday. The decoased had all 'her 'life In the commun- and was well known together "With her husband who iy a busi= ess man of the village. A short "Service was held at the residence on Ohurch street for close friends 'and relatives, followed by a public ,gervice in Bt. George's Church, in which Mrs. Davis had been an ac- tive worker. The rector, Rev. I" 0 Robinson, conducted the services, "assisted hy Mr. Charles Emery, of Toronto. The pall bearers were . Messrs, Allan Bath, J. S. Balsdon, § 8. Chapman, F. I" Bunting, { Thos. Dwyer and Wm. Reid. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful, Interment was made in the Disciple Cemetery. Among Latest Craze THE YO-HO TRICK 'BALL 10¢ 15¢ 35¢ KARN'S Drug Store Next P. 0. Phone 378 the out of town relatives who were present at the funeral were: Mrs. B, Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mi- ler, Mrs, 'Wm. Field, Mr, Robert Cuthbert and Mr. Alexander Cuth- bert, all:of Toronto. ; Mr. and Mrs. L. Ravin and son, and Mr. and Mrs, W. Shepherd and family, of Toronto, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Jas, White on the holiday. Misses Douglas, of Toronto, Miss Lillian Wiman, of Peterboro and { Mr. Wm. Morrish, of Kitchener, have been the guests of Mrs, A. Burrell and Russell Burrell this week. Ross Thexton, of Toronto, was a visitor in the village on Good I'ri« day. Mr, and Mrs, H, Matchett and daughter Heleh, visited with {lends in town during the holi- ay. Miss Mildred Burrett spent a few days this week with relatives in Toronto. Miss Jean Clark was in Toronto this week attending the Ontario Library Association convention. Miss Ethel Bray, of the Peter. boro Normal School, is spending the week at her home here. W. W. Monney, of the Gora Bay teaching staff, is spending the holl- day at the home of his pareuts. Mr. and Mrs. John Balsdon ana family, spent the week-end with the former's brother and family in Burford. Miss Brawley, of Whitby, was the guest of Miss Bernice Chap- man, on Wetlnesday. Miss Marie Draper of Toronto, visited with C. W. and Mrs, Pllkey one day this week. - Mrs. Marsh, of Norwich, Mrs, Clement of Milton, and Miss Helen Burling, of Cochrane, visited with their sister, Mrs. F. T. Bunting, this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Jones and young son, are visiting with rela tives in Owen Sound. Miss Marjorfe Diamond of King- ston, is epending the Easter holi- | days at her home here. The Swastika Club met at the home of Mrs, W. J. Clark on Tues- day evening, The program was on the Birds and was in charge of Mrs. J. Smith, Miss Jennie Ballantyne. of 'Mor- onto, spent Wednesday with Mrs. and Miss Fawkes and other Pick- ering friends. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Richardson, of Georgetown, and family, spent Easter Sunday with relatives in the village. Mrg. John Law, of Toronto, was a visitor to the village over the week-end. Mrs. G. Murray spent several days during the past week in To- ronto, with Capt. and Mrs, Hogue, helping them to get settled in their new home there. Mr. and Mrs, Boyes are visiting their daughter, Mrs. A. Franklin, of Port Perry, this week. Miss Myra Cronk of Toronto, is holidaying at the home of her par- ents, R. H. and Mrs. Oronk. Mr. and Mrs. Kingdon, Miss 1da Bunting and Dr. R. M. Batemcn, all of Toronto, called upon R. A. Backache Banished Mr, A. Groulx, Verdun, Que., writes: 'For several months I suffered from a pain in the back. I was unable to sit down without pain . , . but thought it would soon pas Afterthe ng isted I decid od to try in Pills. J only sou them 3 days when my pain dis- appeared and did not return.' Avoid kidney trouble, which may I y Rheu- matism, . Buya box of Gin Pills at any drug. store, TH GROW. i ER i and how EY Garden time should find you equipped to assist Mother Nature in her annual task of covering the carth with edibles and floral loveliness. When the first thund. cr clouds dissolve into infinitudes of biwe and the vegetable and flower kingdoms call answer with a spade and COOPER SMITH seeds as they are absolutely the fl finest PROCURABLE | SEA WA ® | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1931 and Mrs. Bunting one day this week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ilerron and family, of Brooklin, were Easter visitors with Jabez and Mrs, Hal- let, During the past week a realdent of the village received a copy of "The Queenslander," an illustrated magazine, from friends in Austra- {lla, which gave a graphic picture story of the recent flood in Aus- tralia, and earthquake in New Zea- land. : i Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Remmer, of Brockville, are spending Easter with friends in the vicinity. Miss Gladys Burns, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sis ter, Mrs, L. Morley. Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Whitby are | spending the Easter week with friends in Western Ontario. Passion week was fittingly ob- served by the churches in the vil- lage, Good Friday services were held in the three churches. In St, George's church on Sunday, the services were conducted by the rec- tor, Rev. Mr, Robinson and in the morning Holy Communion was celebrated. The topic and music at both services were in keeping with the occasion. At the United Church the morning service was in charge of the minister, Rev. IR. H. Stainton. In the evening, Rev. Walter Craw, of Toronto present. ed his dramatic sermon, "Mirrors of Life." The cholr assisted by singing the last pgrt of the cantata "Penitence, Pardon and Peace," hy Maunder. These services were pre- cered by three week-day meetings, at which the speakers were Rev. Mr. Jull, Brooklin, Rev. Mr. Rock- ham, Whitevale and Rev. Dr. W. F. Fletcher, of Oshawa, respective- REPORTGIVEN ON CONVENTION OF | "WHS. WORKERS Held Interesting Meeting |; on Wednesday (Mrs. W. RB. Courtice, Correspon- dent) Courtice, April 9.--A very inter. esting meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the home of Mrs. W, Marshall on Wed- nesday afternoon. The meeting opened with a hymn and the »resi- dent Mrs. H. F. Osborne lcd in prayer. Mrs. A. I. Rundle took charge of the devotional period and. Easter leaflets were given to the leadies with responsive Bible readings and hymns. Mrs. Rundle read the passages with the ladies responsively and at the close of the leaflet some verses of poetry were read in unison, In the absence of the regording secretary, Mrs. Esli Oke was ap- pointed by the president. The treasurer gave a most encouraging report, also complimenting the la- dies on the standing our auxiliary held at the Presbyterial in Osh- awa recently. Mrs. Frank Run- dle was called on when she gave | some thoughts presented at the | Preshyterial. A story entitled | "The Mother," was then given by f*Mrs. Marshall, Mrs, Cecil Wor- | den played a pretty plano solo. | part of a chapter in the study book {on Missions and developments of | church work in Japan, was ably dealt with by Mrs. Russel (Gay. The president then called on the different secretaries for and a vocal duet was sung by Misses Sadie Muir and Hazel Run- j dle. Afterwards a social hour was y bat when Mrs. Marshall's group served a hounteous lunch. Mrs. | Marshall was a most genial hostoss. On Wednesday evening the Trail Rangers were entertained to a de- lightful supper at the parsonage by Rev. H. C. and Mrs, Wolfroim. There were twelve boys present, Harold Forsythe and Sandy Muir were initiated and are now mem- bers. After the business part of the meeting a short program was glven. Harold and Eddie Forsythe gave readings and Donald Courtice played a plano solo. The Lord's Prayer was then repeated together, Mr. Cecil Found, leader of the Trail Rangers and Mrs, Found were 'algo present and after the meeting a game was enjoyed ly the boys and they went home with memories of a happy evening. Mrs. W. Marshall, Florabelle, June and Billie are spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Lonmington visfted. romtloo pes mn visited relative during the holiday week, Jere Miss Maude Squires, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Cour- 'tice recently, Rev. C. C. Washington and Mrs. Washington, Joyce, and Anna, | Fenelon Falls were visitors {his week at G. F, Annis'. Scripture verse. business were transacted, were. made for the pan-cake and maple syrup social to be held in the Sunday School room United Church on Thursday even. ing, April 16th, short program. At the conclusion of the business meeting. Mrs. H. Eagleson interesting paper on 'The Resur- daughter, Merle, spent Easter Sunday at the forme er's parents, United Church tended. morning having an attendance of 7 over 100. The superintendent, J, Ladies of Ebenezer Church |siark and teachers are greatly en- couraged over the interest taken very quietly. known. to have spent among friends in owing to the roads here. The nice weather of the past few days is increasing the motor traffic on the side roads. days wit! spent on Tuesday, April the home of Mr, and Mrs, James Shunk, when a tives and friends gathered in hon- or of Mr. Shunk's 65th birthday. A | A bounteous supper was served in {the table was the with lighted by Miss Merele Shunk, of Port Perry. reports | some nice present from Scugog, and Prince Albert, daughter, spendiig a holiday with her par ents, 'Mr. -and- Mrs, J. Holdershaw. Many items ot plans of the followed by a read an effective and rection and Easter Lilies. A duet, sung by Mrs, Will Clarke and Mrs. Roy Scott, Easter Lilies" was much appreci- ated. The meeting closed with a "Beautiful hymn and short . prayer by the president, Lunch was served and a social hour spent' by all. The monthly meeting of the Quadratu Girls' Club was held on Wednesday evening, April 8th, at the parsonage. The. vice-presi- dent, Miss Alma Clements was iu the chair, meeting opened exercises after program was The with devotional business a short given and reading by Miss Iva Reynolds and contest by Miss Mare jorie Mitchell. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by Girls' Club, Miss Dorothy Orchard, of Stouffville, and Miss Una Sleep, of Pleasant Point, are spending the vacation at their respective homes in the vicinity. Miss Vera Tanner returned to her duties in Toronto on Monday, after a holiday spent with her mother, Mrs, A. Tanner. Miss Eva Reynolds and Mr. Ross McLean, of Port Perry High School are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boe and family, of Bowmanville, visiting relatives over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Melville Sleep and family. of Brooklin, spent Easter Sunday with relatives, Wilson Boe ana of Beaverton, Mr, and Mrs. little daughter, {visiting the latter's parents, Mr, |and Mrs, I, Beadle, for a few days. Mr, John Mark attending the Educational Convention in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and of Port Perry, The Easter services in the were largely at Sunday School in the n the Sunday School, The even- Ing service was conducted by the pastor, preachde a splendid .and impres- sive Easter sermon, The choir of 16 men's voices rendered special music. The were much enjoyed. Rev. B. F. Green, who services throughout The holiday on Friday passed Few visitors are the day vieinity, of the the condition A large number attended the dance at Sonya on Monday even- ig. A very enjoyable time is re- ported, Grant Orchard is confined to his bed through {liness, A speedy re- covery i§ hoped for by his many friends. The school teacher, Miss M. Armstrong, is spending the holi- her parents at Bow- manville, A very pleasant evening was 7th, at number of rela- e dining room. In the centre of birthday cake its . 65 candles, These were the grand daughter, Shunk was the recipient of gifts. . Guests were Port Perry Mr, The weekly meeting of the Young People's League was held on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room presiding. with the use of a hymn, prayer by the pastor and Bible references by Glen 'Wanamaker, were read and adopted. After the business session a talk was given by Bertrum Wanamaker and a reading by Dorothy Reynolds. These were much enjoyed. Meeting closed with a hymn and the League benediction. : with the president The meeting opened The minutes Mrs. Gordon Montgomery and of Bowmanville, are or--To Mr, and Mrs. Russell B Chambers, on April 2, a son. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wallace, of Toronto, on April 6th, a son. Congratulations. KEDRON NOTES (Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, ) Kedron, April 7.--Miss Xida Mountjoy has been spending a few {days with Mrs, M, | Oshawa, ; Miss Ruby Hancock, Brooklin is | 30lidaying with Mrs, Leslie Han-| cock. H. Langmaid, Mr, and 'Mrs, Roy Hepburn and family visited with Mr, and Mra. Wm. J, Mountjoy, Columbus. 'Raymond and Margaret. Columbus, 'present themselves than. thefe is "| be sent 'home to wait until the Sep: Dr. and Mrs. R, E. McMillan, Oshawa, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. Harold Mountjoy on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gimblétt, visited with Mr, aad Mrs, Everett Mountjoy recently. Mr, and Mrs. FF. W, Lee, Mr. and Mrs, A, R. Scott and family, Mr, and Mrs. H, T, Cole, Misses Mildred, Marie, Helen and Ruth Cole and Mr, Lawrence Allin, Orono, were entertained to tea recently by Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Vice and Mrs, Wm. Hepburn were in Tor- onto on Monday. Mr. and. Mrs. Gilbert L. Gibson, Douglas and Alan, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Luke on Saturday. Miss Bernice Stainton, Zion, was & weekend guest of her sister, Mrs. Ross, Lee. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Scott, En fleld, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross, Mr. Frank Ross and Miss Gladys Ross and Mr. James Scott, Colum« bus, Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Scoit and family, Mr. and Mrs, G, L. Scott Ray and Grace were guests of Mr, and Mrs. C. F, Werry for tea Mon- day night. The following is the Easter standing for 8.8. No. 4, East Whit- b; Tar. 1V.--Louis Pogson. Florence Groat,. Sr. IIIL--Edward Dracey. Ben Bracey, Glen Hoskin, Frank Mc- Caun, John James. Jr. 11I.--Eri¢c Buechler, Verna Brown, Eva Bracey, Albert Buech- ler, Evelyn Brock. Sr. 1l.--Jean Yellowlees, Art Buechler, Audrey Woodley, Ella Hoskin, Willie McCann, Jr. Il.--Ross Brown, Douglas Jones, Dorothy Bracey. Primer.--Ralph Hepburn, Pert Hoskin, Jessie Jones, (Marjorie Groat absent part time.) No. on roll 24. Teacher, A. E. Smyth. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Crossman visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. James Crossman, Haydon, A number from here attended Mr. A. D. Langmaid's auction sale at Zion on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, F, Crossman enter- tained a number of their friends Tuesday evening. HARMONY SCHOOL REPORT Ee . Senior Room a Sr. 1V.--~George Hunking, Edith Edwards, Neata Sweet, Wilbur King- ston, Joe Grills, Eileen Trull, Earl Wakely, Raymond Goyne, Della Tooley, Betty Lewis, Bertha Herne, Ruby Brown, : : Jr. 1V.--Ruth Tooley, Catharine Lander, Cletus Dyer, Garnett Goyne, George Barlow, Bert Karch, : Sr. I1I.--~Margaret Sugden, Carl- son Etcher, Warren Peters, Ross Ed- wards, Irene Fleming, Eva Hazell, Greta Hunking, Constance Peters, Raymond Grills, Doris Rart, Bertha Huff, Dorothy Marritt, Ross Winter. Preston I. Timmins, teacher. Intermediate Room Jr. 111.--Isabel Cooke, Marle cher, Jackie Sanders, Vera Mason, Lawtence Byers, Clifford Rogers, Ei- leen Luke, Donald Sugden, Lyndia Powell, Gladys «+ Sugden, Eunice Chipps, Joyce Smith, Sr. IL.--Kenncth Conlin, Albert Rogers, Dorothy Ross, Gordon Kell- ett, Joyce Powell, Eddie Saunders, Audrey Terwillegar, Tommy Hart, Vivienne Herne, Bruce Ferguson, Bobbie Sugden, Cameron Smith, John Prest. Ve. Mrs. C. W. Souch and Health, was sung, followed by an interest- ing report of the Ontario Prohibi- tion Union Convention held re- cently in Toronto, by Miss E. Rey- nolds, delegate. lake assisted in the musical pro- pram, with a plano solo, Clayton gave a paper on and Its Value." man gave a paper on "Woman's Waste and Energy." followed by a song, "Ginger Up." Mrs. W. Horn gave & reading, "A Common Cold." Friday. ready in flower In some village gardens, flowers also. helped along by the recent show- ers, which have made the lawns take on an emerald hue in places once more, returned from relatives, don Fairbairn, were Easter visitors at the home of C. H. Smart. HEALTH IS TOPIC AT HAMPTON W.I, Paper on "Food and Its Value" Read by Mrs. H. Clayton (Miss L. Horm, Correspondent) Hampton, April 10.--The mon- thly meeting of the Women's In- stitute held their April meeting on Thursday, April 2nd, in the base- ment of the church. The president, Mrs. H., E. Run- dle, was in the chair, The program was in charge of was on "Pack Up Your Dishes," Mrs. C. J. Kers- Mrs, H. "Food Mrs. W. Chap- This was Mrs. Souch gave splendid talk on "Cancer and Heart Failure," followed by sing- ng Gold." sent to the Federated Mrs, W. D. Doidge, Mrs. W. Chap- man and Mrs, W, W. Horn,, were appointed a nominating committee, next meeting being election of -f- ficers. God Save the King. 30; colection, $1.42. ing on May 7th, at the home of | Mrs. L. D. Sykes, when there will "Silver Threads Among the $10.00 was voted to be Institute. Meeting closed by singing Attendance, Next meet- | be a candy demonstration. The regular meeting of the "Busy Bees," was held at the home of Mrs. J. R. Bick on Wednesday evening, March 26th. ing opened with the first verse of "Just As I Am," followed by the Lord's Prayer. hold the next church on April 7th, to quilt autograph quilt. took the devotional on the story of Mary and Martha. fered prayer; after which Elinor Sykes gave the topic on the Life of Pauline Johnston; s favored with a plano selection; followed by a poem Johnston's. read by Reta Billett. Taps were repeated and the meet- ing closed with the Mizpah Bene- diction. was engaged in followed by dain- ty refreshments, served by their hostess and teacher, Number present 11, The meet- It was decided to meeting in the the Jean Hogarth Helen Knox of- Jessle Knox of Pauline A social time with games Mrs, Bick. Another April shower came on The hepaticas are al- of wild been that can boast These . have Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Gay visiting nave Toronto E, C. Elliott, F. C. P, and Gor- 0.0.F,, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter and Mrs. J. L. Johns visited Orono rel- atives, recently, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn, ac- companied by Mrs. R. Avery ind Mrs. Myrtle Taylor, visited Tor- onto friends on Sunday. Albert Allin, Toronto, spent the Easter holiday at home. Mr, and Mrs. Elroy Creper and daughter Barbara, Toronto; Dr. Reginald Challener, Toronto; Mrs. Ewart Creeper, Owen Sound, were Easter visitors at the home cf J. Colwill, ' Mrs. L. Willlamson and eon, Peterboro, were Easter visitors at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett and daughter, Joy, Toronto, Mr. La.h- angue, Cadmus, visited at the home of Geo. Barron, recently. Mrs. W,. Oke, Enniskillen, vigit- ed her daughter, Mrs, Frank Spry, on Wednesday. ' Miss E. Reynolds, entertained a number of friends on Wednesday evening. Jessie Hogarth visited ner cous- ins, Betty and Mildred Snowden, Maple Grove, recently, Mr. and Mrs. Boynton and fam- ily, Oshawa, are to be some of our new citizens, having rented the farm of N. C. Ruse. , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fowler, Toronto, visited the latters par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gay, re- cently, . Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wilson, Mrs. Bond and Pearl Wilbur, Toronto, visited at the home of S. Kersey, on Sunday. Tom Sykes, Toronto, is an BEas- ter week visitor at his home. C. E. Horn, unloaded a car of wheat again 'this week. Mr; and Mrs, Elliott, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs, 8. T. Mountjoy, recently, Mr. A. A. Johnston and Mr. Sir- rea, Toronto, were recent visitors at the home of Harry Holwell, * MAPLE GROVE NEWS (Miss Marion Snowden, Correspondent) Maple Grove, April 10--Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines, recently visited his brother, H. G. Freeman, here, Miss Vera Trimble, Peterborough Normal School, spent the holidays at her home here. Miss Nellie Snowden has return- ed to her school in Lakehurst. } The Young People's Meeting was held on Monday opened with a hymn and prayer by Mr. Wolfraim. The Bible reading was given by Vera Trimble and the devotional topic by Jack Brown. The second vice pres- ident, Miss Edna Swallow then took charge oi the following program: reading, Eileen Hockin; vocal solo, Iva Folev topic, Ernest Twist; read- ino. Marjorie Stevens; quartet, Edna Swallow, Dora Eaems, Jack Cator and Clifford Swallow; a short talk by Mrs, Wolfraim; reading, Nellie Snowden ; violin music, Fred Hockin. There was then community singing and the meeting closed with a hymn and the league benediction, Mr and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Roy and Jack, visited her ~arents, Mr, and Mrs. John Lancaster, Port Gran- by, on Sunday. Miss Annie Laird, Young's Point, spentthe holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Laird, KAGAWA'S WORK PICTURED The second number of the Ple- torial Review, prepared by the missionaries of our Church at work in Japan, is to hand and is & most interesting and insrtuctive publication. Among the many ex- cellent photographs reproduced are several picturing the ~ great Japanese leader, Kagawa, and his services, From the pictures shown one gets a very good idea of the scope and compass of the varied work being carried on by our mis- sionaries, KEPT WORKING Toronto, Ont.--Despite the agony of a fractured ankle, Mrs. Lucy No- ble, Simcoe street, kept on at her work of washing and cleaning for over two weeks after the accident occurred. . Late last week the pain became s0 acute she was forced to seek admission to the General Hos- pital. There it was found that, as well as her ankle being fractured, it was also completely dislocated. LOVE FOUND A WAY London--Permission was given by Clarke Hall at Old street for Alfred C. E. Danicls, 17, to marry Elsie A. Davis, 18. Daniels said that he cared very much for the girl, and since the last time he was before: the magistrate his parents had turn ed him out of his home, since when he had been living at the girl's home, Miss Davis said she had known Daniels two years, she seally cared' for him, and thought she would be happy with him. It was stated that her parents did not object to the marriage. BOY DROWNS SELF THROUGH WORRY London.~~Ilow a 15-year-old lad, Arthur Fletcher, of Clem street, Bur- slem, drowned himself through worry over having, with other boys, taken a few. sweets from a shop, was de- scribed at the inquest by the Stoke- on-Trent coroner, who said it was a mere boyish prank. The boy had been missing from his home for four days when his body was found in the canal. A virdict of suicide was re- turned, A highbrow defines a wag as a man who has more education than his intelligence can stand. 'Tea takes on a new mea when you change to Salada "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' Jr. I1=Viola Goyne, Herbert Kear- ney, Cecil Cooke, Lloyd Sweet, Alvin Scott, Dorothy Wiggans, Floyd Sut- ten, Leona Grills, Arnold Byers, John Richardson, Graydon Bvers, C. E. Williamson, teacher. Junior Room Sr. I--Merla Prest, Eileen Rodgers Lillian Kelusky, Floyd Dafoe, Sheila Lewis, Margaret Fleming, Paul Shetler. Jr. L.--Lorna Hinton and Stanley Hollman (equal), Patsy Kearney, Norris Dafoe, Arthur Etcher, Marie Shetler, Bobbie Vallier, Annie Smith, Ruby Merritt, Helen Smith (absent). Sr. Pr, -- Melba Hornby, Ivan Maracle, Helen Hyne, Ilda Hart, Grant Peters, George Jackson, Don- ald Cordy, Ronald Wiggins, Ross All- man, George Kingsland. Jr. Pr.=Dora Shantz, Orma Ter- willegar, Helen. Brown, Kathleen Brown, Stanley Hart, Rose Prest, Roberta Byers, Keith Fletcher, 'Rus- sell Wiggins, George Grills absent). Marjorie A. Dunn, teacher, rowded Parents are asked to take note that no beginners under six years of age in April of this year will be accepted in the beginners' class when school reopéns after Easter, Owing 'to' crowded gonditions in the' school, ofily a limited beginners' class will be taken now, and 'the remainder will have to wait until September class, If, on the opening morning more room for, the younger beginners will tember class, TCANADIAN-RUILT CARS FOR CANADIANST WaEN you buy a €anadian- built Chrysler, DeSoto, Plymouth, " Dodge car or Dodge truck, yoru support Canadian labor and help forward 'the development of a new era of Canadian prosperity. Miss May Harvey, Oshawa, vis- ited her parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm. EASTER MEETING in stock, kinds of tested garden seeds Garden Seeds || Interesting Program Enjoyed Harvey om Good Friday. . Miss Vera Richards, Oshawa, 's spending the Easter holidays with CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED and Much Business Trans- acted (Mrs, L. Beott, nt) Seagrave, April 8.~The regu- lar monthly meeting of the Wo- man's Assoclation was held on Wednesday afternoon atthe home of Mrs. Jas, Harding with a large attendance of members and sev- eral visitors present, The pres) dent, Mrs, J. Shunk was in the chair. An Baster program was given. The meeting opened with the use of the bymm, "The Lord is Risen Today", followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs, W. Moose read the Scripture lesson. The roll eall was answered by a! WINDSOR, ONTARIO Miss Bessie Mountjoy. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Rundle, Doris and Wilma, Oshawa, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, N. Hos- kin on Friday. Migs Lillie Lytle, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. John Mountjoy, Mr. M. J. Pereman, Columbus. is sawing 'wood for a number of the farmers this week. Miss Alice Smyth is spending her Easter vacation at her home at Owen Sound. Mrs. R, J. Luke, 'Mr. Albert Luke and Miss Olive Luke, Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, Marion and Willa visited with My, and Mrs, A, L. Pazcoe, Solina, ¢ Flower Seeds Bpencers mixed sweet peas, Nase * turtions, Asters, Cosmos, Zinnas, in bulk and package FLOM Gc ur. B Shick petite PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA, LTD, GUELPH, ONT. CHRYSLER 6's & 8's ® a IMPERIAL EIGHT DODGE 6's & 8's ® DE SOTO 6's & 8's PLYMOUTH CARS oe DODGE TRUCKS For Sale By COOPER-SMITH CO. LTD, Flour & Feed | 14 Celina St. Phone 8 1 Cooper-Smith

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