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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1931, p. 8

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+ There is DIRE: 1 . Port Hope and Cobourg have SE - = Ao THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1931 n ARABS PRACTISE ON SATURDAY -- LEAFS TAKE SKEETERS IN FIRST { lub 'enthusiastic, But | Question of Grouping Still very much in Doubt Election of Officers Deferred Until Definite Decision Made a a result of a meeting held last the Aarabs Baseball Club, plans for the season are still very much in the air. However onc dehnite step taken, that being to call a prac- ya session for Saturday afternoon ht at the. Motor City Stadium t at two o'clock, This at least is a move in the right direction and "would seem to iidiate that the clu la a is 8 hs ere vy doubt Dre that She rs wish to play the game tius players but the trouble seems to be to get a convenient grouping. Three options are open to the team at pre- gent. These are: first, entering a team in the Lakeshore League in which the Aarabs played last year. ' ified their intentionof putting in jaignife but the Peterboro Raybestos, & team that gave the Oshawa outfit considerable trouble last year, are to affiliate with the East Pecterboro league. / "he other options are those of joing up with Petegboro, Belleville and Kingston in the Central Ontario League, a scnior series. This how- 'ever does not appeal to many as it Y wwotild involve a long jump to King- ston and be distinctly faster ball than the intermediate gro ol last year. "The third option is that of joining up with a group in Toronto. This would be a decided attraction for the fans here. However the matter of whethey the Toronto teams would] want to come outside the city is pro- blematic, as when they play in a group by themselves they do not have any travelling expenses. The ques- tion of joinin~ up with a Toronto group is to be thoroughly investigat- ed by members of the executive who will report to a meeting to be held at a later date. ; Tn the meantime the clection of of- fiters for the year is being deferred. If is to be hoped that some grouping can be arranged in the near future as the first game of the season is usually on May 24th. -------------------------- Still, if the drys had kept their promisc that prohibition would emp- ty the jails, there would be no pris- omer to riot, -- Buffalo Courier-Ex- press, A device to prevent an airplane alighting on steep ground from tilt- fig over has been patented by its in- § ventor in Czechoslovakios L New Martin | | TONIGHT -- FRIDAY Ronald Colman | ! "IN A SWELL PICTURE" | "The Devil To Pay" i il and other noveity offerings | | sown Daily at 2.80 « 7 - 0. REGULAR PRICES Keystones Win Opener From Buffalo Bisons Reading, April 16.--A crowd of 8,000 saw Reading lose its open- ing International League game to Buffalo here yesterday 7 to 3. The Bisons combed the offerings of Johnny Welch for 15 hits and né was removed in the ninth with two out, Reading Wilson for only nine hits. Jay Partridge hit a home run for Reading with none on base in the fifth, Senators Even Count with A's Washington, April 16.--"Bump"' Hadley proved practically invisible to the Philadelphia A's yesterday and the Washington Senators took the second game of the series, 7 to 1; Hadley allowed the cham- pions only four hits, struck out five and walked six, but was tight in the pinches. The A's collected a single in the first and fourth and a walk coupled with Miller's triple in the sixth coined the A's only tally, The Senators tallled one in the third and drove Biz George Earn- shaw from the mound in the neat inning, scoring five. Mahaffey was nicked for an- other tally in the sixth, but Car- ter held the Senators safe the rest of the way. KLEIN HITS 'EM Philadelphia, Pa., April 16.-- One big inning, the second, in which they shelled the rookie, Hal Schumacher, and Bill Morrell for eight runs, enabled the Phillies to defeat the Giants, 10 to 7, today and square the series. SCHMELING TO DEFENT TITLE IN CLEVELAND South Bend, Ind, April 16.-- With a faint-hearted attempt at ballyhoo, officials of the Madison Square Gar- den Corp., of Illinois, announced officially that the Max Schmeling- Young Stribling bout for the world's heavyweight championship will be held at Cleveland thenight of July 3. Legislated out of New York and muscled out of Chicago, the bout was welcomed with open arms by Cleveland, according to announce- ments by Dick Dunn, representative of Madison Square Garden, and Joe Jacobs, manager of Schmeling. The bout will be 15 rounds and will be Schmeling's first defence of his clouded title. KINGSTON TEAM MAY SEEK SENIOR RATING Kingston, April 16~The Twenty- first Battalion Club, who operated Kingston's team in the Central On- tario Baseball League last season, have decided not to have a team this | season. Operating expenscs last --~ar set the club back a matter of $514, and it was considered inadvisable to operate again this season, Plans. have been made for a re- vival of the league, with Kingston, Belleville, Peterboro' and probably Oshawa in the league. Practically all the players have signed with the Kingston intermediate team, who could touch Johnny scattered aE A RE EE may now seek senior rating, Ann Harding "EAST LYNNE" With CLIVE BROCK and CONRAD NAGEL Royal Ermine Meets Blue Denim In A Smart Swift Laughter Romance! \ Feature ee how al-- a". 8.25 FRIDAY and SATURDAY A New Comedy of Errors lh FARRELL MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN Added Havana Casino | Orchestra Franklin Pangborn Ll] --in- Nest Door Neighbor | 1 Milwaukee BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE ' Won Lost P.C. Toronto secessesel v Baltimore -seeseessl 1.000 Buffalo sssecsceesl 1.000 Rochester 1.000 .000 000 000 000 vessel sesscnnesl essssvsel Montreal Newark prey RX Yesterday's Results Toronto ....9 Jersey City ...b6 Baltimore ...6 Montreal ..s¢.8 Buffalo .... 7 Reading .. Rochester ...7 Newark ......4 AMERICAN LEAGUE . P.C. St. Louis +. v0s..2 New York Philadelphia cesses Cleveland Chicago Detroit Boston essesseesl «000 000 evesneses.0 PR HHENOO esssasansl 2 Yesterday's Results Washington 7 Philadelphia ...1 Chicago ....7 Cleveland «v.46 St. Louis ,,.6 Detroit «esees.d New York «.8 Boston .....cs:7 NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. St. Louis seveeeec2 0 1.000 Chicago 2 0 1.000 BoSton «ese ense.2 1.000 New York ..eves.l 500 Philadelphia 500 Brooklyn 000 Pittsburg L000 Cincinnati ,...... 000 . Yesterday's Results Chicago .« 8 Pittsburg St. Louis ... Cincinnati Boston Brooklyn Philadelphia 10 New York ...7|t AMERICAN ASSOCIATION { Won Lost P.C. 2 0 1.000 500 500 500 .500 sees sensed bie! St. Paul Minneapolis Toledo 15 ever d A coven l Louisville Kansas City .e00. 1 Columbus ........1 1 Indianapolis 2 Yesterday's Results St. Paul ...10 Indianapolis ..4 Columbus ..13 Milwaukee ..12 Kansas City 6 Toledo .......5H Louisville ..x6 Minneapolis ..5 A 1 1 1 1 .500 000 Yachting = Enthusiast ed at this year's show. 3,000 people attended the first day to view a fleet of water craft em- bracing everything from a six-foot flat bottomed rowboat priced $14 cruiser, capable of making a $17,- 000 dent in the exchequer. marine speedomoter. y | having to compute the. speed of one's power craft from the number 3 lof revolutions made by the engine, SPEEDOMETER FOR BOATS DISPLAYED No Longer Has to Guess His Speed--Automatic Moor- ing Also April 16.-- Boston, Mass, Yachtsmen who have stood on a sloping fore-deck and stabbed with a boathook at the home buoy will find their labors lightened by an automatic mooring, one many exhibits at Boston Boat Show which ran for six days at the end of March, of the All the gentiman sailor need do now, with the automatic buoy awaiting him off the landing, slip a loop of rope over a tall spindle when 'sailing past. the slack is taken up the loop is locked in position by a spring hook, gadget was shown in a takn at the exhibit hall. is When A full sized model of the A lower trend in prices was not- More than at to a forty-foot mahogany Another clever contrivance is a Insteaa of he marine speedometer scoops up 1 small stream of water beside the keel, which in turn exerts pres- sure on a water meter that regis- ters the actual number of miles per hour the boat is travelling on a panel beside the deck controls. It also gives the day's distance run .500 [and is accurate for speeds as low as two miles an hour. A lone engine builder is exhib- iting a husky marine engine that will operate on fuel oll, kerosene, or any diesel whichever is available. fuel equally well, Xx 10 innings. 30,000 CANADIANS TIME TABLE, FACE DEPORTATION U.S. Understood to be Plan- ning Wholesale. Action in New England Montreal, April 16.-~The Ga- zette today publishes a despatch from Manchester, N.H.,, in part, as follows: "With 35 additional federal of- ficers at her command, Mrs, Anna C. M. Tillinghast, commissioner of immigration in the New England disrtict, which includes all of the New England states except Maine, is completing her extensive plans for a wholesale round-up and de- portation of many thousands of aliens illegally residing in this sec- tion. Immigration officers, hastily gathered and unusually active in this widespread drive Instituted for the protection of native labor, concur in the opinion that at least 30,000 French-Canadians will oither be deported or returned to their native province of Quebec before the middle of next month." Catarrhal Deafness May Be Overcome If you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your drug. glst and get 1 oz., of Parmint (double strength) and add to it % pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day, This will often bring quick re- lief ffom the distressing head | uolses. Clogged nuostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take, Any- | one who has catarrhal deafne:u or head noises should give this | | Prescription a trial, End Piles Qucik No Salves---No Cutting Your itching, bleeding protrud. ing piles will go when you actually remove the cause--~bad blood eir- culation in the weak, flabby parts --and not one minute before. Salves or cutting can't do this-- an internal remedy must be used. HEM-ROID, prescription of Dr. J. | 8. Leonhardt, succeeds because it stimulates the circulation," drives | out congested blood, heals 'ang restores the almost dead parte. HEM-ROID has such a wonderfu! record right in this city, that Jury & Lovell says one bottle of HEM. ROID Tablote must end your Pllc agony or mouey back. "} HITBY, OSHAWA, w BUS LIN BOWMANVILLE ES Week Day Schedule (Effecti 'e on and ater April 13th, 1931) Going W. aS8 PEE? B Tees --- Base SSmomwniSes . ram Soe nac 2.15 pm. J SRE 3383883; $4 3 . ET 23; Tata ie 6.45 p.m, 10.30 p.m. busses to ON: EER aE RSA LES Fed & 5 SORE ESRARE) BON nw=ES 88 22PPTETY re through EE] fey 3 » x 2 «522 Whitby Hospital, Leave & = Noni oo Ng wi =8 (3 ony y 2 ePPT TY 83 wo && > SHER mata "888 oF = | aa 8 > 5 « © = = SRBHRR Fd . 9.05 p.m, 10.30 p.m. 10.45 pm. 11.00 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE West TITTY: 2333333¢ 1) 3333 Sxoanns Anaaa® TePYYT 2 >257 J tes and Careful Drivers T, A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 34 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Phone 288 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective os wm 38 om: Baty: wot. Sender 12.5 p.m. Daily, except Susdsy. 2.13 p.m. Daily, . $38 bm: Dally, emcept Setups 1208 hom, Bal i Ba eathound a am, Daily, except Sndsy 5.55 a.m. Daily, am. MAPLE LEAF MANAGER STEVE O'NEILL The genial manager of the Toron- to Maple Leafs who guided his team to a well earned victory yesterday over Jersey City in the first game of tho Interna tional League season. BASEBALL CLUB IS FORMED IN COBOURG Cobourg, April 16-At a meeting held Tuesday night, the Cobourg Baseball Club organized for the sca- son and will put a team in the Lal shore intermediate Dascball League, if that league opens thi 1 which is rather indefinite at present. Elmer Woods was appointed i delegate to the Lakeshore Teague meeting to be held next Tuesday night, Following officers were elected: Hon. President, W. F. Edwards; President, H. W. Cooey Sr.: Vice- President, Jack Cooke; Sccretary, A. Clement; Assistant Secretary, Roy Dodge; Treasurer, IE. Woods: Assis- tant Treasurer, J. Hutton; Executive Committee, E. McFadgen, E. Roll- ings, C. Jones, C. Boundy; Manager, Kent Payne. seasot executive at Port lope BRICKLAYERS COUT WAGES Toronto, April 16.-- Voluntary reduction in thelr wages from $1.35 to $1.10 has been announced in a circular letter to the tractors of the city, con- MUST FACE TRIAL Toronto, April 16.--On charges of conspiring to defraud, Freder- ick G. Johnston, Lawrence E, Clark and H. H, Thomas of the Stimson organization were yesterday com- mitted for trial after a prelimin- ary hearing by Judge Coatsworth. by the National Bricklayers' Union HOME-RUN HITTERS Home-runs yesterday -- Klein, Phillies, 1; Hurst, Phillies, 1. Ar- lett, Phillies, 1; Gehrig, Yankees, 1; Averill, Indians, 1; Brillheart, Red Sox, 1; Berry, Red Sox, 1: Hornsby, Cubs, 1; Leach, Giants, 1; Johnson Tigers, 1, The leader--Klein, Phillies, 3. Totals--National 11, 7. Grand total 18. WHITE SOX EVEN COUNT Cleveland, April 16.--Turning back a late 'rally, the Chicago White Sox evened the score of their series with the Cleveland Indians by winning a 7-to-6 mar- gin, in ten innings. Fay Thomas, Pacific Coast re- cruit, was victimized for the win- ning run, He walked Watwood, first man up in the tenth, then | Katom sacrificed, and Benny Tate, catcher, smacked a hefty double off the screen in right field to score Watood. ORIOLES TROUNCE ROYALS IN EIGHTH Baltimore, April 16.--The Orioles downed the Montreal Roy- als in the opening game of the season here yesterday by a score of 6 to 3. The ftoyals tied the score in the eighth at 3-all with a two-run rally but the Flock pounded out three more counters in their half, aided by three walks. Monte Weaver, who followed Koupal and Smythe to the mound not. only receives credit for the victory, but his single sent in the run that would have been enough to win, in the eighth inning JOHNSON "PANS" FOURTEEN New York, N.Y, April 16.--- Fourteen Red Sox were strike-out victims yesterday, twelve of them "fanning" at Henry Johnson's curves, but they gave the Yankees a merry tussle, nevertheless, Not until the last of the ninth did the Yankees put across the winning run in their 8 to 7 victory. Johnson weakened in the eigh- ht after his great "fanning" bec and was relieved by Sherid, off whom the Red Sox scoréd two runs to tie the count in the ninth. DODGERS LOSE AGAIN : Boston, Mag April 16 Tak ing full advantage of seven ery by their opponents, the Braves manledsthe Brooklyn Robing, 9 to 3, here yesterday, making it two ors ONLY 2,000 FANS ATTEND St. Louls, April 16.--The St. T.ouis Browns repeated their open- ing day success and won a second victory over Detroit 6 to 4, in a contest marked by generous hit- American | | straight over the Flatbush flock. | | Leafs take Early Lead To Win Opener from Pests GEORGE SISLER STARS AS ROCHESTER WINS Newark, April 16.--The Roches- ter Red Wings, three-time winner of the International League pens nant, got off to a flying start hero yesterday when they slugged their way to a 7-4 victory over the New- rak Bears before an opening day crowd of 20,000. The Red Wings got 13 hits Speece. George Sisler, former big league star, making Rochester, singled three times in four trips to Chicago Nose out Pirates in Second April Roger Hornsby's home run in the Chicago. fifth inning the Cubs with Pittsburg for their second straight of the season. The Cubs inning The it out of after the Smith for the inning three in the in check thi HOWLEY'S Cincinnati, Burliegh working right and cracked loughby for four more in the third Rajah caught the Pirates had nicked Bob two in the first half of Pittsburg Grimes was. in son form yesterday, had his spitter | , and registered the] off Thomas and his debut with the plate. 16.--Manager yesterday provided a 6 to 5 victory over in the Claud first [ Wil- | scored and drove the one park in rallied for ixth, but 1 el h reafter MOUNTS April GRIET Ohio, 16,~ | mid-gea- | | second straizht victory for the St. Louis Cardin: l¢« over the Cineln- nati Reds by 4 to 0. | Douthit and Adame each made | three hits for champions, new to er able while Cincinnati three safeties, the National Teague | Nick outfielder, was the only effectively Cullop, | with play- solve | Grimes's delivery. | plant, the: the Monitor, eT = Christian Scien Scattered Families It isn't alway ly together. One to kee member goes S ea one place---another drifts somewhere els Letters are infrequent. The casiest, pleasantest way to keep touch is by telephone. surest in | Long Distance brings back the old-time intimacy. | girth, | POF p a fam | 1 | a little mc boys.--Lonc Art Smith Relieved in the Eighth -- McHenry and Strong Each Drive in Three Runs : Jersey City, April 16.--Toronto Maple Leafs got off on the right foot in the International League marathon of 1931 yesterday, when in the presence of 9,000 fans, many of whom had to stand on the play- ing field, they took a 9-5 fall out of the Jersey City Sleecters. It was the Skeeters' first gnme under the own. rship of San Colacurcio, former bar boy, and under the management of George Toporcer, for the last three years second Baseman of the champion Rochester Red Wings. The Leafs success was accom- plished without the aid of any long hits and the Skeeter defeat came with the residents socking Arthur Laird Smith, who pastimed here once, for five doubles and two hom- ers as well as for five on spots. Still Smith got credit for the win, though he was among those present at the close of hostilities. Pittenger's double in the wake of Clancy's home-run with Selkirk on base, finished Arthur in the eighth. Bob Shanklin, first choice of Steve O'Neill to stop an uprising on the of Toporcer and Co., walked one man and had one ball on an- other when Warren Harvey Ogden, of the famour Ogden family, of 'Og- den, Pa, w picked to finish the me Ogdey and Smith, of | 'n, of Swarth eping perfect opening-day International Lea- re Jo . A ir ago Smith, then with the Royals, suppressed the Pests on kick-off afternoon by a core of 8-3, his team being in the ir until the eighth, BOB PEARCE PREPARES FOR DIAMOND SCULLS St. Catharines, April 16.--Bobby Pearce, world's champion single culler, said adieu to St. Catharines and the Canadian Henley course oon after a tri- t on the waters of 1d eanal at the city's i] rly from the » §t. Catharines z Club. Pearce leaves Hamil. oday for New York and sails saturday for Encland where he pete in the Diamond Sculls nations at Henley on July 2 " » 4. yesterday afters cor Dr. Forbes Godfrey is not far off when he says that what is needed is birch rod for delinquent lon Free Press. Picobac! It County where peaches, apples, any land. more tobacco for Imperial Tobacco Company Gro Handy pocket tin, 15c. Vi-pound screw-top humidor, 7c. OU bet, I'm proud of is grown on special plantations in Essex the famous and melons grow. It is grown from the best white Burley seed, with the northern flavour--a Burley leaf that asks no favours from --and don't forget, you get your money. of Canada, Limited wn in sunny, southern Canadian Pico '(The Pick of Canada's Burley Tobacco" Ontario a a I LS.

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