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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Apr 1931, p. 5

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FAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home Sots] & Personal Any social notes which read- ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phone or send them to the 'Times Office before 10 10 a.m, the day they are to be pub. lished. Items of mews concern. ing dances, parties, guests to and 'from town will be gladly received. Mrs. Ethel Tamblyn-Cooper, of Toronto, has just returned to her home after being the guest of Mrs. Lee Bishop, John Street, for the past few daye. LI J * Mrs. Frank Chappell and Mrs. Gordon Conant attended the Wo- men's Canadian Club luncheon yes- terday in honor of the members of the party of British Headmisstress- es, in the Concert Hall of the Royal York Hotel. A - w Miss M. Oughterson, head mis- tress of Bishop Bethume College, has been in Toronto for the past two days attending the functions being given in honor of the British Headmistersses who , are visiting this: country. Miss Oughterson at- tended the reception at Government House on Tuesday, the luncheon at the Women's Canadian Club yester- day and the dinner given at Haver- gal College last evening. = Ww 8 The teachers of the Public Schools and the Oshawa Collegiate Institute with their wives and hus- bands were guests of Mrs. R. 8. Me- Lauglin at the tea hour yesterday. After the guests had roamed through the conservatories and eu- joyed to the fullest the wemdth of beauty in the plants and flowers now at their best for this season of the year, they were ushered to the dining-room where afternoon tea was served. Mrs. A, E. O'Neill and Mrs. C. F. Cannon presided over the tea table. ds Checked By modern vaporizing ointment-- Just rubon ) VICKS WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. I'hone 2653. 5 Celina St. Gotham Gold Stripe BEAUTIFUL SILK STOCKINGS $1.00 - $1.30 ~ $2.00 LAMBLE'S OUR NEW TELEPHONE " NO. IS 400 THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Opposite Bruce St. At the conclusion of the regular meting of Queen Mary Lodge, No. 97, last evening, refreshments were gerved and an informal program presented by Lodge members. Mr. A. Henning was in charge of the community. singing while Mrs. Hen. ning presided at the piano. The recitation by little Grace Crandell was entitled "April Showers." Mr. Zufelt played several violin selec- tions and Mrs. Zuflet and Mrs. Read were requested to dance the steps of an 'old country' reel. Mrs. A. Simpson and Mrs, Crawford also danced. Mrs. Phelps rendered a solo, Mr, and Mrs. Henning a vocal duet, Mrs. Howe a reading, and Mrs, Kerr a solo, Mr. Henning was so enthusi- astically encored after his humor ous song number, he was compelled to take his place before the audi- ence once more and this time gave a reading. After several more chor- uses the program was brought to a close. . 4 . . » LJ Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McCaffrey, 324 Kingsdale Avenue, were guests of Perth Old Boys, at a dinner dance at the Carlsrite Hotel, Toronto, last evening., EVERSON--AUSTIN The marriage of Lorna Jean Aus- tin, daughter of Mr. W. R. Austin, of Oakville to Ronald G. Everson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson, of Oshawa, was quietly solemnized at Parkdale United Church, Toron- to, at 10.30 o'clock yesterday morn. ing. The service was conducted by Rev. R. W. Frid and only relatives and a few intimate friends were in attendance, The bride who was given in marriage by her father, was attended by her sister, Mrs, A. i Husband of Qakville, and the | groom by 'his. brother, Mr, Stanley {| Everson of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Everson will spend their honey- noon, motoring to Washington and other New England cities. HOLY TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB The monthly business meeting of the club was held last evening in the basement of the church. During the meeting Mrs. Dorthy Jones mov- od 'that the Young People's Club disband for the summer months and that the members affiliate them- selves with the Tennis Club. The resolution was seconded by Miss Mary Wells and carried nuanimous- 1y. NOTICE The annual Meeting of District VII Federation of Women Teachers' Association will be held in Sher- hourne House, Sherbourne St., Tor- onto, Saturday, April 25th, 1931, at 2 p.m. Following the business segsion a musical program will he given and tea will be served. For further particulars kindly commu- nicate with the Secretary of your local F.W.T.A. Thirty babies are born per hour in New York. There is a fascination about the big city which seems to trace our youngest generation, -- ife. All Set Spring--and thoughts of the coun- try! Martha's "gang" could hardly wait to select their little camp by the lake. They scanned the advertise- ments, and a few Long Distance calls to the various owners brought great results, They were ever so pleased with their new home. And it was all arranged so easily--so satisfactorily! LORNA A BONNIE RICH SHORTBREAD Here is crisp, crumbly shortbread that takes every- body by storm be- cause of its whole- some richness and exceptional fresh- ness. Masterpieces of shortbread by the Christie Bakers, sold by the pound or in small packa for the LY For Homemaker and Housekeeper The ALSO USEFUL To be useful as well as orna- mental is not always easy or even possible, but Paris sculptors and manufacturers of sculptured ob- jects, have discovered that statues may be used to light the world and at the same time reveal to better advantage the delicacy of the work- manship. . As a result one of the largest electric fixture concerns on the Grand Boulevard has in its window as the central attraction a large "Dawn." It is made of opaque glass, the feminine nudity of line being slightly draped. When the switch is pressed the entire figure is lighted from within and sheds the barest suggestion of a rose glow. It is creating quite a smart stir for its beauty and usefulness are distinctly new, WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished With Every Pattern Decidedly swagger and most prac- tical is this little jacket dress of navy blue wool crepe. Vivid red but- tons adorn the front band that mer ges from the applied collar. The pat ent leather belt che I shade. The brief jacket is so winning with its rounded corners, slit pockets and rolled collar," The slecves fasten at the wrist with a single button. The slim skirt of tz¢ sleeveles dress assumes a taileged-uir pressed into an inverted plait at the front. Style No. 3061 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches bust, Printed crepe silk dress with crepe silk jacket of blue woolen, Size 16 requires 4'4 yards 39-inch. Our large Fashion Book shows the latest Paris has to offer in clothes for the matron, the stout, and the children, Also a series of dressmaking ar ticles. It is a book that will save you money. Be sure to fill in the size pattern. Send stamps or coi preferred), Price of book 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. yoses the vivid red the niiss of the 1 (con Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. 3061 7 No. 3061. Size ER EP PEN "tesvennss City Address orders to: Pattern Editor, | Then, too, there are the smaller ones for boudoirs, little cupids that adorn dressing tables ador- ably in the day time and at night are even more charming. For the buffet in the dining room as a change from candle- sticks there are lavely crystal trees each branch of which fills with light at a' mere press of the but- ton, SPRING COLORS An idea advanced for spring fa- shions is black or gray and ivory, and navy or light navy with ivory combined with a single bright col- or----chartreuse, jade, salmon, mel- on pink, sapphire tangerine, lime, golden yellow, pale rose, sky hlue, mauve, ' cornflower, turquoise or bright red. of these, lime, chartreuse, sapphire, melon pink, red and jade are generally consid- ered the best 'bets', Incidentally, there is no rule about the combinations of colors. Any one in a tri-color or bi-color scheme may be used as the basis for the costume and the other one or two employed for trimming. Bright. yellow greens with brown, brown with yellow and white, or brown and white alone, are also considered promising sub- Jeets, The deep pastels and light bright colors which are seen in such multiplicity are now having success introduced as "fruit" shades. These were first exploit- ed for evening but almost simul- taneously appeared in shantungs and rough silks for summer sports- wear and are now being offered in dresses suitable to wear under dark coats in the afternoon. SPORTS BLOUSES Blouses have undoubtedly come to stay. Those now seen on the golf course are of wool or flannel; and, despite the fact that (hey are {less becoming than the gay | pers previously worn, they ure ing adopted quite eagerly, on ac- count of their novelty, However, the blouse can hardly hope for a continued vogue on the golf courge, since it has such a | tendency to look untidy. COLLAR MODES Horsehair collars are quite the thing in Paris. They are as light in weight as a puff of wind, and as soft to touch as a plece of silk. When the ends are cut they are bound with ribbon or silk, or satin to match the frock with which they are worn, and very often in the centre, when the horsehair is fash- foned into a bow arrangament, there fs a rhinestone, or jewelled pin, that holds it {n place. In all the pastel colors this type of collar Is going to be a conspicious new- comer to spring fashions. Umbrellas and handkerchiefs have a new way of matching each other here in this wonder city, where rain has been a part of each day's menu for the last 365 days. The silk of the umbrella matches the chiffon of a large handker- chief that protrudes from the cor- ner of the purse, or it matches the handle and cord by which ft fs suspended from the arm when not in use, with the body of the par- agol in contrasting silk. Another type of collar that fs finding itself popular almost over- night is a little triangular plece of silk with long ends, bisected at the tips. It doesn't actually fas- ten itself onto the dress at any given point, but simply ties about the throat with the triangular por- tion falling off one shoulder and the narrow ends tying in a one- loop bow directly on the opposite side of the throat. The ends com- ing over the front of the frock form a bright splotch of color against a sombre background. Rain is badly needed in this sec- tion of Ontario. A good twenty-four hour downpour will do a world of good. --Owen Sound Sun-Times. New Face Powder Is All the Rage lovely, natural bloom of Find it in MELLO-GLO. Purest, smoothest face powder known, New French process makes it stay on longer. Coloring, approv. ed by United States government, blends perfectly with any complex- fon. No flaky or pasty look. No ugly shine. MELLO-GLO prevents large pores, never irritates skin. Sold through all druggists and at That youth! Toilet Goods Counters. | ed with the quick results, - 4] 5 " Skinny, "Lifeless" Women gainweight ht in few | Ca Pot een TRONIZED YEAST--a special combina- tion of dried brewer's yeast plus iron--or pay nothing If we could only show you the wonders that new Ironized Yeast has done for thousands of "skinny"! run-down men and women. Tired. nervous people now peppy and strong. Constipation and indigestion banished. Blemished complexions | changed to clear, rosy beauty. Ironized Yeast is two tonics in one --special weight-building. dried brew- er's Yeast and blood-enriching, | strengthening Iron. The yeast is the same used in making malt and which makes malt so beneficial. It is spec- ially cultured and concentrated to | give the utmost in flesh-producing value. Double-tested for strength, purity and potency. Used by doctors and big hospitals, To this concentrated dried brew- er's Yeast is added three kinds of casily assimilated Iron to quickly make rich, red blood and tone up nerves and muscles. Dy this special process Ironized Yeast is made more effective than Yeast or iron taken separately. Contains no starches, flours or gas-forming fillers. Get a bottle of these pleasant little tablets today. Just a single course treatment should prove that you can be attractive and healthy. Easy-to- take tahlets--no nasty taste, no gas or bloating. Never spoil, safe for all. Just ask your drupzist today fog a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast and take us directed, Tf not delight your moncy promptly refunded by manufacturer. 1f inconvenient to buy from drug- gist send $1.25 direct to Canadian Ironized Yeast Co. Ltd, Box 1323 Montreal, Que., Desk 1902. As for Chicago's Big Bill he was defeated by a Iungarian and a Poll. --Toronto Star. One faction in England is advocat- ing a bigger beer tax, while another advocates bigger beers. -- Guelph Mercury A vacuum cup that has been in- | vented to hold a watch on an auto- | mobile dashboard is clai tect timepicces from vil to |- WONDERFUL 10 PRIZES 1st Prize--C.C.M. Bleycle. 2nd Prize --Wrist or Pocket Watch 3d Prise -- Tollt Set or Tool 4th Prize -- Fountain Pen and Pencil. Sth Prize -- Roller Skates. 6th Prize -- Camera. Tth Prize -- Bathing Suit, --Boy's Mil Wy Pe ec ir Hisar ' 9th Prize -- Boy's Football or Girl's Compact. yal Tune in on the RANCERS PRIZE CONTEST Ten Wonderful Prizes Listen in on CKGW Toronto, every Friday night at 6 p.m, Hear the Findlay Rangers with their rollicking cowboy program. Learn all about the Findlay Contest and the ten big prizes offered to boys and girls 16 years of age and under and the free Range or Furnace to your parents if you win. Full particulars over the radio. Don't forget. Every Friday at 6 p.m. over CKGW., FINDLAY BROS. CO. LIMITED Carleton Place, Ontario HARRY D. WILSON |All 23 KING ST. W. night atbpm Phone No. 46 77K B KGW YOUR WASH LOOKS MUCH WHITER LATELY, DEAR ~HAVE YOU CHANGED, YOUR LAUNDRESS? » NO, BUT I'VE! CHANGED LAUNDRY SOAPS, MOTHER RINSO'S WONDERFUL, MA'AM. SOAPY SUDS SOAK THE DIRT RIGHT OUT, CLOTHES DON'T NEED TO BE SCRUBBED-- SO THEY LAST MUCH LONGER. ITS RICH, THE GRANULATED HARD-WATER SOAP whiter washes IT'S RINSO, THE HARD. WATER SOAP, HERE'S, BESSIE. ASK HER WHAT SHE THINKS OF ITI YOU DON'T MEAN TO SAY A CHANGE IN SOAP CAN MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE? MRs, ROSE HENRIC? : " 4 80 economcayy eeps coloy © OF the finest cott too--gives lightweigh ght, ee : pu No sofs, Aad Like magic in Washers, too! Th Sins ee. washers recommend Rinso ® ak Package, Try Rinso for dishes td] Guaranteed by the makery of Sy (4) Millions use it in tub, washer and dishpan TILLIE THE TOILER YOU'VE ; (LOST Your 1GRIP ON You THIN 367] $10 THAT BLONDE HAS HIM HookeD ) FOR KEEPS i Ss Ht [i fy LISTEN, BUBBLES - WHEN SoU GET MAC, TELL. HIM TO RUSH RIGHT UP HERE THAT | AWE FAINTED)

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