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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Apr 1931, p. 8

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a EE rl ra bo THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931 Rabbitt Stars On Leaf Victory er City, il 17=Toronto's : oon had nine runs yesterday nt ternoon's d they had another ball game ersey Skeeters who disp ayed being able to get only two co! Arthur Mills, who was pit- "Shing his first, for Steve O'Neill. "Mills went the nine-inhing route ne would have suppressed the resi- nts with only one tally had More- t done his part in a possible dou- eo play in the seventh, But Ray en made a poor heave with a nee to erase Morrow at first and ob ot a credit for a cheap run batted in. 'Before this tally was recorded the leading 7-1. Jim Shevlin ving ruined the ball game in the eceding period by making a home n with two men on, ~ Joe Rabbitt got a Ruthian blow in he eighth with two of his pals wait- g to score. Seven of the Toronto mar] Rd Sains from homers, the Jocal h een pulled in and i 3 dion this ball orchard is no nee r a pitcher's paradise. REDS LOSE AGAIN : Cincinnati, O,, April 17 -- Winning their third straight game in as many © days the St. Louis Cardinals took the "measure of the Cincinnati Reds here yesterday, 6 to 3, by staging batting rallies in the seventh andeighth ine nings after the first six rounds were tied at 1 to 1. GRANTHAM'S HOMER WINS IT Chicago, April 17--George Grant- ~ ham's home run in the eighth inning with Lloyd Waner on base enabled ' the Pittsburg Pirates to defeat the Chicago Cubs in the third game of 'the series yesterday, 4 to 3. The Cubs led until the eighth when Warner drew his third base on balls and Grantham followed with the circuit clout. CRICKET NOTES The annual meeting of the local Cricket Club, was held last month, to make preparation for the forth coming season, . As the Club is the only organi- zation actively engaged in this form of sport and representative of the city, it was deemed advis- able to take the name of the city and in future will be known as Oshawa Cricket Club, All the old players with one ex- ception are available and several promising new men have joined up. The bowling squad will be strengthened by the return of L. Phillips, and ¥F, Hodgkinson and N. Merrick will again contest his place in the line up. The latter has sufficiently re- covered from his accident, which kept him out of the game all last season, but will not resume his usual role as bowler, Considering the successful 1930 season, the members re-elected en bloc the entire governing body of active officers. as follows: Presi. dent, I. Prosser; Vice-President, L. Phillips; Secretary, G. N. Mer- rick; Treasurer, W. J. Sargent. The Club is under the patron- age of several (distinguished eciti- gens of the city, and a great spirit of optimism is prdvailing for the club's success in the series, The first practise of the season will be held at Lakeview Park on Saturday next, the 18 inst, and it fs to be hoped the weather man will be kind. Will ull players and members kindly present themselves at 3 o'clock, and any new enthusiasts of the game will be heartily wel- comed, The cluh portals are al- ways wide open to receive any promising new talent, Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE . OSHAWA . TORONTO SINGLE~--85¢ LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M. a 7.00 11.00 2.80 a==daily except Sunday. be=Satuiday, Sunday and olidays only. 'o==Sunday only. COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP PASSENGERS--SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER Uoach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Brantford, Windsor, Detroit, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Jackson's Point and intermediate points. Connections at Buffalo and Detroit for all U.8.A. points. Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES Kastern standard Time RETURN---$1.56 LEAVE TORONTO AM, PM. a 7.80 8.80 0.80 10.89 11.80 rm 12.80 1:80 280 8.30 PORT SNAPSHOTQ Industrial Softball Meeting ; It is to be hoped that those who wish to. play softbal in the city league this year will turn out to a meeting of the Oshawa Industrial Softball League to be held in the Motor City Stadium at 7.30 pam, A meeting was called for Tuesday night of this week this evening. but the response was so poor that it was decided to call another. there is to be any softball in the city this year representatives of the various teams should turn out. Entries for the senior, intermediate and junior series will be received this evening and certificates issued by the officials to those players who so desire, » » a dinner, one reason for the revival Blue Devils Dinner . The laurels go to the victor. An event of great importance in the sporting life of the city will take place on Saturday evening at the Gen- osha Hotel when the 'Blue Devils Rugby players will be the guests at Crests will be presented to each member of the team, and addresses of congratulation will be given by members of the executive. » Interest Picking Up The Ontario 'Baseball Amateur Association had 179 teams in affilia- tion in 1930 and Secretary Bill Snyder of Hamilton expects the number this season to go beyond the 200 mark, Which is convincing evidence that amateur baseball is coming back with a bang. probability that a team from Canada will' be sent to the 1932 games is If LJ LJ » » Undoubtedly the VANCE NO PUZZLE Boston, Mass, April 17 «« Even Dazzy Vance, speed ball king, was unable to stop the fast moving Bos. ton Braves, and the Brooklyn Rob- bins lost their third successive game, 7 to 4, yesterday, Big Ld, Brandt was in mid-season form, limiting the Robins to five hits one of them, a home run by Babe Herman in the third inning which scored Vance and Gilbert, who were isseud passes, SENATORS WIN SECOND STRAIGHT FROM A'S Washington, April 17=The Wash ington Senators made it two stranght over the champion Philadelphia Ath letics yesterday, winning 5 to 4 Crowder started for the Nats, while Connie Mack started his prize rookie Hank Macdonald. Neither pitcher was effective, Tauscher, another roukie, relieved Crowder in the sixth and held the champions safe until the ninth, when they bunched hits to fill the bases and score two runs. TIGERS WIN CLOSE GAME St, Louis, Aptil 17-= The Detroit ligers defeated the St. Louis Browns 6 to 5, in 12 innings here yesterday to win their first game of the season. The Browns won the first two. The lead see-sawed back and forth throughout the game. Three hits scored two runs for Detroit in the seventh to send them into the lead The Browns evened the score in the ninth Both teams scored in the tenth, INDIANS GET SHUTOUT Cleveland, April 17--Joe Vosmik, Cleveland sandlotter, and Clint Brown, veteran pitcher, were the shining lights in Cleveland's 7 to 0 victory over the Chicago White Sox here yesterday. Vosmik, plaving his second big league game of his career, smashed out two doubles, accounting for two runs in the third inning and opened activities for two runs in the sixth, Brown, allowed but six hits the en- tire game, LAST OF THE SEASON Vancouver, B.C., April 17,--~New York Rangers wound-up their Pac- itie Coast exhibition hockey tour here Wednesday night with a 4 to 3 defeat of the Vancouver Lions, taking three out of four games played, thus eliminating the neces sity of a fifth game in the series. Rangers won the first game, the Lions captured the second, and the New Yorkers come back to take the next two. BURNING LEAVES The faint odor of burning leaves is prevalent in the city these balmy spring days, Citizens are busy ime proving the appearance of their garden and yards and rakes are up leaves and rubbish which have accumulated since last fall, | avery fact we site owl send ous . being used extensively to gather | be | permanent form, NEWARK BLANKED Newark, April 17<The Rochester Red Wings shut out the Newark Bears, 3-0, here yesterday behind the splendid pitching of Iterman von 'Lhe Bruins were held to four scat- tered hits, Al Harvin, husky right-hander, worked all but the ninth wmming for the Bears, and allowed five hits; two of them came ih the fourth inning along with a pass to produce one run. An error by Bobbie Stevens at short, let the other two in KEYS' PITCHERS WEAK Reading, April 17-Buffalo defeat ed Reading for the second straight time yesterday, 9 to 4. The Bisons pounded two Reading hurlers for 12 hits, knocking Ken Jones off the hill i the fist during a five-run barrage COSTLY ERRNAR WINS New York, April 17 -- A heart breaking error by Horace Lisenbee, Boston's Red Sox pitcehr, gave ves terday's game to the New York Yan. kees by a score of 210 1. The error came in the ninth inning [POXOU SNOW THAT: APLANDERS OFTEN SKATE ADISTANCE OF 150 MILES Send in your interesting fact today. It need not necessarily Yelet to tobacco. For Help \hundgrien and age of 20 Buckingham Cigarettes, Give n erence with your fact. If interestin enough Mr, Gundersen will cartoon itan you will receive the complimentary pack. ageof Buckinghams, Canada's most popu- larblended cigarette. Buckinghams areall that is fresh, cool and mild=a blend of all that is Amt in obancos; puriied pte to George Gunder Tuckett Tobacco Co, Limited, Set of "De You Know" Cards For ten cents in stamps we will send ou 8 tating mivjocts Drinted In actor with full subjects printed in color uy description (size of cards 214" x 134") or for twenty cents we will include cards and also an album in which the cards can placed to give a complete collection in HEREVER WELL DRESSED MEN CONGREGATE that Harmonize with Spring «e's + achieve an added smartness in Brock styling 5s"; From Snap-brims to Rtn Shades dt run the gamut of the co ter i "Pred 017,810 1nd 20 10m delim. "Priced slightly higher In the west, 'Chicago BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUR Won, Lost P.C. Toronto 1000 Rochester Buffalo sie ee Baltimore Montreal see Jersey City uve Newark «.ivve Ronatng _. Shia seasons CREE) WHR =HOOO 0 's Results Toronto .,.. 9 Jersey City +. 2 Rochester .... 8 Newark .... Buffalo «vv 9 Reading «ooo 4 Montreal ..., 5 Baltimore ¢s.¢ 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Now York sees St. Louis Washington Cleveland .... Philadelphia +. ERLE Detroit Boston vavsne 0 Yesterday's Results Washington .. 5 Philadelphia 4 New York .... 2 Boston .,v.s.0 Cleveland .... 7 Chicago .vvese 0 *Detroit .... 6 St. Louis evs 8 Twelve innings. NATIONAL LEAGUE JIMMY FOXX Who may be lost for a time to 1 |the champion Athletics due to torn ligaments of the left knee in the opening game of the season on Wed. nesday. Won, Lost P.C. 3 1000 1000 667 667 3838 .333 Boston «icy St. Louis cee e 3 Chicago ..vvvs 2 New York «.es 2 Philadelphia «. 1 Pittsburg «voces 1 Brooklyn use 0 000 Cincinnat! .... 0 000 Yesterday's Results Boston ...... 7 Brooklyn .... 4 St. Louis .... 6 Cincinnati .. 8 New York .. 14 Philadelphia 4 Pittsburg .... 4 Chicago .... 3 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won. Lost P.C. St. Paul sauvee 2 667 Toledo .ivuee Milwaukee «ose Louisville Minneapolis .. Kansas City ,... Indianapolis «+. Columbus .... Yesterdny's Results Indianapolis .. 3 St Paul ...,.., 2 Toledo « ® Kansas City .. 7 Milwaukee .. 13 Columbus .... 6 Louisville ,... 3 Minneapolis .. 0 ses tt BO BO 80 For testing the purity of liquids, selentists in France aro using a tel- ephone device, A chemigts in Texas has declared the material value of the average human is about 08 cents, TIME TABLE| Gols wi t Arti Arrive Whit Hospital 30 a.m, Leave Bowmanville . pe = > =o $3 = 2 ores 33332333333; 215 pm. . 6.45 pm. 10.30 p.m. busses. to Ba eh beat » SOmammniS one SaSBBERNER =Yoppevoes 33333333333 Bans sar < BRTEZATRSERR PePTTTTETsEes 23323332833 ESN mmeNS me 88 «ST oOPPYP Ti Whi 1] ospl 2 3 > [4 2 H - 3 H = os by Le E . Arrive shawa Bowmanville 7.20 a.m. 815 a.m, [o) Leave st Ress 233333; aise 2 a TTD TY smsse aS =a TY POE? puss 83 »§3 g 333333 2333333 wma Buus sa32s3222 = Ti < Fo bd B ComNomt wml one 82 "2 e oe 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDA Wes HEDULE ESS uas Tepes 3333333 Seasniogh SAE To Tees fir of 3 § | ot S®I3 = EE fi ousases 2p 333333 HE] » EE oN=mwiS S208 Tu weaz 4 2popeTs i » 5333333 HY E2 =! ix oF 3 OO 2s 2 N County League Starts Planning At a meeting of the South On- tario Softball League held at Whitby on Wednesday, April 156th splans were made for the coming season which promises to be one of the best in the history of the organization. An election of of- ficers was held resulting as fol- lows: Fon, Pres, Fred Maundrell; Presidnet, Richard Barton (accel); Secretary Treasurer, Georpe For- rester (accl). The next meeting of the league will be held on Tues- day. April 21st, at 8 o'clock In Whitby, Prospects indeed look good for u fine year's sport with Plcker- ing, Myrtle, Port Perry, Thorne ton's Corners, North Oshawa, Osh- awa Tanners, Duco Boys, Bell Telephones and Choeon Friends and Whitby who propose to put in two teams, all considering. entering teams fn the league race, There is also the powsibility that Brook- lin, Bowmanville and Orono will put teams in the league A new life preserver consists of an inflated rubber sheathing, cove. ering two air-tight metal chambers, and is worn around the neck, HOME-RUN HITTERS Home runs yesterday---Herman, Robins: Wilson, Braves; Grantham, Pirates: Simmons, Athletics; Stone, Tigers. The leader--Kilein, Phillies, 3. League totals--National, 14; Am- erican, 9. Grand total, 28. PRIMO CARNERA MAY MEET SHARKEY IN JUNE New York, April 17.--The new York State Boxing Commission pav- ed the way for its campaign to re- rogite a new heavyweight boxing champion of the world yesterday by reinstating Primo Carnera was sus: pended by the commission seven months ago following his alleged fake fight with Bombo Ohecaller, negro heavyweight, in California. Present plans of the New York body call for Carnera to meet Jack Sharkey, who has failed in his every important ring teat, at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, on June 10, in a 15-round "charity" bout under the promotion of James J. Johnston, with the win. ner promised titular recognition. JIMMY FOXX INJURED HOME RUN HITTERS Philadelphia, April 17.--Jimmy Foxx, the Philadelphia Athletics first baseman, suffered torn liga- ments on the outside of his left knee in Wednesday's ball game with Washington at the capital. The length of time Foxx will be out of the game will not be known until later when X-ray photographs will be developed. MONTREAL EVEN COUNT Baltimore, April 17 Montreal de- feated the Baltimore Orioles in the second game of the opening series vesterday by the score of 5 to 1, Gau- treau's home run in the seventh net. ted the Royals three runs and broke up a pitching duel between Pomorski and Richmond. GAR WOOD MISSES MARK Miami Beach, Fla.,, April 17.-- Giar Wood of Detroil, America's pre. mier speed-boat driver, made nine unsuccessful attempts here to break the record of 103.49 miles an hour established by Kaye Don of England in Argontina last month He noeded a scant third of a mile an hour more, which he couldn't got. Starting early yesterday and con. tinuing almost without interruption until dusk, the Detroiter drove his powerful Miss America 1X back and forth over the measured mile course on Indian Creek, and the best he could do wds 103.249 miles an hour, iis t > i i TODAY AND SATURDAY Charles Farrell Maureen O'Sullivan a pe THE PRINCESS . AND THE PLUMBER ADDED Havana Casino Orchestra FRANKLIN PANGBORN in--"'Next Door Neighbor" Los GIANTS GET 20 HITS Philadelphia, April 17--When the New York Giants ended their third game of the season with the Philas delphia Phillics yesterday they found they had accumulated 20 hits off four Philly pitchers and won by the large est score of the season thus far, 14 to 4. The Giants have won two games and the Phillies the other, Two victory. They scored five runs the fifth inning and. seven runs the eighth 'New Final Showing To-night EER RE CS Ronald Colman i "IN A SWELL PICTURE" | | "The Devil To Pay" | and other novelty offerings Shown Daily at 2.80 « 7 « 0. REGULAR PRICES Martin big inninvs gave the Giants in in | f Ji I | LOOK FOR THE LABEL IN THE Price Doesn't Always Mean attractively priced spring styles--today. | Society LJrand (Dlothes FOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNG INSIDE POCKET A low His of course has its merits but... It doesn't always buy value in clothing. Indeed, it is questionable if low prices really net a saving in the long run. Fine fabrics, smart styling, skilled tailoring each has a definite morket value. A twenty-five dollar suit includes just thet much of these essentials. It Is worth no more. A Society © Brand suit costing slightly more gives a correspondingly greater smount of clothing service. It Is a better suit, built for longer and more pleasurable wear. Greater value in other words. See the new FEATURED BY '30 to °45 JOHNSTON'S

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