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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Apr 1931, p. 9

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~ Legal Dental For Rent PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- al itention to Xeray Nurse in at 95, se it CONANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Nowcite rubles, Hte Conveyancing and general tice id Law, Office 7% Sh Sou: Oshawa. Phone 4. Conant, B.A, LLB; A F. Ade : ai, B.A, LL.B, W. BN. SINCLAR K.Cu BANK -ot Craamorce Building. ' JosiiPR P. MANGAN Boy ister, PRS J sett's work, tendance. prac Slmeoe - $ . . . meoe St. N., over Dewland's, hone | So 1952. Res. Eve ap pointment, DR. LANGMAIL DR. DAVIES, | Ap Tt- | Dentists, 37 King St. Es Speck at tention to gas extraction and 'fwork., Nurse in attendance. Phone 1243 and 864. eterinary DR. W. D. FORSYTHE, V.S, treats diseases of all domesticated animals, Thornton's Corners. Phone ts 445. Res! GRIERSON, , ORDIGHTON Fraser, asters, ie Bank Ommerce Bldg. VICTORIA APARTM new lew reutals, electric re ation electric stove, ing he ne and 5|3 pre Apply superintendent. Fhone it Fico MANOR « FOUR AND i room sultes, electric stoves S = AT eratl laundry, conveniences. pricey Buin i fo ht! Tow REA 4) ments. ern 9 the nute, Phone 1550 or 2347. (1321 Apartments, 13 Gladstone, modern three rooins with three plece bath, water, gas stove, electric light, bot water heating, laundry convens fences. Private cellar. $30 mouths LOUIS 8. JTMan, BARRIST Loi Oshawa 202 ring 2. (3 may 0) | }o"pyon Sool ou Dope oney to loan. 16 Simece ndertaking Fo. ph bir Phone 67. Resi u house with garage, Westmount dence 3473W. LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance, Residence 542 Sim- risters, Solicitors, etc, 3434 Simecoe | cvs preety north, Phone 210) and gt. N. Phone 3160. Restdnnce 8514. | 210W. . 'Money to loan. OSHAWA "BURIAL CO, M. F. * tem ote. Conveyancing and genera) fone a i Mh OW ge. pkg 23% King St. East. and night. Phone 1082W. 8&7 Phone 2. (tf) Celina a ; (4tf) Solicitor, oe M. Publle, Oonvey. ancer, money to loan. Third Ooor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 24d : EER Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & Disney Block.. Phone 2060. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m, Dr. B. J. Heslewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. r B. H Harper special attention to child ren's Diseases and Ubstetrics. Sun. day and night calls 3416 or 132. Si n, Accoviher. Office and resi. ice King St. Bast, corner Vie oria 8t., Oshawa. Phone 04. \ NES fashions Spireila solves your probe lem. Call Mrs. Blatter, Manager. Phone 2180M, (13 may ¢) paviS AND SON, INSURANCE, King St. west, Oshawa. The N= ire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consyl R. N. johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attend: ed to and your interests protected. HOLDEN SAVES YOU" MONKEY on your car or fire insurance. 92 Simcoe N, Phone 371W, (8 may ¢) Optometrist anomalies, HARPER, . G N, Surgeon, "Obstetrician, diseapes of {afants and children. Office ani residency 97 Bond East. Phone 1156. L.R.O.P. and 8. Edinburgh Phy- siclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Office 142 Simeoe St. N. Phone 8020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. specialist in * muscle eyesight and glasses, Author of Eye Care and Hye ' Strain, The Child and Its Development, Dis ney Block. Opposite Post Office Nerth. Phone 3166. Phone 1816, (3] aps 8) . GRAHA Transportation cessor to Dr. H. *H, "Trick, 'Physic: fan, surgeon. Obstretician, 3 years' post graduate. Special attention to maternity work and diseases of women. Office and residence, 167 Cimeoe St. N, Phone 803. Veterinary Surgeon DR." SHIRLEY VETERINARIAN Epecialist, Diseases. Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. i (6 aug. tt) Far, Nose, Throat DR. 7. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at bis CARTAGE AND STORAGE Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in furniture moving. Storage ware: house and moving van equipment Phone 82 B ALE' CARTAGE - General cartage and household furni- ture moving. Special attention to Commercial worl. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave, Oshawa. Phone 1618. (dec 10 tf) "Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. © Specialists in perman- ent, finger and marcel waving, Per- heights, Rent $20. Phone 2604\W. (9 may ¢) TOR RENT-- 4 ROOMS AND bath, electric stove and other couveniences in business 'section. Apply Box 204 Times, (1 may ¢) A APART) nished, newly decorated, 'olectrie light, water, in business section. Apply Box 2006 Times, (1 may ¢) OFFICES, URIGHT, CLBDAN, Bood approach, $15 up, Apartments. central, 38 to 4 rooms. Electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. Bradley Bros, over Ward's Store. (87tL) FOR RENT--(0 ROOMED BRICK house, every convenience, first class condition, double garage, good location, reference, only adults. Box 284 Times, (8710) TOR RENTEE OOM BRICK ON Elgin 8t. All conveniences, Good drive way and garage. Plione W. G. Miller 2780, (871) FO RRENT--7 ROOM BRICK ON King St West, All conveniences and 4 garages, Immediate posses- sion. Phone W. G, Miller 2780. (870) '| FOR RENT-- BUNGALOW SIX rooms and bath, all modern im- provements, 282 Nassau St, Double car garage, garden spot and or- chard. Will rent cheap, Owner leaving town. Apply 282 Nassau St. PR a (881) FOR RENT--4 ROOMS, SEPAR- ate entrance at $12 per month, Phone 1493J. (80¢) RENT--S8IX ROOV HOUSE, Central. Terms very reasonable. Apply Box 805 Times, (89¢) BUNGALOW, FIVE ~~ ROOMS, neat, modern, well located, $20 per month, 6 roomed brick house. Modern and nearly new with gar- age $25. Apply Bradley Bros, (89¢) TO RENT -- ATTRACTIVELY furnished bed sitting room and kitchenette, conveniences, reason- able, Phone 1430J, (16 apr tO) FOR RENT--@ ROOMED HOURE, H- who rings doors bells look- ing for a job, a room or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous route indeed. Our Want-Ad tolumms not galy ucts these prospects for you also assure an immediate interview with an interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort, Telephone 35 Classified per word, Minimum charge insertion 80c. insertions . | Rates for First insertione=13}§ cents for 20 words or less, 10 Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT AYOOD Slabs $3.80 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1 1 (apr otf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL Vals ues in rebuilt Underwoods, 'I'hey ure as serviceable as when new==at less than halt the cost. Sent tor your nes i {revel Address "Underwood," 135 ictoria St, Toronto. (oct 19, 31) FOR SALE = PAINTS,' VARN: Ads | ishes, \Ve®have the largest assort. Kuch subsequent consecus ment of paints, v 'nishes, ete, in the tive Insertion 1o per [(}|ecity. The Paint Store, 80 King St word. I} West. (Apr, 23 tf) Three consecutive inser: | FOR SALE = DRY H/ HARDWOOD tions for the price of $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 two first Insertions (three cord. Norman Sanders, King St cents a word), Il] East, Phone 1774M, eb up tt} an tt Bl] uate (9 fan tt Ml sortions aoe, "7 "||| FOR BALE=GOUD MIXED WOOD 14 cord $0. All hardwood $3.50, llox number 10c additional. | W. H. Thompson, King St. W. Professional br Business {§| Phone 742J, Cards, $2.30 per month | (9 may ¢) FOR BALE=MIXED HARD AND on Kingstoh Road West ply to Conant & Annis, &c., Oshawa, Ontario, for the Estate. belonging to Burtlett Estate. Ap- cents u word per tonth soft wood slabs, also bodywood. for each additional word: [| Aj} ary and under cover. Phone ijl 15682, (19 apr ¢) Ph 3 5 FOR SALE = HAYNDWOOD 1; one cord $3.26. McQuaid Cartage & Moving, Phone. 2423W day or i Asie for Classified Ad avesing, (27 apr ¢) f Department (I| FOR™ SALE---RECONDITIONED i [}| electric stoves, electric washers hh, col} conf ranges, coal annex, gas stoves, Fox Hardware, (1 may ¢) FOR SALE------HARD AND sOFY For Rent slabs, also jars budy wood. Phono n I Pi ne i 's Tax ' TOR WENT--- PASTURE LANDS | "ons Tex 200 (2 may ¢) of Oshawa | wp" GALE-"CRUSHED STONE P= 1 chips for driveways. Waterous- Barristers, | Meek Ltd. Phone 1288. Soir 4 mar 0) FON BALE=NEW A Or B KLI- minators $10. Battery chargers For Sale or Exchange TOR SALE Of BXCHANGE= Brick house, ¢ rooms, also 2 rooms od cottage and 7 lots, equity $4000 to exchange on central prop. erty. What have you. Phone 2604W owner, (0 may ¢) RL SN "Business Wanted HAVE BUYERS FOR GROCERY stores, country stores, gasoline service station, What have you, Jas, Ryan, Cannington, Phone 89, (84-86-90-91) Awnings AWNING AND TENTS, ETC, WI are agents for J, J, Turner & Sons, Veterboro, Let us quote you ou "everything in canvas, Phone 25, Fox Hardware, Oshawa, (1 jy ¢) a ------ SA I] awnings, verandah curtains, canos ples, installed, T. Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phoue 10588, pn 3S apr 9) "Furniture "Repairing re-upholstered, ete. Charges reas. onable, I, A, Morris, 170 Albert St, Phone 731W. Formerly with Luke Furniture Co, (12 apr o) UPHOLBTERING AND ~ FURNE ture repaired. Drapes nade to or« der, Rebuilding chestertlalds a specialty, Ceo. A, Constable, 2? Bond KE. Phone 8822J. UPHOLSTERING, DWI DALTON, phone 1045. See our samples Mo hair and Tapestry, 230 Simcoe Bouth, § may ¢) THE REMNANT & REUPHOL: stering Co., 1566 Bimeoe Bt, South, The Upholsterers, furniture reno vated, portiere curtains to order, mohairs, plushes by plece or yard, wide range of sultes cleaned, qualities, mothproofed, may ¢) prices, A REAL Al WN ANIC, capable of taking charge of re pair shop, State age and experi ence to Dox 307 Times. (90¢) WANTED=DISTHICT AGENT TO sell an up to date linu of ranges and heaters from manufacturer to householder. Adam Hall, Limited, Peterborough, Ontario. (910) BOOKKEPER ~~ WANTED, ONE who is familiar with lumber yard office work preferred, Apply state ing age, experience and salary re- quired, Box 308 Times, GOVERNMENT POSITIONS -- AS Booklet free on request. The M.C. Letter Carriers, Mall Clerks, Cus- toms Clerks, Stenographers, Typ. ists, ete, are constantly vacant all over Canada, We are the oldest and largest Iustitution in Canada specializing in preparing candi- dates by mall for these positions. C. Ltd., Toronto 10. 77 70 82 85 88 91 04 07 100 ___Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-- § ROOM BRICK bungalow in north end of eity, All conveniences. Immediate posses slon, Phone W. G. Miller 2780. (87¢) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM SOLID brick, hot water heating, oak floors, Sumvood trim, coal grate, east end, A real bargain, For pare ticulars call 1217 between 7 and § bm. (88d) FOR SALE -- FIVE ROOMED semi-bungalow, frame bouse, quarter acre land, good garden, Located in Harmony, Garage, fur nace, electricity, Phone 108J, (80¢) WONDERFUL BARGAIN=-=NHAR« ly new, 6 room brick, oak floors, garage, just off Simeos St, N. $3000, Terma, Box 302 Times, (80¢) BRICK FOR SALE--3 bungalow, newly conveniences, Close to Motors, Will accept late car as down pay. ment, Phone 2228, (80¢) FOR SALE--§ ROOMED BRICK bungalow in north end of eity. All conveniences. Only $2600, Immedi- ate possession, Phone W, G, Mil. ler, 2780. (80a) FOR BALE--§ ROOMED BRICK bungalow {n north end of eity, oak floors, chestnut trim, open fire place, This house cost originally with extras $4500, Will sell tor $3700, Wil take a lot or two in suitable location as part payment. ROOM Phone W, G, Miller 2780. (89¢) FARM FOR SALE--ONE HUN. dred acres, clay loam, Brechin, two miles, hip roofed barn, stone foundation, house seven rooms. Forty-three hundred. Fasy terms, Possession at once, Jas, Ryan, Cannington. Phone 09. a (84-85-00-01) F'OR SALE--SEVEN ACRES OF land, New foundation and large quantity of lumber, Price $1500. Apply to 8, W. Prevost, Orchard View Blvd, North Oshawa, ' (01c) FOR BALE -- SMALL HOUSE, with one to five acres good garden land. Close to Oshawa, For pare ticulars. phone 3004W, (91) decorated, ull v/a RY lumBiR (0 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8. We Disney Block EYESIGHT SPECIAMST y Speclalining exclusively in @vuscle eyesight aud glasses, 1510+ Phone-=181¢ EY Opposite Post time. REPAIRING WATCRES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch {a not glving satisfuction we can repale and make it tell the corrett D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Ofticlal Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Rallroady 20 Simcoo St, 8, Phone 180 | ¥ i ] COAL COAL Phone 108 W.J. SARGANT | Yoard=-80 Bloor Stroet Ki Orders Promptly Delivered = For Sale or Rent FOR RENT OR SALE--COM- fortable three roomed cottage, Westmoreland Avenue, near Sim- coe. Water, hydro electric, Tele- phone .3806 or 8227W. foie) FOR BALE OR RENT --NO, 485 Cubert St., Oshawa, frame house, water and electricity, Apply to Conant & Annis, Darristers, &c., Oshawa, Ont,, Phone No. 4, (Sat, tf) SR TYRE ! 1] { Ii | | A Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler | Established 18450 aa aaa - Fo cnn rm---- office over Jury & Lovell's Drug |manent wave prices $5, $7.90, $10 and 10. Trikle ¢ 4. Chay, 55. | sommes wm | NORMAN LAMBERT -- raDiEy | 12 SIMCOE ST. SOU' Store each Saturday fom 1 th} 41815. "All other lines of Beauty Cul- | hardwood floors throughout, fire- Works Wanted Id ie "Situation. Vacant--Male | ad Bayi TART try Lavi : treat place, on paved street. 91 Ritson | FAVE YOU ; YTS : ¢ 33507, ituation. Vacan ry 8 D.m., iP consultation and ture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe d np HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED (7 apr 1 mo) ur and repairing, Goods called for. - ment of diseases of car, nose and [street SF road north, Phone 2850. now, before the spring rush, Body | grrr frm GHAVEL EAN" 820° AND UPWARDE, | prone 525. 66 Bagot St. | throat only. Appointments may be ING BY BET- : (22 apr ¢) | and fonder repair work, Special inders. oione, black loam. $1.50 | ¥Oing mushrooms for us, in cle- (10 apr ¢) | 4 made at drug store, Phone 97. Ward at A Lou Permanent| VOR RENT--MAY 19T, BIX | prices now in effect. Fry and | cinders, sion 4 det ved. | Phone | 14rs aid sheds, Illustrated booklet Diamon Ss !/ Wave § Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo joomed brick house. 63 Harold. | Frise, phooe 1111, 16% King st. BE Tuk oud, J eiivered. TAGS free, 'Canadian Mushroom, oe GARAG . e 2968, ectricity, gas, furnace, garage. |\V, Night phones 2645) and 3395. | PEON, YW 1d, (18a ronto, (85 ES, BW 'es pre) | ce # SE Ay 3c, FINGER| Apply 150 Centre St. (90h) : (6 apr ¢) OAT INBOARD, 2 rey assett's Avehitectural work. Second 800f | Waving 50c, halr cutting 2c at La| FOR RENT-- 4 OR 5 PARTLY | REPATI --YOUR --DHIVEWAys | MOTOR BOAT INBOARD, "Help Wanted--Female | Summer r Cottages : Architect 8 cylinder, 5 H.P, engine, in good On Oshawa's Main Co Royal Bank Building. Phone 14906 Parisienne Beauty Parlors, Ask for Juralatied vooms,. $8 Land every | lawus, gravel, sand, cinders, arth shape, forty dollars, also rudd | WANTED-- AN EXPERIENCED bargain prices. Wr Write today tor , hone . ss Robbins. ne 1 edlate posses- | concrete floors, walks, curbs re-| " 5 b Sime. | energetic busi woman to take i i v AS PERMANENT WAVE 420 Apr.) | _slon, Apply to Box 806 na y pairs, Chris Graham, Phone 3207, oy Re ii 15 Sime Shares of husinese wor in Oshawa, Jeet Salog Dioving a a soclate architects. Simcoe St. 8. i ANEN J ¢ South, (6 may e) | .; 1 po 3 o) "ir | Must be courteous and able to ate . - a Over Felt Bros. $15 for $7.60. Permanent wave | VOR WENT--32 HOOMED APART- | WINDOWS AND ALE RINDT OT | bon tine re ED ar OAT: | tend to business. Apply by letter ha ates, simmer Sitges dif iall Boys' Sul = ~ " with real curly ends a special for | ment furnished or partly furnlsh- | pouee cleaning done, Gardens few times. Size 34 or 86, Phone |to C. White & fon, Detter Clean-| oy g7 montniy, Cottages as low as Spec Boy' Suits wi Austionett ; $4.76, Other waves from $3.50 10) ed, every convenlence. Gas and and lawns taken care of, 26574, 3116W or call at 6 Bond St. W. | es & Dyers, 135-141 Bt. Patrick | g19 monthly. Free fire insurance 2 Pair of ' P TAB J SULLEY. 312 Finger Tare, ond sjiampoo Slectricity, also garage, Apply 21|1261y (1 may ¢) (9b) | St. Toronto, (910) | {ncluded, Write to Halliday Com- ||| Knickers .......... , Auctionees, 346 Simcoe St 'S, Osh. | 75¢. Huyek at 230 Clark St. FORT (906) | SARRTED MAN WANTS WORK | FOR BALCH = CHEN --WicKEn | WANTED-- AN _EXPERTENCED | pany, Limited, Box 21, Hamiiton, D i cl awa, Ont, Special attention given to (18 Abr.-¢) FOR RENT7 } ROOMED HOUSE. | 55 farm. Experienced. Apply Box baby carriage. 110 Celina Ht, or | Kitchen maid. Must spesk Eng- (01 93 956 97 99 101) |] Domin on oth " ia] ee a | Shao ences, bardwaod tour | a iain, 7° "7 PPVcgve | hana Fi 0 1 iol | eh Aoply Commercial owl, | 9a King Se. WC Vins Sid tae é and my perts in permament, finger and | possession. Phone 101W LAWN MOWERS ~ SHARPENED, | TOR SALB--BMALL QUANTITY Ra p-- : iN, | marcel waving. Permanent waves © (90c) dalled or 2nd delivered, $1.00. | tumber, cedar posts, Birevood, Shoe Repairing -- $5, $7.50, $10, $15. Phone 348. -- hone G. Flater, S195W, glazed tile and coal oll stove. wo Ort farm tng Bouse sae pasa | 15. 240, 410 4 FOR WENT NEW-TWooMgp | "ou © Tia FIV, of eied le 8 (one) | SHOE WEPAINING. ~VOLTRNZ | | THE MAN 4 spr c) (30 apr c) ' ; » Oak TOOTS, | WANTED -- WASHING AND | FOR BALE --CHOTCH FBED OATS | vg soles, tops patches, the mod- { 2.4, (28 ap cement driveway and garage, froning 2.60 private home cur- | Victory, O.A.C. 144, also chofco| en way, will not rip, leak or WE ANT» | Hemstitching Ask for Miss Duquette. Phone 34, | "0 #1eet 118 Ostawa Bird, | tains wash stretched 50c. . 228 | Seotch colile pup. W. J. Leask, | Serateh the floor. Dest material W It Pays To Shop = | 0 apr c) TO LHT-- NEW DECORATED side Ave, Phone 163 r 1-3, (91a) Hagig - I ao LN Te ED (18 may c¢) , | teed, Champion Shoe Shop, 17 Gere Always ressmak- 4 A + | front apartment. ol (18 MAY €) | FERGAL ONE = MeCLARY iis sad" alter fone, Sout The [formerly of Robertson's, To- | nut trim, prai oi R w PUBLIC #TENGGRAPHEN--MISE | elgetric stove, four burners, A1| Sond Fast (15 may ¢) [| 1s between 80 and 45 years Eel hon. 10% simane 8 Fnone [snl oq, fe mavasores of | Bw Whine TEE. Lut | Mor, (Io Kine Mt Ba | conan on erie, ood' conl | "Painting and Decorating || o ste, He Aue net ye foun 1656, (Jan. 5-1 mo) real Hairdressing . x TOME. : on, Apply arvis St. # to ". Specialist in beauty culture, per- Hardwood floors 4 " | sims: ES 2% (01¢) | R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP. make his life's work, v . y eT tire place. ® work, He has a . t Blocetion or Yavin, mi yen, hot oil. aud | Lor is, or wicks on amie Live Fe walt WEED | HALE PUAN pd 53 | 800 education and above aso || Fospital--Rest Homel CUTION AND " te. Per. | house. Phone Holden 2371W, MILKING GOAT = AND Two | stroller, artillery wheels, like new, 0 0 00 0 "plane 3065W. (7241) (| & man of character, stability, VOOR "TEST HO ay scalp treatments, etc 9 sun ray p y . 91b y $8. Also Simmons white fron cot | "25. Es, Whitby, registered nurse iu ¢ public speaking, aking. Private oz in class |sonal attention with all the latest 2 S31 Yaprifng Bitlis, for net rebliter | wiin spring and mattress $6. 543 Poultry o ||| mbelon and energy to carry || sfinjmum rate §2 daily, Cot * rats ( PRC " . '] 4 Ko 38 or 3 iz' Ing Toom at residence, Athol St, | House, conveniences, Tightosn | A. Brown, Cubes st, Oshawa, | MATY Bt. cm esos | BAY CHICRE-- HXTUHTSG || J oavoratte: impression. tare || fist and i persons' sequin Dec. 17-1 mo) | chawa, Phone 7654 for appoint | dollars a month. College Hill, Ap. (90¢) "Wanted to 0 Buy eggs. Barred Rocks, White Leg Rast fre) - ply to Mrs. Shields, 649 Oxford | FOR SALE--YOUNG PIGE, AP- first interview and to such s to ments. jones) 5 : : (1c) | ply R Far No, 4 Bowmanville A RING logue' 13375, a Hatchery maz the position will have such N SALE . « R. No, J ' ogue 374. awa ' Eo eke a Music YOR RENT-- DOUBLE "OFFICE | Phone 143 ring 23. (2ov) | cont, argo site 43 0 (3a) | &, Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road || attractions ae to make hiss put || BATCRDAY, APL, 1i--AUO 3 TRENEER A or small store. Central location. 7 707. -- _(918) I Nopth, Oshawa, Pre) || forth his best efforts to gét ft, | | Lion #ale of household furnf A good residential property. Apply | HERBERT <. BER, ATC | al Lycos 55 Kor: "Auctioneer Motor Cars TOUT ANTED = Fa the property of H, Philips, $17 B (17 apr ¢) | Organist and Choirmaster of King |.pione 395, 91c) | WILLIAM MAW, ~ LICENSED I... highest prices for poultry of all Tae. dptileast usb $10, outt Mill 8t., Oshawa, Sale At. --$300 10 | StF n and iy music. | FOR RENT--FOR OFFICE MAN | auctioneer, city aude country FOR BALE--1930 CHEV, COUPE. | kinds. Special price for fat hens, [| P o'clock sharp, Terms cash, 'm. $1000 ome 'to three years, Phone BL rpms East. Phone | only, beautiful bright bedroom in |#ales, 25 years' experience, To se-; Good as new, owner leaving city. |T, tien, Whitby. Phone $1, fe- in a letter asking for an inter. | | Maw, Auctioneer, (9196) . oe | 2% is ept. 2 tf) private home, Nosother roomers, [cure a date see Hr, Goodfellow. Parfan for quick sale, Bos bh yorse charges, (25Aprc) || view. Applications will be held Pal fot J ps minutes walk from General | at the Times Office. (1 may ¢) 2 a hd } " confidential, Give address and Tidential service at (ho iW | your piano tuned or repaired. | Motors, Phone 11527. (pic) | "emir 097 CHEV. COACH, 1074 FORD Building i tatephone amber. Bor 800 || CONBOLI NADA price, Whether your cur is fully |Cayl G, Thomson. Phone 2069J. NT--BATHROOM FLAT 1 '(touring car in good condition, 1) CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL |! my ; Palmist on matters of impor imes, patd or mot. We cap reduce your (4 maz) | with all conveniences at 108 Agnes | WANTED TO RENT--A SMALL | taller complete. J. I. Alidread, | for sals=To insure prompt delivery, : 93 Louisa St, Phone 26267, Drasent Do7ments, Motos 10 Servi st, (91a) | house, Phone 1014W. (89¢) Dovwaptitie, RR, 3, or (HH Place gla ,. vaste of delivery Las-- ' ness private, (1 mage en King St. East, Osbawa, OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE=RE ' A Phone 2790. Open evenings 2 0 5 5 Ll AR Be ss on ei.| BRINGING UP FATHER : BY GEO. pm. iminators. Tubes tested and supplied : mortgage on city or farm propery. [cq radio oi » for wae" Batiei Batteries chastt 80 LONG, [ -, [ ®vGoLLY, Phone 1694W, Charts, Wales, 146 E! fe Fo East. CLD TOPPER HE on) ¥ EQUITY OF $1,000 IN EOTALIE ar dec 1 mo) : GOLOMSH Ave. property for aso0. Excelent J CL D, © Me ri . opportunity. Phone : nators, power packs, or rea ' (1c) |scnable, tubes tested free; battery . i \ Battery Service George Burroughs, certified rade ; of 5 0. apr e with rental 91.00. Repaired and At for and delivered. uto Repairs Bligdon, 20 1 D THROUGH- out, Brougham Landau Cabriolet, Sport tops recovered, tops dressed, waterproofed, Remnant and Re- Anolstering Co., 155 Simcoe St. (15 may ¢) Watch | Repairing FA VON GUNTEN, EXPERT reference, desires maternity work. Sin Jatchmaker, tepais shop at Prompt service Sta Mill $t Phone 1335W. Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERN. ity work. Doctor's references. Mrs. Borrowdale. Phone 1618 (30 apr ¢) Mrs, Slack, 242 Eulalle Ave |44% King Street West, Your " 43 may 6) | sonage is sclicieds 4 © 1953, 180) Veature Service, ine. Gross Britain nights ar

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