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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Apr 1931, p. 6

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THE (OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1931 APLE LEAFS TAKE THIRD GAME -- SOFTBALL LEAGUE MEETING Industrial Softball den Pitches nice Ball "0 give Maple Leafs their Third Straight Win 6 to 2 onto Gets Eleven Hits f Former Athletic Hur ~ Strong Gets Three = Ogden Allows nv Hits, all Well Scat- City, N.J., April 18--Consec- i No. 3 for the 1931 Leas 2 on scheduled time yes- ernoon, when "Curly" Og- ghed Charles Sullivan Per- ft-hander who was with the 3 The score was and Toronto made enough "the third inting" to 'main- i$ 'position at top of the ladder "give... Ogden his fourteenth cutive international League win, utlv" won, thirteen in a row Clymer at Buffalo in 1928 it peddled to the Giants, got. perfect support and (did not, two manual mistakes me mental blunder meaning fing for the Leafs. "Errors Help Leafs "The 'boots" came in the third, and + Scotland Woolen Mills SAM ROTISH, Manager ; 1 Simcoe Street South For antomobile, house and ~ contents insurance, in good fi 4 J. H. R. LUKE sound companies. Apply | 82 King Street East Phone 871, Residence 087W | WE FRY THE CHOICEST "OF HALIBUT Frests Fish dally. Fish and chips specialty. PHONE 1964 MRS. WATERHOUSE » & SANADIAN 'ATIONAL RAILWAYS /TOETABLE CHANGES "Importantchanges in train SNA be Ts Full Y in hands let in what turned out to be the win- ning runs, There were two gone in that spasm when Richardson singled, Rogell doubled and Strong singled to cart two runs for. the O'Neill direct- ed troupe, Following Ken's blow, Pittenger messed up Rabbitt's grounder, The New York "U" gra- duate, trying to steal third, not on made his goal, but the plate as well, when Morrow threw wildly past Brown. The home team's first three hits off Ogden brought nothing, but the fourth -- a single by West in the fourth--led to a tilly, Max got wild, pitched to third and registered at the plate when Pittenger doubled. Pitten- ger had fallen 'ddwn' in the second with .two on and then wanged into a double play. Last business at the plate and in the base hit line done by the Skeet- ers was in the sixth, Selkirk doubled then and Clancy singled, after West had grounded out, to earn a run off Ogden, The next eleven batters were retired in one-two-three order, NEWARK BEAT RED WINGS Newark, April 18 -- The Newark F Bears scored their first victory of the international ' League - scason' here yesterday winning 3 to 2 over the Rochester Red Wings by pushing oye er two runs in the ninth, MAY CONNECT BOSTON DEPOTS Transportation Committee To Enact Bill Providing for Terminal Construction Boston, Mass.--Travellers destin- ed to points on either side of Bos- ton who have been forced to make a quick dash across the city from North to South Station or the other way around, may find relief under a bill now being considered by the Transportation Committee of the state legislature, The measure pro- vides for the bullding of a tunnel under Boston from North to South, connecting the Boston and Maine, with the New York, New Haven and flarttord and Boston and Albany railroads. The idea of a connecting tunnel under Boston has been gathering support as unofficial studies have been made of the problem, and the committee are convinced that justi- fication exists' for moving toward clectrification of the railroads sery- ing the city, connecting the roads | by means of an electrified tunuel. Another matter on , which the 'ommittée has been working is that of * trackless 'trolley lines. The | trackless trolley can be made to use | former street railway lines where | the overhead 'wires have not been removed, though the rails are gone, |and has a promising element of eco. nomy. CHANGE IN APRIL 26 As several important main line, as well as branch line trains are affected, patrons ate te- quested to make advance enquiries. | CANADIAN PACIFIC TIME TABLE Prove ts NET VACHS easier in find 1 ng Ease -- ) ] | ¢ starting » J weather be Cause STARTER JHROT TLE are CO-Q dinate d Ig) the ne DSMOBILE ( ROGER L. CO vi RBETT LTD. BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUR Won Lost P.C. Toronto ..esssseesd 1.000 Buffalo «ie evnneedd 1,000 667 667 3388 833 000 000 Montreal Newark ..eeee Jersey City ceceess0' Reading «.eavsees0 3 Yesterday's Results Toronto ««s.8 Jersey City o..2 Newark ....'3 Rochester ....2 Buffalo .... 4 Reading ., Baltimore ...8 Montreal ....2 Games today--Toronto at Jer. sey City; Rochester at Newark; Buffalo at Reading; Montreal at Baltimore, Games tomorrow-- Toronto at Newark; Buffalo at Baltimore; Rochester at Jersey City; Mont real at Reading. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost New York: waveeie.3 1 St. Louis «iiseeee 2 Washington "sees... 2 Cleveland ......4..2 Philadelphia Chicago .. Detroit Boston P.C. 000 W667 667 667 3383 333 .8338 vensgssenesl +000 Yesterday's Result; No games scheduled. " Games today: Chicago at Cleve- land; Detroit at St, Louls; Phila- delphia at Washington; Boston at New York. Games tomorrow: Chicago at St. Louis; Detroit at Cleveland; Philadelphia at New York; Bos- ton at Washington, NATIONAL LEAGUE W CORIO RS bs jb pid © Wno Lost P.C. | 0 1.000 1.000 W760 667 B83 +250 000 000 St. New York ... Philadelphia Pittsburg ... Brookly .veseiesssd Cincinnati Yesterday's Results Chicago .... 056 Pittsburg ....4 St. Louis at Cincinnati--Rain, No others scheduled. Sonnenberg too Good for Hewitt Toronto, April 18.--Gus Sonnen- berg remains dynamic, dynamic as a wrestler and the same as an at: tractfon., Last night thousands turned out to see him in action at the Arena Gardens little car- ing if "Whitey" Hewitt, the cour- ageous grappler from Philadel- phia, was apparently no match for the former champion of the world. The fans went there to see the fly- ing tackle expert show his wares and he came through with a deci- sive victory, The bout was not as thrilling as others in which Sonnenberg has appeared here, but there were reasons, In the first place he was injured when his head collided with Hewitt's hip about twelve minutes after the bout began, and after that he had to be careful in regard to use of the dangerous flying tackle. Then again Hewitt falled to show championship abll- ity even if he gave his best. Sonnenberg Takes Count Sonnenlerg took a count of nine while lying outside the ropes after that collision, and he was dazed when he returned, However, Hewitt was careful, Other wrest- lers have been deceived before by "Dynamite Gus," and Hewitt was- n't eager to sample that (flying tackle. Sonnenberg stalled at every opportunity and finally connected with a series of rabbit punches htat had Hewitt helpless and near- ly out. At the proper opportunity he ex-titleholder = leaped in and scored the first fall with that well- advertised tackle, CANADIANS HAVE VISAS CANCELLED Commuters at Buffalo Must Show Record of Two Years' Steady Employ- ment ceased Fort Erle, April 18.---United States immigration officers at Buffalo plan to deport all Cana- dians commuting to work on the American side who have not been comtinuously employed for the past two years, it was learned yes- terday. Commuters crossing the river dally report that there has been 'a general check-up during the past few weeks by federal men who have stated that all vjsay will be cancelled If records do not show continuous employment over the river for that period, Only two cases of rejection have been reported to date, ASK FOR CLEMENCY Toronto, April 18.--A petition asking for clemency in the case of Robert Kitowsk!, 16-year-old Fort Franceg boy, who was found guil- ty last February of holding up a branch of the Dominion Bank, will be forwarded Attorney-General W. H, Price, A deputation representing the Big Brother movement waited upon Col. Price with the petition. Kitow. ski wag sentenced to five yeary imprisonment and 20 lashes. TWO KILLED IS WRECK - loons Pa, a ogi wom enginemen were ; t when the Panhandle Frid the Pennsylvania Railroad, west bound, crashed into. a f yreck 15 miles east of here, 4s to Ottawa by! reight | --the meanin WINS IN TWO STRAIGHT The exponent of the flying tackle in wresiting, who made a cour ageous comeback after being ine GUS SONNENBERG Jured to defeat Whitey Hewitt in two straight falls in Toronto last night. TIME TABLE, TBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE wa BUS LINES Week Day Schedule (Effective on and + April 13th, 1931) 4 Going W oot Leave y Arrive Arrive Oshawa Whitby Hospital 7.05 am, 7.20 a.m, R05 a.m, io 850 war 2 30 dm, 1 Leave Bowmanville 6.20 a.m, 7.20 am, $15 am 10.00 wm, 1,3 am * 1.5 pam, AS pom, 1,40 pon, 340 pom. 75 pam. 7.45 pn « 0.88 p.m. 10,00 p.m 11.30 pim, 12,00 a.m, 'limes marked * are through busses to Whitby Hospital, Going East Leave on Whithy 10.30 p.m, L. Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 6.30 a.m 6.50 a.m, 7.30 am, 7.50 a.m, 8.30 a.m, Ar, 850 a.m, 9.10 am, 9.25 a.m, 1045 am, 1100 am, 1 Lv. 1205 pm. 12.40 p.m 1.3% p.m, 1.45 p.m, 2.45 pm, Ar, 3.00 p.m, Lv. 4.10 p.m, 4.45 p.m. 5.05 pon, 5.45 p.m, 6.05 p.m, 7.80 p.m, 7.45 p.m, 8.15 pm Ar, 8.30 pm, Lv. 9.05 p.m. 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m, 11.00 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Oshawa 9.30. a.m, Leave Hospital 2.25 p.m, 7.15 pm, Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m, 11.45 a.m 2.45 p.m, 4.45 pm, 6.45 p.m, 8.15 pm, 10.3% p.m, 1045 p.m, Going East Leave Arrive Oshawa Bowmanvill 10.15 a.m. 10.45 a.m, 12.15 pom, 12.45 p.m 245 p.m, 3.00 pom, 3.30 p.m, 445 p.m, 500 p.m, 5% p.m, 645 pm. 7. am. 7.30 p.m, 9.00 p.m, 1.3% 0. Socasions Careful Drivers T, A. RTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 34 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Prone 26 Leave Bowmanville 9.00 a.m. 11,00 a.m. 2.00 p.m, 4.00 p.m. 6,00 pm, 7.30 p.m, 10.00 p.m, Leave Whitby 10,00 a.m, 1200 p.m, ,23 am, Petts except Sunday, 55 a.m, pom, 3 3, 12.31 a.m, Dal pi, Baty, except Sunday, $38 bm: Daily, except. Soturduy 12.08 a.m, Dail 4.2 ily, except Susds 5.35 am, Daily, ' 6.04 a.m, v iy 4 ily, except Bumdsy HE Bu 4 Y COACH LINES ct ime) yy A AT} AT 00" 153% e130 wn "8 | - P.M, w/, 12.90 | 1.9 is i 6.30 7.50 0.20 : on 10.30 10,90 i100 1.5 My' dsy, SEE bkir aod Mire si, 'WIRE IN STREET CAR | Hamilton, April 18.~Two pas- were injured and several _ Were shaken up yesterday when a short-circuit in a control | box of an Aberdeen Avenue street cay caused a flare of fire which resulted fn a wild scramble, fliefonce can give us no informa- tion about the really great problems DURANT PLACING '| exceptional value' in performance, '| sidered exclusive to higher priced .m, | dependability, 'm. | coleration, 'would be on display in their show- of 'evil, the fact of ein. ~ Bishop NEW MODEL 6-11 ON MARKET S00N Is a Low Priced Six-Cylinder Automobile--On Display Here Soon Another model, the Durant 6-11 has just been announced by Durant Motors of Canada Limited and makes its first appearance soon in the showrooms of Durant dealers. The Durant 6-11 is a low price six-cylinder automobile, offering riding comfort and appearance. It brings to its field many qual- ity features which have been con- cars and establishes a new scale of low ownership cost and long life The hig motor is powerful and economical, fast in pick-up and ac which satisfying speed and full range smoothness. The body is large and roomy, with am- ple log room, body room and head room, The seats and back are well upholstered and very comfortable, The 6-11 presents an attractive appearance which is accentuated by the full sweep of the fenders, dls- tinetive Durant radiator, fender lamps, and a harmonized beauty in colours, appointments and fittings. Other features of the Durant 6-11 include light pressure steeldraulic brakes, two-way shock absorbers, velvet smooth clutch, and sclentific spring suspension, In referring to this latest addi- tion to the Durant line, Mr. Phil. J. Duggan. Sales Manager, Durant Mo-~ tors of Canada Limited, states: 'We are indeed proud to be able to pre- sent the Durant 6-11 with so many quality features at such a low price, In this year of values when au tomobile buyers are scrutinizing their car investments more closely, the Durant 6-11 stands out as a supreme achievement in value giv- ing. It simply means that motorists are now able to enjoy the advan- tages of more powerful and satis- factory performance and to step up the quality of their automobil with- out Jeaving the low price six-cylin- der field." The Times was informed by Mr. Thickson of Thickson Motor Sales this morning, that this new car rooms at an early date. ENFIELD BRIEFS (D. Pascoe, Corerspondent) Enfield, April 17. -- Mr. and Mrs, G, Ormiston, Miss Nancy Ormiston and H, A. Ormiston visited at Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs, John Tamblyn and Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Orono, visit- ed at the home of L. E. Pascoe. A. E. Niddery and H, Ashton, To- ronto, visited at the homes of G. Ormiston and J. Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs, E. Ormiston, Bow- manville, visited with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs, F. Page, Toronto and Mrs. C. Branton, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Page, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston visited at Toronto. : Miss 1da McCulloch visited in Or- ono, Mrs, W. J. Ormiston spent a few days in Bowmanville. Mrs, John Hepburn ies visiting in Toronto, Mrs. Norman Stinson is recovering from her recent illness. Miss Eliza- beth Pascoe is also recovering. Miss Ella Tamblyn motored to En- niskillen one evening last week, Frank L, Gilbert is driving a new car. i The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed at the close of the service on Sunday. Some of the farmers have commen- ced seeding. BISONS WIN THIRD STRAIGHT FROM KEYS | ------ | : . : . Reading, April 18=Bill Gould, a rookie from Selma, of the Southeast- ern League, defeated the veteran League Held Meeting Kirsch in a pitchers' battle here yes- terday when Buffalo. won a third straight decision from Reading 4 to 1. Reading outhit its rivals 11 to 10, but was unable to connect safely in the pinches, Rus Wrightstone hit a home run for Buffalo in the third with one man | ¢ on base. t Hornsby' Swats |i Gives Cubs Game we Chicago, April 18 -- To the shrill shrieks of 20,000 women the Chicago Cubs staved off a ninth<inning rally by the Pittsburgh Pirates yesterday and won their third game of the seas son 5 to 4 Guy Bush weakened in the eighth and ninth innings and was relieved by Lester Sweetland after Pinch-Hit- ter Mosolf had walked and Llovd Waner had singled to start the ninth, Grantham sacrificed and Paul Waner walked to fill the bases, Bob Smith who beat the Pirates Wednesday came in to replace Sweetland und Traynor flied to Stephenson, Mosolf scoring after the catch, Hornsby | n threw out Comorosy for thelinal out, |a Hornsby hit a home run in the seventh with two men on base. PORT HOPE SHOWS 2h i res tered to varion LACK OF INTEREST |. IN BASEBALL No Quorum at Meeting Call. e ed for Thursday Evening, Another Meeting Monday ning accounted for two Bird runs At Stadium last Night BOYLE'S HOMER HELPS ORIOLES BEAT ROYALS * Baltimore, April 18=The Orioles aptured the third game of the series from the Montreal Royals here yes erday by a score of 3 to 2 Luther Roy allowed the visitors on- ly five hits, while Claset and Loftus eld the Flock to four, Boyle's home run in the third in Urbanski hit a four-buguer for Merntreal with no one on base, MACHINE GUNNERS TO GRACE HALIFAX Fifth Annual Convention of Suicide Corps to be Held in Halifax Halifax, N.8., April 18, «= Eight undred officers of the famous Can- diun Machine Gun "Suicide Corps' will gather In Halifax on August 27 for a three-day reunion, and thelr fifth annual convention, There are 1,200 members of this one of Canada's youngest fiehting outfite---~mostly ol the world Highlights of the convention will oa forty<five mite son eruire, no 200 ilo sight-seeing trip through tho nu pari famed Annapolis Valley, and their finual tounjon dinner to he hold ere, A luncheon will he tendered ho oMeers by the United Services Association, Lieut.-Col, Cyril Colwell, officer ommanding the 6th Battalion, with ompaniex ut Huallfax, Truro and Kentville, is chalrman of the com- mittee in chargo of arrangements, A splendid turn out of the rep. resentatives of the various softball teams interested in tho future of tho city industrial softball league were on hand last night at the Motor City Stadium to discuss plans for the year. There seems to be some misune derstanding = with regard to the new Senior "B" rating which comes into effect this year, It should be understood however that this series is only to help out the weaker clubs in the organisa- tion, In Oshawa it is proposed to but the Parts and Service team, Which made such a good showing lust year, in this rating and put With them only teams of equal strength, All the other teams are to be placed in the intermediate series, so affording an equal chance for all teams for the final high honors, The ball was started rolling lust night by "Chick" Jacobi who entered two teams, an intermedi ato and a junior, It is especially requested that factories in the elty organize toams at once and put in thelr ontries as soon as possible, 80 us to got the season under way at the earliest possible date. , Following lust night's meeting the league has a definite start made for the season with several Junior and intermediate teams en tered and n start made in the Senfor "BY sor Quite a num: her of certificates were handed out lust night, giving an indica tion that the fco is at loast broken for all others who should make application for thelr pasteboards at once, Applications for entry inte the industeinl softball league should bo sent to Art, Rowden, 120 Glid- den Street, or to the Sports Hdi- tor, Tho Dally Times office, These should bo forwarded at the earliest possible date, Guide) The meot- toum (Port Hope Evening Port Mope, April 17, ing of the local baseball gcheduled for last night in the de- partment of Agriculture office on Walton street was about as well attended as a gathering of the men's section of the sewing circle. Last night was the third time a real meeting was attempted and the usual corporal's guard was on hand, The few enthusiasts who turned out decided to call a final meeting for next Monday night at which time either a representa tive gathering will be on hand or baseball will be allowed to drop. The meeting wag marked by the absence of all but a fey of the players and {f there is to be a ball team it certainly rests with the players to make a decision, The players themselves aro the firstto grumble if a team {is not formed and are the last persons in the world that attend a meet- ing, It has bene definitely decided to leave the decision to the play- ers and non-appearance at the next meeting will be taken to mean that the boys would prefer to let hardball die a natural death, Peterboro and Oshawa teams who operated in the local league last year will not enter teams this season and an effort {s being made to include Bailieboro, Orono, Co- bourg and Port Hope in a four team circuit, The one feature of such a grouping that would recom- mend itself would be the low mile- age and corresponding reduction in travelling expenses, No de- cision as to the personnel of the league teams has been obtained to date but an effort is being made to have these four teams included. Doe CART W Lump Rr (0 JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONS J. W. Wornull, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8215 - Special Value OAKLAND . COACH, MUDEL Driven very small mileage. Bix wire wheels und tires, Special " Price of $850 with terms. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 1080 The ladies are = very busy these | days The landscape is brightened by 1ugs aad quilts Our Specialty, GG Not Our Side-Line Our business for over thirty 'years has been the growing and handling of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS You may buy from us with full assurance of sate isfaction. In addition to our experience you have the additional protection of purity and germination tests, made by the Department of Agriculture., Our vegetable garden seeds are sold in BULK, Generous Se Packages LAWN GRASS SEED Our dependable mixture of nine different grasses, most suitable for local conditions. Single Pounds .vovvveins, 40c per Ib, Slbs.orover coovvevvene. 36c¢ per Ib. We Recommend for Velvety-green Lawns 12 oz. package, 15c 50 Ib. bag $3.25 5 Ib. package, 55¢ 100 Ib. bag $5.25 25 Ib. bag, $2.00 Hogg & Lytle Limited 84 Church St. WE DELIVER le Tm

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