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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Apr 1931, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, Ontario and | Duham County Ne News | EBENEZER BOY SUFFERED INI, Clifford Johns Sustained Two Fractures of His Leg While Playing at School visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton on' Sunday. Ernest Ingils and children, and Charles Cooper, Toronto, Were Sunday visitors with Mr, and" Mrs. | Silas Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Welsh | and sons of Toronto, were vigitors' of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery on Sunday. "Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Trewin and family visited Mr. Fred Taylors, Blackstock. A. Beech and Ada spent Sunday with friends at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. L. Disney, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. 'and Mrs. L. Bradley, Ty- rone, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradley on Sunday. Mr." and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Nestleton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewin recently. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and babe, Burketon, visited Mr. Arthur Beech and family, Mr, and Mrs, John Graham, Kenneth and Milton Graham, of trice Mount joy, Correspondent) edron, April 20.--Mr. and Mrs. . Hoskin were visitors with Mr. rs. James Hoskin, Harmony. Smith vigited relatives. in Tor- k Crossman is visiting his ie i James Crossmam, Haydon, 1) Tl . and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn re- itly visited with Mr. Wm, Hislop, manville. Howard Van Dyke has returned the Northwest after spenting sev- 1 months with his parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. A. D. VanDyke. Mr. and Mrs, Moorey and son, wa, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. kin one day last week. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stainton, Osh-. awa, and Mr. and Mrs. A, T. Stain- 'ton, Zion, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee. Miss Florence Wheeler and girl * friend, Toronto, spent Saturday M with Mrs. Frank Crossman. Mrs. J. Nesbitt, Oshawa, Mr. and i Mrs. E. H. Nesbitt and family, Col- (Mrs. Blake Oke, Correspondent) Ebenezer, April 21.--Sympathy is extended to Master Clifford Johns when playing at school had the mis- fortune to break his leg in two places below the knee. He was rush- ed to Bowmanville hospital where it was attended and he will return home on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Langmaid and Bernice, Oshawa visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pearce, Mrs. Hughes and little daughter, Kingston, are visiting her br other's Albert Tregunna. Oshawa, Mrs. Joh b ited | Mr. and Mrs. ¥sli Oke and Elsie § Lbus, g ed with Mt. and. Mrs. Mr. and hig oh re- Shent Sunday wile) Loh wip] i ® I» 0 verton ite an rs. undale, "Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and | cently. Bethesda. James Crossman is ill. 3 Lorraine attended a party at the Alec Samson is spending a few 5 e of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, | ; 3. Cathe 3 Bole of ar Roy and Jim spent Sunday with Jeeks , with friends at St. Cath § Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Hepburn and | Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton in|" gevaral farmers have about fin- Cartwright. Miss Muriel Thompson is spend- ing a few weeks in Bowmanvilla. Miss Meta and Fred Ashton, To- ronto, were at home for the week- end. ' daughter, Helen, were guests of Mr, % and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Croskem and Miss = Rhea, Croskem, Toronto, Mr. and % Mrs. Powers," Oshawa, Mrs, Short- ridge and Mr. Wilfred Shortridge, Brooklin, were visitors of Mr. and ' Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke. ished seeding here, this being much earlier than last year as they had not started on the land at all a year ago. But rain is needed very much to help the grain, also the grass. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Pearce visited jwith Mr. Wm. Pearce. Newcastle, {and found Myr. Pearce much improv- ed in health. John Found is not much improv- ed in health since the heart attack he had a few weeks ago. ' Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Tregunna on the er- rival of a baby boy at Oshawa Hos- RAGLAN NEWS HAYDON HAPPENINGS (Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Correspondent) Haydon, April 21.--Mr, and Mrs. Frank Crossman, Taunton, (Miss A. Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, April 21,--Messrs, Sid- ney and Ernest Wilverton of Pros- pect were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, Wilson and also at- | | Mr. and Mrs. H. Samuels, Nestle- ( tended our Sunday School and [pital on April 17. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams, | Church service. - Mrs. A. B. Werry and Miss Vera Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs. Seeding operations are well un-|..i.ained about 20 ladies on Fri- der way in this vicinity and a uumber © anticipate finishing this week although some have fiu- ished now. Rain is badly needed to start the tiny seeds growing. Mr, and Mrs. N. Grose, Mr, and Mrs. Will Thompson. Toronto, | were Sunday visitors with Mr, and | Mrs. D. Thompeon. Miss Mary Wales, Oshawa, was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, D. Lyle. Misses Hazel Pierson, Hazel Grose, Violet Thompson, of To- ronto and Miss Marguerite Miller * James Crossman. : Mr, and Mrs. H. McCombe and children, Mrs. A. Sharpe, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy.' Mrs. James Kennedy and fam- ily, Miss Lottie Cottrel, Toronto, day afternoon to a jolly quilting party. The ladies nearly finished two quilts when a delightful supper Nas served and a chat enjoyed bw all. Mr, and Mrs. Will. Bickle and Maurice and Mr, and Mrs. Herb, Nichols visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant, Toronto, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider. Brantford, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Nichols, Mrs. Snider remaining with her parents for a time and Mr, Snider going on to Cornwall, visiting his parents at Fives, Mr, Jack and Mr. Gorden Pickell, Detroit, have returned home after a pleasant week Spey i rela- | ORONO LEAGUE ATMAPLE GROVE Enjoyable Evening Spent -- Program Presented by Vis- itors : (Miss Marion Snowden, Correspondent) Maple, Grove, April 2I--The young people enjoved a visit from Orpno league on Wednesday evening, April 15. The meeting was opened by the Maple Grove president, Jack Cator. After the usual business and a few words of welcome by the president, John Buckley, president of Orono league took charge of a very interest ing program which was put on by the Orono young people. After the pro- gramme, Miss Etelka Trimble, social convenor, took charge of a short con= test and refreshments were 'served. Miss Stella Blackburn, Newcastle, is spending a few days with Mrs. Truman Power. Dr. and Mrs. McClhire and two children,-who are home on Furlough from Formosa, visited at Mr, and Mrs. F. Swallow's on Sunday. ma and Jack, Cobourg, and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Bowmanville, vis- ited their parents, Mr and Mrs. Tru- man Power on Sunday. Two splendid services were held here on Sunday. A large number at- tended the church service to hear Dr. McClure of Formosa, who gave an idea of some of the great work which is. being carried on there. The ladies of the Women's Missionary Society furnished music. Miss Ruth Armstron~ Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Armstrong. Mr, and Mrs. James and family, of Toronto, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John James on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beggs and daughter, Audrey and her mother, Mrs. Rowe, and brother, Mr. Rowe, Toronto, Mr and Mrs. Cyril Luke, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vancamp. PRETTY WEDDING OF SCUGOG COUPLE af Oshawa, Messrs. Frank Grose and Gordon Thompson, Toronto, | were all week-end guests at thelr | | Wagersville en route. Luther Beckett is rushing his | | Pont Perry Anglican Church Sat-|ley, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her Ruby Lillian Western. Be- comes Bride of William day, is progressing nicely. to the dining room where refresh- Little Britain and the . "late wil- liam Sanguine. The bride was gowned in a monet blue canton dress with sand coat, shoes aud gloves to match dnd cafried a bous quet of carpatfons and sweet peas. Miss Fréda Armstroug;: Lindsay, brown canton' dress, with acces: 'ories' to mateby. ~The groom was attended by his nephew, Wallace Osborne, Sonya. The couple will reside at Rockwood, near. Guelph. Mr. Sapguine lived in Oshawa a couple of years, some time ago.' Mr, and Mrs. F. Baxter, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayns and son Jimmie, of Prince Albert, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner on Sunday. Miss H.- Sweet spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sweet, of Oshawa, There was a very interesting Y. P.A. meeting last week. Luzerne Sweetman had charge. The weet ing openéd in the usual way. Rev. Mr. Elford gave the 'Bible study on the book of Joshua. J. Joblin gave a very interesting topic on Citizenship, The secretary's re- port was read, the roll called. The meeting closed by a hymn and the League's benediction, Mr. and. Mrs. D. Cherrie and Viola, of Oshawa, were racent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey. A. Rogerson has moved back to his summer home from Port Perry, where he spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman visit- ed her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ash- ton, of Enniskillen, recently T. Bushby of Greenbank visited Hinton, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wil- Hams and Mrs. O. Williams, Group No. 5 of the Women's As- sociation, 'Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, Mrs. J, 'Elford, Mrs. R. Burnham, | Mrs. R. Reader and Mrs. J. L.| Sweetman, entertained about 78 of their friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sweetman on Tues- April 14th, The president was in the chair. Mrs. Joblin read a story abeut food for the body and food for the soul, with a num- ber of ladies reading the answers by Bible verses, Mrs. J. Demara read an Easter poem. A good re- port from the visiting committee was given and the blue bird quilt After the meeting all were invited closed, ments were served. Proceeds were | urday afternoon. | father, Dean Pickell., | . Mr. Brown, of Bowmanville, was | riage to William Arthur Sanguine, only son of Mrs. O. Sanguine of a Mr. and Mrs. C., Hardy, John acted "as bridésmaid;," wearing a | The ZlIOre DRINK... you Leese the IMIOI'C you kAcK J. Lyows & Co. (Canada), Limated, Toreate BLUE LASEL 30 RED LABEL 38 Mrs. D. Hope on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, H, Sintzel and fam- ily of Toronto were guests of his sister, Mrs. J. Aldred, recently. Mrs. W, Wanamaker, of Oshawa, visited her sister, Mrs. Pettit, on Monday, Miss Gladys Dodsley spent the week-end in Blackstock. P, Williams and W. Samells spent the week-end with Cart- wright friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. Prentice, Ev- erett and Edna, visited her sister, Mrs. A. Brown, of Epsom. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice and daughter Leona, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. R. Prentice, in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrish, son Bill and Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldred of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Aldred, recently. his niece, Mrs. E. Lee one any Miss Helen Prentice of Port last' week. Perry, is visiting her cousin, Miss Leona Prentice. C. Nichols, of 'Honey's Corners, Earl Reader, of Toronto, spent has moved over here on' Mr. B. {the week-end with his parents, Mr. Pettit's farm, this wenk. and Mrs. O. Reader. Mr. and Mrs. 'P. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. M. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A. Walker, of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs, Hinkson and daughter, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, N, Ald- red, Mr. W, Hadley, Miss Audrey OF ENNISKILLEN VISIT SOLINA Fine Program Presented by Visiting League at Recent Meeting (Will T. Baker, Correspondent) Solina, April 20.--Epworth Lea- gue was held on Monday night with Enniskillen League visiting. Will Westlake welcomed the visit- ing league and turned the meeting over to their president, Miss Au- drey Dorland. The devotional topic was taken by Edgar Wright 4 new house to completion. | $15.5 on "Community Life";2iss Alma respective homes here, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, Toronto, | Arthur Sanguine | $15.50. Orchard 'then game some delight- { Mrs. Ray Way and daughter, | visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Crozier, of |'ful guitar music, accompanied by | June, Oshawa, spent a few days | Frank Worden. (Mrs. D. Hope, Correspondent ) Manchester, visited their daughter, | her sister; Miss Verna Pethic then with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Ted Baldwin and family. Toronto, Scugog, April 21.--A preity | Mrs. Geo. Samells, on Sunday. recided "According to You"; mix- | Geo, Stacey. visited at the Marshall home, wedding took place at the resi- Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Glen |ed quartette, Miss Magill and Mrs. { Mr. and Mrs. John Bright and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Braund, Pet- [dence of the officiating minister, | Hood, Mr. Stuart Mark and Doa- Jeffry, Messrs. Milton Slemon and family, Brooklin, were Sunday |erboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Lymer, | Rey. Dr. Holling, Lindsay, on Wed- [ald Crozier, visited at Mr. and [John Slemon, sung "How He i 8uests of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bray. { Maple Grove, spent Sunday with Mr. | nesday, when Ruby Lillian, younz- | Mrs. J. Demara's on Sunday. Loves'; Mrs. Russell Ormiston A number from here attended |and Mrs. Cecil Fpund. est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Miss Graee Mark spent Sunday {gave a splendid paper on "Good [ the Macken-Wilson wedding in Mr. and Mrs Jack Brooks and Of- | Western, Sonya, was united in mar- | with Miss Aileen Sweetman, Will to Men"; solo was sung by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton; Miss Dalton nd. Clara, visited with Mr. and then gave as a reading, "Don't Quit"; Miss Gladys Page gave "John Baker's Goat". Good Save the King was used as a closing number and the Mizpah Benedic- tion was repeated. Misses Jessie and Gladys Yellowlees conducted an interesting contest. Mr. and. Mrs. J. A. Penfound and Jack, Oshawa, visited at Mr. J. T. Rundles. C. Howsam was at Port Perry on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Webber and Stanley and Grant, of Columbus, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H, E. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Walters and Mrs. Walters Jr.,, Toronto, visited at J. W. Yellowlees. Harry Phillips and Herbert, To- ronto, visited C. Shortridge and family. Miss Dearborn, Columbus, = is back at school, after her illness. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Sam Brooks. Miss Ida Reynolds, Mrs. Norman Reynolds and Miss Grace, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. J, W. Yellow- lees. Mrs. John Pascoe is visiting her sister, Mrs, Grace Allin, Newton- ville. There were 100 at Sunday School at Eldad on Sunday with Mrs. John Baker and Miss Mae Westlake in charge of the open- ing exercises. The scripture ies- son was read by Miss Jean Mill- son and Misses Bessie Patterson and Gladys Yellowlees sang a duet. The meeting was closed by prayer by A, P. McKessock. ev. Mr. Bick preached an interesting sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask and Ewart, visited Mr. and Mrs, Ha:ry Jardine at Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilhert, En- field and Mr.. and Mrs. Hugh An- nis, visited at Gordon Leask's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rey- nolds. Mrs. J. W, Brooks, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks and family, of Oshawa, visited S. E. Werry and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and children visited at Columbus with her father, James Reeson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Helen and Jéan, Columbus, visited W. Vice. COLUMBUS (Mrs. T. Cook, Correspondent) Columbus, April 21.--Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Young and son, Mr. and Mrs, Everett Warne. Mrs. W H. Piper and daughter, Mrs. Bul- lied and children, all of Oshawa, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Piper, Miss Eva Huntsley, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. David Mc- Kenzie. Mr. and Mrs, M. Wilkins, . Osh- awa, visited Mrs, J. James on Sune day, Miss Mary Bromell underwent an operation in Oshawa Hospital last week. J. T. Grey is also in the hospital suffering from blood poisoning in his hand. We wish both a speedy recovery. Mrs. Geo. Hayes has returned home after spending several months with friends in Rochester. Messrs. Bert Terwillegar and Russell Nesbitt are home from Flint, Mrs. L. L. Guy and Miss Fran- ces Hayes attended the service of the York Bible Class in Massey Hall, Toronto, on -Sunday after noon. Mrs. K. Fraser, Toronto, visited her parents, Mrs. Levi Ellins visited her daughter in Toronto, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanville, with relatives, Miss Tucker, Whitby, visited at Mr, A, Murison's on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. Copeland from Toronto, visited Mrs. M. Doolittle on Saturday, Mrs. Jas. Ashton is home again after spending the winter with her friends, Walton Pascoe, spent the week-end 1290 FOUND DEAD London, April 22.--Police found 129 persons dead on the streets of London during January and Feb- ruary, exclusive of accidents, J. Clynes, Home Secretary, told the House of Commons, They weve 85 men, 30 women and 14 child- ren under 16, years of age. NORTH AMERICA STREET Paris, April 22.--' "Rue de L'Am- erique du Nord (North America Street) is the name recently given to a street 'in the Fourteenth Ward. a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. | and Mrs. A. Slute. i Mr, and Mrs, J. Moorey and two grandchildren, of Enniskillen. were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, Morley Cook. A large congregation was pres- ent at Church service on Sunday to hear Rev, J. O. Totten, of Bridgenortlt; whé delivered a very impressive sermon, Miss Marion Hubbard South Carolina Avenue At the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY'S Newest Centrally Located 4 Fireproof Hotel was a $5.00 DAY AND UP ¢ AMERICAN PLAN Write, Phone or Wire, R. B. LUDY, MD. recent visitor with Mr, A. Hubbard, of Enfield. Mr. Osgoode Ormiston has hired with Mr. Beath near Enfield. Mr. Thos. Lane has started to draw cement blocks for his mew house. A number from here are indulg- ing in the spring sport of "sucker fishing'. Thé following is the report of and Mrs. tie Taster Examinations for Mount Carmel S.8. No. 8, East | Whitby. | Sr. 1V.--Marion Hubbard, 83; | Inez Tummonds, 81. | Jr, 1V.--Doris Cook, 71. | Sr. IIL.--Merlin Slute, 90; Irenc Malyon, 75. Bowser" has been improved with a coat of yellow paint. s More of Her Secrets of ity, Health and Diet. Watch local NB. C. chain programs. « Detroit, April 22-Domestic sales af Chevrolet cars during March were 73, nuits, a 48 per cent. gain over sales .in February. Stocks of new cars in the hands of dealers were reduced by 6500 units and stocks of used cars dropped more than 5000 units during the month, +-~ Cheyro~ let Motor Co, reports. {Cut Out This Schedale) . Tuesday and Thursday, WB Buffalo, 2.30 p.m. Every Tues- and Thursday, CKGW, Toron- 2.80 p.m, $99.95 Many of the Coats would Sr. IL--Leonard Slute, 75. sell at $35.00 in the regular o 7 Cec Slute, 96; Eileen way. Navy and Black Blin Wh Pr wboricaSiute and Blin Broadcloth, "fine Grace I. White, teacher. all wool Tricotine and Mr. Lloyd Hughson, Toronto, Chonga weaves. In Styles 5 spent the week-end with his par- that appeal, and with fit 4 gts, Mr. and' Mrs, Norman Hugh- and workmanship of the i a Reta Bray, Prospect, and highest order. Sizes run i Reed Cook, Myrtle, were Sun- from 16 - Misses' to Wo- Phe One Woman in The World Whe x guests of Miss Susie Bray, men's 44. A real une i : Susie Bray 4 9pport { Never Grew Old Tells Radio Lis~ Mr. D. Thompson's "Shell Gas ity to save dollars on your New Spring Coat. Specially reduced for this Sale $99.95 UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT High-Grade Merchandise at Prices That Are A Revelation BE SURE AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE SAVINGS NR OUR 5 DAY SALE CONTINUES cuffs. ity. Tell your friends the "good news" by Radio p BRI 'NOTICES appearing in the TORONTO / "are broadcast mightly by Maurice BODINGTON over a ; CKGW # : "Canada's Most Powerful Radio Station" ALL BIRTH NOTICES broadcast must first be Published in The y b Sand shades. Sizes 6 to 7); Sale Wash Cape GLOVES || $1.59 Mi Very fine quality Pull on Cape Gloves in colors Black, Black trim White, and light $1.59 GIRL'S MIDDES Made from fine white middy cloth with your choice of navy or red collars and Sizes 6 to 20 years. During this sale, 93c 27 in. White F' Tarinelelie less than 9c yd. $1.50 qual- GIRLS' PLEATED SKIRTS Made from a very fine Navy serge that will hold the pleat, has Drill Camisole tops. Size 4 to 14 years. A quality well worth $1.50. During this Sale 4 ~~ .10 yds. 89c ENSEMBLE Consists of your choice of navy tricotine or pin stripe serge in single or double breasted styles. 20 and a dainty voile blouse. "Three Pieces Complete, Tailored Suit $9.95 Sizes 14 to 095 House 21 in. Linen Tea Towelling Yd. 15¢ Neatly Designed Frilled Curtains . Set 89¢ PRINT Sizes 36 to 44 75¢C Dresses 36 in. New Summer Voiles at Yd. 35¢c 52 x 52 in. Linen Lunch Cloths 79¢ Lunch Sets, Pure Linen Cloth 52 x 70 i 6 Naps. for $1.39 + During this [; 'All Linen' Pillow: Cazes, Hand drawn Hemstitched .... Pair 95¢ Special Price BLOUSES 79¢C Sizes 32 to 38,

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