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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Apr 1931, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1931 ITROYERS LEAVE CAVADA INMAY juenay and Sk Skeena Under. going Final Tests at Southampton tawa, April 23--The two new destroyers Saguenay and a are undergoing final tests at Southampton, according to an an- nouncement by the National Defence Department, and will be able to leave for Canada near the end of May. Tests of the Saguenay are expected to be completed by May 10 and the vessel will then go into commission with 'Commander P. Nelles, R. C.N, in charge. The ship will take about two weeks to take on stores and will then sail for Halifax via the Azores and Bermuda, arriving at the Canadian port shortly after June 15. The destroyer Skeena, which will be in charge of Commander Victor Bro- deur, R.CN, will complete tests a few days later and atter taking on ull and drowsy these spring days? It's because he eats "right. T happen to know he ys eats Shredded Wheat nd Shredded Wheat you ow is the ideal spring nic. It's light, easy to digest nd still very nourishing, nd it contains all the bran eded for a clean system WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Help Canadian Prosperity by eatin TWO Shredded Wheat" Biscuits a day. stores will sail via the Azores, West Indies and 4 Canal, r Ty Esquimalt, B. C,, about Ju . C., about June 20, ONLY FEW HAUNTS OF FRENCH POET STILL REMAIN One Tavern a Frequented by Villon 500 Years Ago Still Remains Paris, April 28.--If Francois Villon, French poet, and friend of the underworld, could return to Paris this year, the 500th anniver- sary of his birth, he would search in vain for the haunts of his youth, but he would find only one tavern to remind him of his tempestuous days here. On the site of the old "Pomme de Pin'--the Fircone Tavern--in the Rue de L'Hirondelle, near the Place Saint Michel, where the ploneer of French poetry played many jokes on Robin Turgis, the stout Inn-keeper, there now stands the "Bolee de Cidre" (The Cider Bowl"). Though repaired and re- modelled, it still retains most of the original features of the poet's day. At the time of Villon the ta- vern wag a gathering place 'for lit- erary men and painters. It is often mentioned in his writings, Although the day and month of Villon's birth are indefinite, it is generally accepted that the year was 1431, Consequently a society called "The Disciples of Francois Villon", which was organized be- fore the war at the Cider Bowl is planning a memorial service there within the next few wecks, The group was found by Guillaume Ap- pollinaire, Francis Carco, a Villon biographer, and Jacques Dyssord, the poet. During the French revolution the tavern building was a meeting place for leaders of the revolu- tion, many of their secret councils being held in its subterranean vaults. Until a few years ago it was a rendezvous for rivermen, stevedores and workers from the market, After the armistice it be- came a cabaret. Until 1920 there hung on tha walls of the Cider Bowl a framed parchment, said to have been a stanza of the original from Vil- lon's "Grand Testament'. This yas written in 1461 upon his release from Meung jail when Louis XI ascended the throne. The para- graph, which was stolen in 1920, referred to a gift the poet was making to the owner of the Fir- cone tavern and contained a prom- ise 'henceforth to pay for my wine," The date of Villon's death has baffled historians, some placing it fn 1480 and others the following banishment for ten years, the DOMINION "Where Quality Counts" STORES vr. Canada's Largest Retail Grocers ? PINEAPPLE Choice, even slices of luscious fruit. Grown and packed in Singapore. A delicious dessert. TIGER BRAND CATSUP Made in Burlington from selected in- Jradients . At this special price it is deed an economical purchase. Large Bottle IMPORTED KRAFT--Canadian or Pimento CHEESE »» 4 17¢ Sliced bi Mas fig Javor adds a delightfni or lunc menu. - liclous sandwiches. eon 8, Tir de | COCO Sclentiticanty he Drcpared Jom mou 1g and = Ac als Wl FRY'S V5+1b. Tin Regular Values BLUE RIBBON Mayonnaise ...... 5% FANCY JAPANESE obster ........%s Tin Licorice Allsorts . . NORWEGIAN Sardines .......2 Tins 23¢ KELLOGC Corn Flakes ...2 Pkgs. 19¢ EATS DIRT Gillett's PURE BREAKFAST 15 29c 33¢c Ib. 25¢ Lye ......Tin 14¢c 19 GRAPE NUTS ... Contains the essential body-building properties. A cereal with the nourishment you need in a most delicious form. 14 LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 ease Soap CHRISTIE'S Chocolates +A delicious confection with a Devil's Food base cake tipped with Christie's cies | 'covered with pure choco- Per Pound 25 and 3 Products of Outstanding Quality. Richmello COFFEE BE Domino TEA discovery IAW All varieties of McLaren's Pure ices now sold in Spices in GLASS REN the new, neat glass bottle with shaker- tops. crn 2¢ Al year, After his last sentence to execution of Regnier de Montigny and the jailing of Guy Tabarie, Villon's bosom friends, the poet left Paris never to return, GREAT MERGER OF TRANSPORT LINES [5 CONTEMPLATED Government Plans to Nation- alize and Combine 100 Separate Lines in Greater London London, Eng., April 23.--The tangled streets of London and the name of tunnels burrowing be- neath them are to be the stage, if the government's passenger trans- port bill becomes law, for a stu- pendous demonstration of practi- cal socialism, The Labor govern- ment has decided to nationalize the transport facilities of the greater city. The transport bill its second reading in Commons by a comfortable majority, and passage of its third reading there and approval by the Lords will be followed by the government tak- ing over all the subway, tram and bus lines now operated by almost 100 private companies. The merged lines, which carry 4,000,000,000 passengers a year, will be the largest city traction aystem in the world, It will be owned hy the government and will be operated by a men appointed by the Minister Transport. This board will have ahsolute power to alter or discontinue exist- ing services ones throughout an area with radius of 25 milse from Charing Cross. Ist authority, has passed of to vehicular traffic regulate the movemeo:y of every taxi and private car, every horse drawn dray and every gasoline or steam lorry in the eclty, Conservatives have opposed the | bill bitterly on the ground that it iz a soclalistle measure placing the eity's traneport fn the hands of live dictators headed hy the Minis- er of Transport as a sort of su- sr«dictator, but the Liberals have brown thelr balance of power fth the government and opposi- 'on has Leen futile, The rovernment board is to op- rote the transport lines at cost, 'djusting fares so that there will Fo neither prof't nor deflelt. Though the Minlster. of Transport holds finel power, fn that he ap- pointe and can remove at will the {members of the board, the active "Cazar"? tn traction gystem will ha the chairman of the hoard, Many predict Lord i Passfield will hold this post. There fs one obstacle in the way, however, for the bill stipu- lates that anyone accepting ap- pointment to the hoard must dis- pose within three months of any sharse in traction companies. Ag It Is understood that Tord Passfield"s fortune consists largely of traction | securities it is felt that he might | not care to convert them Into securities of some other Industry with which he was less familiar, Under the transport bill when the government takes over the companies he heads it will give the shareholders traction shares it will f{ssue {itself in exchange for the shares of the present concerns. Some of the smaller companies the board will buy outright for cash. ee -------------- DANCE URGED TO PREVENT DIVORCE Light Fantastic Charms Away Ugly Moods, Says Portia Mansfield New York, N.Y., April 23.--Miss Portia Mansfield, "Creator of cor- rectives in dance form," comes along with an idea for making fam- ily life happier and averting divor- cog and such things. Dance, she says, and presto, everything's OK. er scheme is to dance away one's ugly moods; sort of twostep out of trouble, waltz out of woe, {axtrot out of folly and Thumba out of ruts. "It's perfectly feasible," she said today. "There would be fewer divorces, fewer family spuab- bles, if women would adopt the dance as a corrective. I have seen women who saw no way out of their emotional troubles. Then they did a corrective dance, and life seemed suddeniy simple again." reason it works, she lain ed, is through the Weroased ron. of great of sluggish blood and free- om of movement, which tends to quent exhilaration with re- change of 'mood, Frit BEN WilWe discover mechanical flaws b whiting a machine to excensive fight ve fot dhs discover railties along the same line?" "8 Don, BRITAIN'S PLANES CLOSELY GUARDED Schneider Cup Entries Hint- ed to be Capable of Much Greater Speed Southampton, Eng., April 23. ---Guarded and mysterious, a small workshop just outside of town here, houses Great Britain's embryo Schneider Cup racing planes through which the British hope to secure the third leg and permanent possession of the cup. Because of changes in the regu- lations governing this year's con- tests under which it is necessary for a competing plane to pass certain navigation tests, designers are fac- ad with necessity of providing for additional weight in the added fuel stories concerning these hush-hush seaplanes, but such information is mere conjecture. R. J. Mitchell, who for years has been Great Britain's foremost de- signer of high speed air and sea- planes, is supervising the work of even other engineers working in the workshop but rarely talks about the progress being made on the ships. Under Mitchell's direction the planes which won the contest two years ago for Great Britain are be- ing given a "slimming up" process designed to reduce wind resistance to the minimum, both vertical and horizontal, but beyond that little information is available concerning other details of the changes, LABOR MEMBERS STAGE FILIBUSTER Desperate Battle Over Bill to aw Amend Winnipeg o Bill Winnipeg, April 23--(C.P,)--Put- ting up a desperate battle to remove a section in the bill to amend the City of Winnipeg charter, which would give the municipality nower to levy a poll tax. the three Labor mem- bers of the Manitoba Legislature staged a filibuster" Saturday, which lasted approximately 12 hours. Attempts to compromise failed pro- rogation of the Legislature was post- poned, and last night there were r*n- spects of a further continuance of the filibuster when the House meets this afternoon. The poll tax would apply to resi- dents between the ages of 21 and 60 PUTS BOVRIL BEEF STRENGTH INTO SOUPS AND GRAVIES Queen, leader of the Labor group and his colleagues, S. J. Farmer and William Ivens, maintained their stand throughout the night and day ses- sions, They were assisted in a minor degree by J. W. Pratt, Indeoendent, member for Birtle and Toseph Ber- nish Conservative, St. Boniface. he time for the coming ints y effect of the act was pre scribed as "the day it is assented to." JAhof sought to change the time to Jan. 1, 1911, Jan. 1, 1932, and "Deceniber LN 2000, A D."" The amendments which were de- feated. Later. Mr. Ivens who moved the last amendment, that the bill come into effect "December 31, 2000 AD." said "it was all a joke. Only three items remain on the order paper for consideration, t' Winnipeg charter amendment: a re- solution urging the Dominicn Gove ernment to guarantee a minimum price for wheat, and a motion asking the Federal Administration to appoint a commission to investigate th omic conditions of Western Canada. NEW ER ; AID JAPANESE econs greater speed" time to time in t and ofl necessary. Discreet hints at 50 miles an hour have appeared from vears, and the penalty for file desired information we to $100. Starting the filibuster Fr he British papers' WORKING WOMEN failure to uld be £5 Tokyo, April 23--Ne law the 50,000 Jap: iday, John in minesa is ocntemplated here, Ec- onomic experts have - decided that long hours and working conditions generally are doing much harm to the women, especially mothers. Japan has approximately 1,600,009 women manual workers, more than 1,000,000, beine employed in factories, A report of the Kurashiki Institute for Labor Rescarch, has just urged better treatment forthe women works ers. The report declares many moths ers undergo extreme mental and phy sical strain under present working conditions to maintain their sub- sistence, it emphasizes the neces= sity of raising the minimum workin age Yor women from 14 to 16 years, increasing wages of employes and making greater milk allowances for working mothers. FRANCE OUTLINES VIEWS ON TREATY London, Aprll 23. --The French viewpoint on the disputed phases of the recent tripartite Anglo-Italo I"'rench naval accord was submitted to the British and Italian govern- ments in written notes through dip- lomatic ehannels today. The cone is of notes were not made pub- though not | government ownership, will extend | and it will | board of five | and inaugurate new | a | | ¢ Weather Tested vo this amazing New Paint ON'T waste time trying to im- prove ordinary paints. Make an entirely mew paint to fit modern painting needs . . . a paint that will stand up through years of blistering sun or freezing winter rain." Such was the standard set for C.I-L paint chemists. To meet it required years of intensive research, thousands of tests in both the laboratory and on actual painting jobs. And from these tests was developed a new paint . : ; a paint not merely new in name, but new in performance. C.JI-L New Process Paint To-day, this standard is rigidly main. tained. Every batch of C.I.L New Process Paint is thoroughly pre-tested before it leaves the factory. Wooden panels, painted with New Process Paint, are exposed year in and year out to the fiery rays of the sun... to driving rain . . . snow and sleet. And these panels prove that months after ordinary paints have faded and cracked, New Process Paint retains its fresh, bright color ; . ; its clean, unbroken surface! Your master painter can tell you why. Profit by his professional knowledge. He will advise you which C-I-L paint or var- nish is most suitable for your require- ments. FOR TRIM AND TRELLIS Amazing durability . . . Lu Sriliiens enamel-like gloss . + . are the ont leatures of the ite "TRIM AND TRELLY finishes. % retain lp bh dog remar, ably long period of time, while their easy 5. qualities mean advantages in application. Semsationally different in composition and resistance to wear, "TRIM AND TRELLIS" finishes set a mew bigh standard for exterior trim. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED--PAINT AND VARNISH DIVISION DRIVING RAIN Cilux ck Dryin, uraltone Floor, Porch and Barn Other C-I-L Paint Products Colored Enamels all Finishes Flowkote Enamel Interior Gloss for Walls and Woodwork lo Enamels aint! Shingle Stains Quick Drying Var Varnish Stains Made by the makers of Duco NEW PROCESS PAINT W. "Pre-Tested" H. A. PATTE 85 SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, ONTARIO H. D. WILSON 23 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO A ah ARR Liss od

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