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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Apr 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and The Communit Social & Personal y: social notes which read- care to submit will be print. x1. Kindly phone or send them ) Times Office before 10 10 1s the day they are to be pub- yo Items of news Soncery: dances, parties, gue A 9 . r.'Howard Adair and Mr. John Hawks of Queen's University are at their 'homes in Oshawa for the sum- mer vacation. | x 3 LS Ld ig and Mrs. W. E. N. Sinclair were in Toronto last evening and Mpa. Sinclair attended the concert by Paderewski at Massey Hall. * * A Among those who have received invitations to Government House, Toronto, on Thursday, May 7, to meet their Imperial Highness Prince and Princess Takamatsu of Japan are Mr. and Mrs. W. E. N, Sinclair, Oshawa. } Ed * * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hurst, King Street West, entertained about 85 of their friends on Tuesday evening. in Welsh's Parlors, on the occasion of 'the 25th anniversary of their wedding day. The parlors were pret- tily decorated for the occasion. Af- ter the reception of the guests. by the host and hostess, dancing and games were indulged in, Watson's Orchestra supplying the music, A dainty buffet luncheon was served, and Mr. and Mrs. Hurst were pre- sented with a beautiful silver tea service and tray, Mrs. Frollest read- ing the following address, and Mrs. Coulson and Mrs. Ogden making the presentation: ."Mr. and Mrs. Hurst: "Dear Friends:--We have assem- led as your guests tonight to cele- brate with you the 25th anniversary of your. wedding day and to share your hospitality. Looking forward into the future 25 years seems a long time, but looking back it is just a span, and we are sure it must be a great pleasure for you to have all your family and so 'many friends present on this occasion, and we all wish for you both many more years [| of happiness and in extending to you our hearty congratulations, we wish you to accept this gift of silver, and as you use it we trust it will remind you of the best wishes of your many friends for: Friends are just the missing parts, That fits into our human hearts, Without them life is incomplete, But when we have them life sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst were taken completely by surprise and after the singing, "They are Jolly Good Fel- lows," the host responded, thank- ing their many friends for the beau- tiful gift. . - The Daughters of England held their weekly ten cent euchre yester- day afternoon in the S.O.E. Hall Mrs, Potts was awarded the first prize and Mrs. J. Davenport, the second, Tea served after the card playing by Mrs. J. MacDonald, Mrs. MacNaught, Miss Millman and Mrs, MacDonald, Sr. Mrs. Lloyd Currell and family of Clinton, Ontario, have recently moved to Oshawa to be with Mr. Currell who has been living in this city for the past two years. Mrs. Thos. L. Wilson is visiting re- latives in Campbellford, Ontario. No Uncertainty It's a great thing to be SURE. When you're not certain about an out-of-town appointment--when plans suddenly miscarry--when any of a thousand little bothersome details come up--use Long Distance to straigliten things out, It's the ideal way of being SURE. Lady (buying her first auto)--- Now, there was some other question 'I wanted to ask you. Ah, yes--what is the brute force of this car?-- (Punch). "WE SPEAK FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES" Oshawa ~ Humane Society TAG DAY Saturday, May 2 PET PARADE Friday, May 1st, at MEMORIAL PARK, 5.30 P.M. The Public in general are asked to help in every way possible, in order that the work of the Society might be carried on in a more efficient manner. Your Driver } the latest Paris has pattern, A DREADFUL THING HAPPENS Children who do not obey Are indanger every day. --Old Mother Nature. The five young flickers who first came out of the home in the tele- graph pole to learn to climb had be- come clever in getting about on that pole by the time the other four ven- WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington ILLUSTRATED IRESSMARING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN Perhaps you'd like a youthful capelet one sees on so many of the smart frocks these days. However be certain you choose the right capelet. This one is a beauty and suited to miss or mat- ron. Fastening at the front as it does with a button, gives it a spor- tive air. Its scalloped bound edge furnishes a lovely theme for con- trast. The buttoned belt and cir- cular hem smartly agree with the scalloped cape. favors scallops breadth. The frock was originally carried out in pale blue eyelet batiste with blue binding. to narrow its Style No. 3050 may be had in! sizes 12, 14, 16, 13, 20 years, 36 and 38 inches bust. Peach-pink linen with brown . binding, yellow shan- tung print, with plain yel- low, pale blue flat washable silk crepe with pale pink, red and white batiste print and green pique print with white pique collar and bind- ing are charming suggestions. Size 16 requires 33% yards 35- inch or 39-inch. . Our large Fashion Book shows to offer in stout, with t'othes for the matron, the ¢ migs and the children. Also a series of dressmaking ar- Liles. It is a book that will save You money. Be sure to fill in the size of the Send: stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. Address orders to Pattern Edi- tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ontario. The hipline also | {the H tured out. It was surprising how rapidly some of them could dodge around that pole. In playing the young Flickers were learning how to use their feet and tails and how to dodge, most important things to learn. They all thought the Great World or such of it as they could see from that telegraph pole a very wonderful place. : "It .is wonderful," agreed Mother Yellow Wing, "but also it is a very dangerous place for the careless and those who are not always watchful. None of you knows yet what real danger 1s, but sooner or later each one of you will be in a very danger- ous place and it is necessary that you should know just what to do. You haven't as many enemies to fear as some other feathered folk, and for this you should be thankful. However, you must alaways be on watch. 'I'here are two or three mem- bers of the Hawk family who would be only too glad of a Flicker dinner and always you must watch out for Black Pussy, Your greatest danger from her will come when you are on the ground. "Then you must never forget to be on watch for her. l wks I fear n ried tc watch ollie SWoops for them dee when at nember to alway « branch a post or cn you and any llawk or any one you suspect may be a Hawk, who happens along. Never take any chan- ces. It is better to dodge the wrong person a hundred times than to fail to dodge the right person once." Now, one of the young Flickers was something of a leader, He had been the first out of the nest and the first to climb to 'the top of the tele- graph pole. The others rather look- ¢d up to him and tricd to do what- ever he did, This made him feel im- portant, which is a very bad way for any young person to feel, he grew to think he knew much as his father and liked to show off and %vNen his par- ents wese got there to see he did show off a lot. "I'm not afraid of any one," he boasted. "Mother is always talking about danger that never appears. I or pole I '| don't believe these dangers are half so great as she makes out. 1 would like to see a Hawk. one does happen around I am going to have a good look at him before 1 try to hide. Yes, sir, I'm going to stay right where I am until I have a good look at him." So this foolish voung Flicker boast- ed when there was no one but his | brothers and sisters to hear him, and | the more he boasted the more im- portant he reit, While his brothers and sisters were always watching for possible danger as their mother and father had told them to, he spent his time showing off, heedless and care- less and, oh, so conceited. "Whenever you sce a strange bird larger than yourselves, no matter if he does look harmless, get behind this pole and keep it between you and the stranger." warned Mrs. Yel- low Wing, "Don't take chances. Tak- ing chances has cost many a bird his life. It doesn't pay. It never did pay and it never will pay. Don't do it? Now, it was that very aiternoon while their parents were away that one of the young Flickers noted a feathered stranger flying swiftly and headed straight for that telegraph pole. He gave the alarm and dodged around the pole, His brothers and sisters did the same thing, all but the boaster. He waited to see this switt who flying strangeri might be, "He can't be a Hawk, for I've been told a Hawk is a very large bird," thought the young Flicker, "Anyway SPECIALS for Friday and Saturday at the Store I would so. If | JAPAN RAPIDLY (i0ING MODERN Traveller Tells of Changes in Mess and Old Customs People who wish to see the ro- mantic "story-book'" side of Jap- anese life, must go to Nippon soon, according to Major J. J. McCann, a guest at the Windsor Hotel en route from Japan to England. The modernization of Japan is proceed- ing at an almost incredible rate, he said, and the colorful features of the country are fast disappear- ing. Major McCann has for the past seven years been manager of the Japanese office of the PP. & O. Steamship Company, and Norweg- ian consul. In the cities, women are discard- ing the brightly-colored kimono for western dress, he said. The cause of the change is probably economy, since a really good kim- ono, made of brocaded silk costs from $500 to $1,000. From the point of view of aesthetics, the change is an unfortunate one, Ma- jor McCann added, since Japanese women do not appear at their best in western dress, especially with short skirts, Industrial Progress Industrially, Japan is rapidly forging ahead, hessaid, and carry- ing on so successfully that foreign firms will soon be compelled to It is { Within 10st for you until | thought, withdraw from the local murket ten years, Major McCanr only foreign panking and camship companie he withstand the surance would able to put d tree | keen competition ler dly, usually Japan's extensive w is being exploited rap there is plenty of time to dodge if he looks dangerous." But there wasn't plenty of time. He hadn't realized how fast that stranger was coming, and when in sudden ter- ror he started to dodge around that pole it was too late arpshin the Hawk, for that i him and the la ters saw of Shar appeared ; (Copyr ht, 1! The next story: "The Young Flick- ers at School." power | by private enterprise under state subsidy, and today electric lights are to be found in nearly .all homes even in the remote country dis- tricts, said Major McCann. ways are being electrified every- where and within three years, the principal line running between northern and southern extremeties of the country, will be entirely changed over. Communism ig beginning to ap- pear even in Japan, he sald, al- though there is no recognized, tolerated Communist Party and any members of the organization detected are severely dealt with. Japan's great problem is her huge population, numbering about 80,000,000 now and increasing at the rate of 4,000,000 a year, all crowded into a country about the size of New York State. Birth con- trol has been talked of, said Ma- jor McCann, but nething done to introduce it, early marriages and large families being the rule. He has lived for the past 20 years in different countries of the East, three years in India, several months in the Straits Settlements, 10 years in China and seven in Japan. ' ANGLICAN PRIMATE'S SCHEME IS CRITICiZED London, April 30.--A manifesto Issued here Monday by a group of prominent churchmen, is regarded in some quarters as criticism of the Archbishop of Canterbury's scheme for greater unity of the Or- thodox Anglican Churches. The manifesto was signed by the churchmen, headed by Sir Thomas Ins) the former Conservative t 'v-General, the Venerable acons Vernon Faithful, and Ison and the Venerable Ar- vsett Alston. WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653, 5 Celina St. OUR NEW TELEPHONE | NO. IS 400 I'l FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Opposite Bruce St, Rail- ACOA Jost, ann Rud Rea, Naa. pa I m---- «AN SSIENMNTC 20, wads, dh Rep Rose TEA 2 CHOVCE BLENDS = Red Label & OrangeTekoe It was directed at the Lambeth Conference report on the English Church's unity with the old Cath- olic Orthodox Eastern churches. It said: "We should not seek fo impose our position on other churches. On the other hand, we ought not, in order to win their favor, abendon our position, still less represent it in a one-sided manner." 700,000 ASSISTED BY TRAVELLERS' AID New York, April 30--(C.P.)--The Travellers' Aid Society assisted 700,- 000 persons last year, according to Albert H. Harris, who presided yes- terday at the annual] meeting of the society, "The Travelers' Aid has gathered a good deal of first hand information as to why girls and leave home,' aid Miss Vi secretary of the the society, Daily Talking Over 70,000 times a day the people | of Ontario and Quebec use the Long Distance telephone. Over 70,000 mes- sages -- urgent business, importarit family matters, friendly social talks --are carried swiftly, surely, by this tireless messenger. Oy 3 New York branch ot Gotham Gold Stripe BEAUTIFUL SIL STCCRKINGS $1.00 - $1.50 - $2.00 LAMBLE'S ia Murray executive | Rheumatism? Quick relief from rheumatig pains without harm; a R To relieve the worst rheumatic pain i a very simple matter. Aspirin will do it every time! It's something that you can always take. Genuine irin tablets are harmless. Look for the Bayer Cross on each tablet. ASPIRIN TRADE MARK REG. "MADE IN CANADA" SLIOVELYZ "SHANDY Busy hands--at hard tasks day in and day out. Persian s the skin soft and espa tind redness and relieves irritation. [ At your Druggist 1,2, PERSIAN Vz : BALM RUN ALONG NOW, CHILDREN «+s MOTHER'S BUSY AW, GEE, | HATE WASHDAY! YOU NEVER HAVE TIME FOR ANYTHING NEXT WASHDAY fn} WELL! SNOWY WASH ! MARVELLOUS WORK SAVER, IT SOAKS CLOTHES CLEAN. I'LL NEVER SCRUB AGAIN. 1 NEVER SAW SUCH A RINSO'S A AnD THE KIDDIES WANTED ME TO READ 'THEM A STORY, BUT I'M ONLY' HALF THROUGH WITH THE WAGH, WHY, IRMA, YOU COULD HAVE BEEN FINISHED BY NOW IF YOU USED RINSO, THE HARD-WATER SOAP. IT SAVES ALL SCRUBBING AND BOILING Millions use Ringo, Thousands write us letters like "Such rich, says Mrs. I, € Our water is ve } ] ¢ Safe suds--won Even in har suds--cup for cup--ag lightweight puffe finest laundries use Ri i > Pd safe suds!" L. Foulkes "use anythin, Ips into MRS. IL, FOULKEs, derful in washers dest water, Rinso g; ves twice as much ed-up soaps, nso for whiter Still has some sample boxes of cheese and recipe book- lets for Free distribution. Butter 28¢ You may buy cheaper butter go But You cannot buy better butter. Extras so doz. 286 Firsts ......doz. 23c 10. Qnart Tickets hter coloured clothes, Great in washers, ti - washers recommend Ho room the Ak leading 2 ckage, Guaranteed by the makers : Of LUX Lever Brograr Limited, Toronge 3los Fruit Bar A Lemon Bat Cookies eal t SQ |B Vari Caan doz 10c. Py Size veevevevsssss || Pineapple Cake, each 18¢ | THE GRANULATED_HARD-WATER SOAP for whiter washes Vanilla Currant No. 3050, : Health Muffins, doz. ....18¢ Apple and Peach Pies, Each .... sass ser sess nnne Name swessssssses J rst 189 Millions use it in tub, washer and dishpan Nd ewes ses rss DR Street 'Address Monney's Bakery 34 King St. West cesses ssrsesesnes City TILLIE THE TOILER 'DON'T ANSWER. THAT 'PHONE 4 T BE SOME OF State THE OPERATOR. \S STILL RINGING. I GUESS THERE'S DIXIE - 7. MiaH | Mudc DovGALL"S FRIENDS TRYING NOBO AT THE | oY OFFICE OF THE i lie JOP LOCATE WIM a . N "yr # ~ A t{ [ agin) 1 { OKAY, BLAKE? » TR ? A ! WV AT | { So6AaL_company Now $1.05 J| | [Cam ta ois Tel Vr lie / A % "ul 2 A ------ | YOU ARE GETTING SLEEPY -So SLEepy, "NO , CERTAINLY] NOT » THE PROFESSOR IS TUST GOING

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