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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 May 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1931 PAGE FIVi - Social & Personal Any social notes which rcad: ers care to submit will be print. | ed. Kindly phone or send them to'th. --'~ag Office before *" "0 a.m, the day they are to be pub- lished. Items of mews concern: ing dances, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. Miss Isobel Thomas, of Toronto, was the week-end guest of Miss Dorothy VanLuven, of the Simcoe Manor Apartments. . Mrs. N. Ford Beach returned yes. terday to her home in Ottawa after visiting her grandmother. Mrs. McPherson, Colborne Street West, for the past two Weeks, LJ Miss Marion Lick, formerly of Oshawa. who is now teaching in a High School near Bellville, Ont.; was in town for the week-end. LJ - » Mrs. (Dr.) Frank Jackson, of Houlton, Maine, is the guest of Mrs, Robert Henderson, Elgin Street. Ld J * Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCabe, of Toronto, were guests over the week- end of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fuller, Simcoe Street North. - LJ] LJ Four o'clock Saturday, found many people making their way to the cozy club house at the Oshawa Golt Club where out of the inter- We carry everything for the Baby 'S LAMBL WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 20658. Ozlina St. OUR NEW TELEPHONE NO. IS 400 THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Opposite Bruce St, EDNA WALLACE HOPPER The One Woman in The World Whe Never Grew Olid Tells Radio Lise teners More of Her Secrets of Beauty, Health and Diet. Watch your local N. B. C. chain programs. TUNE IN (Cut Out This Schedules) Every Tues. & Thurs, CKGW, Toronto 3.45 to 4.00 p.m. Every mittent showers that made it rather damp for golf all day, they found it very pleasing to sit around the glowing fire-place and drink a cup of tea with congenial friends. It was the occasion of the annual Golf Club opening. At a tea table set in the club house room Mrs. R. S. Mc- Laughlin and Mrs. Robert Hender- son and Mrs. K. T. Creighton pour- ed tea and the tea assistants were: Miss M. Millman, Mrs. J. Steuart, Mrs. C. B. Wilson, Mrs. E. Milli- champ, Miss Ruth Jones, Miss Greta Ellis, Mrs. J. McGibbon, Miss M. Mackie, Mrs. F. L. Henry, Between the hours of four and six club mem. bers and their guests arrived, some coming in after finisl their match and others were. nt who had not played Ting thé after- noon. Festivities continued in the even- ing when the rooms in the club house were cleared for dancing and an orchestra was in attendance. The affair was one of the most success- ful held in the new club house, and is the first of a number of dances to be held their during the summer season. During the evening, Mr. R. S. Morphy, captain of the match committee presented the prizes to the winners of the day's tourna- ment, - LJ - Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. G. Curnew, of Tor- onto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. Farrell, of Oshawa, for the week-end. LJ] * * At a recent meeting of the Rink Committee of North Simcoe Home and School Club held at the bome of Mrs. A. M. Irwin, Greta street, it was decided to engage the cast of "Pollyanna" to play at the Col- legiate Institute Auditorium un- der their auspices on Friday even- ing, May 8. 2 * Mies Helen Roberts who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Roberts, Greta street for the past six weeks, is returning to Cobourg for the summer montns, > * > Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doubt, Di- vision street, who have been in England since last September, re- turned to town a few days ago. MONTREAL TO FILM CITY IMPROVEMENTS Montreal, May 4--An innovation in civic publicity will be made shortly, Ald, J. Allan Bray, chairman of the city executive committee, stated re- cently when the administration, civic officials and members of all public works being undertaken. Accompanying the executive on the tour will be E. L. Giroux official cit Hall photgrapher, and his staff. There will also be a movie camera, and Alderman Bray stated that the city would have films made of all the public works undertaken with employment funds and out of reven- ue, alo street improvement of mag- nitude. These films will be develoned and shown in all city ® theatres and will be distributed to the moving picture houses throughout the prov- ince of Quebec and the whole of Canada, They will also be sent to the press of the city and province and to several large papers in Can- ada and the United States, This is the first time that such a step has ever been taken by an civic administration, if was stated, and should prove of high advertising value for the city. The popularity of the Province of New Brunswick among sportsmen 18 indicated by a recently issued official statement to the effect that 28418 fishing and hunting licenses were issued by the provincial government in 1930. KARN THE D! GIST FOR SERVICE WHAT NEW YOR. IS WEARING By Annebelle Worthington ILLUSTRATED DRESSMAKING LESSON FURNISHED WITH EVERY PATTERN Here's a smart dress that will withstand wear, It is extremely moderate in cost. Yellow: linen with brown dots made the original, The belt was brown patent leather. Its yoke-like collar of plain yellow linen ending in deep pointed out- line is very slimming. Two brown buttons are effective trim, The skirt i hox-plait effect at the front with plain back is smart and practical. Style No. A073 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches b gud Family Welfare and . A model such thly adapts its {help of the Canadian National Com- self lovely to cObtton sh in an- gora finish, pique, men's shirting, shantung, pastel wool jersey and flat crepe silk. Size 36 requires 3§ yards 35- inch with % yard 27 or 35-inch contrasting. Our large Fashion Bock shows the latest Paris has to offer in clothes for the matron, the stout, the stout, the miss and the chil- dren. Also a series of dress-making ar- ticles. It is a book that will save you money. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of baok 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents. Address orders to: Pattern Edi tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont, SOCIAL SCIENCE COURSE OFFERED University of Toronto Branches Into New De- partment of Welfare Work Ottawa, Ont, May 4.--~The Depart- ment of Extension Services and the Department of Social Science of the University of Toronto, in co-operation with the Canadian Council on Child with the mittee on Mental Hygiene announce that a coursc for institutional work- ers will be offered for the first time in the Dominion at the University of Toronto in the Department of Social Science this summer. The course will open on July 6 and continue for four weeks. It will be limited to 28 persons actually cn- gaged in this field of work. Robert E Mills, Chairman of the Child Welfare Division of the Coun cil on Child and Family Welfare, wil! be chairman of the committee advis- ing on the course. Miss May Flem- ing who has thorough experience in both the family and child protection field and who is at present in the Parent Training Division of tlic Canadian- National Committee on Mental Hygiene (St. George's School for Child Study, Toronto) will be in charge of the course. Ample opportunity will be afforded for observation and field work in city and neighboring institutions Special attention will be given to mat- ters of child training and dcvelop- ment, etc, by including problems of diet, health, ctc., but especially prob- lems in the mental hygiene of child hood. Registration fee for the course will be $25.00. The Council on Child and Family Welfare in an endeavor to a sure a representative attendance aud support for this first venture in this important départure 'is offering cight scholarships to registrants in the course. These, scholarships are of- fered on the condition that the agen- cies releasing the workers to take this course will double the value of the award, * A penny bank operated for stu- lents in the public schools of the city of 'Edmonton, Alberta, has now more than 5,000 depositors, the pupils hav- ing total deposits to date of more than $18,000. No. 3Uvo, BIB asnvesucesanss Street Address PE I RI I : City State Production of dry-salted herring in British Columbia toba¢co industry is 1over Women's Interests in the Home THE GREAT MAN-BIRD RETURNS Amongst all classes it is clear That ignorance gives birth to fear, --0Id Mother Nature. This is just as truc with, human folk as with the little people of the Green Forest and the Green Mea- dows. The unknown seems always to be regarded with suspicion, which springs from fear. Perhaps this is just as well, It is better to be afraid of something harmless than not to fear something dangerous. One beautiful morning when all the little people were busy with family cares there appeared farcff in the sky what looked like a Dbroad-winged | bird sailing on motionless wings after manner of Ol Mistah Buzzard some 'members of the Hawk famliy. Tt was sailing in circles high in the s! From the moment it first appeared the sharp eyes of all the lit- tle people in the Old Orchard and on the Green Meadows saw it and wat- ched it. Once they would not have known what it was, but they did now, for often one would pass They knew it for a man-bird. That is what they called it. You would, have called it an airplane. So long as the man-bird remained high in the air the little people were not really af , al h the noise it made gave them a feeling of un- casiness. Never had they known one f these man-birds to harm any o then. Never had one ever tried to catch o Still, when this 18 cal r down lower and ! r tow he Green Meadows, id the n rated so that it was ore than ever like a vreat bird, fear toole possession of all the little peo- ple in feathers and fur. Even Scrap- per's the Kingbird, who had boldly started out to meet and torment this g bird, as he alwavs did any Hawk that came that way, suddenly turned tail and dived for the safety of the protective branches of an apple tree. They didn't and couldn't un- lerstand this great machine, and so they were afraid. Down sailed the big man-bird, dowa , down, down, and at last came to rest on the Green Meadows. Out of it climbed a man, and all the little the and thon cat JE decorated with Walpamur, the famous flat faish for walls and ceilings. : Walpamur fs permanent, washable, fire-resisting and non-absorbent to people breathed easier, for until they saw the man it was hard for them to believe thdt, after all, this might not be some kind of a real bird. From Farmer Brown's house appeared Farmer Brown's Boy and began running down the Lone Lane toward the Green Meadows. Flip the Ter- rier raced ahead of him, barking in great excitement, and Bowser the Hound, more sedate as became an older dog, ran beside his master. So they came to the man and the machine, and there was a great shak- ing of hands, for the aviator was Farmer Brown's Boy's cousin. Bow- ser knew him and wagged his tail and licked the hand that patted him, but for a time Plip would not come near. He kept at a distance, barking as if he were trying to bark his head off. You see, he had something of the feeling of fear that possessed the lit- tle people of the Green Meadowy and the Old Orchard, This rreat machine was something new to him, some- thing he didn't understand at all and so he was afraid. It was some time before Flip could be induced to come and shake hands with Cousin Tom, as Farmer Brown's Boy called the aviator. In the first place Flip didn't like the way Cousin Tom was dressed. He never before had seen anyone dressed for flying, and the strangeness of Cousin Tom's appearance made him suspicious. But vhien he saw Bowser so friendly he made up his mind that there could be nothing wrong and presently was trying to push Bowsgr aside that he might be patted. Cousin Tom took his bag from the machine and with Farmer Brown's Boy started for the house, leaving the great man-bird on the Green Meadows. Little by little the Green Meadow folk and the Old Orchard people got over their fear and resume ed their family duties, their excite- ment over. But it their excitement was over Farmer Brown's Bov was making up for it. You see, Cousin Tom had come to invite him to make 1 long journey to the Far West in that great man-bird, (Copyright, 1931, by T. W. Burgess) The next story: "The Great Tra- gedy." Canada's tourist traffic, which has become one of her flourjshing indus tries, established a new high mark in 1930 when 5,409,458 foreign automo- bearing tourists, entered the Dominion." Assuming that the avers age car carried four tourists, this would mean that some 21,637,000 peo. ple entered Canada in 1930, bilcs, A marked increase in the produe- tion of creamery butter is indicated in the preliminary reports of the pro- vinces of Nova Scotia, New DBruns- wick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta. The total produce tion given for 1930 is 112,793,187 1bs., over one million pounds in excess of previons year's figures, A shipment of seed grains and grasses was recently sent from the University of Saskatchewan, Saska- toon, to a buyer in Chili, South Am- erica, who wishes to test out some of the improved varieties produced in Canada. The shipment included early oats, spring rye, flax, sweet clover, and western rye grass. The correspondence courses inaug- urated by the Saskatchewan Govern- ment Department of education last year are proving more popular than was anticipated, over 5,000 students having enrolled at the end of January of this year. These courses were in- KAYSER HOSIERY $1.25 Will Surprise and Please You For the tea-hour which marks the pause between a busy day and a Wed. & Fri, WBEN Buffalo 4.00 to 4.15 p.m, Every Wed. & Fri, CKGW, Toronto, 4.00 to 4.15 p.m, augurated for the benefit of those living in remote districts where or- dinary school facilities are not avail- able, moisture. It can be applied to a variety of surfaces, such as rough and smooth plaster, wallboards, eje., and is most easy to apply. It is the moet economical wall finish that you can select. The soft, light-diffusing effects it produces, and its lovely choice of colors convert an ordinary room or hall into one with charm and per- sonality, Conuult your decorator or desler os 1 ire many uses. Ash him Jor a shade cord, or write to us direct. Walpamur [] t of The Crown Diamond Paint Co. Limited "Toronto Montreal Hutlfax Walpamur products are sold by W. W. Park, 82 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Phone 3082 now produced in Canada and over cighty per cent of Canadian imports of tobacco are raw materials, brilliant evening there is the proper Kayser Hose. All Kayser Hose are moderate in price. ..long in wear. There is a large selection of Spring's newest shades from which to choose. Ask for service or chiffon weight with Slendo* Heel. Other Kayser styles $1.00 and up. PHONE 376, NEXT THE POST OFFID Since the institution of the old age | pensions scheme in the Province of | Alberta and the proclamation of the Act on August 1, 1929, a total of $760,000 has been paid in pensions. Beautiful Women Love New Powder Beautiful women, admired for youthful complexions, use MELLO- GLO, the new wonderful French process face powder. Purest and smoothest powder known. Stays on longer. No flaky or pasty look. No grime or grit. MELLO-GLO pre. vents large pores and never smarts or feels dfy. Blends naturally with aby complexion, Demand Mello- klo. Sold through all druggists and at Toilet Goods Counters. Featured numbers are : 106x 152x Medium Service Chiffon Weight Slendo* Heel Slendo* Heel Picot Edge K HOSIERY HEN | ENDORSE THAT AND GWE IT © BLAKE LL, JET 33% , SHARES OF GOGAL" STOCK & » HELLO, TIGLIE - I HAD A HECK HEY. wwats "HE IDEA OF TEARING "THAT CHECK UP A MEAN TRUCK , Til BE, NOW thi HAVE TO TAKE "THESE PIECES BACK AND GET A Mm NEW GHECK .... GLOVES .... UNDERWEAR MADE IN CANADA y *ivade Merk Regiliered ® . 1,193), Kg Features by cts A) REjtain righls reserved,

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