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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 May 1931, p. 2

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Ly given by: the members. Recitations were given by Mary Wilkins and Ruth Snudden, A pretty dialogue en- titled "All the year round in Japan" was given by Ruth Nichols, Florence Nichols, Pauline Antil, Lorraine Antil, Margaret Gravelle, Gladys Revnolds, Dorothy Snudden and Blanche Taylor, is Lott, Rex Tooley and Fred Adams. A worship response by leader and members was taken up. 'Margaret Adams gave a bible story and the scripture lesson was read by Gladys Reynolds. The Easter Thank-offering was taken and the Lord's prayer in unison. The Watch Tower was responded to by Muriel Lott, Japan; June Walters, India; Margaret Adams, Africa; Fred Adams, China, The hymn "Can a little child like me" was sung. Miss Sadie Muir assisttant leader, gave the story "The road of the loving heart" wen or pe AT Be a duet, 'Did You Stop to Pray." Our sympathy goes out to the friends of Mr. Ed. Law, who passed away at the home of. Mrs, Geo. White on Sunday, from congestiony of the lungs. COURTICE NEWS Mrs. W. R. Courtice, Correspondent Courtice, May 4~--~Mr. and Mrs, Otis Morden and Misses Patty and Dora and Mr. Bert Worden, Toron- to, and little Miss Ruth Stevens, Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors of EAGUE MEETING "AT MAPLE GROVE joyed by Large Number of Members | er" here on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock. There were 117 at Sunday School on Sunday, when Mr. Harold Mack- lin, Tyrone, who is President of the Prohibition Union for Darlington gave a very interesting address to the school on "Temperance" and also taught the adult Bible Class. There was a splendid con-regation at the church service, 0 SOLINA NEWS . (Miss Marion Snowden, (Will T. Baker, Correspondent) On a vote being taken, |ting in new catch basins at the east however, the amendment was defeat- | end of Wood Street, ed by 8 to 6, and the motion, ap- That a car of sewer brick be pur- pointing Mr, Miller acting sugineer, {chased by the purchasing committee. cirried by the same margin. That no action be taken on the | request of the county weed inspector {for the attendance of the city weed {inspector at a county conferes~ be Leld at Uxbridge on May 7, R. D. PRESTON IS | That the board of education be re- { quested to level the earth on the west end of Metcalf street with the level! » 4 lof the school grounds, and that they UTILITIES RODY | be given the use of the street so lev- f elle: as an addition to the school 1 ~ sunds, (Continued from page 1) Preston second and T. B. Miichell last. On a vote on Mr. Mitchell, his election was defeated by 10 to 6. It was found by Ald. Knox that he had inadvertently voted both for and Ah) engineer, LIFE INSURANCE IS TRULY--"THE LOVE THAT NEVER DIES" HN. A. MacDonald, District Manager, Alger Building, Oshawa EXCELSIOR INSURA d | | § EE drop his work at once without con- sideration. The engincer was willing tor assist the city to carry on until soon as possible. "If he is to be paid 2 ast his salary," said Ald. Macdonald, "he should be on the job. "I am perfectly Champion Rt a ; Correspondent) : Maple Grove, May 4. -- League 'meeting last Wednesday evening was pened with a hymn, and prayer by iss Marjorie Stevens. Miss Etelka rimble, social convenor, took charge £ the following programme: Bible Creading, Eileen Gimblett: reading, rank Shan; vocal duet, Iva Foley and May Freeman; reading, Lavoune rimble; vocal duet, Jack Cator and ake Laird; reading, Miss B. Louch: piano solo, Edna Swallow. A social Utim~ consisting of games and relays "was then spent, fruit and candy were 'served and the meeting closed with "the league benediction. It was de- "cided at this meeting to begin league 'on Daylight Saving Time {for the 'coming weeks. Mr. Harold Mihel, 'L'oronto, spent Monday with his Aunt, Mrs, Chester Power. Mr. and Mrs, lav~ visited her cousin, Mrs. N. 'Metcalf, on Sunday. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ray "daughter Helen, Toron ida with her parents, JR. R. Stevens SL Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, Newcastle, visited her brother, Mr. Howard Folev on Sunday. Don't forget the play "Wild Ging- Cyril Luke, Osh- TT Snowden, and to. spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs, Solina, May 1.--Mr. Will Dry- den, Brooklyn, Mr. and Mra. L. Luke and Mrs. Hainer, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClellan, Eow- manville, Mr. G. McClellan, Toron- to, called on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker recently. Mrs. A. Williams, Miss Marion Williams, Mrs. Ray Cook, , J2ck, Kathleen, Betty and Audrey, visit- ed Mrs. Chas. Howsam, oa Thure- day. Mv. George Howsam, Port Perry, is visiting at Mr. Chas. How- sam's. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Gibney, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Har- dy and Irene, New Toronto; Mus- ter Walter Duthie, Mr. Alfred KH r- dy, Oshawa, Mrs. E. I. Studs, State Hospital, New York, visited at Mr. Harvey Hardy's. There were 89 at 8. Schou! on Sunday it being Missionary Sun- day, Miss Lena Taylor sang a solo "I have a friendbihrdluetacirdlu "1 Have a Friend," and Masters Wesley Werry and Tom Baker sang as a duet, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Rev. Mr. Bick preached on Thessalonions 4: 3. The choir rendered a pleasing anthem and Miss Lena Taylor 2nd Mr. Harold Shuttleworth sang a Mrs. John Worden and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rundle, Mrs. Howard Flintoff is still under the doctor's care but is improving some, Her daughter, "Mrs. MclIvor; Hamilton is with her and we wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Gus. Oke and family Toronto, visited at Arthur Oke's and Wm. Bickle's over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs Jack Flintoff and Master Bob, Oshawa, visited his mo- ther on Sunday. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, spent the week-end at her Mother's, Mrs, Eli Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundic after spending the week in Toronto with their son Elmer and family were ac- companied home Saturday evening by their son and family and a nice car, which Mr. Rundle will be sport- ing now. "Sunbeams" Mission Band held their April meeting on Friday after- noon at No, 8 school with the Presi- dent, Miss Audrey Trevail, presiding, The meeting was opened by the lead- er Mrs, \V, R. Courtice, announcing the Worship Theme, then telling the story of the hymn. "Stand up for Jesus, Christian Stand" which after wards was sung. After the minutes and business a good program was mz. ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. Mayomnal 8Y, 0% jar 1 Oc OF CANADA LIMITED and the meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Mr. Lawrence Mason, Mrs. Flor- ence Mason and Mrs. Jas. Courtice of Bowmanville, visited at W. R. Courtice"s Sunday, Friday evening the Tuxis and C.G. LT. went to Oshawa and took in Charlie Chaplin show, and afterwards had refreshments at the Savoy and Jury and Lovell's and a pleasant ev- ening was spent, RESIGNATION OF ENGINEER WAS ACCETPED (Continued from page 1) obvious that the prosecution of this action will, in any event, involve the expenditure of considerable money and further disturban:s to my ser- vices as city engineer and the opera- tions of my depai:rasnts, Further- more, I am advised by my Solicitor, Mr. G. D. Conant, that the action might be tried and judgme:t obtain. ed without the truth cr falsity of the charges involved pei. g determined. "If the city shail at any time in- stitute a judicial invest:pation, 1 will be very glad to render any. services I possibly can and to produce any facts and figures within my control to assist such an investigation. Sub- ject to this eventuality and in order that the matter may be conciude! for the present so that particularly | the affairs of the city mav be con- | ducted without any furthe irapair- | ment, I have accepted anther posi tion which, of course, necessitates my resignation as city engineer, "Please therefore regard this as my resignation and be good enouch to accept the same as soon as rossible. "May 1 add in closing that, having served the city for ten yeais, I have made many friends both among the citizens of Oshawa and the city ol- ficials. To all of these fris.ds and associates in my work, 1 extend my sincerest thanks for the co-oper and helpfulness they have exter to me and which have enanl serve the city more eifectua efficiently than would otaerv been possible. humble opinion the city's works are in splendid stage of compieti mn and the staff of my departments are both efficient and loyal to carry on the work under my successgr or until my successor is appointed. "Respectively yours, "Ww, C, Smith "City Engineer." Acceptance Moved : Later in the meeting, Ald. S. Jack- oved, ¥ ; ig "That we accept the resignation of W. C. Smith as city engineer, and that he be retained as con- sultant engineer for 30 days from May 5, with salary." Ald. Macdonald said some explana- tion of this motion was necessary, as to why a consultant engineer was necessary for a month. "I am will ing," he said, "to accept the resigna- tion from tonight. I do not thick there is enough work on hand now to warrant the employment of an engineer." Case Ald. Jackson said it was necessary, for a city of the size of Oshawa, to have an engincer to consult, as_the city's work could not go along in a slipshod manner. The engineer was agreeable to giving his advice, and it was only right that he should be paid. Ald. Macdonald: "What does 2a consultant engineer mean. Will lie leave here on May 5 and take up his other duties, and will we have to go after him to consult him? If so, let us get a new engineer quickly, and let us accept his resignation at once. Ald. Keel suggested that the assist- ant engineer could carry on until a new man was appointed. Cruel Methods Ald. Morris sugegsted it was rath- er cruel, after the engineer had serv- ed the city faithfully, to ask him to CON Si GER By-Product of Phone 9,95 871 "I would further add that in niy | a successor was appointel, and he thought he should, in any «ent, be allowed a month's or two weeks' pay. That would not be extravagant in the least, said Ald. Morris, who re- marked that he believed in treating men as human beings. He did not think 1t was fair, after criticisms, which had not yet been proven, to he too cruel in the matter. He thought the council would be well advised to show a little courtesy to the enginecr. Ald, Macdonald said he agreed with Ald, Morris in some respects, but the letter of resignation had ask ed that the "engineer be relicved as Rich Texture! Fine Flavor! VALITY standards that make it most health. ful; flavoring excellence that make it the most fave ored by hostess and house- wife as the climax to any menu. Such an Ice Cream naturally maintains its lead- ership in public favor. In cartons by bulk or brick BRICKS 35¢ PINT 30c Karn's Drug Store Next P.O. Phone 78-70 willing to accept the resignation ef- fective a month from this date. But if he wishes to get out now--let him get out." Ald. Jackson started out to say that the citf could not afford to be without an engineer when a spectat- or in the hall interrupted, and kept' trying '~ ask a question. He was promptly informed by the mayor that if he did not keep quiet he would have him put out of the hall. Ald, Caunt and Kirby were in favor of letting the engineer gd at once, whil Ald. Boldvand Ald. Hyman said that if the engineer wishes to zo at once, he should be allowed to go, but they favored maki | tion effective on June 1. Engineer's Statement Asked to make a statement, City | Engineer Smith said: "As stated in my resignation, it is my urgent desire {to be relieved of the routine work and responsibility immediately, There is only one job that is not completed, and that is the clearwell and pump- [take at the waterworks, which will | | | take two or three days more. city's works are in a state ol co tion such as I have never seen in the | {last ten years, but I do not wish to | see the city left in a jam. © My de- | sire is to serve the city as faithfully | during my last few days as 1 have {done for the last ten years, but | I would like to be relieved of the | work immediately. 1 am 'perfectly | willing to give any assistance that may. be required by the city, either with or without pay." cision Unanimous In view of this statement, Ald. Macdonald moved an amendment that the resignation be accepted, ef- fective from this date. Ald, Jackson, I ver, agreed to change his motion ke it exactly the same as Ald. Macdonald's amendment, and so the | decision to accept the resignation, ef- | fective from May 5, 1931, was unani- | mous, A mation by Ald Jackson that al- | vertisements for a city engineer be inserted in the building and construc- tion papers at once proked anoth'r discussion, Ald. Macdonald claiming I was no rush to do this, and ing an amendment that the mac ve referred to the board of wr-' s amendment was carried. | Acting Engineer Named | Ald. Jackson moved a resolution { that 0. G. Miller be appointed as | acting engineer temporariiy. This al- | so brought an amendment, Ald, Mac- | donald claiming that Mr. Miller was |a clerk and not a qualified en~' land moving that Mr. Brow ant engineer, be apnointed cre the resigna- against this appointment, by mistake and the vote being taken again, the result was 9 to 6. - Some of the ald- ermen, however, thought that a vote should be taken on the name of Mr Ross, and the mayor finally acceded to this request, the result being his rejection by a vote of 10 to 4. The appointment of Argus C. Cam- eron as a member of the hoard of cemetery governors was unanimous, no other name being put forward. The only other clause in the gener- al purpose committec's report gave support to the request of Mavor Robson of Guelph that a representa- tive of the urban municipalities be j anpointed to the highway committee ee | SIDEWALKS TOBE | LAID ON CERTAI STREETS OF CITY (Continued from paze 1) from Wood 'Street. The conditi~+ complained of has been remedied hy extending the storm sewer and put How to End RHEUMATISM New Medicine Drives Rheumatic Poisons from Joints--Muscles, EASES PAIN FIRST DAY Poisong settling in the joints and | muscles cause rheumatism, You cannot get rid of rheumatic agony till these dangerous poisons are driven out of your system. Ixter- nal remedies and pain deadening drugs only give temporary relief. What you need is RU-MA, the new medicine now sold by all druggist; that acts directly on the liver, kidneys and blood, and helps expel through the natural {channels of elimination, the dan- | gerous poisons that cause rheum- atism. | No long waiting for your suffer- ing to stop. RU-MA eases pain the first day and is the one rheu- matic remedy guaranteed by Jury & Lovell to free muscles and joints from all painful stiffness and swel- ling and completely end your rheu- matism, or nothing to pay. National Change Week May 4 to 11 | Ae manufacturers recommend new spark plugs every 10,000 miles. They restore power, speed and acceleration, and more than pay for themselves in gas and oil saved ...The new and improved Champions better even Champion's pre- vious best, and make every engine a better performing engine . . . Let us install a set in your car this week--Cham« phon National Change Week. Stephenson Bros. 15 Church Street Phone 2094 OSHAWA | R Announcing . . Retail Merchants' Half Holiday commencing MAY G° Retail merchants of Oshawa are closing their stores at 1 p.m. every Wednesday during the summer months. etail Merchants Section Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Col. B. J. McCormick, Sect'y TS ARSC CTS

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