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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 May 1931, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1931 : "D. Hope, Correspondent) igog, May 5.~--Mr. ) ng a new Chevrolet car. George Fines visited his vs. Arthur Leighton, a few | recently. fr. and Mrs. J. Dusty and ehil- m, Ivan, Enid,'and Mona, visit- sister, Mrs. F. Clark; re- 'and Mrs. C. Reader and fam- ed with his brother, Mr. R. on Sunday. Milton Demara visited with Rs Stuart Mark on Sunday. a iss Hilda Milner, of Oshawa, the week-end with hei pare Mr. and Mrs. J, Milner. r. and Mrs. F. Jones and chile Lorna, and Evelyn, of Brook- isited 'with her sister, Mrs..E. 'Lee, on Sunday. Mr. N. Crills and son, Gordon, Mr. J. Grills, of Valentia, visit- with their sister, Mrs, W. Mark, one day last week. 'Miss +P. Elford . "Tetlow gs Helen Carter, of Toronto, | Nellie Lee, of Port Perry and [188 Della Lee spent Sunday with f and Mrs, R. Carter and fame Gladyse Dodsley visited 'Miss Grace Mark on Sunday. : . of Uxbridge, spent the 'week-end with her par- ents, Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Elford. Miss Dorothy Graham fis spends ing a few days with Mrs, J. Sweetman. Mr. and Mre. G, Schell, daugh- ters Blanche and Olive and Mr. A. Marke, of Port Perry, were the guests of Mrs. Pettit on Sunday. Mr, Glen Elford, of Toronto, is visiting with his parents, Rev, Mr, and Mrs, Elford, at the parsonage. © Mr, and Mrs. J. Joblin will én- tertain the Women's Association next Tuesday afternoon at their home at 3 o'clock. Everybody in- vited. : Sunday School on Sunday mora- ing was well attended. We were all very sorry to hear of the death of Mr. David Alex- ander on Scugog Lake last week. His uncle and aunt from St. Cath- arines, took his body home with them for burial. Mrs, I. Taylor is sporting a new Chevrolet car. Mr. Howard Lee is spending a few weeks with Mr. Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayns and son Jimmy, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Milner, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martyn and chil- dren. Lavern, Harold and Inez, visited with Mr, and Mrs, C. Har- dy on Sunday. The schools all held arbor day last Friday. They all worked hard i KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE in the morning then had all kinds of sports and games in .the af- ternoon. Our boys have joined the Base- ball League this year. Mr. Anson Gerrow is captain. A good time coming, boys. Mr. and Mrs. Phayer, Mr. UL. Chamberlin and Miss Aileen Jack- son of Toronto had a pleasant time with Mr. and Mrs. R. Jackson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nottingham and children, of Raglan, visited her father, Mr, Geo. Shunk on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman, and Mrs. C. Graham visited onto over the week-end. Several of the farmers through seeding around here. Mr. and Mrs. C. Venning and little Garry, Miss Elsie Venning and Mr. W. Pearce, Miss Clara Crawford, of Blackstock, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Tetlow on Sunday. Mr. W. Hope spent a day week with Mr. O. Williams. Mr. Amasa Sweetman Jr., spent a few days in Toronto I~ * Miss Inez Fralick and her friend, Miss Edith Garbet, of Brampton Mr. Tor- are last were week-end guests of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fralick. Mr. and Mrs, W. Nott and fam- ily, of Port Perry, were guests of { Daring Thief 'Raids Warehouse in Daylight Fi 1 inger Print . 'In Detroit some mon un prey noticed igh A in the doorway of a othing wail to be expressed. the corner he saw truck standing idle. 3 It was hunch hour and &veryon w, way. Jumping into the sat he drove by to the. Jothing Jrasehouse. ded the cases on the truck he had 'Your Prints This story is not told to wa: inst stealing. You are not, & thief, do not need a warning. Butiyou need to be told of the ¢ er prints--your prints. y say biing & daingorous discasn u | world dangers in !.protection. Caught Him stolen and drove away--with several hundred dollars worth of i His int was the means of ANT Print, N38 the means -- Mr, and Mrs. F. Gerrow on Suu- day. Mr. and Mrs. O. Gerrow and A. | Ors, of Oshawa, visited his sister, Mgs. C. Fralick, on Sunday. Miss Josie Nott and Miss Thorah Kaufman, of Port Perry were guests of Mrs. A. Prentice one day regently, . iss Eva Madget, of Toronto, spent the week-end with lier sister Edna and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mil ner, RAGLAN BRIEFS (Miss Allie Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, May 5.--The young men and young ladies held their annual baseball meeting on Thursday even- ing. The young men are making preparations to enter the South On- tario Sunday School Softball Lea- gue this year. The following are a list of the officers: Manager, Bob Bryant; sec-treas, Clarence Miller; umpire, Roy Brown, and captain not chosen yet. The following is a list of the young ladies officers: Captain, Jean Thompson; sec-treas, Allie Avery; managers, Lloyd Thompson and Jack Kellington, Nr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of Myrtle, have moved into Mr. Wm. Luke's house, south of the village. Miss Jean Thompson spent a few days in Toronto last week the guest of her aunt, Mrs. N. Grose, Mr. and Mrs.~J. Red of Whitby. were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. M. Cook. Mr. Harry Raynard, of Oshawa, has hired with Mr. Geo. Luke. Mrs. Wm. Horner left on Thurs- day for England where she will visit friends and relatives. She was accompanied by Miss Bessie Garbut, of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. John Maye and family, of Goodwood, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kel- lington and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown. Messrs. Osgoode and Will Ormi- ston were week-end guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Way and daughter, of Oshawa, were recent guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stacey. Mrs. Fred Pierson is visiting Tor- onto. The many friends of Miss Hazel Plerson are sorry to hear that she is confined to a Toronto hospital again. Her many friends "wish her a speedy recovery. The erection of Mr. Thos. Lanes house is going on very rapidly and ed. Mr. Lloyd Thompson has changed cars. Mother's Sunday will be observed in our Sunday School and church next Sunday. A special program is being arranged for Sunday School. The choir will consist of Mothers at the evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, D. Macken in Port Perry. A number of the young men {in this vicinity are employed on the railroad at the present time. Arbour Day was observed at the schiool on Tuesday, After the work of cleaning up the yard and planting flowers the scholars spent the plea« sand afternoon hiking. SEAGRAVE (Mrs. L. Scott, Correspondent) Seagrave, May 4.-- On Tuesday evening last many gathered in the Sunday school room of the United Church, and enjoyed for two hours the lecture and lantern slides given by Mr. Horton, of Beaverton. The Young Peaple's League mo- tared to Pinedale on Friday even- ing, where they were entertained by Pinedale League. The president, Mrs. B. Dawsgon, in the chair, with the Pastor, Rev. Mr. Green, con- ducting the devotional exercises. After which the splendid following program was given, those taking part were: Missionary talk, Bertram Wanamaker; instrumental duet, Mrs. B. Dawson and Miss Alma Clements; scolo, Miss Iva Reynolds; réading, Miss Marion Eagleson; contests, Pinedale League. There numbers were much enjoyed and apreciated. At the close a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, The services in the United Church the past two Sundays have. been well attended in spite of the wea- ther. The Sunday school on Sunday morning had an attendance of 94. A pleasing solo was sung by Miss Jean Harding. The evening service was in charge of the pastor with Mr, Harton giving lantern slides on the life of Christ to the Crucifie« tion, and the choir rendering ap- propriate music. Those who missed thig dmprosive gervice are regrett- ng it. A resident of the vicinity, Dou. gal Clarkson, died carly: Friday ome infected. i alwa; the basin and for ! Sea td Luxury Soép Plus a Germ olde 5 a ATLANTIC CITY'S Newest Centrally Located Fireproof Hotel $5.00 DAY AND UP it. will not be long before it is finish, =~ DODD'S "KIDNEY morning in Lindsay Hospital, fol- lowing an operation some days ago for internal trouble. Deceased was a highly respected farmer, and his passing out is regretted by his host of friends. The funeral was held from his late resident, and was largely attended. Interment in Wick Cemetery. Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the bereaved family, Sorry to report Mrs. W. Frise In Philadelphia, U.S.A. hospital, not doing as well as expected. Mr, and Mrs. C. Sweetman, Miss Nina Swetman, of Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Sweetman and family, of Port Hover, visiting Mr. and Mrs. H., Wanamaker on Sun- day. Mrs. Geo. Hood is confined to her bed through illness, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Orille Stone, a speedy recovery is hoped for. The regular monthly meeting of the Womans' Association will be held at the home of Mrs, H. Wana~ maker on Wednesday afternoon, May 12, when a mother's program will be given. A good attendance is expected. Mrs. W. Clarke, Miss Una Sleep, and Mes. L. Scott were recent busi- ness visitors to Lindsay, Mr. Sam Netley left last week for New Ontario where he has engaged with Mr. George Simpson for the summer. Mr. Austin Mitchell of the Toron- to school staff, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mitchell. : Mrs, W. Davis and Miss Gladys Sharp, of Toronto, spent the week- end with their sister, Mrs. Geo. Clarke, and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. T. Atkins, of Tor- onto, visited the latter's relatives over the week-end. Mrs. E. Wilkinson and son, An- gus, Mr. and Mre. C. Dowson, of Oshawa, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowson. *Mr. and Mrs. R. Moase, of Toron- to, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Moon over the week. end. Quite a number motored to Uxe bridge and attended "All Quiet on the Western Front." Mrs. I. Harrison and son and Mrs C. Harrison, of Myrtle, visiting re- latlves on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. R. 8. Long, of Myrtle, re- turned to her home om Saturday evening after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. R. Scott, Mr, Joe Grantham spent the week-end in Uxbridge at the home of Mr. and Howard Leask. Bowmanville Pine Panelling for Summer Homes At this time of year, when summer homes are being planned, you will find much of interest in pine panelling. This can be supplied at a price in keeping with your needs, whether you are building a simple lake cottage or a pretentious country home. Pine panelling can be just as reasonable or as elaborate as the owner desires. either case it lends originality and character to the room in which it is used. We have for display now, a room of our own done in this most popular and beautiful finish. It will be a pleasure to show it. Oshawa and District ; Lumber Sales Promotion Association F. L. BEECROFT, Pine Street, Whitby CAREW LUMBER COMPANY, Oshawa THE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO, LIv., GALE AND TRICK LIMITED. Oshawa L. A. KOCH, Oshawa OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED, Oshawa SAMUEL N. GRIFFIN LUMBER COMPANY, Port Perry WATEROUS-MEEK LIMITED, Oshawa W. J. TRICK CO. LTD., Oshawa, Ont. TITEL ES ET r iN LES r In "Man should be a beautiful crea- ture. In pature it is the mal: of the species that is the fine, bright-cdlor- ed one."--Cosmo Hamilton, "The size of the 'ead'ug successfi! corporations today makes it almost impossible for any 'ndividual to own even a controlling interest in any of them"--Charles Sciiwab. "Many a self-respecting family has "Better times are on the way, but been reduced. this year for the firs: |they will not come ail at once)'-- time in its history to ask the aid o charities,"--Cardinal Hayes. § Arthur Capper. "So much of what happens comes from accidents."--Sir James Jeans. -- 4 - IE) 3 DAY TREASURE HUNT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY J aN For Special Valuesg Ray Not Advertised ¥; LOOK FOR THE GREEN PRICE TICKETS imite No hidden treasure there, But bold- ly displayed throughout the store What these (reasures are we cannot tell you in this space, But we give you our word, that the values will more than amply repay you. Special Prices will be found on Dress Goods, Curtain Goods, Lingerie, Hosiery Gloves, Childrens Wear, Ladies Dresses and Coats . A. Dewland, L Simcoe St. North Phone 2595

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