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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 May 1931, p. 6

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3 a ------. Sn THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 193} PACE SIX and The Community Women's Interests in the Home ed phone or send them the Times Office before 10 ~0 ., the day they are to he pab- pd. [Items of news concern. dances, parties, guests to ] from town will be gladly Miss Evelyn Andison, of Oshawa, spending the week-end in Toron- - * - Scouts Gordon riooney, Carmen hes and Reg. Richards, all of e Fifth Troop, attended the Boy ut Cireus in Toronto last even- - * » . +. Miss Doris Boddy, nurse-in-train- ing at Western Hospital, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. illiam Boddy, Quebec Street, yes- "terday. WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Colina St. BOYS' WASH SUITS The Cutest Styles and Colors Sizes 1 to 6 ONLY $1.00 LAMBLE'S Eczema? DDD heal overnight? Sometimes. the poison completely and restore a smooth, clear skin. But the burning, the itching, the irritation, are soothe instantly, ¥. W. Thompson, Drug Store © More often it takes longer to wash out ; 2 OUR NEW TELEPHONE NO. IS 400 THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Opposite Bruce St. ! Td | | | ! Miss Marjorie Sprentnall of Osh- awa is leaving on Tuesday for Pen- nsylvania State College to be the guest of Her cousin. Miss Mildred Malkin, during the commencement week exercises at the school. - * - Mr. and Mrs. Bill Presnail, of Toronto, are guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and"Mrs, C., M. Alger, Simcoe Street North, for the week- end. Ld Ld - Miss E. M. Holmes, of Oshawa, is the guest of Miss Jessie Storrar, of Toronto. hd - - Mr. and Mrs. T. Muirhead and Mr. and Mrs. Sweeling, of Hamilton, are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, C. McDonald, Robsou Street. Ld * - Mrs. Norval Wilson entertained ot a bridge on Wednesday afternoon at her home on MassonStreet. 4 * » Mr. and Mrs, Horace Wilkes and son Warren of Toronto, are guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Ross, King Street East, - \A LJ Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hagerman, Miss Loraine Hagerman of Bath, Ont. and Mr. and Mrs. Bernand Kitchen, of Kingston, are week-end ruests of Mr, and Mrs. 1. E, Hager- | man, Oshawa Blvd. * aia The engagement of Susanne I Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James J. Scott, of Toronto, to Dr. David Mitchell, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Mitchell, of Osh- awa, has been anonunced. The wed- ding will take place early in June, TE Thursday, May 14. is the date of the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the Oshawa General Hospital. Members of the Hospital Auxiliary and wives of the local doctors will also attend the meet- ing after which all will be enter- tained at the Nurses' Residence. KING ST. UNITED CHURCH ALS, H w.M A blemished skin i The Women's Missionary Society of King Street United Church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock, Mrs. C. E. Cragg, the president, was in charge. The reading of the min- uteg and the reports of the various cofimitiees, followed the customary devotional exercises, The fourth chapter of the Study hook, on Japan was reviewed by Mrs. Earl Trew. Mrs. W. Armour took charge of the program which had been arranged by members of her group. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Bebbington and prayer offered by Mrs. Smith. Mrs, Fursey reported for the group, sixty-one calls on the rick and two calls on new members This group also reported that it has on hand $56, The talk on India by Mrs. Crozier was listened to with ve. HAVE YOU HEARD OF Kera-Tonic-Kurl It's the newest and finest process of permanent waving. Safe 'for hair of every shade. Rivals nature's most perfect wave. No tinger waving solution necessary for this wave! We have a good wave to suit your purse. Prices ranging $6.00 $7.50 $10.00 Special oil treatment with every wave, For Appointment Phone 2658 Watson's Beauty Parlor 5 CELINA STREET THE GUILD OF ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH The regular monthly meeting of the Guild of St. George's Church was held in the Parish Hall, Cen- tre St., on Tuesday afternoon, May bth. The president, Mrs. Mallett, was in the chair and opened the meet- ing in the usual way. The attendance was very grati- fying, nearly thirty members be- ing present, After the adoption of the rann- thly reports other items of business were discussed. The final arrange- ments for the Birthday Party to be held in the Parish Hall next Mon- day evening were completed and the ladies are hopeful that all the members of the congregation will turn out to make this event a huge success. Snell's Orchestra has heen engaged for the evening nd everyone who attends is assured of a real goed time, It was also decided to hold a rummage sale on Thwsday, May 28th, At the conclusion ¢f the busi- ness, refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed by all the members, great interest. "More Like the Mas. ter" was solo rendered by Mrs. O. D. Friend. Mrs. Fursey gave a read- ing entitled "India Calling for Help." A beautiful poem The Blind Boy and the Bible' was read by Miss Bairns and "Unawares an- other delightful poem was read by Mrs. Lawrence. Mrs. Cragg closed the meeting with prayer. TYRONE NEWS Tyrone, May 8---Miss Viola Shortt has returned to her home here. Mr. James Virtue who has been visiting his brother, Mr. Edward Virtue left on Saturday by motor for Seattle, Washington, United States America. Glad to report Mr. Harold Skin ner improving nicely after his re- cent serious illness. Also glad see Mr. James Pooley able to be out again. The Womens Institute and Ladies Aid will meet on Thursday, May 14, at 2 p.m., in the community hall. Mrs. Hugh Bertram, of Stoney Creek, will speak on "How to con- duct an institute meeting and how to realize the talents of the mem- bers." Roll call will be "How [ make my head save my heels." All ladies are 'invited to attend. Please note the change of date, League service on Thursday even- ing was in charge of Miss Lola Ric- hards. Dovotional .was taken by Miss Alice Thompson: splendid solo by Mrs. James Dudley; reading, Miss Grace MacKay. A contest was much enjoyed by all and the meet- ing closec with a hymn and bene- diction. Mr. Levi Annis, Toronto, the week-end at his home, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Davey on their recent marriage. Miss Aura Rundle, Bowmanville, recently visited Miss I", Virtue. Mrs. Authur Saunders and Mrs. Frank Bragg, Toronto, Mrs. Jabez Moore and Mr. Arthur Moore, En- niskillen, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore, Miss Elva Virtue, visited her mother, Mrs. Laura Vir- tue. Miss Grace MacKay spent Sunday at her home at Beaverton. ee "A May day demonstration" op spent This is the month of re- juvenation and agitation-- even nature says "Clean up." As a demonstration«in this connection we would suggest that your home can be made brighter by your sending along the rag rugs, bath mats and such-like heavy articles to us to be washed. Our soft water process restores the bright- ness of color and softness of texture as when they were new. We have six different "family wash" services all moderately priced. Phone today--or gtop any one of our cour- teous driver salesmen, Phone 816 Whitby to Bowmanville, | a - To win success he is most apt Who can himself to change adapt, «Old Mother Nature. "When T first saw him 1 almost took him for Yellow Wing the Flicker Farmer Brown's Boy was look- ing up near the top of a giant cac- tus, Flip the Terrier looked up too, but all he saw was a bird, and birds never did interegt Flip un- less they happened to be on the ground, where he could have the fun of scaring them into sudden flight, But his master was inter- ested, Yes, sir, his master was interested, In the first place, these great cactus plants, as big as trees, were of more than a little interest to him. Mother Brown had a cac- tus plant at home and he had seen other cactus plants, All of these were small plants with thick green leaves covered with spines, leaves that seemed to sprout out of each other, But here was a plant with a trunk as big around as the trunk of a large tree, From this trunk far above his head several branch- ¢s were perhaps half as big as the trunk. Trunk and branches were ribbed and were covered with spines. There no small branches, twigs or what looked like leaves. On the main perhaps thirty feet from ground, was the bird. "Flip,, said Farmer Boy, 'that fellow almost fooled me for a minute, Yes, sir, he did 80. When I first saw him I almost mistook him for Yellow were ithe under sides of his wings and CS I LUDY South Carolina Avenue At the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY'S Mewest Centrally Located Fireproof Hotel $5.00 DAY AND UP AMERICAN PLAN Write, Phone or Wire. R. B. LUDY, M.D, trunk. | the { Jrown's | Wing the | | Flicker, I saw him fly up there and | BRITISH HUSBANDS Passage MoneyAdvanced Without Interest or other charge, to assist you to bring your wife and family (or intended wife) from Brit- ain, If you bave a steady job and your character will bear investigation, we will help you as we have helped many others in the 50 years we have been doing this purely British phil- anthropic work. . Call or write for full inform- ation, British Dominions Emigration Society Roem 723 67 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario Telephone Eigin 8714 Facilities also available for relatives and friends. By Thornton W. Burgess tail are yellow. Just notice, how- ever, that he has a red mustache instead of a black one such as Yel- low Wing back home wears. Then, too, there isn't any red on the back of his head. So he must be one of Yellow Wing's cousins, How, under the sun, did he alight up there and avoid those spines, and what is he going to do there2 Certainly he cannot drum, for that cactus isn't hard like wood." Farmer Brown's Boy, in speak- ing of the bird's mustache, had not meant a real mustache, He had meant the two marks, one on each side of the face, which look- ed like a mustache. And he was quite right in thinking that this was a cousin of Yellow Wing. It was Cactus Bill the Gilded Flicker, He is found only in the warm re- gions of the Southwest, especially in the dry regions, where the giant cactus grows. Farmer Brown's Boy didn't have to wait long to find out what Cac- tus Bill intended to do. He went to work, exactly as Yellow Wing {goes to work on a tree in which Ze intends to make a nest, He paid no attention to Iarmer Brown's Boys and Flip. He just went about his job of cutting a hole in that spine-covered cactus, Pregently he was joined by Mrs, Cactus Bill, who relieved him while he tried {to clean himself up a little. Instead having a hard job, such as Mr ind Mrs. Yellow Wing have when they undertake to cut out a home iilp by chip, these two were ving a messy job. Yes, sir,, they sre having a messy job. You see, instead of boring into {hard wood they were cutting into |coft, fleshy tissue filled with sap {or juice sbmewhat sticky. They ust couldn't help getting more or 'sg smeared with it, and Farmer Srown's Boy suspected that half the work of home-building in such |a place must be in getting cleaned up afterward. - | "That two-legged creature seems [to be taking a lot of interest in us land what we are coing." said Cac- [tus Bill to his mate, | "What of it?" retorted she. "He can't bother us up here. I would | like to see him try to climb up here. T would so." Mrs, -Cacjus [Bill chuckled. So did Cactus Bill | himself, They were thinking of {those sharp spines that covered | that plant. "Cutting out a Irather a messy home here is job," continued | Cacuts Bill, "but once done we | have the safest place I know of. My dear, you are getting that juice {all over your neck and breast." | "Can't help it," mumbled Cac- | tus Bill, (Copyright, Burgess), 1031, . vy T. W. The next story: Home." "The Perfect FASHION HINT "How to make my old short skirts conform to the new length was a problem to me until I hit on this plan. I dropped the hems; and ij | as the part that had been turned {under was darker than the rest, 1 redyed the entire dress, after hay- ing bleached the goods, following directions in the Diamond Dyes package. "I used Diamond Dyes for the | redyeing, of course. [ have dyed many things with these wonderful colors. They have saved me many dollars and have never failed to give perfect results, smooth, aven colors--fast to wear and washing. | Friends think my things are new | when I redye or tint them with Diamond Dyes. They do give the most gorgeous colors!" Mrs. G. C. Levis, Quebec. Established 1882 WHATNEW YORK IS WEARING 80 PRACTICAL AND GIRLISL-- Is This Cute Bolero Frock By ANNETTE Burnt-orange linen made the or- iginal with white contrast and brown binding. It is distinctly individual, Jt is lovely for immediate and all summer vacation wear, Another equally charming scheme is to use striped material in two directions with plain collar and cuffs. For instance, the stripes could run horizontally in the front bodice and hip yoke. Gingham checks with plain ging- ham is very smart this season. Then, too, you'll like it immense- ly of shantung in gay polka-dots in combination with white dotted swiss or plain selt fabric, Printed tub silk, linen and cot- ton broadcloth prints also suitable. Style No. 278 is designed for girls of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 19 yards of 29- inch material with § yard of 23- inch contrasting. Our large Fashion Magazine shows the latest Paris styles for Spring and Summer for adults and children. Algo instructive lessons in sewing. Price of BOOK 15 cents. Price "of PATTERN, 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Address orders to: tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa Ontario. NORTH SIMCOE HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB The annual election of officers for North Simcoe Home and School was conducted at the last meeting held on Monday evening, May 9th, and Mra. U. Jones retiring as president, was made honorary president, The president for the new term is Mrs. C. L. Earl, Mrs, Fisher, is 1st vice- president, Mrs. Ewing, 2nd vice- president, Miss Kidney, correspond- ing secretary. Mrs. Corben, record- ing secretary; Miss H. Batty, tea- surer; Mrs. Ayling, pianist; Mrs. Norman Smith, press reporter; Mrs. U. Jones, Mre, H. Smith and Miss J. W. Garrow, representatives to the. local council. The convenors of the various committees are as fol- lows; Mrs. Dell, rink; Mrs. Chap- pell, pragram; Mrs, Herb Smith membership and social; Mrs, Norval Wilson, flower committee; Mrs, Vic. tor Bailey, sports. The executive committee is composed of Mrs, C. F. Cannon, Mrs. T. W. Joyce, Mrs. Leo Gray, Mrs. Geo. Henley, Mrs, U. Jones, Mrs. Frank Chappell, Mrs. A. Durie, Mrs. H. Begg, Mrs, C. E. McTavish, Mrs. A. F, Annis, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. H. E. Nicholl, Miss Taylor, and Miss K. Hezzelwood. The retiring president, Mrs, Jones was presented with a hand- some bouquet of flowers as "she gave the chair over to the new officer. Mrs! W, Tait's group of Cana- | dian Girls in Training gave an in- teresting demonstration which took the place of the usual programme, The business session of the meel- ing was the reading of annual re- ports by the leaders of various groups and departments. CENTRE ST. BIBLE CLASS The May meeting of the Centre Street United Women's AssqQciation was held in the schoolroo on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The president, Mrs. Johnston, was in charge, opening the meeting with the singing of a hymn and respon- sive scripture reading. Mrs. Fletch- er then offered prayer. Monthly re- ports and letters of appreciation for Pattern Edi- | | | DODD'S KIDNEY Backache Made Me Feel Miserable But Dodd's Kidney Pills Brought Relief "A year ago I had an operation and I seemed awfully nervous and would get numb and cold, My back would ache and 1 would feel very miserable," writes Mrs. George J. Furler, R.R. No. 1, Nixon, Ont. "After taking a box of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills I felt better and could do my own work. I now feel fine." Dodd's K Pills simply st hy Eg Li owWthen and bea] te waste matter out of the blood. of order they fail to do their work, and the waste matter remains in the blood, causing serious diseases. At the first sign of trouble give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial. If the kidneys are out 240 flowers were read and several callg reported. Many items of business were discussed, including ways of raising funds for the association. Plans were made for preparing flower beds in front of the church The business session was followed by two splendid 1 10 s0los render- ed by Misses Audrey Boon and Mar- jorie Aston, a vocal solo by Mrs. Johnston, and a reading given by Miss V. Samells. Tea was then ser- ved by members of Mrs. Ogden's group. : With more than 60 varieties of food fishes taken in Canada's fisher- ies there's no reason for mongtony in the fleh dishes put on the family table. The fisherman can be a big | help to the housewife, Alberta fisheries authorities es-| timate that an 2,211,000 pounds of fish were caught by an- glers in the province in 1930, or! sever hundred thousand pounds more than in 1529. Pike made up | about half the catch. H more for fish | f the There is a field in Germany increased sales of Canadi: meal. The chief requir | German market, as reported by the Canadian Trade Commis Hamburg, is that t 1 in protein and low in fat & content. ements oner ea Albert's catch of whitefish 1930 totalled slightl more 1,900,000 pounds AS ent with 1929, the catch a de-! crease of a little more than 900,000 | pounds, in | than | npared | showed Garden Seeds Government Tested Sold in BULK oR 5¢ PACKAGE Hogg & Lytle Limited 54 Church St. Phone 203 WE DELIVER 0s "VEY AND BL ADDS rd-working kid- neys the soothing help of Gin Pills. 58¢ a bex at your drug- gist's. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Canada ------t C LDREN are happy and carefree by nature, so x7hen they cry for no apparent reason any careful mother worries. No one can always guess just what is wrong but the remedy can always be the same. Good old Castoria! There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable prepara- tion and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. As often as baby has a fretful spell, is feverish and cross and can't sleep, iet Castoria soothe and quiet him, Sometimes it's a touch of colic. Sometimes it is constipation. Just keep Castoria handy and give freely for any of the above conditions; relief will follow promptly. All through babyhood, Cas- toria is a mother's standby, and wise mothers do not change to stronger medicines as the child grows older. Just increase the dose of Castoria and keep the youngster's stomach sweet and the bowels in good order. To be sure of getting genuine Fletcher's Castoria you should Eignatuc: Zn lhon WINDBAG - gAND GO LOCKED NOW, YoU BIG S ONCE gol WELL "MR. Re SIMPKINS- | SOMETHING "TERRIBLE IS GONNA HAPPEN - MAC HAS GONE INTO signaturc: By Russ Westoves Job PEN THEY Q DOOR, = A ware VL HAVE TO | MeETe0D = YOU WAIT HERE, MJ TRY SOME OTHER VES, SIR |

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