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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1931, p. 16

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Be as Ys EY PAGE SIXTEEN 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1931 Eastern Ontario News | by £ Brockville--William Bibby, who in the Hotel Dieu, Cornwall, "on Monday morning after a long ess, was a veteran employe of "the Canadian National Railways Who formerly made his headquart- ers in Brockville as supervisor: of 'track between this point and Mont- Later, his headquarters were sferred to Cornwall, He was {barn at Campbellford 65 years ago |; 'is survived by his wife, four daughters and one son. Adopt. Daglight Saving Time Bt come. -- The city council oman, night adopted daylight ving time for the period June 14" to September 7 inclusive. The rate-. in December will-vote on the municipal voters' list whether summer time will prevail for the next two years. To Ship Canadian dian Cattle Ottawa. -- Arrangements have been concluded with shipping firms to carry 15,000 live cattle from Canada to the United King- dom during the present season, it was announced by . Hon. Robert Weir, Minister of Aggiculture Tuesday. The cattle will be carried at the old rate on the ships, name- $15 a head. The movement Will end from May until August. Negotiations have been in progress for some time. Very Old Cat Is Dead i Kingston.--"Trixie'" a twenty- one year old cat owned by Doris Gordon of Mount Chesney is dead. Pussy might have lived to round 'out the quarter century and set up something new in cat age records if she had not got hold of a bit of poisoned food which caused her death. License is Oracle Kingston.--A young unmarried man left the local employment of- fice the other day with a frown on his face. He had been refused . @& job, because the regulation is to . give the preference to married men. He re-appared a triumphant smile on his face, and a marriage license in his hand. He got a job. Rebate on Power Kingston.--The Public Utilities * Commission recently adoptde the " veport received from the Ontario Commission granting a reduction 5 * in rates, and a rebate to the con- ers of electricity. The Ontario mmission agreed to a reduction "of 1-2 cent on the second domestic rat. and 1-4 cent on the second commercial rate. The question of Street lighting was laid over, The rebate will be equivalent to one- twelfth of the amount collected from the customers during 19230. Parents Not to Blame Belleville,--No blame was at- @d to the parents, Mr, and Mrs, Felix Rashotte, when their three children were burned to 'death in a barn back of the Ras- * Motte home in Tweed on May 3. Whe jury empanelled for the in- * quest held recently in Tweed found the children died through suffoca- by fire, the cause of the fire not being determined. Mr, Rashot- vie was the only one to give evid- g sive at the hearing, he stating the dren had used the upper _ Storey of the barn for. a summer e. 4 Wiring Nearly Completed West Lake. --Wiring for hydro is about finished in our neighbourhood. Three different electricians have been employed here and all are .good at the work for the inspector has. certi- fied it as OK. Exchange Opened Alexandria. The Glengarry Cheese and Butter Exchange opened here re- cently, 219 boxes of cheese oflered and sold at eight and three-sixteenths cents per pound for white and color- ed. Much interest was displayed. Dairymen were keenly interested in suceess of new exchange. As Alex- andria_is probably the most central town in the Eastern Ontario dairy district, this. cheese and butter ex- change is bound to be a huge success. Severed Leg Arteries . Lindsay.--William Davis of Ched- ar, Hailburton County, 'was brought : ss Hospital, Tuesday morning ering serious injuries, He was engaged in the woods with his bro- ther, when he accidentlly fell over 3 fallen tree on his axe. Two ar- Series in his left leg, under the knze were severed. He was rushed td the Red Cross Hospital at Wilberforce efore being taken to Lindsay. ' Girl's Body Found 'Brockville --Missing since April 22 { phen she was last seen walking along 0: 2 highway if af easterly direc- ~ | tion, oe of Edna Hutchcroft, aged 16, was found Tuesday morning floating "in the Cardinal canal about two miles east of 'that village.' Police throughout Ontario and Quebec had been notified to search for the girl. The body was first noticed by the master of a freighter passing through at Cardinal. The latter discovered it floating near the south side of the canal, fully clad. Dr. E, H Marceli- us, Iroquois, opened an inquest. The girl had been employed by the Can- ada Starch Co., at Cardinal and leav- es her pargats and several brothers and -sisters in that village. Forged Marriage Centificate Peterboro, -- John McDougall, of Lindsay, was senténced to three months in the Ontario Reformatory and a term thereafter not to exceed one year by Police Magistrate Lang- ley for forging a marriage certificate. McDougall was living with Isabelle Edwards in Lindsay as man and wife 'land in order to carry the situation through he torged the marriage cer- tificate, Crown Attorney McElderry told the court today. McDougall is a married man with two children and both the girl and her mother knew that before the girl went away with him," Mr, McElderry concluded. Brockville to Celebrate Brockyillee--The Municipal Council has authorized Mayor Hall to sum- moni a public emeting for the pur- pose of discussing the question of celebrating next year the one hun- dredth' anniversary of Brockville's erection into a municipality. It was one of 'the first communities in up- per Canada to receive incorporation as a municipality, Drowned While Fishing Lindsay.--Frank How, of Donald, 9-year-old son of Frank How, was while fishing. The little fellow was while fishing. Thelittle fellow was on a rock in rear of the chemical plant, and slipped off the ledge into twelve feet of water. His companion named Minaker, grabbed him, but finally had to let him go. The body was recovered 25 minutes later, The boy's father was at New Liskard when the fatality occurred. Pickerel Fry Placed Trent River.--~Mr. Wm. LaRue ar- rived from Belleville Monday morn- ing with a truck loaded with pickerel fry sent by the government and 200,- 000 were placed in Trent River at this point, the rest being deposited near Hastings. 'Hospital Formally Opened Kingston. --Tuesday afternoon the new building at the General Hospital was formally handed over by J. M. Campbell, chairman of the building committee, to R. E. Burns, chairman of 'the board of governors. Some 75 new beds will be provided, all of them being for pay patients, Hon. J. M. Robb, Provincial Minister of Health, was present, opened the new quarters and delivered an address, Four-Legged Chicken Brockville. -- A well-developed chicken with four legs is the latest freak to make its appearance on a Grenville County Farm. It is being exhibited on the farm of Ivan Lane, at Maynard, Augusta Township, and is otherwise quite normal, Branch Stations Closed Port Hope. -- Following "up the policy of retrenchment in connection with the management of its system because of economic conditions, the C.PIR. has closed its agencies at Dunsford, Janetville and Nestleton. These stations are situated on the Bobcaygeon-Burketon branch of the system, and have had agents since the opening of the line about twenty- five years ago. Trey were always important passenger and shipping centres, but the advent of the motor car and truck has revolutionized con- ditions. BIRMINGHAM LIKES CANADIAN STORE if the local police would be altoge- ther thankful, Already they have had to draft extra officers to regulate the traffic block made largely by Bir- _mingham women, anxious to see what Canada has-to 'offer towards filling the daily shopping basket. indow-Dressing Triumph Since no miracle is likely to bring the citizens of the Dominion to the English Midlands, oné can give them only a poor idea of how finely their shop catches the attention of passers by. The windows are dressed as well as ever. This, difficult branch of the art of salesmanship has been handled either in London or in New York. The Canadian officials stationed in England deserve .the credit for this excellent work. The shop is in three sections. The first is devoted to a magnificent dis- play of everything that Canada has to offer the old country housewife and the sale of samples is brisk and busy. Next there is a large hall with a kitchén on the platform and seats for some hundreds of spectators. Here, expert young women, employed by the Empire Marketing Board, give demonstrations' in cookery, three times a day, Only Empire ingredi- ents are used and admission is free to all who wish to attend® These de- monstrations are generally packed out, the audience for the most part being composed of housewives and of girls contemplating matrimony and keen to pick up cookery skill before taking on a husband. During Can- ada's tenancy of the shop Canadian ingredients are being used wherever possible, and special Canadian dishes figure on the Empire menus. A cinema machine is in the third section of the shop placed to catch casual attention, and running conti- nuously ith very short films of Cana- dian 'and other Empire production scenes. A similar machine has been put at the busiest part of one of the two main Birmingham railway sta- tions, flashing between films, a mes- sage of invitation to all passers-by to visit Canada's display at the High Street Shop. This direct and intensive sales drive in the interests of Empire produce is being made in an especially favorable areca. London--although the Empire Marketing Board means it to be bet- ter stil--is a good customer of Ca- is steadily improving, but is still be- hind the South. Birmingham lies strategically between the two, on the frontier between Empire and foreign sales (this is, of course, a generalisa- tion subject to signal exceptions) and ripe for complete conversion to the Empire side. That is why the Empire Marketing Board, after its successful experiment in Scotland, decided to strike next here in the Midlands. The staff work had been going on for some months before the attack was launched. First, the goodwill of the local authorities, and, above all, of the local traders, wholesale and retail, multiple and single and co-op- erative, was secured, This was essen- tial. 'It has made possible the stag- ing in shops of all classes in every part of Birmingham of displays of Canadian produce at the same time as Canada 1s in occupation at her owh shop at 61, High Street. Women who call there are sold samples and told where they can get regular sup- plies for the future. The local trades the. Empire Shop and have no' fear that a new and officially financed ri- val has been established. The effects moreover, of the drive will be perma- nent. For, after Canada's period in the Empire Show is over, housewives will continue to find their normal te- tailers ready to supply the newly cre- ated demand for Empire goods. Support of Press Next, the Empire Marketing Board took large advertising space in all the papers and is keeping this up, as each Dominion occupies the shop. An en- couraging feature of the campaign has been the real keenness with which the Birmingham papers have gone out of their way to arouse public in- terest in Empire buying. The ap- pearance of the Lord Mayor and of leading figures in the business life of the city on the platform at the open- ing ceremonies oa made the work of the newspapers easier. Wise marketing will expand the Canadian trade and such a shop as this is a first-rate move in wise mar- eting. The Empire Marketing Board's Birmingham shop will, I be- lieve, win many thousands of con- verts to the growing habit of buy- Store Opened by Dominion | in England Proves J Attractive Birmingham, May 13--As quick a change as ever surprised a shopping crowd has turned this Birmingham street corner, within 24 hours, into Canada's shop window. Nobody looked twice at 61, High Sstreet, a few weeks ago when it was just an ordinary store sight in the centre of a large provincial city. Then it be- came unique in England; the first Empire Shop to be opened South of the Tweed. Canada is now in sole occupation, crowds are admiring the splendid window displays and custom- ers are queueing up at the counters. Every Canadian citizens should look in at 61, High Sstreet, but 1 doubt ing from within the Empire. WAR BILL DISCUSSED BY ITALIAN CHAMBER Rome, May 13--A bill drafted by the Supreme Defense Commission in March of last year was placed before the Chamber of Deputies Saturday. It contained 54 articles outlining the wartime duties of all citizens. These duties included reduction of expenses, bringing consumption to a minimum, and prompt and absolute compliance with orders given by competent authorities, The bill would exempt from war duties minors under the age of 16, and persons over the age of /0, zs well as the sick and expectant moth- ers. ' wadian produce. The North Country | are thus working in harmony with | On Sale Thursday | Friday &Saturday SIBERRY"S [ nSale Thursday F Aly ES tat SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S "SAMPLE SUITS" modcls, at less than Manufacturers' cost. One and Two Pant Suits Included All Sample Suits are listed below, describing color, pattern, 'material, etc., size and showing the Regular Price and the "Sample Sale Price." AS SAMPLE SUITS ARE MADE IN VARIOUS PATTERNS AND COLORS THERE IS GREAT VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM A DEPOSIT WILL SECURE ANY SUIT--AlterationsExtra REG. REG. PRICE $29.50 $29.50 $25.00 $29.50 $29.50 $29.50 $29.50 $35.00 $29.50 $32.50 $35.00 $20.00 $35.00 $29.50 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $29.50 $35.00 $32.50 $29.50 $29.50 $32.50 $29.50 $35.00 Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit, Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Pant Pant Pant Pant Pant Pant Pant Pant Pant Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit.' Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. 1 Pant Suit. 2 Pant Suit. $35.00 2 Pant Suit. $22.50 2 Pant Suit. $29.50 2 Pant Suit. Single Breasted Coat SAMPLE PRICE SIZE 34 Fancy Blue Stripe Worsted, S.B. $19.80 Fancy Brown Worsted, S.B. Navy Blue Striped Worsted, S.B. $14.80 Fancy Grey Striped Worsted, S.B. $22.60 Triple Stripe Navy Worsted, S.B. $22.60 Fancy Grey Worsted, S.B. ....... we. $19.80 Fancy Brown Worsted, S.B. . $19.80 SIZE 35 Oxford Grey Herringbone, S.B. ..$24.60 Fancy Stripe Oxford Grey, S.B. $21.60 Fancy Grey Twisted Tweed, S.B. $20.50 Light Brown Stripe Worsted, D.B. $19.80 Navy Blue, White Stripe, S.B. ....$11.80 Fancy Stripe Sand Flannel, S.B. ....$22.80 Navy Blue Striped 'Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Fey. Brown Striped Worsted, S.B. $22.80 S.B. Means Fancy Grey Striped Flannel, S.B. $22.80 Oxford Grey Herringbone, S.B. $25.20 Dark Grey Striped Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Blue, 'Grey Stripe Worsted, S.B. $25.20 Fancy Brown Check Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. ....$21.60 Light Grey Oxford Stripe, S.B. ....$21.60 Fancy Grey Striped Worsted, D.B. $21.60 Fanty Sand Striped Worsted, S.B. $18.90 SIZE 36 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. Plain Grey Worsted, S.B. ............. $21.60 Dark Grey Striped Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Blue Grey Stripe Worsted, S.B. $25.20 Plain Shade Sand Flannel, S.B. ..$22.50 Dark Oxford Grey Stripe, S.B. $25.20 Fancy Brown Check Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Dark Oxford Grey Tweed, S.B. ....$14,40 Fancy Brown Overcheck, S.B. Fey. Striped Brown Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Light Grey Twisted Tweed, S.B. $20.50 Oxford Grey Wool Tweed, S.B. $14.40 Fancy Stripe Sand Worsted, D.B. $21.60 Fancy Brown Striped Tweed, S.B. $12.80 Light Grey Fancy Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Light Tan Striped Worsted, S.B. $25.20 Light Sand Fancy Worsted, D.B. $25.20 Navy Blue Striped Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Oxford Grey Herringbone, S.B. ..$21.60 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. ....$14.40 Fey. grey overcheck Worsted, S.B. $15.60 Oxford Grey Herringbone, S.B. ..$25.20 Light Grey Striped Flannel, S.B. $22.80 Light Sand Striped Flannel, S.B. $22.80 SIZE 37 Grey Pebble Cloth Worsted, S.B. $25.20 Fancy Grey Overcheck, S.B. ... Oxford Grey Shadow Stripe, S.B. $25.20 Dark Grey Herringbone, S.B. ....$21.60 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. ....$21.60 Fancy Grey Worsted, S.B. Med. Grey, Fancy Worsted, S.B. $28.80 Silver Grey Fancy Worsted, S.B. $25.20 Double Stripe Navy Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Blue Grey Stripe Worsted, S.B. ....$19.80 Dark Grey Stripe Worsted, S.B.....$25.20 Dark Grey Herringbone, S.B. ......$25.20 Blue Grey Striped Worsted, D.B. $22.60 Light Grey Oxford Stripe, S. B. ....$21.60 Light Grey Striped Flannel, S. B. $22.80 Light Tan Striped Worsted, S.B. $25.20 Fancy Oxford Grey Worsted, S.B. $18.80 Sand Striped Flannel, S.B. rs 335:80 Plain Grey Worsted, 'S.B. . $21.60 Navy Blue Pin Stripe, S.B. ..........$22.80 Striped Oxford grey worsted, S.B. $25.20 Light brown Striped Worsted, S.B; $22.80 Fancy Brown Striped Tweed. S.B; $12.80 Oxford Grey, Fancy Stripe, S.B. $18.80 PRICE $32.50 $35.00 $22.50 425.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 $29.50 $29.50 $35.00 $32.50 $29.50 : $35.00 $29.50 $35.00 $35.00 $29.50 $35.00 '$35.00 $22.50 $29.50 $32.50 $29.50 $29.50 $25.00 $22.50 DN pe IN pt pet 19 5 DO DID mt ID Dg IN mt 0 IND ps Bet pd 0 D9 ND DN) 2 Pant Suit. 2 Pant Suit. 2 Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit, Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit, Pant Suit. Pant Suit. DODD = DD bet IND put bt bd I es DN Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit, Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant. Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. Pant Suit. DD rb put ih bt Ig IND St pd IND ek et pt pt ed pt ND DO ND i DN 1 Pant Suit. 2 Pant Suit. 2 Pant Suit. 1 Pant Suit. 2 Pant Suit. 2 Pant Suit. -Double Breasted Coat Pant Suit. 144 Suits at Less Than Manufacturer's Cost We have awichased the complete range of "Sample Suits" of "Ascot" and "Skill These Suits together with similar garments f egula Oraft" Clothes, of Toronto, consisting of early Spring, Summer and next Fall | rom r stock go on Special Sale : | this week-end." va These are all high) grade garments and must be seen to he appreciated. See them this week-end sure. SAMPLE PRICE Light Grey Fancy Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Plain Shade Sand Flannel, S.B, ....$22.80 Navy Pin Striped Wersted, S.B. $14.40 SIZE 38 Dark Grey Wool Tweed, S.B. ....$14.40 Striped Oxferd grey worsted, S.B. $25.20 Fancy brown striped worsted, S.B. $22.80 Sand Overcheck Worsted, D.B., $22.80 Med. Grey Herringbone Worsted, $22.80 Dark Grey Herringbone Worsted, $21.60 Light Grey Oxford Stripe, S.B. $21.60 Black Pin Stripe Worsted, D.B, $22.80 Light Grey Fancy Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Triple Stripe Navy Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Dark Oxford Grey Herringbone $25.20 Light Grey Striped Flannel, S.B. $22.80 Navy Blue Pin Stripe Worsted S.B. $14.40 Light Sand Flannel, S.B. Dark Grey Shadow Stripe Worsted $25.20 Dark Grey Hairline Tweed, S.B. $14.40 Grey Pebble Cloth Worsted, S.B. $25.20 Fancy Grey Overcheck Worsted $15.60 Navy Blue Striped Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Light Brown Striped Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Fancy Grey Worsted, S.B. ............ $22.80 Sand English Whipcord, S.B. Fancy Oxford Grey Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Light Grey Check Tweed, S.B., $14.40 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. ....$21.60 SIZE 39 Fancy Brown Worsted, S.B. ........$22.80 Navy Blue Striped Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Black Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Light Grey Oxford Style, S.B. ....$24.60 Oxford Grey Shadow Stripe, S.B. $25.20 Dark Grey Tweed, S.B. Navy Pin Striped Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Fancy Stripe Brown Wersted, S.B. $22.80 Dark Grey Wool Worsted, S.B. $14.40 Navy Blue Siripe Worsted, S.B. $13.80 Light Grey Oxford Stripe, S.B. ....$21.60 Light Grey Overcheck Tweed, S.B. $15.60 Fancy Grey Worsted, S.B. . $21.60 SIZE 40 Fancy Light Grey Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Fancy Sand Worsted, D.B. ...... ..$21.60 Black Pin Stripe Worsted, D.B. $22.86 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. Navy Blue Striped Worsted, S.B. $14.40 § Fancy Grey Twisted Tweed, S.B. $22.80 Triple Stripe, Navy Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Dark Grey Silver. Stripe, S.B. Light Grey Overcheck Tweed, S.B. $25.20 Navy Blue Stripe Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Light Grey Oxford Stripe, S.B. ....$21.60 Dark Grey Herringbone Worsted, $21.60 Navy Blue Striped Worsted, S.B. $22.80 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. ....$16.80 Blue Grey Pin Stripe Worsted S.B. $22.60 Black with Oxford Grey Stripe ....$25.20 Navy Pin Striped Worsted, S.B. $21.60 Fancy Stripe Grey Flannel, S.B. $22.80 Fancy Tan Striped Worsted, S.B. $21.60 ° Plain Grey Worsted, S.B. ............$21.60 Fancy Sand English Whipcord, ....$22.80 Oxford Grey Shadow Stripe, S.B. $25.20 Dark Grey Pin Stripe Tweed, S.B. $14.40, SIZE 42 } Light Grey Oxford Stripe, S.B. ....$21.60 Light Grey Fancy Tweed, S.B. ....$22.80 Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. ......$21.60 Fancy Stripe Sand Worsted, S.B. $2.60" Navy Pin Stripe Worsted, S.B. ....$15.60 Dark Grey Striped Worsted, S.B. $14.40. D.B. Means N avy Blue Suits Reduced | FINAL TOPCOAT]| CLEARANCE $24.50 NAVY BLUE SUITS at $16.50 x Cosi ee Specially tailored from Pure Wool English Botany Serge, guaran- teed indigo dye. Perfectly tailored, properly finished and satin lined. These are the best navy blue suits ever sold at this price. All styles. °1 65° Sizes 35 'to 42. Sale Price $34.50 NAVY BLUE SUITS for $24.00 WITH TWO PANTS. Eztra special heavy weight Botany Serge, % OO Indigo Dye and absolutely all wool specially tailored Suits and all ® hand finished. Limited quantity only at this price. All styles. Sizes 35 to 44, With Two Pants A complete clean-up of every 'Topcoat i in stock. Guard, Slip-On or Form Fit Models in all the popular colors. Sizes 34 to 44 2°10 5°15 REGULAR PRICES $16.50 to $29.50 BODY, SLABS & GENERAL MOTORS ~ GUARANTEED DRY AND SOUND , CUT STOVE JENGTH Phone 1110 '

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