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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1931, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY 'TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1931 he Whitby , subscription: y Braneh Office. at Business Houre--Phone 359. Daily Times s and sews will be received at the end Chrosicle~Telephone 23. lling on Gas Bylaw . . Takes Place Saturday; Heavy Vote Expected electors of Whitby will go 'polls on Saturday and vote by-law to grant a thirty-five anchise to the Ontario Shore pmpany, which is represented deal by Ben E. Tate, to sell 'the town of Whitby. For three or four weeks a ign of education has been on with a view to giving lectors every possible item of tion regarding the bylaw franchise agreement. The pg on Tuesday evening in the pn Hall demonstrated that the rs are deeply interested in {project which will mean much y town in future years. polls. will be open from ten k in.the forenoon until seven o'clock in the evening (daylight saving time). On this bylaw, all municipal electors are entitled to vote, the voter's list of last year being used. On money bylaws on- ly ratepayers have a vote, but since. this 18 not a money bylaw, the privilege of casting ballots is extended to all electors who or- dinarily entitled to vote for the election of members of council, board of education and public util- ity commission. This point has been reiterated time and again during the course of the campaign and should be clearly understood. For the information of voters, an office has heen opened in the prem- ises formerly occupied by the Royal Bank, Brock street south, with W, DELICIOUS -- You will taste the difference -- NUTRITIOUS ey The? 2% 4 Ea "This is the Willow Milk Chocolateers No. 1 cook so keen "Whose pots 'Who makes the i tastes like more are shiny and clean, That waits for you in the candy store! FREE! - New! Fascinating! Educational! Amusing! The Willards "Chocolate Book" a beautiful twenty-page volume giving the true histo of the discovery and together with the diverting adventures of ? Delicious and Nutritious, the Willow Milk _ Twins. Loaded with jolly jingles and gay with many full page Goloured pictures. Will delight everyone from 1 teachers may order in lots of fifty. Chocolates, Toronto, SPECIAL 'PRIZE OFFER DETAILS INCLUDED! hb lat; facture of The bar that makes each Willards Twin, Delicious and Nutritious, grin! "NUTRITIOUS' TA letrds Chocabbeskis talks, Thursday AM. Central y 9:15:9:30 on Red Network, 2:30-3 P.M. Central Time. 10:35-10:30 AM ime. Sold in Oshawa by: FLINTOFF"S HARDWARE VIRTUE'S HARDWARE HARRY D,. WILSON McDOWELL & COMPANY hd . Phone 203 James H. Downey, mayor of Whit- by, for many years, in a letter receiv- ed by the Gazette and Chronicle from him at Los Angeles, California, urges the citizens of Whitby to give the strongest support to the gas fran- chise "bylaw on which the electors will vote on Saturday. Mr. Downey during 'his many. years' residence in 'Whitby was an outstanding citizen and public servant, and his letter. which is printed herewith, should be of interest at this time: "Editor, Gazette and Chronicle. "Dear Sir:--Again let me congrat- ulate you on your stand on the "gas franchise" to be voted on shortly. for coal, I would think that gas for Whitby would be received by all classes with open arms. With gas for cooking and water heating avail- able Whitby will certainly rank as one of the most desirable towns in Canada for residental purposes. "I can understand that this matter will have opposition from some. of your citizens. Back in 1903 and 1904, when the matter of 'having water supply was up in Whitby, it was op- posed and "very strongly by some very important citizens, and it was only by a very hard fight that the by-law was carried. "Then again, some vears later, about 1909 -- we had another keen contest, over granting a franchise to the Seymour Company for electric With the high-price now prevailing | d. FORMER MAYOR URGES WHITBY TO ENDORSE GAS FRANCHISE BYLAW ' a thirty-year franchise for the mse of streets to string the wires for electric current. The franchise ask- ed would not cost the ratepayers of Whitby one cent. in any way, and 1 could never understand why it should have opposition, "At the same time the franchise was voted on for the Seymour Com- pany ring electric cufrent, we had another matter for a vote of the electors namely the "free library act" This also was opposed by many very important citizens, and it was only by: thorough organization and hard work that both were carried. "I do not imagine there are many citizens in Whitby today who would are say that the installing of the water and sewerage, the introduction of the electric current, and the erec- tion of the beautiful library building were not a very great advantage to Whitby. ' "Will not the granting of the "gas franchise" turn out the same way 1 do hope it will carry. It is just what Whitby needs. 1 will be anx- iously waiting your paper telling the result of the vote. This is certain- ly a great opportunity for Whitby to get gas without expending a large amount for installing. coming from. If it is foreign capital, so much the better, Canada needs all the foreign capital she can get, and so does every other country. "Yours sincerely, power. This: company were asking "James H. Downey." Ask Council A number of important matters were dealt with at the annual meet- ing of the Port Whitby Ratepayers' Association held in. the Brock St. school on Monday evening, with the president, Seymour Whitney, presid- ing: All of last year's officers were re- elected, as follows: Honorary Presidents-- Mayor C. E. Bowman, Reeve Albert W. Jack- son. President--Seymour Whitney. Vice-president--Sheldon Watson. Secretary-- William Harden. Treasurer--D. Cameron. Annual Church Parady The Association deeided to hold the annual church parade to St. John's Church on Sunday evening, May 24th, (Victoria Day) when an address will be given by Rev. D. B. Langford. 'The service will be at- tended by members' of the various municipal bodies and citizens. The parade will form at the Port Whitby Port Whitby Ratepayers To To Improve South End of Brock Street park at 6.45, and proceed to the church, Improve Brock St. South The Association voted to bring to the attention of the Council the un- sightly condition of Brock Street South, due to the dymping of rub- bish alongside of the road, also the destruction of signs at this end of the town, Regret was also expressed that the guard rail north of the bridge has been broken down and needs replacing to prevent accidents. The Association went on record as willing to co-operate with the Town Council in trying to abate these acts of destruction and spoiling the ap- proach to the harbour, and in hav- ing offenders brought to the notice of the Chief Constable. : The question of a community pie. nic was discussed; but this was left over until the next meeting, to be decided. The Association has a healthy membership and is taking a keen in- terest in civic and community af- fairs. x " MANY EVENTS IN WHITBY IN JUNE County Court, County Coun- cil, Nurses' Graduation, College Closing Whitby will be the centre of many interests during the month of June. These include the visit of the delegates to the American Psychi- atric Association early in the month; the graduation exercises of the On- tario Hospital Training School for J. H. Richardson in charge. Infor- 'mation can be secured here, the telephone number being 44. John R. Frost, town clerk and treasur- er, ig by virtue of his office chief returning officer, and from his of- fice the voting machinery will be Fget in motion, Ballot boxes and ballots are ready for the taking of the votes in the following places: (1) POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 1, WEST WARD: Comprising all that portion of the 'Town west of Brock and north of Dundas Streets, at A. G. Browning's = Office, Frank Henstock shall be deputy re- turning officer and I'red James poll clerk for that part of the voters' list on this poll- ing subdivision from A.to L (both inclusive), and F. H. Annis deputy returning ofticer and W, Armitage poll clerk, for that part of the voters' list from M to Z (both inclu- sive), POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 2, EAST WARD: Comprising all that portion of the Town, Maw's; Office, William Maw east of Brock Strret and North of Dundas Street, at og deputy returning officer<and Frank Johnston poll clerk. POLLING. SUBDIVISION NO. 3, CENTRE WARD: Compris- ing all that portion of the Town known as Centre Ward East of Brock Street, at Coun- cil- Chamber, George Huntley deputy returning officer and James Charters, poll clerk. POLLING SUBDIVISION NO. 4, CENTRE WARD: Compris- ing all that portion of the Town known as Centre Ward POLLING SUBDIVIS 'NO. 5, SOUTH WARD: Compris- ing all that portion of the Town 'known asthe South ard, 'at - Community Hall, Joseph Wilson, deputy return- ing officer and Martin Gold- burn, poll clerk. The polls, as already noted, close at seven In 'the evening, and as there is but one ballot to be count- ed, the returns should be known Whitby Gazette and Chronicle, un be secured as tHe oMigs of the | Nurses on June 6th; the County Court and General Session of the Peace opening on June 9th; the ses- sions of Ontario County Council and the graduation and closing exercises of the Ontario Ladies' College. All of these events will bring many visitors to the County town. The American Psychiatric Associa- tion delegates come from all parts of the world, and relatives of stu- dents of the College come from all over Canada. WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ADOPTS 1931 ROAD BUDGET Road Superintendent Given Power .to Proceed With the Work The municipal council of the Township of Whitby met at Brook- lin on May 6th, all members present, Reeve Mackey in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and on motion were adopted. The several accounts were pre- sented. Correspondence was read from the Jotlowings The es Auxiliary of thé Osh- awa hospital, e an invita- tion to the Reeve and cillors to inspect the Oshawa General Hospit- al on May 12th, the said date g the date of the birth of Florence Nightip ; nadian Legion, Branch No. 152, Brooklin, E. Shortridge, Sec.-Treas., for a grant from the Town- ship of $25.00. . e Council of the City of Osh- awa, notifying the Council of the Township of Whithy, that the said A Oshawa have no' objection [to the said township ng to Ben BE: Tate or to such'company as may own and operate the Oshawa Gas system, a ~year franchise to op- erate in the Township of Whitby. Department of Immigration and Colonization, Ottawa, advising Coun- cil of the receipt of their letter of the 26th April, vegarding Herbert Kaye and family, and stating that the investigating officer would ine vestigate the matter in the near fu- ture. 3 in reference to sheep, claimed by him to have been worried by a dog ° Mr5G. §. Th Tr, . Thompson, manager of the Canadian Bank of nv t and informed the Coun- | 1. 4 R. Kem ded by J. H.~Jones, Chat Thy iors bol and is hereby authorized to procure a Township Hall license for year , ag HE Tone: oth yin L. R. Kemp, that the Ssctnded by 79. 1 Roll as presented by the assessor be "Never mind where the money: is |. A. G. Duff waited on the council and the same. is hereby accepted as the Assessment Roll of the Town- ship of Whitby for the year 1931. arried. - Moved by J. H. Jones, seconded by L. R. Kemp, that this Council does hereby authorize the road superin- tendent to procure track for tractor and have said tractor put in shape for work, and also that the clerk be authorized to get a rubber roller for typewriter and ribbon for adding machine. Carried. Moved by W. F. Weir, seconded by L. R. Kemp, that Thos. Hall, collect- or, is hereby credited with the amount of $82.30, being poll and dog taxes uncollectable, and further that the amount of $447.16 covered statement No. 2 be forwarded to F county treasurer for collection. arried. Moved by J. H. Jones, seconded by L. R. Kemp, that the estimates of road expenditures as prepared by this Council on May 6th be confirm- ed, and that the same be and is here- by given to the road supt. and also giving the said road supt. author- ity to perform the work according to the regulations laid down by the Department of Public Highways of the Province of Ontario. Carried. Moved by L, R. Kemp, seconded by W. J. Cook, that the reeve with the treasurer be and are hereby authorized tg issue their cheques in favor of thé several persons whose names appear on Voucher No. 5, roads and bridges, numbering from 1 to 16 inclusive, amount of accounts $537.11, also payment of general ac- counts sheet No, 5, numbering from 1 to 12 inclusive, amount of accounts $286.44. Carried. Moved by L. R, Kemp that this Council does now adjourn to meet again on the 2nd day of June, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon, as Court of Revision for the Township of Whitby. After the closing of said Court of Revision the Council shall resume the work of the WHITBY W.C.T.U, The following item, quoted from the Montreal "Witness," will be of interest to friends of temperance: "At a meeting of the World Prohibi- tion Federation held in the Bedford Hotel, Claston-on-Sea, Essex, Eng., April 4th, 1931, the following reso- lution was unanimously carried: "That this meeting of representa- tives [cgent from Denmark, Eng- land, Holland, Scotland and Sweden hearitly supports the protest of Canada aaginst the unjustifiable use of the French Islands of St. Piere and Mequelon, off the coast of New- foundland, as a basis of supply for the smuggling of intoxicating li- 'quors into the United States of America, in violation of the Nation- al Prohibition Law of that country, and trusts that the Assembly of the League of Nations, will, in the inter- est of international justice and the good will between nations, take such action as will lead to an immedizte Township. Carried. discontinuance of these unfriendly practices. Copies of this resolution to be sent to the Secretary of the League-of Nations and the various representative members of the League." (Contributed). OLD GIRLS ELECT OFFICERS The election of officers for the County of Ontario Old Girls' Asso- ciation has been completed as fol- lows: Honary Presidents.--Mrs. Cor- mack, Mrs. C. F. McGillivray, Mrs. Laird and Miss Ray. Hon, Vice-pre- GET YOUR PHILOO RADIO NOW We allow $25.00 to $75.00 on your Battery Set ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe St. South Clear the line for the A & end buying. ALL ABOARD FOR ECONOMY! P "Flyer." It comes to you this week with a "record run" of values that signal "all clear" for your week- A RECO of Az P Specials Carload aficr carload of the finest foodstuffs gathered by A & P food buyers, 'whose judgment you have learned to " respect for both quality and value. FINEST QUALITY FRESH CREAMERY ONTARIO BUTTER - - -- SUNNYFIELD--Pasteurized Creamery ............. 2 lbs. 47¢ CLARK'S BRAND PORK AND CATSUP BEANS MADE FROM THE CHOICEST TOMATOES GROWN THE CHOICE OF PARTICULAR WOMEN MANYFLOWERS FOR LUNCHES, TEAS AND PICNICS CORNED BEEF ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF A & ¥' LOW PRICE KELLOGG'S TOILET SOAP FRAY BENTOS CORNFLAKES 3 No.2 Tins 23¢ TIGER BRAND Large Bottle 15¢ § Cakes 25¢ No. 1 Tin 16¢ Were campaign. TEA 'All A& P Teas are shipped direct from Plantation to out Tes Warehouse. OUR OWN NECTAR BLENDED INDIAN 4 Ibs. Bh CHRISTIE-BROWN'S ARROWROOT war CANDY secur CIRESCO "Fai Wisi Soni" More and more housewives are coming to A & P food stores for this quality bread at BREAD ~~ EXTRA WEEK-END SPECIAL DOUGHNUTS this low price. PAGE MADE IN OUR OWN DAYLIGHT BAKERY BISCUITS 25¢ "murs 2 12-02 Pkgs. Allsorts Full 24-02. Wrapped Loaf §¢ Pkg. Jelly Beans, 3-lb. Tin Je of Six 10¢ ib. 25¢ 27:3. 19¢ Province were & P triple coffee service which gives them ~fresh coffee direct from the roaster. und in our Stores while you ng you exactly the ind You 'vase or tricolator, percolator or coffee pot. ~special grinder equipment cos sands of dollars: has been every A & P Store, just to this EXTRA and EXCLUSIK Y A&P SERVICE. Thousands of New Coffee Customers won to A & P in last week's great Coffee lovers all over impressed with the new A "= thou- in ve you When you drink A & P coffee coffee at its best. Jou enjoy When you buy A & P coffee coffee at its 4 In wy most economical price. NEW LOW REGULAR A & P COFFEE PRICES EIGHT O'CLOCK. vo..lb. 20 MILD AND MELLOW RED CIRCLE .. RICH AND FULL BODIED EXQUISITE, AROMATIC AND FLAVORFUL FINEST CREAMERY CHEESL CHEESE OLD 00% o eo o MILD NEW , CANADIAN ° 2D, ibs. 25: Legs Loins Fillets VEAL Whole or Hal¢ Rack orShoulderRoast ib. 12¢ Shank and Stew ib. 15¢ Ib. 15¢ ib. 18e¢ " ib. Je ROASTS Shoulder Roast Blade Roast Brisket Boil 1b. '10e ib. 12¢ ib. 14e 1b. Je Beef Shanks gr nb. Ge PEAMEAL BACK BACON Ra 225: -- +27 CHOICE YOUNG LAMB FRONTS Ib. 15. WEINERS smoked 2 ibs. 29¢ PORK PIES :::ru=:3 tor 20¢ FRESH LAKE NIPIGON FISH Whitefish - 25. . FRESH RED SPRING SALMON PIECE 1b. 30- sLiceD Ib. 33 + Fruits and Vegetables vegetables show you remarkable daily to all stores Our prices on fresh fruits and savings--delivered CUBAN-GROWN--NICE AND PINEAPPLES «soo ee vvvss 2 for 37c E BANANAS ee, NEW POTATOES VALENCIA ORANGES, Good Size asesens asfasasarttaiinns LOUISIANA 'STRAWBERRIES, Pint Boxes. ......2 for 33¢ BEETS, New Texas..2 for 15¢c CUCUMBERS, H 3 tba 19c CIP Bs 29 King St. W.--Grocery Manager--G. Newsome. 29 Simcoe S.--Grocery Manager--F. C. West Meat Manager--D. Fisher. WE DELIVER--EXTRA CHARGE, 15¢ Meat Manager--H. Fi Ashbury--Phone 2170, Phone 2643 pin omnes (om 'THE GREAY ATEANTIO & PaciFic Tea Ce. = sei Ea Ed

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