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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1931, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 16, Ontario SHBURN CHURCH OS T0 HAVE REGULAR PASTOR v, Mr. Graham of Hol- stein, Conducted Ser- + vices Sunday urn, May 12.--Rev. Graham olstein. had charge of both es here on Sunday and his 'messages left a very favour- mpression on those who had vilege of heating him, The bngregation are getting anxious 5 have a resident minister again. The young people of the neigh- pod are practicing for the hinstrel concert which is to be jeld in the school house on Friday 1g," May 715th. The proceeds: "$n ald of the upkeep of the mmunity "grounds here. Follow- mg the concert a pié social will be jeld when some tine pies-will be b the highest bidders. irs. - Charlie Slack and Jim have gone to Winnipeg .and ep: western points with four r loads of Government stock. fiey expect to' he away about ten ays. : Mr. Robert-Heren is building a ' brooder house for his chick- ps. A. Fisher, of Toronto, ited af the hone of Wer son, Mr. jordon "Fisher, during the week. Mr. George Lynde has moved to 8 town. line. whepe he is occupy- the house on Mr. Philip Par- #t's farm that was récently va- pd Dy Mr. Charlie Taylor. Mr. gnde is kept very busy this spring earing sheep for the farmers. McIntyre Bros., are having some nsive remodelling done to their © on their west farm, rs, James Whitton has been ped to her bed 'through *ill- 88, A speedy recovery is hoped. number from here, attended Gilroy sale at Prospect on Sat HERS DAY AT SEAGRAVE hers Will Be Honored Next Sunday ave, LL. Scott, Corrspondeént) May 14, -- Mothers' vag fittingly observed in em ted Church on Sunday. BUNdAY Sclrdol' beim open' Sunday, was largely attended. The program ¥ members of the school was well id out, and appreciated. The mtendent, Mr. John Mark, ected the opening exercises Mrs. H. Eagleson reading var- "scripture verses, Special sing- by the smaller scholars. A gplendid reading, "The Cap my {: Made." Miss Iva Reynolds, ed followed with the pageant 'Noble Mothers of Famous was beautifully given. Mrs Bruce represented the spirit otherhood. Her four attendane % Ruth Clements, Marion Eag- Glen Wanamaker and Oliver fin. Brief sketches of the mos of John Wesley, Abraham pcoln, Lord Haldane and Booker Washington were given, bring- in a nice way the noble and im= nt part played by mothers in oulding the, lives of these men, 0 made their marks in the world. he Supt is his comments said: We have many great gnd noble mothers today who are moulding great and 'noble lives of man and womanhood i of which our Sunday Schools have part. Mothers Day was the sub- * ject at the evening service, when | the pastor, Rey. Mr. Green preach- ¥ ed & splendid and impressive ser- mon, with a mothers' choir render- Ling special music. In spite of wea- 1 er conditions "the services roughout were well attended. - The farmers welcomed the lovely in of Saturday night and Sunday, damage being done by lightning the community. monthly meeting of Quad- irls' Club was held at the and home of Miss Marion Eagleson with 13 members present. The meeting opened with devotionad exercises conducted by Mrs. (Rev.) Green and Miss Ruth Clements reading the scripture lesson. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, Business was discussed and trafi- sacted, after which all were favored with a reading by Miss Iva Reynolds and instrumental by Mrs. B, Dow- son. These were enjoyed and.appre- ciated. The megting closed with a hymn and Club benediction. Yound Peaple's League was held on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room with 28 present. The meeting, in charge of Mrs. B. Dow- son, pence with hymn 284, and Lord's Prayer in unison. The order of service was as follows: Devo- tional, Rev. Mr. Gree; bible refer- Pence, Kenneth James; minutes, col- lection, W. Stone; business, hymn 235; instrumental, Miss M. Arm- strong; contest, Norma Moon; in- strumental, "ernie Moon; contest, Aileen Fishley; hymn 154} League benediction. "Mr, Frank Smith at- tended the Legion meeting in Tor- onto, Thursday evening. Mr..and Mrs. C. Sleep and family of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleep and family, of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. O. Boe and family, of Bow- manville, were guests of the form- er's mother on Sunday. Miss Lina Hanlon, of Ireland, vis- iting her cousin, Mrs. Thomas Tre- wan, Miss Hanton will visit her three sisters at Boston in the ncar future. Mr, and Mrs. King and family of Oshawa, visited friends "here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wanamaker vis- ited relatives at Blackstock on Sun- day. "Int a Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson, Jean and Miss Alma Clements were in Toronto one day last week. Miss Ruth Brochel who spent seve eral months with her aunt, Mrs, J. Harding, has returned tn her home in Woodstock. Miss M. Armstrong spent week-end in Bowmanville. Miss Alma Frise, of Gambridge, was home for the week-end. Mr. W, Moase's new house is pro- gressing very fast, the family is ex- pected to move as soon as their home is finished. . There are quite a number on the sick list from bad colds. Mr, Ray Scott spent Thursday in Toronto, and will atténd a meeting of the Legion in the evening. The regular monthly 'meeting of the Womans' Association was held on Wednesday afternoon, May 13, and was well attends'. The presi- dent, Mrs. J. Shunk in the chair. The meeting opened with a short prayer by the president. A hymn was sung and Mrs. (Rev.) Green and Mrs. A. Bruce led in prayer. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. F. Watson from Pro- verbs 13. Roll call was answered with"a- verse of scripture. After the business session, a. Mothers! Day program was given, those taking part were; 'reading, Mrs. A. Bruce; duet, Mrs. E. Butt and R Scott, chorus; mothers, i tal duet, violin and guitar, Glen akd Bertrum Wanamaker; readings I Reynolds. These were all enjoy and appreciated and 45 sat down fo a lovely lunch provided by several ladies of the association. Next Sunday is Fathers' Day In our church, when a fathers' pro- gram will be given in the Sunday School on Sunday morning. There will be a fathers' choir at the even- ing service, condncted by the organ- ist, Mrs. R. Scott, and the pastor will have a special message for fa- thers. The United Church choir have been visited to Shirley on May 31, when their anniversary will be held. This is the second time for the choir to visit Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mitchell and family spent Sunday at Bobcageon with their daughter, Mrs. Taylor. SCHOOL GROUNDS Zion Children to Receive Prizes for Best Gardens (By Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspon- dent) Zion, May 13.--The school chil- dren are busy these days planting their vegetable gardens at the school grounds for which the best kept one gets a prize later on. The boys expect soon to be kicking a football, purchased with the money they earned for carrying in the wood. The June committee of the Wo- men's Afsociation has secured Mrs, Rev. Bick*and her Sunday School Class of young ladies of Hampton, to put on their play, "The Chal- lenge of the Cross" on Wednesday evening, May 20th at the church. The school children of Mitchell's Corners will also sing. Mrs. Carmen Choate is with Mrs. Anson Balson. Mr. Carmen Choate the s helping at Mr. J. W. Balson's. \ ( County News The Mothers' Day program was nicely carried out on Sunday. The junior classes sang "Praise Him." Miss Marguerite Martin told the story "The Cap That Mother Made." Mr. Arthur Stainton and Miss Annie McMaster sang the duet: "Was That Somebody You"; Mr, Bick spoke very nicely on "Mothers," and Mr, and Mrs. Gar- net Beckell had their baby *"'Bert" christened. The church looked lovely with flowers. Mr. Jas. McMaster and Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, spent the week-end at home, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ferguson and Bobby, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ferguson and Gordon Jr., of Toronto, were Sunday guests of J. W. Balson. The young people will. put. on their new play, "Wild Ginger," at the church June 8th, when music will also be given. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson, Mar- fon and Jean, called on Grandma Short and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Short at Courtice, Sunday afternoon. HORSESHOE LEAGUE HAS BEEN FORMED Officers Elected at Meeting Held in Brooklin (Elinor Mackey, Correspondent) Brooklin, May 15.--A meeting of representatives of horseshoe clubs from Brooklin, Oshawa, Co- lumbus and Ashburn, was held .at Brooklin on Thursday evening. A league was formed for the year 1931 and officers elected as fol- lows: = Honourable presidents, W. E. Sinclair, Dr. Kaiser, H. H, Moore, and Dr. James Moore; president, F. McBrien; vice-president, Reeve C. 1, Mackey; secretary-treasurcr, F. Wilcoxin; Directors, D. Parrot, W. Heron, Ted Brown, and N. Whitney. Arrangements will be soon made for dates and places for tourna- ments. The League is expecting an increased interest in the game this year, A very interesting and enjoyable program was given in the Brooklin United Church on Thursday in aid of the Blind. Mr. Treneer, organ- ist of the King Street Church, Osh- awa and their male quartet ren- dered delightful selections. Mr. Treneer gave a very interesting talk on the blind and of how the Canadian Institute for the Blind was helping the unfortunate to be able to see through their teachings and help. This talk was iHustrated by slides. Mr. Treneer also gave a numger of plano and vocal solos. Mr. and Mrs. Kingston and fam- ily ot Toronto, spent Sunday with friends here, Miss Irene Harrison, has return. ed home after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. O. Shaw, of Oshawa, Miss Louise Robinson, of News market, spent Sunday with frieads here, MYRTLE Myrtle, May 13.---Mr. Will J, Cook was in Toronto on Tpesday attending the funeral of a friend, Miss Sarah Davidson, 6f Whit- by, spent Sunday with her coasin, Mr. Edward Mole. Mrs, A. Fisher, of Toronto. visited at Mr. Jack Kirkham's during the week. The heavy rain on Sunday did untold good fo the crops and every- thing in general, Mother's Day was fittingly ob. served here on Sunday. Rev. Mer- -lam's message was very interest- ing and appropriate. Suitable read- ings were. glven by Mesdames Hudgins and Merriam, The moth- er's choir was much enjoyed, Mr. Jim Lawrence left the earl- fer part of the week for Toronto where. he is taking National Air Service Course, Messrs. George Painter, Jim Duff and Charlie Slack left dur. ing the week in eharge of Govern- ment cattle consigned for Winni- peg and other western points. They expect to be away about ten days. Prior to being shipped the cattle were inspected at the C.P.R. barns here. A representative of the Home Telephone was through here dur- ing the week correcting interrup- tions that Sunday's storm caused the line. Mrs. Gruer who has been holi- daying for a few days, with her brother, Mr, John Quinn hag re- turned to her home in Whitby. The seventh census of Canada 1s about to be taken and some thoughtful figuring is being done on the advance schedule so that an accurate report may be given to the enumerator when he calls. HAYDON Haydon, May 13.--On Sunday afternoon's Mother's Day services | were attended by a large congre- gation and a Mother's Day pro- gram was carried out by members of the Sunday School. A 'duet -|utils, Freda Bradley "When Mother Prayed'* was sung by Ada Beech and Grace Trewin. A pageant was was given by five taking the part of the spirit of Motherhood, Ada Beech, Viola Bradley, Lorna Thompson, Grace Trewin, told the story of the mothers ¢f four fam- ous men, 'Rev. Mr. Trumpour preached an earnest gsermion on | Mothers, AIR AO [ AH NA ( NIPIOI®] 1 (4 / 1f The offering was taken up. by two young men of the Sunday School, Bert Ashton and Arthur' Trewin. Mrs. A. Hare sang a solo "My Mother", Mr. and Mrs. L, Williamson, of Pontypool. «Mrs. Thompson. Mrs, Wilbert Ridge and Margaret, Mr. Dobinson, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Wright on Sunday. Mrs. Montgomery, of Toronto, visited her daughtr, Mrs, Henry Ashton, Mr. Fred Adams, Oshawa, visit- ed Mr, afid*Mrs, James 'Crossman. Barl Trewin and Frank Smith, Enniskillne, visited at the home of their uncle, Mr. Wm. Trewin. Mrs. Wm. Creeper, an old resi- dent of Haydon is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs, A. Grant, in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Collacutt and Bretta, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Maple Grove, and Mre. John Tabb - were visitors of Mr. and Mrs, David Graham on Sunday, ---------------------- KEDRON (Beatrice Mountjoy, Correspondent' Kedron, May 12--Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lec were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos Stainton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hepburn and family, Mr. and Mrs, "Frank Cross- man visited with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Mountjoy, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke were visitors for tea with Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Pascoe, Columbus on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Hoskin, recent- ly visited Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Warne, Oshawa, A number from here attended the funeral of the lage Mr. Wm. Farrell of Toronto, which took place at St. George's cemetery, Park Rd. North, Oshawa, on Monday afternoon. Mr. Farrell was a former. resident of this community having spent the greater port of his life on the farm now owned by Mr. W. N. Hoskin. About cighteen vears ago he and his sisters Misses Mary and Sarah and neice Miss Maude Farrell, went to reside in Toronto. The deepest sympathy of their amny friends here is extend- ed to Misses Farrell in their bereave- ment. Mr. 'and Mrs, Harvey Pascoe and Lorraine were guests of Mr, and Mrs I. L. Pascoe, Columbus on Sunday. Miss Beatrice Mountjoy recently visited her cousins Misses Maxine and Marion Pereman, Columbus, A few from here attended the play "Tora Wake Up" which was present- ed in Eldad church on Wednesday evening by the Columbus Young Peo- ple. A large number from here attended the service in Columbus United Church on Sunday morning when the Memorial window was unveiled in memory of the late Hon. Wm. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy and family visited Mrs. M, H. Lang- maid, Oshawa, on Sunday. Miss Knight, North Oshawa, was a week-end guest of Miss Ruth Cole. Mr and Mrs. E. Davis spent Friday in Toronto and visited the latter's brother, Mr. Fred Nesbitt, who is ill. Mothers' Day was observed in our Church service on Sunday afternoon. A splendid pageant was given by Misses Wilma Werry, Ruth Cole and Jean Love and essrs. Gordon Davis and Lorne Hoskin. Leland Love read the story The Cap that Mother Made Dr. Cooper gave an interesting ad- dress. The Young Peoples Classes were entertained by Miss Ruth Cole at her home on Friday evening. Mr. Mc- Leod, of Oshawa was present and gave a talk on Mussolini Mrs, J. Nesbitt, Oshawa, spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs, E. Davis. Kedron Sunday School will held their annual anniversary services on Sunday, June 21 and the usual tea concert on the following Tuesday ev- ening when the concert will consist of a play "The Last Loaf", by local talent, and. music. Watch for full particulars later. Mr. Percy Cann, Salem, Miss Mary Rundle; Messrs John and Albert Rundle, Hampton were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nesbitt and Miss Helen Nesbitt, Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs, E, Davis. MAPLE GROVE (Marion Snowden, Correspondent) Maple Grove, May 15.--Mias Ruth Armstrong, Grace Hospital, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Armstrong. Mrs. W. J. Snowden recently visited Mr. and Mrs, Ray Snowden Toronto. Mr. T. J. Cole was in Toronto on Thursday. The league meeting on Wednes- day evening was opened with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Ivison Munday. The Bible reading was given by Iva Foley and the de- votional topic by Greta Munday. Miss Edna Swallow, second vice- president, was in charge cof the following programme: Solo, Dora Eames; topic, "The Call of North- ern Manitoba," Marion Snowden; duet, Rev. and Mrs. Wolfraim; reading, Corsina Samis; solo, Leonard Jennings; readings, Clif- ford Swallow; Miss Ellen Gim- blett took charge of a contest and the president closed the meeting with a hymn and the benediction. CLAREMONT Claremont, May 15.--There was a good attendance at the Anniver- sary Services held in the Baptist Church last Sunday. Rev. C, H. Schutt, M.W., of Toronto, and superintendent of the Home Mis- sion Board of the Baptist Church, was the preacher for the day and delivered two earnest and impres- give messages. On Monday even- ing he gave an illustrated address on his recent tour of the Holy Land which was most interesting and 'received many favorable com- ments. Next Sunday, May 17th, Mr. Schutt will conduct anniversary services in the Goodwood Baptist Church. Mother's Day Service will be observed fn the Claremont Bap- tist Church on Sunday morning, May 17th, and a cordial invitation is extended to all, especially the parents to be present, The child- ren of the Sunday School will give the programme of music. The W.M.S. of the United Church held its May meeting on Thursday, May 14th, at the home OF Mrs. W. @: Scott, with 4 record attendance and all officers present, Mrs, D. A, Scott, president, had charge of the meeting, Following the devotional exercises, Mrs, W. J. Gregg gave an interesting talk from the study book on Japan. Mrs. T. Condy gave a very suit- able reading, "Tillle's Thank Of- fer'ng", which contained boin humor and pathos, and Mrs. D. A, Scott sang twice in her usual pleasing manner. At the c'ose of the meeting Mrs. John Stewart, of Markham, who until the past month Ras been connected all of her life, first with the Claremont Presbyterian Church and later with the United Church here, was presented with a bean- tiful reading lamp, Mrs, W, Ward made the presentation and Miss F. Forgie read the address. The gift came as a' great surprise to Mrs. Stewart but sh2 expressed her appreciation in a few well chosen words, | After this a social hour follow- ed during whieh a dainty tea was served to members and visitors, by Mrs. W. G. Scott's group. The pro- ceeds of 1" - men' nz added $27 to the Mission Fund. A number of local Masons were In Stouffville last Friday evening attending a meeting in celebration of the seventieth anniversary of Richardson Lodg. It was also the occasion of the official visit to that Lodge of the District Deputy Grand Master, Rt, Wor, Bro. Dr. W. A. Matheson, at the close of the lodge meeting members and visitors enjoyed a soclal hour at a banquet which had been, pre- pared by the ladies in the rooms of the Chapter of {ae Kastern Star, Wor. Bro. Dr, H. Freel presided over the toast list at the banquet. The Stouffville and Claremont Conitnuation School Boys' Softball Teams played here last Saturday. Our boys did a little bettdy than last time but were still badly de- feated by the Stouffville boys, The Claremont girls played in Stouff- ville one day last week and again succeeded in defeating the Stouff- ville team. A number of local foothall en- thusiasts were in Brooklin on Mon- day evening attending a meeting of the South Ontario Football As sociation. I. F. Dopking was ap- pointed secretary of the Claremont Club and Leonard Plikey man ager. The boys are requested to sign up as soon as possible in or- der that practice n begin at once, and kept up with the object of winning the cup azain The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Miss C. Underhill on Wednesday, May 20th. Every member is asked to be present as there is important business to transact, The election. of officers will be held and the various re- ports for the year will be re- celved. There will be a talk on health. Mrrangements for the Dis- trict Annual Meeting, which will be held in Claremont in June, will be made. Rev. H. R. Stevens was in Ham- liton on Tuesday attending tha Convocation at McMaster Univers sity. Rev. A, McLellan was In Dres- den for a few days this week. Heo went to officiate at the funeral of an old friend. H, G. and Mrs. McIntyre in the city on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. McIntyre's mother who is in poor health is not im- proving very fast, Thomas and Mrs. Scott, of Lampton Mills, spent the week-end with the former's parents W, G and Mrs, Scott, Mrs. J. Selman and daughter, Grace, were visiting with friends in Toronto this week. Mrs. Walter Bennett, of Mark- ham, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, S. Bennett. The form- er, who has been suffering from {11 health for a long period ig now able to go about 'a little on erutches. Miss Mary Wagg, who Is a nurse in training in the Isolation Hos- pital, Toronto, was home over the week-end, Walter and Mrs. formerly of Markham, but who have recently startéd in business in Teronto, spent Mother's Day with the former's mother, Mrs, Harry Thompson. were Thompson, awa, and 'Ydam and Mrs. Spears, of Whitevale spent Sunday with Mrs, T. Gibbons, Lieut.-Col., Michell and sister, Miss Katharine, visited their cous- in, Miss BE. Gibson on' Sunday. A. D. Peters, of Port 'Perry. spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. George Beverley, C. A. Overland is observing /this week the first anniversary of his new: store and is giving a prize of half a dozen silver spoons to the customer who purchases the most goods during the week. The report of Adam Spears, our assessor, showed jthere are in the municipality some 90 dogs which indicates that the canine popula- tion at least is holding its own. NORTH OSHAWA a. (Mrs. Sol Corresp t) North Oshawa, May 156.--The Sunday services were both well at: tended. Mr, Kennedy, the superin- tendent, spoke on Mothers' Day, Rev. Irwin preached a touching ser- on.on the same topic. . The Young People's League will meet on Friday evening. A good at- tendance is requested as important business will be brought up, also a social evening. Visitors will Mr. and Mrs. "Will Glover and the latter's mother Mrs, Blight, on Mothers' Day were Mrs. Gordon Anderson and Miss Camilla Anderson of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, John Blight and family of Brook- lin; Mrs. Roy Brittan, of Smith's Falls and Mr. Ed. Blight, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blight and. children and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Blight, all of Oshawa, i Mr, and Mrs... Sellick visited friends in Toronto Saturday. { Migs Velma Solomon apent Sun- day in Columbus with her cousin Miss Helen Bromell .ahd atyended , aay iy That Will Win Your Life-Long Friendship at -Once--and For Definite Reasons QU will immediately note a vast difference between the flavor of Country Club Ice Cream and the flavor of ordi- nary Ice Cream. Country Club flavor is the result of using only the finest syrups and the pure juices of fresh fruits. You will also note greater creaminess. That is because Country Cub contains more and richer cream. Then you will find the Country Club texture even and velvety. That is due to Country Club's perfected freezing process. Make no mistake about it. Your palate tells the truth. Country Club Ice Cream REALLY IS BETTER. Ask for it at your soda fountain. Buy it in brick or bulk, for dessert. MADE BY Beaton's Dairy Products PHONE--700 G. | 8. and Mys, Stephenson. of Osh- | the unveiling ceremoax ia honor of been operating on a special wire- less schedule during the voyage. The research branch had been try- ing for some days to get into touch with the vessel for the purpose of carrying out a test and finally suc- ceeded with little difficulty in es- tablishing communication, standing off Colombo, Ceylon. The route distance was 17,200 miles because of the necessity to relay the ten-minute message from Lon- don. The Belgenland, on a special cruise with a party of tourists, is fitted with a special long-distance telephone apparatus, which has the late Mr. Wm, Smith, M.P. Mi. and Mrs. E, Tattersall and Gordon, of Orono, visited here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover and children spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Walker, on Kenneth Avenue, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fice and fam- fly attended the unveiling service for the late Mr. W. Smith, M. P,, at Columbus Continuation Church on Sunday. i LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALL TO SHIP AT SEA Sydnye, N.S.W., May 16.--One of the longest distance telephone communication yet made between a subscribers telephone and a ship at sea was carried on recently be- tween an officer in the common- wealth post office at Melbourne with officers of the steamer Bel- genland, while that vessel was NOTICE! $1 WILL CLEAN AND PRESS Lady's Dress, Gown, Suit or Long Coat or Gents Suit or Overcoat. We Also Clean Draperies and Carpets at Moderate Rates. SHERRIN'S DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. West, Toronto In Oshawa leave orders at Farrow and Morden, Phone 869 The words Semet Solvay are registered as a trade mark under date April 10th, 1928, No. 199-43645. Legal ac- tion will be taken against any person or persons using the words jointly, separately, or in any other way.' There is Only One Genuine Semet SOLVAY Coke Dustless Sold by, The Standard Fuel Co. | Limited 'Or its direct agents throughout Toronto and the Provirice ELgin 7151 [}

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