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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 May 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 18, 1931 PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and The Community attended the evening wiih . » v Social & Personal Shcriurns United Church in To Any social motes which readers care to submit will be printed. Xindly phone or send them to The Times Office before 10.30 a.m. the day they are to be pub- lished. Item« of news icon cerning dances, parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. Mrs. Payne and son Walter, of Montreal are guests of Mrs, Payne's ' daughter, Mrs. Jack Peaumont, 526 Rogers street, The annual emeting of the Osh- awa Home and School Council to be held to-morrow evening in the Board Room of the Oshawa Colle- giate Institute will follow closely the regular business routine that is used at the monthly meetings. The election of officers and the reading of the annual reports will be the only diversion from the customary programme, A tea in the parlours of St. An- drew's United Church on Thurs- day, May 21st, will celebrate the birthday of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety of that church. Last evening the student body and members of the faculty of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, Miss Frances Lobb of Oshawa was the guest of friends in Toronto for the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hicks, of Kingston, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gladman, of this city, yesterday. Mrs, William Easson, of King- ston, visited Mrs. James Harris, Simcoe Street North, on Saturday. La WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Oclina St. The annual ladies' field day at i| the Oshawa Golf Club will be held tomorrow, In the morning, theie will be putting, driving and ap- proaching contests and lunchecn will be served at the club house. Miss Ruth Jones is to be hostess during the tea hour at the 'club house. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mounce, of Oshawa, were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs, Rose Mounce, Lon- don, Ontario. Clearing of Ladies' Coats and Dresses $8.95 and up THE FASHION SHOPPE, 84 Simcoe St. S. St. Andrew's Church Choir mem- bers are to be the guests this cy- ening of the Young People's League of that church, at a out-door party on the beach at the Lake, Gotham Gold Stripe i Full Fashioned Hose, Chiffon | and Service Mr. Claire Anderson of this city, who was severely injured in a mo- tor accident at Thanksgiving time 1s undergoing an operation this morn? ing at the St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, the necessity of which was caused from the injuries in the ac- cident, Mr. Anderson is a medical student, and has worked as an iu- tern in fhe St, Joseph's Hospital. The rainy weather on Saturday hindered the Oshawa Tennis Club from holding its official opening. The games that were scheduled for the afternoon and which were to be the main attraction of the day were cancelled but a number of the Club members congregated at the club house at the tea hour and enjoyed tea, dancing and occasion on Saturday will be held sold 4 bea in the near future. . J with purple rings « « « knows everything from the largest turbine to the smallest pumpfon your ship." He is probably a Scot, and taciturn, but if you meet him you will be infected with his enthy- siasm for his cherished engines. Sailings weekly from Montreal Cabin rates from . . ., $130 Tourist Third Cabin. . . $105 Third Class Round Trip $155 Special Seasonal Third Class Round Tip, b scuition Rate The winners of the prizes for the regular weekly afternoon eu- chre for the lady members of the Oakleigh Lodge, L.0.B.A., held last Thursday were, Mrs. Hubble | and Mrs. Cockerham, Mrs. Ric- hards won the consolation prize. On Saturday afternoon twelve of her young friends held a very successful and enjoyable surprize party in honor of Miss Jetty Deans, who is leaving in the early part of June with her mother, on a trip to England. The two young ladies who were in charge of the entire 'proceedings including the serving of the delicious afternoon '| tea were Miss Ruth Ferguson and Miss Norma Dunsford. The other guests included, Misses Helen Bate tle, Jean Burke, Betty Hope, Bet nice Buckley, Gloria Smith, Dor- othy Lawrence, Mildred Perry, Lorraine Defoe, Betty Germond and Master Marsgon Smith, © "Nothing Like It" SayLovely Women No wonder beautiful women love this new face powder made, by exclusive French process. MELLO-GLO stays on longer, Ire. vents large pores. So smooth and fine, it blends naturally with any complexion and gives fresh, youthful bloom. No irritation, No flaky or pasty look. Never Jedves the skin dry. It's wonder- ul, Sold through all druggists and at 'Toilet Goods Counters, Information from Cor. Bay and Wallington Sis, (Phone Elgin 3471) Toronto or any steamship agent © Sail CUNARD ANCHOR-DONALDSON flat wall finish ! ALPAMUR, the fa- mous flat finish, used this room was applied on an insu- lating wall-board. It can be applied on any type of wall or ceiling sur- bridge. It is expected that the ex- | hibition games planned for the | WHAT NEW YORK IS WEARING The cross over bodice, buttoned through the hipline, brings it into the coat type class, so modish this season, To say nothing of its slimming qualities, as it hugs the hips through its smart shaping, It's exceedingly wearable in the favorite navy blue crepe silk. To be certain, it combines with white 'crepe in revers, vest and cuffs. The buttons are white crystal. Style No. 145 also lends itself admirable to printed crepe silk, thin woolens, shantung, linen and cofton or silk men's shirting fab- rics. It may be had in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 28, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust, Size 36 renufres 21! yards of 39-inch material with % yard of 39-inch contrasting. Our large Fashion Magazine shows the latest Paris styles for Spring and Summer for adults and children. Also instructive les- sons in sewing. Price of Book 15 cents. Price of Pattern 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Adress orders to Pattern Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, "How is it," asked a diner in a restaurant one day, "that the Fo usually gives larger PAY he rich man?" "Well, X td the waiter "the poor matey | want nobody to find out he's hor and the rich man don't want nobody 'to find out he's rich! "I want to buy an alarm clock which will awaken the maid without disturbing the other members of the household." "Sorry, madam, but that kind is not yet on the market. The only alarm clocks are those which awaken everyone in the household except the maid." Remedy for Constipation HAMPTON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ELECTS OFFIGERS FOR 3 Monthly Meeting Held Last Thursday (By Y. Horn, Correspondent) Hampton, May 16.--The mon- thly meeting of the Women's In- stitute was held in the Sunday School room of the church on Thursday afternoon, May 7th, with the president, Mrs. H., E. Rundle, in the chair. Aftor a short business session, the fol- lowing new officers were elected: President, Mrs. W. W. Horn; Secretary, Miss Lulu Reynolds; Treasurer, Mrs, John Cowling; District Director, Miss M. K, Kat- erson; Branch directors, Mrs. Adcock, Mrs, Lorenzo Trull, Mrs, T. Wray, Mrs. Frank Rogers, Miss W. Leach; press reporter, Miss Edna Reynolds; auditors, Mrs, Charlotte Stephens and Mrs. J, R. Knox; a candy demonstration by Mrs. L. D, Sykes, assisted Ly Misses lL. Goodman, W. Leach and M. Peters, was very much enjoyed, The attendance totalled 90 Mr. Irvin Trull is improving his residence with a coat of paint, , A number of plum trees about the village are in blossom, There is quite a lot of com- plaint about the raspberry bushes not leafing out as they should. The upper part of the canes have the appearance of dead bushes, The thunder shower of Thura- day afternoon had its pleasing effects. Some hail fell during | the shower which | one, Miss B. | ville te Sargent, ing staff, is the v end with the { Pascoo and other friends, | Mrg, Georgina Niddery is wait- {ing on Mrs, W. J. Virtue, who has | been ill the last two weeks with bronchitis and pneumonia. We are glad to report her condition is improving. Wilfred Greenaway | charge of the Young People's meeting on Friday night, Had it been announced earlier, there would have been more out to hear Rev. J. M, Whyte, Luniskil- len. However, there was an at- tendance of about fifty who .en- joyed his address on "The Peu- ple That Ged Couldn't Reach," which was very interesting. He | spoke of prejudice having its ef- { fect on the church, volitics and community life, Elinor Sykes favoured audience with a vocal | accompanied by N. | Mrs. Arthur Allin read the scripture lesson and Miss Edna Reynolds took up the devotional period. Prayer was offered hy Mr. Whyte, followed hy a elos ing hymn, The cheers of the first game for the season enli village on Friday n some Bowmanville ba came back to have a | game, spending Mizsges was mn the solo, Horn Iriendiy | Preparations are be'ng made for the annual Sunday Sciicol an- niversary services on Sundav, June 28, and the tea on July 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrel Green- jaway were attended with the band of noisy serenaders on Tuesday | night on their return from 4 { short honeymoon in Lindsay. {| = Miss Aura Rundle, owman- ville nursing staff, a Ruby Clatworthy on a visit with | her mother, Mrs. Grace Clatwor- i thy on Sunday and visited ler | ¢ousin, Mrs. (. Horn, who is ill. The second thunder shower for ! the week came on Saturday niorun- | ing. | | | | | | | | { was a heavy | of Bowman- | ENNISKILLEN WMS. MEETS Discuss Work Among the Ukrainians--Fine Program Given Enniskillen, May 16.--An in- teresting meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs, 1. Werry on Wednesday, 13th, Mrs, Lloyd Ashton leading. the meet- ing in the absence of the presi. dent, with prayer and scripture lesson. Miss Nora Werry gave & talk on the Ukranian work. Read- ings were given by Mrs. R, Gil- bert and Mrs. I. Gilbert. A solo was nicely sung by Mrs, R, Or- miston © "When Mother Prays." The 2nd chapter of the Study Book was ably taken by Mrs. Edwin Ormiston. The meeting closed with benediction, after which Junch was served. The Sunday evening was well attended, the service dress on "Home and ence of Good Mothers." Special singing by a junior choir with Miss Marion Orchard as leader, was appreciated. A solo was sweetly sung by Miss Helen Knox. of Hampton, The christening of Mr. and Mrs, Francis Werry's son, Roy Arthur, took place, On May 24th, Sunday School anniversary will be held when Rev, R. B. Cochrane, B.D,, will preach at 2 and 7.30 p.m. standard time, There will be sing- |ing by the school assisted by (Mrs. D. Chambers, of Bowman- ville. On 25th ball games and a league foothall game between Zion and Enniskillen. Tea will be 'orved from 4 p.n. A concert in |the evening when the young people of Mudley will present heir play "Wild Ginger." There 11 be music between acts. The first electric storm of the <o1son passed over here on Wed- | nesday with some hail south of the village not doing any dam- age, Mr. 8. Pethick Is renavatine his house with a coat of paint Mr. O. I. Bye's with Mr. H. R. W. Trewin, H 'tavens fencing and White oF Tr the Pve, Price, husy the lot Wm. Nnhle hes muwehaeed and intend: tn the near future, Mr. W. Pointon., of Torontn nent Sunday at tha home of Mr and Mrs. T. McGill Mr, and Mrs ava rainine near fal fy Bradley Jas rf visited friends at Kendal on Sun- day. Miss Lena Moore spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. W, Moore, Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Trewin izsited Mr. and Mrs. 8. Malcom's Sunday, Miss Nora 'NEW DISCOVERY STOPS (CAUSE OF STOMACH GA 1} Tn his private practice, Dr. Carl discovered the cause of stomach gas was Werry, Solina, is often in the UPPER bowel. So he perfected a simple remedy to wash out stom- ach and BOTH upper and lower bowel. Ile named this remedy Adlerika. Adlerika washes out poisons which cause gas. nervousness, bad sleep, Get Adlerika today; in 2 hours you will be rid of all {gas and bowel poisons, Jury & Lovell Ltd, Drugs stamp to Adlerika ( i Dept, FF, St... Paul Minn, Permanent Facials and Manicures. etc, tary and up-to-date equipment attention to all our patrons, MRS. BETTY WARD and MISS GRACE MARSHALL, late of the Betty Lou Per- fl | manent Wave Shoppe, announcing the opening of the p Genosha Hotel Hairdressing Parlors Specializing in all manner of Beauty Waving, Marcelling, Thoroughly cquipped with sani- fll and inspect our mew shop and equipment, COFFEE SHOPPE ENTRANCE Telephone Appointments--1973 a. ho \ Culture including Water © Waving, Dyeing, to give prompt and individual We cordially invite ladies to pastor, | Rev. J. M. Whyte gave a fine ad- | the Influ- | staying with Mr. Harvey McGill's for awhile, Miss Myrtle Brunt and Frank McGill, Toronot, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mre. Levi Brunt, Sorry to say Dr. and Mrs. Fer- guscn are on the sick list with erysipelas. A speedy recovery 1s hoped for, Miss Ella Tambiyn, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Tamblyn and Mary, Mrs, J. D. Brown and Olive, Mr. and Mrs. G. Foster, Bloomfield, visited Mrs. H. Werry recently, Miss Maud Ashton, of Toronto, | and Mr. Ira Travail, Oshawa, and Miss Mabel Beech visited Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Ashton Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Holden, of Oshawa, | and Mr, and Mrs. Aldread, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lamb Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A, Wilsop and 'Miss Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs, Char- lie Stainton, Oshawa, visited Mr MR. GAIETY WINS 7-year-old son of For Fair and Marion Gaiety, owned by Mrs. IJ CGlaseco, flashed across some of his old form at Thorncliffe on Saturday, when, after trailing a field of seven at the start, he re- | event of the day. and Mrs. W. Stainton, Tuesday. | of jockey T. Wilson, and galloped home winner over Refiner of the Thorncliffe stable by a margin of two and one-half lengths, in the Leaside Handicap, $1,600 feature Kingsway, R. W. R. Cowie's chestnut 4-year- old, favorite in the race, was in the contention until a short dis- tance" from the end, but had to be content with show position, LEASIDE HANDICAP | -- fi me-- | RECORD CROWD AT DETROIT. Toronto, May 18.--Mr, Gaiety, | Detroit, Mich.,, May 18.--Be- fore a scason's record crowd of 38,000 spectators the New York Yankees won a free-hitting 8 to 5 victory over the Detroit Tigers here yesterday. It was the first Yankee triumph in three games sponded gallantly to tha wvrzing' with the Tigers. J 4 R/ IW ould yOu rob your children? [ WITHOUT realizing the fact, you may be robbing your wife and children. Perhaps, like many other men, you have taken from yous dependants the protection of Life Insurance which they should have. Face the situation squarely. Remember that a lapsed policy is a menace to the future happiness of your family. Hardships may suddenly fall on frail shoulders unaccustomed to man's burdens. By maintaining adequate life insurance you can be sure of independence in your later years , .". sure that your wife will never want... sure that your children will have the advantages of an education. The sound advice of a Life Insurance Representa tive will help you solve your personal problem Consult him today. Lm Life 1 nsurance Service One of a series of messages sponsored by Canadian and British Life Insurance Companies operating in Canada, face from attic to cellar, It is washable, and there- fore the ideal sanitary deco- Yau lof childrew's tops, t ' : I¢ So Bid to apply, permanent, fire-resisting, and « It gives a lovely, soft, li t-diffusing in a wide range of ha colors, Consult your decorator or dealer. Ask him shade card, or write to us direct fora Walpamur @ product of The Crown Diamond Paint Go. Limited TORONTO + MONTREAL . HALIFAX Walpamur products are sold by W. W. Park, 82 Simcoe St. 5. " TILLIE THE TOILER a ---- = By Russ Westoves THINK WE OUGHT QET- MAC BACK? OH, ME. SIMPKINS, DON'T You PILING UP TERRIBLY TO TRY AND THE WORK 18 Oshawa, Phone 3082 - ugk 4 | H, MAC: MR. SIMPKINE WOULD LIKE To HAVE Yau COME BACK TO WORI<* NILE You Sack "Topay i = COME AND You CAN "TELL THE OLD BALLOON \ HOPE HE CHOKES OM "THAT CIGAR WE'S SMOKING 17 [i= Phe WHAT D HE SAY! OKAY, MAC: (at. BE SEEING YOU SOOM ™ 7 EONTINLD WHY, MAC SAYS HELL] "THIN HE HOPES SOURE FERL\NG GETTER IT OVER AND NOW,

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