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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1931, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 193! PAGEFIVE' tines ma en Fa Li Women's Interests in the Home and The Community Social & Personal Any social notes which readers care to submit will be printed. Kindly phone or send them to (The Times Oftice before 10.30 am. the day they are to be pub- lished. Items of mews con- cerning dances, parties, guests to and from town will be glad' received. About 65 friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs, G, H. Banner, 285 Albert Street, gathered at their summer home on Lake Scu- gog on Satumday evening, to cele- brate with them the 25th anni- versary of their wedding. During the evening the guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Banner with a beau- tiful silver tea service, and the following address: "Mr. and Mrs. Banner:--It be- comes my pleasant duty on behalf of your friends assembled here to- night to remind you that we are not forgetful of the fact that you have turned a quarter of a cen tury in wedded life. For .years it Clearing of Ladies' Coats and Dresscs $8.95 and up THE FASHION SHOPPE, 84 Simcoe St. S. Clesyance | CHILDREN'S COATS- || Sizes 4 to 14 Regular to $11.50 $4.95 and $5.95 LAMBLE'S has been our privilege to know your household in genial friend- ship. In the varied walks of neighborly and social intercourse you have contributed abundantly toward making life pleasant in the circle in which we have mov- ed. "We do not forget that when the laugh was merriest your Jappy presence added pleasure to the scene and when sorrow visited our homes your words of consolation and sympathy made the sorrow lighter. Recollecting the pleasant years made agreeable through your ac- quaintance your friends herewith present you with this silver tea service and desire you acceptance of the same. This gifts, a memorial of 25 years of wedlock, is presented as a token of the high esteem in which you are held by your many friends. May it adorne your table in the future and may the refreshing beverage you take from this tea pot be such as will aid in prolong- ing your Nves to such a time when at your golden weding. we shall by looking at these gifts be re- minded of the scene that took place 35 years before, the delight- ful occasion which we .celebrate tonight. . * » LJ Re-echo Lodge 493 L. T. B, held their regular monthly meet- ing last evening with W, M. Sis- ter Hubble in the chair and a good attendance of officers and members present. There were also some visitors from out of town lodges. Among other items of business discussed, were the plans for visiting Coronation Lodge, Toronto, on May 29th to attend a banquet and the exemp- lifying of degrees. It is expect- ed that all members of the Osh- awa Lodge will attend. ) x * = The tea given by the membpers of Castle Chapter of the Alumnae | of Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- by, in honor of the graduating Permanent tomer, Fourth All OPENING SPECIAL Given by the manager of LA MONA PRODUCTS CO. 'Who has 60,000 Pe rmanent Waves to his credit and not a dissatisfied Cus First 25 Waves ........$3.00 Second 25 Waves ......$3.50 Third 25 Waves .......$3.75 waves regular price of $7.50. Oil Waves ....$4.00 $5.00 25 Waves. . . after 100 What New York Is Wearing SIMPLLE TO MAKE YET SO P Is Its Effect By ANNETTE Today's model expresses tailored chic and exceptional charm, Its clever slimming lines will instantly appeal to the larger woman. The sueplice bodice has a very smart neckli Inverted pin tucks narrow its sho . The skirt gives the figure graceful height, all because of the clever placement of the kilted plaits and diagonal seam- ing at the front, A thin woolen in gay small frock pattern made the original, The roll- ed surplice collar and cuffs are of white pique, Style No. 301 is designed for sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust. Tweed or plain jersey is very love ly for this model, Navy blue crepe silk with white crepe, and a coin (twenty-five cent size) silk crepe in brown and white with opaline green collar and cuffs arc chic combinations, Size 36 requires 334 yards 39-inch with 34 yard 35-inch contrasting. Our large Fashion Magazine shows the latest Paris styles for Spring and Summer for adults and children. Also instructive les- sons in sewing. Price of Book 15 cents. Price of Pattern 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Adress orders to Pattern Editor, Oshawa Daily Times. MUSIC STUDY CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs R. J. Andison Heads Music Lovers' Club Mrs. R., J. Andison was elected president of the Oshawa Music Study Club at the annual election of officers held last evening, Mrs. R. Bennett, the retiring presi- dent has acted in that capacity for a term of one year. This is the second time Mrs. Andiscn has held the presidency of the club and the members chose wise- ly when they elected her to the position again this year. The other officers are: vice-president, Mrs. C. M. Mundy: Mrs. W. A. Hare, treasurer; Mrs. J. L. Beaa- ton, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Sulley; recording secretary, Ms. J. Wilkins. The executive is composed of Mrs. ¥, Hallitt, Mrs, E. Farrow, Mrs. H, E. Nicoll, Mrs, J. MeGibbon and' Mrs. R. Leo Gray. The elections were by Mrs, C. M. Mundy. . Miss Mec- Bradie, treasurer for the past vear, read her financial report. Before vacating the chair in fa- vor of Mrs. Andison, the past president, Mrs. Bennett, express- ed her appreciation of the co-op- eration on the part of the Music Study Club members during ler term of office and also gave a most hearty welcome to the new officer. The remainder of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Andison, Miss Rittenhaus, of Bishop Betlh- une College teaching staff, ren- dered two plano numbers and Miss Helen Johnston, of Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, one piano number. Vocal solos were sung by Mrs. Lesey and Miss T.eah Garrow, accompanied at the plano by Miss G. Fleming and Miss Hel- en Johnston. A vote of thanks to the programme committee, the nominating committee and the artists of the evening, by Mrs. M. Ellis, conducted The annual birthday tea of St Andrew's Ladies' Aid Society will be held in the church parlours on Thursday afternoon, May 28th. This tea will be the last of the social | was moved | | | events of the scason tor the Society. Miss Gladys Thompson, daughte of Mr and Mrs. E. A. Thompson, Mary Street, was successful in ning the Mrs, H, D. Warren 5: arship at the Ontario College of where she has been in attend By size you cannot measure wit; "Tis foolish e'en to thing of it. ---0ld Mother Nature, Old Mother Nature is right about that, Some of the smallest people are the smartest, Then again, some of the smartest people are the biggest. So size really has nothing to do with smartness. With the little and big people of the Green Iorest and the Green Meadows, of the Smil- ing Pool and the Big River, each is as smart as he has to be in order to live. If one has more enemies or more dangers than another he must be enough smarter to effect the difference in order to live. / Farmer Brown's Bby was just beginning to Fake tho acquaint- ance of some4ofl the little people of the Dry Desert, Sometimes he wondered how there could be any little desert people. Yes, sir, he did so. He wondered how they found enough to eat and he won- dered how they found enough to drink. You see. he could not im- agine anyone being able to live without drinking, Yet that was exactly what some of these little people were doing. Longfoot the Kangaroo Rat was one. He actu- ally had no use for water, This was because Old Mother Nature had so arranged matters that he didn't need water, a very con- venient arrangement considering where he lived. Rheumatism? » | | | Quick relief from rheumatio pains without harm: Already Farmer Brown's Boy had Antelope Jack, the long-leg- ged cousin of Peter Rabbit, sev- jeral times and he had made the acquaintance of Longfoot the Kangaroo Rat. As he sat there in the moonlight watching Longfoot he discovered what he thought It was Midget the Silky Pocket Mouse ieg, Of course, he was greatly in- terested at once, Soon, however, he began to suspect that he was mistaken and that' this was not one of Longfoot's babies after all, To begin with, jt didn't act at all like a baby. It seemed quite equal to taking care of itself. "Now, who can you be?" mut- tered Farmer Brown's Boy. "You've got long short front legs, and a long tail, all of which looks as if you must a jumper like Nimbleheels the [Jumping Mouse back home on ithe Green Meadows, Ha, 1 I thoygnt be S80!" Just then something had start- {led the little fellow and he had {jumped as only one built | jumping can jump. It was Mid- get the Silky Pocket Mouse, one {of the smallest of all the people | who wear fur anywhere in all [the Great World. Farmer Brown's | Boy sat still and in a few min- {utes back came Midget, Longfoot might be one of Longfoot's bab- | The Willow Milk Chocolateers No. 2 This is the Willow Milk cow so gay And here is the reason she feels that ways Creamy and rich, the best by far Her milk goes into the Willow Milk bar. FREE! New! Fascinating! Educational! Amusing! The Willarde "Chocolate Book" a beautiful twenty-page volume giving the true history of the discovery and manufacture of chocolate, tegether with the diverting adventures of Delicious and Nutritious, the Willow Milk Twins. Loaded with jolly jingles and gay with many full page coloured pictures. Will delight everyone from seven to seventy--school teachers may order in lots of fifty. Write Dept. LLWillards Chocolates, Toronto. | SPECIAL PRIZE OFFER DETAILS INCLUDEDI hindfeet and | for | The bar that makes each Willards Twin, Delicious and Nutritious, grin! Cc "DELICIOUS" * NUTRITIOUS® " Willeirds Chocobitbskes v rier for the last three years, NO FINGER WAVES REQUIRED FIRST COME FIRST SERVED KELLY'S VANITY FAIR 31 King St. West, upstairs To relieve the worst rheumatic pain is | a very simple matter. Aspirin will do it | every time! It's something that you | can always take. Genuine Aspirin tablets are harmless. Look for the Bayer Cross on cach tablet. had gone to carry his grain to his storehouse and Midget made the most of his opportunity, With his nose close to the grain he be- gin stuffing his check pockets, RIGLEYS Phone 1917 WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR boy i THESE BETTER BRAN FLAKE! ALSO COME IN A BETTER THE famous Kellogg's WAXTITE bag guards the freshness and flaver of Kellogg's 'PEP Bran Flakes. . Brings these golden flakes -oven-fresh to your table! Just another reason why Kellogg's are truly Better Bran Flakes! You get the marvelous flavor of PEP. The nourishment of the wheat -- plus just enough bran to be mildly laxative. A great treat for children -- and fine for them. Healthful and wholesome. Enjoy for breakfast with milk or cream. Serve for lunch. Eat Kellogg's PEP Bran Flakes for a late snack. Add fruits or honey for extra zest. Order the red-and-green OVEN.FRESH package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. BRAN FLAKES PACKAGE | class of this year, at the schocl yesterday afternoon was a very charming affair, Some of the senior pupils in dramatics acted in a delightful little play under the direction of Mrs. Adams, Miss Hana Fukuda and Miss Flora Mec- Donald played piano solos. The tea table was presided over Ly Miss Maxwell, Dean of the Col- lege and Mrs. C. R. Carscadden, SAVED IMPORTED DRESS "After a little wearing, a lovely green voile--an imported dress ~lost color so completely that it was not wearable, A friend who had admired it asked me why I wasn't wearing it any more. On hearing the reason, she advised dyeing it and recommended Dia- mond Dyes. To make a long story short, it turned out beautifully. I have a lovely new dress that really cost just 15c--the price of one package of Diamond Dyes. "I have since used Diamond Dyes for both tinting and dyeing, They do either equally well, I am not an expert dyer but I never have a failure with Diathond Dyes. They seem to be made so they always go on smopthly and evenly. They never spot, streak or run; and friends never know the things I dye with Diamond Dyes are redyed at all!" Mrs. R.F.. Quebec. Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Ozlina St. TRADE MARK REQ. "MADE IN CANADA" ASPImIY Our Reg. $10.00 Wave at . . Our Reg. $7.50 Wave at . . Betty Lou Special Permanent Nave Where you get a satisfactory GUARANTEE Our permanent leaves your ha ir with such a soft beautiful deep wave with ringlett curly e nds. Mrs Allen has just returns ed from Montreal, with the newest and latest in hair dress. ing. He has also with him Miss Hopkins who is an expert finger waver and has a wide experience throughout Canada and the United States. Wé are not connected with any other Beauty Parlor in this City. Betty Lou Beauty Parlors 86 SIMCOE ST. NORTH. PHONE 2068 for he also is the happy possessor | of pockets, So fast did his tiny front feet move that | Brown's hoy couldn't {what the movement was, He | wouldn't have known what Mid- | get was doing had he not noticed | Midget's cheeks. They were swelling out, Even while he stared at them they grew more and more plump, Farmer Brown's boy laughed right out and that | scared Midget, and away he | scampered. Anyway, his pockets | needed emptytng. | He wasn't gone long, hut when | he returned Longfoot was there {and wouldn't let him near that grain. He was selfish, was Long- foot, He wouldn't have let Mid- get have a grain if he could have helped it, but he couldn't help it. He was quick, was Longfoot, but. Midget was quicker and would dart in, get a grain and slip away before Longfoot could | stop "him, . "It. is mine, all mine. Keep away, you little thief!" squeaked Longfoot, "Only that which you get is yours. What I can get is mine," squeaked Midget in reply. "I am coming here by daylight when I can see these little scamps better," declared Farmer Brown's Boy, not knowing that these little desert people were far too wise to be out and about in the heat of day. (Copyright, Burgess), 1931 by T.-W. The next story: "The Closed Doors." HELPFUL HUSBAND "Dora wrote she'd try and come up this week-end," said Mrs. James to her husband. "But I'm not sure, and if she doesn't come we could go out of town." Husband didn't look worried. He only said "Why not telephone her?" And then Mrs, James felt foolish for not having thought of Long Distance, Farmer | see just | ACH of these" WRIGLEY packages contains' the best that can be produced in chewing gum.' * The cool "comforting / flavors freshén the mouth and sweeten the breath--} the chewing steadies the nerves and aids digestion . = the sugar is energy 'in " concentrated form and keeps you "up and coming." You are' getting good " for the teeth, mouth, throat, stomach and nerves. Keep fit with WRIGLEY'S. | Inexpensive--Satisfying. |: CLs in TILLIE THE TOILER E YOU FROM MAC ApouT] COMING BACK HFRE TO WORK 7 How LONG DOES WE WANT 'To THIN IY OVER By Russ Westover YES, SIR! HERE I HE IS, MR, SIM SAY, MAC! Youve [Tr GOTTA cur JT S's NONSDENS Back = } Downer BLAME Him. YoU DIDNT #4 TALK VER WHY, "THE LITTLE CHUMP HUNS UP ON ME*

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