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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1931 LAWN BOWLERS OPEN SEASON FRI -- LEAFS WIN CLOSE GAM Cantrell And Welch Stage Pitcher's Duel & Rabbitt Scores the Winning Run Without Aid of a Hit--Hurlers Stage Real Battle With Cantrell Having Edge Toronto, May 19.--Playing a much improved brand of ball the Leafs leaped back into popular favor yesterday when they de- feated the Reading Keystones by 2 to 1 in as tight a hurling duel as will be witnessed here this season. Guy Cantrell and Johnny Welch, stellar righthanders, were in great form, and while the locals were outhit by six to three and scored ' the winning marker without making a safety they were not outplayed. Cantrell being particularly effective when danger threatened. Manager O'Neill took over the catching duties and assigned the coaching task along and third base line to Art Stack, This bit of strategy brought results. O'Neill was the same old reliable, while Stack was chuck full of pep and made a hit with the fans. As a result the Leafs showed a lot more fight,and delighted the small gathering of fans who braved the chilly breezes to see their favorites in action, Joe' Rabbitt was the hero of the fray. This fleet outfielder Wednesday and Thursday RING, SHING MELODRAMA! WILLIAM POWELL THE WORLD TONIGHT Marlene Dietrich Victor McLaglen ' *'DRESSERWARE NIGHT" in "Dishonored" -1931 Brand New Chevrolet De Luxe Sedan ROSS, AMES AND GART- SHORE King St. West. hone 1160 ~ = Leafs Win Game 2-1 made a remarkable catch to re- tire Conroy and the side in the eighth inning, and then, being lead-off man in the Toronto half, he promptly drew a pass, advanced to second on Richard- son's sacrifice, stole third and then scored the winning run when Joe Harris lifted a long fly ball to Whitman, Rabbitt drew two walks and pilfered as many bases, thus earnings a real trial as a regular. Over the Fences Art, Shiver gave the locals a one-run lead in.the second inning when he poled the ball over the right-field fence but in the sixth Cantrell grooved ome for that dangerous batsman. George Quel- lich. and the Reading slugger found the range, the ball disap- pearing across the fence in left- field and tying the score. Quellich has a habit of performing this feat at Maple Leafs Stadium. He cannot be trifled with. Op three occasions the Key- stones' lead-off man reached the runway, but Cantrell bore down with telling results and no dam- age occurred, barring that to the cause of "Pants" Rowland's men, In favor of the visitors it must be said that they did not look like tailenders. They have fight- ing spirit and they tried all the time, There were only two erros, one by Jay Partridge of the Keys and one by the usually reliable Billy Rogell. However, the latter ac- cepted nine other chances with- out a miscue and figured in a double play in the first inning. There were three such triple killings; the Pennsylvanians mak- ing two to keep Welch out of more trouble, Stars Afield Jo Rabbitt and "Wid"? Math- ews supplied the fielding feat- ures, making sensational catches in the outfield, but Joe Harris also got into the calcium glare | when he went far to his right to | get Pinch-hitter Barrett's ground- {er in the final inning. Cantrell [covered first base and Harris's {throw retired Barrett and ended the game. The Leafs took chances on the runway when the occasion de- manded it, but they sidetracked the all-too-risky tactics that mar- red their play against Newark in last Saturday's double-head- er. Manager O'Neill expressed himself as being delighted with this change for the better, | | AMERICAN A'S WIN ANOTHER Cleveland, May 19.--The world champion Philadelphia Athletics, firmly entrenched in first place in the American lL.eague, yester- day won their tenth straight game, and sent the Cleveland In- dians tumbling to sixth place by slamming out a 10-to-7 decision. It gave the Athletics a clean | sweep of the four-game series, | George Walberg won his sixth | game in seven starts, although he {had to be rescued by "Lefty" { Grove, who pitched a whol game Saturday, and finished yesterday |and today, Jimmy Foxx, Phila- delphia first baseman, got his second home run in two days, be- sides two singles, in four trips. Cochrane and Simmons also got three blows, * while Potter and | Vosmik got three each for Cleve- land. Bill Kamm, just obtained from the Chicago White Sox, played third for Cleveland, got two hits and drove in a run, besides play- ing errorlesg ball. GET YOUR PHILCO RADIO NOW * We allow $25.00 to $75.00 on your Battery Set ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe St. South Seat ROTISH, Manager 11 Simcoe Street South YANKEES WIN WEIRD GAME Detroit, May 19.--The New York Yankees combined 19 hits with 16 passes and 5 Detroit er- rors to take a weird one from the Tigers yesterday, 20 to 8, and gain an even break for the four-game series, Four pitchers took a hand at trying to stop the Yanks, includ- ing Mark Koenig, who is a short- stop by trade, but none had any fuck, In three different innings the winners batted around. After scoring eight runs in the eighth, they topped off their perform- ance with five more in the nint on two hits, ove All... '|Kinlay and J, F. {to 4. Hurst's score his sixth straight victory of /|Into the left field bleachers gave Baseball Results INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Ww Newark Montreal Buffalo .. +... ve wee 11 13 se ee GPORT SNAPSHOT Baltimore «. .. 13 Toronto ' Rochester .. Jersey City .. . Reading .. .. Yesterday's Results Toronto ..... 2 Reading ... 1 Rochester ... 4 Baltimore .. 3 Montreal ... 12 Jersey City . 5 Newark 4 Buffalo ... 3 Games today:--Reading at To- ronto; Baltimore at Rochester; Jersey City at Montreal; New- ark at Buffalo. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost St. Louis ..... 15 6 New York . 16 Boston . 15 Chicago 12 Pittsburg or 13 Philadelphia .. 11 Breoklyn ,.. ..., 11 16 Cincinnati .. . 6 19 Yesterday's Results New York ... 6 St. louis ... ! Brooklyn .. 14 Cincinnatj Boston .... 3 Pittsburg Philadelphia 5 Chicago .... 4 Games today: Pittsburg at Philadelphia; Cincinnati at New York; Chicago at Boston; St. Louis at Brooklyn. AMERICAN LEAGUE z Won Lost PC. V [ 08 6 7 P.C. W714 %567 600 522 481 na 23 .e ase 15 Philadelphia New York . Washington 1 1 10 615 1 Detroit .... 1 1 1 1 12.536 15 ..516 15 444 16.429 6 Chicago .. Cleveland .. Boston .. .... 16 407 St. Louis .. .. 17 292 Yesterday's Results Chicago .... 9 Boston New York .. 20 Detroit Philadelphia 10 Cleveland No other games scheduled. Games today: Washington at Chicago; Philadelphia at Detroit; New York at Cleveland; Boston at St. Louis, Geo. Voigt Enters The 3rd Round Westward, Ho! Devan, Eng., May 19.--George Voigt, United States contender for the British amateur golfing throne Bobby | Jones renounced, yesterday | marched halfway through the | field of the 1931 chamjqonship | tournamernt to the third round. | With Voigt into the third | round went an array of British players that included Eric Fid- dian, former boy champion; T. A. Torrance, member of the Walker Cup squad; John Defor- est, R. H. Montgomery, Bernard Darwin and Sir Harold Gillies, Fiddian today defeated S. I.. Mec- Ireland. Fid- dian ranks as one of the British favorites, It took Voigt but thirty holes today against stern opposition to win his first and second-round matches. He defeated T. H, Bow- man, a farmer and Norfolk cham. pion, in the first, 4 and 3, apd then disposed of Francis Francis, athletic young officer from his Majesty's crack guards regiment in the second, 5 and 2 ; Meets Fairbank's Conqueror Voigt will play but one round tomorrow, meeting J. R. Aber- crombie of the Royal Liverpool Club, who today defeated the United States motion-picture star, Douglas Fairbanks, one up. » Z > 1 7 | | NATIONAL GIANTS WIN, ODD ONE New York, ' May 19.--Bill Walker's fine pitching and timely hitting by Travis Jackson and Johnny Verges enabled the New York Giants to take the odd game of their three-game series with the St. Louis Cardinals 6 to 2 yesterday. Walker limited the league champions to six scattered hits, and none of the runs scored off him was earned. 'Jess' Haines, who started for the Cards, was relieved in the seventh inning and changed with his first defeat of the year. CUBS BEATEN AGAIN Philadelphia, May 19.--Rally- ing in the ninth inning and scor- ing two runs, the Phils nosed out the Chicago Cubs yesterday in the last game of the series by 5 single off Jakie May, who had relieved Baecht, yushed Bartell over the plate #ith the winning run, Arlett hit his seventh home run of the season in the second inning. Stoner started for the Phillies 'and was relieved by Watt, who in turn was supplant- ed .by Benge. The latter got credit for the victory, ANOTHER FOR BRANDT Boston, May 19.--Ed Brandt, Boston Braves' star southpaw, held the Pittsburg Pirates to five hits yesterday to win, 3 to 1, and the season. He has yet to lose a game this year. "Red" Worthington connected for 'two doubles off Brame and scored two of the Bravse' runs, while Ed Phillips's home run the Pirates their only score, The victory gave the Braves a 2 to 1 edge in the three-game apries; 0.A.L.A, Intermediate Groupings The Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Association held another importau. meeting last night in Toronto and once again the Brampton Excelsiors did not send a representative. As a result it was found impossible to draw up the Senior Schedule, Whether this is the method Brampton has chosen to bring the O.A.L.A, "to terms" as not stated but it looks very much as if the Mann Cup holders are trying to play a *My Way" game. Oshawa is definitely entered in the Senior O.A.L.A, Series but whether they will carry on in the top company is an important question which will be influenced by a number of important facts, groupings drawn up by the O.A. L.A. Oakwood, St. Simon's and Brampton, In the Intermediate last night, Oshawa is grouped with No mention of the eastern group, Campbellford, Havelock, Peterboro, is made. 1i Oshawa enters the Sen- jor series, then they will find it hard to keep Inter, company with St no's, Brampton and Oakwood. 1 * "® »* * Legion Softball Team Practises Tonight All members, past and prospective, of the Canadian Legion Softball team are asked to be on hand at Rotary Park tonight at 7.00 p.m. sharp, when this team will hold a practice, to have a rull turnout and all playe ell possible * x The management is very anxious rs are urged to be on hand, if w * Oshawa Boy Leads Team .in Hitting Gord. Young, well known Oshaw Toronto and playing with a vengeance, 'Last night, Gord. Lits out of his team's thirteen, Bell Cayley did not have a putout, * v.hich St. George's defeated * baseball for St. Incidentally I'clephone by 6 to 2, first bas a athlete, at present employed in George's Seniors, is maki led his team for hits, getting thre in the game last nght 1 * » "Mike's Place" Jrs. Beat "Newsies" The "Mike's Place" an exhibition game at Juniors Cowan's tonight, " two squads hook up again * defeated Park The game was featured by the heavy hitting of Intermediates last night by a sc of 18 to 12 both teams. The Stadium the Times same at the Motor City * * Ladies' I'ield Day at Golf Club lay is the Ladies' Ficld Day Today ideal weather prevailing, y the Driving, Ag at place. This morni will. be held and this atrtern * Lawn Bowlers » The big Saturday but ha the Oshawa greens on Friday Club is making a rcal eff r best to bri » * That Softball As was hinted at, in yesterday's cially the cerning of the Daily d on the sitnatior Wi Gibb start ut Teddy Oke did 1 they should know it opening da at Bowling end they are two proniment won little Star at our softball turmoi 1d ment ( en these two new her 1..y¢ t know b porting tter. activities which to be postponed on account of the rain, wi'l rt to stimulate interest in Phyllis Griffiths of the Ever mpliment rday a r Oshawa. the Oshawa Golf Cull and with the the local Golf course should be a very popular yproaching and Putting Competition on a Me dal Round will be run off * * Open Friday were to have been } « be held The local Lawn the about an increased mem * s week. game, bership * "Boomerang" issue, Toronto sport writers, espe- a4 deal to say con Alexandrine Telegram, com stand and sup it be right "Mabel Ra That was last week, To-d ad quite Both Gibb, g Oshawa on i pers agree, 1 follow and "DUDE" FODEN BOOTS HOME THE WINNER | Toronto, May 19.--"Dude" Foden, whose ability as a jockey cannot be denied, booted home the winner in the feature race on the fifth day's program at Thorneliffe yesterday, when as- tride Clear Sky, owned by J. E. Smallman, he scored by a head margin over Mine Sweeper in a blanket finish aftr a hard drive down the stretch. The second horse, owned by John Goff, was seven clear lengths in front of Guilford, which captured show position, THOSE POOR OLD REDS Brooklyn, May 19.---Brook- lyn's latent batting power finally broke loose yesterday and smoth- ered four Cincinnati hurlers un- der a 14 to 4 score, The victory gave the Robins two out of three for the series, Babe Herman found his batting ege in a big way, smashing a single, double, triple and home run in five times at bat, He drove in five runs, scored four and stole a base. His teammate, Frederick, also Hit a homer, YOU KNOW QHEEXACT TI ME DO {COVERED BY.z DAY/IS NOT 2 24 HOURS (interviewing appli- position) honest trustwor- Executive cant for responsible "Are you absolutely straightforward and thy?" Applicant indeed, I am, sir. "Yes, Executive: "If you should en- ter this office tomorrow morning and find a wallet containing $100,00, what would you do?" Applicant: "What would I do?" What would I do? I'd do nothing and live on my income," "There, now!" exclaimed a lit- tle girl, while rummaging a draw- er in the bureau, "grandpa has gone to heaven without hisspec- tales." ' at | ther fact that most of the teams O.ALA, | Ready For | Big Season Toronto, May 19.--The O.A.L.A. exccutive held another meeting at the Prince George Hotel last evening for the purpose of pass- ing on playing certificates of the Brampton and other clubs, but Brampton failed to put in an ap- pearance. After considerable discussicn the matter of drawing up the gen- for schedule without Excelsiors was decided, and the five teams, including Native Sons, St. Sim- on's, Mimico, Oshawa and Ham- ilton adjourned to ancther room to draft the season's games, it then transpired that Native Sons had no definite dates on which Lo play thejr fixtures, while all that St. Simon's could produce were Wednesday exening fixtures and a Dominion Day date at Ulster Stadium, in the hope of playing the rest of their games at Varsity Stadium after the first week of July, OSHAWA'S ~0.A.L.A.-- GROUPING INTERMEDIATE Group 1--Kitchener, Brantford, Hespeler, St. and Fergus. Group 2---Brampton, St, on's, Oakwood and Oshawa, Group 3---Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Niagara Falls, Ont.; and St. Ca- tharines. Guelph, Mary's Sim- Junior Group 1--Mimico, St, Simon's, Mount Dennis, Weston, St. Helen's, Group 2--Fergus, Brampton. Group 3 -- St, Catharines and Brantford. Kitchener, Juvenile St. Catharines, Brampton, Hes- peler, St. Simon's and Fergus, Owing to the indefiniteness of | the Toronto dates, and the fur- were not ready to start the sea- sons grind until the middle of | until { night | forward | look | the | | BELANGER {shown | Charlie ' heavyweight champion, decisive- | | champion Miss | next week, an adjournment of the schedule meeting was arranged Thursday night. by. the arrival of Thursday at § o'clock, when the sen- } jor schedule is to Le drafted, | Brampton and Native Sons come | with their bonds and | playing dates, a six-club group will be arranged, failing wHich it like a four club circuit for major If series. OUTPOINTS PETE LATZO Toronto, May 19.--Giving by far the most impressive display of boxing skill he has ever before a Toronto crowd. Belanger, Canadian light- | ly outpointed Pete Latzo of Scan- | Pa., former welterweight ot the world, in the |eight-round final bout of a sparkling program at the Arena | Gardens. The match climaxed a card which provided exciting ac- the way. Three stellar | | ton, {tion all of the two feature events, iu | which Jack Renault, Canadian | heavyweight veteran, scored a | | clean knockout over Art Weigand lof Buffalo in the fourth round. Following such a supporung card, the final appeared tame at | but after the first two fnimates of the initial round | Belanger set to work in real | carnest, and through his own ef- | | forts maintained interest in the | proceedings all the way. Belanger at His Best Belanger had appeared®io ad- | vantage in his two victories over | {the unorthodox Weigand, but he | showed at his best last night, His | judgment of distance was ex- | | cellent; his left hand was | | [ the start, tive and his right almost as | good. In addition, he showed | surprising. speed for a light- | heavyweight, both in the matter | of punching and in footwork. Renault Stops Weigand Pluck Art Weigand of Buffalo conceded thirty pounds in weight [to Jack Renault, burly Canadian | veteran, and found the going too | rough. Nothing daunted by his | | opponent's size and strength. INTERNATIONAL | | scored two of his mates ahead ; | Urbanski played sensationally -| preliminaries led up to the first | BEARS EKE OUT WIN Buffalo, May 19.--The winning streak of the Buffalo Bisons was shattered here yesterday after- noon after a run of six straight, | when the Newark Bears squeezed out a 4-fo-3 victory in a listless contest, thus keeping a grip on first place in the standing. The Bears drove Joe Bloomer from the box,.and won the game with a two run scoring splurge in the eighth inning. Three singles by Zitsmann, Rosenberg and Hargreaves were combined with a sacrifice and a walk to de- cide the issue. URBANSKI'S BIG DAY Montreal, May 19.--The Jersey City Skeeters played carelessly behind their - pitchers yesterday and five hurlers were combed for 13 hits as the Royals won the third game of the series, 12 to 5. Urbanski led the attack with three hite, one of them being a home run inside the park that of him. Thormahlen pitched even in- nings, and was taken out in the eighth, but was credited with his fourth win of the season, and his second straight over the Skeeters. in the field for the Royals. RED @VINGS BEAT ORIOLES Rochester, May 19.--Roches- ter scored three times in the fifth inning to wipe out and early Baltimore Lead and the Red Wings defeated the Orioles yes- terday by 4 to 3. Herman Bell was effective with men on bases, and, although he allowed nine hits he ke, them well scattered after the first ses- sion, when Daltimore scored two on four hits. Wilson's triple was the big blow of the fourth, fol- lowing singles by Holm and Bell, Jordan then singled Wilson heme with what proved to be the win- ning run. "Cricket To Commence Soon," The "kick it" season is ended. Weigand did more of the lead- ing than Renault, but weakened toward the end of the third round and went out from a short, jarring® right to the face after twenty-four seconds of boxing in the fourth frame, : Oshawa Lawn Bowlers Open Friday Nighi The Oshawa wn Bowler: will officially open the season on Friday night next at 7.30 p.m., when the annual president vs. vice-president competition will be held. Although the club were disappointed in the weather last Saturday, when the opening was to have been held, it is confident- ly hoped that weather permitting there will be a record turnout. The club is particularly anx- lous that as many of the old as well as the new members as pos- sible, be on hand on Friday even- ing, s0 that they may be regis. tered for the Kaiser Cup competi: tion. Teams for this event can- not he drawn it is pointed out before the members of the clut have all been gathered into a Jist by the secretary, Quite apart from the men's opening, which will be held on | Friday, the ladies' section of the club are to hold a special open- ing ceremony of their own next week. The bowling club has taken de- finite steps to create interest in the game among the younger men of the city who will make the bowlers of the future. At an ex- ecutive meeting held last night, it was decided that the fee for Junior members, or all of those under the age of twenty years would he $7.50 or just half of the regular men's fee, The ladies' ng it might be pointed out, is 5. The greens of the club are in the very best of condition this year and 'those who played on them last night found that the grass has much improved in tex- ture and that the green js as fast as jt was in past years. Quite a numher of ladies were out Jast | night and the club members are | reminded that they do mot have to wait until the official opening on Friday evening to get in the odd game, as the green are sil ready now and can be played on, THRILLS AT CHICAGO Chicago, May 19.--Chicag: hammered Horace Lisenbee and Ed Durham for six runs om six hits in the ninth inning yester- day, and took a thriller from the Boston Red' Sox, 9 to 8. Trailing five runs in the final frame, Kerr and Jeffries opened with singles, and McKain walk- ed, filling the bases. Durham re- placed Lisenbee, and Blue got a triple when Webh misjudged his low liner. Cissell and Reynolds were disposed of, but Jolley singled, and so did Eichrodt. Simons patted for Tate, and doubled to right, ending the game, : NEW MARTIN NOW PLAYING Shown at 2.30 - 7-9 25¢ The Model Wi "8.80 9 LLY The Willys Eight "8-80 brings beauty. roominess. power und luxury new, to its price class. Overall chassis length 166 inches. 80 horsepower motor. Speed 75 miles an hour--48 in second gear. 120 inch wheel- base. Rubber insulated engine. Full pressure lubrication, internal expanding brakes fully enclosed, hydraulic shock eliminator, adjustable front seat. Finger tip control, deluxe interior fitmenis. The greatest Delivered to you in Oshawa F ully Equipped, Taxes Paid for only *1270 Now--you can buy a big, powerful Eight at the price of a six 1 With 6 wire wheels $1368 4 eight cylinder value of the yeat. Geta demonstration. eg R. NICHOLLS Courtice A rt mm a me 7

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