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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 May 1931, p. 9

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l {ITE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1931 Wife Can 1 estify Against Husband, Montreal, May 21.--The sec- ion of the Criminal Code which provides that a wife cannot give testimony where her husband is the accused, was invoked Tues- jay morning in the Court of King's Bench by Guy Perron, sounsel for Henri Clement on trial for alleged attempted mur- der. Mr, Justice Wilson .over- ruled Mp. Perron's objection. His Lordship. mitted the ap- plicability of the section in ques- tion, where third parties are con- cerned, but -peinted out that in this case it is the wife whom the husband is charged with shoot- ing. The long arm of the law is forcibly illustrated in. trial. According to Dan, P. Gillmor, K. C., Crown prosecutor, it was on January 18, 1918, that Clement fired a number of revolver shots at his as she returned fo her e of employment, 'the residénce "of "Mr. Justice Desaul- niers, on Sherbrooke street east. Clement disappeared and it was not until March 20 last that po- lice were able to serve the war- rant for his arrest. Annie Beaubien, wife of Cle- ment, was the first witness call- ourt Declares ed by the Crown. She is a kindly matronly woman in appearance. She related that previous to the encounter with her husband when he fired his revolver sev- eral times at her, their relations had been strained. She was earn- ing her own living and making every effort to avoid him and live 4 peace. She told the Court that she still carried a bullet in her body. Dr. Mercier, one of the doctors who attended her when she was shot, has since died. Madame Desaulniers gave cor- roboratory evidence. The case is continuing. "It may be true that no man is a hero to his valet; but few men have valets."--Rupert Hughes. "It is our dreams that the body makes itself aware of our mind."-- Dr. Carl Jung. "The English are not an inventive people; they don't eat enough pie." --Thomas A. Edison. The difference in effect of the stuff Rip drank and what Wwe drink is that Rip woke*up.--Penn Paper. 3 Tr -- If you find any out of work milk bottles ior during the spring clean up we can give them a job. "OSHAWA DAIRY "Where The Pure Milk Comes From" BRAND Your Driver Carries a full line of Dairy Products. The Flavour is Superior The Quality is Assured The Price is Right BUTTER No. 1 Creamery in Carton, 25¢ EGGS New Laid Firsts, 20¢ Cottage Cheese, 10c | PADLOCK LAW AGAIN ATTACKED Montreal, May 21.--The ques tion of the right of the Record- er's Court to padlock premises where three infractions. of the liquor law have occurred 'will again be fought out in the courts in consequence of a judgment of Mr. Justice Cousineau in the Practice Court Tuesday morning. After a lengthy argument a writ was issued in the case vaken by Miss Annette Bornut, ordering the transfer of the record in the Recorder's Court to the Superior Court for review, In connection with the padlock proceedings, the action of the Recorder's Court was attacked by Albert Theberge, K.C., repre- senting the plaintiff, on the main ground that the propefty owner was not given an opportunity of appearing in the court to defend her interests. In view of the fact that the city by-law gave to the Recorder's Court the right of closing premises, and made no provision for property rights be- longing to the property owner as distinct from the" tenant, it was contended that the law was ultra vires. Further, in the present in- stance, the point was raised of the right of Director of* Police Dufresne to execute a judgment which he himself had given in his earlier role of Recorder. PAGE NINE [IHING SKIN Do dds OINTMENT In a far like the finest face creams. Price 50 7 modelled by instuting the posi- tion of president. Mr. Beatty kindly consented to be the first to fill that post. REPORT ON HUDSON INSURANCE RATES Statement Is Issued By Imperial Shipping Committee London, May 21.--The second report of the Imperial Shipping Committee on Hudson Bay mar- ine insurance rates for 1931 says it is understood the Canadian Government intends to open the port of Churchill for traffic next September. "Since the grain elevator apparently will not be ready before Sept."15, and as only a portion of the wharfage accommodation will be completed, it is evident shipments of grain from Churchill must be limited during 1931 to a few vessels only," the report declares, The report also says the Joint Hull Committee has agreed to reduce the rate of the additional premium for suspension of the North American warranty with respect to vessels passing Cape Cidley inwards on and after Aug. 10 and leaving the last landing port in Hudson Bay on or before Sept. 30. The reduction will be from 60 shillings to 50 shillings per 100 on insured value, plus two shillings per ton on gross registered tonnage. The committee also agreed to extend the limit for sailing from Church to Oct. 7 for a ten per cent. increase on the above date, and will permit a further exten- sion up to Oct. 15 for a 25 per cent, increase on the above rate. The rates are only to be regard- ed as current for the 1931 season and are the minimum figures. Underwriters reserve the right to quote a higher rate for any ves- sel below proper standards of ef- ficiency. Canadians should accord all possible publicity to the facilities available at Church for discharg- ing, loading and anchordge be- fore the opening of the 1932 season, the report says, because it may affect the rates of addi- tional premiums recommended by the Joint Hull Committee for that season, and also because the possibility of demurrage must be taken into account dn finding charters, The report concludes that the rates for pilot service. to take vessels through Hudson Straits would at least be pro- hibitive, and suggests a more thorough detailed survey of the Straits, HOUSE FIGHT NEAR OVER DOLE CHANGE London, May 21.--The Labor Government will strike another snag shortly-- the question of reform of the dole. It is already apparent that the whole trades union movement will vigorously oppose any dras- tic reform of the scheme of un- employment insurance, And yet it is generally believed that the Royal Commission which has been investigating the dole for many months, in its interim re- port shortly can only recommend reducing the scale of payments and at the same time increasing the contributions from workers employers and state, For the unemployment insur- ance fund has a huge deficit and is running into more debt at the rate of $5,000,000 a week, so the necessity of drastic revision is obvious. When 'the report is laid down and the time comes for the Gov- ernment to act upon it, the Prime Minister will likely be em- barrassed by many of his sup- porters, Will Thorne, secretary of the General Workers' Union, declares that its 19 representa- tives in the House of Commons are in duty bound to vote against any radical changes--even if such action involves defeat of the "SALADE" TEA The Tea that comes to you, "Fresh from the Gardens" CHARLOTTETOWN BISHOP INSTALLED Charlottetown, P.E.I.,, May 21. --With all the impressive and colorful ritual of the Roman Catholic Church, His Most Rev- erend Excellency Rt. Rev. Joseph A. O'Sullivan, D.D., consecrated bishop of the diocese of Char- lottetown at his native city of Hamilton, Ont., on May 7, was installed Monday night {in his new office, St. Dunstan's Basilica, the largest and the most beauti- ful religious edifice in the prov- ince, where the ceremony was held, was cfowded to overflow- ing. His Lordship was installed by Archbishop Thomas O'Don- Labor Government, nell, of Halifax, there also being in the sanctuary Bishop Morri- son, of Antigonish, a native of Prince Edward Island; Bishop Leblanc, of Saint John; twelve priests from the Hamilton and Ontario dioceses, and all the Catholic clergy of the island. His Lordship was met at the door of the Basilica by the rec- tor, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Maurice MacDonald, and the pro- cession of 70 surpliced priests, and Monsignori preceded him to the sanctuary to the strains of solemn music. After the reading of the Papal Bull the installation took- place, The new bishop was then pre- sented with a purse of gold and an address on behalf of the clergy, the address being read by Rt. Rev. Monsignor S. A. Mc- ean, Vicar General, who had acted as administrator of the diocese since the death of Bishop O'Leary. Golf Knickers Neat patterns in var- fous shades of Summer Tweeds or Linen, All sizes. Special $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 HOLIDAY people. Siberry's SPECIALS Good value in reliable merchandise, makes Siberry's the "Happy Shopping Ground" for value wise Men and young men can choose their holiday or sports wear here, knowing that our prices are right, our variety unequalled and our merchandise above par. 75¢ Naincheck Combinations High grade White Nainscheck Combinations. |fectly finished. Buttonless style. Sizes 34 to 44, Holiday Special ..... 49¢ Per- $1.50 Silk Rayon Combinations Finest "Run Proof" Silk Rayen, Athletic Style Com- binations. Buttoned or Buttonless style in newest shades of Pink, Peach, Flesh and White, Sizes 84 to 46. Holiday Special .ccoveee.. 19¢ $1.50 White Broadcloth Shirts for 79¢ Fine quality. Genuine White Broadcloth Shirts. Full fitting and perfectly finished in cullar attached style. > Sizes 14 to 17. Holiday Special 2 for $1.50 79 c Flannel New Summer Suits. Prfects ly tailored from Pure Wool English Flannels Greys. Plain Sands or Fancy Sands. "Sport" or Summer Suits. Are serviceable and very dressy. Coats with rope or regular shoulders. All sizes. Special $22.50 Men's Suits in fancy These make ideal Single Breasted $2.00 Arrow Shirts for $1.49 Arrow Broadcloth Repp Shirts. plain shades including Green and Blue. Collar attached or with two separate collars. Sizes 14 to 16%. Holiday Special and Arrow Fancy stripes or binations, $1.49 $1.25 Balbriggan Combinations for 79c Finest grade Balbriggan Com. short or long sleeves and legs. Very speclal value, Sizes 34 io 46. Holiday special Cotton Cream shade, with Helio. Holiday 19¢c $2.00 Men's Pyjamas plain shades of Blue, Sand and Properly for $1.49 Broadcloth Pyjamas in Guaranteed fast color. finished, All sizes. Speen) $1.49 Shirts and Shorts in best quality. 75¢ "Grad" Underwear for 49¢ Shirts come in finest grade. "Run resist" Silk Rayon and fine Cotton. Shorts are Fancy Striped Broadcloth, Prints or Silk Rayon. In all the new colors. All sizes. Holiday Special 2 49 c Men's Khaki Trousers Heavy Duck or Drill Khaki Trousers. Properly tailored and well finished. All sizes. Spectal 98c $1.49 $1.95 $1.50 Leather Belts for $1 Genuine Leather Tan and Grey. Nickle Plated All sizes. pecial $1.00 Belts, Finished Initial Black, with Buckles. silk lined. $2.00 Men's Caps for 95¢ Best quality Summer Donegals and Homespuns, In all the new patterns and colors. All 95¢ $1 9, $2.95, $3.95 Holiday Special ....., Tweeds, All sizes. : Men's Fancy Pullovers Pullovers V Neck style in var Jou taney colors .All Wool. All One or Two Men's Pant SUITS Very special values are offered in these Suits. Worsteds, Tweeds, Navy Blue Serges, Pin Stripes, etc, are representod in all the new col ad phyla patterns. Dress up for Victoria Day at these special prices. All sizes, All styles. (With one or two pants). Specially priced at: . $19.75 $16.78 $24.50 $29.50 Men's Lightweight Sweater Coats Pure wool; light weight V Neck Sweater Coats in all the various colors and plain shades. Aberley or Penman make. All sizes. $149 $295 $3.95 Men's Socks Specially, $4.95 Priced The greatest variety and best values ever offered in Men's ks. Fancy stripe. Ohecks, Plaids, Clox, etc, In all the new and sporty patterns. Silk and Wool, Silk Lisle, or Silk and: Lisle materials 25 35 S5¢ Fon $5.00 Golf Sets for $3.95 Pure Wool Golf Sets, consisting of V Neck Pullovers and Golf Hose to match. Plain shades of Green, Sand, Wine, Black, Navy or Powder Blue. All sizes. day Special ® Men's Golf 1°$3.50 Sleeveless Hose Pullovers $2.45 Pure Wool and Cashmere Golf Fancy Stitched, White, English ° Socks. Fancy colors or plain shades, Wonderful values, made, V Nou Pullovers. Pure shades. Good variety. All sizes, sizes, Holiday Special $3. 95 Wool. All s $2 45 $1.00 $1.50 $1.95 Holiday do. cave Men's Summer Weight binations Complete range of Summer Weight Com. bination now in stock including Silk Best quality Rayon, Nainscheck, Broadcloth and Bal. English Flannel, briggen, Al styles Including Hutehway, ; wh) lly p peoperty ullor Fd ; a 9 nie All sizes. : : All It is the new Seiberling SPECIAL SERVICE bale 9c oy 49 $1005 7" 35 is traction and wear beyond anything we wer fers : gh ; have seen. See his' HES ot ous. Wave siammmibie th--comtiire it with any tire you know. We believe you will agree with us that it is the tire you want. Men's $5.00 Sweater Coats for $3.9! . Scott made, best grade Pure Wool Sweater Coats. Homey Comb or Jumbo Knit. In all the brilliant combination colors or pila SEIBERLING NEWER! BIGGER! TOUGHER! Here is a tire that we will gladly put side by NN side in comparison with any tire that is made today,.. For we know that no tire can be bigger, tougher, stronger. Cream Trousers Grey Flannd [| Trousers | Finest grade Flannel in best shades of Gr and Sand. All sizes. a 5295 $3.95 $498 & cos ,, oa "MONDAY DAY" EE au

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