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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 May 1931, p. 10

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Sow a Ne In RE NWR SRA AA Eg So | 3 § H Ld . 3 # 4 se * Pe ' * TOTS SIL HIE IO Sv Tires - F TTT eg er --_-- TS -------- , tongues, The { i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1931 i i i kd Eastern Ontario News | He amptville Edward Kennedy, who has a farm two miles east of this town has a five weeks old baby he is thankful cannot talk. It is a Holstein bull calf. The calf in question would make an excellent member of parliament, It has two mouths and latter are not ! Spanish, French, and slang, but + real Tn --------------d et honest-to-goodness veal yardage. Master Holstein will have plenty of cud to chew as he grows older. Born five weeks ago, the calf is as frisky and hard to manage as any normal animal of its kind. He absolutely refused to pose for a good pic- ture. Bend Another Freak Roseneeath.--When the old hen refused to hatch its allotted number of eggs, leaving one, the owner, Mrs. Roberts through curiosity performed the opera- tion of opening the shell and in so doing found a freak of nature, The body of the chick was nor- three mal and attached to it were four legs and four wings. Its head was well shaped but only had one eye. The lower beak was fully developed but the upper was only half grown. Searching For Thieves Perth.-- Perth police are today | trying to track down thieves who broke into the Perth Dairy, some time Tuesday night, and attempted to steal money from the cash register. It is the second time in a period of two weeks that the dairy has been burgled, the first time the thieves getting some money from the register, but on this attempt, their efforts were fruitless, the cash regis- ter being smashed but no money secured. Chicken Thieves Busy Lindsay.--Chicken thieves op- erating on the premises of Mr. Frank Shackleton, Yelverton, got away with about forty hens. This is the second wisit the community has received from hen thieves. About two weeks of Motoring Comfort and Econom Concrete Dighway weer Port Colborne, Otani \ | grounds on She Was Not DD'S KIONEY od BBS ceived, 1 Able To Do Her Work Had Tried Everything But Got No Relief "About two years fay with Jame back," writes Elizabeth feel able to do my work about the house at night I could One of my nei, tried Dodd's 1 ased "I feel I cannot say enough in Jecommend them to 'siends and you may publish this letter 'order that others may bencht." 280 0 I suffered dread- dn't not 'gest rs and br had y and got no regard to the help Ive. ago Mr. Rolland McGill. was awakened by the barking of his dog just in time to see a light in his hen house disappear, It is thought that the barking of the dog frightened the thief away. Railway Veterans Met Lindsay.--A meeting of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Na- tional veterans was held in Lind- say, Wednesday, The Lindsay veterans included Messrs, Fred, sandy, Thos, Wilkinson, George Nursery, Ralph Clarke and others, A number of veterans from out:of town were present. Celebrated Birthday Picton.--On May 27, John Cave of Bloomfield celebratde his 81st birthday, at the home of his son, Peter Cave, with whom he resides, Mr. Cave was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1850, and came to Canada in 1871. He has spent the past sixty years in Prince Edward County where he has been a successful farmer, He retired from active farm work in 1916 and moved to Amelias- burg. In 1918, his wife, the late Louisa Ainsworth, passed away. In spite of his advanced age, Mr. Cave is quite active and hopes to see many more birthdays. Friends extend 'congratulations, Has Big Tulips Picton.-- On Monday, 26th, Mr. Lewis Mcl'aul, of Al- lisonville gent to the Wellington News office two fine specimens of tulips that he had grown. They are of the Prize of Holland var- lety and measured 6%" and 612" May from a bed of some two hundred that Mr. McFaul planted last year. Cadets on Parade Renfrew.--The annual tion of the Renfrew. Collegiate cadet corps was held at the school Wednesday afters PX { noon. The weather was ideal and "¥ oh | port received from the Inspect- i Ishester, | cadet officer, | To the motorist, there is a no more welcome sight than a stretch of concrete paving. Tires grip and hold its even tractive surface in | all weathers. Uphill or down, on the level, on roads or curves, wheels track true. Its light grey color gives better visibility at ni of which means comfort as well as safety. In addition, tests have proved that concrete pa ably reduced and vehicle. fuel cons upkeep. measur- on less wear and tear on tires While, to the taxpayer and mu- nicipal authority, it offers per- manence and freedom from costly Advocate concrete paving and wider highways. CONCRETE HIGHWAYS It's the little lt costs to maintain that | makes concrete paving economical" I quite a crowd of citizens turned | out to see the inspection. The re- | ing officer, Captain |'P.P.C.L.1., district | of Kingston, yas very gratifying M W.C1.U. Convention Picton.--The 22nd C.T.U, Convention of Hastings, Lennox and Addington and Prince Edward Counties was held in Cherry Valley United Church, tia Youmans, the founder C.T.U. work in Picton 20th and 21st, of W. on Lindsay Flower Show Lindsay.--That it was a creditable event for the first eral opinion expressed hy show of the tural Society in the windows of Kent Street merchants on nesday. sponse they received from mem- played the blooms in their show windows. Road Repairs Needed Trenton.-- Mayor Lott and members of the Trenton Council, together with Reeve Hatt, of Murray, and other representa- tives of Murray Township, went to Toronto on Tuesday of this week to Interview Hon. George 8, Henry, Prime Minister and Minister of Highways, concern- ing the improving of the Carry- ing Place road which is much in need of repair, Mr, W. H. Ire- land and Mr. F. J. McArthur, M. P.P,, will accompany them and urge the Department of High- ways to improve this connecting link in the Provincial highway. To Erect Signs Port Hope.--The Lions Club intend to erect signs at the three ) highway entrances to Port Hope + Kill the RATS CYANOGAS A-Dust will do it. A: - puff or two in the rat-hole with the Cyanogas Duster kills the rats ale most instantly, That's all there is to it. Cyanogas gives off a poison gas that they can't escape. . Reg, Can. Pat. Office (CYANOG. "It's the gas that kills them." st as quick and sure for ground. gs, woodchucks, prairie dogs, und squirrels, moles and ants. "| Ask your dealer or write tous for No. 38 leaflet 11h, 80c Duster No. L CHI " 51b., $325 s $1.25 AL CO., LIMITED Su. E Toronto... 34 1b, S0c Cranogas FAIRFIELD ond] across, The color is a light shade | of red, These immense tulips are | inspec- | Annual 'W. } the old home community of Leti- | May most | show of the year was the gen- | all | those who viewed the first tulip | Lindsay Horticul- | Wed- | The officials themselves | were well satisfied with the re- | bers and appreciate the co-opera- | tion of the merchants who dis- | announcing the fact that a Lions Club is in operation here. Inspected Cadets Almonte.--Under ideal weath- er conditions and in the pres- ence of a 'large number of visits ors, the annual inspection of cadets of the local high school took place this afternoon on the campus. Captain Ishester, in- specting officer, reviewed the corps, and took the salute at march past, Observed Anniversary Deseronto.~--~The 147th anni- versary of the landing of the Mohawk Loyalists on the shores of the Bay of Quinte wag fitting- ly observed on Sunday morning when a commemorative service was held in Christ Church, in the parish of Tyendinaga and was conducted by Rev, Canon Creeggan, rector of Christ Church, Gananoque, a former be- loved Rector of the parish. The coming of the Mohawks to the Bay of Quinte is celebrated an- nually with Divine Service at Christ Church, On The Milk Wagon Port Hope.--Detected follow- ing in the wake of the milkman Tuesday morning and carrying away thé milk, two freight car travellers, giving their home as loronto, appeared before Magis- trate W. H. Floyd in Cobourg police court Wednesday after. noon. Each was granted a four day stay in jail, Merchants Fined Picton.-- Selling cigarette or tobacco of any kind to minors is an indictable offence, and this week there were two conviction made in Picton Police Court, re- sulting in fines of $5 and cost: o! For the Cooling Deep! Oh, to be able to take a trip on the water to escape Away this excessive heat! from the stifling atmos. phere of towns and cities, with the But, Alas, we must resort to a modern scientific method of keepinz cool while we stay at home, keep the blood free of im- purities and you'll be cool, To do this take floating along cooling breezes. Regesan Fruit Saline Large $1.00 bottle \ dash of this in a glass cach morning will cool you off, assist elimination, pep | up your liver and make | your day bright and cheer. { ful for a man's life depends 1} on the "liver". | Save with Safety at | I'HE REXALL STORES | Jury & Lovell King E. hone 28 Simcoe S Phone 68 Hotel On Fire Lindsay. -- Barly Saturday morning, at 2.30 o'clock to be exact, fire was noticed In the barns at the rear of the hotel at Gooderham. An alarm was sound- eed, but in a short time the 'stables were licked 'up by the '| tlamee, which then spread along some sheds and reached the ho- tel, To Build Bridge Lindsay, --T, H. Stinson, K.C, M.P., states that the estimates for the new swing bridge on Lindsay St, south, have been passed at Ottawa, and. that the Minister advised him that the work would commence right away, The sum of $30,000 was voted by Ottawa, This will be augmented by a grant from the Ontario Government. Dragged By Harrow Metcalfe.--~Dragged by a disc harrow between 20 and 30 feet when the horses ran away on Wednesday Morgan Park, 18. vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. I'red Park, of Kenmore, escaped with severe bodily injuries, He was unconscious when picked up and was still insensible at mid- night. Trent River Road Picton.--The Trenton-Frank- ford Provincial Highway which is to be built during the coming summer, will be on the west side of the Trent river, For some time contention has been going on between different factions as to which side.of the river was most suitable for the .new highway, but the engineers of the Depart- ment of Highways have finally decided in favor of the west side. This is pleasing to the business section of Trenton and to the people of Frankford. Minister Called Carleton Place.--At a special meeting of the Lanark and Ren- frew [Presbytery of the Presby- terian Church of Canada, held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Carleton Place, yesterday afternoon, consideration was given to the call from the con- gregation of the Presbyterian church of Watford, to Rev, Mr. Kerr, of Arnprior, and after Mr. | Kerr had signified his willingxess to accept the call, the Presbytery on motion agreed to the trans- fer. Rev, Dr. Bunion McLeod, of Perth, was appointed interim moderator of the session of Arn- prior congregation and he will declare rhe pulpit there vacant, on the second Sunday in June, Bad Village Fire Merrickville.--~ Residents this town were given a scare, early this morning, when fire destroyed two barns and a shed adjacent to the Presbyterian Church. The fire at one time caught the wall of the church, burning one of the window sashes and curtains, but due to the strenuous work of the volunteer of bad fire brigade the edifice was saved from destruction, In Auto Accident Peterborough.-- Two Peter- borough people lie injured in Port Hope General Hospital as a result of a motor accident on Highway 28. The car in which they were passengers was almost totally wrecked when it plunged off the highway, pitched over on to its left side and crashed into a telephone pole on Wed-! nesday evening. Three others in the car miraculously escaped in- jury, A blow-out top the right rear tire is said to have caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle, Has Pheasant's Eggs Lindsay.--Mr. M, H. Winter, Ontario Government Agricultural Representative in this distriet, has received a number of pheas- ant"s eggs and will have thém hatched at once. I 'TIMETABLE| WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS 'LINES Week Day Schedule (Effective on and after April 13th, 1931) (Daylight Saving Time) gs West Arrive Arrive Whitby Hospital Leave Bowmanville 6.20 a.m, 7.20 am, 8.15 am, 10,00 a.m. 1L35 am, * 1.15 p.m. 2.45 p.m. 4.40 p.m, 10 p.m. 7.15 p.m, * 9.35 p.m, 11.30 p.m. 'Times marked Whitby ' Hospital. Leave Oshawa 7.05 a.m. 8.05 a.m, 8.50 'a.m, 10.30 a.m. 12,10 p.m. 1.45 p.m, 3.15 p.m, £15 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 7.45 p.m, 10.00 p.m. 12.00 a.m . m.. 6.45 p.m 10.15 p.m J215 am Leave Hospital Oshawa Bowmanville 6.7 a.m. 7.20 a.m, 7.50 a.m, £.30 a.m, Ar. 8.50 9.10 a.m, 9.2! 2 10.45 a.m. 11.00 a.m, Lv. 1205 p.m. 1.3% p.m 1,45 p.m, 2.45 p.m. Ar. 3.00 p.m, Lv. 4.10 p.m, 4 5.05 p.m, 5.45 p.m. 6.05 p.m, 7.30 p.m. 7.45 pom, 815 p.m Ar, 8.30 p.m, Lv. 9.05 pm. 11,00 p.m. 45 p.m, 215 pm, 10.30 p.m. 10.45 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby 9.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 9.45 a.m, 11.00 a.m, 11.45 a.m 2.00 p.m. 2.45 p.m, 4.00 p.m, 445 p.m. 6.00 p.m, 6.45 p.m, 7.30 p.m, 8.15 p.m. 10.00 p.m, 10.45 p.m. Leave Whitby 10.05 a.m, 12.00 p.m 2.45 p.m, 4.45 p.m. 6.45 p.m, Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 a.m 10.45 a.m, 1215 pom, 12,45 p.m. 1.00 p.m, 3.30 p.m, S00 p.m. 5.30 p.m, 7.00 p.m, 7.30 p.m. 815 p.m, 8.30 p.m, 9.00 p.m, 10.45 pom. 11.00 pm. 11.30 p.m. Special Busses for all Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting, Roem, 10 Prince Street bone 2283 n, | 2.15 p.m, 10.30 p.m. are through busses to | Coal » Coke - Wood Now is the time to put in your winter's supply of Scranton Anthracite Coal at summer prices, The hest the mines produce. DRY BODY HARDWOOD DRY HARD & SOFT SLABS DRY FACTORY CUTTINGS (Cut in Stove Lengths) COKE @ $9.95 PER TON Call and inquire about our easy payment plan for your ° winter's supply of fuel. ' W. J. Trick Company Limited Phones 230--231 ; 25 Albert St. GRAY COACH LINES Effective April 26th, Tims) ve Toronto P.M 9.07 a.m. Daily. except Sunday, 4.05 p.m. Daily, 6.28 pm. Daily / 7.39 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYS Effective April 26th (Standard Time) bound ( Standard Leave Oshawa AM. a 5.45 263 7.50 8.30 9,30 10.30 11.30 2.30 3.30 4.30 5.30 b 6.30 7.30 b RY P.M. , 9.30 1.10 1230 41020 10.30 05 a.m. Da : 1.3 x For Ottawa, M a=Daily except Sunday. b--Saturday, Sundays and Holidays only. d=Sunday only. East Datly Trenton Local Daily, ex, Sun. 9229 a.m 2.22 p.m treal and East onl» Westbound 528% a.m. Daily, 6.29 a.m, Daily. 2.5% p.m. Daily. 7.32 p.m, Daily, mB8.24 p.m. Daily m Toronto and West Only, except Sunday CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 26th (Standard Time) Eastbound A story of two men meeting on a busy street in a large town: "You remember that you sold me a horse last week?" said the'eah- { man angrily to the horse dedler. H "Yee. What about him?" "He fell dead yesterday." c { "Well I never!' said the dealer. - Dally, except Sunday, "I told you he had some fupny } ways, but upon my word I never 'm. Daily. , Daily. knew him to do that before." . Daily, except Sunday . Daily, . Daily. , Daily, except Sunday . Daily, except Saturday .m. Daily, , Daily. Westbound COMING TO OSHAWA MONDAY JUNE 8th PAUL RADER FAMOUS EVANGELIST Mr. Rader is coming to Oshawa in response to the Invitation of eleven churches--Simcoe Street United, St. Andrew's United, King Street United, Northminster United, Albert Street United, Cedardale 1'nited, Christ Church (Anglican), Knox Presbyterian, First Baptist, Calvary Baptist and the Salvation Army. An afternoon meeting (3 p.m.) will be held in the King Street United Chuich and a great mass meeting in the evening (8 p.m.) in the Collegiate Auditorium. Rey, Oswald J. Smith, of the Toronto Gospel Tabernacle, will accompany Mr, Rader and will preside. Special song leader and soloists. RESERVE THE DATE Don't Fail to Hear This Noted Preacher them. DO YOU KNOW by Leonie LouNDERSEN SY HE HORSE STEPS ON F. L. BEECROFT, Pine Street, Whitby CAREW LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED, Oshawa THE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Bowmanville : GALE AND TRICK LIMITED, Oshawa Widely ">=. At Tide Water, along the Pacific Coast of British Columbia, giant trees of Red Cedar grow, comparable only to their own sisters which grow side by side with These are known as the Red Cedars which pro- duce the finest of "the wood ever-lasting" specially endowed, apart from all others. with preservative qual- ities--this wood does nt rot and from it is made the now famous "Edgewood" Red Cedar Shingles, as well as Clear Sidings and Common Lumber, which is be- coming more and more a world-wide commodity. For many structural uses this wood is over all others. Where outside exposure or dampness is prevalent it is supreme. It is obtainable in this district from any of the undersigned. USE MORE CANADIAN LUMBER Oshawa and District Lumber Sales Promotion Association i referred L. A. KOCH, Oshawa { OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED, Oshawa SAMUEL N. GRIFFIN LUMBER COMPANY, Port Perry WATEROUS-MEEK LIMITED, Oshawa W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED, Oshawa, Ont.

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