i tam = And particulzly when selling becomes difficu----when prosper- ity lags -- whei the wheels of industry slow During periodssuch as these; Canadian butess executives depend more tn ever on the daily newspaps to sell mer- chandise. | Why? | Mainly because ly newspapers produce instant ponse, instant results. | Daily news DAPEN( ch and move fo action: Vast gps of people the backbone of nadian advertising| 5 For prompt action on sales plans--for quick customer influence at minimum cost--for real | co-operation from the retail trade, Lhe daily newspaper is to-day, as always, the out- = Sanding. dvirlising 1 medium in Canada. No other carrier of the sales message covers a market so intimately, so completely. Practically every Canadian family reads a daily newspaper. Itisan essential part of their daily life. Without it they would feel a dis- tinct loss. Nothing can take its place. Because it occupies this unique position in: Canadian life and thought, no form of selling can supplant the daily newspaper. It is economical. It is flexible. Itisthe advertiser's unfailing point of contact with his market.