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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jun 1931, p. 8

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i © PAGE EIGHT TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES South Ont. League Games Billed for Tonight Toronto Leafs Win Doubleheader and Make Clean Sweep y 3 'TIMES ARE LOSERS IN LA TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Bell Telephone Gives Mike's Place Jrs. a Real Scare Toronto City Hall Srs. Defeat Times' Softbailers ST NIG SE ------.. EEE Toronto Populars Defeat Chosen Friends in Whitby HT % Bell Telephone Extends 'Mike's Place Jrs. to Limit | AY, . By Geo. Ca S MP! PORT SNAPSHO L, Sports Editor In Good Game At Cowan's Mike's Place Come from Be- hind to Win, Scoring 10 * Runs in the Last Four In- nings, to Nose Out the ~ "Hello Boys", 109 -- "Losers Show. Marked Im- | provement and Almost © Break Losing Streak Bell Tclephone, the team which got off to a rather poor start in the South Ontario softball league, gave the Mike's Place Juniors their first real scare of the schedule # Gowan's Park, last night, when t he Juniors had to score five runs in the last two innings and ten uns in the last four innings, to nosc out a 10. to 9 decision, 'Bell 1Tclephone wer ar last night 'and they almost roved to be a "wrong number 0 the Billard Boys. The game started ant good and continued throughout #th the spectators Wwitnessmg a hm battle, which was in doubt un- til the Jast man had been put out. The Hello Boys showed a markec improvement and with Russ. Wilson hurling a swell game, they 0 a. oreat fight. They scored first, getting one in the initial inning, Fhe' big breakaway came in the fourth, when "Red" Walton, second baseman, stepped up with the bases loaded and promptly walloped the hall over into Olive avenue lor the Jangest drive of the season to-date Boars went in_to, relieve Knox, in the middle of fhe fifth inning and he gets credit for a victory, his team being six runs down at the time. "The Juniors snapped into life in their half of the fifth with four fans and from then on, staged a strong finish to nose out the up and coming Bell I . 10%t0:9. Nine Hits Each ; Fach tcam touched up the rival hurler or- hurlers, for nine. safeties but errors proved the downfall of the losers. Morton, Walton, Maun- drell, Cornish, and Major were the big guns ¢_ the cvening, each get- ting two hits. : Bell Telephone had ten men Jeft on the bases and this was onc oi the big reasons for their defeat. The ' winners capitalized on their chances much better, having only six men left on. The Teams: "Bell Telephone.--Hood, 3b.;: Mc- Eiroy, 1t.; Morton, r.i.; Walton, 2b.; Wilson, p.; Fair, s.s.; Jimpson, ¢f.; Parish, c.; Timmins, 1b.; Chambers and Claus: ¢ right out for : Mike's Place.--Hurst, 1f.: Corn- | ish, s.s.; Hall, 3b.; Price, 1b.; Maun- drell, r.i.; Goodall, 2b.; Graboski, ¢.f.3'Knox, p.; and Towns, p. 4 Umpires. -- Maruche and Davis. Scorer--"Joe' Rabbitt, ' "GIANTS EVEN SERIES St, Louis; Mo., June 4--The New York Giants evened their important series with the Cardinals 'and' reduc- the league champions' first place hargin fo a game and a half by taking the 'second contest yesterday 9 to 5. ; McGrawls™ men gained an early lead..by pounding Jess: Haines for eight hits and five runs, and knock- ing him from the box in the fourth ining. St. Louis cut down the lead to onc run by scoring twice in the ighth, but the Giants sewed it up rh three more in the ninth "Clarence Mitchell swent the dis- tance for tlie Giants. == ma TE EE fl ISUITS. Made Q9): | Scotland Woolen Mills | SAM ROTISH, Manager + 11 Simcoe Street South f put up | TENNIS SCHEDULE OPENS IN WHITBY THIS SATURDAY Bowmanville Will Be Here to Engage Local Club y Bowmanville Tennis Club will play in Whitby on Saturday after- noon of this week to open the in- termediate schedule (western sec- tion) of the Central Ontario Tennis League, of which Whitby Tennis Club is a member. The schedule according to the rules is to be strictly carried out as long as weather is favorable, so that it will be finished at a given time. Whitby Club, it will be noted, is grouped with Oshawa, Bowman- ville, Cobourg and Peterboro. The schedule is as follows: Intermediate Schedule (Western Section) June 6, 1931 Bowmanville at Whitby Cobourg at Oshawa Peterborough Bye June 13 Oshawa at Bowmanville Peterborough at Cobourg Whitby Bye June 20 Bowmanville at Peterborough Whitby at Oshawa Cobourg Bye June 27 Cobourg at Bowmanville Peterborough at Whitby Oshawa Bye July 4 Oshawa at Cobourg Whitby at Peterborough Bowmanville Bye July 11 Oshawa at Peterborough Whitby at Bowmanville Cobourg Bye July 18 Bowmanville at Cobourg Oshawa at Whitby Peterborough Bye July 25 Cobourg at Peterborough Bowmanville at Oshawa Whitby Bye August 1 Cobourg at Whithy Peterborough at Bowmanville Oshawa Bye August 8 Peterborough at Oshawa Whitby at Cobourg Bowmanville Bye August 15 Play-offs with Eastern' Winner Club Secretaries are as follows: Mr. H. J. Geale, Registrar's Of- fice, Whitby; Mr. S. D. Everson, Sun Life Insurance Co., Oshawa; Mr. S. R. James, Goodyear, Bow- manville; Miss Olivia Church Street, Cobourg; Mr. W, M. Cruthers, 516 King St., Peter- borough. MELILLO'S HITTING BEATS YANKS New York, June 4.--Oscar Mel- illo was the big noise for the St. Louis Browns yesterday, driving in four runs with four lusty hits to give the Browns an 8 to 6 victory over the New York Yan- kees in the second game of the series, Melillo's home run cighth inning, his eighth inning, hig eighth consecutive hlow "in two days,, drove in Jenkins. with the tying and winning runs. Although given poor Wally Stewart was tight in the pinches and registered hls sixth victory of the year, in the TONIGHT "TARNISHED LADY" 'with Tallulah Bankhead AY AND TURDAY S J V oA naucHTY NAUTICAL support, | i | Howard, | | Mike's Place Jrs. last mghkt and the result was almost Place Juniors, ten runs in the last four innings, to hitting to pull the game out of he are to be reckoned with. = ¥ Times Inter. entry, at the Motor C and never scemed to really get goin produced a nicely balanced team bt much better as the score would ind * * Two games of the South Ontari Whitby team visiting Robson Leatl game at Cowan's Pask will be a re matched and both need a victory. the Stadium. . Farcons, with Hubbel in fact, a complete team of real sof cop the district championship but straight victories this scason and tl * * to meet Avondale, in a nlavers are asked to be at the cor 200 p. m. sharp: Howells, Rodger Lobban, Singer, Head, Cox, Fairley, * * alternoon The St. Clement's Tennis Club courts on MacMillan Drive, this ¢ * * Columbus Horseshoe Tosscrs ha on hand and cnjyed the games, des visitors. practices arc the order of the day, . * » 0.A.L.A. Officer Gi its merits, Lie will be barred, at least one loca game by the: O.AL A. Executiv placed themselves in an untenable all honorable men) scemed to .b recently used by one of them. policy of the exccutive of the O. President of the association, Mr, alleged purpose of "getting" ident's "clean-up" poljcy no matter decided on its merits; every mem the discussions, and every decisior verdict of a united executive. breaks any legal enactment, so i therefore, ask the lacrosse public t of the O.A.L.A. have finished the full, frank statement of the whol "The die is cast, and if the successfully crossed the Rubicon, The executive invites construc wishes the news reporters to mak in their copy to their chiers, - In occurred at the meeting of the exe drom The Globe. the Falcons clash with Mike's Place at the Motor City Stadium. This is another scheduled set of games for the Toronto Tennis and the locals must win today to stay last night at the local club the score being 18 to will the acts of the governing body Have Close Call The Bell Telephone soitball team snapped back into their true form disastrous to the ambitious Mike's "Chick" Jacobi's ball tossers were called on to score win the game by one run, 10 to- 9. "Red" Walton's homer with the bases loaded gave the Bells a great start and it took two pitchers and some real smart baseball and heavy fire. The Bell Tclephone team has issued warning and any time they hold the Juniors to a 10-9 score, they * * Toronto City Hall Defeats "Newsies" : . The Toronto City Hall senior softball team proved too good for the ity Stadium, last night, Tired from the previous night's game and lacking ambition because it was an ex- hibition game, the "Newsies" showed a distinct lack of their usual "zip" ig in their real stride. The visitors it they did not look to really be as icate, * * Two Big Softball Games Tonight o leaguc are schéduled tonight, the rer Company at Cowan's' Park and The al battle as these teams arc cvenly The real treat will be the game at 1, Rowden, Elliott Bros, Petre, and tball artists, are picked by many to Mike's Place Jrs. have won ten hey have a host of supporters also. It hould be well worth the admission fee. * * Oshawa City Team Plays Away The Oshawa City soccer team will travel to Toronto on Saturday scheduled fixture. The following ner of King and Prince Streets at s, Lappin, Munro, Dunstall, Smart, McLeod, Brown and Braiden, * » St. Clements' Tennis Club Here Today will play the Oshawa club at the vening, starting at 6.00 pm, sharp. League y in the running. * * Oshawa Horseshoe Tossers Beaten nded the locals a severe trimming 2. A good crowd was pite the complete superiority of the The local players are determined to get into shape and hard * ves an Explanation * Mr. P. F. Munro, who is a member of the Ontario Amateur Lacrosse Association Executive has written the following letter to The Globe. He lias also asscrted that the executive officers have done everything in their power to enforce the residence rule, and also decide cach case on The fact that Bert Burry will have to get permission from Toronto clubs before being allowed to play for Brampton means that 1 club being oppsed. Tt is indeed regrettable that the Brampton Lacrosse Club, using on Satuslay, May 30th, two players declared ineligible for Saturday's onThursday might, have thereby position, Some of the Brampton Lacrosse Club officials (and they are ¢ under the impression that the President of the O.A. L.A. was "out to get them," to quote a phrase They apparently thought that the ALA. was being directed by the Blaney, in order to achieve the Brampton. They are absolutely. wrong. The members of the executive to a man are behind the Pres- whose ox is gored. Every case is ber of the executive takes part in 1 so far has been the unanimous As public opinion, when properly informed, always makes or n lacrosse or in any other sport y be endorsed or condemned. We, o reserve judgment till the officials ir work and issued to the press a e Ontario lacrosse situation, O.A L.A. Executive have not yet they are at least in mid-stream," tive eriticism from theipress, but c surc of the facts before turning this regard we.would respectfully call attention to the divergent reports in Tuesday's papers on what cutive on Monday, June 1.--Taken Toronto Populars Beat Chosen Friends- Ex. Game in Whitby Before a large crowd of specta- tors from Oshawa and Whitby the Chosen Friends were beaten by To- ronto, 20 to 18. The gamic was very good and everybody was well satis- fied with the exhibition. The Tor- onto team being a much more ex- perienced tcam than the Oshawa Kids. Oshawa used two pitchers and Toronto used three. The line ups: Chosen Friends:--A, Fisher, 2nd; K. Siblock, 3rd; R. Reece, Ist; L. Weeks, C.F., and 2nd; M. Korey, s.8.3. R. Smith, c.; T. Moody, 1f.; D. Sheridan p., L. Watson, c.f. A. Farrel, 3rd; M. Mills, p.; H. Allaway, c.f. Toronto Populars<=Murray, 2nd.; Downing, c.; Townsend, 1st; Porter, 3rd ; Robinson, Lf.; Reiss, c.; Smith, r.t.; Waters, s.5.; Stone, c.f.; Webb, p.; Porter, bed i i Fa by Innings = | aronts -- 0 4.002 2 0°15 2-3' Oshawa -- ..062 21222 Unipiré=J, Childerhose. pr tet stam esi. VOSMIK'S HOMER DECIDES IT rookie Cleveland swashed out a home run over the left centre-field.. fence in y 5 che | eleventh inning of yesterdays game with the Boston Red Sox to give the Cleveland Indians a a-to-4 victory. It was Cleveland's ninth siraight victory and Vosmik made it -doubly sure by making a re- markable catch just inside the left-field foul line of Rothrock's lung drive in the last half of the eleventh, Boll teams made Luelve hits and used three pit- chers, TIGERS LOSE TO SENATOKS Washington, June 4.--'Babe" Burke, Washington's young southpaw, held Detroit to three scattered" hits yesterday as the Senators made it two straight from the Tigers, 2 to 1. The game wae a tight pitcher's duel, in which Sorrell for Detroit, almost matched Burke's perform- ance. The Tiger pitcher allow- ed only six hits, three of which ibs bunched in the first in- nings to give Washington its on- Ay oa' i | _8orrell only pitched to 28 Hat- is, letting ti tors. down id , letting the ition: a base hy souls, while e gave Detroit y - 'Boston, June'4.--Joe Vosmik, ingt €0 oar Nh outfielder. | Myer and' doubles by Sam Rice on ed on a 'single by and Cronin. Doljack opened the @ long Uy by S| ninth witlya triple and scored on | tN © 8 St. Simon's Srs. Defeat Mimico Toronto, June 4.--St. Simon's and Mimico opened the local 0. ALLA. senior season last night at Ulster Stadium before a fair- sized crowd, the Saints emerging victorious by a score of 5-1. Open- ing ceremonies were marked hy their simplicity and brevity. His Worshp Mayor Stewart, assisted % Tommy Church, faced their way." Alderman William Wad worth and manv noted lacr celebrities were also present. St, Simon's in their initial vie- tory presented a well balanced and well conditioned team (hat should go a lpng way in the cham- pionship ry Mimieo, return- ing to the game after a lapse of several years, fielded a rather youthful but nevertheless deter- mined crew that should be very much in the fight for the title. The Davis brothers, Bill' and "Turk," together with 'Piper' Bain and the. ever rcliable 'Gor- don Thom, were the pick af the winners, although Hobson in the net gave a very crediaple display. Mimico, led by a former St. Si- monite, "Sandy" Ryding, asgisted by Murphy and Dodd, made tome nice sorties goalward only to toss away opportunities when in close on the net by poor passing. Davis Scores First Goal Five minutes after the start of the game "Piper" aBin broke way at centre, carried the ball n First Game 5-1 I I 1 I J J i ( I 1 {1 i} ( | C abaut thirty yards and passed to | "Turk" Davis, who let go an easy shot from. about fifteen feet out, which evaded Walsh in the Mimi- co goal. A'S BEAT WHITE SOX Philadelphi 4. by Eric McNair ing's single in the seventh in- ning, gave the I'hiladelphia Ath- letics their second straight vic- tory over the Chicago White Sox here yesterday. The champions won by a score of 2 to 1 "Lefty" Grove, who triumphed over Ted Lyons, won his ninth victory of the season and the eighth in a row. The lone Sox run, scored in the fifth inning, aided by Williams's wild throw, June ~A triple | | and Johnny Hev- | Washington . xCleveland | de 11 | was the only tally scoréd on the | great Mack left-hander, in thirty innings of pitching. Jimmy Foxx gave the Athletics their first run of the contest when he hit his ninth home run of the year in the second inning. his | f I Ro Mc Reyding Toronto svesss.2-8 Buffalo .....5- to; Newark at Reading; Rochester tat Buffalo; Baltimore at Jersey City. St. New York .. Cimcinnati | New xBoston York I 8 \ St I at Boston. Baseball Results INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE WwW Lost PL. 587 S31 Defeat Tim City Hall Senior Team Proves too Good for the "Newsies" Who Fail" to Show Their Usual "Zip" --Home Run With Bases Loaded Features Osh- awa's Play--Both Teams Use Two Pitchers Toronto's City Hall Senior soft- ball team travelled to this city yesterday and yesterday evening, at the Motor City Stadium, they handed the Daily Times Inter. team a beating, the score being 14 to 7. The visitors were just a little too good for the Newsies and | played a superior b.and of ball | throughout. Lack of adequate '7 | seriousness on the part of the 238 | Times' team was one of the major reasons for their defeat. Practi- cally every member of the team vewark saltimore tochester .e nitreal oroiito Juffalo .... crscy City PR PU | 2 Yesterday's Results ++.0-0 Rochester ... erscy. City .....4 Reading .. Jaltimore 9 Newark Games foday--Montreal at Toron- lontreal .. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost wre vans ad P.C. .b70 032 513 Louis hicago* ... 305101L suse drooklyn ie *hiladelphia ittsburgh 10 32 Yesterday's Results mcinnati .,.... 3 Philadelphia ....1 .Y Brooklyn +9 St.oLonis aes. 3 4 Pittsburgh .... hicago ..... York .. being only an exhibition The "Newsies" had a real tough Games today -- Boston at Pitts- | battle on Tueday night and no ourgh; Brooklyn at Chicago; New | doubt this had something to do at St. Louis; Philadelphia at | With the lack of *'pep'" and spirit. nnati, Homer With Bases Loaded The hig feature of the game from the standpoint of the Osh- awa team was Freddie homer, in the second inning, when the bases were loaded. This put the Newsies in the lead by one , 4 to 3, and that was the best y ever were. Kitchen"s homer was a beautiful long drive which cleared the left fielders upstretch- ed hands, tteide of this, the Newsies on- ly had more other good innings, the gixth, when they scored twice and had two lelt on bases. Each team used two hurlers, Magill and Campbell, doing the hurling: for the homesters while Page and Stockdale worked for | the visitors. Stockdale, who started. in in the sixth inning, was the most effective hurler of the evening. His change of pace was very deceptive and after he got going, he had the game pretty much his own way, only ten men facing him in the last three in- nings. The hitting of each team wa} about equal but the homesters made the major share of the mis- plays and they were nearly all xTen Innin AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost *hiladelphia 30 ashington v York ...: leveland hicago .. \ ( ( AIG 27 Yesterday's Results LOu1s hiladelphia . xEleven innings. Games today--Chicago at Phila- Iphia; St. Louis at New York: Jet at Washington; Cleveland "With all its defects, and doubt! re are many, the capitalistic SYS affords a better and" fairer on which to build an econou tructure than any other system <o ar devised and tested by man."-- danicl Willard, em acted and played as if he did not | have too much inttrest, the game | affair, | | | | Kitchen's | fem, Toronto City Hall Srs. es In Ex. Game costly, McCrackem and Stock dale were the best for the winners, each getting on base three times, Norris and Cornish, for thie home- sters, also got on on three occa sions, Score by innings: 1' 234561789 City Hall 11'1042320 Oshawa T. 0400120009 The teams, Toronto City Hall, Stockdale, 1b., and p., McCrack- ab., West, e¢, Geary, -1I., Grove, s.s., Blackbuin, r.f., Cori- an, 2 b,, Alexander, e.f., Page, p., Moore, r.f., and Garner, 1b. Oshawa Times, Kitchen, e., Norris, 1 b., Cornish, 3 b., Shel- enkoff, s.5., Toppings, 2 b., Little, Lf., Thompson, r.f., Amsbury, c.f., Magill, p., Campbell, p., and Trott, r.f. Miss Cecil Smith In Semi-Finals for Ont. Golf Title Hamilton, June 4.--The semi= finals in the twenty-second annu- al Ontario Ladies' golf champion- ship tournament at the Glendale Club tomorrow afternoon will be clashes of champions as both the Ontario and junior Provineial title-holders are among the!four survivors as well as two former winners of the crown. The four matches in the second round yes- terday produced the hest golf of the week, so far, and also three tight battles. They also saw the medalist, who was an ex-cham- pion, of Monday's qualifying round, bow before the steadier playing of the junior champion, but not before an extra hole was necessary. As a result, three Toronto play- ers, Mrs. BE, W. Whittingten andy Miss Cecil Smith, both of the To- ronto Golf Club, and Miss Ada MacKenzie of the Ladies' Club, and one from St. Catharines, Miss Winnifred Robinson, are still in the running for the crown won last year at Oshawa by Miss Smith. Three more Toronto play- ers, Miss Maud Smith of the Tn- ronto Club, who led the field im the qualifying round; Mrs. C. 8. Eldis of Rosedale, a strong pre- tourney favorite for the title, and Mrs. T. J. Agfiar of Mississauga, along with Miss Mary Hunter of the Glendale Club, were forced to adopt the roles of spectators. \ Pipefuls of prosperity' for rown lobacco From & photograph showing marvellous development of Burley tobacco plants in Southern Fann taro. Put Picobac hinto that pipe Get the quality -- the wonderful flavour «= of this fine, delicate Burley tobacco, grown in Southern Ontario, where they also grow the finest peaches, apples and melons in the world, The farther north they grow, the better they grow -- tobacco as well as fruit. --and don't forget, you get more tobacco for your money, Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited, : iCobaC Je Pick of Canadd Burley Tobacco" Grown in Ontario, on the sunny shores of Lake Erie = of yours! 15c¢. - Y4-pourd screw-top humidor, 75¢. ------

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