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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 6, 1931 . Oshawa's Water Front Is Becoming More ~ Popular Every Day--Many Picnics Planned GRADUATION AT | ONTARIO HOSPITAL (Continued from page 1) atric Association, whose visit, he felt, had helped to establish more firmly the bonds of international friendship, between Canada and the United States. Many of tha hospital's graduates were now serving in American hospitals. The I"lorence Nivhiineala pledge, led by Miss R. G. Bryan, Reg. N., superintendent of nurses, was repeated in unison by the graduates, Special Prizes Awarded Much interest was attached to the presentation of special prizes to nurses who had distinguished themselves in one way or another during the training course. These were presented by Dr. Stevenson, assistéd by Mrs. Frank Robinson, | Mrs. Dr. English, Miss Bryan, | Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Dr. Robb, | wife of the minister of health; | Mrs. Dr. McGhie, Mrs. Dr. Web- | Many Torontonians And Not a Few From Oshawa and Nearby Places Make Oshawa Lakeview Park Their Headquarters for 'Recreation Lakeview Park is truly a beauty spot along the north shore of Lake Ontario, with its beautiful high banks and shallow water beaches and its border trimmed with bould- ers where the swimmers pack dyr- ing the hot summer days, and with the deep sandy approaches to a perfectly safe bathers' paradise. One views this Lake front of not only the young folk but the folk of all ages, who come from Oshawa, Tor- onto and surrounding places, with a respect similar to National Park, In beautiful Lakeview Park the visitor is immediately impressed with the stately Jubilee which mer months. In this smartly dec- Pavilion, | is the rendezvous of those | who enjoys the smooth glassy dance | floor every night during the sum- | Thousands of Vistiors Come to Lakeview Park and Oshawa Beach Yearly | picnic season. . Lakeview Park and Oshawa Beach have be- come the Mecca of thousands of people from far and near, and particularly from the city of Toron- to and the surrounding communities. several large industrial and commercial concerns, as well as organizations of various kinds, have decided to hold their annual picnics this year at the Oshawa lakefront, which has become one of the most popular picnic places in this whole sec- tion of Ontario. This is important to Oshawa, not only because of the number of people it brings to the city, but because of the fact that it advertises Oshawa far and wide, and adds greatly to the amount of money spent in the city, thus helping to maintain many families during the holiday and Already For The Good Old Summer Time Among other things, Vacation is a time for indulging your hobby for forgetting your business and household cares, and giving free play to your neg- lected avocation. Siberry's have many ways of con- tributing to the full enjoyment of that hobby. Let us help you prepare for a glorious vacation by sup- plying you with summer wearing apparel. ster, Mrs. Kiernan and others. | orated pavilion one finds modernis- | i The prize awards are as fol- | tic decorations in kceping with the | lows: high class orchestra which is one | " | Senior year--Board of Visit- | of the Best that manager. Fraser | _ ors Prize for General Proficiency | could obtain for the dancing iecer t ---Kathleen Black. | of the younger set. Manager "Bob" | Hospital Prize Second Highest | Fraser has leit nothing undone and in General MANAGER "BOB" or Convention fresh air 1] [ the Tourist, Picnic aa §| Party an abundance of : [eich always a breeze. | Nicholls. Superintendent of Prize for General Josephine Moore. Dietitian's Prize for Dietetics-- Eva Speechley. Hospital Prize for Obstetrical Nursing --¥Xathleen Black. Intermediate Year | Hospital Prize for General | Proficienzy -- Louisa Scholtz, | Second I'rize for General Pro- ficiency---Myrtle Fair, | Superintendent's Prize for Psychiatry and Mental Nursing-- Laura Fair. | Hospital Prize for Medicine and Medical Nursing--Evelyn | Darou, Myrtle Fair (equal). Hospital Prize for Surgery and Surgical Nursing--2Myrtle suckle. Nurses | Nursing-- | { Ar- Junior Year Hospital Prize for General Pro- ficiency---Kathleen Hanthorn. Second Prize for General Pro- ficiency-----Aileen McKenzie, Hospital Prize for Anatomy and Physiology--Kathleen Han- | thorn, Hospital Prize for Materia Medica-- Kathleen Hanthorn. Assistant Superintendent of | Nurses Trize for Practical Nurs- ing--Lily Green. Faithful Nurse Honored | An interesting event of the evening was a presentation of a gift to Miss Mary Ogrson, nurse on the staff of the local hospital for many years, and now enjoy- | ing superannuation. The _ gift, | presented by Dr. Stevenson, was | from the nurses and members of the staff who were associated with her for so many years. It was a token of esteem for Miss Carson who rendered many vears of faithful and valuable service, and who was loved by all. DEFINES MENTAL HEALTH "What is Mental Health?" was the subject of the address to the graduating class by Dr. William A. Bryan. There was no greater prablem to-day than that of men- tal disorders and their prevention and cure, he declared. Mental hygiene, among other things, sought to bring these about, but the responsibility in the main rested not alone upon psychia-4 trists and those associated with them, but upon every individual man and woman through a pro- tess of self searching and person- al examination, with a view to re- vealihg mental defects. The avy- rage individual was a coward in the presence of his own soul, Dr, Bryan declared. At the outset the speaker said that primitive man's first atti- tude towards disease was one of resignation, He believed that affliction just came to him and that nothing could be done. Then came the epoch of resistance, when it became known that dis- ease could be cured, and prevent- ed Such men as Lord Lister proved tnat Infections could be (Continued on page 3) NEILSON'S ICE CREAM In Bulk 60c qt, 30¢ pt. Bricks ....s..« 35¢ | _ Karns Drug. Store Next P.O. ' Phone' 78 We Deliver {over for | View Lakeview Park every sutnmer and already this vear several have made arrangments for their. outing at Lakeview. One wonders whether or not the people of Oshawa really appreciate the which lies at our water front, Hundreds and thousands of Torontonians visit Oshawa's Lake- view Park every week and remain the cvening's entertain- ment provided by the pavilion management, Mr. Van Blaricom, Editor of Canadian Lumberman, has the fol lowing to sav of Oshawa's popular resort, in a letter some time ago to the Oshawa Daily Times Editor "Oshawa Times" Oshawa, Ont rom: h to comphment the Parks Board or Oshawa on e neat, at asset tractive and well kept appearance | {of Lakeview Park. In this spot your | City has a real asset, one that of fers an outlet for health, happi- ness and recreation, The reputation of Lakeview Park is spreading rapidly and its beauty, | convenience and cleanliness are ap- preciated by 'all. It is seldom that any area is so free from, rubbish litter and other eve-sores as lLake- Park, which should be a source of delight and joyous as- sociation not only for the citizens of Oshawa, but from many outside points during the good old sum- mer time ; Oshawa is to be congratulated on vastly improving the roadway lead- ing to this popular resort and also {IN hy, - EN | widening the bridges and approach- es. Such forward movements on | the part of vour authorities | cannot but elicit praise |and appreciation for the most go- ahead urban between Toront civic words of s truly, G. B. VAN BLARICOM Lakeview Park [ly beautiful sctting: distance {rom the {miles from Toronto - cial Highway System and. can be reached by Train or Automobile Bordering on Lake Ontario, Lake |view Park, 65 acres in extent, af | fords ample onportunity tor recrea | tion of every kind, jncluding--Sun- | day Concerts, Dancing, Picnic. aud ; Partie ports, Bath , Etc., and for the kid- gs, Shdes, Ferris Wheel, | Merry-Go-Round and numero | other features to insure the utmost tin fun and enjoyment, With the waters of Lake Ontario lapping its boundaries, Lakeview Park offers lies in a natural just da y proper, 1 the Prov | Con sntion { ing, Fishing dies. Swi short | [and his | | | | | | | | | | Proficiency --Ivy has truly arranged a place of en- | { l li I | tertainment which is second to none | ean mess 18 Picnicers trom far and necar usc Keynote The untiring energy of Ned Smith staff at Lakeview Park keep the park in great shape. No matter how many people picnic at the park the papers, ctc., that are | unavoidably left behind are always all picked up early in the morning, clean, in'such a way that you would never dream anyone had been there the day before. since the nextdoors bought a silent Six," writes a harassed young hushand, "my wife has run me ragged to buy an emulous Eight. I want my wife to be happy, but I cag't see myself as a pace-maker. Please advise me." "The trouble nowadays is not keeping up with the Joneses but trying to pass them." "Ever "BOB" FRASER Who is widely known as the genial i Host at the Jubilee Pavilion at Lakeview Park. STRAW HATS SWIMMING SUITS FLANNEL TROUSERS SWEATERS LIGHT SUITS GOLF KNICKERS AND SOCKS HOSIERY, SHIRTS Everything that he will require for Summer Wear. Siberry's King St. E. Phone 1110 Always Clean and Tidy Always First Music Class Always a Wide Choice of Refresh- ments The most beautiful dancing pavilionon the north shore of Lake Ontario Come on Down to the Lake Dance to Music Provided by Hollywood Ambassadors One of Canada's Best Known Orchestras Drink Milk «. for health during hot weather Her Stop Smiling A good disposition, so valuable in later life, is acquired during child- hood. It is usually the direct re- sult of a well-balanced, wholesome diet. Keep the smile on your child's face by serving a glass of Milk with every meal, and plenty of rich cream, butter and cheese. If for any reason you are thinking of changing your Dairy, Phone 700. BEATON"S ~ Dairy Products KING ST. W.

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