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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Jun 1931, p. 6

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rr RTE ® i TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Falcons Defeat Chosen Friends in 10-Inning Game S. & A. Team Beats Bell Telephone in League Fixture Yattuny Armour Wins British Open Got Golf Chagplonship "TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Oshawa-Peterboro Lacrosse Game Is Called Off Kingston Ponies Defeat Belleville in C.O.B.L. Game Babe Ruth's Homer Wins Game For New York Yankees "NOSE OUT CHOSEN FRIENDS 10. INNING GAME S Fai Ladies Stage 5 "Rally To Win Victory or Chosen Friends 18-17 | Young of the league and they stepped right. into the Falcons Chosen Friends' Team Extends Falcons to and showed them a thing or two. ' and a slight Baseball Results INTERNATIONA L LEAGUE 4 Newark ... Rochester Montreal Baltimore Toronto Jersey City Buffalo crmesens2d .h44 32 529 A490 481 480 PANE Limi and Poor coaching i: Ten Innings || ck of speed' was all that kept and Deserved a Victory | the Chosen Friends from win- F al | ning. Kach team had the alcons Show Re | number of players reach Fighting Spirit But They | base, namely thirty, and Get {Most o ofl Breaks | C hogen I*riends outhit the first | the win- ners 20 to 17. The winners inning and [five the finer | ojghth wag the points of the game COsL the | save them their Chosen Friends' ladies' softball team a vietory which they should | {fme during the haye won. As, it was, Falcons I". Lott started in the box for nosed them out by one run, 18 19 | 16 Falcons but she was not able 17 and it took them ten inning¥ | stem the hard hitting Friends to do it. and Viv. Elliott took over the While duties in the fifth innings. Viv. from the | shut out the Friends for the next cause they three innings fighting spirit sible for the victory. say-die gpirit victory, but the breaks and play, the Chosen have appreciated Chosen Friends, almost entirely a team of Juniors, put up a | great scrap against what js really a better team but with the crowd almost entirely behind them, the Chosen Friends forgot that they were supposed to be at the bot- B - . Isurrs. Made urs, ede 622.50 Scotland Woolen Mills SAM ROTISH, Manager 11 Simcoe Street South every | in the which and scored in runs Lack of. finish on inning advantage game, to detract Falcons' victory, be- displayed a great and their never- | earned them the they got most of | on the night's Friends' would a win, The not wishing the route deserves went and she pitched. lined up a ball players young and lack before this will make it all, R. Sib-| third base- | game last Fisher for the losers, credit for the game | Bil Harmer has | snappy bunch of Most of them are experience but long | season is out, they interesting for them lock, their diminuitive man played a stellar night, accepting five chances, | with only one error. On her dis- play last night, she is as smart, | if not the smartest, ag any third baseman in the league. M. Hunt, at second base, is another player | who will rank favourably with | | any player in the league, She | covers her base in fine style and | | she knows how to tag a base- | runner. Anuie City of Oshawa TAXES An extension of time to Monday, June 15th, has been authorized for payment of the first instalment 1931 taxes without penalty. After that date, 5 per cent. will be added; and the Tax Collector will proceed to collect all outstanding taxes. CITY TREASURER'S DEPT. Oshawa, May 30, 1931 more complete than ever Y "ACROSS CANADA AND BACK" 8th ANNUAL ALL-EXPENSE TOUR with SINCLAIR LAIRD, Dean of the School of Teachers Macdonald College Across Canada by one Highway . . . back again by still another . . . by motor, train and steamer . . . the points that every Canadian should sec . . . the Canadian Rockies in their summer finery. BANFF, LAKE LOUISE, EMERALD LAKE, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, THE GREAT LAKES 3 weeks of fascinating scenery with people that you will enjoy knowing, Leaves Montreal, July 26th--22 days.......... $371.00 Leaves Toronto, July 27th--21 days.......... $340.00 Other points on application Tlustrated Booklet on application to Dean Sinclair Laird, Macdonald Callaga. P.C + ar any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent " W. FULTON, Asst. General Passenger Agent, Toronto Canapian FPaciFic 293 same | | xReading put them in the lead for the firsi | and was respon- | Washington; | at | St, | New IM, BASIS ps DRS MS ea= th swas 383 Reading 18 Yesterday's Results Jersey City ..3 Baltimore ...1 .10 Newark 9 X--Thirteen innings, | | Rochester ,. 9 Buffalo ,.. Games today--Montreal at ronto (2) Rochester at Buf- falo; Newark at Reading (2); | Baltimore at Jersey City (2). Games tomorrow--Toronto at | Buffalo; Montreal at Rochester | (2); Jersey City at Baltimore; | Reading at Newark. AMERICAN LEAGUE w on Lost va] To- | Philadelphia Washington New York Cleveland | Chicago Detreit St. Louis | Boston Yesterday's Results | Boston .....4 Cleveland } Chicago ...x7 Philadelphia ..5 | X 12 innings. Detroit x1 Xx 11 innings, New York .. 8 Louis ...,7 | Games today--Chicago St Washington 0 Cleveland at New' York; Detroit Philadelphia, Games tomorrow--Same as to- day, except Philadelphia at De- troit. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost . 12 16 17 severe 20 Louis *, . York Chicago Boston Brooklyn trees Philadelphia 3 Pittsburg .... 19 24 Cincinnati 2 az Yesterday's Results Pittsburg Chicago ae Philadelphia .. New York ...7 Boston Brooklyn ...3 Cincinnati ..,9 St. Louis ..x8 x 10 innings. Games today----Boston at Cin- | cinnati; Brooklyn at St. Louis; New York at Chicago; Philadel- | phia at Pittsburg, Games tomorrow---Boston Cincinnati Brooklyn at Louis; New York at Chicago. Only three scheduled, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Won Lost P.( St. Paul ,...c0.0 17.59) Louisville 18 Columbus Milwaukee Minneapolis ......2 Kansas City .. Toledo at | St. | Indianapolis R. Siblock was the best hitter | on the field, getting ties out of seven. R, Weeks, J. Moody, C. Larson and E. Elliott each had three Box score: Chosen Friends A.B. A. Fisher, p t. Siblock, 3b M. Hunt, 2b R. Reece, 1b L. Weeks, It Kory, 1. Smith, J. Moody, A. Farrow, Reece, L. | i Totals Falcons C. Larson, 2h 6 E. Elliott, 5.8. 6 i. Newman ¢ 5 Elliott, and p. . Walker, Lf . Holmes, cf F. Lott, p and 3b ...; B. Morgan, rf McComb, 1b 3b Totals Score by fnni 12 Falcons 1 1 1 1 Chosen Friends 33.140 0 Umpires--Dell and Fair. Scorer--H. Cornish, vas 52 ngs 3 5 [". Dust with Pomo-Green and prevent Mildew and Black- spot on ycur bushes A sure death to potato bugs and cabbage worms Cooper-Smith Co. Phone 8 UHLE WINS BRILLINT DUEL Washington, D.C., June §.-- After holding the Tigers to four hits for ten innings yesterday, Sad Sam' Jones, Washington's | veteran hurler, weakened in the eleventh and Detroit broke an' i game losing streak to win 0 ( George Uhle, the Tigers' veter- an, held Washington runless i prevent the Senators from getting a clean sweep in the four game series. Pitching the entire eleven innings, he allowed only five hits and did not walk a batter, The. climax to the brilliant 'pitching duel between the two old- timers came in the first of the | young | ners forging 3 | 10, at || . Louis at Boston; |. 2 | outfield hit | lowed | Instead of Civic Welcome at Bergen | 11 | took recently | admiration | We four safe- |v | station (for Oslo) I reflected on the | when, [ he { which, i. | known man, cer in the theatre. [would feel some pride in him {on the | m By Gro. CameseLy, Sports Lditor GPORT NAPsio"S Falcons Win Overtime Game The Falcons Ladies' softball team won a victory from the Chosen Friefids last night at the Motor City Stadium but they had to play ten innings before they could nose out a 18 to 17 victory, The Choscn Friends played smart softball, their® defensive play when the Falcons had runners on the bases, being cspecially commendable. They are a teany but they try hard and a victory from them, last night would 1 bse been quite in order. * No IAcrosse Game Tonight Word, was received this morning from Peterboro, that their lacro would not be able to keep their appointment with the Oshawa team, at the Motor City Stadium, here tonight. The visitors can not line up a full team and so the game has been called off. This will be a disappointment to local lacrosse it could not be helped, Jt s hoped that a game will be arranged for, in the near future, * * * * S. and A. Win Game tcam defeated the Bell Telephone tcam at Alexandra a South Ont. The was 15 to 6, was much closer wuld indicate, t last three innings, * * * - team fans but The and A. Fark last might, in but the S league fixture. score 2 ganie than the score w he win- ahead in the * * Church League Softball Church Soitball Lecague Alex. Park, Trinity Alex. * The cheduled for arc some more games of the next week, June 8 Albert vs. Tuxis, at Knox, at Alex, Park, 10, 12, KY.PA Northminster, * * * Game At Stadium Monday Mike's Place Juniors, in : Stadiun Monday crowd. following June VS. Benedicts vs June Cowan's Park, June vs. Park. will meet City can he Motor good game and attract a big and he So he coat, and his decora ready for assured he visit would be an occasion, | must prepare himself fc { put on a top hat and fr | plastered his chest with close tions, and made himself 3 10 1 he that he was [would receive, run inl "But when tl EVEN SERIES Chicago, June 6. The Brook- lyn Robins gained aw' even break in their four-game series with the Chicago Cubs by taking a final gattle yesterday by a count, The Robins scored one the first, Jurges' error paved! HOW the way, and two more in the |g, third inning on passes off Charlie |, Root and a slow Cub relay on an |... won the game, Root allowed nine lite, but |, inte a him kept them fairly well scattered, Haken: when he was while "Babe" Phelps a Jack | theat fe. as. apparentls Quinn, pitching for Brooklyn, al-| lay He hal loft the town. after only six blows. Root's i f and discotracing. « double, the only extra-base hit of | id frie of Jean the game, brought the Cub run. had Lough i Cuyler brought him home a local paper in the! To tItaR : 1 1 O thanx fourth inning with a single lowes done ovation be wledged to be nt' Europe, wart: ) CIC at was berthed the found to re- d of de- as ack ¢ dramatist 10 civic authorities him, 1 lighted director of its Jit takes to- no onc y print paragraph in o say that he had gone or { or what he had io when he came back a famou IBSEN NOT RECEIVED man Bergen showed itself as indit « BEFITTING HIS FAME |fcrent to him as it had been nearly {30 tears earlier. He had departed | r'rom Bergen unknown and friend | less, when he was 28: he had re i turned to it, renowned throughout London, June 6--St. the cultured world, when he was > sritish dramatist and novelist, wrt- | but Bergen did not care whether in The Observer about a trip he | cans or went to Scandinavia, more "Of all its inhabitants, to Bergen, Norway, be- 1,14 came to greet his great affection and | hat dav. in 18 5, when for Henrik Ibsen, Nor- pack to: Bergen: gian dramatic and lyric poct [when he directed the 828-1900), who, before acquiring | whom he used to d: "Stage lor two, There fame, was SOIC 11 poet" and practically manager of | whiskered, frock the little theatre at Bergen, recalls a and highly-decorated, the deck in readiness for the civic thetic incident in the great Nor- reception, and there on the nier ian's lire as follows: "As the train drew out of Bergen {ere three tapers who, alone of the people of Bergen, had come to wel come him." "Ww nat are your views. on kiss- ing?" "I haven't my eves." Three Old Topers Met Norway's Great Poet John Irvi he nly three him he particularly y topers because of on came his with cron 3 ot tl cat ink a s mapps was Ibsen, grimly- -coated, top-hatted, standing on disappointment that Ibsen had {elt an elderly and renowned man, had returned to the town in a young, poor, and un- he had begun his car- He had come un rgen The authorities would certainly be pier to receive him, There as any "I believe that unless the Unif- ed States participates in some ef- fective way in international af- mizht even be a brass band, Spcech- | fairs we shall drift into another es would be delivered, and a speech | great, war." reply would be expected. - His - the Fjord in the belief that Be civil Henry Morgenthau, Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE OSHAWA-TORONTO Single--~85c¢ Return--$1.55 LEAVE OSHAWA LEAVE TORONTO AM, PM, AM, PM. « 6.30 2.3 7.5% in 1.30 2.30 1030 ¢ 11.30 P.M 12.30 1.30 a~Daily except Sunday, b--Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only. d--Sunday only. Tastern Standard Time M. 9.30 12.30 d10.20 30 COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP PASSENGERS, SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER. Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Brantford, London, St. Thomas, De. troit, Schomberg, Brampton, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Jackson's Point and intermediate points. " qCoach connections at Buffalz and Detroit for all U.S.A. points Tickets and Information at eleventh when Jones hit walker, the first man up, a sacrifice, an infield out, and a single by John- son scored the winning and only Fun of the game, GRAY COACH LINES Genosha Hotel OSHAWA Ukrainians, | -I always shut | | the eye and | ond T ommy Armour Wins British Open Title Carnoustie, Scotland, June 6. --A native Scot, now resident of North Anierica, and a South Am- erican fought it out yesterday in this cradle of golf for the British open championship, and Tommy Armour of Detroit, Mich., won, shading Jose Purado of Buenos Aireg, by one stroke, Armour, who learned his golf 01 the blustery courses of Scot- land, posted 296 for the 72 holes, with succ ive rounds of 73, 735, 77 and 71. He takes back to the United States the Cup Bobby Jones won last year, and which has been held by representatives of that country for ten of the | last eleven years Close inish great international finish which saw the leading niblick- wielders of five nations in the thick of things up to almost the last putt, it seemed certain Jur- ado would win. The little Ar- gentine led the field at the end of the third round with 220, three strokes better than Mac- donald Smith and Arthur Havers, the closest competitors, and five strokes better than Armour. Jurado led, in fact, until the last two holes, two of 1he stern- est tests of golf in the world, With the Prince of Wales root- ing for him and some Scots looking on, Jurado ed at this graveyard of hopes, sent his teeshot at seventeenth into the babbling brook, took a six and then could get. only a par five at the home hole while needing a birdie four to tie the flying Scotsman, He al- most got his birdie missing a three-yard putt by a little more than an inch to get 297 and sec- place, His four rounds were 76, 71, 73 and Those two point for many fine no terrors for the of the Motor City, ed the dreaded In a golfing 7. holes, the golfers, held "Black Scot" Twice he look- Barry Burn in made them submit to the magic of his strokes. Each time he played them in exact par ---~four and five--a par that was seldom reached during the four | days of play, | | | f - | | { | | United nd | After Armour and Jurado came Gene Sarazen, the first of the States homebreds, and Percy Allis, British-bred pro of a Berlin club, THREE IN ROW FOR REDS Cincinnati, June 6.---The Qin- cinnati Reds hammered four Phil adelphia pitchers yesterday for a 9 to 2 victory, marking the sec- ond time this year the eighth- placers hoasted a Three-game win- ning streak. Wally Roettger led the attack with two triples and two singles in five times at bat, Young St. Johnson, Reds' never was in danger, | | | | wv | INTERNATIONAL READING WINS AGAIN Reading, June 6--Reading took a sccond straight win from Newark. The league-lcaders rallying in the thirteenth inning to eke out a 10-tu- 9 vicsory. The Keys scored three runs in the ninth, to knot the count, then won on Quellich's single and Jim Poole's double. Don Brennan, | for the second straight day, was the losing pitc her. SKEETERS FOVIRTH STRAIGHT rg Jersey City, June v--ivy Andrews | outpitched Joe Cascarella here yes- 20,000 | falter- | the | turning | pitcher, | a beautiful hurling ducl to Jersey City Skecters a 3- the Baltimore | terday in {give the |to-1 decision over | Oriole s | Today's straight for the fourth and thei win was the Skecters sccond in a row over altimore "Bud" Clancy, Skeeter first- was the hi g star of the day wit} two doubles and a single in four trips to the plate Clancy drove in two of the three runs scored by the Skecters Home runs yesterday -- Haas Athletcis,: 1; Watwood, W ite Sox, 1; Fonsica, White Sox, Kress, Browns, 1.; Gosli 3rowns, - 1; Berger, Braves, Ruth, Yankees, 1. The leaders--Klein Phillies 13; Arlett, Phillies, 10: Foxx Ath- letics, 10; Ruth, Yankees, 10; Simmons, Athletics, 9; Yankees, 9; Cochrane, Athletics, 8; Herman, Robins, 8. League totals--American, 168; National 167, Total, 325. CLEVELAND'S STREAK ENDED Boston, Mass., June 6, -- Ed. Morrigvtwirled the Boston Red Sox to a 4 to 3 victory over Cleve- land yesterday, thereby the victory parade of the land Indians, who had won straight up to to-day. Bill Sweeney with his and two singles, and Berry hig trio of singles provided bulk of the Bostonjans' hits. Catches in the outfield by Porter, Webb and Rothrock pro- Cleve- ten double the | day. ZACHARY BLANKS PIRATES Pittshurg, June 6.--~Tom Zach- ary of Boston achieved a shut- out, 4 to 0,'in the final game with Pittsburs here yesterday, Meine's pitching was just about as clever | as that of the left-hander, | the visitors profited by a letdown | in the home defense in the seven- th inning to score three runs. Berger hit a home run over the left-field wall in the eighth in- ning for the fourth run, "Cook, 1 don't like to "mention [a but the food disappears rather quickly in the kitchen!" "Well, ma'am, I admit 'earty, but no one could call | gorgeous." I ests me HOME-RUN STANDING | Gehrig, | breaking | vided the fielding features of the bu but | | RALLIES ENABLE | KINGSTON PONIES | TO BEAT BELLEVILLE Kingston, June 6.--Two sen- sational rallies in the seventii and eighth innings gave Kingston five runs and the victory over Belleville in the scheduled C.U. B.L. game here last night, 6 to 3, Belleville had found the offer- ings of Tom Godfrey for three rung in three innings, and scored two more in the sixth of the pitching of Yammy Jamieson, while Kingston had scored one in the fourth. In the seventh, a double by Arniell drove in a run, and Boyd drove in two more with a loug three-hagger. In the cighth, 2f= ter Smith walked, Pointer was relieved by "Hoot" Gibson, and Quinn promptly singled. Tetro flied out, and then Coach Ceorge Ada,, a left-hand hitter, injected Lhimsell into the game to hit for Stone. On the first ball pitched, Ada smashed out a single ty score Smith. Skelly was thrown out by Gibson, but Arniell won the game with a single, whic sent Quinn home. | PRO. BOX LACROSSE TO OPEN O) Toronto, June 6.--With teams | of seven men each and playing rules that will combine many of the features or lacrosse and hock- ey, the Professional Box Laerosse | League, recently organized, with { teams in Montreal, Toronto and New York, will open its playing season here on June 29. Montreal Maroons will meet the { Toronto team at Arena Gardens on this date. A enmmittee, con- sisting of "Newsy' Lalonde, Lion- el Conacher, "Paddy" Brennan and Eddie Longfellow, is engaged at present in formulating rules. It is proposed to have a goalkeep- er, two defense men, a rover, a centre and two homes composing each team. Fifteen players can be carried under contract, but on- ly twelve can dress for any one contest. with { eleven | RUTH'S TENTH WINS GAME New York, N.Y., June 6. 3abe"" Ruth came through with | his tenth home run of the season | vesterday when victory or defeat | was hanging upon his hat, and | gave the New York Yankees an | 8 to 7 triumph over the St. Louis Browns. The victory enabled | 2 Yankees to even the four f game series, The home run came with one out in the ninth inning, with Jim- my Reese on first base through a walk by Sammy Gray, and the Browns akead 7 to 6. The Yanks piled upa 6 to 0 lead in the first five innings, only to have Herb Pennock weaken badly and St. Louis take the lead in thie seventh and eighth innings. Ralph Kress hit a home run with one on in the seventh inging, and "Goose" Goslin clouted another with the sacks empty in the eighth inning to start a four run rally, PIPE TESTED Jy sn ENGINEER "In regard to your Turret pipe tobacco, it is one of the best blended tobaccos that a Railway Locomotive Engineer could smoke. It lasts longer . . . does not burn the tongue « + « and is always cool and mild. I am a heavy smoker . . . always with my pipe in my mouth and you can bet your life that I enjoy Turret pipe tobacco . . . it's a pipe tobacco that satisfies." Fry Turret pipe tobacco. Notice what a difference in taste and fragrance the, careful d top blending of sel TURRET 0 Tou. package contains 2 poker hands 20c. package contains 3 poker hands 14-pound tin contains 12 poker hands PIPE BACCO A good, cool smoke C= Pipe tested Turret fine cut for those who rell their own

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