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Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jun 1931, p. 9

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_m THE fi aid ay WA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1931 TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Oshawa may have a Local Hardball League Falcons Hand Bell Telephone a Crushing Defeat Collingwood's Star Hockey Goalkeeper Is Dead DS SPORT PAGE TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Chosen Friends Surprise O.M.I. And Administer Defeat Times Win Great Softball Tilt in County Town Albert St. Wins Public School Junior Softball Title 3 pre EE SE NS W IN GAMES Chosen Friends Take Full Advantage of All Chances 'Defeat Malleables 21-17 Erratic Pitching and Costly Errors Prove Downfall en Friends Team Cap- of O.M.I. Team--Chos- en Friends Team Cap- italizes on All Chances and Score a Brilliant Vic- | A. tory--M. Spencer Gets Five Hits Out of Six All Right, All Together, "1 Told You So!" ei Believe it or not, but the Chosen Friends ladies' softball team stepped into the Malleables at the Motor City Stadium and handed them a licking to the tune of 21 to 17 and to the very evident delight of most of the spectators. The "Kids" certainly flashed real form last night. They took advan- tage of all breaks, most of which came their way but what is import- ant, they did not get an garly lead on flukes and then hang on but they came from behind in the sev- enth inning, with one of the nicest rallies anyone could ask for. : The Malleables outhit the win- ners by 20 to. 15 but they did not outplay them enough to win, Eure ors were about .even, 6 to 7. "The Chosen. Friends got their hits when they mattered and they capitalized on all chances. J . Some very erratic pitching in the scventh inning gave the Friends the victory... Four walks were given out in the seventh inning and one error was anade. However, the Friends scored seven runs in this frame to pull sthe game out of the fire and win the decision. Every one of the walked runners scored and that's the way to win ball games, An Improved Team The Chosen Friends ficlded a very much improved game and they carngd their victory. They are a team of good ball piavers, not one person being any better than an- other, Every player on the tcam got.at least one hit but no one got more "than two... H. Alloway held dowst sort sgop and fielded "500 per centers "Dud" Sheridan, last year with Whitby, pitched the entire game for the winners and made a wood job of it. She also had two hits out of three offigial trips to the pl 1d scored four runs, ; Speer as the batter of; the cveningy getting five hits, one a hoger, out of six chances, Pat. Murphy and M. Kay each had three hits. 'The only time O.M.L looked lang was in the seventh, when they 'had $ix successive hits, one @ {oubles « They scored five fins. To 'a great many; no doubt the result of this game came as a great surprise but to those of 4s who saw the Faleons barely come from under last Friday might, it was almost ex- bw 4 Fhe Chosen. Friends are a eam. of almost youngsters, most. of them "being: Juniors, but they' play the game and they have deveioped a real fighting spirit and if they only continue to battle until the very. end they will win a lot more games and perhaps the championship, 30X SCORE MALLEABLES A.B. H PO A Spencer, ih, ......0 Bn Wilson, 3b., ..ussssb MacDonald, 2b., ..: --_NT--O Ln Who, © wR CW SOS =O Murphy and 5 "Thompson, 58s hg! M. Kay, r.f. and p., 5 gl {=} -- <j | San 8 LNW J | AND al Shun CTS ol own i Totals .... ain "Charlie Chan Carries On" yt wi WARNER OLAND Tonight Only Mary Pickford "KIKI"? RE OTHER i ~ ATTRACTIONS Regular Prices Shown Daily at 2.30, 7, 9 GPORT SNAPSHOTS By Geo. CampBeLL, Sports Editor se Oshawa Ry. 'be filled ° CHOSEN FRIENDS-- AB D. ha) Q coan~ootnd Sheridan, p., ..3 K. Siblock, 3b., ....6 M. Hunt, 2b, .....4 . Reece, 1b, ....6 . Weeks, Lf, ....6 . Alloway, 5.8, +. + Smith, €., seess Moody, rf. .... Farrell, cf, +s. BLINN aT I CL Lad 1 1 --moohman cocno~=nnct Totals .... Malleables Chosen Friends .. Umpires :--C. De Scorer--E. Cornish. Falcons Trounce Bell 31-3 Whether it was really necessary to show just how superior they were or not, is not known but the Falcons gave the Bell Telephone a disheartening beating at Cowan's Park last night when they piled up a score of 31 to 3. The Falcons are the strongest softball aggregation in the city un- doubtedly, as a team, they have had much more experience than any oth er entry and the Bell Telephone were no match for the last night. Backing Alex. Webster's superb pii- ching up with almost errorlgss ball, the Falcons simply smothered the opposition and the game was not even interesting, except as an exhi- bition of the winners' strength with the bat. . Alex Webster celebrated his first game in the 1931 season with a great victory. He hurled smart bail at all times and contributed threc valuable hits, one a homer. Scott Hubbell had a good night for the Falcons with two home runs and two doubles out of seven trips to the plate. C, Elliott had five singles. Rowden Gets Seven Hits However, "Doc" Rowdén was the boy who beat Bell Telephone him- self. He had almost a perfect night, getting seven safe wallops out of eight trips to the plate, one a dou- ble andthe first and Tast Nit§"each being circuit clouts. What a bat! He scored seven times himself. No one on the losing team got more than one hit. It was a one- sided game with the winners show- ing absolutely mo merty. : The teams: y Falcons--Little, c.f., Gummow, 2b., prove a real attraction and a real : * last night, at the Stadium, at the Friends have been threatening for they have really hit their stride. v * smart victory, by a score of 15 to exciting, with the spectators enter that out, LJ] * losing team to build up support. . * Oshawa Baseball A very interesting meeting was not so many years ago. haps two, while Oshawa Railway the Oshawa Railway, immediately. on this page. » * championship last night by virtue rivals, Ritson Rd. LJ] L oppose. the winner of the Mary St.- ed tonight. LJ * The Oshawa Tennis Club team capture all four points yesterday in but the best they could do was to two, T, 4-6, 7-5, and 6-2. and C. Hutchinson, 6-2, 9-7. H. Hainer and B. second place. Fitzgold, of the Parkwood Stable Long Branch, yesterday. starting an Oshawa hardball lcague. Mortis Kohen has promised one team and per- Hermont of Broadview, by 8-6, 6-2. strong of Oshawa lost to Bradshaw and Patrick by 6-1, 6-4. 'S. Alger and Fishleigh of Oshawa, were defeated by Dr. Lindo and Herndall, Lacrosse Game Here Tonight Local lacrosse fans are reminded of the big lacrosse game which will be played at the Motor City Stadium tonight, between Oakwood Grads, of Toronto, and the Oshawa Scnior team. This game should battle is promised. * » Chosen Friends Defeat O.M.1. Chosen Friends Ladies'softball team broke into the victory column expense of the Malleables. © The some time now and it looks as if * * "Newsies" Win in Whitby The Times' softball team travelled to Whitby last night and won a 7.. The game was close and very ing into the spirit of the evening with much gusto. They take their softball seriously in Whitby, we found » » Falcons Smother Bell Telephone The Falcons handed the Bell Telephone team a terrible beating last night, the score being 31 to 3. Whether this could have been avoided or not 'is not known but such results as that make it hard for the * * League Proposed held last night, for the purpose of This city had a snappy league, are entered. Any church or club wishing to ehter a team is asked to get in touch with A. Neilson, of A list of officers appear elsewhere * * Albert St. Win Jr. Title Albert Street boys won the Oshawa Public School Junior softball of their victory over their ancient w * Senior Championship Tomorrow The O.P.S. Senior softball championship (boys) will be decided to- morrow evening, after 400 p.m. at Rotary Park. North Simcoe will Cedardale game, which will be play- »* * Oshawa Tennis Club Divides Points made a particular strong effort to their league games wtih Broadview divide the points, each club getting Eric Vesey gave a brilliant display to win the Single game from Dr. McMullen and %Army" Arm- Willis, Oshawa, defeated Dr, Cooper The Oshawa Club still stands third in the Toronto Tennis League, only one point behind Broadview, who are in » * R. S. McLaughlin's Horse Places s, placed second in the first race at Rowden, c., Hubbell, 1b, Webster, p, T. Elliott, ss, C. Elliott, 3b, Creamer, r.f, Gray, LE, Ross, r.f and Hughes, c.f. Bell Telephone~Hood, 3b, Tim- mins, 1b, Martin, p., and Lf, Wal- ton, 2b, McElroy, r.f, Claus; ss. Tonkin, 2b., and p., Parish, ¢, and Jempson, cf. - Score by innings: 12345678 Bell T....10000110 12527252 Falcons 9-RHE 03.5 2-31? Oshawa Baseball. League The Oshawa Railway Sports Committee held a meeting last night and decided to enter a team in Oshawa City League 0.B.A. Morris Kohen was pres- ent and guaranteed one more team, the Aarabs, and also said that he could almost vouch for another team from Parts and Ser- vice, G.M.C., but in default of this team he woud procure a substi- tute. - "Dusty" Claus stated that he] might get Cedardae to enter a team which woud make four teams. Morris Kohen has uniforms for two teams and Oshawa Rail. way have their own uniforms while Cedardale also have their outfit. Consequently the financi- al outlay will be slight. Mayor Marks and Industria Commissioner Col, McCormac expressed themselves in accord with the proposition. Officers elected by Oshawa Railway organization are as fol< lows: Hon. President W. A. Kingsland, Gen'l.-Mana- Hon, Vice.President G. B. Walker, Gen'l.-Supt., Osh- awa Ry. President " J. J. Callaghan, Supt., Oshawa y Vice-Presidents C. 8. Lee, H. W, Sheridan. ' Secy-Treasurer Alex. Neilson. Auditors Albert Elcock, Howard Andison The office of team managers to later. viruses | The meeting was attended b; all of the baseball fans and ay ers of the Oshawa Railway and from the expressions and sugges- tion of those present, it looks like the rest of the League will have to step high, wide and handsome For Public Softball Albert St. Beat Ritson School Jr. Championship Albert St. Juniors Defeat Ritson Rd. Team for the City Public School Jr. Title -- Winners Show Rare 'Form and Eam Their Victory In a fast game which display- ed more real softball than any other game this season, Albert St. Juniors last night at Rotary Park, defeated Ritson Road Jun- fors in a sudden death game for the Public and Separate School Junior championship of the city. Both teams appeared in enappy new sweaters. Ritson in red, black and gold and Albert in green and white. These sweaters have been purchased by the O.P. S.A.A. and through the boys themselves and in addition to saving the boys own clothing, as- sists the onlookers in distinguish- ing the teams and leads to better playing among the players. Y For the first two innings game was tight. Both teams played fast but careful ball. In the third, Albert played spettac- ular ball while Ritson's errors lcwed Alpert to place 5 runs a ross: the pate. Romanski held | sway for the first three innings for Albert, although it looked for a time as it he would fail. Sutton pitched nice ball for Ritson but ved " n , Chestham and. Musie, we sible for 8 runs ea'h for Albert, while Menzie, Loopole and Marchowski each garnered 2 for Ritson. 'Menazie's unassisted double play. in the seventh, when | he caught Langton's fly and alsd cought the men at second was the most spectacular play of the me, 'The batting of noth was very. consistent, but| Ritson gave poor support in the fleld and allowed Alpert to take 'advantage and run in just enough 'runs 'to einch the game. Ritson fn the last frame, with thé score 16-8, made a great rally and with to beat 'em, | two out filled the bases, hrought in three more runs and had the the | while Musie finished | jor support and was replaced Kitchen for the last three in- o ' bases loaded aguin when the game ended. The teams :~-- Albert -- Minal ss, Spence: cf, Milne 2b, Brant rf Romanski p, Tryell 1f, Cheetham 3b, Langton ¢. Menize 1b. Ritson. -- Kitchen ¢, Sutton p, Crawford 1b, Menzie 2b, Stork 3b, Loopole If, Marchowski es, McQuarrie cf. Umpires--Mr. Warder. The Senior final between N. Simcoe and the winner of the Cedardale-Mary game tonight will take place at Rotary Park Thursday at 6.45 p.m. All soft- ball fans desiring to see a real game come and give the boys a hand. : The girls' final game be- beta Qodardale and the winner of the «Mary-Centre scrap will be played at Rotary Park Friday night, These are the final games 'of three leagues in which sev- eral hundred boys and girls take part and some good softball is in prospect for those who attend. 'Don! Patterson, Mr, 't miss them. > A ---------------------------- " KLEIN GETS FORTEENTH HOMER June 10.--"Chuck' Pi tsburg, ai Fai, ii ie his fourteenth home run of the season, won a ball game for ladelphia over the Pitts. burg, Pirates yesterday, 7 to 3. | When Klein came up in the fifth, there were runners on first and second, two out, and his team trailing by one run. His circuit | eloiit put the Phillies in the lead, ey were not headed again, adding two in the eighth and one inthe ninth. "BIRDS DEFEAT SKEETERS "Baltimore, Md., June 10.-- Backing up a nicely pitched game 'by Ken Holloway, who held the "Jersey City Skeeters to seven hits, the Buicles scored a b6-to-1 vie- ory here yesterda, © a two- in tha' Foi) "Bud" Cancy was the star clout. er for the visitors, having a. per- fect day with four hits in as many 'times at bat. He was robbed of a home run in the ninth when his drive hit a lighting wire, which prevented it from going in- to the bleachers. Frank Cook, Star Goalkeeper For Collingwood Dead Collingwood, June 10.--Frank Cook, one of the greatest and best known goalkeepers in the O.H.A., passed away at his home here yesterday. Cook had the grand record of twenty-five years' ser- vice in the O,HLA., having played on six intermediate O.H.A. cham- pionship teams, five for Colling- wood and one for Midland. He wag noted all over Canada for his marvellous ability to keep the puck out of the net, and his clean sportsmanship. Cook was born in Midland and it was in the little ship-building town where he learned his hockey. In 1909, a year after Midland won the championship, the clever net guardian moved to Collingwood, where he lived and played hockey until his death here today. It was Cooke's great goalkeeping that led Collingwood to her first championship in 1910. The same team repeated in 1913 and then agaln in 1918-19-20, A few years ago Frank hung up his goalstick, but only last winter he came out In mid-season to play town league hockey. He brought his team, the Oddfellows, from the bottom of the league to a champlonship with six straight shutouts. It was a grand climax to a great career, for only a week after the hockey season closed he was operated on for stomach trouble from which he never re- covered. All hockey fans, past and pres- ent, mourn the passing of a mas- ter workman; and the cleanest of clean sportsmen. SENATORS SWEEP SERIES Washington, D.C., June 10.-- The Senators defeated Chicago, 9 to 3, yesterday, to even the four- game series and keep their sea- son's record against the White Sox clean. Washington bunched 10 hits oft Pat Caraway and took advan tage of erratic fielding hy his teammates to score their nine runs, Meanwhile, Crowder allowed the Sox 14 hits, but kept them scattered, and tightened up with men on bases. He pitched the entire game, For the ninth time in a row this has been accom- plished by local hurlers. BEAT OM. -- TIMES AND FALC "Newsies" Show Real Form Defeating Whitby at Home In Smart Softball Battle Times Softballers Defeat Whitby Right in County Town, 15-7 -- Game Is Fast and Snappy With Plenty of Smart Softball --Strong Defensive Play And Hitting of Winners, Brings Victory Completely smothering a threat- ened rally and finishing their own batting cfforts with a five-run ad- dition to their total, the Oshawa Times' softballers handed the Whit- by South Ont. league entry a 15 to 7 setback, right in the County Town, much to the dissatisfaction of over two hundred fans who were present, last night. . Starting right in at the first in- ning the "Newsies" played lovely softball throughout the entire game. The infield played a strong game and gave the two hurlers winning support, Magill started for the winners and gets credit for the vic- tory. He held the hard hitting homesters well in check until the seventh when Whitby scored threc to make the score 9-6. Mayne, the first man up in the eighth inning, homered, cutting the Oshawa lead to two runs. Campbell replaced Ma- gill at this stage, with none out. The first two batters both reached first hase on decisions by the umpire, af- ter a great deal of argument re infield hits and how a pitcher should stand in the box. With none out and the tying runs on the paths, the next six Whitby batters were retired in order, two via the strike- out route, to end the game. Just to clinch things, the "News- ies" scored five runs in their half of the ninth, and put the game out of danger. It was a good game, featured by the strong defensive play of the Times team, Morris, at third for the winners, had a great night, making some lovely assists and get- ting three doubles and a single out of five official trips to the plate, Only one member of the winners failed to get a hit. Mayne, Sleight- holm and Forrester cach had.two safeties, BOX SCORE AB. RE conned -- TIMES P Kitchen, c., .. Toppings, 2b. Trott, r.1., .. . Shelenkoff, 5.5, ses.0 Morris, 3b., ...:...5 Noyris, 1b, . . Little, 14. .. Amshury, cf. Magill, p., Campbell, p., Smtim--og NST =arOwSP = et ts ps pt DB DN DN WHITBY Heard, ef, 2.04::4:5 Tucker, s.s., Northam, Lf, ... Bye, ¢., Scott, 1b, .... Maytre, r.1., ....i.. Sleightholme, 2b., .. Forrester, 3b, vi Neal, p, © ht Ut DN | anno OoON | wl omococa-- ~ = Score by Innings Whitby, ...... Times, Umpires, Whitby and Toppings. Leafs Wallop Bisons at Home 10 1 on, T Oshawa. Scorer, Jison Stadium, Buffalo, June 10.--Unleashing a furious bat- ting attack in the first four in- nings, the Toronto Maple Leafs eventually overthrew the Bison again here last night by a score of 16 to 5 before 3,500 patrons. Old Joe Harris, Bison cast-off, gave his old mates at lot of head- aches by crucifying Bison pitch- ing for a single, double and homer on his first three trips to the plate, driving in four runs in ad- dition to one he scored on his own hook. Three hurlers vainly sought to stem the tide of To- ronto hits in this first four-in- ning barrage, while five alleged curvers saw service before the debacle ended. The unkindest cut of all was handed Johnny Wilson, who es- sayed to pitch the ninth and final round, only to have eight Baseball Results INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE 677 Newark seeeeess 30 Montreal Baltimore Rochester . seesene 27 536 631 500 474 472 373 Jersey City sese..27 Buffalo ...ee00,.26 Reading ..ee0000.19 Yesterday's Results Baltimore ..5 Jersey City ...1 Rochester 4-1 Montreal ..3-7 Toronto ...16 Buffalo Reading at Newark--Rain, Games today--Toronto at Buf falo; Montreal at Rochester (2)7 Jersey City at Baltimore; Read- ing at Newark (2). NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. St. Louis +.......30 13 ,698 New York . . 591 Chicago 568 Boston 489 Brooklyn ..cece.. Philadelphia .....20 Pittsburg v..e00..20 Cincinnati .15 Yesterday's Results Philadelphia 7 Pittsburg ,...% Cincinnati ..7 Boston sees New York .,10 Chicago +...2 St. Louis ... 8 Brooklyn ....5 Games today-----Boston at St, Louis; Brooklyn at Cincinnati; New York at Pittsburg; Philadel- phia at Chicago. AMERY®CAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. veeesdd 11 L181 846 B56 532 391 .381 .313 Philadelphia Washington +¢e...31 New York .. Cleveland . Chicago .seeeee St. Louis eeseees.16 Boston Detroit Yesterday's Results Philadelphia 12 Detroit .....9 Washington ..9 Chicago ....3 St. Louis at Boston--Rain, Cleveland at New York---Rain, Games today---Chicago at New York; St. Louis at Philadelphia; Detroit at Boston; Cleveland at Washington. sesasenessl? runs scored against him ag thir- teen batters staged a wild merry-go-round. slashing six hits, which were mixed with an er- ror and two passes. Imperial Tobacco Company Fleet, on her maiden age, made the crossing from Cherbourg to Quebec ki 6 § hours an RECORD SPEAKS ITSELF bo E Empress of Britain's new record adds another chapter to Britain's supremacy on the seas, and brings to Canada a record of which it proud. Turret cigarettes' supreme popularity with Canadians isaproud record, established and maintained. Afterall, nothingcanreplace good, honest tobacco; grown and ripened right out in the field under sunlight--nothing artificial about that--and the high quality is "inbred." Toll CIGARETTES r may be justly nature's own 540 - ' 370

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