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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1931, p. 9

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- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, \ TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES" Oshawa's Lacrome Team Defeats Oakwood Grads, 9-1 Cedardale Defeats Mary St. in P.S. Semi-Final Game Scarboro Golf Team Defeats Oshawa in Friendly Toumey LOCALS DEFEAT OAKWOOD GRADS. - SOFTBALL GAMES TONIGHT POE TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Falcons and "Newsies" Meet at Stadium in Game Tonight All-Star Lacrosse Team Fails to Impress in Win Last Night Toronto Leafs Take Severe 2 Beating at Hands of Bisons Oshawa Team Impressive | In Their 9-1 Victory Over | Oakwood Grads. of Toronto Oshawa Seniors Show Strong Defence and a Real Scoring Punch in Beating Oakwood Grads -- Garrison, Bovin and Cardinal Score Osh- awa's Goals; All on Nice Efforts -- Visitors Show Lack of Practice But Were Fast and Game Oshawa's- entry Senior section: of the O.A.L A. handed Oakwood Grads a severe beating at the Motor City Stadium, last night, before a disappointing crowd of about.a hundred fans, the score being 9-1. For an exhibition game, it was a very liyély affair, It started fast as regards play and it slowly heat- ed up and inthe last quarter both teams were. mixing it freely and at times 'tempers were sorely tri- ed. Oshawa Seniors did not field a full team but they played excel lent lacross, not brilliant but a nice game which brought results, and their vietory was an impres- sive one. Daniels and the four Campbellford players did not play and the team was not nearly at full strength, Oakwood Grads 'are not the team they were two years ago, even allowing for lack of practice, The visitors showed a distinct lack of practice and occasional flashes of smart lacross showed that they will be a greatly improved team in a few weeks time, It was stated that the visitors had only had three workouts "but this: did not come from any official of the club, .& Oshawa Shows Scoring Punch The Oshawa team flashed a real scoring punch last night and while the wisiting nét-minder put a great-display, hé was given no chagce on the nine shots which beat Bim. The locals' hored right in from the. start and continued thro out. Nine goals were scor- ed, three players dividing the hon- ors. *Pete'" Garrison had a gala svening and. simply ran wild, He worked like a fiend and was re- warded for 'his efforts with four nice goals. "Shine" Bovin, easily the hest man on thf field, scored three times, "Red" Fardinal dril- led the: other two Oshawa goals past 'Cowan. All nine goals were welliéarned and well scored. Huht!scored thejgrisitors' * lone tally; when he wad left loose enough to drill one throngh a me. lee towards the Oshawa net. "Pat" didnit see it coming until it was past, Hint, Graham, their speedy centre, 'and Pitney were the best for he Grads. Special. mention musf_Be made ¢f Cowan's fine works He made some great saves and ed in a good game.. Ghermon. Bovin and Cardinal loo after the goal scoring du- ties fgg' Oshawa but the defence was! 2180 very much in the lime- lights» Néither Shannon or "Peg" Hurst, Who went in for the . Jast period, had a great deal to do but they made a good job of all their und takings, The Oshawa defence wa 0g. Hubbell was steady and very. va nable while: the Luke Bros, | e right on their toes all ere « Hooper made a very cre= fhowing 'and Ledley was ero - vg a good exhibition game is Son team made a fav- in the "impredsion by 'their clear-. ctory. The' local boys were 'Walker, Oshawa boy, d. for Oakwood. score by periods was 3-0, "He and 9-1, who teams: iwa.-- "Pat" Shannon, goal; fubbell, point; Leyden, cover; I , 1st defence; G. Luke, 2nd } 3 Hooper, 3rd defence; H. "centre; Armour, 3rd home; , 2nd home; Campbell, 1st { Garrison; inside "home; dinal, outside home;. Altern- ates;Stepheris and J. Hubbell. . _ Oskwood Grads.--Cowan, goal; Glen. Campbell, point; Harrison, cover; Hunt, 1st defence; Clarke 2nd, defence; . Roberts, fence; Graham, centre; Temple- man, 3rd home; Wallbank, 2nd homie: Bellerby, 1gt home; Ten- sid nside home; McPhee, out home. Alternates, A: Walker, HE AY " New A and Friday 0 EL BRENDEL' pb at 2.30--7---D. 'Regular Prices : Silverware Night + Friday 3rd de- "PORT SNAPSHOTG By Geo. CampBELL, Sports Editor ireland, Pitney, Heenan, Wright, McCallum. Referee.--F. LeRoy. Judge of Play. Ed. Donald Toronto Takes It on the Chin Buffalo, June 11.--The Bisons paid the Toronto Maple Leafs in full, and stored up a little inter: est to boot, for Tuesday night's terrific beating when they ran the Canadian invaders ragged to reverse the tables in chalking up a 16-to-5 triumph before's slen- der crowd at the stadium. Foster. day- afternoon. The Bisons made the game a shables for the Leafs by rolling up ten runs in the first inning for a season's record, Ollie Tucker bossing the running fire of safe shots directed at the To- ronto heavers by slamming a home run and a double te ac- count for five of the tallies. The Bisons pitchied into four Toronto heavers for 18 hits and were also aided by the generosity of the visiting sharpshooters, who handed out nine bases on balls. Dewey Stover collaborated with Tucker, in providing the principal offensive fireworks, by lashing out two singles and a fence- clearing shot on his first three trips to the plate in three suc- cessive innings. Honest-to-Goodness Hitting The volcanic scoring eruption of the Bisons in the first chukker dwarfed into comparative insig- nificance Toronto's eight-run splurge of Tuesday evening and all the other one-round outbursts of the season here, Eleven of the first 18 batsmen battered clean hits' and ten of them eventually scored, the only' break being offered by. Hughes, who was a strikeout victim for the first-out, after seven straight men had reached first base and points beyond. A great throw by Rabbitt from deep right to third base; cutting down a sprinting runner, prob- ably prevented the carnage from reaching greater proportions, Leibhardt Out Early The Bison blasted two pitch- ers from their moorings before a man was retired with Glen Leibhardt lasting against four hitters, who punctured him for a double and two singles, all of them eventually scoring. Oshawa Golfers Lose Tourney to Scarboro Club An enjoyable inter-clup tourn- ament, with members of the Osp- awa Golf Club acting as hosts to about thirty players of Scarboro Club, was played at the Oshawa golf course yesterday afternoon, the series of matches resulting ia a victory for the visiting team hy a score of 45 points to 32. The 'weather was ideal for such an oe- cagion and the games were thor- oughly enjoyed by the players. At the close of play, the visitors were entertained at dinner hy the local club, and a very pleasant evening was spent. At the after-dinner festivities, Dr. Henry, captain of the Oshawa team, presided 'as master of ceremonies in a ver; "happy manner and speeches testi. fying to the enjoyment which all had found in the day's outing. were made by members of bath clubs. The results of the play were as follows: & * Scarboro GW. Levy ... . L. Brown ... . T. Fairley .. Oshawa Millichamp ..2 McNab ....3 H. W. Andrews Carswell ...3 Dr. Givens ..... Mor oy corel H. F, Fisher ..2 A. Ph eens Dr. J. J. Healey 0 G. O'Réga n +58 Arnold. 0 H. Vor oor os W. Ranger ....0 A. HalFiei. a3) Staton .... ....2 Elmer Dixon ...0 A. L. Hudson 3 W. Pinner ....,0 Dr. McNichol . Barton © > Carrick 34 Robsen . Harve ..1 P, Camning . I p 'Howe ....2 W. Dr. Graham ...2 Dr. Henry ..... E. Wheeler ....2 Dr. McKay ... Dr. H, Watson 0 Dr. C. Wilson 3 N. J. Fairhead .2 Ernie Dixon ...0 A, Booth ......2 C. M. Mundy ,.0 H. M, Samuels 3 J. King Dr. Newell ....3 Dr. Hezzlewood 0 |.ai Dr. W. Watson .0 Dr. C. O. Miller 3 H Simpson ....2 D. C. Fowler ..0 W. Bosworth. 3 TK Creighton 0 iH. L. Conlin ..3 Dr. A, Brown ..0 N. Knight ....0 C. Morton ol Dr. ardner 3 A. G. Anderson x Senior Pro. ....0 Roberts, Pro, ..3 2 J. JH. Rr F. R. 1 0 0 3 sens Holden iO} -his day. will be retired to the in- .40 | his. olin list of / otal nave ole - Oshawa Lacrosse Team Wins Easily Oshawa Seniors had very little trouble in disposing of Oakwood Grads. of Toronto, in an exhibition game at the Motor City Stadium last night. The score of the game was 9-1 and>about indicates the margin of the play. Oshawa were superior in every department and not only displayed a smooth and effective working defence but the needed scoring punch was produced. Oakwood showed a lack of practice and no doubt will be a much stronger team in a few weeks' time. The locals did not field their strongest tcam, five regulars being absent, * * * C.N.R. Visit Local Tennis Club Tonight The CN.R. entry mn the Toronto Tennis League will visit the Osh- awa Tennis Club this evening to play a scheduled set of games at the local courts. Oshawa is now in third place and if Eric Vesey and the three Doubles teams can all manage to win, the four points may possibly put them in second, as they are only ong point behind Broad- wew, at the present time. Spectators for these games are welcome. * * * * * Canada's Team Not Too Impressive "Not all who saw the exhibition game at Brampton yesterday between the all-stars and the Excelsiors--or rather what was left of the Mann Cup holders--are convinced that Canada will be represented at Balti- more in the international series by the best team available. The stars won mainly because Goalkeeper Bert Large played a remarkable game. Bert Burry and "Red" Spencer were granted permission by Presi- dent Blainey of the O.A.L.A. to participate in this contest, but otherwise the 'suspension of those two stalwarts stands. J. O. Adams, a lacrosse critic of outstanding ability, has the following to say about yesterday's game and the Canadian team: "Today's game marked the all-star idea as all wrong. With the goalers reversed the decision would have been different. The all- stars, on paper, should have romped home today by a margin of at least ten goals, but they were hard pressed to win, and Bert Large was outstanding in their victory. As with all-star teams in lacrosse or hockey, they lacked teamplay, and at times were lost. Rarely did they have any concerted action in their attacks. They did not handle the ball as often as the Jocal makeshift team, and at fielding were badly outclassed. I believe that Canada will not be repre- sented by the strongest team. 1 am not partial when I say that Excelsiors, 1930 champions, are considerably more powerful than the feam leaving for Baltimore tonight. Not on "paper," but by team play, a knwledge of what plays are going to be made, and unselfish- ness. And United States by being represented by a 'consistently winning twelve, knowing each other, will be more powerful this year than their all-stars of last year."--Taken from The Globe. * * * . Trinity Defeats St. George's Hely Trinity A. C. softball team, entered in the local church league, captured a mice victory last night in their league game with St. George's Ukrainian team. The winners scored two runs in the ninth inning to eke out a 13 to 12 victory. G. Attersley was the winning hurler, Pétrie, R. Attersley, Barnes and G. Aftersley were the most effective for the winners while Shelenkoff, Rogers, S. Rogers, and Shewchuk were best for the losers. * - * . Big Game at Stadium Here Tonight Local soRball fans will do well to be®on hand at the Motor City Stadium tonight, at 7.00 p.m. sharp: Falcons and Times oppose each othed in a scheduled league game and a real softball battle is expected. The Falcons are threatening extermination of the "Newsies" but the Maroon and White clan, while saying very little, are determined to do their best for a victory. It should be a real game and while the Falcons are acknowledged as a stronger team, the will to win sogetimes makes a big difference, but at any rate, it should be well worth seeing. No mercy will be give and certainly none will be asked. * * . * Two Other Softball Games Down at Cowan's Park, S. and A. Billiards will oppose Robson Lea- ther and while the Tannery are expected to win this game, it is far from certain and the S. and A. team are just liable to pull a big surprise. It will be a close one, at any rate. Mike's Place Juniors travel to Whitby, to oppdse the County Town team, and this game should also attract the usual big crowd. * . * * Orono and Port Hope Win Games Orme Gamsby's ball team got their own back against Bailieboro yes- terday afternoon when they had the return game. Orono won out by 10. to 8, holding their early lead until the game was over. In another Lakeshore, League fixture, Port Hope took Cobourg into camp by 10 to 6. Russell was good, in the box, for the winners. » * * » Cedardale Srs. Enter Finals Cedardale Senior softball team (boys) eliminated Mary 5t. team last night at Alexandra Park, when they won the third and deciding game of the sudden-death series by a score of 8-7. $s the score in- dicates, it was a nip-an-tuck struggle which was in doubt until the last man was out. Gillard, hurling for the Ward 5 team, deserves great credit for his showing. Cedardale will oppose North Simcoe team at Rotary Park, tonight, at 400 p.m. for the Senior Public School soft- ball championship. ' - Ld * Ld Falcons vs. 0.M.I. Tomorrow Night The Motor City Stadium will have a great crowd to accommodate tomorrow 'night, weather permitting, as the Falcons and Malleables hook up in a league game. Another one of those "to-the-death" strug- gles will be played and no real Ladies' softball fan will miss tomorrow's | game, * * * * ..___ Scarboro Defeats Oshawa Golfers Scarboro and Oshawa Golf Clubs played a friendly inter-club tourna- ment at the local Golf links yesterday afternoon. With ideal weather prevailing, the tourney was a hyge success. All the matches were well contested and several of the gaems were especially close and interest- ing. Scarboro defeated Oshawa onthe totals by 45 to 32, Each club used twenty-nine players. PASSING OF EDDIE COLLINS Philadelphia, Pa., June 11.-- After a quarter of a century 'as an active player in the American League, Edward Trowbridge Col ins, king of second basemen in be called into the A's batting or- der, DIFFERENT NOW (Brandon Sun) In ancient days they didn't wait for a man to make millions before regarding him as.a prophet. oe A Nit 11 Simcoe Street South active list on June 15. On that day, Connie Mack of the Athletics will have to reduce it has been decided, i p. into the inactive list. Eddie, who has not been very active 11 the Jaa Je Joara, how- evi remain the world's bo Bd as captain, coach and advisor and as right hand man to the tall tutor of the A's. - He can be made an active play- it is not likely that he will ever |. ' Baseball Results INTERNATIONAL: LEAGUE Lost Newark ....... Montreal Baltimore ..... Rochester .. Toronto: , . ..... Buffalo Jersey City . Reading .... : Wednesday' 8 Scores . .16 Buffalo. Baltimore. . Montreal. ..4- 5 7 on 20 29 31 26 26 22 23 26 25 Torontg Jersey City. ... 4 Rochester ...2 Reading at Newark (rain). Games To-day Toronto at Newark Buffalo at Baltimore Rochester at Jersey City Montreal at Reading AMERICAN LEAGUE Lost Philadelphia Washington New York Cleveland Chicago ....... Louis ...... St. Boston Detroit Wednesday's Scores Washington. Only one 9 Cleveland. game played. Games To-day Cleveland at Washington Louis at Philadelphia Chicago at New York Detroit at Boston St. NATIONAL LEAGUE Lost St. Louis ....... New York Chicago .... Boston Brooklyn Pittsburg Philadelphia Cincinnati 14 19 19 23 26 25 25 33 Weanesqays Scores Pittsburg. Cincinnati. Chicago. Boston Boston at New York at Pittsburg Brooklyn at Cincinnati Philadelphia at Chicago 5 -10 St. New York .. Brooklyn .... Philadelphia . St.Louis Louis Games, To-ddy PA SA TH i BAD HOUR (Border Cities Star) The dangerous period for pede trians, it is' said, is' 45 but around | | Spencer, ious here it's just as hi Zar P.C. B77 .558 044 .510 .491 International Title Satisfied Coach Powers guard, But "Home" Make Favorable Show-| ng Brampton, June 11--Canada's all tar lacrosse team, that defends Dor | minion supremacy in lacrosse ; [st the United States in BalGimore next Saturday and Monday, put a full-dress reheasal yesterday af a Brampton col The general im- the game, was that | the Stars have a great defence, well | worthy of the task they are asked but the home is not so deleating Sto 2 ternoon, lection by pression, after to perform, good Brampton champions, with si theyr regular playing All-Stars, could not be « much better th: ntermediate bre, yet in a rathe g Stars did not have much of : vantage, although on the rear-gusrd they were powerful. The last-min- {ute call for Ce Golden to help out on the attac 1 weakness and i ha neal teaf in the intern ational ser- cham- es Intercol- stalt r soft g: mnie with St. ohn's College, s of United Stat legiate. Both ton's yesterday, adians team-mates, dividual efforts, with flashes of any The game seem out for both little chance merits of either team Star Defence Strong Americans have the same beating a rear-guard Thom, Beatty, Coulter and al that Brampton had the All-Stars and Bramp ction lacked organization with the best of the Can- g against their own and jit was mostly in- only occasional mpetition just a good work 1d there was y judge the sel SE€rious cc If the {trouble of at d.1> Large in gc Canadian All- Brampton Excelsiors 5-3 In Full- Dress Rehearsal Canada's All-Star Lactose: Team, Who Will Defend in| U.S., Defeat Excelsiors-- With Work of Rear- . {tion Stars Beat yesterday there should be ton Soils scored against the Canadians in Jaltimore, but the Canadians did not display a great deal of offensive | power. Benny Haines scemed about the only one of the Lastern players to class as an all-star, and on his tricky boring-in style he compared with the best, but the others were just ordinary, The Stars adopted a wide, passing game and when their plays clicked Shows Lack of Scoring | they appeared to possess potential Punch--Oshawa Players | | strength although, like any aggrega- {tion of strange players, they could not be expected to work with much | perfection. Chuck Davidson, form- er Oshawa siar and now of Toron- to Native Sons, who played a part in the defeat of the Americans in [ the last series, displayed some neat | play on the attack and worked well with Benny Haines, of M.A.AA, | Toots White, also of Oshawa, who opposed the Americans last year, al- so showed up well The team _will leave tonight for Jaltimore in time for a practice be- for the game, but just who will com- | pose the regular twelve is not [know Additional players are like ly to ee taken to bolster the collec that played here todas Ted Reeve, who will be plaving with the Montreal Maroons in fessional box lacrosse, played the defence for Brampton today with an All-Star sweater covered by his old Excelsior jersey. It was not known today if Reeve will play Jaltimore, although he is likely 0 leave Fr y night to report the Reeve admitted that he has signed 3 protessional contract, are nbt printed yet. pro- on not as they Piper Bain and Gord Thoms, the Simon's players who were cut badly in practise yesterday, played for the Stars, Jain had his lip patched and Thom a plaster across his head. The uniforms for the Canadian Stars cannot be called attractive, being of heavy jersey material, blue bodies with an orange band and red Maple Leaf. Gossip at the game had it that five 'of the Brampton players in- tended to turn professional after, the international series, but none of them would admit anything, al- though all agreed that they had talked terms with the Toronto pro. | officials. St. | strokes in front It was understood after the game ts it A. E. Lyon, president of the CALA, would seek permission to use Bert Burry and Red Spencer; suspended O.A.L A. players, for the international series. Teams: All Stars--Goal Large, (Bramp- ton) ; point, Coulter (Oshawa) ; cov= er, Beatty (Brampton); defence, Bleeker (Montreal), Thom (St. Si- mon's) and Spencer (Brampton); centre, Stapleton (Brampton); home, Barron (Oshawa), McDonald (Brampt on) and Haines (Montreal), side, Davidson (Toronto Native Sons); outside, Connell, (Ottawa)? subs., Burry (Brampton), Bain (St. Simon's), McKinnon (Montreal), O'Connell (Montreal). Garbarina (Montreal), Loundsbury (Hamilton) and White, (Toronto Native Sons). Brampton--~Goal, Savage and W. Large; point, Farr; cover," Reeve; defence, Burton, Ella and Thomp son; centre, Carey; home, W Kendall and Gibson, outside mer; inside, Core; subs, Campbell, Coudy and Anthony. Official rr and F. ls--S, Wa Jones, Miss Cecil Smith wins Tournament At Scarboro Club Toronto, June 11.--Adding bus four strokes to the difficult par of 78, for women, over the course of the Scarboro Golf and Country Club, recently deposed Ontdrio champion, led a large and strong field of local ladies in the invita- tion tournament of that club yesterday and she finished three of Miss Ada Mackenzie of the Toronto Ladies' Club, who wont the crown last week - at Glendale. Miss Smith with 82, Miss Mac- kenzie with 85 and Mrs, E. W. Whittington of the Toronto Golf Club, with 87, were the only players to break 90 although 18 others were under the 100 mark. The record for the reconstructed Scarboro course was made two years ago by Mrs. S. G, Bennett in the Canadian ladies' close tourney with Smith's total not previous mark by four strokes but compared most favorably with the 80 which Jed the field in the qualifying round of the club's men's campionship round last Saturday. only cut the fin for Canada, | and all things amadian)* "My faith in what Canada will 3 is based on what she has done . . . a record of which any nation in the world may well be proud. Take her famous Burley tobacco, grown in the wonderful pelich country of Southern . Handy pocket tin, 15¢c. 14 pound screw-top humidor, 75c. Ontario. Here, the wonderful soil and climate produce a Made-in-Cianada Burley that asks no favours from any land." Picobac is this choice Burley leaf--grown, mellowed, blended and packed by Canadians . - for Canadians. ~--and don't forget, you get more tobacco for your money. Umperial Tobacco Co. of Canada, Limited = \ provincial an 86 and Miss - EB 2a 283 Dim BE DNF we, - Bal ex ' LZ, i bs ATE IN AERA. SS

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