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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1931, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY: TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE t1, 1931 PAGE ELEVEN if it is to be bought or sold- Times Classified Ads will do it : Legal Dental For Rent : Articles for Sale Mortgage Sale : - | DR. 5. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: | VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT MIXED HARD AND SOFT MORTGAGE SALE SONANY & NSIS BARRISTERS sett's. Special attention to X-ray | new low rentals, electric refrig- wood slabs $3.50 per load. Also | Under and by virtue of the Conv oD d general prac. | "ork. Gas extraction, Nurse ID | eration, electric stove, washing | bone dry body wood. Waterous [Powers contained in a certain op yannns ott : 7 Siuieos attendance. Phone 959. HOUSE | machine and dryer. Apply super- | Comm Meek Limited. Phone 1288. Mortgage, which will be pro- tice in Law. Office 7% 1312. intendent. Phone 2533F. . (apr 26 tf) [duced at the time of sale there St. South, Oshawa, Phone 4. G. D. y 3 RAST Te 551t will be offered for sale by pub- Conant, B.A., LL.B.; A. F. An- «Jd. Fu CK, DENTIST, { ) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- |lic auction on Thursday, June nis, B.A, LL.B. Simeon BL Ny Naw baa STNCOE MANOR--FOUR AND | 2 ues in rebuilt Underwoods. They | 18th, 1931, at the hour of two W. E. N. SINCLAIR, K.C,, BANK | ings by appo' ntment. five room suites, electric stoves, are as serviceable as when new-- | o'clock in the afternoon,. day- o - Gh refrigeration, laundry, conveni- TO at less than half the cost. Sent |light saving time, at the prem- III - Ld of Commerce Building. Und taking ences. Apply superintendent, 4 . y bh for your approval. Address "Un- |ises known as No. 278 Albert Diamonds! JOSEPH P, MANGAN, B.A,, BAR- LORE BURIAL CO. 67 KING | | Phone 2671. (6ote) ) : derwood," 135 Victoria St., To- | Street, in the City of Oshawa, On- . Yister,Solisitor, Notiy Public St. East. Ambulance, Residence | THREE AND 4 ROOM APART: : : Tom: {0d 15, 31 os er: Auction Bassett's " Conveyameer, Money 10 Oshawa. | 542 Simcoe street north, Phone | ments, Modern to the Minute. E who rings doors bells look. FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD. | "£11 and singular that certain : : He Bs Residence phone 837 837. | 210J and 210W. . | Phone 1550 or 2347W. ing for 8 job, a room or any $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 | ,arce) or tract of land and prem. || On Oshawa's Main Corner . CREIGHTON & | OSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F. 132i) desired objective follows a slow, 4 cord.' Norman Sanders, King |izes situate, lying snd being in' Ly ? te, Bank of | Armstrong & Son, Propristors. OFFICES, BRIGHT, CLEAN, circuitous route indeed. Our gt. East. Phone 1774M. the Clty of Ofer ins, the our Fraser, Barrister, etc., Fuperal and Ambulance Servics | good approach. $15 up. Want-Ad columns not only locate FOR SALE-- GOOD MIXED |ty and Province of Ontario, and Scfiferts Dis. Z| day and night. Phone 1082W, 2 APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 eo these prospects | 1of YOu BUL sie yond % era_§5, All hardwood being Solposed of part of Lot SPECIAL! 1.0U RRISTER, | Celina. . ) | ¢ rooms, electric stove, kitchen assure an e 3.50. W. H. Thompson, King St. | Number Ten (10) in the First : Tr ver Dewland's 11 bed. Bradley Bros. with an interested prospees_at W. Phone 742J. Concession of said City, more Suits made to : to 10am. 16 Sime Insurance y : : the greatest saving of time (June 9-1 mo ¢) |particularly described as follows: ORDER YOUIt SUIT NOW street north, Phone 67. Residence | [AVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. effort, FOR SALE--CRUSHED - STONE | Commencing at a point in the Po wi 3 , "| 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The | Apartments, 12 Gladstone, Mod- : : chips for drive vays, Waterous- | Westerly limit of Albert Street in || Dominjon Clothing Co. 3 Meek Ltd. Phone 1288. said City distant 1 chain, 32% || ¢8 King St. W. Phone 2141 GREER & HUMPHREYS, BAR- ire Agenc, shawa. 30 [ern 3 roomed, $30 monthly, fur- | : Se . Solicitors, ete., 24% Sim- i the Ee a nished or unfurnished. Phope Tele hone 35 "(6 june c) |links in a course South 16 de- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Residence EN PLACING IN 20604W, (9 may ¢) i FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, sree a from the imeisection a 3514. Money to loan. consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simeoe | FOR RENT--ELECTRIC CLEAN: i cinders, stone, black loam. $1,650 | CH gi af Jie abierly ALEX. C. HALL; B.A., BAPRIS- | north. Your insurance wants ats | er. electric waxer. tents," exten: per truck load delivered. Phone iii do cos De og Soke REPAIRING ter, etc, Conveyancing' and gen- | tended to and your interests pro. | sion ladders, folding chairs, camp Work Wanted Musi Essery Bros. 5567J. Wettors Tot a at I WATCHES eral practice, 23% King St. East. | tected. cots, lawn rollers, dishes, etc. ol ant use... pe 18 Way 0) Loh in Teer; Lhe Seis OUR SPECIALTY Phone 3237. «© Ast) | HOLDEN SAVES YOU MONEY | Fox Hardware. (24 July &) | (ARH XING "AND ROCKERYS | HERBERT C, TRENEER, A.T.C. | FOR SALE-- BARGAINS IN 74 jecrees West parallel to tim | QRIf your watch is uot giving FRANK S, EBBS, BARRISTER, | on ng car or fire insurance. 92 {TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, | hyjit, shrubs and perenuial beds | M., Organist and Choirmaster of [ +iau0s taken in exchange On |giroet aforesaid, 1 chain, 50 satisfaction we can repair Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- | Simcoe N. Phone 371W. every comvenience. Suitable for (aid out, estimates given, also | King Street Church will accept [adios sold on easy terms. John |jinye. thence North 16 degrees and make it tell the correct TETRIS LEY © TLL, (ET = LE - ancer, monoy to loan. Third floor § (8 june c) [light housekeeping for. young (orders taken for nursery stock. [pupils fu piano, pipe organ and | Meagher, Simcoe North. 371W. | west' parallel to Albert Street as |[ERtime. new Alger Building, opposite couple. Phone 3333W. Phone 2178M. (25 apr ¢) | vocal music, 50 William Street (24 may ¢) laforesaid 40 feet; thence North D. J. BROWN Post Office. Phone 2996. Optometrist 20 eres oe | Hest Ruove 2506, NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- |74 degrees" East 1 chain, 50 THE JEWELER y Pt IN N M/ MA! NTS (Sept. 2 tf) | niture bought and sold. 1886 [links to t 1 inning. hb ey Medical Bi. #1: TECK, | OFFOMETRIST, ue reasonable. 6 rooms and |!00king after lawns and flower saz == ete Bloor in ping Phone 1517M. on the ne Be es uA Official Watch Inspector for specialist 'in muscle anomalies, a All : "| beds. Experienced. Prices reason- = Resorts ps " he ho Canadian National and Osh- DR BJ HAZLEWOOD, PHY- | evesight and glasses. Author of en, conveniences. Very cen able. Phone 1261F ummer on ¥ (7 may 1 mo) (to be a full two-storey brick awa. Railroads sician and Surgeon, special atten- { Bye Care and Bye Strain, The For Phone 633). (1321) ; "(7 june c) |SUNMER KESORT AT LAKE- | ALL HARDWOOD $3.50, MIXED | veneer building with all modern | Blog imeoe St. 8. Phone 180 tion given to X-Way work ana | Child and Its Development, Dis- | ROOMS FOR™ LIGHT HOUSE- side Beach, fiuest bathing and | $3.25 ger % cord. Mostly hard. [conseriences and the buildings Electrotheopy. Office, Disney | ney Block. Opposite Post Office, | keeping, also bedsitting room. | WORK WSANTED-- CLEANING |rishing on Lake Scugog. Some | wood. Phone 2423W. are said to be ia a good sate of El Ha Block. Phone 2050. Office open | Phone 1516, (21 may e):| Cheap. 165 Ritson South. Phone | windows, cutting lawns, garden |splendid building lots for sale. | (June 2-1 mow) |F parr Tr " 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Residence 421 so eeea| 2466). 0. © (134c) | work, odd jobs around the house, | A, E, Rogerson, Port Perry. FOR SALE -- SPENT MUSH- esi =n Per Cent. of the King stveet east. Phone 2416. Transportation FOR RENT--§ ROOMED BRICK | Prices reasonable. Phone 2657J." (22 way ¢) | rom compost in large quantities, | PITCNA5 Price to be paid down ro house, near Motors, low rent, (6 june ¢) | "REST HAVEN" NORLAND, | A high grade, quickly available, |3t the date of sale. The balance, COAL COAL A rn ae | oar ll SAND, | | ssession middle of June, Appl wid SR LIB lg Ft re , | above the first mortgage which Phone 193 jan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, G:s- | gravel, cinders, and dong | 5, el St. Fer 1141 WINDOW AND FURNACE [large Barden, tennis, croquet, Davi (eel, dot Vr bir TA will be assumed, is to be paid ¢ eases of infants and children. Of. | distance moving. Phone 1326F. | = 0" | cleaning, lawn attention, sodding | €lose Water boating, bathing, | Burns vo. 22" ~ | within thirty days from. the date WwW Jo SARGANT fice and residence 97 Bond East. | Day or n'ght service. FOUR ROOMED APARTMENT, | 19 grading, whitewashing and | (SBIDE. home cooking, fresh farm (FOR SALE -- 100 GALS. [of the sale, Yard--89 Bloor St. E. Phone 1155. (29 may c) nicels Jurmished, modern con- | painting. Terms reatonable, | Produce. Reasonable Tates, Mrs. | Moore's service paint at $1.75 Said property is being sold Orders Promptly DR. MCKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- | OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH: | (SL €ALes On round floor, also | plone $42F, Warrenshine Jani. | Leslie Stephens. gal. Fox Hardware. ; subject to a first mortgage and Delivered geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- | ed furniture mover, Park Road. |g ol ear Motors; 97 Colborne tor Service. ma... (JUNE 21m oe) | FOR FRIVE _(June 9-1 mo ¢) lis to be sold subject to a re- East, corner Vic- | Cartage, local and lon tance. I Fe a ES Aaa (May 26-1. mo -- | FOR PRIVATE SALE ON THE |served bid. Feria St, Cahawh, Phone 94. Cry Ri prop. 6 . - Rd, | FULLY FURNISHED TWO PORTION WANTED ---- YOUNG Furniture Repairing premises, 2 Park Ave., household | For further particulars and ie S. Phome 215 room aparimest, entrance and isd oli lg Te yOLNG FURNITURE REPAIRED AND |80ods and furniture before Sat- |conditions of sale apply to her c¢ ve v 3 1 . . v » ay. 'g Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist t {1 max 1 mo) oe eens, Jivate. Bot position for summer holidays. re-upholstered, ete, Charges | Urday. i ia (1340) W. E.N. SINCLAIR, K.C, PHONE 22 DR, F. T. BRYANS OF 1&0 CaRTanE AND STORAGE. Centre St. (134c) | 'hone 2166. (1331) feasounble, ¥. A, Noreen Al FOR ALE-NORFAT Be. ji Ont For Yi Drug Need oy wil oleman's, 85 Bond West, Spec- ela CBIR AE. Te TNT TE CET iNL a St. Phone 731W. Formerly | tric r: , aphonola. Irty shawa, Ontario, or Iour u, S pH Boi waar Jury 8 on lalists in furniture moving, Stor-| PASTURE FOR RENT WITH , MONUMENTS ~RELETTERED | with Luke Furniture Co. records, extension table, clothes | Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, the : } e water. Phone 1553J. (124c) | any color at reasonable prices. (12 may ¢) | wringer. Cheap for quick sale, 115 | 28th day of May, A.D. 1931. THOMPSON & ell's Drug Store each Saturday | age warehouse and moving van Md rt? ) 7 n 34 Wh Ske A . from 1 till 4 p.m. for consulta: | equipment. Phone 82. FOR RENT--SIX ROOM BRICK | hone 177 or 1471, (134¢) "AND FURNI- Oshawa Blvd, (134c) a 23. 120 138) 10 Simcoe St. S. We Deliver S==| house, square plan, oak fl NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE tam I... a iseases of ' oors, ture repaired. Dra es made t - ten god treaties: oa oaeaseg of Beauty Parlors v péwly decorated and painted, your Himueys au | der." Rebuflding Drapes made to Spirella Help Wanted--Female din i a w extra lot for garden, Im- | cleaned. Guarantee rst class | anecialty. G oT VF ToT - y PERMANEN 7 ore Phone 1. ee ET TOU. JARMANEN | mediate posession. 'Phono W. | 0b. Phowe 2582. (1346) | Bon Bi Phase S3180e | Nenimn oro ri eer | ONION. for | thre indienne : : ave Shoppe, for a limited time, | G. Miller, 2780. (134c) | POSITION WANTED BY. EX- I us , | middle age wh ro special prices: $10.00 wave for ¥ ra : > 4 UPHOLSTERING. D. W. DAL- | trict, demonstrating the new ge who are able to meet Architects FAY 37.50 ivi Bh $4.00. OR SMALL HOUSE, porjenced hiv or chamber- | ton phone 1045. See our samples | Spirella Fitting Garment, Phone the public. Sales experience an C.-STENHOUSE, GENERAL | Marcelling, finger' waving, a oeated, Ee (850) +ABOx A4T Times. b) | Mohair and Tapestry. 377 Simcoe | 2189. ret ut Jot necessary." Apply t ectu Second 11 of HOUSE & 30) --_-- "72 | South, (8S may ¢) (June 9-1 mo ¢) mes. [134c¢) Ari Fal works gar ( dxeing and all OHNE nes SE AT 163 AGNES STREET mmm a ER ---- : -------- | CAPABLE REFINED WOMAN EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Royal Bui Phone | beauty culture. For service and zz ¥ TE as. reliability call of iftng oldest 0 Jet. In ti! class condition. | 2} 2 i SAR "Radio Service Livestock for general housework in good Sescialising cuclugively io, tbuicle aertalig F established permanent wave slo Mae yoniences, rench | FOR SALE OR RENT--SIX | GSHAWA RADIO SE = | FoR TICE eer | home. Must be fond of children. | 1516--Phone--1516 28 Simooe 3. Nor), i" phone Joors- Bin Jeaonable. ia Tol roomed brick house on Orchard LL nd dn, eT Sheer. N a 643 Stmogg | Pier Bish ii7oy STFS Fost Ole} gn aia - 2968 for appointments, es! _(134c) | View Boulevard, North Oshawa. | anq eliminators. Tubes test ans of . " reet North. Phone 144, PHONE 716). W. J. SULLEY, (June 8-1 mo ¢) | HOUSE FOR RENT--203 MARY |All conveniences, oak floors, supplied, radio nt sted and (134c) SRT B00 RT RR Rai RE AER I VE (133c) Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S., Lx PARISIENNE BEAUTY PAR: St. Tmmediate possession, Phone | close to school and pavement, Batteries charged and repaired. = Real Estate For r Sale WANTED--YOUNG "GIRL FOR Felt Bros ] Oshawa, Ont. Special attedtion . : 1824W, v (185c) |street lighting, garage, garden. | p RAE J light housework and sites 8 lewseola Idruiiure TL Marcel 50. Finger wave Toc. | FOR RENT----STX ROOM HOUSE, | BOX 431 Times, ~~ (1340) | prem pases: Charles Wales, 146 | youu REAL BETATE== | child. Apply Mrs. 3. 3. Rirerl sales and fim Siock aad jupleet (20 may ¢) | 170 Albert, $25. Decorate to suit | FOR RENT OR SALE--317 GIB- | ALL MODELS REPAIRED: | L0Uces aud farms for sale, rent or | Ontario Hospital, Whitby. The Leading Jeweler ments. Your patronage so er | ROR S BEEUTY PARLOUR, tenant. Five room bungalow, 627 | bon St., four room, hewly decor- | oliminators. powe ke. orice, xchange. 461 Simcoe St. North. (135b) Established 1886 WM. MAW, AUCTIONEER, 25 : ly of 220 Clark St. Mar. | Cmmerville, $20. Sunny bunga.|ated bungalow with large lot and sonab 8, Dower packs, prices | phone 1962J. Salesman R. M. | WANTED---INTELLIGENT GIRL years' experience, To secure a ormerly 0 20 y a low, 623 Christie, $22. 242 Golf | large rooms, Price reasonable. reasona e, tubes tested free; Kelly. Phone 2866J, about eighteen, clean, willing, 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH date see Mr. Goodfellow at The | cellins a specialty. Monday and |a¢ $40, Apply Bradley Bros. Phone 433, (134c) | Datte"y 'recharges 0c. Phone (May 30-1 mo) |quick and trustworthy, for groc- Times Office, Wm. Maw, Whitby, [ Tuesday 35c, rest of week 50c. (13s) | == w 2806W. George Burroughs, cer- A REAL BARGAIN--NEW 5 |ery store. Experience unneces- Ont, (5 june c) {Over Mitchell's Drug Store. Phone "E LARGE FRONT BED- Building Supplies titied. radiotriclan. i roomed bungalow and garage, | 38TY. State wages. Apply in own GET YOUR PHILCO RADIO Ww 2625. (28 may ¢) (May 28-1 mo) 1 hand writl s . po a Ne suitable for lady or gent, A Te aT Te 7' | good garden, lawn and shrubs, nd writing giving full particu- Hemstitching DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE, | near Genosha Hotel. 93 Bong st | ik W. BORROWDALE FOR | HOUSE PAINTING AND CAULK: | sidewalks. electric lights. $1100 |'ars. Box 419 Times, " We allow $25.00 to $75.00 an cement blocks, sand and gravel, |; Ww 3 i A 5 N PLEATING, | experts in permanent, finger and | East. (135¢) , ng. Work guaranteed. Moderate | part cash, balance $15.00 per (135b) I dress. | marcel waving. Permanent waves, | FOU SH FOR RENT -- NORTH 303 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618. |prices. For estimates phone | month. Apply 339 Louisa street, Awning ONTARIO MOTOR SALES making, buttons and buttonholes, | $5. $7.50, $10, $15. 25¢ trims [end six rooms, hardwood floors, Help | Wanted BIW, rseeaa dS dune of (134c) AWE ¥ TT ULIMITED. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe S, [20d 35¢ marcels. Ask for Miss French doors, wired for electric Male and F I PAINTING AND PAPERHANG- | FOR SALE--SIX ROOM SQUARE | AWNING AND TENTS, BTC, "99 Siicoe S.t So th Phone 1656. Duquette. Phone 38, over Ward's | stove, $25 per month. Possession ale a eémale ing. Lowest prices in the city. | plan house, extra large rooms, oak | We are agents for J. J. Turner & = eS o (Jan 5-1 mo) Store. (30 may e) | July first. Phone 1767F MIDDLE AGE WOMAN AS As: | Work guaranteed. Give us a try. | floors. All in Al condition, Sit- | Sons, Peterboro, Let us quote you "THE MODERNISTIG PERMAN- (136c) | sistant to nurse. Sleep in. Re- | F'ecling and Chessebro. Phone | uated near Catholic Church, | On "@verything in canvas", Phone vy to Loan ent Wave Shoppe". Specialists | APARTMENT, NICELY DECOR- |fined couple considered. Sunny- 1269. (7 may 1 mo) { Owner would consider fogr thous. | 25, Fox Hardware, Oshawa, ATTON A TCON. | In permanent waving for $5 to [ated, furnished or unfurnished. |nook Rest Home, Whitby. Please == | and dollars. Phone W. G. Miller, | (1 fly ¢) B ¢ "h 1 Lh Rpg i $15. Special price on. finger) Apply Mrs, Leonitt, 140 Tylor |apply personally Thursday. Cleaning and Pre sing | 2780. TT (134e) | WINDOW AWNINGS -- PORCH 1981 Brand. Sew Cherry et price, Whether your car is fully Ravin and shampoo 7§e from 97] Crescent. (136¢c) ; (136a) | COATS AND SUITS ~ CLEANED | FOR SALE--FIVE ROOM SOLID | awnings, verandah iain, ROSS, AMES AND GART- paid or mot. We can reduce your 3m 0 am. In afternoon | FoR RENT -- 7 FORRISHED | wa) ========| §1. Repair work 'a specialty | brick, with small store, clear of | canopies, installed, Tavlor, ' "SHORE $1.00. Phone 635 for appoint- apartment for light housekeeping, Wanted Goods called for, Phone 523. |[incumbrance, has stool, lights and | Toronto. Oshawa he 1083. : ; King St. West. Phone 1160 present payments. Motor Loans ts. 17 ep Se Sle Abreorrazs raz : Ss i i & Discounts, R. 7. 'White, Mgr., | "ont 17 Ontarip Suysel <5 ¢) |#vparate entrance, ground floor, | WANTED -- ROOMERS OR Norman Lambert, 66 Bagot St.|water. Owner will aaeliflee for... oo, oe 0 {15 apr c) apr ¢) yA = 4 od June 9- mo ¢). | twelve hundred dollars. Phone 13 King St. East, Oshawa. pore | conveni ,» central, 105 Col- | boarders. Home privileges. Price | --e 3 : 3 hag hE hk o Phone 2790. Open evenings till 9 i JATRDRESIING borne East, (136¢) | reasonable. Apply 264 Athol St. Room and Board W. G, Miller, 2780. __(134c) NOTICE ~~ pa 116 fund ef Marshall Fudd am all FOR RENT--REAL BARGAIN | EB. Haid ROOM AND BOARD IN YRIV- Hor A - Pann {\FTER LEAVING CEDARDALE for good tenant, comfortable tOOM Al OARD IN YRIV- | house, practically new, on Sim-| have decided to retu - a S Lawn Mowers Sharpened sags ot aur Fre aur house, conveniences, very central. Pets and "Livestock ate home. Reasonable, 311 Athol | coe street, has stool, lights and | being unable to purchase wl an SUMMER pig LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. Finger | L007® 2418) or call 11 Bond St. | TET Till; OSHAWA HUMANE | "rect east. Phone 1442). 1350) | ition, One miEht eoustace | and back at a price'. within dl on wus Island Muskoka and repaired; Called for and de- | waving, marcelling, facials, scalp B. (136a) | Society care for your pets dur-| eee. oo. UNO) Evie andrad Fast ood a reason, 1 have opened a new shop' near Assembly Inn. Lovely lo- livered. Phone G. Slater 3193W. | treatments and manicures, Cof. | THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | ing your vacation. at tho new Auto Tires W. G. Miller.>2780. (134c) | 2 804' Simcoe St. 5. All old cus. cation. $100 per month or (June. 23 ¢) [tee Shoppe entrance, Phone ap- | N®W house, oak floors. Phone | kennels; A nominal charge. [hone | BRT a eax | omers' trade will be appreciated || £200 for season Nora pointments 1973, : 23447, : (136h) | 1617W, 1562W. (321) (AUTOMOBILE ~ "FIRES, ALL | FOR SALE_ORE THOUSAND las usual. J. H. R. LUKE, ursing (15 may 1 mo» | 80 OUSE, ona Sow o====_ | sizes. A real bargain opportun. [dollars w uy een hundre R, BURTON, (Barber): JS " TOR HE EOSINE™E Ty pod BD ER RO Slayer. Agents 'Wanted ity. Also bicycla tires and tubes. Ssveement of sale on first Nig POT (136a) Phone 871 or 687W PR ACTICAL NURSE, s 13 ¥ Co o das DI'0 ry, A sec age references, maternity, general | lor, 67 Simcoe north. Ma¥eel 50c, | session, 456 Simcoe South. Phave | AGENTS TO SELL THE WELL | 12 Rictmond East. ape ¢) Por vals at $100 3500 sonal i Sale or Exchange nursing, assists with housewark | shampoo 50c, hair cut 25c. Phone | 309. (136¢c) [known Merit Hosiery and Under- | ooo. 9 iy mortgd®e for sale at $260. See FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- at pam "sewing. I Ye 1373J. (186¢)-}TO RENT--FURNISHED TWO ig aimee 3 eosh mer, Meri: one For Sale Murdoch, 27 Warren. Licensed |g rooms and bath, brick Mouse, 5 : : room flat, clean, two adults down- E] 3 Vellington St. | _____ | real estate operator, (134¢) | hardwood th : NE i, TRE FARM, | roe Lh roughout, All con- Hospital --Rest Home | i7 Phone 1686w. West. Toronto. (136a} | ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM. | fair HOUSES -- AND STOCK | Loraweod thy Shout. Lau sen- Watch Repairing SUNNY NOOK REST. HOME, yi . - | Darlington, rich loam soil. Brick . eh 2 FA VON GUNTEN_ EXPERT | Whithy, rodmerar ui hes | APARTMENTS --ron--Rusner| le Motor Cars house, five barns, windmill, silo, | 40 SI To, BRO hothes Aud | town. Would accept mall house Swiss watchmaker. repair shop at | charge. Minimum rate $2 dally. | Slashing, reductions in 3 and 4 [FOR SALE "= OLDSMOBIL § 3.2008. bush, cloak, near ScBORL 153000 with omy $400 wash: Bak | "oar iL Jertent, Bujauce ¢ por reet West. Your pat- | Confinement and all persons ¥e- froom apartments lote with | Sport touring, -A 1 shape, $125 |S1UF0L WIE ORCRANRE on LRAEYE Lance at $30 per month including | Time APNE BOE STF " pa hrcomplete : property. $6400. Phone 371W. Times, (136¢) ronage ig solicited. quiring care. (17 apie) | three piace bath, electric stove, | for quick sale, 17 §18imeoe St. N, interest. Less than half price. : PL. p c 9 4 (138D) 1 4. at once. Lycett, 25 King East, JURY & LOVELL'S ji! i Supa a, 10 ava wp. MT _ 138) | XTTRACTIVE ONE HUNDRED i Palmist Shoe Repairing Hennick. Phone 565. y ) Pai ting pron Decorating Art ACT for sale, Cartwright EE Ca. (1850) NICE FELLOW OPTICAL PARLORS + CONSULT MADAME BROWN, |OUR MOTTO--THE BEST 1S |__ a (1360 roomed brick house, good barns, Help Wanted--Male The Girl: "Well, what did he 3 Ww Woreall Oph. D Palmist on matters of importance, | poor enough for you, We' guar- [FOR RENT--REAL "BARGAIN | RR. GUTSOLE, PIRST CLASS stables, ever flowing creek, near $a . . orrail, a. UV. 93 Louisa St. Phone 2636F. Bus!l- | antee you 100 per in on al for. good tenant, comfortable | paperhanger, painting and grain: | church, school, store. Must sell to | WANTED--FIRST CLASS AUTO Sere Man (who has "just beer Eyesight Specialist ness te. (1 june ¢) { work done, Why ° "37" son house, conveniences, very central.'| ing. Prices right, 'Work guaran- | close estate. Special low price [repair mechanic with local con- | seeing her. father about it): "He Phone 8213 i -- F Champion Shoe shop, 1 a Bond Phone. 24187 or call 11 Bond St. | teed. 349 .Plne Avenue, Phone | $6700. Box 444 Timed. nection preferred. Phone 2264. fwas. very decent. He sympathized , { | Bast. ay 30.1 mo) |E. (1368)"| 3066W. : (720) ; (135b) (1360) | with'me." : CHIBDREN'S MAIR CUTS 156; | BRING "YO UR SHOES HERB " > , before 6 at might. Gus Banks, [for repairs, First class work 'BRINGING UP FATHER j : Ye BY GEO. McM ANUS ! Darby. 4 shop, 2566 Mary St, next |'done. Charges very reasonable, door to' Soanes Dros. Grocery | Jack Read, corner Mary and Col- | | pm ---- ; - i Te mn ge + 4 LR RIGHT YOU ARE * REMEMBER WHEN AN DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN WE. | AN' HOW YOU USED TO WANT . Store, . (133¢) | borne. e = (June 6 ~1 mo ¢) p rl i oA HOO WOZ WORKIN' IN THE FIRE Y Ii AT THE LAUNDRY FER TO. ME; | Cldaning and Dyeinz_ |= Boriay Sanat" mdi No ¢ ASE Troms A a ey AN ow WED TALK Tov 8 EE A j AND G 'S FRENCH 3 : i. wa MISS ji pnt EWELRY STORE WOULD ih ME : . dry 'cleating, repairing and re- | BATTERIES CHARGED. ase { @ IS wt EP > oo pp 2 1{ | THROUGH THe CELL DOOR § AWAY ap MARRIED OTA Y] 'modelling. Goods called for and | with rental $1,00. Repaired apa. a ; \ id DA fit " a Woh mo -- i THE DOG- CATCH delivered. Pi Crozier, 138 Sim- Sbuilt, Callen ih and delivered. k { fi pn coe sov one 2338. J rompt service. ony 20 | ; ». (1 may ©) | Ill St. Phone HiT at 1 +s Poul try : "Grading and Sodding EE au HATCHING | SODDING, GRADING AND EX | eggs, Barred Rocks, White: Leg. |cavating. Caterpillar tractors for horns, "Write or phone for cata. |rent. Top soil sand and sravel. logue 1337). Oshawa 'Hatchery | Phone 2048. Poultry Farm, 144 Park or! ~ Lostand Found | SE wks ME dni LL Ragent Oil and Thornton's Cor- | ners, gentleman's Bulova wrist | Eo 2 Finan with fine mesh bracelet. | wash ¥ e AR yp, er leave at Regent 0i} of. Bond La i Telephone 3198. [fice. Reward. £21 duge €):. 882M, Bo 1 RA Dts

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