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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1931, p. 2

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Durham C "ZION ANNIVERSARY 15. WELL ATTENDED 'Splendid __ Services Were 7. 'Held at Church and 3 Sunday 'School (Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspond- ent) Zion, June 9.-- The anniver- "sary services were a complete suc- cses both day from the stand- point of attendance, the finances. and the good which will come from these gatherings. Sunday ,- Afternoon the Sunday School 'sang several selections and the . public cshool scholars the num- "ber "Tell Me the Story of Jesus'. The new Hymnary was used. Rev. "Mr, Hillis, of Packenham, de- > dighted the children by his les- _ sons on the "image of Jesus" il- "Justrating on a cent the image * "of -the King. Our objective was * over reached in funds for the + school by having a thank offering instead of a tea, In the evening "the speaker was splendid again The choir sang one anthem and Miss Lena Taylor. Solina, and Mr. Fred Harris, Toronto, con- tributed splendid _colos, which were 'very much appreciated. The ' church was lovely with 'flowers. Visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Steeves, Miss Mitchell. * Mr, Sitreat, Toronto, at the home | of- Mr. Russel Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar, and Kelvin, Oshawa, and Mrs. John Trull were guests of Mrs. Alf. Ayre. Misses Helen and Muriel Bak- er, Miss Lena Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKessock, of Solina, Miss Smith, of Thamesford, Mr. Fred Harris, Miss Jean McMaster, Mr. James McMaster, . Toronto, *Y Were guests of J. W. McMaster. Mr. and Mre. Bob Heaslip and | family, Narth Oshawa, visited Anson Bdlson, Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Balson. and family, Solina, M¥. and Mrs, 'He N. Hagérinan and daughters, Osh- awa, Mrs. R. J. Richards, Mr, apd }.. Mrs, Leslie Hoskin and family, Mr. and Mss, Chot, Ferguson and baby; of' Oshawa, Miss Eileen Morphy; Ebenezer, were guests greeted the amateur players when they presented the play "Wild Ginger" and. each Teve' done better in his or her part. Cast of charactérs: ; 'Pinch Penny, Alexander McMag- ter; Geeffrey Freeman, man of hero type. péll; Sandford Lakey, a man of' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1931 one couldn't Jake Tallman, a miserly old young Ralph Glas- at the 'Balson 'home, | Solina, Misgi.Alma Fice, Miss Ruth Fice. Ontario Whitby, visited Wm. Fice. were guests of P. B.iGladpell. Mr. and Mrs, George and Ruth,. Mr. | Mrs. Mrs. G. A. Langmalid, N. Glaspell. Miss Beatrice Kedron visited Leach, Mountjoy, Mr, Thos. Martin. | Cameron home, Mr, and: Mrs, Orono, Mr and family, Mr. and Mrs, Brooks and son, My, and Mrs D. Langmaid and Evelyn, of Osh- Wil- {awa visited Mr. and Mrs. E. bur. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L.angmaid, { Mr. and Mrs, Fred pon 2u8) and k Mrs. Garbutt, Mrs. Foster Snow- | den and Joe, of Oshawa, Mr. and | Mrs. Ross Pearce, Jack and Jun- and Mrs. Mr. Joyce | Eagar, of Oshawa, were guests { for of Ebenezer, Mr. | Ross Lee, of Kedron, Thos Stainton and and Miss lat the A, JF. Stainton home [ Misses Vida | maid, AUTO LOANS and \ CARS REFINANCED at lowest prevailing rates CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO. LTD, sen H. A. MacDONALD Alger Bldg. | Branches: Toronte, Ottawa, Lon- | don, Windsor, Sarnia, Oshawa {is, and his daughters, { spent . Thursday last week I'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pagcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Anson and children, visited at tat Mr. Monday. Monday night a on full - EBENEZER AANIVERSARY JUNE 14-15 On Sunday services will be conducted by REV. GEO. A. LITTLE, Toronto Editor of the Sunday School Publications of the United Church Services at 10.30 a.m., 2.30 and 7.00 p.m. Standard Time. Music by choir and Sunday School assisted in the evening by King St. Male Quartette, Oshawa, On Monday tea will be served from 4.30 p.m. Bascball be- tween Tyrone and Courtice, and Courtice. Concert at 8 p.m. by "Regal Concert Enniskillen Com- Football between pany", Toronto, comprising Miss Watson, Queen of Song, and accompanist. Mr. Donald Jowett, Baritone, Mr. Fred Jowett. Tenor, in solos, duets and instrumentals. Frederick Dawson, Toronto's King of Laughter and Mirth, Admission--Adults: Supper & Concert 60c; Supper 40c Concert, 35c. Children: Supper & Concert, 45¢. Supper or Concert, 25c, Mr. and Mrs. J. Darch, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richards, | Bowman'vilte, Miss Mae Westlake, i North Oshawa, Misa Gladys Amey and ospital, at the home of Miss 'Doris and Messy. How: | ard and George Millgon, 'Solina, Helis Percy Langmaid and Bernice, Mr, and' Oshawa, wera guests at "the "home of WW; of Norman Mr. and Mr; Kd. Parker and | glad to receive. | family, of Bradley's school yisited | . Refreshments were served to { Mr. George Chant, Toronto, Mr. {and Mre. Wes. Cameron and Jack | of Pickering, were at the Reford Orley Chapman, and Mrs. Sam Brooks Jack and Sybil Lang-, Oshawa. Miss Ada Pascoe, | Toronto, Misses Ruth and Mar- -_ | garet McKessock, Solina, at H. ( i} Pascoe's, Grandma V'ascoe and son, Lew- |a Misses | Edith and Marjory, of Hampton, with | at Balson. Kinsale | Victor Parkins on Satur | day and at Mr. Paton's at Orono church extravagant habits, Gerry Glas- pel; Marwoed Lakey,. Sandford's ®n, Nelson Fice; Mr. Peterson, store keeper, Arthur Stainton: Wuzy Walker, a would be chiro- practor, -& comedy character, Luther Pascoe; Virginia Tallman, Jake's daughter, Nick, named "Wild Ginger"; and the heroine, Miss Dorothy Vinson; Miss Rach- el Lee, Ginger' best friend, Miss Helen Lewis; Miss® Stanley, a health nurse, Miss Eileen Stain. ton; MissiBonita _I.akey, Mar- wood's sister, Miss Pearl Leach; "Miz Walker," Wuzy's mother, Miss Annie McMaster, © Between the acts Miss Lena Taylor, of Solina, favored with vocal solos... Proceeds $48.00, i. which the. voung folk are very those taking part and Misses Taylor and McMaster were each presented with a little gift for their services. Miss Annie direct- ed the play. Service at the church Sundy. at 10.20 o'clock. Mr. Russel Perkins has had the misfortune to lose hundreds of White Leghorn chickens over a month old by some mysterious chicken disease. We are sorry for his loss, as he runs a chicken ranch on his farm, My. and Mrs, Hayold Hayes. Erline and Jack, o#¥ Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Osborne, and Lillian, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina, at Fred Robbins on Sunday. Xr.and Mrs, Harvey Crossman | and Irene, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith Smith and Mr. Myron Robbing, Enfield, at Mr. Russel Robbins. next ences of our fathers and the cen- turies that have gone by. We are not living through our vin ex- periences." said Dr, McNeil. Bearing out this assertion the speaker recalled the words of Pilate addressed to the Christ, "Art Thou the King of the Jews " and Christ's further question in reply : "'Bayest thou this thing of thyself or did others tell it of Me?" interpréting Our Lord's words to mean "is it second or first hand? Is it hearsay that you are repeating.' "I suppose every person in this Yoom can say 'Jesus is the Son of God," but how do you know?" said the speaker. *'Is it Nearsay or haye you tested the stability 'of Christ in your own éxperience. Have you found Him .to be the Son of God, 'or did others tell it of Me.' We cannot live on the moral verdicts of other people. We cannot live on the creeds of other people. "That great Credo handed down to us threw the ages, must be verified, authenticated and tested in our own experiences." , Dr, McNeil stated that when he was a student he heard a saying '"the church that fs not a mission: ary church will soon be a missing church," stressing the fact that a church cannot live within itself, 'The only way we can keep our re- ligion is by constantly giving it away. The Baptists are pecularly constituted to put great emphasis on personal experience and there- fore pecularly fitted to give away that which we have, "I cannot tell you how strongly I feel when I look out on to the world of today. One great thing men are looking for is a word of service that will come to them out of lives tested and. proved, and that is what comes from the Bap tist Church all over the .world," said this speaker of world-wide reputation who closed his inspir- ing address with a prayer for Di- viné guidance for all present that they might partake of a real ex- perience. --- ------ Ladies' Aid Meets: at Thornton's Crs. of the last meeting were réad and adopted. Mr. J. Sweetman second- ed Mr, Geo. Hood moved that the treasure pay the following ac, counts: Charlie Bamelis, breaking roads and dragging, 8 hours, $4; James Crozier, poll clerk, $4; Robert Jackson, attendance at three car accidents and burial of Wray horse, $5; David Hood, dragging road, 10 hours, $5, extra man; 4 hours, $1.°On motion of Mr. Frank Gerrow the treasurer was instruc- ted to pay the Municipal World, $3.90, for 85 dog tags; Arthur Bweetman, $6, for dragging road west of head school; L. Pearce, $14.80, for shovelling snow. and dragging road; 8. Farmer, $1.70, for printing. On motion of Mr. R. J. Carter the. cottector, Mr. J. W, Crozier, was paid $14.71, postage ete, Messrs. Harris and Harris fees for collection, $5.47; Mr. H, Par- sons, printing, $47, for 1930; Geo, Jackson, $5; for 64 hours drag- ging and 7 hours shovelling snow. On motion of Mr, Geo. Hood, Mr. Geo. Samells was paid $6.88 for grading and dragging road the assessor, Amasa Sweetman, $1 and $2.50 for postage; - Oliver Wil- liams, $11.75 for 16 hours drag-| gig, 3 hourk team breaking roaa and three men snow shovelling. ~ Miss Marjorie jobblin, of Bos- ton, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Joblin, for a cou. ple of weeks, We all welcome Mar- jorie back as she lived here when a 'small girl and attended school here. Mrs. I. Savage of Toronto, vis- fted Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sweetman on Sunday. Miss Aleta Reader spent weekend with her friend, Leona Prentice, ~ Quite a Jumbyt funeral of Mr. Gebrge Jackson last week at Port Perry. He had a great many friends as he always lived here until he started auc- tioneering at which he made a the Miss attended the great success. He then moved to | Port Perry where he lived until |B his death. Mr. and Mrs. N. Grills and Mrs. Western, of Valentia, were recent guests of his sister, Mrs. W, Mark, (Mrs. G. H. Robinson, Correspon. dent) The Ladies' Aid held tleir regu- | lar monthly meeting last Wednes- | day afternoon at the Sunday | School. There was a fairly good Miss Evelyn Tink, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink, Salem, t Frank Pascoe"s. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. three daughters, of Jesse Arnott's. {~ Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs, of Pick- |ering, at Garnet Beckell's, Wight and Providence, | | WHASTER HEAD SPEAKS IN OSHAWA, | | } (Continued from page 1) | said, "I think if we could ask Paul | why he used this expression he would say 'because I received it el fully and because I have given it | away so freely.' It is the word of a man who launched his whole lite | out on a staunch ship which he found could not founder. | "It can never be our Gospel un- | til it has been gathered up into | the very fibres of our beings. It is | not possible to say 'My God,' 'My Gospel," or 'My Christ," until we have come into personal contact with Him. Baptists have always been individualists who have claimed the right to move. into the | presence of Christ without the in- and that is what the world needs today. "The difficulty with many of us is that we are living on the experi- | CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUAS ~ Popular Comedy Success "Skidding" | game here with our team. | score was 19-17 for Thornton's. | tercession of any priest or church, |. attendance. After the usual busi- | was attended to the ladies a social hour around the ness spent | tea table. Friday evening the King | Last Street United Church boys' soft- ball team played an exhibition The Tonight (Wednesday) Whitby plays here. This is one 6f the re- gular league games. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Pierson and family spent Sunday in Myrtle. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perryman | and Billy were in Orillia for sev. eral days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Gilbert and Murray were Sunday guests of Mrs, Gilbert's parents in Manches- ter. Mr. Chester Robinson is in Wal- kerville for two weeks on busi- | ness. ] The many friends of Mrs. Alice | Robinson join in wishing here a better recovery soon. Guests last week at the home o Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Scott were: | Mrs. Merrick and son, Everett, of | Uxbridge, and Mrs. Cox and fam- ily, of Ashworth. Ted Robinson spent two days in town with friends this week. A number from here are enjoy- ing the fine programs gives by the Chautauqua this week. We wish all our Collegiate and Public school students every suc- cess with their examinatjons. The many friends of Eric Dean will be sorry to hear that he is not progressing as well as was expect. ed. He was taken to the Toronto General Hospital today to under- go an operation in a few days. Eric had his leg badly broken a few weeks ago in an accident while riding his motoreyele. All with him a complete recovery. tl i! Here at Canadian Chautauqua' 4 SCENE FROM SKIDDING ; INSERT--MISS WINNIFRED PARKER Skidding is hilariously 2h umor is blended with Broadway. ~ star of "Smilin" Thru"? two ooh CHAUTAUQUA TENT TONIGHT, JUNE 11TH ture oe Amer Jayne Tren Then there are the 'all box office records because o ; on Lg Chautauqun audiences in Eastern Canada will w in J) f t.§ family Just as ac retty youn, e to Mo y rs, that ghey t lad with his first 'case' rous observances, : 8, to be marffed in, have a great deal to do with straighteni ir. amusing, 1t tells many an underlying truth which all 25ilg oub her love sar thos and a deliciously garnish Sa80NS ago. life, showing Marion Hardy, a modern coll T is opening up to her, and the difficulties she ity y iaughters who chose to marry before they finished jer" at Ye di sign of trouble. on § n order to straighten out her typical Booth eh reminiscences about Grandma; : : hed philosophy makes Skidding' igni Tb iste, Awarded the Drama heagh gue prize. Produced at the a Snificam f its humor and popular human appeal, and ran for a elcome;the return of Winifred Parker; lovely young girl Mother Hardy is 80 upset at > amily. Young kington part. He keeps the and the white und to Corner Simcoe and Aberdeen Sts.' 'Business assessment, $250; Total The Professor: "I am about to perform a very interesting chemical experiment. Should I do anything wrong, the - whole class including myself might be blown through the roof. Kindly step nearer, so that you can Jollow me better." Prisoner (charged with forgery): 'Why I can't even sign my own name." ' Judge: "But you're not charged with that" "The husband ought to have a voice in the furnishing of the home." says a woman writer. Oh, but he does--the invoice. SCUG0G COURT OF REVISION MEETS No Appeals Were Entered Against Assessment Rol (Mrs. D. Hope, Correspondent) Scugog, June 9.--The Court of Revision for the Townthip of Scu- gog was held on Saturday last. All members were present and sub. scribed to the declaration of of- fice. Mr. Jonathan Aldred was made chairman of the court. There were no appeals against the as- sessment roll ; The totals of the roll are: Total acres, 11,03014; Cleared land, 7,165; Wood land, 277; Slash land, 58: Waste land, 3,536} dcres: Value of land, $218,285; Value of buildings, $123,290: assessment, $341,825; Number persons between 21 and 60 years, 86; Population, 401; Births, 3; Deaths, 3; Statute labor, 801° days; Number of dogs, 58; Fe- males, 4. Is was moved by R. Carter and seconded by J. Sweetman that the assessment roll as revised by this court be adopted and taken as the assessment roll for the Townhip 3 of Scugog for 1931, The municipal council then met in regular session. The Reeve, Ji Aldred, was in the chair, Minuter Miss Della Lee of Brooklin, and¥ Miss Nellie L.ee of Port Perry, were home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee over the week- end. With each 50c bottle KLENZO OLIVE OIL SHAMPOO We will give a Shawl which protects the shoulders while shampooing. BOTH FOR 50c FREE FOR MEN with a giant tube of Klenzo Shaving Cream will be given F-R-E-E pl" 4 wy Ll and Strop BIG VALUE 39c A genuine Auto Strop Razor," 78¢c KLENZO DANDRUFF REMOVER 59c - Where Are You Going? REGESAN FRUIT SALINE for a cooling drink 79c Dreams An enjoyable holiday de- pends so much on having all the essentials to a good time. Whether it's a prolonged trip or mere- ly a picnic you'll find 50c EAU DE QUININE 39c FIRST-AID | IT All the essentials 89c What woman has ing out to the edge wearing a many accessories to a good time at Jury & Lovell's. Kodaks ............$5,00 up | Carry all bags .........35¢ | Vacuum Bottles ........49¢ | Sun Burn Balm.........50c Sun Tan Powder .....75¢ GOGGLES For Night or Day. Driving 39¢c up 50c Riker's Milk of Magnesia 39¢ cap and shoes WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 40c-75¢ | 5 PAL BLADES 25¢ Such shoes and caps a Shoes, assorted colors, All sizes ... Swim Caps .. Diving Caps'... Jonteel Cold Cream 50c Rubber Play Balls $1.25 | Thuan, Georgia Rose Talc....19¢ l 35¢ Water Wings ... Ear plugs per pair ... GILLETTE BLADES 40c & 75¢ | When Come True not dreamt of proudly stroll- waters bathing she ~ just knows everyone will ad: mire with envious glances. re sold at Jury and Lovell's. Bathing Suit Bags $1.25 the following: Mr, J. Burnham was the guest | of Mr. C. Daniels on Sunday. | 'Nancy Anna Brown's Folks" | are great entertainers, The church | I. was filled to the door. It was well | given everyone doing their part | well. Mr. Waiter Hood and Mrs C. Graham sang a couple of duets | between acts, Proceeds totalled | $45. | The softball team went ty Rag- | lan on Monday evening and play- | ed a game of softball. The boys came home feeling fine as they | were the winners by 59-19. * KEDRON NEWS | (Marion Snowden. Correspond- | ent) Maple Grove, June 9.-----In the absence of the pastor, Rev, H, C. Wolfraim, who was attending conference in Belleville, Rev, W. S. P. Boyce occupied the pulpit here on Sunday. in the interests Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas and Pain. How to Treat. Medical authorities state that | nearly nine-tenths of the cases of | stomach trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc.,, are due to an ex- cess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours, causing the disagreeable symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well, Artificial digestants are not needed in such cases and may do real harm. Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any druggist some Bisurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful of powder or four tablets in water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form---never liquid of milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the moet efficient form of magnesia for stomach purposes, It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion. M. CROZIER THE WELL KNOWN CUSTOM TAILOR wishes to announce new Reduced prices for cleaning and pressing service as fol- lots: MEN"S SUITS, SPRING COATS LADIES' SUITS / and Coats 90c Ladies' Dresses from Workmanship Guaranteed | 138 SIMCOE ST S. PHONE 2338 Free SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES : With any 50c Purchase of Hudnuts' Toiletries we will give all of 1. PURSE VIAL OF THREE FLOWERS PERFUME 2. SAMPLE SIZE NARCISSUS PERFUME. 3. DU BARRY PERFUME WITH APPLICATOR. 4. TRIAL SIZE THREE FLOWERS FACE POWDER, WHEN IN NEED OF DRUGS "QUICKLY" PHONE JURY & Yi Tre CANAD \S VR = KING EAST PHONE 28 PHONE FAVORIT FOUNTAIN LOVELL Doxahe Stores o} BC DRUG STORES 2223 ) PETRA SIMCOE SOUTH, PHONE 68 7 of the Bible Society, Mr. George Annis, President of the Society for this circuit also assisted Im the service. Sunday School will be held at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and daughter, Helen, of Toronto, THERES - ONE THING YOU CAN'T SEE and Mrs. W. J. week. ville, visited Mr, and Mrs, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Snowden, Miss Ruth Stevens, her grandparents, J. | the" graduation of | Grace Hospital in " | Hall, when their daughter, Stevens on | 4 | Ruth Armstrong was one of graduates, Bowman- D. Snowden, | 5» visited the former's parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong last | and Mr. Jim- Armstrong attended nurees from Convocation Miss PATHFINDER TREAD elo 0]) tread. You can see thousands of miles of slow even wear----of sure safe traction. You can see that in its carcass have been built ply on ply of strong, elastic, Supertwist cord, = strength and life are there. Its very appearance gives you coms fidence----that it will do more than it needs to do on any job BUT YOU CAN'T SEE THE PRICE! Don't look for an inexpensive tire in a cheap place. See our complete line of Pathfinder Tread Goodyears before you look fora "bargain" tire. Pathfinder price falls far below Pathfinder quality, L Ontario Motor Sales, OSHAWA 99 SIMCOE ST. S. 4 a ) A} YEAR A Pathfinder Tube will do a real job, loo!

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