LONG SINCE 'DISCARDED This old hose truck was one of the first trucks to have been purchased for the local fire department. DELEGATES ARE WELCOMED BY "MAYOR, OTHERS (Continued from page 1) and the Fire Chief, They all carry out the wishes of the Chiet with the greatest whole-hearted will- ingness while the Chief never asks any man to do anything that he would not do himself". Gift For Chief Elliott Col..B. J. McCormick. also | with final results to It is not in use now, Chamber of Commerce starfed a fire protection contest among the city and towns of Ontario with Oshawa entering. Since that time Chief Elliott has been doing all in his power to prevent fires. He has been speaking to the pupils in tHe schools, to the ratepayers' associations to service clubs and other organizations regarding prevention of fires, He has been preaching. the gospel of fire pre- vention, in season and out of season. Now word has been re- ceived that this city receives hon- orable mention in that contest be known shortly. "We in Oshawa believe in say- spoke in welcome to the dele- |ing kind things about men while gates addressing them as 'Per-|they can still appreciate them, 1 friend and defining friends as those who have been invited .to partake of hospitality in one's own home, "You are the guests of the citizens of Oshawa and therefore our personal friends. "It is a wonderful thing to see the fire brigade 'going to a fire, at full speed, with all the equipment polished up, and ob- taining the plaudits of the people. There is another factor, however, which is just as important if not mare $0. "A year Canadian agn the 'OSHAWA'S FIRST we do not wait until they are six feet wander the ground, and we want to present some small mark of our appreciation to Wes- ley Elliott, so, on behalf of 400 prominent business men of Osh- awa, as composing the Chamber of Commerce, and 30,000 other admiring friends, 1 want fo pre- sént Chief Elliott with this little gift", handing the Chief a card- board carton. As Chief Elliott opened his parcel it was seen to contain a superfine, White, uniform cap suitable for tile Chief of any men Hosts at Provincial Convention Here - WELCOME TO THE FIREFIGHTRES ig, The citizens of Oshawa are proud to welcome to this progressive Motor City the an- nual convention of the Ontario Federation of Firefighters. Composed of men who are at all times at the service of their communities, ready and willing to risk life and limb in the safeguarding of property, and of human lives in their fight against the menace of fire, the firemen of Ontario can well be considered guardians of the public welfare. It is as such that we welcome them to Oshawa. Their deliberations will be of interest to more than those who are delegates to the convention, for the prevention and fighting of fire are subjects which are of supreme importance to this country, millions of dollars of its property and resources destroyed by the fire demon. reduce this loss to the lowest possible figure is the aim of all fire departments, and - while the firemen have many intéresting matters to discuss while at their convention here, doubtless there will always be before them the Sense of duty which is character- istic of them. Oshawa welcomes the fire-fighters, and it is the wish of every citizen that the convention may be both profitable and pleasant to all who attend, and that the delegates, when their deliberations are over, may carry away with them only the happi- est of memories of their 1931 assembly in the Motor City of Canada. crack fire department, and what is more, although he had not been measured for it, it fitted him exactly. In expressing his appreciation for this gift Chief Elliott paid tribute to the co-operation he had received from Col. McCor- mick in his fire prevention work, and also from the Chairman of the. Fire Protection Committee, Ald. Morris, In welcoming the delegates to Oshawa on behalf of the depart- ment of which he is head, Chief Elliott stated "anything the mem- bers of the Department and I can do to make your stay a pleasant one all you have to do is to ask. Call on us at any timé of the day or night and we will be at your service". George Roughley, President of the Oshawa Local Branch of the Federation, who occupied the chair during the addresses of welcome, called on David Lamb, of Toronto, General Secretary of the Federatiofi, to reply to the other speakers. "On behalf of the Firefighters' Federation we accept the hospi- tality of the City of Oshawa, and are confident that the present convention held in your young and enterprising city, will be one of the most guccessful in our his- MOTOR PUMPER aad aa RRRE | ve ae ¥ THE FIRE HALL WHICH, WAS NEVER Bunz The fire truck pictured above is the first motor pumper unit which was added to the equipment of the Oshawa Fire Department, largely through the generosity of General Motors of Canada Ltd. In 'the inset, BR. 8; McLaughlin, president of General Motors of Canada, is seen at the wheel of the truck while R. D. Preston, then mayor, is beside him. Above Hott, Gi. Stalter, R. Pollock, Capt. H. R. Hobbs, W. Logeman, H. Chase, C. Pollosk, §, Smith, T, ck, N. Hester, C. Cameron and J. McCo Ao Tal Wi. Fel are seen fire Chief. W. Elliott and members of the city's fire departenet whe are actin, Dar tory," said Mr. Lamb, "Your Fire Depatment com- pares very favorably with any milar organization in the prov- ce, while Chief Elliott has rown up from babyhood with out organization which makes us very proud as it proves that the Federation can turn out men who are capable of the best in leader- ship". 1 Following the addresses'6t wel- come the President of the Fed- eration, Assistant Chief J, Archie McEwen of Fort William, took the chair for the openirig of the regular business sessions of the convention, Directors' Report. The report of the Board of Di- rectors of tre Provicial Federation of Ontario Firefighters, as pre- sented to the convention now in session at the Genosha Hotel to- day, contained much that is of general interest. The Legislative Committee re- ported at some length regarding its efforts towards obtaining pro- vincial legislation on the propos- ed Superannuation and Pension Fund Act, the Board of Directors making the following concise re- commendation to the convention: "On the advice of the Legisla- tive Committee, and after due consideration, we do recommend that each branch which does not at this time have a superannua- tion and pension fund make writ- ten aplication to its local muniei- pal council for a superannuation and pension fund for the firemen, This action to be taken at an early a date as possible, '"The reason for this recommen- dation is that the representatives of the various munieipalities, who appeared before the Legal Com- mittee of the Provincial Legisla- tive Assembly when our superan- nuation act was being considered, practically all voiced the opinion that were such an application made to them for such a fund it would undoubtedly be passed up- on." Legislative Efforts The Legislative Committee ' of the Federation has been at work during the past four years in the effort to have the Pensions and Superannuation Act hecome law, the effort being rendered unsuec- cessful when the Legal Committee of the Provincial Legislature fail- to support it this year. In submitting ifs report to the convention the committee made stateménts which are applicable to, many other activities besides their own, and well worth repeat ing. Excerpts from this report read as follows: This word "Business Dapres sien" has become a devil that is defeating evory forward step to- Gey. Tt has been preached and practiced by some to such an ex- tert that it will not he long be- fcre it is made a part of the gub- jects for teaching. to the school chfldren, 'But getting down to brass tacks it is impossible to under- stand how . different munic:pali- tie are not all in the hands of the receivers, for the representa- tives that appeared before fhe 'egal Committee preached more furd times, shortage of money, etc, than has ever coma from as genial hosts to the Provincial Federation of Firefighters, From left to right these sturdy defenders. Oster, B. M. Ostler, Lieut. GG. Roughley, Lieut. W. Culling, W. Wilson, G. Langton, and L. Boudreau. Members of the brigade who are not included in the » by, Capt. M any other representative body at (ne time. Superannuation "As far as the subject of Sup- erannuation and Pensions was concerned it was only mention- ed. in two cases by these who were representing the municipalities, and they mentioned it in this way. That if a pension fund is started it should be for all civic employees and not for any one class. No opposition to the fact of superannuation in that remark. Next, the speaker said nobody provided superannuation for him #0 he could not see why superan- nuation should be provided for Firemen. That was the only word of opposition really to the Act and no matter of fact argument can he taken from that remark. '""The entire opposition based their argument on the high taxa- tion of today in the municipali- ties and in view of that the Fire Fighters should not hav: a Sup- erannuation Act. "The second fact is the one that should prove to be of most interest to this body and as your Legislative Committee we are not going backward in telling you exactly how: we feel in regards to this matter. The Ontario ¥Kire Fighters did defeat the Fire De- poertments Superannuation and Pension Fund Act in the year 1931. That is the heading that should have come out in the On- tario Press. The Fire Fighters defeated their own legislation by reason of the fact that they did Plan of the Proposed Fire Hall and which each year has Chat To FIGHTING A FIRE IN THE OLD DAYS { This interesting old photograph was taken on the occsasion of the big fir at the McLaughlin Carriage Co. | engipe has plenty of steam up. Evidently the old fire ee ee-------- eer ert rere "Eh, mum," said the old gard- ener who had been sent mistress to must "It 1s deplorable that so much fruit is damaged in fragile cases," says a trade journal. A crate pity, in fact. his 'he "is by see a specialist, be a wonderful doctor: the sanction of their Pranch." not, with the exception of only two or three individual efforts, try to help themselves, did not try to overcome the local opposi- tion. Federation of Ontario Firefight. | ers were.the following of general | juteres own Local | -- { Submit by Branch No. 34, A 2,000-mile trip through New | London--* That the Fire Chiefs | York, Vermont and Canada is to Among the resolutions referred | cease to be active members of |'be taken by students of geology to the Resolutions Committee cf | this Fe so, that they | and geography at Cornell Univer- . 4 the convention by the Provincial ' be made Members by sity next summer, Since this picture was taken much new equipment has been added at the fire hall. The only unit now in use is the motor pumper. New equipment includes a large and modern ladder truck, a second motor pumper, and a new car for the fire chief. Police Station Visiting firefighters will be Interested to know that Oshawa has been on the point of building a new fire hall on several occasions. 1 of having plans drawn, nothing has come of these good intentions. fire hall and police station for the city, but like other visions it soon faded away. Here above is seen an architect's vision of a joint None the less Oshawa realizes that the present quarters for its efficient and loyal fire department are entirely inadequate and the time will come when this city will build a hall that will be a credit to the municipality and worthy of the fine department which it will house. optside the fire hall * Hosts at Annual Convention of Firefighters Now Being Held in Oshawa of the city, against the ravages of fire, are:--Fire Chief W. R. oot 3 ab }