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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1931, p. 9

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" £ L 15 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1931 PAGE NINE it is to be bor : Legal Dental ' GOWANT & ANNIS BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public, Ete. Conveyancing and general prac- ticefdn Law. Office 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Phone 4. G. D. Cott "BA JsBy 'A, F. Ane nls, BA, LLB. "WBN. SINCLAIR, K.C, BANK of Commerce Building. PH P. » " 3pam Solicitor, Notaiy Publie, Conveyancer, Money to loan. Of- fice 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445. Residence phone 837. re ae Boe 3 Fraser, Barrister, etc, Bank 0 Commerce Bldg. S S. MAN, BARRIST. R, Solicitor, Notary, Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67. Residence 2473W. i " risters, Solicitors, etc., 24% Sim- coe St. N. Phone 3160. Residence 3514. Money to loan. ALEX. C. HALL, BA, BAPRIS- ter; etc. Conveyancing and gen: eral practice, 22% King St. East. Phone 3237, (tt) RANK S. EBBS, BARRI R, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, monvy to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Pout Office. Phone 2996. Medical --p. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHY- sician and Surgeon, special atten- tion given to X-Ray work and Electrotheopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050: Office opea 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Residence 421 King street east. Phone 2416. DR, GRANT BBRRY, PHYSIC- jan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, &ls- eases of infants and children. Of- fice and residence 97-Bond East. Phone 1165. DR, McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence King St. East, corner Vic- toria St., Oshawa, Phone 94. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PR. ¥. T. BRYANS OF 160 Bloor Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lov: eli's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consulta. tion and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Ap- pointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. Architects . C. 3T. SE, GENERAL Afrchitectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496, Res. phone 909J. j Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St, S., Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm slock and imple ments. Your patronage solicited. 'DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- sett's. Special attention to X-ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse 'in attendance, Phone 959. House 1312, i re J.B , DENTIST, 16 Simcoe Si. N, over Dewland's. Phone 1957. Res. 293W. Even- ings by appo'ntment. LUKE BURIAL CO., 67 KING St. East. Ambulance. Residence 542 Simcoe street. north. Phone 210J and 210W. OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. F. Armstrong & Son, Proprietors. Funeral! and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (4tr) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. West, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Qompanies. w PLACING SURANC consulg R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants alt- tended to and your interests pro- tected. HOLDEN SAVES YOU MONEY on your car or fire insurance, 92 Simicoe N. Phone 371W. (8 jly e) Spirella AVE MRS. BLATTER, EP- resenting Spirells, north east dis- trict, demonstrating the new Spirella Fitting Garment, Phone 2189M, (9 jly e) Transportation CARTAGE, SAND, gravel, cinders. Local and long distance moving. Phoue 1326F. Day or night service. (29 june ¢) OSHAWA' OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furnitnre mover, Park Road. Cartage, local and long distance. Frank Cowle, prop. 65 Park Rd. 8. Phone 215. GIBSON (7 may 1 mo) CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond West. Spec- ialists in furniture moving. Stor- age warehouse and moving van equipment. Phone 82. Beauty Parlors BETTY Lou PERMANENT Wave Shoppe, for a limited time. special prices: $10.00 wave for $7.50; $7.50 wave for $4.00. Marcelling, finger waving, hair dyeing and all other lines of beauty culture. For service and reliability call on the oldest established permanent wave shop, 86 Simcoe St. North, or phone 2968 for appointments, dB J Y.L) . . AUCTIONEER, 26 years' experience, To secure a date 568 Me. Goodfellow at The Times Office, Wm. Maw, Whitby, Ont. + {& june ¢) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, ~~ PLEATING, repairs and - alterations, dress- making, buttons and buttonholes. The Dell Shop, 26% Simcoe 8S. Phone 1656. . (Jan 5-1 mo) ' Money to Loan AUTOMOBILE LOAN--A CON- fidential service at the lowest price. Whether your car is tully paid or mot. We cag reduce your present payments. Motor Loans & Discounts, R. F. White, Mgr., 14% King 'St. East, Oshawa. . Phone 2790. Open evenings till 9 Y (16 june c) i Lawn Mowers Sharpened i HH 5 i WERS SHAR = : and repaired. Called for and de- livered, Phone G. Slater 8193W. (June 23 ¢) Nursing references, maternity, general nursing, assists with housework or plain sewing, Mrs, Noble 3033J. (June 28 c) Watch F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss 'watcamaker, repair shop at 44 % King Street West. Your pat- nage is solicited. S Palmis 'on matters of {mp 93 Lou ness pri Cleaning and Dyeing dry cleaning, and re- modelling. Goods called for and £ : delivered. M, Crosier, 133 Sim- TT TTT TIT ET vw k | coe sovth. Phone 2338. (1 jly ¢) Ei Car Washing AGE WILL wash your car for one dollar, 88 Bond St. Wet. Telephone 3198. | _ (21 june ¢) clalt; 7a (9 ily ¢) - eggs. Barred Rocks, White Leg- horns. Write or phone for cata. logue 1837). Oshawa Hatchery = &- Poultry 14 ¥ fot] St. Phone 2636F, Busi. a. # a (1 jly ¢) okt dit, n Lambert, 66 Bagot St. | LA PARIBIENNE BEAUTY PAR- lours. 3 Simeoe St. South, Phone 71. Marcel 50. Finger wave 75c. (20 june c) DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE, ex; in permanent, finger and marcel waving. Permanent waves, $5. $7.50, $10, $16. 25c trims and 35c marcels. Ask for Miss Duquette, Phone 38, over Ward's - Store. (30 june c) "THE MODERNISTIC PERMAN- ent Wave Shoppe'. Specialists in permanent waving for $5 to $15. Special price on finger waving and shampoo 75¢ from 9 am, to 12 am. In afternoon $1.00. Phone 635 for appoint- ments, 17 Ontario Street. (3 jly ¢) GENOSHA HAIRDRESSING Parlors. Betty Ward and Grace Marshall, experts in all kinds of Beaaty Culture, Our permanent wave a specialty. $5.00, $7.60 and $10.00, Finger waving, marcelling, facials, scalp treatments and manicures, Cof- fee Shoppe entrance. Phone ap- pointments 1973. ; (15 may 1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon H. VANZANT, V.S., OFFICE 63 Colborne St. Hast. Accommoda- tion for farmers' horses and cars. Phone 913, (16 Jly c) "Painting and Decorating BR. GUTSOLE, VIRST ~ CLASS paperbanger, painting and grain- | ing, Prices right, work guaran- teed. 340 Fine 3065W. b Shoe Repairing poor enough for you, We guar- antee you 100 per cent. on all' work dome. Why accept Champion Shoe Shop, 17 Bond East. (30 june c) BRING YOUR SHOLS HERB for repairs. First class work dqpe. Charges very reasonable. Jack Read, corner Mary and borne. 'Avenue, Phone ann Ju A (6 ily ©) ATTERI ARGED be with ren Repaired and' 1 $1.00. fo SODDING. GRADING AND EX: cavating. Caterpillar tractors for reat, Top soll sand and gravel. Phone 2948, . np ; (28 june cy | portance. ~ Apply i South, (1401) - For Rent VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrig- eration, electric stove, washing machine and dryer. Apply super intendent. Phone 2533F. = ; d (65tL) 'SIMCOB MANOR--FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, counveni- ences. Apply superintendent. Phone 2671. (65tr) THREE AND 4 ROOM APART- ments, Modern to the minute. Phone 1550 or 2347TW. OFFICES, BRIGHT, good approach. $15 up, APARTMENTS CENTRAL, 3 TO 4 rooms, electric stove, kitchen cabinet, wall bed. Bradley Bros. Over Ward's Store. (87t1) FOR™ RENT -- GLADSTONE Apartments, 12 Gladstone. Mod- ern 3 roomed, $30 monthly, fur- nished or unfurnished. Phone 2604W, (9 jly ¢) FOR RENT--112 LOUISA ST. 7 room bungalow, electric fire- place, hardwood floors, newly decorated. Immediate possession. Also garage. $40 rent, Phone 2604W. (1s2tf) CLEAN, © (13 jiy c) FOR RENT--ELECTRIC CLEAN- er. electric waxer. tents, exten- sion ladders, folding chairs, camp cots, lawn rollers, dIshes, etc. Fox Hardware. (24 july ¢) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, every convenience. Sultable for light housekeeping, Phone 3338W. (1391) TO RENT--ABOUT 50 ACRES of pasture with water. Phone 1553J. : (140¢) FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM PART- ly furnished cottage with garage, near Lake Kushog, in Haliburton County. For further particulars apply to Henry Northcott, Loch- lin, Ont. (140c) FOR RENT----7 ROOMED HOUSE newly decorated, central, back of post office, 41 Bond St. East, Phone 1239J. (142¢) FOR RENT -- APARTMENT, central, 3 rooms, furnished if de- | sired. Electric refrigerator, stove, hot water, rent specially reduced. Phone 1400, (142¢) FOR RENT--ONE FURNISHED bedroom. All convenience, Cen- tral, Phone 2329W, (142¢) FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT, Very reasonable. 6 rooms and den. All conveniences. Very cen- tral. Phone 638J. (1321) | FOR RENT--APARTMENT, 211% King St. E. Reasonable rent. Im- mediate possession. Apply New Martin Theatre Box Office. : \ (140¢) HOUSE TO RENT, 206 EULALIE Ave. Apply Fittings Ltd. (140tt) TO RENT -- SMALL HOUSE, centrally located, reasonable, Ap- ply 13 Elgin st. East, (140¢) FOR" RENT -- 8 ROOMED house. 5 bedrooms, hardwood floors fire place double garage. 131 Ritson Road South, (140¢) FOR RENT -- SERVICE STA- tion, house combined. Apply giv- ing telephone number to Box 458 Times, (141c) FOR RENT--- FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, board if de- sired. Apply 103 King St. E. (140¢) Lost and Found LOST--IN COVENT GARDEN Tuedsay night $3. Please return Phone 2045W. (142) Awnings AWNING AND TENTS, ETC. we are agents for J, J. Turner & Sons, Peterboro. Let us quote you on "everything in canvas", Phone 25, Fox Hardware, Oshawa, (1 ly e) PORCH WINDOW AWNINGS, awnings, verandah curtains, canoples, installed. T. Tavlor, Toronto. Oshawa phone 1053. (15 jly ¢) HERBERT C. TRENEER, A.C. M., Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church will accept pupils in piano, pipe organ and vocal music. 50 Willlam Street East, Phone 2896. (Sept. 2 tf) Help Wanted--Male WANTED--TWO OR THREE smart men with cars for special advertising deal. Must have bus- ness ability. Good references, and willing to leave city. Apply 2 to 4, 7 to 9, Thursday or Friday. 24 Alger Bldg. (141¢) circuitous Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects for you but alse assure mn with an interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and effort. Telephone 35 BE who rings doors balis lovke ing for a job, a room or any desired objective follows a slow, route indeed. Our immediate interview WINDOW AND FURNACE cleaning, lawn attention, sodding and grading, whitewashing and painting. Terms reasonable, Phone 842F. Warrenshine Jani- tor Service. (26 june ¢) LIGHT TRUCKING IN ANY part of city for 60c. E. F. Moss. Phone 1736J. (12 jly e) Summer Resorts "REST HAVEN" "NORLAND, large garden, tennis, croquet, close water boating, bathing, fishing, home cooking, fresh farm produce. Reasonable rates, Mrs. Leslie Stephens. (2 jly ¢) Furniture Repairing FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re-upholstered, etc. Charges r ble. F. A. Morris, 170 Al- Building Supplies CALL W. BORROWDALE FOR cement blocks, sand and gravel, 609 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1613, Summer Cottages FURNISHED SUMMER COT- tage to rent at Willlams Point, Scugog Lake. Apply A. W. Pick- ard, Bowmanville, Phone 185. (138g) Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE-- Repairs on radios, power packs and eliminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for sale. Batteries ebarged and repaired. Phone 3350J. Charles Wales, 146 Elgia Eart, (16 dec 1 mo) ALL MODELS REPAIRED, eliminators, power packs, prices reasonable, tubes tested free: battery recharges 60c. Phone 2806W. George Burroughs, cer- tified radiotrician, ar (28 june ¢) PAINTING AND PAPERHANG- ing. Lowest prices in the city. Work guaranteed, Give us a try. Peeling and Chessebro. Phone 1269W. (7 may 1 mo) Help Wanted--Female GIRL WANTED AS MOTHERS help. Apply at 151 King sg (1%2a) THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED protestant house maid with ref- erences. Must be able to sew Position open first part of July. Apply 8 Bond St. W. (142¢) WANTED -- COOK, GENERAL for small adult family, Must be good plain cook, highest wage, Mrs. Joseph King Whitby. (142¢) Terre a ae ee Room and Board GOSY LARGE FRONT BED sitting room, Breakfast by day or week. Separate beds. Conveni- ences. Central, Phone 1363W. (140c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO girls at 130 Colborne St, E. (140c) Auction Sale THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES will be sold by public auction at 14 Bona St. W., on Friday, June 19, at 1.30 o'clock sharp, two new Chesterfield suites, 1 child's chesterfield suite, bedroom chairs, odd chesterfield chairs, couch, fireside benches, attoman, table runners tapestry wall pan- nels, deck chairs, baby buggy, one walnut. divan bed, ome hand carved sette, Rosewood cushions, footstools. Wm. Maw, Auction- eer, (140¢) A SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS of unusual quality, will be held by the Executors of the state of the late W. H, Letcher, Port Perry, on Saturday, June 20th, commencing at 1.o'clock sharp, (Standard Time). All above goods will be sold and the furniture and rugs are in excellent condition: It will pay you to attend this sale. deo, Jackson & Som, Auctioneers. : (141.142) brick bert St. Phone 731W. Formerly with Luke Furniture Co. . (12 jly ¢) UPHOLSTERING AND FURNI- ture repaired. Drapes made to or- der. Rebuilding chestertields a specialty. Geo. A. Constable, 27 Bond E, Phone 8322J, ' > Articles for Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT wood slabs $8.50 per load. Also bope dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited. Phone 1288. ' (apr 26 tI) A FUL VAL- ues in rebullt "Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new-- at Jess than half the cost. Sent for your approval, Address "Un- derwood," 135 Victoria St., To- ronto. (Oct. 19, 31) FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD. $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King St. East. Phone 1774M. FOR SALE-- GOOD MIXED wood % cord $3. All hardwood $3.50, W. H. Thompson, King St. W. Phone 742J. 9 ily e) FOR SALE-- SAND, GRAVEL, cinders, stohe, black loam. $1.50 per truck load delivered. Phone Essery Bros, 557J. ; . (18 may ¢) NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor street east. Phone 1517M. (7 may 1 mo) ALL HARDWOOD $3.50, MIXED $3.25 per 3; cord. Mostly hard- wood. Phone 2423W. (2 jly e¢) FOR SALE -- 100 GALS. Moore's service paint at $1.75 gal. Fox Hardware, (9 jly e) FOR SALE--DRY PINE WOOD, stove length, $10 per cord. Phone 2628F. (139g) FOR SALE-- KITCHEN CABI- net, stove and chicken coop. Apply 204 Court St. (140¢) FOR SALW -- HEINTZMAN plano, coal and wood range, good as new, 2 parlor chairs, 3 or 4 dozen sealers, 2 screen doors and a few other things, Can be had at any time. 618 Carnegie St. North. (l41c) UPHOLSTBRING. D. W, DAL- ton, phone 1045. See our samples Mohair and Tapestry. 377 Simcoe South, (8 jly ¢) Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE SALE FOR PRIVATE SALE -- TO close the estate of W. H. David, oak office desk, three mahogany bookcases, and other valuable furniture. 2 Park Ave. off 218 Park Road South, (141c) JONES' REAL ESTATE-- Houses and farms for sale, rent or exchange. 461 Simcoe St, North, Phone 1962J. Salesman R. M. Kelly. Phone 2866J, lM (30 june ¢) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE = 150 acre farm close to Oshawa. Good buildings, crop, stock and implements. Will consider good clear house in Oshawa or Toron- to. Apply Box 464 Times. aay (1420) 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE OR exchange on Oshawa property, good soil, orchard, creek, fair buildings. Near Bowmanville, Must sell to close estate, $4800, Phone Holden 371W, (141b) COTTAGE FOR SAL®E OR RENT --Conveniently situated on Rice Lake, 30 minutes from Cobourg, good fishing, and bathing, an ideal summer home. Cottage has good sized sleeping porch over- looking the lake. Large living room with fire place, two bed- rooms, small kitchen with soft water pump. Apply to C. P, Ralls, Cobourg, Ont. (141c) FOR SALE--SERVICE STATION congisting of 1 acre of land, solid eight room house, with woodshed, never failing well and hen house. Also refreshment booth. A good business and good reasons for selling, For informa- tion write or phone George A McGahey, 8% miles east of Lind- say on No. 7 Highway. R.R. No. 5. Phone 454 r 2-3. (142a) FOR SALE-= FOUR™ ROOMED house, water and lights, garage. Small down payment, balance as rent, Apply 161 Alma St. (14010) HOUSE FOR SALE--MODERN cottage, all' conveniences, Two blocks from the main corners. Good garden, 84 Centre St., Osh- awa, : (140¢) FOR RENT -- § ROOMED house, All conveniences, 186 Bruce St. Apply 26 Prince St. (140¢) Livestock FOR SALE--TWO BROOD SOWS with litters. Call 1962J. (142b) ELSEWHERE (Montreal Star) The gangster would soon be elim- inated if his only pull were on the trigger. soa i ese dnt The mayor had just laid the foun- dation stone, and the spectators awaited his speech. "What can I do, Mary?" whis- pered the mayor to his wife, "I've laid the stone on top of it." NORTH ATLANTIC 1S STILL CLEAR OF BERG MENACE Absence of "Ice Fence" Puzzles Scientists And Coast Guard Officials, Boston, Mass, June 17.---- However gratifying the situation may be to steamship companies, scientists find the prevailing ice phenomenon of the North Atlan- tfc extremely annoying, in that they have been unable to offer sny positive explanation for the condition of these -waters this gpring. Calling recently at St. John's, Nfld, the United States Coast Guard Cutter General Greene, lookout for the Coast Guard in protecting shipping lanes, reported she had sighted only thirteen icebergs during the geason. Of this number only one came south of Newfoundland and it broke up off Cape Race. Last year, by no means a record one, 440 bergs were reported. The larger Coast Guard Cutters Ma- jave and Pontchartrain, which ordinarily would have been pat- rolling the chilly North Atlantic for weeks past, charting move- ment of bergs and warning other vessels, are remaining idle here. Lieutenant Commander Edward H. Smith, of the Coast Guard, an fceperg authority who plans ac- companying the Graf Zeppelin on ite projected trip to the North Pole this summer, in order to study the subject further, is mys- tified by the bergs" absence. He had predicted a normal season of about 250 icebergs in the North Atlantic. Lieutenant Smith expressed the belief that the bergs have not moved down into the Atlantic this year due to the absence of an "ice fence' which usually forms along the coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland and shunts (he icebergs back into the current But the mystery hinges on the absence of this "fence." He said the bergs undoubtedly bad piled up along these shores and recommended to Admiial Frederick H, Billard, Coast Guard Commander, that the General Greene later be sent to locate and enttmerate the icy mountains that broke up in this manner. The orportunity was one of the best ever afforded for the study of icebergs, declared Lieutenant Smith, The extent of the Coast Guard activity last year is shown by a total of 952 radio broadcasts to ships, amounting to 688,723 words. The cutters cruise over a radius of 5.000 to 6,000 miles, constantly on the lookout for bergs. Four dally reports norm- ally are broadcast, in addition to ove from here, but more numer- ous reports are furnished at the request of any ship in the ice area, 3 The previous lightest iceberg year was in 1924 when only cieven were reported south of Newfoundland. The heaviest month on record was April 1912, wken the Titanic sank in an en- counter with one of the ice giants. During that year 1,019 bergs were reported and this number was only exceeded by a total of 1,024 in 1909. The international ice patrol, maintained by shipping nations of the world, was created as u 1¢e- sult of the Titanic disaster. CONSTRUCTION WORK ON GOL1EGE MADE POSSIBLE Ladies' College at Benning- ton, Vt. To Be Improved New York, June 18.---Construe- tion work on Bennington College for women, Bennington, Vt. has at least been made possible, it was announced here recently. As pre- sident of the new insfitution, Dr. Robert Devore Leigh, an alumus of Bowdoin, class of 1914 and a former member of the Alumni Council, will assume a leading position in the movement for the modernization of college methods, as Bennington is to be America's first ecllege with a complete four- year program based upon the prin- ciples of progressive education, The 18 distinctive points in the Bennington plan, as developed un- der Dr. Leigh's leadership, have become the object of close study by educationalists everywhere, Virtually all of them represent in_ novations and radical departures from familiar methods of college administration. One of the out- standing features is that admis- sions will be determined on a basis of the student's entire school re- cord rather than upon entrance examinations in . specified sub- jects, This, as a distinguished edu. cator has said, will for the first time enable secondary schools "to become educational rather than preparatory institutions." Work during the first two years will be individually prescribed as explanatory study in the four maj- or fields rather than, "A general prescription for an imagined type of student," as Dr. Leigh puts it. The fine arts, including music, are to be recognized as a major field. So-called "tool courses" such as mathematics and foreign lan- guages, are to be prescribed for only those who look forward to major work requiring their use. Opportunities will be provided to follow side-interests as they de- velop, and a long winter recess will give both students and facul- ty time for travel, field work and the educational advantages of metropolitan life. Provisions will be made during the third and fourth years for non-resident work in other centres where special fac- ilities are available, Scholarships will provide the equivalent of full tuition for one- fourth of the student body, and will be assigned at the time of ad. mission and continue as long as the students remain in college. LOST HIS CASE A young lawyer had been retained by a farmer to prosecute a railroad for killing twenty-four hogs. He wanted to impress the jury with the magnitude of the injury. "Twenty-four hogs, gentlemen," he said. "Just think of it! Twenty- four--twice the number there are in the jury box." JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Wornill, Oph. D. Kyesight Specialist hone 8315 t or sold-Times Classified Ads will do it Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner SPECIAL! Suits made to Sus mates G1 ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W. Phone 2141 | OUR SPECIALTY If your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time. D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Rallroads 20 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 189 COAL COAL "hone 193 W .J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor St. E. Orders Promptly Delivered PHONE 22 For Your. Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver i i ESIGMT_SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomal eyesight and glasses 1516--Phone~1516 Disney Block - Opposite Post Office Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Iistablished 1886 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH GET YOUR PHILCO RADIO NOW We allow $25.00 to $75.00 on your Battery Set ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe S.t South One 1930 Ford Coupe One 1930 Essex Coach, New car guarantee. ROSS, AMES AND GART- SHORE King St. West. Phone 1160 85 Bond Street, West x SUMMER COTTAGE FOR RENT On Tobin's Island, Muskoka, near Asscnibly Inn, Lovely lo. cation. $100 per month or $200 for season. f J. J. R. LURE, Phon® 871 or 68TW * ivered. | BRINGING UP FATHER * | WANT TO PUT AN AD IN YOUR PAPER: | LOST A DOG AN' I'LL GIVE FIFTY DOLLARS FOR HIS RETURN: \ - BY GOLLY! 1 GOTTA GO BACK TO THE NEWSPAPER OFFICE: + FORGOT TO SAY "THAT ' NO QUESTIONS WiLL BE ASKED OF THE FINDER. FIFTY rf BY GEO. McMANUS 50 ™ME ' OUT LOOKIN' FER THE 00g. AN! DO AM |= 0 NG i ™

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