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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1931, p. 5

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Social & Personal Any social motes which readers care to submit will be printed. Kindly phone or send them to The Times Office before 10.30 a.m. the day they are to be pub- lished. Items of mews cone cerning dances, . parties, guests to and from town will be gladly received. Mr. W. H. Jenkins, Simcoe street south and his son, Mr. W. H. Jenkins, of Detroit, Michigan, are leaving tonight for Montreal and sailing tomorrow morning on the "Alaunia" for London, Eng- land. Mr. Jenkins, Sr., will re- main in England Tor some time but his son expects to return to Detroit in the very near future. Ld Ed LJ . Mr. "Herbert Moore, formerly telegraph operator in the Cana- dian National Telegraph Office NOTICE THE FASHION SHOPPE which is one block south of the Library has no connec tion with any other shoppe in Oshawa. Managed By Mrs. S. A. Engel, Jr. SUMMER DRESSES Crepes and Wash Silks LAMBLE'S WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Celina St. here, left for St. Catharines, this morning, where he has been made munager of the telegraph office of Canadian National, Mrs. Moore and hep family, who are now re- siding on Nassau street, expect to go to St, Catharines very soon, to live. * ® - Mrs. W. Hubble, Arthur street, entertained the "2.30 Pedro Club" at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Branton, Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Cockerham were winners of the three prizes. At five o'clock a dainty tea was served by the hostess. . . » City Treasurer P. A. Blackburn and Mrs, Blackburn are in Dunn- ville, Ontario, today attending the funeral of the latter's sister, the late Mrs. M. R. Scheir. - * * Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Herring were the winners of the prizes at the regular Wednesday after- noon "Ten Cent Euchre' given by the Daughters of England in the S.0.E. Hall. Those in charge of the tea after the card-playing were, Mrs, Corden, Mrs. Young, Mrs, Newman and Mrs. Gutsole. "s 2 0» Afternoon tea was served at the home of Mrs, Wesley Mer- ritt, Pine Avenue yesterday after- noon in honor of Mrs. C. Weeks who recently celebrated the 27th anniversary of her wedding day. Her friends presented her with a silver cake basket and wished her many years to use it. L.T.B. 493 The regular meeting of Re Echol Lodge 493 was held on Monday evening in the L.O.L. Hall. A large attendance of members were present, also. Sis- ters of Victoria Lodge No, (3. The District Deputy Grand ™is- tress, Sister Mitchell, of Confed- eration Lodge 474,-gave a short address. W. M., Sister Hubble and her members wish to thank the sisters and brothers who have presented the lodge with gifts and have helped them so willing- Iy in théir work. L THESE NICE LINEN HAND: KERCHIEFS | GAVE BILL FOR CHRISTMAS ARE BEGINNING TO LOOK GRAY MY SHIRTS LOOK GREAT THIS WEEK. DEAR a YOU OUGHT TO USE RINSO. IT WASHES LINENS GLEAMING WHITE I'M USING RINSO NOW. IT'S A MARVELLOUS HARD'WATER SOAP THAT SAVES SCRUBBING A SURE RELIEF FOR WOMEN'S DISORDERS ' Send Ten Cents for Ten Days' Treatment, Orange Lily is a certain relief for == disorders of women. It is applied locally and is absorbed into. the suffering ti : . The dead waste matter In the region #s expelled, giving immediate mental and physical relief. The blood vessels and nerves are toned and strengthened afd the circulation is rendered to normal. As this treatment is based on strictly scientific a = and acts on the actual location of the disease, it cannot help do good in painful menstruation, leucorrhoea, falling of the womb, --=7=* {ovarian troubles. One month's treatment $2.00, "A ten day trial, = forms of female troubles, including delayed and ~-- and worth 175 cts., sent to any suffering woman enclosing 10c. Sold at Leading Drug Stores Everywhets {eRSLYDIA W. LADD (Dept.04) Box 181, Windaor, Qt, | What New York Is Wearing By Annebelle Worthington ~ Illustrated Dress: ing Lesson Furnished with Every Pattern A new straight slim type for gen- eral day wear or for active sports. You"ll appreciate its serviceability as well as its extreme smartness. Of course it plaits its skirt to give yotithful animation to the hem. The long-waisted moulded bodice poins the skirt in unique scalloped outline to narrow the effect through the hips. The insect chemisette yoke maybe made of contrasting colour or fabric. A yellow shantung made the orig- inal with brown patent leather belt and brown buttons. Style No, 3051 is designed for sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38 and 40 inch- cs bust. Size 36 requires 334 yards of 39-inch material, Linen, men's silk shirting, pastel flat crepe silk, cotton mesh with an- gora finish, printed batiste and nov- elty pique are ideally suited to this model. Vacation Days are here again! So nearly here, at least, that it's time for you to be thinking about your Summer wardrobe. We've prepared a book to help you plan for the most colourful fashion period of the year. A book that offers the best selection of styles for the season for the adult, miss, stout and child, and helps the reader to economize, You can save $10 by spending 15 cents for this 'book. The edition is limited so we suggest that you send 15 cents in stamps or coin to- day for your copy to Fashion De- partment, Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book 15 cents. Price of pattern 20 cents Address orders to, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa. No. 3051. Size ... Dorothy thinks that an archi- tect should be a much travelled man because he takes in all the sites, Painful Piles Go Quick--No Cutting--No Salves It takes only one bottle of Dr. J. S, Leonhardt's prescription-- HEM-ROID~to end itching, bleed- ing, protruding piles. This internal remedy 'acts quickly 'even in old, stubborn cases. 'HEM-ROID suc- ceeds because it heals and restores the affected parts and removes blood congestion in the lower bowel--the cause of piles. Only an tehaal sidijcing can do this, that's why salves and cutting fail. Jur & Lovell Ltd. says HEM.ROID Tablets must end your Pile misery or money back, By Thornton THE NEW HOME IS APPROVED Who in his home may take no pride Should do his best the fact to hide. --Old Mother Nature It doesn't matter how simple or humble a home miay be, if it is a true home there is some cause for pride in it. If love dwells therein there is something beautiful there, and if it is the very best home that can be provided, even though it be poor, indeed, compared with other homes, there is no cause for shame. There is always causc for pride in doing the best vou can even though that best be not much. Mr. and Mrs, Stubtail, the sleek young Prairie-dogs who had bgen hard at work making a new home, their first home, next' door to Yap Yap's home, had finished it and felt that they had earned a short vacation. Both had worked, and worked hard in the making of that home, anfl that was a splendid way in which to start out together. They had contributed equally to planning it and to digging it, and now that it was finished they were equally proud of it. "There isn't a thing about it that I would change," declared Mrs Stubtail, who was a plump, very neat appearing young person ' _Stubtaijl chuckled. "Neighbor Yap | Yap thinks he, haven't the proper | slant to our hall," said he i "Neighbor Yap Yap ma what he pleases. This hom made to suit us, not him." young Mrs. Stubtail dignantly. "It is a to me that other people so often think they know better what vou want than vou do yourself. This may be our experience 'in home-making, but if there is a bet- ter house in this town I de where it i I wouldnt de [any one. I'm proud of it: I s0 "You are no than I am, n tail. In truth, they had re: 1 proud of it. 'It had been planned and dug according to latest and | best ideas in Prairie-dog home-mak- | ing. To begin with, it had a tong | entrance hall just big enough for al plump Prairie-dog to pass through easily and comfortably, but net big enough for one large ter. That hall s a very long hall indeed, It Avent at a very Steep angle for about fifteen feet This was much deeper than the halls of many other houses in the town. It had mcant a great deal of work, of hard work, and tore than once the Stubtails had been tempt- ed to end it. Then one would re- mind the other of a certain home | they knew of with hall going down only a few feet from the sur- face because the owners had been too lazy to dig deeper. 'I'his had been dug open by Digger the Bad- ger and at'ter that the lazy couple were secn no more. At the thought of that dreadiul affair the Stubtails would resume work with renewed energy At about fifteen feet down the hall was turned at right angles and carried along for nearly as far. Op- ening from this was a comfortable bedroom with a bed of grass. A little farther along another room, a sort of storcroom, opened from the hall, This was Yor use. later, The carth that had been taken out 'was used to build a mound with the doorway in the middle, and this mound had been built with care As they built it up the carth w think was retorted somewhat in- funny thing first 't know le with am more proud of it| y dear," replied Stub- to be the {toren- dov as 1 | gan music, played by colt , W. Burgess pressed dowh firmly with their nos- es. You see, it wouldn't do to leave the carth loose, for then it would be forever falling down into the house as they went in and out. So they built this mound with care. It had two purposes. One was to pre- vent water running into their home during" heavy rains, and the other was to give them a place to sit where they would be high enough to look over their surroundings and watch for possible danger. No sooner was the home finished than the Stubtails began to receive callers, for Prairig-dogs are social folk. ' The neighbors came to in- spect the new home and a great many nice things were said about it. It was warmly approved, even by Yap Yap, who had tried to give ad- vice in the building sf it. It was generally agreed that the Stubtails had one of the best homes in town. Do you wonder that they were proud of it? (Copyright, 1931, by T. W. Burgess) "A Crafty Pair." story The next WONNACOTT----ANNETTS One of the prettiest wedding of the summer season took place yes- terday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Centre Street United Church. Clarice Victoria, younger daugh- ter of Mrs, William Annetts and the late Mrs. Annetts of 169 Burke Street, Oshawa became the bride of Gordon Francis Wonna- cott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joha Wonnacott of Solina, Ontario. The bride, looking charming in her wedding gown of white Chantilly lace with tulle veil and crown of orange blossoms, carrying a uni- que bouquet of pink roses, blue forget-me-nots and valley lilies tied with silver, was escorted to the altar by her father, while or- Mrs, Roy Hennett, floated spftly on the air. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. J. P. Marks, matron of honor, gowned in coral lace with wide-brimmed hat of mohair tied with turquiose blue ribbon and carrying sunset roses and blue delphinium, The brides- maid, Miss Hilda Rice, wore a be- | coming (rock of pale yellow and her large mohair hat was tied with a graceful bow of orchid rib- hon. Her flowers were pale yellow foses and mauve delphinium. The groom was attegded by his bro- ther, Mr. Howard Wonnacott of Solina, Ontario. The weding cere- mony was performed by Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher, pastor of Centre Street Church. Acting as ushers were: Messrs, Harry and Dopald Rice. Immediately following the church ceremony, the bridal party and the guests, numbering about 50, adjourned to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. P. Marks, 101 Roxborough where the recep- tion was held, Mrs, Marks, the bride's father and the groom's parents, receiving with the bride and groom. Leaving later in the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wonna- cott started for Haliburton, On- tario, where they will spent two weeks, The bride wore as her go- ing-away outfit an ensemble , of blue panne velvet and beige. Mr. and Mrs, Wannacott will return to make their home in Oshawa on Burke Street, The wedding guests - included: Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. TT. Bod- dy, Mrs. T. Taylor Sr., Miss Mary Taylor, Toronto; Mrs. W. Wonna- Miss Marjory Wonnacott, London, Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. D. the hair "natural 17 Ontario St. PERMANENTS that leave 'soft and Modernistic Permanent Wave Shoppe WITH ALL ITS OWN GLOW AND BEAUTY The quality of your per manent depends mere upon the expertness of the opera- tor than upon any other factor, Method, lotions, the machine used, all play their part, but none are so im- portant as the operator, Only operators trained as ours are can give the soft natural waves which we can, . Make your appoint- ' ment today. Permanent Waves $3.75 up Telephone 635 -- E-- Johns, Miss Hilda Johns, Nestle- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Won-, nacott, Mr, and Mrs, John Wonna- cott, Miss Dorothy Wonnacott, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Skingsley, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rice, Miss Phyliss Rice, Mr and Mrs. Harry Rice, Mr. Donald Rice, Miss Peggy Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Burrus, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowdry, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Alchin, Mrs. Gallagher, Miss Opal Alchin, Miss Dorothy Braund, Miss Janie Walker, Mrs. Herb. Wager. / MARY PICKFORD REVEALS SOME STREEN SECRETS London, June 18.--Mary Pick- ford, while in England, gave an interviewer some lights on the the queer scenes, behind the gcenes of a movie star's life: There was a scene in which she had to wear metal combs in her hair. The studio heat was so intense that they hLegan to burn her unbearably. 'I can't stand this any longer," she said. and broke up the scene. She has never forgotten the look of re- proach on the face of a deaf pho- tographer who had not heard her explanation. "I knew," she said, "that he felt I was not co-operat- ing and so I had to tell him." This studio heat is a very real trouble and experiments are now being conducted in order to pre- duce adequate cold lighting. During the filming of 'The Taming of the Shrew," Miss Pick- ford was called upon to drink from a metal cup It had been | standing so long in the glare of | the lights that she burnt her he Co mouth and that scene tco, had to be done all over again. In "Ki- Ki'* she had to wear masculine cvening dress. p= a whole week she was on the set making these scenes and stiff collars and shirts were changed again and again because they became go limp. "I've heen sorry for men ever since," she said. Simple Remedy For Bad Stomach Gives Swilt Relief No Need of Strong Medicines or Diet. Safe and Simple Home Recipe Keeps Stomach in Fine Condition If you are a victim of Stomach Troubles--Cas, Sourness, Pain or Bloating--you may have quick and certain relief by following this simple advice. Don't take strong medicines, artificial digestants or pull down your system with starvation diets. For within reason most folks may ea' what they like if they keep tneir stomach frée from souring acids that hinder or paralyze the work of digestion. And the best and easiest way to do this is to follow every meal with three or four tablets of Bis- urated Magnesia -- a pleasant, harmless, inexpensive, and handy taklet form of Magnesia that promptly neutralizes acidity and keeps your stomach sweet and clean. A week's Bisurated trial of | Magnesia tablets, which any good druggist can supply at trifling cost, should quickly convince von that 90 per cent. of ordinary stomach distress is absolutely un- | necessary, Be sure to get Bis- | urated Magnesia Tablets! | Safe Speedy Relief' fro# RHEUMATISM T-R~C'® 3 iii 60c.and $1 stall drug gists' "Tlie nightingale drinks more than other birds," states a writer, Hence its liquid notes. Lady Motorist (explaining delin< quency to traffic policeman): "Then I trod on 'this little gadget and it scemed to™do something to the what-you-may-call-it. I hope I'm not being too technical for you." THE QUICK POLISH ox Furniture and Autos ore dn eure New Face Powder Stays on Longer If you have large pores use a face powder that will not clog them. A new French process called MELLO-GLO makes the skin look young, stays on longer furnishes a youthful bloom, does not irritate the skin or make it look pasty or flaky. Spreads smocthly, Try this new wonder- tul Face Powder, MELLO-GLO.. Sold through all druggists and at Toilet Goods Counters, Ask the mother who has used Eagle Brand Dor ORS highly recommend Eagle Brand because it has proved invaluable in thou- sands of cases where mothers were unable to nurse their own babies. If you are experiencing any difficulty in nurs. ing your baby, consult your doctor about EAGLE BRAND. Hundreds of thousands of babies have been brought through \infancy and started on the way to healthy maturity through its'use. Send your name and address and we will gladly mail you free authoritative literature on child welfare, and a handsome Record Book fog your baby: Eagle Brand CONDENSED The Borden Co, Limited, 115 George St., Toronto: y Gentlemen: Please send me a FREE copy of your Baby's Record Book aad Baby Welfare Book. Name...oviiserssiansonarnanss Address caseseseasiselernneassnn

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