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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jun 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TECHNICIANS MAY | "SAVE PULP TRADE Future Résts With Experts | ® "Official Declares at Meeting Montreal, June 23--The future of the pulp and paper industry lies in the hands of the technical man, and while certain financial arrangements have placed the indsutry in some- what serious difficulties at present, it iS to the technical men that the ' leaders are looking to rectify con- ditions. This was the declaration ! made recently by Arthur Dawe, | Reneral manager of the St. Maurice ! alley Paper Corporation, at the ' dinner of the Canadian Pulp and! Paper Association held at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, when he was pre- } senting the Weldon Gold medal to ; G. P. Genberg of Edmunston, N.B,, for having presented the best paper at the annual meeting of the Tech- mical Section last January. Mr. ~ Dawe is the donor of the medal which, following out the suggestion made by the late Edward Beck, was Riven for the encouragement of new ideas in the paper industry, and it was named in honor of the late I. H. Weldon, president of the Pro- wvincial Paper Mills, who was him- self an enthusiast in the searching for new ideas of benefit to the in- dustry, Mr. Dawe declared that in the | past 14 years the technical men of the industry had placed Canada in a position of" leadership and that their problem from now on was to obtain cheapness. of production while retaining quality of product. | dication was%iven of hfe ok my ig RECORD DRIVEAWAY OF FORDS HE largest driveaway in several years from the Ford Motor Com- pany of Canada, Limited, took place recently when Toronto and Hamil ton dealers and salesmen took de- livery of 68 Ford cars at the East Windsor plant, driving them over land to the two cities. The photo- and the plants of the American Ford Company in Dearborn, Mich. They graph of the driveaway was taken | also viewed Ford Airport and Henry just hefore the start. The Toronto | Ford's historical Greenfield Village and Hamilton | group spent a day |as guests of the Canadian company touring the Canadian Ford plants | before returning home. the com pulpwood marual w o the tion ola would contain information as various species ol timber comn used for pulpwood, hints on cruis and measurements in the waods at the mill and intimate details of the whole pulp industry, The afternoon session of the Technical section was devoted to an | interesting resume by H. Wyatt | Johnson, of the Pulp and Paper | Laboratory of the experiments car [ ried out in ground wood studics, | following a program defined by | special committee of the Associa tion. A great number of tests have | been made during the present vear having' as their object the improve- ment in grinding operations and the reduction in the cost of production, and while the experiments are far from complete, the members present were enthused at the progress made This discussion was followed bv one regarding the deterioration in pulp wood, through fungi and other causes, and the tests made to find some preventative of what was de- a This work is in the hands of the Pulpwood and was ou of the Abitil while addresses were gi wood Wilson and the subject f The today, gates ftror paper c ommittee, 4 \\ Pape ies in attendance. Ikaline Cooking ion ef the ed to a tec! a dis ine cooking of ut the fact that w had for Years been look scribed as a tremendous annual Joss in piled wood through decav. In- $1,000,000.00 To Be Distributed on Easy Terms. Eminent economists declare that a child ww at least worth 85,000 to the nation and when he takes his place A8 a mature citizen in thc community, he is worth FASCISTS" SILENCE HOUDE WONDERS | IF WOMEN MAKE 00D AS VOTERS Challenge Thrown Out To Women by Mayor of Montreal i Montreal, Que., Juen 20--A chal- ¢nge to women to sh w their worth was tir v1 out recently ¢ YY me or. yd." the ma- t he did not that "2 int nbler linc « time came es \ t » wh ti gly, the people of producers, but of the public itself, for it gets what it asks for. 1 is not as bad as it is Bond remarl one of the most beau- Hollywoo painted, Mrs besides heh tiful cities in the world, it is now | which lures all the t artists, writers, musicians, mposers in the world, It is al for a city where so many ople of nationwide fame reside to a the public interest and be- me a source of news for papers over the continent. But the re- magnet ed, and | | ports of the "wild" life in Holly- wood are not true of the city as a whole only of a few people, she said. Japan Sells Shirts Below English Cost (By The Canadian Press) Bolton, England, June, 20.-- Cages of shirts have been impor- ted into Bolton--the centre of the fine cotton-spinning industry --from Japan at $3.60 per dozen, to he sald in the town at 50 cents cach, according to a statement made by Albert Law, Labor mem- her of the House of Commons for Belton, in a speech here recently. This was at a price considerably less than that of the cheapest Bolton-made shirt, he stated. Mr. Law said he thought there wag no question these Japanese shirts had been produced by sweated labor. The Japanese had the advantage of being in | front of the British in their cot- ton, and they had centralized all tLe processes in production and { have eliminated the wastage of 'ime and labor which one saw in olton. They can handle every ocess, from dealing with the r material to dispatching the riched garments for shipment, rder one roof. "In Bolton, I know where they vin the yarn here, dispatch it to Nottingham to be converted into fabric, and then have it sent hack to Bolton to be converted into the finished garment," Mr. Law said. "After that it is rent to the shippers, who are respon- ible for marketing it, I know a firm at Chorley who spin yarn which is sent to Manchester to be into fabric, and then | brought back to a bleachworks { which is directly opposite the Chorley firm's spinning mill." It was hecause of wastage such as this, Mr. Law declared, that Japan could sell shirts in Bolton at prices ridiculously cheap. } made Figuring only 4 cups e day fo eech person more than 24,000,000 cups of Lyons' Tea .are token every day! it is quality alone that has made Lyons' Tea. the most popular tes with ofl tee-drinters. J. Lyons & Co. (Canads), T TWO DELEGATES FROM McGILL WILL ATTEND MEETING (By The Canadian Press) Montreal, Que., June, 20.-- McGill University will have two official delegates at the centen- ary meeting of the British As- sociation for the Advancement of Science to he held n London Sept- ember 23 to 30 inclusive, accord- ing to an announcement at the university a short time ago. Prof. ¥. E. Lloyd, director of the Biological Building who was recently elected vice-president of the Royal Society of Canada, and Prof. F¥, Clark, chairman of the department of education at McGill, will be the two official delegates. There will likely be other members of the McGill staff present as well. British scientists and educa- tional institutions in Great Brit- ain are planning to make 1931 a notable year of celebrations for in additition to the celebration of the founding of the British Assoclation for the Advancement of Science 100 years ago there will also be the Clerk Maxwell celehration and special ceremon- ies marking the centenary of the cirth of Faraday, two British seci- entists whose research and dis- ceveries in electricity led to the tremendous advances in machine civilization of the past few de- cades, To learn her My Mary (whom I oft implore John, aged To try her hand at saving) Has normally no fancy for Penurious behaving. She says the care I'd have her show Is living life the wrong way, And loves to make the money 80-- But not alas!---a long way, second time ing. NRIZC next time, again," But for one period every year She changes that ambition And does her utmost to appear Of frugal disposition; For once she quits her rockless ways, And every day's affording A proof of how she now displays A mania for hoarding. $50,000, during way But T am far from overjoyed; My pain, in fact, immense is that To note the skill that she's em- ployed In cutting 'down expenses, Each day it fills my sorrow's cup she's increased Long list of johs she's saving up For me to do.at Easter, four, very fr he'd in said, Issue Debentures Pembroke. -- To raise some representing 1 portion of Renrrew county's gs of the cost of construction az maintenance on the King's 1930, r cent, taken by hi ightenc the dentist could do next to n , On his father telling and say Jol boy next time, but I'm not comi a "1' the father to the dentist, was very good and brave the first time, but the d 1d be : the Renfrew Ccunty Council decided Thursday to issue debentures bearing inter- est at five pe x ~. DISPLEASES POPE vc mtreal decided to try me out as $25,000.00 We have 40 fine boys and 'at our Children's Each looking for some one to love him; for someone to call him his own. Maybe your home is. without {not yet replied to the Holy See's & , 4 h Bl Ly A CHILD Wouldn't you like to have t s share in the task of help- J! ing these boys and girls to grow up good Canadian citizens? All communications con- fidential. v Apply to O. M. ALGER, Superintendent Oshawa, Ont. | Children's Aid Society of the County of Ontario and the City of Oshawa. FOR RENT Summer Cottages at Bonniebrae Point BONNIEBRAE COTTAGE ~=5 bedrooms, bath, elec. 'tric range, 2 fire places, large screened verandahs, | ALPHA COTTAGE--3 bed- rooms, fireplace, electric ~ range, city water. - Beautiful location. All con- veniences. Apply to : G. D. CONANT, Oshawa, cess of | Holy See and Italy for settlement Fi atisfied with Progress of Negotiations Called Unsatisfactory by Vatican Journal Vatican City, June 23.--The pro- negotiations between the of - controversy over anti-Papal de- monstrations and for reopening of Catholic clubs charged with politi- cal activity was described at the Vatican as unsatisfactory, An official communique, publish- ed in the Osservatore Romano, said that not only had efforts toward an accord failed, but that official negotiations had never been started »ecause the Italian Government has not delivered last Saturday, It was believed the communique rant that the Vatican was not the first Italian re- artly met demands insults to the Pope be "deplor- ed," and that oilicial negotiations fur scttlement of the entire question of closure of clubs canngt be start- ed until a satisfactory answer is received. . The newspaper's statements con- Micted in.various. parts with infor- mation given out through Govern- ment sources to the effect that Italy has not yet answered the note, but is seeking to reply" through the re- gular diplomatic circles, It was learned that, among the charges -made by the Government against the Vatican in its first re- nly, was that the Vatican had vio- iated diplomatic custom by appeal- ing to the world for sympathy in a purely bi-lateral question. It also charged violation of extra-territori- ality by permitting the Catholic layman's organization (Azione Cat- tolica) to hold meetings in a Vati- can palace, enjoying extra-territori- al rights. It was understood the Vatican does not want to start official ne- gotiations until Italy officially "de- | vlores" "the Fascist demonstrations against the Pope. The delay of the Fascist GovErnment in giving satis- ily, which onlv wvor and fired another man out the job in order to give me a al. "I think all men and women, who we been in business, have been through the same sort of experi- ence. Now, not only I man here, 1 am convinced, is in the position of anxiously waiting to be shown. Is the Dominion any bet- ter governed since you voted? You elected Premier King and you el- ected Premier Bennett, sharing gointly in the responsibility with the menfolk. Were they any befter than the Governments we elected without your co-operation? Have you done better voting yourselves than you used todo by converting us and making us vote your way ? "I don't know. These gentlemen don't know. Will you take the plat- form and show us? "And meantime, in most countries of the world where women vote they conquered the vote in the na- tional Government by virtue of the splendid co-operation they gave in the' time of great stress caused by war. I am suggesting to you wom- en something practical that you can do toward. the final conquering of the franchise by a splendid effort such as only you can make, sus- taiied day after day, month after month, for the promotion of unity of sentiment and co-operative feel- ing among the municipalities of Montreal Island. "I am sure there is not one man here who will not back you up in your demands, once he is shown. "And, perhaps we may, without too much imagination, look forward to the time when a good many of the men in Federal Provincial and Municipal Governments may be fir- ed out of their jobs to give women a chance of making good. "We are only waiting shown." JALL CRAZE LESS to be SAYS SONG WRITER faction was said to have caused much irritation gt the Vatican, which wished to correct the general impression that negotiations were proceeding satisfactorily, | Meanwhile, Cardinal Pacelli sent | a circular to all Italian bishops, in- | to their discretion to lift or main- tain the ban on religious proces- sions, imposed by the Pope as a re- sult of the present controversy, forming them that it would be left ¥ Lightning Caused Deah Burlington, -- Walking out of the barn to sev that his son was al! right, T. Wilbert Shephard, of Appelby, was instantly killed dur- ing the fierce electrical storm which swept this district last night. Mr. Sheperd was inside the farmhouse when the storm started and his son was working in the barn. As the storm grew nore violent, the farmer became anxious for the young man's safety, and started from the back door towards the barn. He had not made many steps when a ter-: rific bolt flashed from the clouds and struck him dead, Miss Carrie Jacobs Bond! Attributes This to Good Radio Programmes Montreal, Que., June 20~The de- clining popmlarity 'of jazz and the mcreasing high standard 'of the § pictures reflect a trend to more. serious thought. amone the public at 'large, Mrs, Carrie Jacohs Bond, American composer, widely known for "The End of a Perfect," Love You Truly," and' many other songs, said in the course of a recent interview here. Mrs, Bond passed through Montreal en route from 'her homein Hollywood, Cal., to Vienna, Austria, where she will spend the summer. _Jazz music, said Mrs; Bond, is de- cidedly on the wane and thanks 'to the quality of many radio programs the public is given ample opportun- ity to hear good music. If there is not more good music and not more but every | | high class pictures, it is not the fault of the broadcasters or of the 4-DAY CHILDREN'S SILK AND SILK LISLE SOCKS All shades. Reg, 39¢ for 31 Ves C pair .... DULL SHEER CHIFFON SILK HOSE. I'ull fashioned, silk to the top. Subs of 69 $1.50 quality. Limited Quantity. pair Cc SERVICE 1st quality. ALLEN A FULL FASHIONED WEIGHT PURE SILK HOSE, New shades. Panel Heel, Reg. 81.50 for pair + MONTH E SeasonableMerchandise STARTS THURSDAY New Low Prices # PURE LINEN LUNCH CLOTHS, Good qual , ity. Colored border, 52 x 67. each «+... Ladies' Silk Pyjamas Watson's Make, 1st quality. New colours and designs. Small, medium and large sizes. Be early for this item as quantity is limited. 98c¢ garment DS ALE FRILLED CURTAINS, White with colored valance and tie backs, 214 yards long. 89 " c pair teseseserntnunsenstrane VESTS AND 35¢ Children's Silk Lingerie BLOOMERS, Peach. Green, Pink and White, Sizes 2 to 14. Garment .... PENMAN'S CHIFFON FULL FASHIONED. 1st quality, Smart range of shades. Panel or Gordon V line Heel. Reg. to $1.95. Pair ,.. PRINTED LINGERIE CREPES i n children designs, yd. .. . 25¢ 19¢ PRINTED VOILES, Floral or Spot patterns. 36 in. wide, clearing yd | LJ Ladies' Chamoisette GLOVES Embroidered turn back cuff. Odd shades and sizes. 25 To clear pair ...... Cc FLANNELETTE DIAPERS Pure White, Hemmed ready for use. Month End Sale Each ..ovvvvinnnns 15¢ Ladies' Run Resist Silk Bloomers and Panties Pretty new. styles and colors. Small, medium and 50 Cc | * 'Clearance of Children's STRAW Girls' Fancy CHINELE TAMS, Reg. 69¢ for ...... 45¢ Children's Pure Wool BATHING SUITS, Var» ious colors and color combinations, Sizes 22 jo Ra upto hm... $139 50¢ CR cesses ena HATS ..cevstotansnerasenn PURE IRISH LINEN $3.95 - Damask Cloths Floral pattern. Hemmed ready for use. Size 68 x 68 in. large sizes, Garment WATSON'S SILK SLIPS 1st quality, shadow proof hem. A quality we sell regu- larly at 98c. 6 5 c foreach ,..e000 4 styles. Each Chesterfield Cushions Of Brocaded Silk in shades of Rose, Blue, Green or Gold. Hoe GIRLS' DRESSES of Pure Silk and Silk Cray. shene. Pretty styles. Smart Summer shades. Sizes 8 to 14 years, Reg. $3.95 and 84.05 for ... vei ies. $1.89 GIRLS' FLANNEL BLAZERS. Mostly Red. 8 10 14 years, Reg. $2.75 and $2.95 $1.89 BOP saeusrvdivisrrsnnisinncines GIRLS' MIDDIES, White with Red or 89¢ 500 yds. Cottage Prints New patterns. 32 inches wide. An extra fine Print at a new low price. Yd. . Blue Collars. 6 to 14 years. each GIRLS' PLEATED SKIRTS. Navy. 6 to 14 years. Each .... 98¢c Girls' Run Resist Silk NIGHTGOWNS, Shades FLANNELETTE DRAPES. Pure White. Hemmed ready for use. 15 Monht Knd Sale each ........... Cc Summer Wash Dresses Of Celanese Silk showing all the smart Summer shades and the new- est styles. Sizes 14 to 20. $3.79 RUBBER SHEETS 38c EACH Crib size Rubber Sheets with Pink or Blue trim, Regular 88c. Month End 3 Sale .... . 8c DIS a PRINTED RAYONS BABETTE CREPE In small floral designs on light a Prusaded Talisie To roses 0 5 . d Lingerie. & . wide, ou Drundy. Ym. 38¢ Al sheer vd. .... 21c van CHILDREN'S PLAY OVERALLS, In Khaki or Blue. Sizes 2 to ¢ years, 29 Cc Each sooaeeien NIGHTGOWNS. 89¢ Some 19¢ 89c 89 29¢ 49c tess ssssssessnnss Girls' Run Resist SILK Shades are Pink, Peach, Melan. Sizes 8 to 14 years, Each ....... SWEATERS. 1.95 12 Only Babies' Wool slightly soiled, Reg. to $ for . Baby Silk KIMONAS, quilted. Pink or Blue. SILK CARRIAGE COVERS, Pink or BIUO: +s 1000s EE I Sr Babies' Organdie and Lawn BON. NETS. Some soiled. Clearing ..... GIRLS' WHITE VOILE DRESSES, Lace trim, Sizes 3 to 4. .. ters aane _ Oshawa, Ontario W. A. Dewland Ltd.

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