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Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jun 1931, p. 7

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 193f ' PAGE SEVEN * TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES Falcons Lose First League Game To Heavy Hitting O.M.I. "Newsies" and Tannery Clash in "Big Four" Game Tonight Sistoen Gols Scored in First Pro, Boy-Lattotee Gave {SPORT PAGE Pe + A ---- 'TODAY'S SPORTING FEATURES S. and A. Billiards Lose to Strengthened Whitby Team King St. Tuxis Defeat K.Y.P.L. in League Fixture, "Red" Spencer, Former Oshawa Lacrosse iS, Tan Pro. O.M1 BEAT FALCONS--"BIG FOUR" GAME AT STADIUM TONIGHT O.M.L. Defeat Falcons By Virtue of Hitting To Tighten League Race By Geo. CampeLL, Sports Editor : QPORT SNAPSHOTG Malleables Hit Hard and Often to Earn Clear-cut Victory Over Rivals -- Large Crowd Pleased to See O.M.1. Bats Subdue Strong Falcon Team -- --Game Is Exciting But Both Teams Make Too 'Many Errors Even the mighty fall by the wayside. That tells the story of last night's game at the stadium between last year's group win- ners, the former Chevs. and the O.M.I. The final score was 22 to 11 in favor of the O.M.I and that is just about the margin of victory that the winners deserved as they played consistent ball all the way and showed that they are a power to be reckoned with in the league race. The Falcons' went -in to bat first and ran in three runs on two hits and an error, but the O.M.I. came back in their innings and pushed over four runs to take the lead. That did not last very long as the Falcons scored another five runs and made it eight to four. O.M.I. were not so good in their half and failed to score and it looked as if the steam roller was well on its way. However, after holding their opponents safe in the next inning, O.M.I. went out and scored two runs to make the score 8 to 8. That was the end of the Falcon threat as they failed to score in the next five in- nicgs while O.M.I. kept pecking away until they went ahead in the sixth. That was not to he the end of the Falcons' troubles. Not by a long way. Just to make their position sure O.M.I. scored five runs in each of the seventn and eighth and batted rounds in each frame. Incidentally Faicons enly scored in three innings. the first second and fourth, after which they seemed to wilt: but O.M.I. seemed to be inspired with the ambition to win and sccred in every inning but the sacond and ended up with a burst of scoring in the last two innings to make the game sire, On the game the O.M I, were stronger on the offensive than their opponents, with twenty-four hits to sixteen.. They made more miscues, however, but - only by one, Falcons being credit2d with eight and O.M.I. with nine. 0. M.1. displayed real hitting power Misses Siblock, Pipher, and. MecJn- tyre each getting four hits. Fal- cons also had their heavy hit- ters but their blows did not 'come at opportune moments, Misses ¥. Elliott, G. Newman, F. Lott and G. McComb each getting three hits, however there were three members of their team who es- caped without an error. Summary: -- R H Faleons 350 300 000--11" 1%" O.M.I. 402 213 55ix--22 24 won Falcons Larson, 1b ! BE. Elliott, ss G. Newman, ¢ M. Elliott 2b V, Elliott, p A. Walker, If H. Holmes cf & F. Lott, 3b a DDD) dd DD Te TODAY AND THURSDAY. - The Laugh Panic "STEPPING OUT" With CHARLOTTE GREEN. .. 'WOOD REGINALD DENNY LILIAN BOND LELIA HYAMS CLIFF EDWARDS 1 chance to pile up any score. G. McComb rf 6 1 B. Morgan ss 1 E), Elliott, p 1 3 - Yisce -- =} = \ ®| CH= Malleables AB M. Spencer 1b 4 J. Wilson, 3b 6 MacDonald 2b M. Kay, ¢ C. Siblock cf facDonald 1f E. Pipher, p 6 Thompson, rf McIntyre, ss 6 F. Neil, rfx 3 49 x--In sixth. Umpires--Dell, bases. Scorer--Ed. Cornish. Three Tied For Ont. Open Golf Title Toronto, June 24.--Although weather conditions at the start of play yesterday morning in the 36-hole medal competition for the ninth annual open championship of the Ontario Golf Association at the Summit Club were far from promising as far as golf was concerned, they improved as the day advanced and before the !ist of the 102 competitors had com- pieted their two eighteen hotes, there had been a lot of fireworks and the competitive record for the course had been bettered four times. Par for Summit layout 13 71 and previous to yesterday it had never been beaten but in the afternoon four players turned in 70's. To make the day all the more exciting, three players tied for tbe championship, Arthur Hul- bert, of Thornhill; Dave Spittal, of St. Andrew's, both former win- ners and Jimmy Johnstone of Rosedale who once before tied foi the title. The trio each had aggregates of 144, Hulbert h2ing tbe first to finish, then Spittal and then Johnstone and after him there were several Others Who had chances of either catching or possing the pace-setters but one after another, their threats peter- ed .out.. . Hulpert came in with the first 70 to add to his 74 of the morning and a few minutes atterwards Spittal, who had tak- en 74 in the morning, brought ia tte next 70. Johnstone came along to duplicate his 72 of the merning round. The quartette of record: breakers was completed by the arrival of Arthur Crutten- den. the Summit pro, and Major J. N. C. Martin, of Kingston. Tuxis Win Tilt With K.Y.P.L. King Street Tuxis clashed with thelr inter-church rivals, the King Street Young People's League, last night in an Oshawa Church League softball 'game at Alexan- dra Park and the "Square" boys emmerged with a clean-cut, 12 to b vietory. The winners had a distinct edge on their rivals and established their superiority in a decisive win, althongh they did not score the runs which gave them the mar- 'gin of victory until late in the game. The score at the end of Lhe fifth was. 5-2 for the winners and both teams had a big inning in the eighth, to increase their to- oop cumol | ovo~ouanuny ~ 13] ve | El ECE SEE WI OHO ADD =e [CRT | HEED wa] | or --- plate; Fair, 'tals considerably. - Better defensive play and ex- cellent support enabed Powell to Keep hig rivals well in check, He hurled nice ball, but not too nice, and. the Y.P,L. did not get a For the winners, Peterson, Chappell and Powell, three successive bat- ters, formed the "Terrible Trio" and each reached first base savely on three occasions. This victory puts the Tuxis team well out in front in the Church League race and it is ru- mounred that their older rivals, the Benedicts, are beginning to New Martin Now Playing Charles Ruggles '"Charleys Aunt" £hown Daily at 2.3070 Regular Prices <2; 'Michael. . Worry. . The teams: -- Tuxis.--Oke, ¢; Chamberlain, 8:8: Paterson, 1h; Chappell, 3b; Powell, p; Platt, Lf: Mackie; c.f; Russell, r.f; Tamblyn, 1.f; Wilson, c.f; and Way r.f. K.Y.P.L.--Winters, r.f; Morris, .f; Norsworthy, ¢; Whiting, 3b: Barker, 2b; Keifiber, 1b; Crnm- back, 8.8; Weldon, 1.f; Ripley, 0. HOME-RUN STANDING Home runs yesterday -- Ruth, Yunkee, 1; Kuhel, Senators, 1; Miller,, . Athletics,, 1; Goslin, Ilrowng, 1; Berger, Braves, 1. The leaders -- Klein, Phillies, 18; Gehrig, Yankees, 16; Ruth, Yankees, 14; Foxx, Athletics, 13; Arlett. Phillies, 11; Horusby, Cubs, 11; Simmons, Athletics, 10. League totals--American, 223: National, 211, Malleables Defeat Kalcons 22-11 O.M.I doubled the score on ancient rivals, the Falcons, last night at the Motor City Stadium, before the usual large crowd cof Ladies' league crowd. errors on the part of both teams, The Falcons had to submit to their season in a league game but they went down fighting. the Falcon bats fairly silent but the by excitement, the willow and won the victory will' tighten up the Ladies' league * * race The game was not especially good, there being too many was certainly plenty of first defeat of the IZ. Pipher kept Malleables had a big night with their hard hitting, This victory and stimulate interest. * *® but there "Big Four' Game at Stadium Tonight The second game of the Oshawa City Stadium tonight, Motor will oppose will be played at the sharp. The "Newsies" are going to see, Tannery are day night's dercat and tonight's game will be There 15 cents not be won until it is over. tonight. The admission is only up is worth much more. Tannery more "Big Four" men's softball league starting at 7.15 p.m. a game the fans to revenge Mon- which will and what anxious a'real struggle, should be a great crowd on hand and the brand of softball put than Times vs, Whitby Tomorrow Whitby's strong entry in the this city tomorrow night to do battle with the Whitby have strengthened their defeating the This game should draw dra Park. guns, They are confident of Times are far from feeling beaten, to Alexandra Park diamond, * * South Ont, tomorrow softball lcague will visit Times' team, at Alexan- team and are "Newsies" the crowd but then a big mght. * * Whitby Defeat S. and A. Billiards Whitby made it recent slump, the S. and A. have a good team and when the decisive score 'it shows that they Ont. league game, quite * * clear that last night at the County "I team from Oshawa a scvere beating, Whitby b mean business. out of their handed and A. by this South they wer wn park when they 2310 He: S. WS can win coming a game This was a * * Lac.ose at Cottingham Square, Toronto There was another of those disgracerul sccucs game between bam Square in the junior lacrosse Simon's... In the old days 1t Cottingham Square, but: of late much so, there wasn't a policeman in s Spectators say that one prevented a battle which lasted for over 10 minutes The trouble started when two players came commenced. Both switched to the crowd. St that neither their supp was news when the Sm rters or players got last night at Cotting- Mt. Dennis and St, wasn't a fight at So there crowds have ight last night when the man in uniform would have been peaceful. fracas lone among thé fans, fever Dennis officials say to blows, and the and Mt t mixed up in the Donnybrook. 1on's The players of both teams were called off the field by some of the St. Simon's senior players who were present. To the uninterested khoékéd onién ateo but he was the sidelines. tall individual is said "to have was "ganged." Seyeral w threatened to punch the the game got and then the and Empire, referee, going w * police came, --Taken The battle raged up and down a gang fight: One and then he debate One Finally, from the it looked like out $ix id took "pa {in 4 row, the a good runner, * LJ Even in Junior Games' | The above piece of news brings back distinct memories of the game which General Motors' mer, is altogether too small, and from the crowd. It looks move to play their games on When the spectators should be taken if Canada's' the better class of sport fans, * * some Juniors played at Ce when a similar scene took place. cussed the advisability of doing away with games at this field, which | gives the as if the other stage pitched battles at National Game ttingham Square last sum- The O.ALA. has often dis- players absolutely O.A LA, hie 1d a Junior game, would be making a good other than "The Square." some * * / The International Series, Financially | Good-will between the United States and Canada is a splendid thing, | cspecially in sport, but it comes at 4 high figure. It cost the going great is to remain popular with Mail | no protection | action . aba | Canadian | Amateur Lacrosse Association approximately $1,050 over and above the | amount received from Baltimore Capital. ward the the deficit, which from The Globe. * * to play When it is considered that the series is only about $1,500, it would appear that the C. will be hit rather hard by the deficit in the Un the United States All-Stars suffered in leges whose players were represented on alleviated .the burden ¢ Maryland Mann Cup the the the series. in surplus from but the col- grants 1o- nsiderably.--~Taken a similar the manner, team made Ld * Oshawa Seniors Play Thursday Night Oshawa Seniors will play a scheduled O.A.LA. fixture with Native Sons of Toronto, on Thursday night of this week, at Ulster Stadium, Toronto. moved on for one day. The next game will be on Saturday game alternoon, This game was to have been played tonight but has been start at 6.45 p.m, Thc Simon's, Toronto's is billed to when St. liope for the Mann Cup, visit the locals at Motor City Stadium. Ed * * * Juniors Workout Tonight All Juniors lacrosse players and prospective that there will be a workout at the Motor City Stadium tonight, whatever equipment is available. * * players are reminded Bring * * Tennis News on Friday Those persons who are interested in the Oshawa Tennis League are perhaps wondering why no news appeared yesterday, about the activ- ities of this league, the Oshawa Tennis League News will paper. * * All of Saturday's games were not completed and appear in Friday or Saturday's 0. Falcons to Practise It is' quite apparent that the Talcons are taking their defeat at the hands of the Mike's Place team, real serious. tonight and Friday two workouts this week, Park. A full turnout is requested, The Falcons will hold night, both at Alexandra YANKEES WIN TWICE Chicago, June 24.---The New York Yankées swept both ends o a double header from the Chica White Sox yesterday, winning the first game 8 to 6 on a ninth-inning rally, then georing an easy 9 to 4 victory in the second. The Yanks had the better of the clouting in the curtain-raiser, with Babe Ruth setting the pace by hitting his fourteenth home run of the season' with "Laty "on base in ihe fifth, but Hal McKain, second Chicago pitcher, was ef- fective until the ninth. REDS W WIN DOUBLE Boston, June 24.---Cincinndti took a double-header from. the Boston Braves yesterday, 2 to 0, and 8 to 4. Fred Lucas held the Tribe to three hits in the opener, and the Reds hammered three Boston twirlers for 11 hits in the gecond game which was called at the end of the sixth inning be- cause of rain, A's AND BROWNS SPLIT St. Louis, June 24.--Philadel- ia. and St, Louis split even In Ww 'doubleheddér lére yesterday, while Washington was winfiing two from Detroit and gaining a full game on the pace-setters. The Athletics won the operer 3 to 0 behind Bob Grove's two-hit pitch- ing, and the Browns took the nightcap. 5 to 4 in 12 innings. ALA. receipts | ited States trip, Last year | Baseball ANOTHER TURNS PRO. Resuits INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C. 37 069 37 569 615 514 485 A485 444 424 Newark .. Montreal ., +4. Rochester ., .. Baltimore .. .. Toronto .. Buffalo .. Jersey City .. Reading Tuesday's Scores xBaltimore .. 9 Rochester ...9 x--Called end Sth-- (rain). Other games postponed (rain). Games Today Toronto at Reading. Rochester at Baltimore, Buffalo at Newark (2), Montreal at Jersey City (2) AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Jost 14 15 P.C. 746 | 694 | .5b4 | 7 500 | 3 393 Philadelphia Washington New York Cleveland .. Boston .. ... Detroit .. St. Louis ., ... 21 Chicago .. 20 Tuesday's Scores New York . 8-9 Chicago ., 6- xi'hiladelphia 3-4 St, Louis 0-5 zWashington 10-4 Detroit Cleveland 13-10 Boston ... 0- x---Second game 12 innings. z--Second game 10 innings. Games Today New York at Chicago. Philadelphia at St. Louis. Washington at Detroit. Boston at Cleveland. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost St. Louis .. 3% 20 New York .. .. 34 Chicago .. ... 33 Boston .. ..,. 2 Brooklyn .: Philadelphia k Pittshurg .. .. 21 24 Cincinnati .. 4 10 Tuesday's Scores Cincinnati . 2-8 Boston ... 0-4 Other games postponed (rain). Games Today Chicago at New York Cincinnati at Boston. St. Louis at Philadelphia. Pittsburg at Brooklyn (2). Pete Campbell of the Toronto | | professional lacrosse team last | | | night announced that he had sign- | ed "Red" Spencer, the former | { Weston, Oshawa and Brampton defence player. The team play its first game in Toronto next Mon- | day night against the Maroons. | The players will practice at the Arena on Friday night and Satur. day. St. Simon's Jr. Team Defeats Mount Dennis | Spectators Stage Fight 22 24 30 J0 a0 a2 June 24 St. Simon's | continued their winning pace in the junior O.A.ILA. last night, de- feating Mount Dennis, 5 to 3, in a heard- fought game at © otting iam 3 The game was ruined a riot with players and spec- tutors mixing in a wild free-for- ali, which lasted about 10 min- utes before order was restored. Police arrived when game was re- sumed and all damage done, The fight started like a cyclone with first two players and then all in a wild, milling mix-up. Outside of the fight the game | had delayed the game 45 minutes | vas a good exhibition of lacrosse { sixth, | with St, Simon's getting an early at the beginning of the stopped the contest in the ninth | advantage when Mitchell scored innings. twice in the first period. Toronto, (2). WINGS AND ORIOLES TIE WHEN RAIN STOPS GAME. Baltimore, June 24.--The Bal- timore Birds and the Rochester Red Wings ran into a 9-to-9 tie here yesterday, when rain, which Times vs. Tannery In "Big Four" Game At M.C. Stadium Tonight After the sensational start which the Oshawa "Bib Four" men's softball league got away to on Monday night, there should be another big crowd at the Motor City Stadium tonight, to see the second game of the series. Times and Robson Leather op- pose each other tonight and what a battle this will be. The "News- ies" took the Tannery into camp on Monday night, the same being resented by the leather makers and tonight's game will be a great | attempt on Tannery's part to get revenge, These two teams are very even- ly matched and have great batting strength. Those fans who saw the Mike's Place-Falcon game at the Stadium on Monday night were ver y favorably impressed and they should all be on hand to- night, in addition to the support- ers of the two teams concerned. It is expected that the rival managers will send in Magill, for Times, and Parfitt, for Tannery, to do the hurling. Both teams will be in full strength and the game will not be won until the last put- out has been made. The affair gets under way at 7.15 p.m. sharp. This gives every- one plenty of time to be on hand for the start. Motor City Stadium is the place and the admission is only 15 cents, wi ut RE Plenty of Goals in Pro. Box Lacrosse; Maroons Win First Montreal, June 24.--To the acclaim of over 5,000 spectators, a new sport, professional lacrosse, made its bow at the Forum here last night, Montreal Maroons de- feating Montreal Canadiens 9 goals to 7 in the curtain raiser of a four team league, Toronto Maple Leafs and Cornwall will get into action later this week. The game was played with sev- en men on each team, together with ample substitutes, The in- door floor was covered with a cushioned green surface. Mar- | oons shot into an early lead, were | overtaken and passed by Can- adiens, but a three-goal rally in the later stages of the third per- ied brought them victory. Three periods of 20 minutes each, as in hockey, were played. Maroons--Goal, Coutie; de- fense, Spring Reeves; centre, err; attack, O'Regan, Roberts, Conacher. Alternates--D. Roche, Morris, Penny, Stewart and Mayo, Canadiens -- Goal, Williams; defense, P. Lanbevin, Thomas; centre, Bounlaine; attack, DeGray, Dussault, Vincent. Canadiens alternates--N. Lan- | gevin, Lalonde, Lafrance, McAvoy | and L'Heureux. Referces--Brady and Secours Ulster United Play A 2-2 Draw With Thistles In Connaught Cup Game Toronto, June 24--Ulster Unit- ed held Hamilton Thistles to a 2-2 tie in the Connaught Cup series at Ulster Stadium last night in one of the hardest- fought games of the competition to date. The Redhanders. al- though playing under difficulties, caused by injuries, had a slight advantage and might easily have won, McCrone, Galloway and Moir were missing from the local line- up and so several reserves were pressed into service, with Fra- . ser, the sub-custodian, taking the . right wing position. Ulster miss- ed a penalty and Clulow's goal was disallowed, as Fraser was standing off-side. SENATORS REDUCE LEAD Detroit, Mich., ington gained on the Philadelph- ians by winning both ends of Yes- terday's doubleheader from De- troit, the first being a slug fest which was taken by 10 to 3, and the second a brilliant ten-inning June 24--Wash+ # hurling duel between Freq Mar- | berry and George Uhle, ending 4 to 0. In the opening game, Washing ton made 1 hits off Hoyt, Herring and Sullivan, one of these being a home run by Kuhel with none on. C The RECORD SPEAKS For ITSELF Hoss upon thousands of miles--over mountain ranges and storm-tossed seas--undcr sunny skies and through misty banks of clouds-- these are the trials of those who would establish air supremacy. In a cigarette, quality is the deciding factor--and Turret's long established rccord grows more impressive year by year. After all, nothing can replace geod, honest tobacco; grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's 'own sunlight--nothing artificial about that--and the high quality is "inbred." Jarret CIGARETTES ANEW RECORD BREAKER IN THE SKIES cx. A. Scott, the Beithh tor, established Trans-Continentalair record - in 0 Sua 23 hours. i E] i le BESTE A win WA R50 Ald. =... Th ee mee" Er Eto Tent a Ci Manufactured by Imperial Tobacco Company éf Canada Limited

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