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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1931, p. 2

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> " i i "THE OSHAWA 'DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, ------ A I 1931 . ANNIVERSARY AT | CENTRE CHURGH NEXT SUNDAY Special Services To Be Held in Scugog House of ~ Worship Mri D. Hope, Correspondent) Scugog, June 23. --Next Sunday, June 28, is anniversary at the Cen- tre Church, with services at 11 am. in the morning and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Whyte of Enniskillen will have EY charge, with a young men's choir L v Rie a A Spb pe sl A -------- : n a ---- i ¥ ¥ "in the morning. The Seagrave choir will sing in the evening. * The young people of Bethal will give their play, "Amy of Arizona" + in the Centre Church on Friday ev- " 'ening, June 26. Mr. and Mrs; C. Hardy, John and Clara visited with Mr. and Mrs. B. Osborne of Pleasant Point, re- cently. Miss T.eona week-end 'with Gladyse Nott, Quite & number around here at- tended the furniture salei in Port Perry on. Saturday afternoon. Mr. T.-Widden, daughter Katie, Mes. WW. . Jackson and daughter Edna, of Port Perry, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch McKnight, of Uxbridge, were recent guests of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells. Mrs. G. Schell, Olive and Blanchg, and Mr. A. Mark, of Port Perry, visited with Mrs. Pettit' on Sunday Miss Luella, EHen and Norma Ploiighman of Port Perry, spent the week end with their Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Samells. Mr. and Mrs. C. Heayns and son Jimmie of Prince Albert were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nottingham and = children of Raglan visited with her father, Mr. Geo. Shunk and family Zon Sunday. spent the Miss Prentice her cousin, ol took a motorcycle, trip to Port Bolster on Sunday. w+ Mrs. J. Déemara, Scugog, motored with Mr. and Mrs. O. Stone and Mrs. I. Irwin of Seagrave to Char- _Jeston to visit Mr. Stone's over the week end. Fresh cut flowers Peonics 25¢ a doz. Special sale Fri« day cnly. 595 King St, W., near Cemetery. Phone 2806W. Free delivery on 2 dozen lots. VISION & COMFORT Eyesight Service C. H. TUCK, Opt. D. Disney Block Phone 1516 WHEN YOU NEGLECT YOUR EYES "You fail to do your duty to yourself. Success furthered by comfortable visioh, because eve discomfort often 4 results in bodily ills. Those who see A well work easier, play better, sleep sounder, enjoy life more, Our service sontributes to welfare in many ways. is Mr. Ray Milner and. Mr. Sydney | ¢ Chandler We are very ed to have Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Elford with us for another year. Mr. Sleep of Brooklin, the Fuller Brush man, has been calling with the Fuller goods. The ball teams. visited. their Greenbank friends last - Tuesday evening. They came home feeling very good for the boys scored 24-8 and the girls 23-17 in favour of Scu- | | Pine lors m | Stocks, { | homer pigeon was sent with them 1 Mr. } Pervy, sister | Fire boys look fine in their new sweaters and with letters S.°S, jor Scugog Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy, John and Clara visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark at Port Perry on Sunday. Mrs. Teel of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. QO. Reader. Congratulations to the Centre folks m being able to keep their teacher Miss 1. Sweet for another year Glad to hear Miss Margaret Cro- zier is able to be home again after her operation. Sorry to hear Mr. T. Clark of Norwood underwent an operation in the Peterborough Hospital. His Scugog friends wish him a quick re- covery. Miss Della Lee, Brooklin, and her sister Nellie, of Port Perry, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. EE. Lee. The young folks gave their play "Nancy Anna Brown's Folks" at Bethal on Wednesday evening last weck. They found a very warm welcome and after the program they were served with a dainty lunch. The entrance pupils go to Port Perry to write or Sxanpinations on Wednesday, Thursday and' Fri- day. Uxbridge field day was well rep- resented by Scugog folks and their ball teams last Thursday, June 18th, Our bovs.came home in fine spirits for they were winners in four games. The prize being a fine bat and ball. Mr. Jack McQue got second in the shot put. Miss Audrey Hood got first prize for high jump. Miss Elva Elfard second prize for swimming, Ivah Milner 2nd for racing Myrtle to the judging The anngal decoration service at Grove™cemetery willobe held | on Sunday, July 5 at 3 pm. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice daughter . Leona, also Mr. Prentice spent Sunday with paren 1s, Mr. tice i Port and Miss Ross their Perry recently, Mrs. J. Gerrow, Port visited with her sister, Mrs. Wan Rr on Monday afternoon, Congratulations to-Miss Elva El- | ford in securing second class hon- her college work in Toronto. Also Miss Ivah Milner and Mr. Ralph Milner in passing their exams in Port Perry high school. Miss Aileen Jackson of Toronto is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr COLUMBUS NEWS (Mrs. T. Cook, Correspondent) Columbus, June 23.--Mr, Geo. Thurman, of Detroit, is visiting with friends and his daughter | Alice. and Mrs. Geo. Stocks, Dun- visited recently with their George and Miss Jean | Ashdowné Farm, Mr. dalk, cousins, Mr. at #nd made its first flight home, a | distant of 110 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott and, and Mrs. John Hislop and Jean motored to Orangeville last week and spent a few days with | relatives. Mr, Joseph Grills, New Leskard . « brings somata oedema fo equal for oe a we or redden the skin. 0 wp " EN GIRL Bind system, station CFRB Time. Foronto 8.45 aa. Healthful Cleanliness Cleanser is best for your home ... sso USS it on any SU harsh gritsi Tt dosnt ser utensils, floors, refrigerators, worl in Te fact it is your biggest help Cleanser ... because Wednes- further and lasts} apackage of Old tune in iichen, bathroom --save yoursgif time atch. Old Dutch hasno be- rface on Old Dutch contains nO in and enamel, kitchen pointed walls, wood: for all house- your hands, 100. - +besayss. it doesn't roughen my touse Old Dutch it goes onger. Keep Old Dutchin the and laundry. and steps Miss | Sweetman won the free trip Royal Fair at Toronto for and | and Mrs. R. R. Jackson. | Alf visited his son, Mr. Chas. Grills, and other relatives recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Cook spent the week-end at Thomas Cook's home. SOLINA Solina, June 22.--Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and Alan at- tended decoration services at the Union Cemetery on. Sunday. Don't forget the Young People's picnic on July 4 at Lake- view Park, Oshawa. Let there be a good crowd present, for a live sports program is in store for all who come. Mr. and. Mrs. and Mrs. Geo. guests of friends in Port oh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Williams and children, of Port Perry visited at Mr. C. Howsam"s re- cently, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and children visited their broth- er, Mr. Fred Hardy, who was in- jured while on a motorcycle in Toronto. Mrs, Chas. Howsam Howsam were Perry ! (Dr.) Elis Reynolds, of Erin, is visiting Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs, R, Pascoe. Miss Edna Reynolds, Hampton, visited Mrs. J. T. Rundle. Messrs. Gordon Leask and Will Baker were at Blackstock dh Monday evening. Success to our pupils who are trying Upper School exams at Bowmanville High Schoo] inelud- ing Misses Hazel McCewan, Ruby Parker. Messrs, Tom Baker, Percy Westlake and Roscoe Baker, also to the entrance pup- ils, Miss Eva Johns and Master Wesley Werry, Billie Parker and Russell Balsam. ANNIVERSARY AT HAYDON WILL BE SPLENDID EVENT | Special Services of Sunday School To Be Held and Mrs, Robert Pren- R. Crossman, Correspon- dent) Haydoy; dune 23. -- Anniver- sary services at Haydon, Sunday School will be held as follows: On Sunday, June 28, germons will te preached at 2.30 p.m. by Rev. FP. L. Jull, Brooklin and at 7.30 p m. by Rev. J. H. Stainton, Pick- ering. Music will be given by the school in the afternoon and Eie- nezer 'choir in the evening. On Wednesday, July 1st, tea will be served at 4 pm. At 6 pm, a league football game will be play ¢d. Enniskillen vs. Courtice, At § p.m., a concert will be given by Jimmy Reid, Scottish minstrel of | radio fame; Bert Hermon, Eng- lish comedian; A. G. Mauro, piano accordianist; Miss Betty Robert- gun, - versatile entertainer; Miss I'earl Carter. elocutionist and «Miss Martha Hogg. accompanist. Mr.-and Mrs. Norman Welch { and soh, Toronto, Mr. Will Hans- ! tord, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rich | ard Axery, Miss C. Avery | Mr and Mrs. W. Wickett, 0. 1a1- { te Brittain, were Sunday visitors it Mr, C. Avery's home. Mrs, Mrs, Sunday witle her family. | Low Mrs, | ter. | Mrs. W. + Margaret, Mr. W. Mrs. H. Jakeman, vigitors at the former's Mr and Mrs. J. Wright, (Mrs. Johns, of Hampton, spent Glad to Dobinson and were Sunday Mrs. J. Kennedy and Miss Haz- | ol" have returned to their home in' Toronto after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. O.- Lander and daughter, Zella and Helen, of Harmony, Miss Vera Hobhs of Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman and daughter, Mr. Frank Crossman of Kedron and Mrs. Roberts of Toronto, visited Mr and Mrs. James Crossman. Miss Verna Trewin, of Oshawa. nent the week-end at home ana ~ttended the Ashton-Reid wed- dine, Miss Muriel Thompson, of Bowmanville is spending a few days with her parznts, Mr, and Mrs. W. Thompson.. A good number from here at- tended the anniversary services at Long Sault on Sunday. returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. L, V, Disney, and while there attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm, Tyler, of Maple Grove. Our community extends theft sircere sympathy to Mr. W, Hooey and family in the death of hig mother, Mrs. W, Hooey. rento, visited her sister Mrs. A. McNeil, Mr. Tom and Miss Eva Ashton, Cartwright, visited their aunt, Mrs. Leslie Graham, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of Oshawa, visited on Sunday at Mr. Henry Wilson's home. Several from here attended S. S. anniversary services at Kedron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Neale from Pic. kering: visited with friends in the village on Monday. Miss Mair spent the week- end at Clinton with her parents. KEDRON { "Kedron, June 24.--Mrs,. Wal- ter Walmsley, Toronto, is: spend- MADE IN. CANADA here, Miss Lillie Lytle, Toronto, is spending two weeks' vacation with Mrs. John Mountjoy. Miss Gladys Doan, Oshawa, was' a recént guest of Mrs: Bver: 'ott Mauntioy. Mr, and Mrs. Hepburn, Miss and | Milton Slemon and moth- | Slemon is feeling bet- | Ridge and daughter. | 'parents, | Mr. and Mrs. John Wright have || Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Grant, To- [| ing a few days with relatives | Luella and Mr. Arthur Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hepburn and family attended the funeral of Nr.. Wm, Hislop in Bowmanvilie on Thursday. Master Kelvin Edgar, Oshawa, is holidaying with his cousin, Mrs. Ross Lee, Miss Sybil Langmaid, Oshawa, spent a few . days holidays with her sister, Mrs. Kverett Mountjoy. Anniversary visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. W, Stevens and Wilma, Mr. and Mrs. R. 8S, Virtue and Dorothy, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H., E. Rundle, Florence, Alma and Kenneth, Hampton, Miss Allie Wood, Orono. Mrs. Heddon, Kenneth and Lois, Mrs, James and Mr. Alvin Spencer, Colum- bus, at Mr. W. N, Hoskin's, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and Gordon; Solina, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Langmaid, Oshawa, Mr, H. G. Pascoe, Mr, Luther Pascoe and Miss Elva Pascoe, Zion, at Mu. Everett Mountjoy's. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Brooks and family, Oshawa, -Mr.. apd Mrs. Alan McKessock and Miss Ruth McKessock, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and family, Taunton, at Mr, Harvey Pascoe's. Mr .and Mrs, Ross Strike, Bow- manville, Dr. J. R. R, Cooper and Mrs. €ooper and Miss Maud Cooper, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar, Joyce and Kelvin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A, T, Stain- ton and family and Miss Helen Lewis, Zion, at Mr. Ross Lee's. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry, Jean and Roy, Enniskillen, at H. FP. Werry's' and C. I. Werry's, Mr. James Scott and Mrs. Bur- ton, Columbus, at C. F. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Samells, Nestleton, Mr. and. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, Cadmus, and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Smith, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins, and Mr. Myron Rabbins, Zion at Mr. Frank Crossman's. Mr. and' Mrs. D. T. Hepburn and daughter, Helen, Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn | and family, Enfield,. Mr. and | Mrs. Clarence Vice and Murray [at !ar. Wm, Hepburn's. Miss Laura Wickett, Mr. and [ Mrs, Gilbert Gibson, Douglas and Alan, Mjss Ida Kerr and Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Werry, Oshawa, Miss Irene Bray and Mrs. Hindley, To- | ronto, at Mr, R."J. Luke's, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin and Miss Marien Allin, New- | castle at Mr. Herbert Hutchings. £ "Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Martin and family, Zion, at Mr, E. Parker's. I~ Mr. .and" Mrs. Ernest { Enniskillen, at H. E. W. L. Mountjoy's. Mr. and .Mss. W. IF Batty, Doris. and John, Brgoklin, Grace Werry,. Enniskillen, and Mrs. R."A.. Wright, Rev. E. Cragg and Mrs, Cragg, Hare and Miss Helen 'Hare, Mr. Frank Walters, 'Miss Birdie Fal- He, Mr. Stafles and Mr. Treneer, Oshawa at 'H. 'F. Werry's, Me. and Mrs.'J. Ormiston, | awa, at Mr. Roy HMepburn's, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach and family, Taunton, Mr. John Lawrence and Miss Emily Lawr- enck; Mr, and Mrs. T. Misses Maxine, Marion and Elsie and Master Gordon Pereman, Mr. Ernest MeCormack, Misses Greta gnd Elyg' Pereman, = Columbus, .and' Mr. Arthur Hetrity, Toron- to, at J. Mountjoy's. Mrs. Shortridge and Mr. fred Shortridge, Brooklin | D. Van Dyke's. Osh- wil A. at Werry, Werry's and | | 102,773 Employed Mr. | | Committec | year Pereman, | Miss - Lillie Lytle, Mrs. J. Mountjoy and Beatrice visited Mrs, Allen Walker, Whitby, on Wednesday, Mrs, Everett Mountjoy visited her mother, Mrs. M. H. Lang- maid, Oshawa, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Orr, Osh- awa, at Harold Mountjoy's, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Warne and Miss Ethel Warne, Oshawa, at Mr. C. W. Hoskin's. Miss Hazel VanDyke, R.N., of Concord, N.H., is holidaying -with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke. Mr. and Mrs. Shipman and Martha, Oshawa, at Mr. 8S. Jew- ell's. Mrs. S. Bray, Enfield, Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, at. W. L. Mountjoy's. Mrs A. D. VanDyke has re- turned home after spending two weeks' with her sister in Boston. Misses Gwen and Mary Stark and Miss Edith Cain, Orono, visited on Wednesday at H. T. Cole's. : ZION (Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspon- dent) Zion, June 24.--The Women's Association will meet at Mrs. John Balson's on Tuesday after- noon. June 30th at 2.30. Sub- ject for Roll Call is flowers. A program is being prepared. Any of the ladies "will be welcomed at this meeting whether mempers or not, Mr.'and Mrs. Wm. Sulley, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Balson and family, visited at Mr. Cyril Sos- cd's at Harmony, on Sunday. Miss Eileen Stainton assisted Kedron anniversary In singing in the afternoon. Quite a few from here attended the Kedron tea and splendid con- cert on Tuesday evening. Mr, Alf Ayre has returned fiom a very successful trip with his sheep to Quebec fairs, the last three weeks. Mr. Harry Allin also had Mr. Russel Robbins' sheep away too. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins attended a family re-union pic nic at St. Thomas last week and were away for three days. Mrs. H. W. Flintoff is under the doctor's care. We hope ior .a speedy recovery. Courtice and Zion plaved foot- ball Tuesday evening here and our boys were too much for the Courtice chaps. on C.N.R. Last Year Ottawa, June 25.--Further de- tails of eperation of the Canadian National Railways were given Ly Sir Henry Thornton When the Na- | Railways and Shipping resumed. They were in answer to questions which had been asked at previous meetings. At the outset Sir Henry stated that fire insurance placed last was $9 911,200 on which a premium of $26,927 was paid. Marine insurance totalled $11.- 500,000 with a premium of $153,- 000. Pensioners on the system In Canada numbered 2,900. Pen- siomers in the United States for- merly on the United States lines, numbered 336, and those in the United States formely engaged on Canadian lines were 119, In tional | there other countries there were 25, totalling 3,380. The average number of CNR employes was 102,773 of which 90,610 were in Canada and 12,- 263 in the United States. Figures were also given as to the operating ratio of the Cha- teau Laurier. In the past eight years the average was 83.28. The Canadian National Railways Com- pany at present has $26,354,778 invested in hotels, while the es- timated cost of completion is $9,- 538,606, a total of $35,893,384. Beer Runners in Lake Districts Again Busy St. Thomas, Ont., June 25.-- Out from a dozen points on the north shore of Lake Erie reorga- nized férces of the American beer gangs within the past 72 hours have sent their first shipment with full Canadian Government authority. Resumption of the export of beer comes with the announce- ment that the stoppage was 2 sort of April fool joke on Canadian brewers and the runners, Officials have given nntice to the breweries that there has never Leen a han on the export of beer and wine. Early Saturday morning a test ghipment was loaded aboard a re- conditioned speed boat west of ort Stanley. The shipment was proiected under-the old "B 13" export form solemnly asserting that several hundred cases of beer were des- tined in part for Cuba and in part for St. cne chanze from the old style ex- port is the abandonment of of- ficially designated export docks. | The new conditions are the least revere ever enforced since the Volstead Act. The sole condition is that beer starts from the brew- ery for export, and must g0 through and not return to the Canadian market. Noted British Visitor Holds Faith in West Montreal, June 25.--Gratifica- | tion at the success of his own in- vestments in Calgary real estate, made some 20 years ago, when that prairie city was very much less populous than it is today, was expressed by Dudley Ward, member of a well known British {ainily and ex-member of Parlia- ment for Southampton, 'when he was interviewed in the Ritz Carl- ton Hotel. Mr. Ward admitted that very little British capital was - now coming into Canada for develop- ment purposes, but stated that was no against the Dominion, the money he said. Implicit faith in the future of | Western Canada, and particularly in its oil resources, was shown hy Mr. Ward. Mr. Ward was Liberal member tor Southampton in the British Hcuse of Commons, for some 18 vears and lost his seat there only in the great turnover of 1922 He is still a Liberal, but when asked what his views are ahout the manner in which Lloyd George is co-operating with the Labor Party, he declared himself to be "entirely out .of noliticz and therefore -unable to give an opin- jon He ie an old friend of Lord Besshornngh, the Governor Gen eral of Canada and expects to Pierre and Miquelon. The | discrimination | "We need | at home nowadays." | vigit' him before returning Britain late in the summer, ta Parliament to Stop Liquor Ban Loophole Ottawa. June 25.--'"The whole thing in this liquor and beer ex- port business is the 'intention' of Parliament," stated a high offi- cial today regarding the report frem the border district that yeo- ple interested in smuggling li- quor have found a loophole hy which export may still be 12zal- ized. "If such a loophole exists," the officer added, "it 'will guizkly be clecsed up by an amendinz act. There is no doubt that Parliament wae in earnest last year and this purpose was reaffirmed this ses- sion," The defect in the law, which is claimed, is that, if a vessel cap- able of making a voyage to St. Pierre is presented for clearance, it 'cannot be refused clearance. Wken once on her way she could he intercepted and her cargo transferred to the United States. Another claim fis that it is legal to send liquor by trucks osten- sibly for eRport via Montreal hut really to he intercepted en route. In the former case the Dominion | trucking is concerned, the pro- vince would interyene. Not Lonely Long Audrey was a student nurse in a large city, girl 'she was frequently homesick Fortunately, she and her mother knew all about Long Distance. They had a good chat every Sundav gv- ening and thus kept near. eacau other. ALL LAID OUT It is very wise to have the youngster's clothes all laid out for school the night before #0 he can make a start as soon as he wakens and not have to wait for someone to find what he is to wear in the morning. It always results in con. AUTO LOANS and CARS REFINANCED at lowest prevailing rates CAMPBELL AUTO FINANCE CO., LTD. see H. A. MacDONALD Alger Bldg. Branches: Toronto, Ottawa, Lon- don, Windsor, Sarnia, Oshawa -~ and. if. nec So far will intervene, amend the law. ary as the ey a 7 Robert MONTGOME Hail star the of lic about this among ees! As the gob who the daughter, him big Last Times--TONIGHT (£4 4 12 Stepping Out With CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD LEILA HYAMS REGINALD DENNY CLIFF EDWARDS new the screen! His pub- will go wild in gun roman- fighting loved Admiral's he'll bring you a new Ready to Fire .the Opening Shot TOMORROW ! Your Swell In Your First Starring Picture with DOROTHY JORDAN ERNEST TORRENCE CLIFF EDWARDS 2 BIG DAYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY Where It's Always Comfortably COOL D. J. BROWN'S SILVERWARESALE Regular price $6.50. $3.98 Fine Guaranteed Pyrex Lined Casserole Sale Bread Trays Sandwich Plates Silver plated on nickel. Reg- ular price $3.50. $1.98 Sale price, Pie Plates Pyrex lined. Heavy silver plate on nickle. price $5.00. $2.98 Regular Sale Price, 6 "Flat Ware $7.90 26 Pieces: 6 knives; 6 forks, a spoon, butter knife. Regular price $12.00. Made by Rogers 6 dessert 1 See Our Costume Jewellery indow For Surprising Values NECKLETS To match any Regular price ok to . Sale price A costume. "8c price $3 to $4. Solid Gold - BAR PINS Set with real stones. Regular Sale Price «........cco000 98c BRACELETS New novel designs. Regular price $5,00. Sale Price ainsi 98¢c Any color stone. Regular price $2 to $3. Sale Price hiss EARRINGS 98c D. J. B 20 Simcoe St. S. The Jeweller We Are Overstocked, Hence These Low Prices OWN Phone 189 but being a small towr™™

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