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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1931, p. 5

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1931 Jomen's PAGE FIVE' Be -------- eel ommunit Home and The C - rr aE em Fe i i Rt gr pers adits pa om mo RR ERE Pee ra What New York Is Wearing By Anncbelle Worthington 11 ted Dr ed, Lesson during July and August will take the form of out door games and amusements for the next two months and meet every two weexs commencing next week, when Marion Richardson and Elmer Harris will have charge, followed by choir practice. * A special invi- tation is given to all the young the Oshawa Hospital after her operation for appendicitis on Sat- urday. Eric Dean who is in ronto General Hospital: under- went an operation on Monday. He is improving steadily every- one will be pleased to hear, It will be several weeks before he 1% There is a duty on Tea now of four cents per pound and four percent Sales . Tax. All imports of Tea now pay these extra charges, but-- the To- Permanent Waving At Special Prices Lovely, wide, natural waves. notes which care to submit will ) printed. Kindly phone send them to The Times before 10.30 a.m. Social& Personal hho day they are to be pub- 'Items of mews con- 'cerning - dances, parties, " guests to and from town will be gladly received. Miss Christina Walker, of Nassau Street, is spending her vacation in North Bay. : «Mr, and Mrs. John Graham and family of North Bay, formerly of Oshawa, have recently been visiting friends in Toronto and Oshawa. Adjt. M. Kettle and Capt. H. Bar- rett who are coming to take over * their new duties at the Salvation Army Citadel in this city when Ensign and Mrs, Dixon leave for their new work in Toronto, will be officially welcomed by the members sof the Salvation Army here this evening, Ld L \d Mrs. J. H. R. Luke and her daughter, Mrs. Ewart McLaugh- lin left last evening for Knox- ville, Tennessee, where Mrs. Mc- Laughlin's sister, Mrs. R. Mecli- waine is seriously ill, = LJ - Mr. George Armstrong, of De- troit, Michigan, is in town visit- ing his grandmother, Mrs. R. J. Gray, Drew Street. LJ * LL Mrs. T. W. Kaiser held a very delightful tea at her home at 3.00 o'clock bn Tuesday af:er- noon. Mrs, Kaiser received the guests with her mother, Mrs. Burke. During the afternoon the ladies heard several radio selec- tions. Mrg. Curitss gave a read- ing, "The Christening", Mrs, Day, a solo, "Say a King Word". The tables were very prettily decor- ated with yellow and pink roses. Tea was served by Missse Velma and Irene Bone. * * * Miss Jean Robertson has pass- ed her second year examinations at the University of Toronto with first class honors. * * - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keir who motored from Hastings, Ontario, yesterday were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Greenley of this city, at their summer cottage at Osh- | awa-on-the-Lake. * LJ - Miss aude Mothersill lent the grounds of her home "Erindale" which is just east of the city, for the annual picnic of St. George's Anglican Church Choir, last' Saturday afternoon. W - * Nd Members of the Oshawa Branch of the Lyceum Women's Art As- sociation who attended the gar- den fete at the Lyceum Women's Ait Association club house yes- terday. afternoon in Toronto iu- cluded: Mrs. A. E. O'Neill, Mrs. J. C. Young, Miss M. Dillon, Mrs. W. H. Ross, Mrs. Brown, Mrs, I". Chappell, 'Mrs. W. E. Davis, Mrs. A. CG Cameron, Mrs. L. Richer, Mrs. H. D. Willson, Miss E. M. Corah, Mrs. B. C. Colpus, Mrs, G. B. Norris, and Mrs. Charles M. Rogers. - - » Mrs. C. M. Mundy, Miss Norah Mundy, Mrs. A. Adams and Miss M. Adams are guests of Mrs. James Christie of Guelph, On- tario. ---------------- When using a can opener grasp the can near the bottom with the other hand, so if the can opener slips, your hand will not be there to receive an ugly gash. . NOTICE THE FASHION SHOPPE which is one block south of 'the Library has no connec. tion with any other shoppe in Oshawa. Managed by ~ Mrs. S. A. Engel, Jr. | Kayser and Gotham Gold Stripe | SILK HOSIERY $1.00 to $2.00 All Shades. LAMBLE'S Furnished with every Pattern A printed crepe silk all-day dress --ever so youthful, with its tiny vest of white eyelet mousseline. It adds such refreshing newness. The bodice is given a slight cowl effect caught with a knotted trim- ming piece of sclf-fabric at the front. Similar trim appears on the short banded slecves.. Deep scal- lops give emphasis to the snugness through the hips. Style No. 3021 is designed for sizes 16, 18 ycars, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 36 requiers 34 yards of 39-inch material with % yard of 35-inch contrasting. For resort pastel flat washable crepe silk is stunning, particularly in yellow, pink, green and blue. Cotton mesh may also be used for this model and is a favorite sports fabric. Linen, novelty pique, chiffon prints and cyelet batistc are attrac- tive. Vacation. Days are here again! So nearly here, at least, that it's time for you to be thinking about your Summer wardrobe. We've prepared a bo to help you plan for the most colourful fa- shion period of the year. A book that offers the best selection of styles for the season for the adult, miss, stout and child, and helps the reader to economize. You can save $10 by spending 15 cents for this book. The edition is limited so we suggest that you send 15 cents in stamps or coin today for vour copy to Fashion Depart- ment. Be sure to fill in the size of the pattern. Send stamps or coin (coin preferred). Price of book 15 cents ' Price of pattern 20 cents, Address orders to: Pattern Edi- tor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ontario. No. 3021, Siz Street Address Buy the same style pearl button for all of sonny's little wash suits, then when he loses one or two they are easily replaced. Buttons may also be removed from worn suits and sewn on the new ones, thus saving many pennies. \ CHEESE ECONOMY If you will let the American h dry out. and then grate it WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR | Marcel, Permanent and J Finger Waves. Phone 2653. 5 Celina St. for your au gratin dishes, you will find it will go much further than if sliced thinly when fresh. Dried cheese will cook very much better than fresh cheese, also, and is much less inclined to get 'gummy.' Grate all you have and keep in the refrigerator in a sealed mason jar and it will keen indefinitely. Permanent: ria i: Sor the Long Bob 17 Ontario St. Modernistic Permanent Wave Shoppe A Favored Fashion! Because the long bob is a favored hairdressing fash- ion, we are prepared to wave it permanently with rare skill and artistry, A permanent of this kind, im- parted by our special meth- od, is indescribably beauti- ful. If you are among those who favor the long hob, you will surely appreciate our service, : $15 Permanent Wave for $7.50 Telephone 635 Waves that look as smart after swimming, motoring and golfing as they did the day you had your permanent. What a carefree sum- PHONE 2968 mer you will have with a beauti- ful coiffure arranged = by Betty Lou's specialists. Make your appointment today. Reg. $7.50 Wave for .....$4.00 Reg. $10.00 Wave for ....$7.50 Betty Lou Special .......$10.00 BETTY LOU Permanent Wave Shoppe the Finger Wave Included 86 SIMCOE ST. N. SEAGRAVE (Mrs. L. Scott, Correspondent) Seagrave, June 22.--The meet- ing of the Womans' Association was held at the home of Mrs. James Shunk and was largely at- tended, with the vice-president, Mrs. S. Reynolds, presiding. Meet. ing opened with devotional exer- cises. Mrs. A. Martin read the scripture lesson, Minutes of last meeting read and aproved. Roll call. Bussiness session took up most of the afternoon. Plans were made for Sunday School anniver- sary supper. after which all were favored with a reading by Mrs, H. Fagleson, and a solo by Mrs, Will, Clark. At the close of the meeting lunch was served and snap ghots taken. A pleasant time was spent by all. The regular monthly meeting of the Quadrate Girls' Club met at the home of Miss Margory Mit- chell. Miss Ruth Stone in the chair and opened the meeting with the usual devotional exercises. A short business session and pro- gram brought a pleasant evening to a close, A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Anniversary services of the United Church Sunday School was held on June 14 and 15 and were well attended in spite of weather conditions. Two services were held on Sunday with the Rev. ¥. Joblin, a former pastor, of Sterling, prea- ching impressivé and appropriate sermons. The address to the chil- dren in the morning being well re- ceived, Special music by the chil- dren; a solo by Jean Harding and trio by Fernie Moon, Alex Stone, and Dorothy Reynolds, was enjoy- ed. In the evening many listened to a splendid sermon by the pastor | . [ Here is a New Pudding for Tomorrow's Dinner! CREAM RICE PUDDING 4 tablespoons rice 34 cup sugar 14 teaspoon salt 234 cups St. Charles Milk % water gs Vie Borden Co Lundled 115 George St, Toronto #7. C: 1¢ ST.CHARLES MILK and the choir rendered two pleas. ing anthems with Miss Iva Rey- nolds singing a solo that were much appreciated. Monday afternoon brought a great many from a distance to wit- ness an exciting game of baseball played between Zion and Seagrave, score 7-6 in favor of Zion. Horse shoe pitching was also enjoyed. After the sports supper was serv- ed in the basement of the church, to which everyone did justice. At 8 p.m. a concert was given by Mr. Craw and his famous troupe of Toronto was enjoyed. The anni- versary throughout was a success in every way. Proceeds being very satisfactory. Sorry to report Mrs. S. J. Wool- dridge in Port Perry Hospital, having went through a serious op- eration a few days ago, and is do- ing as well as can be expected. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. I Beadle and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Sleep, of Lindsay, left by motor on Monday and will spend a week with the former's brothers and family in the United States. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. FEdwards and family of Toronto,visiting Mr, and Mrs. Roy Scott over the week. end. Mr, and Mrs. F. Groose, of Tor- onto, spending a week's holiday at the latter's pargnts here, Migs Vera Tanner of Toronto, a week-end visitor with her moth- er, Mrs. A. Tanner, Mr, and Mrs. Orville Stone ac- companied by Mrs, I. Irwin spent the week-end at Charleston with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. R. Moase, of Tor- onto visiting at the home of Mr, | the | and Mrs. C. W. Moon over week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Shunk enjoy ed a motor trip to Kirkfield and other points on Sunday afternoon | they were accompanied by Mr, and Mrs, Orr Shunk and daughter of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. W, Clark and Har- vey visiting relatives at Manilla on Sunday. Mrs. Rankin of U.S.A., who is holidaying at their cottage near Port Perry, spent a couple of days last week the guest of Mrs. Ce- phas Sleep, Miss Armstrong spent the week- end with her parents at Bowman. ville. Mr. ahd Mrs, Jas, Harding and Frank spent Tuesday in Toronto. The Short and Harding picnic was held last week in Oshawa, where a very enjoyable time was _-- spent by all, The services on Sunday were fairly well attended. Sunday School children are looking for- ward to the annual picnic whe has not been decided where it will be-yet, some are hoping it will be Oshawa for a change. Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Frise and daughter, Shirley, of Toronto, called on friends during the week- end. ALMONDS Almonds, June 24.--Almonds Sunday School picnic will be held a: Lakeview Park, Oshawa on Friday, July 3 at 10 o'clock standard time. Friends are asked to come along. Bring your bas- ket and enjoy a day at the lake. Mrs. Frank Mackey and daugh- fer Mary spent the week-end with relatives in Cherrywood. Mr. Browning, of Whitby, gave a very interesting talk to the Sun- day School along temperance lines. - The Rev, J. S. I. Wilson, of Oshawa, occupied the pulpit on Sunday in the interests of prohi- bition and gave a very fine mes- sage along these lines, which shall long be remembered by the congregation. fortune to have her collarbone broken when she was in a car accident recently. ® dwilhuan The Young I'coples' meetings pecple. Pascoe--At Whitby, on Sun- day, June 7, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoe, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor and baby of Toronto, were Sun- day visitors with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McGreg- or. Mr. Arthur Mackey, of Ottawa, who had been in Toronto for sev- eral days last week, on business, spent the week-end with his mo- ther here, Mrs. M. Mackey. Misses Ruth and Lila Richard- gon spent the week-end with rel- atives in Toronto. Glad to report Miss May Jei- fery is able to be out around again, after her long illness. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, June 24..-- There was a splendid exhibition game of softball here on Thurs- day evening between King Street Tuxis boys and Thornton's boys. The result was a tie 1-1. On Friday evening a League game was played at Pickering. Our boys won 20-10, On Monday evening _ another exhibition game was played here between the 12-6 for Thornton's, Mr. Harold Pascoe with Westmount Cub Pack cntered the Rotary Fair parade and placed second. Congratulations are due them. They also made a splendid showing at the church parade a week ago, The waether was perfect Sunday for the Annual Decora- tion Day, The usual large crowd attended the services, Many visit- ors were in our neighborhood. Our girls softball team went out to the Kedron garden party on Tuesday evening to play Rag- lan. Our girls lost 21-19, A number from here went to the Garden Party and report a splen- did time, The many friends of Mrs, Roy Lick will be glad to know that she is progressing favorably in on King Street Bene- | dicts and our boys. The score was | his | were | | | allowed to come home. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sully were: Mr. and Mrs. Sully, sr., Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Ash-|]| borne and children, Miss Faye | Sully, all of Toronto, Mr, Mrs, Walker and Jimmy, of Ux- bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pierson and children spent the week-end at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Perryman and |} and Billy spent several days at Bass Lake last week. Mr. and Mrs, A, H, Dean were in Toronto on Sunday. Mr, Ronald Elliott was in To- | ronto on Sunday. Mrs, Bradford guest for a few son, Mr, Fred Powell. Mr. Arnold Walters, of Moose- | jaw, is a guest for a few of his sister,'Mrs. Norman Buss | and Mr. Buss, Mr. Connor, of Toronto, wag a Sunday guest of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Pierson. Raymond Le Roy, of Toronto, | was home for Sunday. Powell is a weeks of her Powell and Mrs. | | days | We have not increased the price of RED ROSE TEA We bear the loss So you can still buy the very best of Tea at the same price as before the duty was put on. T. H. ESTABROOKS Co. Ltd.--ST.JOHN, N.B. Montreal Toronto Winnipeg Rouses appetite by its appearance, then sat- isfies it by its flavour Canada Bread Its appetizing appearance, delicious flavour and di- gestibility will appeal to all members of the family. NEW SHIRTS? GOOD! YOUR OLD ONES ARE WEARING OUT | | YES, THE WASHBOARD IS AS HARD ON MY SHIRTS AS IT IS ON YOU AND MONTHS LATER MY SHIRTS ARE LASTING MUCH LONGER NOW, MARIE THAT'S BECAUSE | USE RINSO AND DON'T HAVE TO SCRUB OR BOIL.. AREN'T THEY NICE AND WHITE! 1 Miss Susie Adams had the mis- | 3 | .« in tub or washer . El THE GRANULATED SOAP % any NS . whiter washes safely 3 SO YOU READ ABOUT IT, TOO. A LOT OF MY CUSTOMERS ARE | CHANGING TO RINSO FOR. WHITER WASHES THAT AFTERNOON | WANT SOME RINSO, MR. MORRIS. | HEAR IT GETS CLOTHES CLEAN WITHOUT SCRUBBING (Thousands write us letrers like this) «@ W-. ashd, Si ey never botheyg me" as. rs. Mary Mahoney as "nev, : Bikes such grea vo borin ol "Ri i doa) foo. great for dishwashin » £00. Grease soaks right off di i them a hot rj Just see 30k Huse, let them dry by themselves hi acy shiney Tom 2 MRS. MARY MAHONEY, itest clothes you ever saw | Comme The makers of Package of. household 8 Washers re. 37 leadin " Guaranteed ran b Lever Brothers "makers 13 , to, OH "MAC -t § Al SweLL {DEA - BRING] ME' SOME" BLACK. PAINT ANDRA ISMALLIBRUSH Hav $3 (ORAY, el "TILLIES @ + ie THANKS - iY WL THINK § x YOU OUGHT To MAKE ME & >ouUR =n ( SURE, | ouaHT FE) |To ? AFTER You GOTATHE JUDGE TO DISMISS "THOSE C 1 AGAINST 4 ME bh ' HE @ 1031, Ring Features Syndicate, In I SAW oa CAR THIS Porn ING | SPEEDING THROUGH "THE § TOWN + AT EIGHTY MILES "AN HOUR.» AND THE » TR AFFIC+ COPS (ALL § MADE Great Britain rights reser ed. WHAT ELSE COULD \T MEAN, A J

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