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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX ° , THE WHITBY DAILY TIMES Advertising, subscriptions and' news will be received at the Whitby Branch Office at Gazette and Chronicle.~Telephone 23, After Business Hours--Phone 359, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON Chonze In Mail Service From Whitby Post Office A Handicap to Business _ Letters Posted After Seven in the Evening Will Now Go to Toronto Following Afternoon and Be Deliver. ed in City Next Morning Owing to Change in Train Time--Second Curtailment This Season in Mail Service From Whitby ! £ Postmaster G. B. Whitfield has been advised that effec- tive June 20th, mails which werc formerly despatched from Whitby Post Office at 8.30 a.m. for Toronto and points west and south will not be despatched till 2.45 p.m. daylight saving time, owing to a change in train service. Toronto mail carried on this train will not be delicved in the city till the following morning as is done with mail posted in Whitby for despatch at 7.10 p.m, Connections ont of Toronto are not effected. A Blow to Business .-- Chamber of Commerce, it is hard. ly likely that any redress could be obtained on account of the vol- ume of mail which is placed in the post office after seven o'clock in the evening for train in question It. is probable however that one or the other of these bodies may decide to take the matter up. Following close on the change made in the train service which resulted in the morning mail not being delievered at the local post fice until 11 o'clock in the fore- noon, local business houses in par- ticular feel that they have been placed in a very inconvenient pos- Although the latest curtailment ition. The Toronto mail service is DISTINGUISHED SON IN NEW PICTURE tions, cannot now be heard dis- tinctly. The bell will be left in its place in the tower ag it is used for other purposes, and it may handy if the electric power if shut off at any time. New Postage come Rates Effective On July the 1st Wednesday, July 1st, ush- ers into effect the new rate on Canadian Mall Letters for delivery within the Brit- ish Empire, France, the United States, and all other, places in North and South America, will be 8c for the in THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1931 first ounce and 2c for each additional ounce or frac- tion. Post card rates remain as at prseent. The rate on parcel post has not changed. LAKE SHORE GUN CLUB The annual meeting of the Lake Shore Gun Club was held Wednesday, June 3rd, at the Club House with eight members present. Officers for the year were elected as follows: Honorary President---E. Storey. President--John Sleightholm Vice-President--Russell Collins Secretary Treasurer--Tom Hen- stock Chef--Wm. Ayres It was made known that at the present the Club has 13 members, (two being honorary members, Ed. Storey and Chief of Police Quantrill). The following motions carried: That regular meeting nights be held every other Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m, That signs be purchased and erected in accordance with the law prohibMing trespassing, shooting and fishing on any part of the Clubs' property and that the Chief of Police be requested to aid the Clnb in enforcing the regulations. This motion was made due to the fact that prac- tically every night this spring there has been an average of 20 to 30 people on the property fish- ing and otherwise doing harm to trees and property, It was made were clear that any person found tres- passing on the property after the signs are erected will he pros ecuted, The meeting was adjourned at 10.30. It might be noted by Club members that the Secretary will ad- vise when the special meeting is to be held re the planting of cer- tain shrubs. ALL SAINTS' GARDEN PARTY Despite bad - weather, cold winds and generally uncomfort- able circumstances, the garden party on All Saints' lawn Tues- day night, proved .an outstand- ing success. The grounds, taste- fully dressed, gala and with decorative "lights, whieR, com- bined with the brighter attire of (Continued oa page 7) ---- at 1 p.m. Stores Close Wednesday SALAD DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN! Warm days are salad days--fresh fruits and vegetables are In the markets now and the best of them are in A & P Stores. Stores also are other delightful salad suggestions. enough to please the most economical housewife. Have you tried Iced A & P Nectar Teas? They are most satisfying for hot weather. - A VERY FINE BLEND OF INDIA TEAS On the shelves of A & P And prices are low om BLENDED INDIA ASSAM and INDIA the moet important so far ar Whithy is concerned, inasmuch a= that city is the despatching point in the mail gervice might be taken up with the Post Office Depart- 1b. 3*7¢ ib. §5¢ ment at Ottawa by the Council or | MUSKO AKES Ge) feed Only a short rail journey to Bala, the heart of the Muskoka district, Golf, swi ing, tennis, c ing, motor-boating. Take the scenic "100-mile Cruise" on the steamer "Sagamo"--see the entire chain of Muskoka Lakes. WEEK-END EXCURSIONS during June and . Round Tri, fare and quarter, Go & or sacar: following Monday. Special Weekend TrainService Lv. Toronto Set. 12.01 p.m. Ar. Bala Sat. 3.35 p.m. Lv. Bala Sun. 6.40 p. Ar. Toronto Sun. 10.10 p.m. We Train stop at 'est Toronto The above is a picture of Lord and Lady Greenwood as they appeared when attending a function aboard the new liner, Empress of Kritain before she sailed for Southampton recently. Lord Green- | wood, formerly Sir Hamar Greenwood, is one of Whitby's disting- uithed sons who has played an important part in empire affairs. Many Whitby people remember Mrs. Greenwood who was here with her husband some years ago. Building In Whitby Fairly Active This Year Permits Total $17,000 Building permits i 1ed in Whit to date total 317,677.5 } a light increase over the same per- | iod of last year. While building cannot be said to be active here this year, the fact remains that some new build- ings have been undertaken, in- cluding two new service stations, alterations to store fronts and im- provemenas of various kinds to private dwellings. One or two new z for mail for all parts of the coun- try and foreign lands, Mail by Bus? A good suggesion was made to the Gazette and Chronicle by a business man on Wednesday that ararngements might be made for an improved mail service for Whitby ifemail could be carried on the busses by the Gray Coach Lin- es, The suggestion is one worth considering. Mail for points on the Whitby-Lindsay line from Whitby is now carried by bus. THOUSANDS OF MILES AFTER WE i ' " pen oil oo qrop in today and get our lowest- in-history price on your size. All-Weathers and Pathfinders from which to choose. ~ Supertwist cord: # bu Sol 99 SIMCOE ST. 5. _ OSHAWA All made with Ontario Motor Sales Limited PHONE 900 NEW FIRE SIREN | out of their homes to the streets. | pounds, stands five feet six inches | house of the caretaker, I'red Lit- dwellings are also included in the list, The permits issued up until Monday of this week are as fol- lows: Nathan Kohen, Oshawa, gas and oil station, Dundas Street East, $2,600. 8. M. Newton, remodelling of two dwellings, Byron Street South, $1,000. Hugh Jeffrey, new dwelling south side of Dundas Street West, $3,600, Threadgold Bros., double gar- age on (i. A. Ross property for W. A. Dewland, $100. J. W. Sleightholm, closing in verandah, $50. A. Rosseau, electric sign front of Royal Hotel $100. William Ellis, new cellar under house, $325. Hugh Jeffrey, new service sta- tion, Dundas Street West, $3,500. R. J. Campo, new store building Brock St. South, $400; two 500- sallon tanks for gasoline, $500. J. Peel and Son, alterations to flat over store, $400. Augustine Arrigo, verandah, Brock Street North, $20. Rev, A, M. Irwin, Ochawa, new house on St. John Street, $3,500. . I. J. Jones, metal sagage, corner Euelid and Mary Streets, £82.50 ; R N Bassett, store alternations, Drock Street South, $800 Professor J. B, Stewart, allera_ tions to dwelling on Green Street, $450, Peter Bryck, frame barn, 'Brock Street North, $250, in NOW IN OPERATION, TESTED TUESDAY Can Be Heard Distinctly in All Parts of the Town Whitby's new electric fire siren, erected on the top of the Town Hall roof, was given an official test on Tuesday morning when its shrill gound brought many citizens The siren was bought Dy the Council about a month ago from a (Canadian company. It weighs 626 high and is mounted on a platform 11 feet high. It is operated by a five horse power motor, and the control buttons are'located in the tle, and in front of the fire hall. The manufacturers having sguarantéed that the siren would be heard for a distance of'a mile and half under normal conditions, tests were made while it was in operation Tuesday. Town officials and members of the Fire Depart. ment visited the outlying sections of the town and reported that they | heard it distinctly. The siren was operated from the caretaker's house and in front of the fire hall with Supt. G. W. P. Every of the! Public Utility Commission in charge. Fire Chief Lavery express ed himsell as highly pleased with the new alarm. An aidtomobile do- vice which will further improve; operation, making it heard even more distinctly, may be purchased by Council. _ N The new siren replaces the fire' bell which has been in use at least half a century, and which on account of the growth of the town, particularly inthe outlying sec vif. TEAS McLAREN'S QUEENS OLIVES 11-OUNCE SIZE JARS Jar | Ge 3ar 2 Fe STUFFED and the new Candy 3 Pkgs. WRIGLEY'S Chewing Gum Spearmint, Doublemint, Juicy Fruit ORBIT Coated Gum, 10- a. ANN PAGE FULL WEIGHT 24-OUNCE WRAPPED RAISIN LOAF Try our Bread today--fine ingredients are used. Satisfaction Guaranteed BREA FRUIT NUT LOAF $e D Loat §e w LAMB SILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER -2 SUNNYFIELD ORANGE PEKOE SPECIAL BLEND AYLMER BRAND PORK :<BEANS 3::19- A PURE HARD SOAP SURPRISE =» 102: 43. CRACKLES IN CREAM KELLOGG"S xniseies PK. 1 1. NORWEGIAN BRISLING SARDINES ~:~ FISH BRAND BISCUITS Assorted i. pis. 25 FRUITS and VEGETABLES LARGE JUICY RIPE FRUIT WATERMELONS 55. NO. 1 GRADE LARGE MRALY POTATOES AT A NEW LOW PRICE TOMATOES Tier 2 Ibs. 1 De 1b. 71e 3 Ibs. 87¢ 2 Tins 29- PASTEURIZED CREAMERY Ib, 24¢ CHOPS LOINS A & P Guaranteed MEA IS FOREQUARTERS Loin or Rib Best Quality LEGS Tender and Delicious A & P Quality BEEF ROASTS SHOULDER or CHUCK COTTAGE ROLLS ror resins or cooing 1m. 17 WEINERS PORTERHOUSE PRIME RIB CHOICE CUTS Smoked SALMO [ #resh Rostigouche = WHITEFISH Fresh Caught WITH LARGE UNDERCUT BLADE or SHORT RIB By the Piece 1. 2 De EACH New Eastern Shore Virginias 15 ms. 4% ib. 18¢ ib. 32¢ 1b. 24¢ ib. 31¢ ib. 25¢ ib. 11¢ Ib. 18620 EE 2 we. 25 i Ib. 13. 29 King St. W.--General Manager--G. Newsome. 29 Simcoe S.--Grocery Manager--F. C. West Meat Manager--H.'F. Ashbury--Phone 2170, WE DELIVER--EXTRA D. Fisher Meat Manager-- CHARGE, 15¢ Phone 2643 'THE GREAT ---- LIMITED OF CANADA ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA Co. wel

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