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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1931, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1931 "mystery man" was huuted today Boston Commission ---- | way Yap Yap jerked his funny | and then pop upright again. A1 | venture a few steps toward) ¥arm- : , | little tail. All the others were | the other "Dogs" that were near | er Brown's Boy, them tufp and as preparations were made to bury a ive girls who died after Bovis Speaks at Halifax jerking their tails in the same | ezough to see him were just as | scamper back, all the time] bark- poisoned sandwiches at a family much excited. They barked and | ing What could this thi be? re-union picnic. LE barked and they jerke y : Halifax, N.S., June 25.--(C. P.) |. fs 3 barked and they jerked their fun- | Ot course it was. foolish,| very ~CHINIGS T0 BE. ay sus, VifginaRiu os, iy --Two centuries of intimate inter- zz = ny little tails so fast that Farmer | fcolish, to remain out thefe in died soon atte ening "hieua | courie coc hd ommErE be: | | TE EAR RE RT Tbe , ween Nova Scotia an assachu- p . Now and then Pp p w . very ORGANIZED saudwiches at. 8 Picnig Jrnieh 25 setts were epitomised reecntly in %. d : : cne would dive down into his | time he decided to go into the Jers preen Lester Carr. 18 and | the brief address of J. A. Conry, vy y ity house only to pop out again at | house curiosity would stop him. 2 Horace Jackson 55 became serl- Boston's traffic commissioner, at 4 i: once. Stubtail was on his door- Presently it began to move * The ar of the Size cusly 111 Sob an official luncheon following the a \ 4 step, just as much excited as Yap | again, Mrs. Yap Yap promptly ; f th Family Must Be The huit for the 'mystery unyerling bf a Statute of Roa, Bd: B ; iis Yep. Neither of them could sit | dived Sto he house. Yap/Yap Of e Fam us """ 'TR war ornwallis, under o he % sti or more than a few seconds. | started to but sat up for one more ; ¥ ign am oaphe, City of Halifax. "There is really y Thornton W. Burgess % rz' They were afraid of this curious | look. At last common sense over- : Secured weeks ago he sold 60 grains of | BO difference between the City of € creature creeping nearer and |came curiosity and he went. Hard- strychnine to a farmer who said Halifax and the City of Boston," | FARMER BROWN'S BOY VISITS | bark, - I'll take you over there h 3 " , | nearer, but curiosity was greater | ly had he disappeared, however, (By The Canadan Press) he wanted 'to kill some cows." = |BBid Mr. Conry, "except this: there THE TOWN scme other time." : - Xb than fear. Never had they seen | when up popped his head for just "London, June 25.--Lady Den- Simmons was in technical cus-| are more Nova Scotians in greater To. be too. ciFions. may - Tend When Farmer Brown's Boy : 2 anything like it. They would | omg more look. Farmer Brown's man writing to the press from the | tody and his wife, who made the | pOStOf than there ate in Halifax. | = 0 G0 SEEONS OS C0 came in sight of the town he start to dive into their homes and | BON was close to the house by London office of the National | sandwiches, also was questioned. ¥y ost Jricnds there ios Harring ? --Farmer B in Boy, | Went down on his hands and a safety only to return for one more |thisJtime and Yap Yap hastily Birth Control Council says: Authorities received reports that | 'Ol---bearing the same name as 3 rown's BOY: | knees and began to crawl. He wT look. : withdrew his head. but Farmer . "I read with great interest a | Mrs. Simmons' father was sent to Your i I anDL ast of oid Early on the mori fter his | ¢¥awled slowly and carefully. Tie Wl : Farmer Brown's Boy lay still. | Brown's Boy could hear him recent review of 'Life: Outlines of { an asylum in California several acqua Rances 3s a Ritchie, a bro- Wiad : on ng 2 = bis nearer he got the flatter he tricd - 07% 4 He was only a few feet from Yap | chattering away inside the house General Biology," by Professor Sir | years ago after his wife and step- her 0 B i A yor : a al ie ane h near rairie- 1 make himself. The nearcst G44 Yap now. He hadn't dared hope | and knew by the sound that he J. Arthur Thomson and Professor | son died of poison. ne Botton Sommissioner went 9 WH owl; Fame; Brown's Boy house was that of. Yap Yap, and 4h he could get so near. Mrs. Yap | was still near the doorway. As Patrick Geddes, and I think that| The girls' father complicated | fo [© COMCRt On Present "inter- | Wert over to Visit it. He had fy 05s, JVC, Feitting voright on | ge Iv a few foot from Yan | JAP had come out to see what | a matter of fact he was on a lit- many of those who agree with the | the mystery by declaring that it ig ey oon Lie h Tovince ead. a out ¥avie dogs, but Of}, 2X, orsten. He saw Farmer Ae Way only a few fect from Yap | 41] the fuss was about and she | tle landing made for just this authors' statement that 'we are | would liave been next to impossi-j 40% the : ate, flere shou d be Sevres, ere was none at home | ® LUIS Soe eran to bah ap Yap now. vas as excited as Yap Yap, bark- | purpose, only a little way below / fhoving rapidly towards the satur- | ble for anyone to have placed poi: Je ubrestris e Ow of 11ade be- | ou the Green Meadows, and he bhi yi naa Ee ing and jerking her tail. By this | the doorway. ation point. in the world's popula- | son in the sandwiches without him re TT Oslon ane Ha i ax, he was eager to make the acquaint- Prairie Dogs Wore sitting up on time the whole town was excited. | (Copyright, 1931, by T. W. Bur. tion' and that we must secure the | seeing it done. Yet poison was ga d. , u nterferences exist. We Ce of these lively little people. house "ah ver' tho os ul n | vay. "I thought Chatterer the | Some of the more distant ones gess) restriction of the size of the family | found, police said, in 12 of 18 have ie Passport Muisance. And e left Flip behind, much to the i ih as if they. were ds led Squirrel could jerk his tail | were running to the houses of The next story: "A Whole * Will be in sympathy with the work | sandwiches which Mrs. Simmons hig ped] a Jott t e 3,000 latter's disappointment, Eh it leads oF YINE | alout as fast as anyone, but he | neighbors who lived nearer the | Town Upset." of the National Birth Control | made. : un ary ne i hout a I never could get near them AT . could take lessons from these fel- | edge of town that they might see Council. OB SO RE Fup io ghar Bb now Jual she ne you along. he explained. Nearer and nearver to Yap Yap | lews," though Farmer Brown's | Letter. "The Couneit has been in exist : " § ac ; i Z at, | * e sight of a those Dogs | crept Farmer Brown's Boy, and | Bey. Now that this strange creature There were 292 persons killed anee for nearly a year and its main Prince George Attends 3nd we Have the immigration and | would drive you crazy, and I| mere and more excited became The nearer he got the greater | was motionless, Yap Yap could | by automobiles in Paris. Frante, work has been in connection with Rochester Pageant | | guess the sight of you would | Yap Yap. Farmer Brown's Boy | hecame the excitement. Yip Yap | hardly contain himself. He would | last year, as compared with 328. in the Ministry of Health Memoran Ls | drive them just about as crazy. | vearly chuckled out loud at the | wculd drop down on all fours! come down from his mound and | 1929. dum relating to the provision of Rochester. Enalach. Tite 250. Ventilating System | Ot course, if they were really birth control advice by Local Au- Cc. P Cable) -- Prin oo Geor cat f C Faulty | you might have a chance to thorities. At an «average rate of A mL vie and Ol ae Sal 0 ommons Faulty | «.{ acquainted, but they are not about one a week, Local Authori. | } ooo By the fair co " , ns - Dogs at all, but cousins of Johnny s e fa unity of Ke London, June 25.--(C. P.)--.| Chuck." I suppose they are called ties are adopting schemes under . : under the hoary walls of old Roch- . : a Rv ire so the Memorandum and in almost | io cacite when the opening per. | Members of the House of Com-| Dogg because of the way they every case the National Birth bh Bas ane. | Mons at Westminster have a griev- Control Council is in touch with ANOS 3 2 aro3l Dagennt pre ance, two grievances in Inat The the: Authority concerned and has | co ictory was presented ventilating system gives them hot een phle to advise gu Clinis pil When the cathedral bells had heads and cold feet and they don't ganization, to provide training get enough exercise. For 70 years Z X - necessary appliances at special goazed ait finmphank Dealive; EIA PEN SIVN SRR eV NSLS | | ow there have been inquiries and Z z= Stores Will Remain Closed rates, In addition, the Council en- | poieioh tragic actress opened the committees and reports on Com- 7 A courages other Local Authorities pageant Miss Thorndike who | 8 mons ventilation and still there 3 3 All Day Dominion Day. } to take action and keep them in spent her: childhood. in- Rochester are complaints, = 3 touch with developments else- and is the only woman to have "The main thing wrong with | where. the freedom of the city, typified the present system," says Sir Leo- | '"There is a growing demand for Rochester in a wonderful costume nard Hill, giving an expert opinion this work, particularly in the of orange and gold ' to a meeting of M.P.'s, "is that -- 5 Faglend. 22a DO on Glorious weather favored the EMPRESS" do" ALIN BY | the air is driven through under ally in e mining areas, ORR IY : the seats with a velocity which is where the absence of voluntary SPeRINE Sf Ie Lnpressive Dageant, 32 T $ of JAPAN sufficient to give the members clinies (there is only one between | ... 4004 and a great crowd turn. cold feet and hot heads, and that Glasgow and Manchester) renders | oq out for the occasion. The pag. FROM MONTREAL is not suitable for politicians." the need for municipal action the eant depicts highlights in the To Liverpool Nor is poor ventilation the more imperative, but makes the | itis history from the time of the Duchess of Atholl | Whole of the trouble. The ouly satisfaction of the demand the | po. an. to Charles Dickens and Duchess of Bedford | 2ames allowed in the building are more difficult in that there are s0 | poohester's important part in the vivir... Duchess of York | chess and checkers, And however few existing clinics from whose | govelopment of modern aircraft ...Minnedosa | ©Xciting chess may have been in experience the Local Authorities hs | To Belfast Glasgow early Victorian days, the more ar- an benefit and receive encourage- er mr ee | June 26 ....Duchess of Atholl | dent of members feel that exer- | sient. The work of a special organ- . i vy iane'27 Melita | ise might go a little farther | izer is required in the North im- | Propriety of 'Hiking | June 30..." Duchess of Bedford mediately and one will be appoint. | | July. 4 Duchess of York ed hy this Council if funds per- | Trips Is Discussed | 3; . ened a i | -- | ion When Your Stomach . London, June 25.--(C. P.)-- | \ father Woodlock, well-known Je- (July 2 ...... Montcalm | G Wi h G . P ieurg ps | ; " HH A Buit priest, and Hon. G Dur Ze ans. FROM QUEBEC | roans it as | The celebration of Dominion Day calls to mind afresh the vast extent and boundless J Seep i esione of 3 | resources of this great Dominion, and throughout the year our Stores draw upon those ge gugaged In lively ToutIuYeriy To Cherbourg Jind Southampton, | Wh So p d| resources for the delight and benefit of our Customers, who, through their patronage, AYLMER £. "Toronto, June 25.--"The open married P op BLY 0 . ung un. press » Britain en urness, ain and| show their appreciation of our efforts to bring about a wider distribution of Dominion frankness of the presemt genera- tri ¥ Deo) ong on" tng mpress © rance | Blcating Follow Every Meal | Products. Every day is Dominion Day at Dominion Stores. ton of girls isisomething to be | trips. Father Weodlack in a re- Empress of Australia | MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST : commended." Dr, Mary H. Rut- cent sermon asked whether a pet- If you. really' want stomach coni- BRUNSWICK _ | son should be dubbed a puritam | . Sh Capion re id if he felt misgivings about the EIGHT DAYS OCEAN TRIP | fort --quick, certain and lasting re- faid when interviewed. "af- | temptations involved in the new | Duchess of Atholl I a He tress wake, shiz. Sie For 3 Taswy . 1 : -eating distress make this sin- WV {85 All absence of 11 years from | C1aZ0 of Young peonle of both sex: || July 21--Montreal to New York, [ple NEVER FAILING TEST to- ! Feonomica) C Snac es taking hiking holidays togeth- return Quebec Canada, I was surprised at first Mr. 1 Duly. spent A » { day when I saw girls scrnbbing steps thon uy, speaking at St. || July 30--Quebec to New York, || 1; trifling: cost, met from the in silk stockings and wearing silk | ew 8 urch, replied he had return Quebec. { nearest drug store sotie Bisurated VICTORY BE blouses at their office. work. 1 S€ell some of the hikersand it was || Aug §--Quebec to New York, || Magnesia either tablets or powder BO "eb md ak Bie bh et wha | Ase $n Noy York. | Sif 5 LE 7 pon they wore to dances." 1t was only young men 'and wo he B MOre.il. ) day and evening in New York. |i meal. This is a simple, pleasant 2 y recently that girls in Ceylon had | FIRES ET STC Women Wx to: | . linexpensive test that can be de- 3 12-0z. Jar Cc NO. 2 SQUAT TIN been going into business, Dr, Rut- id cpl rere wi 2 { pended upon to rove its value in g : : 3 nam stated, The highest wage for he added. . PACIFIC SAILINGS [ess than five minute s. In most B SlenograDher ras 120 2 month, SER, | To Honolulu-Japan-China- ~~ [cases, rclici comes instantly. PLUMP CLEAN ; ' i : Philippines Bisurated Magnesia is a good old- The higher cases sull object fo Mother Remembers [July 5 ...... .. *Empress of Asia | fashioned recipe that has been or Cc ' 8 R . Far off an engine screamed. July 18 . ..-Empress of Canada |straightening out disordered stom- ) - - 2:1b. I kg. C igen SLE ie scemed to carry Joan right hack [AY Y iireadis Empress of "Russia | achs for many years. Nothing bet- A * [to her home, nestled in the hills. | *Does not call at Honolulu ter has ever heen found for sooth- said. a -------------------------- How she longed now for its. peage--- Apply Local Agents or ing, cleansing and sweetening the x the sound of pleasant "homey" | J. BLACK MACKAY, f stoma h and neutralizing the dang Regular D.S.L. Values DELICIOUS FLAVORED . ' Quality with Economy " things. Then the y | 'erous stor COOKING FOR It ge. Joan's ee ohene Han : Ph Are, 3) TE ach ds Tf cause RED COHOE 1-1h VELVEETA and news of the home she loved Canadian Pacific Bldg. haves never tried 'it, you do not Salmon Tin' 25¢ Cheese ee 19¢ SEA KING Lobster Halves 20c know what stomach comfort means. FRAY BENTOS RICHMELLO THE HIRED MAN brought Joan a new contentment, . Toronto. 3 Cc Best 15 ; orne ee I's c ] : | ; AYLMER A Tea Wh. 34e \Chili Sauce ill 15¢ Thinly Slices AMERICAN BEAUTY Farm Woman Advises Giv- || CLARK'S Potted Meats. 3 Tn 25¢ '¢By The Canadan Press) ITED i atsu 10c I Pp . Cooked to perfection. [Bdmonton, Alberta, June 25,-- where Quality Counts NESTLE'S Mildly cured to Just the A writer signing herself "Haired | OVA P-V DVN I VN SUT S38 I 8 O38 WN | I 280 [@ 21°84 Gruyere Cheese M 29c right degree. Man's Wife," expresses herself vi. HEINZ SPECIAL THIS WEEK- gorously in a letter to the local - : NZ Where Finer Foods Cost Less ; Vinoaar or. 170 ing a Thought to Hired CELLOPHANE-WRAPTED Per Pound Shrimps Tin 21e Fone WO INOSRI CITRON || coic™c wo I . tM DOMINO Choice, plump Hams, 35 DRAESIDE press on the subject of "cooking Bottle A Compliment to Your Taste Ib. 9" for 'the hired man.' o . i TASTY "L- wonder how many. y+ house ves. give a thought to the culi- pric sl | ROUND STEAK c mares 3 aligned hired man. Before |B 1b Particular Women 5 married my husband used \ : S hire ut to farmers, and from ; «° SOAP what he hag told me'l have come: to the conclusion that some: wo- men do not feare to jnguite as the ° P i ng Toey if 1 A eat : C M.LAREN's Ask the Manager about the big McCORMICK'® everythin that. is'set before him, | pag ; 1b fry competition. $250.00 in prizes. My husband has an, goipathy, ing 0as ond d . u| ¢RACKLE PALM BEACH rd fried eggs, in fact he ean- go i { y RT oko VORL FLAKES | OLIVES| WAFERS Yet at one place he' he was given fried ir : P ORK ; s fri otatoes once, an fhaes:twiee a. day. Eig Spit thon A delicious wafer biscuit with . FLAN A 9 for water-ice type cream filling. : stuffed =| | Tenderloins » 38°| | Wl&2e & 10-.25:!= -25- them. . To fry t Jou, the quickest hci ll | MILK FED VEAL | 5: aw) EEE | Legs 17¢ Rump 16¢ GGS Fresh Firsts doz. 19¢ i ad 'Mayfield | Bacon «ica ».25c | ATERMELONS Eh 49¢ 3 toes graamed instead of fried, uid provide variety. i : aE fo SPRING LAMB 1 Oc RANGES sweetana juicy doz. 1%7¢ Bottle fee ie UR Fronts Ib, un 8 t on ng to make ' ; Frocrti (BR | anteloupes 4 2 for 25¢ Ve Ha] : Friday Special 1b 2 1¢! cl So Pieulc Polving | SIRLOIN STEAK Be DOMINION STORES, Limited est Canada's Largest Retail Grocers Greenfield, Ind., June 25.--Re- ; : : Vi e latives were questioned and. a

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